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The Stop Donal campaign gathers pace

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William Crawley | 14:44 UK time, Wednesday, 28 March 2007

BishopMckeown.jpgOur publication of the papal nuncio's questionnaire on the pending appointment of a new bishop of Down and Connor continues to raise lots of debate.

A number of commenters here have made reference to a "Stop Donal" campaign. Even though Dr Donal McKeown (pictured) is serving as a auxilliary bishop in the diocese of Down and Connor, it is far from the case that he is the inevitable successor to Bishop Patrick Walsh. Other contenders appear to include Dr John McAreavey, the Bishop of Dromore, and Monsignor Noel Treanor, the Clogher priest who heads the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community. I also understand that at least one priest has written to the Papal Nuncio recommending the appointment of , Maynooth's professor of moral theology and a former student of the Pope's, and expressing concern about the candicacy of Donal McKeown. You get a sense of some of the concerns being raised by the Stop Donal campaigners (such as they are) from the .


  • 1.
  • At 01:35 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Didn't realise there had been a debate on Slugger O'Toole about Donal McKeown.

The most likely contender for Down and Connor is Bishop John McAreavey of Dromore.

Another good choice would be the Auxiliary Bishop, Eamon Walsh, in Dublin.

Although bearing the same surname as the present "incumbent", he is a million miles removed from him in every other way.

Being from the South, however, might rule him out - although an outsider is just what D&C needs.

Morale among priests is pretty low. We, the laity, have had 16 years of pathetic "leadership".

I feel sorry for P. Walsh's successor - he will have quite a mess to clean up.

McKeown is a nice enough man and much of the "opposition" is being orchestrated by clerics who are jealous of him and who have "episcopal pretensions" themselves.

I have heard the names of some of those supposedly leading the campaign and they are laughable clowns, with no brains, no personality and no ability. They are driven by envy.

All I can say is - roll on Paddy Walsh's packing his trunk!

I see from the Irish News recently that his pastoral letter for Lent upset victims of clerical abuse, when he equated their sufferings with the so-called "sufferings" experienced by abusive clerics, when they are caught and tried. The man hasn't a bloody clue.

Remember also how he treated one of his own priests (interview on Sunday Sequence sometime last Sept/Oct) who was abused when he was young by a D&C priest? Walsh attitude was heartless and scandalous.

Get rid of Walsh quick and good riddance!

  • 2.
  • At 01:58 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Ferghal wrote:

I remember watching Bishop McKeown on Christmas Eve night - saying Mass in Sydney, Australia. It was EMBARRASSING! It was like an episode of Father Ted!

He looked very uncomfortable and not in control - how could he have been? The crowd were totally unruly and the majority of them didn't seem to know they were at Mass. They were very disrespectful of what was happening.

I'm not sure if McKeown has the qualities it will take to be Bishop of Down and Connor - though he would definitely be a lot better than Paddy Walsh.

Whoever gets the position certainly WON'T have a hard act to follow!!

Does anyone remember Walsh who went to St Malachy's College, Belfast, in the 1970's? Need I say more....?

Walsh was clearly driven by ambition and hunger for power. I have even heard priests say as much. I wonder how he feels "now that the party's over"?

A lot of people - clergy and laity - will be quite happy to see the back of Paddy Walsh.

  • 3.
  • At 02:39 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Kue wrote:

Not to difficult to figure out who Sam is then. Lay person - I don't think so. Me thinks, despite the name, Sam is really a Paddy!

  • 4.
  • At 04:16 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

I'm puzzled - why do you raise matters for discussion and then suppress the discussion?

You are the one bringing up the so-called "Stop Donal" campaign? Why bother - if you won't allow the matter to be discussed?

There was nothing in my removed posting that "the dogs in the street" don't know!

  • 5.
  • At 06:53 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Very droll "Kue" old chap (or is it Hugh?) ;-) I think we all know the Paddy you mean though - doesn't take a genius - as you have proven! Again, "the dogs in the street..."

