
Welsh fans set Paris abuzz

  • Nick Mullins - Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sport commentator
  • 23 Feb 07, 04:07 PM

Nick Mullinswal_badge.gifParis - I guess Wales will have a tougher French test to overcome when they run out at the Stade de France, but I hope they react with slightly less bemusement than the fans from Neath on the table next door this lunchtime, who struggled to decipher the bistro's rather unhelpful English menu.

This city is one of the gastronimical centres of the world - but I doubt chefs in the Place de la Republique will be rustling up too many dishes of "paving slabs on of top pepper sauce" for the red army this weekend.

A fortnight after trooping rather disconsolately away from Edinburgh, the fans are back out in force this weekend. It remains one of the enduring features of this grand old championship that no matter how badly your team might have let you down last time out, it'd be rude not to be with them again next time, especially when that next time is in Paris.

Favourite rooms just off the Champs Elysees have been booked for ages, everyone's meeting up again at the Frog and Rosbif later and then it'll be time to try and rediscover that nice little place they stumbled on in a drunken fuzz two years ago.

They remember it was in St Germain somewhere but they'll never find it again. It's one of the laws of Six Nations socialising. Things that used to exist just disappear in the fog of time. Like Welsh tries.

It's one of the reasons why the Tri-Nations will never hold a torch to this tournament for all-round appeal.

Look carefully beyond the touchline the next time you watch New Zealand against South Africa and count the number of Bok supporters who thought it was a terrific idea to travel all the way from Durban to sit in the rain in Dunedin.

It won't take you long.

To paraphrase circa 1973, the rugby might not be much cop some times, but blimey the craic's a thing of beauty.

And the best cities in order of preference? Rome, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris, Cardiff, London (I live there, so it's never the same!)

I've been scanning the distinctive yellow pages of France's rugby newspaper .

It's full of great tittle-tattle. They've done a big piece on transfers today. Apparently Frederik Michalak is going to Natal, Olivier Magne's leaving London Irish for Toulon and Stade Francais' fantastic Argentine full-back Juan Hernandez is heading to Wasps or Saracens.

The big profile piece on the back page is reserved for someone who isn't even playing this weekend. Gavin Henson still sells newspapers whether you're in Porthcawl or Paris.

Stephen Jones reflects on the epic win here a couple of years ago and there's a double-page interview with Bernard Laporte. My French is a bit rusty, but the conclusion at the end of 2,000 words seems simple. Yes, he is as mad as a bag of snakes.

A total of 48 pages devoted to nothing else but rugby union. The hordes travelling up from the heartland of the game in south west France right this minute will have a copy tucked under their arm. Is there a market for a top quality British equivalent?

Anyway, my planned trip to the Stade de France this afternoon has been postponed. Both teams were thinking of stretching their legs on the pitch later but now they're not. The Welsh kickers will go along on their own to get their bearings while the rest run through some routines at a little ground nearer their hotel in the centre of town.

I've been going to the space-age stadium in Saint Denis for the best part of a decade now but I've never enjoyed a game under the lights.

Everyone tells me it comes alive when they switch the halogens on, so hopefully the rain that's forecast on TF1 will stay away and our friends from Neath have less trouble finding it than they did ordering lunch.

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 06:38 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • Alistair wrote:

A wish the Scots thought so highly of Edinburgh as you do. Rome's the best venue is it but who are the best fans and bon chance?

  • 2.
  • At 08:15 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • GEORGE BIGGAR wrote:

Dear Nick, this is a plea from 2 desperate fans of the game to be given the opportunity to see the match in paris tomorrow from your position in the commentary box. We both have tickets but have ended up in the corner of the north stand (not ideal by any standards). I am the son of an ex scottish rugby captain, Mike Biggar and I was simply wondering if you might be able to give us the opportunity to watch the game froma more favourable spot. Yours hopefully, george biggar

  • 3.
  • At 08:23 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • Dave Edwards wrote:

A plea from the heart, I was taught a method which has helped me through fifty two years, sometimes difficult, sometimes critical etc. I have been a Policeman in two Countries and done a number of other jobs.
The method, to count to three before replying to anyone, it makes you sound thoughtful. I have listened to you on various commentaries, but you plumbed new depths with Brian Moore, your comments, "No one likes you, Brian" and eulogy on Kings, ending with "King Rob Andrews" plumbed new depths of banality and verbal diarrohea. I wish you every success with your commentary career, but, perhaps thinking before you speak, may be a good start.

