Disability Matters
is a monthly column on the website of the Canadian National broadcaster, CBC.
Three disabled writers contribute on a rolling basis. Ed Smith has quadriplegia; Helena Katz has a visual impairment; and Anna Quon describes herself as a "mental health consumer". All three have contributed articles which are well-researched and thought-provoking whilst remaining eminently readable. This is not, by any means, just crips kicking off randomly.
Having read all the columns, Lady Bracknell has particularly singled out for your reading pleasure: Ed Smith's, ; Helena Katz's, ; and Anna Quon's .
Please do click on these links. You'll be missing out if you don't.
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Mental health CONSUMER?!! How wonderfully inappropriate.
Good article, but slightly tarnished by the North American propensity for using the "H-word", and the medical model references.