  • 6.
  • At 08:42 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Chris Quinn wrote:

Bishop Anthony Farquhar seems to be popular among the priests of the diocese, though having a low profile!
I know that McKeown and Walsh have had bad press over the last few years, why not have Tony Farquhar in the top job???

  • 7.
  • At 08:49 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Kevin wrote:

Donal McKeown has two great gifts that few other "contenders" will have.
1. He is an excellent communicator, as you must know, William, from the way he can speak so clearly, passionately, intelligently and sensibly on programes such as Sunday Sequence.
2. Given the Paisley-Adams accord and that that it promises we need someone in Down and Connor who will be able to transcend the community divide and build a bridge of deepening trust between the communities. On top of being a credible and caring shepherd of the flock.

Donal has both those qualities in spades and no amount of badmouthing by a minority fellow priests should prevent the Papal Nuncio from giving very careful consideration to these key attributes when he submits the terna. Donal may indeed be teh best available candidate - the best qualifed in the round.

  • 8.
  • At 10:19 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

The word on Bishop Farquhar is that he doesn't want the job.

He's a nice man - so is Donal McKeown.

A "nice" person might not be enough though for what faces D&C today; but it would at least be a big improvement on the last 16 years of "Paddy Sniff"!

  • 9.
  • At 11:03 PM on 29 Mar 2007,
  • alan watson wrote:

ref 4

I think Will and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ in general are having problems with the blogs - comments go and then suddenly come back.
I have asked Will to post an explanation - I'm sure others have done so also
Yours are now back OK?

  • 10.
  • At 12:00 AM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • Barry McManus wrote:

The fact of the matter is that there is probably no priest in the Diocese of Down and Connor who is obvioulsy better qualified than Donal. So the Nuncio has to decide whether to recommend an imposed person from outside. Would that be a good thing? I am not at all sure. It is a bit rich of people to be too critical of Donal. After all an auxiliary bishop has only the authority delegated to him by his bishop and I am not sure Bishop Walsh would have ceded much authority to Donal or to Bishop Farquahar. If I am wrong perhaps someone would correct me. Donal would only be able to display his true leadership on becoming the actual Bishop of Down and Connor. There is a strong case for him to succeed Bishop Walsh. Full marks to Sunday Sequence for ventilating an issue that the other media has shied away from. When will the Irish News, Belfast Telegraph, UTV, Irish Times, Irish Independent etc. catch up?

Keep up the good work, William and let the debate continue!!!

Barry McManus

  • 11.
  • At 01:24 AM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Well said, Barry! The Nuncio will decide wisely. May God give us a good Bishop and Shepherd!

  • 12.
  • At 01:45 AM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • dominic wrote:

As a lay parishioner in D&C I have one of these letters.
I have only been here for three months and have no idea how to respond but I would like a traditionalist to uphold the values of the church.
advice urgently needed.

  • 13.
  • At 10:07 AM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • BRENDAN HILL wrote:

Is there no way we can get a campaign organised to show the nuncio how much support Donal has with the people of D+C? I'd be up for for helping to organise it.

Of the names Will lists ....

DONAL McK is the best candidate

JOHN Mc is a safe candidate and prob most likely to be moved from newry

NOEL T is hard to assess and he's not been a bishop yet

VINCENT T is as conservative as Ratzinger.

  • 14.
  • At 03:46 PM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • splurge wrote:

Brendan (no.14) - back to that old "people of D and C".

Firstly most people don't care at all - the "marginalised centre" so to speak.

None of the supposed good things about Donal are actually true. He's not a good communicator - he can talk, and chat in a very shallow way, but he is not a good communicator of the faith and he will not engage in the public square on issues of contention..

"Vincent is a as conservative as Ratzinger" - God forbid we might have a bishop as good as the Pope.

  • 15.
  • At 03:51 PM on 30 Mar 2007,
  • kue wrote:


There are many 'Paddys' in this world! Some are deacons, some are priests, some are religious and some are even - bishops!! Interesting how you reacted though.