If you are in Paris, I take it we are lumbered with more waffle or perhaps a more thoughtful Nick, you don't have to fill every second of airtime you know!....

  • 4.
  • At 09:19 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • Gareth Rees wrote:

I wish I was There!!! Gareth Denmark

  • 5.
  • At 10:48 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • mounty mike wrote:

nothing wrong with Stephen Jones, and I am a big fan of Hook, the only thing I have noticed and I hope he reads the blogg , is that he takes too many steps with the ball . France has a rush defense, so I think he should be aware of this, and have the centers hang deep then chip over the top , and have the centers run through on to the ball, this worked a few years back , and Wales scored a few tries .

  • 6.
  • At 11:30 PM on 23 Feb 2007,
  • Kerry wrote:

I am an Englishman heading to Rome for the Wales encounter on 10th March with a Welsh mate. We were wondering where the Welsh fans congregate the night before/after when in Rome as we would like to soak up the atmosphere and banter (I will leave my white shirt at home!). Cheers

  • 7.
  • At 12:05 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Rhys wrote:

I get the Midol every week in London and it's a brilliant paper, but there's no market for a weekly rugby rag in Britain, remember there's no in-depth coverage of sport in the national press in France.

Off to Paris first thing tomorrow, hoping to meet up with rugby soulmates from l'Ovalie of the sud-ouest. As for a hotel, no chance, we're in for what the french call 'le non-stop'.

Allez les Rouges, but most of all, Allez le Rugby!

  • 8.
  • At 01:53 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Stefano wrote:

For anybody going to Rome to watch a match I would suggest going to Campo De Fiori. It's a piazza full of bars, restuarants and people. Just don't over do it with the cheering. It might get a little nasty at times.

  • 9.
  • At 03:03 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • ummm, wrote:

hmmm, I wonder how many eateries in Cardiff have menus with perfect French?

  • 10.
  • At 07:04 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Martyn Aidney wrote:

Dear George, this is a plea from 2 desperate fans of the game to be given the opportunity to see the match in paris tomorrow from your position in the stand. We do not have tickets but have ended up having to watch it on the TV . I am the son of an ex RAF Engineer and I was simply wondering if you might be able to give us the opportunity to watch the game in person. Yours hopefully, Martyn Aidney.

  • 11.
  • At 07:20 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Mike wrote:

Hi Nick,

I am a South African living in France for a few months. I just have to say that I agree with your comments about the lack of opposition supporters at Tri-Nations games versus the Six Nations. Don't you think that the fact we have to cross ten or twelve time zones has something to do with it? Just maybe?
Other than that, while there is a lack of away support, I'd have to retort by saying that the quality of rugby in the Six Nations couldn't hold a candle to that in the Tri Nations - see New Zealand's recent Autumn tour for proof, and, of course, don't think you can judge the Aussie and Boks performance based on their tours here with what were sometimes experimental teams at best, or even "B" teams at worst. For example, SA beat New Zealand earlier this year - the only team in the world to do so this year, while both Aussie and SA did it the year before. So, enjoy the great away support in the Six Nations, but feel very afraid when some real rugby teams come a calling later on in the year!

  • 12.
  • At 08:58 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • aiden jacobsen wrote:

I like rugby it will be a close match at croke park

from aiden hugh and fred

  • 13.
  • At 10:16 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • John Burgin wrote:

Dear Nick

I am a layabout who fancies watching some rugby this afternoon, and wondered whether you fancy giving up your position and commentary duties this afternoon to me? By the looks of previous posts it will be a bit of squeeze, but as an Englishman I can guarantee impartiality.

Yours hopefully

John Burgin

  • 14.
  • At 11:04 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Phil wrote:

So there is no demand for a weekly rugby mag? There IS a weekly mag from League. If the Rugby League can do it why not Union. I believe the League publication Rugby League Week does pretty well!

