ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 27 September 2010

Lucy Rodgers | 11:16 UK time, Monday, 27 September 2010

Here's what we're planning for later:

David Miliband today issued a rallying call to the Labour conference, saying the party now had a "great leader" in his younger brother Ed. David - who was long considered favourite for the top job - insisted he would "be fine" after being beaten by just over 1% of the votes in the leadership battle.

So, ahead of Ed Miliband's keynote speech tomorrow, we'll be hosting a Labour Party conference special in Manchester with an audience of delegates.

Political editor Michael Crick will be assessing the mood of the conference, wondering what David Miliband is going to do, and how the shadow cabinet will shape up. David Grossman will be reporting on the party's strategy for cutting the deficit, and whether there will be a change of tack.

We'll be speaking to Unite's Tony Woodley, Spectator political editor Fraser Nelson and columnist Jenni Russell, among others.

Meanwhile, cult Taiwanese animators Apple Daily will be bringing us their take on the Labour leadership race.

Join Jeremy at 10.30pm on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    As usual Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is talking sense. Pity about some of his raving colleagues who are clearly either clueless or having their strings pulled up sharp.

  • Comment number 2.

    #93(previous) tabblenabble01 wrote:

    β€œNow, what was going on there do you think? Was any group especially advantaged rather than disadvantaged by any of this? This really is quite a subtle question, as it's a within group question. Do you see a very clever sleight of hand? If I am right, the trick has been to get one to focus upon the wrong group. That’s what happens with Tolerance, Apathy, Lethargy and Complacency."

    I’m grateful for your analysis tn01, though few are more aware than I of how excesses of Tolerance, Apathy, Lethargy and Complacency have been allowed (or deliberately cultivated) to undermine normal evolution of homosaps, instead of (as with all other species) favouring the β€˜fittest’ for purpose.

    My awareness flows from years spent in the β€˜developing’ world, attempting to train national staff in how to run organisations - and now heading a multicultural household. I have seen many examples of societies that are superior to ours in many ways, and have also been frustrated at what you refer to as β€˜dirty tricks’ played by some who were elected or appointed themselves in charge of β€˜developing’ societies.

    I will look up the references that you supplied but, being no longer in academia, my main quest is what action to take to escape the effects of TAL&C further ruining the society in which I was raised. We have become a benign β€˜liberal’ society, though still motivated to act empirically toward other nations which we deem in need of change.

    I’m hoping that the Big Society will perhaps produce either those with new thinking about equality and discrimination - or provoke a rebellion.

    As I have stated, blogging is a safety valve (the new bromide replacing religion and faith?) when what is needed is real action. Given nature’s alternatives of Fight/ Flight (or Shite?) I’m getting ready to emigrate.

  • Comment number 3.

    Going to be all across and inside this one. Very many false reports on illness. I'll be emailing the people mentioned to see what they have to say.

  • Comment number 4.

    Extreme ruthlessness or cunning? (or both?)

    David Cameron must beware Ed Miliband

    As for the myth of Ed Miliband's deep-rooted niceness, the Government must make sure that the British public does not buy into it. Certainly, many Labour MPs no longer do so. Saturday's wafer-thin victory was a political triumph of sorts; but the calculated humiliation of David Miliband by his younger brother was not the act of a nice man.

  • Comment number 5.


    Where to, indi? India?

  • Comment number 6.


    One set of deck chairs has been re-fitted with eye-catching fabric, but they are STILL DECK CHAIRS, AND THE SS GREAT BRITAIN STILL UNSEAWORTHY.

    The new Captain-in-waiting is simply 'ANOTHER ONE'.

    Party politics amounts to institutionalised, perpetual mutiny.

    What is more we are awash with stowaways and have lost the art of repelling boarders.

    Weep Britain.

  • Comment number 7.


    So you reckon Ed is deep down nice? That sounds promising? It was a straightforward competition between the brothers and I shouldn't think his main goal was humiliation. I doubt it, anyway. It was, after all, others who cast their votes.

  • Comment number 8.