  • 16.
  • At 12:39 AM on 31 Mar 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Come along now "Kue" - it was obvious who you were "getting at" ;-)

  • 17.
  • At 02:16 AM on 31 Mar 2007,
  • The Mons. wrote:

Yes, Kue, there a lot of people called Paddy in the Church.

There are also people called Hugh, Timothy, Michael, Joseph, Stephen, Brendan, Paul, Cornelius, Sean, Eugene, Martin, Anthony, James, Thomas, Henry, Daniel, David, Edward, etc. etc. etc.


  • 18.
  • At 01:06 PM on 31 Mar 2007,
  • Kue wrote:


So YOU say! Others might disagree. I can think of several 'Pats' and 'Paddys' who might have these views. Interesting how you reacted though.

Re. The Mons. - intersting list of names. Not sure why you think they are significant though. Any prospective candidates in there?

  • 19.
  • At 01:41 AM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Kue wrote:

Maybe I should have pointed out, in case Sam or the Mons continue to bark up the wrong tree, that I am not part of the so-called 'Stop Donal' Campaign. I don't actually believe there is any such 'campaign'. It is a typically tabloid invention of William and Sunday Sequence to suggest there is. My information is that Yes, some priests are not enthusiatic about Bishop Donal Mc Keown - SO WHAT! That is their right. What candidate WOULD have complete support. If Bishop Donal McKeown is half the man I think he is, he has the humility and wit to accept this himself.

For my part I would be very happy to see him become Bishop of Down & Connor. Or for that matter Bishop McAreavey, Bishop Hegarty or Fr Paddy Delargy, who are also candidates I believe.

The point is, no matter who gets the post, they will need a lot of prayer, help and support and I believe they will get it from the vast majority of people and priests of Down & Connor. Why? Because the people of D&C are Christian and don't see this appointment in the silly political, seedy way that William Crawley has tried to present it through this and the previos blog. In faith, the vast majority of people wil accept the man we are given - warts and all - as we did with Bishop Walsh. It will be an act of faith for the Diocese and for the man himself.

It is also appalling that such one sided comments about Bishop Walsh have been allowed to go unchallenged in this blog. I know that there are many priests who have gone to him wih serious personal or pastoral problems and found him very supportive, understanding and helpful. They could have used it as an excuse to go off and do their own thing but stuck with the hard slog of the promise of 'respect and obedience' to their bishop.

I also hadn't realised that we had all these perfect people around who are in a position to cast not just the first stone but many stones at others.

Bishop Walsh has given his all to so many things inn D&C not leasst to Catholic education and setting one of the leading Church-based child protection systems in the country - reeceived an award for it recently (no that Sunday Sequence took much notice). There are many thousands of people who are grateful for Bishop Walsh's generous service, peseverance and efficient management of D&C during a difficult time for society and the Church.

Thankfully God, unlike some of those commenting here, will judge us all in the round, with the knowledge of the whole story - something which we haven't been given here or on Sunday Sequence about Bishop Walsh. I think he can reetire - like most people - with a few regrets certanly, maybe even some significant mistakes to acknolwedge - but, on balance, with a very proud record of generous and faithful serrvice as a shepherd of the Lord's flock.

Well done good and faithful servant.

Thank you for sticking with it.

  • 20.
  • At 06:07 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Well, now, "Kue", that was quite a speech! You are entitled to your opinion of course - but I really do believe you must be inhabiting a parallel universe.

Unless, of course, you actually ARE Paddy Walsh - or a member of his family - or one of his cronies.

There are any God's amount of people, "Kue" , who have had negative and hurtful experiences of Walsh.

I know priests who have found him unsupportive and, indeed, unkind. He has been experienced as sarcastic, arrogant, haughty, high-handed and vindictive.

I'm sorry, "Kue", but that is the FACT of the matter. You are welcome to your rose-tinted specs - but I am sticking to my views and they are shared - I would definitely say - by the majority of people in Down and Connor diocese.

