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Think global, act local

  • Jon Kelly
  • 22 Sep 08, 05:59 AM GMT

Grabbing a copy of the as I stopped for a sandwich in eastern New Mexico, I spotted that the paper had landed a creditable scoop: an interview with Barack Obama. As we've seen, the Democratic candidate is making a big push for the state, and I was curious to see how his rhetoric of hope and change would sit alongside coverage of local burglaries and the fortunes of the .

The reporter did well to catch Senator Obama out on the first question: had he ever been to Clovis, Portales or Tucumcari? "I have not," came the diplomatic reply, "but as I've travelled through New Mexico, it is just a remarkable state."

But the candidate had been well-briefed on the issues of concern to voters in the Journal's circulation area: the future of a nearby Air Force base, water conservation and the need to lay more broadband lines. "We've got to make sure we've got a federal government that's respecting the ways of life of eastern New Mexico," he said, controversially.

A question about whether state governor Bill Richardson would find a job in an Obama administration was neatly side-stepped ("I'm not going to spill the beans now, because I haven't won this election yet"). But I was impressed with a system that obliges a man who could become the most powerful in the world to get back to grassroots like this.

In the interests of balance, the Journal promised to interview John McCain in the coming days. I'll be out of state by then, but let me know if anyone spots it.


  • Comment number 1.

    Thanks for the attention to the News Journal, Jon, but a small correction. We have not promised to interview John McCain, but we have told viewers we would attempt to interview the senator.

    I have made phone and e-mail contact with a McCain representative in the state office to set a similar interview up. If there is no McCain interview with Freedom New Mexico, it won't be for lack of effort on our newspaper's side.

    Can't say I disagree with anything else in the blog post. Let me know next time you're in town for a sandwich.

    I've included a link to the story, in case readers are interested. Hope you enjoyed the sandwich; I'd have made a local recommendation, but I can't play favorites on here.

  • Comment number 2.

    It's odd.

    I've lived in small towns and in big cities along the East Coast and in Southern Cal. Local elections in small towns usually provoke door-to-door visits, street corner displays of placard waving supporters, and local meetings with candidates.

    When Michael Nutter ran for Mayor of Philadelphia, he met with Parent-Teacher Groups, Churches, Neighborhood Watches... I had three or four opportunities to meet the man who would become the City Mayor and to tell him what I thought Philadelphia needed.

    Obama has run his campaigns in much the same fashion. He has made efforts to meet the people he would represent. He has had dinners with people, chatted with people, visited the places they work, the schools they attend, and the shops where they hang out...

    And so I find it strangely ironic that the GOP would play the small town card against this man.

    I may live in a big city, but I've seen many Obama supporters go door-to-door, host neighborhood meetings, and don Obama buttons here in Philly. It's reminiscent of those small town local elections from back in the day.
    -- Now, how much time has McCain's small town girl spent outside of her own home town? How much does she try to meet people who are unlike herself, yet people she could be representing someday?

    Over dinner tonight, my 11 yr old mentioned that he prefers Britain's democracy to ours, because in Britain you're allowed to boo and hiss at the PM if you don't like what's said.
    But here, people shouting protests are pulled from the room.

    It'd be really nice to have a president who actually made an effort to talk to people.

  • Comment number 3.

    What about McCain's so called "town hall meetings?" Do people actually get to talk to him and ask questions?

    I live in his state, and we have hardly seen him here since a fund raiser with Bush over six months ago. I guess he is so sure of all our votes that he does not need to bother.


  • Comment number 4.

    Hey Kevin, thanks for the reccommendation! And congatulations again on the Obama scoop. Will you let me know if you do manage to get hold of McCain in the end?

  • Comment number 5.

    Obama need not waste his time visiting Eastern New Mexico. I personally consider eastern New Mexico the arm pit of the state and should be part of Texas instead New Mexico. In fact, El Paso, Texas has more in common with the diversed cultures that is New Mexico than eastern New Mexico has. Especially most white people in Carlsbad, Roswell, Clovis, etc.,. are not raised like the rest of New Mexico children are. Most of these eastern New Mexico are raised from cradle to grave how to discriminate, abuse, hate everything that does not sound, act, speak or dance like them!

    Of course, you are not going to read, see or hear this because self denial is a way of life in that area.

    Sorry, but that is the truth. I know, I lived there as a young child.

  • Comment number 6.

    Wow! My Dear FoxTrot -

    I know I harbor some hardcore animosity for some of the American backwaters I've waded through... But really.

    I agree that there are small-minded and prejudiced enclaves in odd spots of the US. New York calls New Jersey it's armpit. Virginia jokes that birds fly upside down over West Virginia because they ain't nuthin' werth sh1ttin' on...

    But, having recently visited Camden, NJ and Martinsburg, WVA... there are good things happening in these places.

    Please don't give up on your roots... even if they were a little rotten. Good things can still grow.

    For example - 30 years ago, a Methodist Church in Virginia had Klan members and balcony seating 'slave benches' for undesirables. Nowadays, interracial couples raise their children there.

    Change can be very, very good. Don't give up... on anyone.

  • Comment number 7.

    Big up to PhiliadelphiaMom. You sure seem like a good influence on your children, not trying to be some kind of maladjusted 'pit-bull' (remember--those poor dogs were not BORN that way, they are TRAINED to be anti-social)

  • Comment number 8.

    To" PhiladelphiaMom.

    You seem to be well adjusted socially but did you ever hear of the saying: "those who forget the past will repeat it in the future?"

    The trend today seem to be forget the past, look toward the future, trust us, good times are a'coming, we are only doing what is right for y'all. The truth is, many feel we are now on the road to a full blown fascism government. Guess who will be pulling the puppet strings if McCain doesn't make it for four years and lil ole Sarah "get yo guns" Palin become president? Yes, indeed, the GOP and Republican know exactly who to manipulate. GW Bush was no different.

    If you want me to believe there is no organized or institutional established racism throughout the nation, or that there is no prejudice and no hatred in the nation now , then you will be repeating the past. The USA government want us to forget the past. Shucks, the most anti-social political party of them, the Republicans (GOP) even hire blacks and Hispanics as cabinet members, or police, jury, and judicial officials in their plot to screw up the nation's liberties, civil rights, not only for minorities but all unaware USA citizens, than they discard them like wet rags! Or perhaps you are not aware of why have the police and the army been given complete across the board dictatorial powers which just about make everyone, not only in the USA, but the entire world all SUSPECTS! Didn't you watch the RNC recently where hundred were beaten, tied up like criminals for demonstrating what is supposed to be a right in the USA? Even those reporters, publishers, journalists were tied up like dogs and drag into concealed imprisonments.

    Listen Mom, not everyone in the USA is totally blind, much less stupid. The chance of everyone being equal in the USA if they forget the past is an illusion. Recently, Michele Obama was criticized unmercifully for bring up the racism question. Where did you stand up with this, Mom.

    I personally believe in what you write to be reasonable but please don't ask those that suffered the agony and the brutality of racism, discriminations, and unfair practice simply for being a different color to forget!

    Finally. Since the beginning of Ronald Reagan times, the Right-Wing Conservative movement has been a belief that compassion or kindness is a weakness, and that being silent is an acceptance.

    The fact that one sees no minorities in the GOP conventions or gatherings is perhaps most are refusing to forget the past.


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