    I prefer Ed Miliband to David Miliband (aka Bananaman!) - don't all politicians have some streak of ruthlessness in them? When is Jeremy going to be interviewing Ed now that he's the new leader? As to performing the last rites of nu-Labour, wonder what is Ed going to be replacing it with....

  • Comment number 9.

    BROMIDE (#2)

    I have far more spleen than internet posting can contain. My friends would confirm that with alacrity.

    I stood for SPOILPARTYGAMES in the 2005 election.

    I carried the same message into the streets in 2010, throughout the campaign.

    I am persevering in trying to have a 2010 Conservative flyer recognised as a 'false instrument' (as posted here) and will not give up until some authority engages: either admitting the fact or showing me how it can be read as true.

    I feel I am 'doing my bit' - short of bombing and torture - to bring British Democracy - er - to Britain!

    I still have four and a half years to prove we are 'living within the lie'. Then I'll start again.

  • Comment number 10.


    ''As I have stated, blogging is a safety valve (the new bromide replacing religion and faith?) when what is needed is real action.''

    I agree totally with this and many other of your points (I will look out for your posts in future). As someone who keeps trying to find an 'action' outlet I have found it extremely frustrating, if it goes beyond the false sense of security of cyberspace nobody wants to know, even organisations who claim to like NEF as a self proclaimed 'Thinking and doing tank' are long on the thinking and publishing but very short on the'doing' bit.

    I offered to try to open up a local group under their banner outside the london bubble..twice in fact. It is not as if they said 'no thanks your too crazy' or something they did not even bother to reply at all!

    So much for the 'doing' bit of the tank.

    They are, however, very good at asking me to increase my monthly donation to them.

    What is one to do?

  • Comment number 11.


    Oh DJ. The individuals are all consummate orifices. The are power seekers, chosen by party machines, connivers at Westminster whips and whiles - ambitious from their hooves to their horns.

    Dave has milks the baby - Ed has to play the hand he's got.

    It is all the unacceptable face and inconvenient truth of Westminster.


  • Comment number 12.

    Ron Paul is determined to audit US gold :

    "If it were to turn out most of the gold in Fort Knox and New York is not there, the price of gold will rise. The investing public will figure out that the price of gold has been kept low by means of secret government sales of their nations' gold reserves – what Gordon Brown a decade ago did publicly with half of Britain's gold. With a scandal brewing, there will be no more central bank "leasing" of gold. That will dry up the supply.

    If it turns out that the gold in Fort Knox is melted coins, and not deliverable gold for international markets, international markets will respond accordingly. Gold will go up."

    "Consider the dilemma that the President would face if Congressman Paul's bill lands on his desk. Should he take the risk of signing the bill into law, and thereby take the risk that gold is missing? Or should he veto the bill, with some kind of lame explanation as to why he vetoed the bill? He will then face a public relations disaster. He will be seen as an agent of Ben Bernanke. Is this wise political positioning for 2012? I don't think so."

  • Comment number 13.

    "Given nature’s alternatives of Fight/ Flight (or Shite?) I’m getting ready to emigrate."

    That wording rather does suggest to me that you may not yet have seen the ruse that I'm referring to, as it's clever misdirection, i.e it depends upon focusing upon the wrong group(s). Don't let vanity blind you to more penetrating analysis. This is in part a matter of having solicited easily led others (not stupid others) to fire one's bullets whilst having yet another just more able group attack the former for doing so as terrorists. This counts on class over inclusion, which is in fact a failure of fine discrimination (and discrimination as you know is a taboo these days just as dumbing down is gleefully embraced). It's a masterful boxing-clever played by an elite.

    Female cats apparently let rival Toms fight it out whilst they sit pretty. The males don't attack pretty cats, even though the latter are partial to a bit of rough.

  • Comment number 14.

    No comment:

  • Comment number 15.


    If you look at comment 5, Mistress76uk , it summarises very well what I've been trying to get across about somebody I call the 'reincarnation' of Hitler. Some time ago I posted a text using similar words but as far as I remember my post was deleted. I'm still wondering at whose instigation.