The day Walsh leaves his position will be a good day for Down and Connor. And yes, certainly, his successor is going to need our prayers and support.

  • 21.
  • At 07:18 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


Who are these priests that you refer to? How do we know that they experienced these things? Can you provide us with empirical evidence?

How do you know your views are shared by the majority of the people of D&C - by my reckoning over 300,000 people? Have you spoken to over half of them? You have been busy!

Your views are precisely that - yours. You are fully entitled to them as they are clearly based on you many personal experiences of Bishop Walsh - aren't they...?

  • 22.
  • At 07:18 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Chris Quinn wrote:

After all the things many people and priests have said about Paddy Walsh its a wonder he was appointed bishop in the first place!! However McKeown and Farqhar are very down to earth and i can understand there appointment, walsh must have had alot of support back then!!
Also Ferghal (2) says 'Does anyone remember Walsh who went to St Malachy's College, Belfast, in the 1970's? Need I say more....?' I am a young person and have no knowledge of Walsh at St malachys, may i ask was he that bad? Explain?

Chris Quinn and others: Let me repeat my earlier comment here. This blog is not an appropriate venue for asserting any kind of allegations about named individuals. Any comments of that kind will be removed. I ask everyone here to show some responisibility in their language. Thanks.

  • 24.
  • At 08:52 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

What RH Jackson, you want me to name them (the priests)? I don't think that would be allowed.

Why don't you ask Kue to name the priests and provide empirical data about those who have had "positive" experiences of Walsh, eh?

What I am contending here is based on conversations, with many people - clergy and laity - down through the years - along with my own observations. It's no secret!

Furthermore, Kue, if the views expressed here about Paddy Walsh seem so "one-sided", may be its because so few are prepared to "defend the indefensible"? Go figure...

  • 25.
  • At 10:08 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

William - I would be happy for you to remove any offending postings - including - and especially mine!!In fact, perhaps you should close this whole business.

I don't think there is all that much of a "Stop Donal" campaign and - such as it exists - it is the work of a small clique of malcontents. Most people would be happy enough to see Donal as Bishop of Down and Connor.

As regards, Patrick Walsh - this guy can provoke strong emotions in a lot of people - mostly - but not exclusively - negative - in my opinion - and I am certainly not alone.

It is inevitable, therefore, that - shall we say - forthright opinions, about his "career", are going to be expressed. So maybe this should be closed down?

  • 26.
  • At 10:38 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


I think William is right - the whole thing should be stopped - if only because your assertions about PJW simply cannot be substantiated. That said, William opened the whole can of worms - by posting both stories and by allowing negative comments - and so cannot quite fulfill the Pilate role as honourably as he might wish!

Just because you state something to be true does not mean that it is - although that is a concept that you seem to be having significant difficulty with. Phrases such as 'I am certainly not alone', 'Most people' etc sound very impressive, but they mean nothing because - for all we know - they are the view of only a few people, the kind of vociferous minority who have nothing better to do than read and comment on blogs like this.

I have challenged you to support your allegations with evidence. You have not. That, I suggest, is because you cannot.

You may have had a negative experience with PJW, that does not make it so for the rest of the world. And remember, for every 'negative' experience there is more than likely another side to the story which the 'wronged' person fails to tell.

  • 27.
  • At 11:15 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • wrote:

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

  • 28.
  • At 11:54 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Oh, believe you me, "Robert H Jackson", EVERYTHING I have posted about "PJW" can be well and truly substantiated - and by a very sizeable number of people and, I'm just wondering, if you, "KUE" and "PJW" really want to pursue that line of inquiry?

I'm also wondering if "RHJ"/"Kue" are some kind of media "spokes-person" for "PJW"! ;-)

  • 29.
  • At 11:59 PM on 01 Apr 2007,
  • Kevin Brennan wrote:

Kue writes: "Me thinks, despite the name, Sam is really a Paddy!