  • 15.
  • At 11:40 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • amd wrote:

is jony wilkinson playin' todays mathc

  • 16.
  • At 11:41 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • andrew wrote:

I was very disappointed about the lack of play and possession that the Welsh team produced against Scotland two weeks ago.
Gareth Jenkins is a fantastic coach (i can't say anything bad against him because of his tacktics where the Scarlets are concerened). He took the Scarlets to Europe and produced success quite a few times. If he can do it with the Scarlets he will turn the playing sucess around and produce wins from failiers with the Welsh team. He's under a lot of pressure with the last two results and to be very honest i don't think it was his fault.
The Welsh team by the look of things did'nt particulary want to play against the Scots. They went out with no ambition to play.
Stephen Jones yes he's good at his job but to be honest he's a crap captain. The captaincy should have gone to someone else.
Regarding the French game tonight, I think the Welsh team will play better but on a negative side i think we will lose marginly.The French side are a very stronge side and their scrum is one of the best in the world,nothing compared to the invincible Allblacks, but thats another story.

  • 17.
  • At 11:50 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • tony hordle wrote:

is there any reason why Andy Farrell is not the kicker for england, if wilkinson is not available? from his time at Wigan, in the rugby league, i remember him as being a bit special with the boot, once frano botica had moved on.

  • 18.
  • At 11:51 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Mike Ruddock's Aunt wrote:

Nick please watch the tape and learn from two years ago when you wholly missed the turning point of the game (Jones break) whilst waffling about inconsequential rubbish. Follow Bill McLaren and just describe what's happening in as few words as possible.

  • 19.
  • At 11:55 AM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Arverns wrote:

juste to say: this year, we'll win both grand slam and World cup; as England 4 years ago...

alors allez les bleus, comme on dit.

  • 20.
  • At 01:17 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • jonny wrote:

Would someone be so kind to advise me the best way of getting to Murrayfield by car. Are there sufficient parking spaces at the stadium or should I park somewhere else, and if so, where? Also, how early before a sell-out game should I enter the stadium? Any other helpful advise on attending a match at Murrayfield would be greatly appreciated.

  • 21.
  • At 02:07 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Roger wrote:

If you're eating near Place de la Repulique, then your use of "gastronimical centres of the world" needs some re-writing ...

  • 22.
  • At 02:09 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Talisker wrote:

Dear Jonny,
just follow the road signs for Scotland. You won't miss it once you're over the border.
Also, it might be quite handy if you have tickets.
have fun


  • 23.
  • At 02:52 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Craig wrote:


Glad you pointed out the slight difference in travelling from SA to NZ to Nick.

Last time I watched a Six nations team play in S.A. on the TV I did not see that many away supporters either.

  • 24.
  • At 05:56 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Bod wrote:

Jonny -

Follow signs for Edinburgh. Murrayfield's signposted from the edge of the city. You'll see the stadium - once past it, try and get rid of the car in any of the side streets off to the north. No point in going into the centre - very few spaces, snarl ups, very expensive.

There are also a few free parking spaces within a few minutes walk of Murrayfield; travel into Edinburgh on the A1; look out for Kwik Fit on the right, then a pub called the Roseburn. Go straight on and then you'll come to a derelict garage on your right hand side, just under a railway bridge. Carry on for about half a minute then take the first turning on the right past a low-rise office block and opposite a grand, enormous Gothic building. Parking is free! Don't tell anyone else, it's our little secret, right?

  • 25.
  • At 06:32 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Greg Payne wrote:

yet again your absolute bias for anything Celtic has spoilt what should be a marvellous sporting (yes sporting) ocassion. The segement about the shootings at Croke Park was completely out of context. Keith Woods description of Ireland coming to terms with their past and cultural future!
Well when the fixture returns to Twickenham perhaps we shall have a section on all the innocent people killed in England during the terrorist boming campaign waged for approx thirty years on British soil.
Why should we have to have a licence to pay for this tripe.

  • 26.
  • At 07:04 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • Simon Jones wrote:

Here in the hippy beach town of Arraial DÃjuda, Brazil, the French contingent are beiginning to gather in their droves. Beneath a small TV set in a tiny Poussada(guesthouse) they~ll be given a good run for their money with a solo rendition of Hen Wlad fy Nhadau. Win lose or draw, the spirit of rugby will prevail!

C~mon Cymru

  • 27.
  • At 07:16 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

Let us hope wales can do an Italy

  • 28.
  • At 09:26 PM on 24 Feb 2007,
  • TJ wrote:

France 29 - Wales 14

not sure if i'm listenng to aforementioned nick but have never heard such turgid commentary. jd chipping in with odd insight otherwise it's head in oven stuff.


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