  • Comment number 16.

    Eagles hav gone on a patrol of 'brush control'.

  • Comment number 17.

    Went to the doctors. He told me I was paranoid. Well he didn't actually say that......but that's what the b........ was thinking!

  • Comment number 18.


    Have you read Zimbardo yet 76?

    Draw a line on a sheet of paper and divide it into 10. Now KEEPING 'GEI' IN MIND, put your chosen uber-evildoer at ten (Hitler?) and - say - Ghandi/Mandela/MLK at Zero.

    Where would Tony be? Dubya? Bin Laden? Pol Pot. Mao? Stalin? Did I leave out Bomber Harris? That is almost racism.

    Incidentally, when the truth of 9/11 escapes, you might need to do a 'Spinal Tap' and 'go to eleven'

  • Comment number 19.


    Have you read the comments of others, though, Mistress76uk?

  • Comment number 20.

    The questions to ask the conference delegates are
    1 Are the public as interested as the Westminster Village are over David Miliband's plans?
    2 Which is more important - attacking parts of the spending review or David Miliband's plans?

  • Comment number 21.

  • Comment number 22.


    None of these, 'boiler' /are you boiling?/

    The thing to do is to ask them how they are going to contribute to straightening the UK until they see the light. All Westminster politicians should unite in this respect, in my view anyway.


  • Comment number 23.


    Perhaps you have developed fear, stevie, and it shows. Have you done something wrong, something that others may not approve of? If you did, stevie, a confession might be in order. That's why, I think, it was introduced by the Christians. It can have a beneficial effect on the soul, though it.does somewhat depends on the enormity of the crime.

  • Comment number 24.

    @ Barrie #18 - Yes, I've just read about Prof. Philip Zimbardo's famous "Prison Experiment"
    Fascinating stuff :o)
    Bin Laden, Pol Pot, Mao etc - not particularly nice people, but I would consider Bomber Harris to be a hero (he was approved by Churchill).

  • Comment number 25.

    Something to put a smile on your face!

  • Comment number 26.

    Tilting at windmills?

  • Comment number 27.

    Unemployment in IT graduates, the highest?!

  • Comment number 28.

    Read a bit more on IT workers, we only gave away one and half million jobs to people outside britain between '97 and '08, not bad for a country with anything between 3 and 8 million unemployed!

    Oh and read what poor old maheshwas says in the comments of the previous post #27. Just as I always thought Indians are being exploited just as much as us. Isn't big business wunnerful?! : (

  • Comment number 29.

    Channel 4's Dispatches programme tonight is entitled "What's the Point of the Unions?".

    Is it likely to be a fair, rational analysis do you think? What's the likelihood of it being a hit job to hasten their demise? Will anyone bother to ask? Could Channel 4 possibly have an interest in one direction rather than the other? Would SKY? These are counterfactuals to provoke critical appraisal of our media. Too much of our media these days is clearly propaganda designed to undermine the state in favour of shareholders, markets and consumers. But where do consumers get their money? Where will consumers get their money in the future, and how much will they have to spend?

  • Comment number 30.

    "17. At 3:26pm on 27 Sep 2010, stevie wrote:
    Went to the doctors. He told me I was paranoid. Well he didn't actually say that..."

    If you critically watch Newsnight (or the media generally) instead of treating it as entertainment, and analyse the verbs used, you'll actually find that most of what goes on is in that very vein. Not only do reporters conjecture about mental states, they misreport, and argue with their quarry when told that they're mistaken. I'm not joking. Watch and listen carefully (but then tell yourself that it's just entertainment or you really will go mad)..

  • Comment number 31.

    "27. At 8:36pm on 27 Sep 2010, ecolizzy wrote:
    Unemployment in IT graduates, the highest?!"

    Surely you have been reading and posting here for long enough now to know what's driving all of this (immigration is just one the consequences as is outsourcing). The substantive problem now is that so few people grasp it and that so many argue with the explanation, or worse still, sneer or think it's a contribution to make not-so-clever jokes

  • Comment number 32.