"Interesting" phrase that - "Me thinks". "Why do you "me think" this Kue? Are you a cleric yourself?

Why would "sam" be "really a paddy"? What's that all about? Care to elaborate?

I think this is far more "interesting" than the reaction of "sam" to "you"!!

  • 30.
  • At 06:36 PM on 02 Apr 2007,
  • Kevin wrote:

Been doing some research on Bishop Walsh's support for his priests -

From The Irish Catholic (26/10/06):

"He (Bishop Walsh) surprised many when he stood by one of his priests who was photographed at a gay bar in Dublin insisting that the priest was still welcome in the diocese".

Remember that case?

If not - Cf. Irish News (23/01/03)

Also check out this interesting article by Suzanne Breen in the Irish Times (31/01/03).

The priest was present at a gay bondage and fetish event in Dublin -L.U.B.E. (Leather, Uniform and Bear Encounter) ????!!! :-o

The News of the World "nabbed 'im" and his pics were up on the LUBE website.

Well at least Walsh has been supportive of SOME of his priests...

  • 31.
  • At 11:17 PM on 02 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Was counting today, Mr Jackson, "Kue", "PJW" and whatever else you call yourselves.

I can think of 19 D&C priests I have had conversations with over the years who wouldn't give Patrick Walsh the time of day and who regard him and his "reign" as "a disaster".

I can't count the number of laity who regard him similarly - too many.

In fact, I have heard very few comment favourably about him - until now - on this website - by "Kue"/"Jackson" - Walsh's cheer leaders.

  • 32.
  • At 11:50 PM on 02 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


19 priests - out of over 200 - my that is a large number!!! I take this opportunity to apologise profusely for ever having doubted you!!!

Up until now I thought that I might have been mistaken and that indeed you had the inside line from a majority of priests.

19 out of 206!!! My, that's not far off being the same percentage as 1 out of 12 - Judas Iscariot being the 1!!!

You get my drift Sammy Boy???

  • 33.
  • At 11:59 PM on 02 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:

19 priests out of over 200???

My, that is a large number, and there was me thinking that you had only talked to a few people!

If you have talked to as many lay people we could be talking about as many as, what, 50 people!

It strikes me that 19 out of 206 is a reasonably similar percentage to 1 out of 12 – the one being Judas Iscariot.

You get my drift, Sammy Boy?

  • 34.
  • At 06:31 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Kevin wrote:

Paddy Walsh.... oh yeeeaaaahhh.... a real "diamond geezer". As Norman Bates would say: "I wouldn't hurt a fly... ;-)

  • 35.
  • At 06:56 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Anonymous wrote:

Fr Jackson writes:

"Remember, there are three kinds of lies, Sammy Boy:


Damn (sic) Lies...

And statistics!

So, Fr Jackson, you would reject today's finding by Tearfund about NI being the UK's most pious region then?

You can say and think what you like... it doesn't change the reality that the word on Walsh is NOT GOOD from the majority.

And if you're looking for Judas Iscariot maybe you should go over to the Somerton Road!

  • 36.
  • At 07:01 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Fr Jackson writes:

"Remember, there are three kinds of lies, Sammy Boy:


Damn (sic) Lies...

And statistics!

So, Fr Jackson, you would reject today's finding by Tearfund about NI being the UK's most pious region then?

You can say and think what you like... it doesn't change the reality that the word on Walsh is NOT GOOD from the majority.

And if you're looking for Judas Iscariot maybe you should go over to the Somerton Road!

  • 37.
  • At 08:32 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • wrote:

This is better entertainment then watching Father Ted, no wonder father Jack turned to the demon drink, DRINK!DRINK! All we need now is Mrs Doyle to make the tea.

  • 38.
  • At 08:43 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


You know, you really should stop using statistics to try and 'prove' your case.

Northern Ireland - the UK's most pious region? Well, if you (given some of your unchristian comments about a variety of people) are an example of one who professes such piety, then, yes, I do reject such findings.

Come on, Sammy Boy, provide me with an argument that I can really get my teeth into; one that does not involve your statistics or your supposed 'insider' information.

  • 39.
  • At 10:22 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

If I were to "provide [you] with an argument that [you] can really get [your] teeth into" - "Bobby Boy" - two things would happen:

1. The Moderator would delete the postings;



  • 40.
  • At 10:23 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Mrs Doyle wrote:

Any one for a cup of tea?

  • 41.
  • At 10:42 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


I'm waiting...

  • 42.
  • At 10:56 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:


I'm still waiting...

  • 43.
  • At 11:04 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Now, now, Roberta, I think William would prefer that you be allowed to hand on to your oul' teeth for another wee while! ;-)

  • 44.
  • At 11:14 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Kevin wrote:

What - "inuendo" - kue? Are you, perchance, referring to post 30?

All I said was Walsh was supportive of at least SOME of his priests.

The whole thing is in the public domain. What on earth are you getting at??

  • 45.
  • At 11:36 PM on 03 Apr 2007,
  • Ferghal wrote:

As regards Patrick Walsh, a verse of Scripture comes to mind: " for as a man sows, so also shall he reap...." Galatians 6:7-8.

  • 46.
  • At 05:38 PM on 04 Apr 2007,
  • Eimear wrote:

Fr Paddy was our priest one time. We love him and we care about him.

  • 47.
  • At 12:20 AM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • Victim wrote:

kue says to Eimear: "While not making light of the suffering involved, I also note the bitterness of your vocabulary - and that of 'others'. No one has mentioned forgiveness, 'doing good' to those hurt us etc - notwithstanding what a challenge that is for us all, especially when we have been unjustly treated".

I don't know if Eimear is a victim of abuse but I am. Many who have no understanding (like kue) use the pejorative term "bitterness" about us and blithely speak of "forgiveness" and so on.

Those of us trying to survive the abuse of sexual predators are not "bitter". We are injured and in severe pain. We are suffering from PTSD. We are plagued by suicidal thoughts.

Day and night, we are suffering and distraught. Does the clergy really UNDERSTAND this? if not - they are not like Our Lord Jesus Christ - they are His enemies.

Our perpetrators - clerical and lay -mostly NEVER ask for forgiveness. It would help if they did - in the process of "moving on" - for those of whose lives they made a train wreck.

  • 48.
  • At 02:01 PM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • Cui bono? wrote:

I wonder if could just go back to the subject matter of the post?

Donal McKeown taught me at St. Malachy's for four years in the mid-90's before becoming president.

If it hadn't been for him, his abilities pastorally and as a communicator, I say honestly that I would have turned away from the Church for good. To keep people like me in the flock - there's something about that in the gospel, no?

In moments (and there are a very many) of dark anger and cynicism with the banal and paranoid intellectual vanity of the cabal running the Vatican now, I picture Donal in his rumpled suit, ruffled hair, socks and sandals and am reminded of the essential humility of the man - and that that is my church. That is a leadership quality to top all others.

Everything else is a bonus.

  • 49.
  • At 07:25 PM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

Well said "Cui Bono?". Bishop Donal has the esteem and affection of the majority of priests and people here.

His "opponents" - such as they are - are laughable. And they are envious. Says more about them than Bishop McKeown.

If he is appointed bishop, he will have our loyalty, support and prayers

  • 50.
  • At 08:59 PM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:

'If he is appointed bishop, he will have our loyalty, support and prayers'.

Is that the royal we Sammy Boy?

  • 51.
  • At 11:40 PM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • Sam wrote:

The "we" of the People of God - "Bobby boy"! ;-) Happy Easter!

  • 52.
  • At 11:47 PM on 07 Apr 2007,
  • garth garland wrote:

I see the wikipedia profile for Bishop Donal has been updated already to include the stop donal campaign stuff!