    UK 'needs domestic wind energy industry'


    notice all the talk is about offshore. Not only is it the most expensive it also ties people into the national grid. who benefits?

    The european model is to use factory roof space and local industrial estates. much cheaper, allows councils to generate income and people see where their power come from.

  • Comment number 33.


    So you actually tell the Newsnight reporters what to think and obey your orders as well, mr educating table? Well, well, well, who would have thought? I didn't have a clue about this. Have you spoken to the white Snows as well?

  • Comment number 34.

    #32 don't kid yourself Jaunty.

    The wind farm scam is all about keeping up the price of copper and therefore inflating mining shares, Germany has tried what you are suggesting and has had to build new fossil plants to balance demand. I suppose if everybody was foolish enough to fit a wind turbine on their roof the people would be able to see the truth about where their energy is NOT coming from despite having to fork out for the mega expensive infrastructure with 33% extra on their energy bills.

  • Comment number 35.

    Mistress @ 14
    David Irving thinks Hitler was a great fella (as reported in the Mail)

    Well Anita Dunn's biggest political hero Is Chairman Mao(70 million Murdered)
    Anita Dunn was appointed by Obama as communications director for about a year. She was also an advisor to Obama for a number of years.
    These are the kind of people who surround Obama.

    Ed Miliband is a socialist Marxists lightweight whose Father was a so called intellectual red who never did a days honest work in his life..chip of the old block eh. I suppose the brain dead socialists (think Bob Crow and the other idiots )and union nut cases need a leader..my money was on Abbot because I could not distinguish between these wannabes and I thought Abbot may have won due to the "right-on-sisters and ethnic" vote. Why is this labour conference nonsense making news? Labour are finished as a political force..they are dead, Let them rest in peace. oh wait a minute. I know why the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ are banging on about Labour and Eddie Milly..the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ are full of lefties! (think Micheal Crick)

  • Comment number 36.


    Apologies, Mistress76uk, but R. Dati's mistake didn't bring a smile to my face. It's a banal 'story' and she was right in saying that they could have mentioned the real contents of her interview/speech.

    I've seen her on the French TV and have heard her on one of the French radio stations, and, to put it simply, I always liked what she said and on the whole what she is about. Quite a brave woman she is.


  • Comment number 37.

    There's a huge misunderstanding about the public finances that the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ is failing totally to clarify. You talk about 'halving the deficit' as though it means 'halving the debt', and I guarantee that most people, given your discussion, will assume that's what you mean. That's just plain wrong. If I halve the rate I keep adding to my credit card bill, the debt doesn't come down - it keeps increasing, but less quickly.
    Please, please clarify that UK Govt DEBT is about Β£40,000 for every single household, and that the likely DEFICIT, if we do nothing, will add about Β£4,000 per household per year. Halving the deficit implies INCREASING the debt by 'just' Β£2,000 per year - so next year the average household owes Β£42,000, the year after Β£44,000 and so on. [You may want to correct the exact numbers here, but these are in the right ball-park].
    So - Labour - or Con-Lib-Dem - please tell the public the reality of what they already OWE, as well as how fast you intend that they can expect to increase what they owe.

  • Comment number 38.

    Its laughable to listen to NN tonight just blabbing on about nothing really.

    look things are really serious out there

    Here is one example : -

    Well Gauguin was worth a watch on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ4.

    Good work Waldemar Januszczak very informative !