  • 53.
  • At 12:24 PM on 08 Apr 2007,
  • Ex-Wing wrote:

Fr. "Robert H Jackson" writes: 'If he is appointed bishop, he will have our loyalty, support and prayers'.

Is that the royal we Sammy Boy?"

Hiyah PHYLISS!!! Long time no hear!

And garth garland wrote: "I see the wikipedia profile for Bishop Donal has been updated already to include the stop donal campaign stuff!"

Probably PHYLISS!!! wot dun it!


  • 54.
  • At 10:01 PM on 09 Apr 2007,
  • John wrote:

Bishop McKeown taught me German in St Malachy's in the early 90's. If it hadn't been for him i would not be teaching the subject myself! No.48 'Cui bono?' writes about his sandles!! Let me tell you that Da Whizz's sandles were legendary! When my parents went to meet him at a parents evening they thought he was kinda scruffy looking for a priest, but when they got talking to him they found him funny, charming and quite spiritual. I was there in St Peter's Cathedral the day of his consecration as Bishop and i am looking forward to (With Gods Blessing) his Installment as Bishop of Down and Connor!! My father was in 6th year in St Malachy's when Walsh was made President and he said it was the worst 2yrs of his life and i know he was shocked and disappointed when Walsh was appointed to the greater Position of Bishop! We have had a Rubbish Bishop for 16 years, we need "Da Whizz" to bring our diocese into the 21st Century!

Good Bye Paddy Walsh!! I know we won't miss ya!

  • 55.
  • At 04:38 PM on 12 Apr 2007,
  • Salford Tourist wrote:

I've just returned home from Manchester this morning. While there I heard of the storm that had broken over Down and Connor. I wasn't surprised that it broke, those storm clouds were gathering before Bishop McKeown was ordained as an Auxiliary Bishop to Bishop Walsh (they gathered somewhere over North Down I believe!!). On returning home and logging on I was surprised by the venom being poured out. I have had major reservations about some of Bishop Walsh's decisions over the years, and even larger reservations about some of those around him, but to savage the man like this is repulsive! That goes for post 53 as well. "Shouting" 'Phyllis' on the Internet isn't big and it isn't clever! It does no justice to the Wing, the Diocese and certainly not to Bishop McKeown! It was only worthy of those who are holding him up to public ridicule. On that subject, the new tripe on wikipedia is a childish exercise in point scoring, completely vacuous. Grow up!! Surely, with even just enough wit not to eat oneself, it can be recognized that the contribution goes a long way to proving that which it denies. The underhanded, unjust and morally bereft character assassination being carried out on Bishop McKeown is beyond words! Donal McKeown is a decent, compassionate and, in stark contrast to some of his critics, deeply humble man. I read with due derision the comments on his respect for the Holy Mass. You would be hard pushed to find anyone as devoted and respectful. Travelling home this morning I remembered a story I had once heard about the Cure D'Ars. Envious of his life and the gifts God had given him, his brother priests began to collect a petition to their Bishop condemning him. They sent it one to another until one bright spark sent it to St. John by accident. The deeply holy and humble man promptly signed it and despatched it to his Bishop. Of course history and the Church recall the name of Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, but it’s harder to find the other names. There might be a lesson in there somewhere!?!

Anyway, in the end the Holy Spirit will decide!

  • 56.
  • At 05:34 PM on 12 Apr 2007,
  • Yucatan wrote:

I totally support the sentiments expressed by 'Salford Tourist'. Belittling comments about Bishop Walsh will do little to help build a future for the great diocese of Down & Connor. Any judgements are best left to history. The purile attacks on Bishop McKeown are at best misguided at worst a planned character assination on an honest and upright human being, never mind priest or bishop. It seems that the so-called 'stop donal' campaign is being led if not orchestrated by clerics hiding behind the bishop's alleged soft approach to integrated education. Perhaps this is a cover for a deeper unease these churchmen feel at the prospect at having someone with Bishop McKeown's qualities at the helm. Maybe they would do better to brush up on some reading: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for starters. It would make a refreshing change form Niccolo Maciavelli's "The Prince" which seems to be the 'gospel' of choice at the moment.