  • Comment number 39.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 40.

    its been curious listening / watching bbc news recently .. it has gone out of its way to single out presstv reporting and have the by line that its a 'state broadcaster'. is the bbc any less of a state broadcaster?

    does this mean that the bbc is anticipating some military action against iran in the near future? does NN know how close the neo cons/israelis are to this?

    and why does NN / bbc continue to peddle the deceit of the claim against irans nuclear bomb efforts? why not debunk this lie once and for all?

    speaking of war crimes an unnamed source told robert fisk of the independent newspaper that images of women being raped were behind the obama administration's decision not to release any more pictures of abuses at Abu Ghraib ..

    will NN be making an investigation into the injustice against Aafia Siddiqui a victim of kidnapping and torture in baghram ?

    we certainly in the west cannot make honest claims in respect of the the injustice of the iranian judicial system if we or our allies (the usa in this case)are equally committing the same ..

    and finally a High Court judge decided the case for Dr Zakir Naik should be fast-tracked despite objections from Theresa May’s lawyers. Why would May bend to the will of richard desmonds express , or the telegraph and douglas murray ?

  • Comment number 41.

    Fabulous Jeremy tonight at the Labour Conference - particularly with Fraser Nelson from The Spectator. However, Michael's revelation from The Sun's poll has shown Labour in the lead with Ed at the helm. Interesting times indeed!

  • Comment number 42.

    Would be interested to know what are the viewer ratings for the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ's wall-to-wall, navel gazing coverage of the Labour Party conference. Or any other party political conference for that matter.

    I'd lay a large bet they plummet like a stone. As someone who is very interested in politics, the party conference broadcast season is total overkill.

    Keeps all the journalists and camera crews busy and gives the politicians an ideal platform to puff themselves up to even greater vainglorious proportions.

    As the bard so aptly put it: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    I recommend the true jewel in the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ's crown at these times, the World Service. Keeps you in touch with reality.

    As for David Milliband. If he retires from politics after failing to win the party leadership, it might tell you more about his personal designs for a political career than concern for his constituents, who couldn't drop him so easily. A sign of the times perhaps.

  • Comment number 43.


    its one think to be mentally defeated its quite another to insist everyone else is and so actively prevent others from trying. so one must be suspicious of those who actively seek to prevent microgeneration. [as labour did]

    as for energy bills that has more to do with the craven regulator in thrall to the foreign multinationals. Hayekism [that the market has all knowledge] is at the root of the uk energy crisis because the uk is just being used as a cash generator.

  • Comment number 44.

    Check this out #14 Mistress76uk

  • Comment number 45.

    Something to think about as you drift off to sleep ; )

  • Comment number 46.


    This matter is fairly close to my limit of comprehension, but I had been alerted some time back - probably on radio.

    It is really part of 'living within the lie' that politicians embrace and media connive at.

    Be that as it may, your post focused my mind Kim and maybe others will be made aware for the first time. Thanks.

  • Comment number 47.


    Why are ALL video clips backed by music? Is there no one left on the planet above kindergarten/ADHD attention facility?

  • Comment number 48.


    War seems to have taken a very odd turn lately. But then - what hasn't?

  • Comment number 49.


    I am in moderate agreement with your assessment of World Service output.
    However, why do they feel the need to compete with 5-live in tumultuous program headers and breaks? I live in a semi.

    Do cerebral folk crave blasts of confused sound? Beats me.

  • Comment number 50.

    31. At 9:03pm on 27 Sep 2010, tabblenabble01 wrote:

    "27. At 8:36pm on 27 Sep 2010, ecolizzy wrote:
    Unemployment in IT graduates, the highest?!"

    Surely you have been reading and posting here for long enough now to know what's driving all of this (immigration is just one the consequences as is outsourcing). The substantive problem now is that so few people grasp it and that so many argue with the explanation, or worse still, sneer or think it's a contribution to make not-so-clever jokes.



    'When Gordon Brown brought in IR35 AGAINST self-employed workers he originally was targeting people in the Media along with Engineers and IT workers.

    Anyhow, I was contacted by a well-known journalist come presenter, who now does other things in TV-land and is paid handsomely for it, who was very keen to highlight the damage that IR35 would bring to millions of self-employed workers.

    He was on the phone to me on the very day that IR35 was about to be formally announced, again excitedly voicing his concern and disgust, but then, would you believe it, self-employed people in the Media were exempted from IR35... it came in that very afternoon against Engineers and Tech workers... and I never heard from that journalist again.

    If you are a freelancer working for the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ are you still allowed to go off and get paid for after-dinner speaking, opening supermarkets and such-like? How can it be stopped? Restraint of trade? I believe staffers are not allowed?

    I imagine there are very different financial arrangements, and tax advantages/disadvantages, for two ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ journalists sitting side by side? One could be a staffer and the other technically self-employed. But how about middle and senior management within the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ? Things get greyer there - especially if you end up commissioning your partner, Aunt Sally or some other relative's production company to make programmes? Does this go on - surely not!?

    If you are a self-employed ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ contractor, as many presenters and journalists now are, and you go off and do some after-dinner speaking or you get paid to write the odd article for a magazine or newspaper then you technically have more than one customer so it is not a tax dodge.

    But there is a debateable greyness in that you are on a long-term, often rolling, contract at the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ which is no different to being employed on staff by the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ - except that you have tax distinct advantages. Then there is the issue that if you were not on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ presenting, for example, the news then would anyone pay you handsomely to open a supermarket, speak after-dinner or have 'fashion photos' in a tabloid? I suspect not.

    I know numerous presenters at the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ and other Broadcasters who make a very lucrative living from after-dinner speaking, presenting awards in dinner do's for the private sector and so on. Some of them make much more money from this than they do from being paid by the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ - and that is saying something.

    Then there is the issue of getting commissions for your own production company because you are 'on the inside'? Or offering to present a documentary or Light Ent show that a friend's production company pitches to the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ. Do some of the 'names' only agree to work with certain production companies? Again, does this go on - surely not?

    The ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ News output is busy looking at the Public Sector now, at the Civil Service, the Councils and pointing out all the over-spending, the waste of money and questioning how such bodies spend our money. It is long over-due that state-funded Broadcasters looked at themselves but that would be opening a can of worms. It would take a brave journalist to do so IMPO.'


    The state hates IT/technologists/engineering specialists...I wonder why?

  • Comment number 51.


    I thought Newsnight was good tonight. I enjoyed the overall ambiance of the programme, with Paxo and Michael quite relaxed. As I have not read anything about the election of the new Labour leadery , apart from seeing the headlines on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ website and in a few newspapers, I learned tonight why it was Ed who'd won, how they may be planning to deal with the enormous deficit that the previous government has left the country in and a few other things, including DM actually leaving Westminster, something that quite many of his friends and colleagues advise him to do.

  • Comment number 52.

    Listening to delegates and MPs both in, and outside the conference centre (as shown on NN tonight), either they were playing it safe until the speech tomorrow, or they were lost for words. Without Clause IV to get us out of the mess they've landed us in, let's face it,. they haven't a future, even in opposition.

    The remark outside that the electorate has no appetite for what Labour did in 1945 (when the country was broke) was inevitable, given such statism was definitely anathema to New Labour, The City and its consumerist agenda, so I wasn't surprised to hear that, or the rest of the hot-air from the rest of them, especially Peter Hain, given that his anti-fascist stance has essentially always just been anti Fabianism.

    Paxman asked the right questions, it was clear that his audience had nothing to offer but vacuous pop psychology. That's de rigueur - it's a pity state building isn't eh? But that's what an obsession with equality brings you.

  • Comment number 53.


    Which war, singie? The chicken one?

  • Comment number 54.


    It may be a welcome change , singie, blasts of very loud, but very good music combined with strong movement as well.

  • Comment number 55.


    Thanks for your suggestion of a lullaby, Ecolizzy. Sounds good.

  • Comment number 56.

    I see, mr table, that you're not bothered any more by celebs /or your 'chosen' celebs, as the case might be/ and have now taken into attacking audiences. Who should watch out next, mr table?

  • Comment number 57.


    Perhaps they are up to something most unsavoury, making the state feel sick at the thought of that 'something'.

  • Comment number 58.

    Found this morning on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ News website. I don't know about anybody else, but I really like the picture:


    One of the defences mentioned refers to the conduct of doctors in 'private life' but there are lots of complaints, I'm quite sure, about medical misconduct as well.


  • Comment number 59.