  • 57.
  • At 10:27 PM on 12 Apr 2007,
  • Robert H Jackson wrote:

It's hard not to agree partly at least with what Salford Tourist and Yucatan say. In real life the truth is rarely black or white but some shade in between. This reality seems lost on many of those who have posted here who seem constrained by a frighteningly self-righteous and self-serving approach to the issues in question. Their 'insights', I would suggest, are not worthy of what we might describe as true Christians - those who take to heart and live fully the message of Christ. The words of Christ 'Neither do I condemn you...' seem alien to those who seem to have made it their mission to do just that to Patrick Walsh and Donal McKeown. I just don't get how they can square their profession of Catholic christianity with their uncharitability in thought, word and deed. I'm sure they could - and will - justify it to me; could they equally do so to Christ?

The whole affair does no credit to either the Church of Down and Connor nor the contibutors who seem to delight - in such an unchristian way - in demonising both Bishops Walsh and McKeown.

  • 58.
  • At 07:28 PM on 14 Apr 2007,
  • John wrote:

Does anyone know what stage the Church is at in appointing Bishop Walsh's Successor??

  • 59.
  • At 10:31 PM on 30 Apr 2007,
  • Paul wrote:

Pretty disgraceful all of this! God help the Church, particularly if some of the comments posted here are from priests, none of whom, thankfully, will be contendors to be Bishop Walsh's successor. Maybe some of you would be better directing your obvious concerns to the Holy Spirit. But I guess you'd have to be a committed follower of the Lord to even think of such a thing.

Come Holy Spirit
Fill the hearts of your failthful
and send us the gift of your love.
Send forth you Spirit
and we shall be inspired
and you shall renew the face of the earth.

Dear Lord, what hs happened to your Church?

  • 60.
  • At 12:59 AM on 09 May 2007,
  • Eoin wrote:

"Paul" wonders: "Dear Lord, what has happened to your Church?"

It fell into the hands of men like Bishop Patrick Walsh who created a horrible mess.

Don't take on so "Paul". The Church will survive Walsh and - I'm pretty sure - the diocese of Down and Connor will be all the better - in the future.

I am sure - as a "lay-person" - there is a majority consensus - among both laity and priests - that it is a good thing Walsh is hanging up his hat.

  • 61.
  • At 02:19 PM on 04 Aug 2007,
  • Sostituto wrote:

I have read and reread this blog's commments with interest.

No chosen candidate is going to please every layperson or priest in the diocese, even if he ticks all the Nuncio's boxes.

I do know, from first hand experience, that Donal is a good person, an intelligent person, open minded and witty, and above all, a man of God.

Whatsmore, he has no doubt gleaned invaluable experience at the side of Paddy Walsh for the past number of years, which as auxiliary puts him in a useful position if appointed Ordinary. He has nurtured valuable relationships within the Northern Ireland community, both religious, political and social. He places a priority on interfaith, as well as on orthodoxy while not being its slave.

As much as I like to see a sartorially aware priest, it is clear that Donal does not have an account at Gammarellis and probably never will have. That has got to be refreshing and welcome.

He speaks German, Italian, Polish and is learning Russian apparently.

If he is not appointed, the Nuncio will not be putting to the best use of the Church this man's many God-given talents.

I, for one, am praying that the wisdom of the Spirit descends upon Navan Road and the Congregation for Bishops.

  • 62.
  • At 04:54 PM on 07 Aug 2007,
  • John wrote:

I was speaking to Dr McKeown last week and just listening to him gives me the feeling that he would make a much better ordinary than Dr Walsh. Hes funny, intellegent and as Sostitudo mentioned a wide range of modern languages at his disposial (And on thar subject i think hes fluent in Irish as well).

Just out of interest does anyone know when a new Bishop is said to be appointed??

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