    #58 addendum

    One wonders whether some of the 'The state hates IT/technologists/engineering specialists...' have not been in cahoots with representatives of the medical profession? That would make it doubly unsavoury, I should imagine.


  • Comment number 60.

    It looks like search of truth can be at the heart of the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ management and programme makers:



  • Comment number 61.

    Prevention of perdition

    In a viable democracy reasonable opposition
    Is vital to healthy fruition
    Of each nation embarking on such a course of the political system.
    May I, therefore, wish the new Labour leader
    To steer his party in this kind of vein
    So that the UK will once more be strong and just therein.


  • Comment number 62.

    37 - Kim Warren - good on you ! You begin to see the sickness of our society !

    If you look up 'fractional reserve banking; on youtube you will find a very sick answer to what you allude about.

    You see money is created AS and FROM debt by banks ALONE .

    The reply by billionaires who own gold to fractional reserve gold banking of the LBMA (a group of banks who trade in the metals market ) can be found on the link on my #38 link.

    If you clink on my name and look back you will find a link to Douglas Carswell MP who is seeking to introduce a bill to change FRB . I suggest you look at it and and show your friends and colleagues.

  • Comment number 63.

    You see kim you begin to see just how invidious it all is when you read this :-

    They are trying to force people to spend and get into debt to make more money for the banks and govt SOCIALISING the horrific loss's of the banks due to derivatives on the housing market. Again click on my name and you will find links to videos explaining the derivatives - credit default swaps and collateralised debt obligations as well as fractional reserve banking . Don't worry if all that makes you want to reach for the zapper and some escapest TV its easy to follow . All should watch those videos and then you will see the reality of meaning in the telegraph: "stop moaning and start spending" Its about firing up bank usery.

    "Mr Bean said he "fully sympathised". But he continued: "Savers shouldn't necessarily expect to be able to live just off their income in times when interest rates are low. It may make sense for them to eat into their capital a bit."

    He added: "Very often older households have actually benefited from the fact that they've seen capital gains on their houses."

    There they even allude that they are eying the houses of the elderly. "fully sympathised" - Vile isn't it . People have to be prepared to make the effort to learn that nature of the crime that has been committed against them. The ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ and Newsnight are not going to do it. The editors and presenters make a mint by Govt force of your payment. A mint next to morals and morals get bleached out - laundered to icy white.

    Not only should people continue to moan, they should remove their money as much as possible from banks. This would force the kind of radical change that's necessary.

  • Comment number 64.

    Who in their right mind would want credit from a bank :-


    I was brought up by a very simple rule: if you dont have it, dont go into debt to get it. This I have stuck by my entire life and have sadly watched friends get ruined by "credit" and "loans" .

  • Comment number 65.

    The Flash Crash :-

    "As Nanex, demonstrates, the key catalysts commence at 14:42:43.600 with a bout of quote saturation, move on promptly to heavy selling"

    The important words there - "quote saturation" (done by high frequency trading computers) which "move on promptly to heavy selling"

  • Comment number 66.

    Re: It takes an honest man to admit to his limitations

    Mr Donald Tusk, the Polish Prime Minister, made a statement this morning in a radio interview that he does not consider himself a genius and his main priorities have been and are the security of Poland and safety of the Polish citizens.

    Personally, I consider him a great politician and understand that there are quite a few European politicians thinking exactly the same. Although I have not such comments coming from across the Atlantic, I should imagine that he is very much respected over there as well. And probably in Russia too.


  • Comment number 67.

    "Total and absolute farce. In China someone would have taken a bullet for this."

    For those who dont know HFT = high frequency trading (done by computers controlled by humans)

  • Comment number 68.

    β€œI will begin the process of redefining public service broadcasting for the digital age by asking Ofcom to look at how we can ensure that enough emphasis is given to the delivery of local content,” he will say.

    "local content" = lift and shift from what is really needed: serious questions and investigations about the truth of government and how the decisions of those in power directly affect the general public's life.

  • Comment number 69.

    A CNBC replay of the Flash Crash note they visually relate it to Athens :-

    "Just because it was less than half a year ago, and just because it is certain to occur again, and just because so many have already forgotten what that "end of the world" feeling was like and are back to collecting pennies in front of an out of control rollercoaster, here is, once again, the historic CNBC footage from May 6, in the minutes leading to the 1,000 point drop on the Dow Jones, when the Fed lost all control. Hopefully this will remind all those who are supposed to fix the market, yet continue to merely enforce the interests of those who brought the market to this pathetic state, just how many tens of trillions of dollars are at stake."

    Tyler Durden

  • Comment number 70.

    62. At 05:45am on 28 Sep 2010, flicks2 wrote:

    "You see money is created AS and FROM debt by banks ALONE"

    But is it? Might you only see what some what you to see?

    Work with me on this, and by all means fault the logic and point at the end.

    If you are paid Β£2500 a month but only spend Β£1500 of it, and the bank lends out (most of) your Β£1000 at 10%, it has an asset (of nearly Β£100
    interest) on its books as well as a liability (the Β£1000 that it owes you). It can sell/trade that (almost Β£100) debt with customers. That's capitalism - i.e. making money work and grow. If you take now for something you want immediately, you have to pay a premium for it. Those who delay also get a premium if someone else uses their assets. This is a system which casts a veil over impulsivity as infantile behaviour (retarded cognitive development?).

    When people say that they want an end to all this, I read them as effectively saying that they want an end to capitalism, but, what is the alternative? Is equality biologically possible? The alternative would surely mean total regulation (policing) of the money supply by the state would it not?.See GOSBANK and the Planned Economy of the former USSR or PRC today. See the site Commanding Heights for a fairish history. It would also require that all people were made the same 'height' etc would it not?

    Are you absolutely sure you fully appreciate what you're arguing for by taking such a stand against FRB?

    There's no such thing as being a little bit pregnant you know.

  • Comment number 71.

    fairness fairness fairness is the mantra. Fairness is an antonym for excellence. why do the guardian class think taking anti excellence is a good starting point for society?

    once you realise the true nature of 'fairness' one realises why so many things related to govt are not excellenct and never will be .

    hazel wanted 'a northerner'. hahaha.

  • Comment number 72.

    I thought Jeremy was flirting with the lady from the Guardian...wasn't she classy? Then he shut her up whilst she was in mid-flow with the brusque words...'You have had a good go' so it was all in my head, as usual. Mrs Paxo can sleep safe. Why was he hard on Mrs Guardian person and liberal with Frazer who is Pol Pot on a good day, no wonder the audience hiss when he appears, is Frazer Nelson appearing in Panto as one of the Uglies. He only has one mantra, ''Union bosses own Ed, or 'Ed is in the pocket of Barons' they will write his speech for him etc., etc., it is all so tired Daily Mail, Sun, Express page one...please believe it because it is on our front page so it must be true. Not a word about who funds the Tory party and why Panorama was pulled because the subject had enough dosh to influence what went in ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ 1 last night and what didn't. As a license payer and supporter of the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ i do hope the corporation pursues this matter as it is important that press freedom in all it's forms is expressed. It is not the plaything of millionaires as to what is transmitted and what isn't. Frazer wouldn't agree...good, then I know I am right..

  • Comment number 73.

    'David Miliband today issued a rallying call to the Labour conference, saying the party now had a "great leader"

    Interesting word choice, all things considered.

    Now, remind me, who was lurking around when all the science got settled in favour of these oddly high capacity, low delivery windmills?

    Ethical Man might recall. It's a bloke who apparently now is a blank canvas according to Aunty, despite having been around a fair bit as I recall.


    Maybe it was another fellow.

  • Comment number 74.


    Reminds me of the time when they introduced musical headers and breaks in the Today programme back in the 1980s for an experimental period. Brian Redhead and John Timpson suddenly became radio news DJs! Fortunately that awful format was dropped. I don't know if there are any recordings in the archives, but in retrospect it would probably make quite amusing listening.



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