ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 20 September 2010

Sarah McDermott | 11:30 UK time, Monday, 20 September 2010

Here's news of what's coming up in tonight's programme...

Kirsty Wark writes:
Liverpool is looking lovely. Tate Liverpool is across the dock - but the journalists of every species awaiting the deputy prime minister's big speech this afternoon here at the Liberal Democrat conference have been parked in a cavernous compound in the Echo Arena - consigned to the gloom and lit dimly only by their computer screens.

The Liberal Democrats on the other hand are all bright and expectant.

So what will Nick Clegg have in store in an address in which he's to argue it is better to be in half-power after more than half a century, than shouting from a distance? As if to emphasise his point, Nick Clegg will be dashing off tomorrow morning to attend the UN.

Tonight we'll have rapid and in depth reaction to the speech, and will be asking the Business Secretary Vince Cable about current policy issues and about the long range. If Nick Clegg, as expected, rules out an electoral pact - assuming the coalition lasts the five years - what will they be fighting over on the first morning of the election campaign?

From the web team in London:

Also in Liverpool tonight - and surely not to be missed - our Political editor Michael Crick will be unveiling Newsnight's 2010 party conference game (remember from last year? And from 2008?).

Later, our Diplomatic editor Mark Urban will be talking us through the handover of security in the Sangin district of Helmand from British to US forces, marking the end of their four-year mission in the area.

Is it a tactical withdrawal? Jeremy Paxman will be joined by representatives from the military and academia to debate if we're being bailed out by the US military.

And our Science editor Susan Watts will be considering how much we really need to worry about Nasa's solar flare warning and the possibility of all the lights going out.

Susan's been to visit a mobile satellite company and will be speaking to the European Space Agency.

Join us at 10.30pm on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    "And our Science editor Susan Watts will be considering how much we really need to worry about Nasa's 2013 solar flare warning."

    This makes a nice change from the science editor, its usually Nobel peace prize sinner Al Gore's discredited nonsense. Solar flares is something I can really get my teeth into. Lets just hope susan watts doesn't turn it into something Al Gore can create a new tax out of.

    The Libs are in Liverpool. Is anybody really interested? I can think of bigger stories Newsnight could do..ooh If i was producer of Newsnight, even if only for one week, I'd shake up the nation with the stories I'd get covered. But for starters I'd rearrange the line up. Steve Smith would be Political editor, Crick would be Scottish fishing rights reporter (the outer Hebrides), nice place, dont knock it. Paul Mason would be arts and Music - because he's from Manchester. Jeremy would get a pay cut and the savings would be given to The Warkster..because women can make you do stupid things. And then I'd go and find some juicy stories..how hard can it be!
    I'm available all week, give us a call.
    (can you imagine if they really did give me a call, there would be some surprised faces if I did turn up)

  • Comment number 2.

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  • Comment number 3.

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  • Comment number 4.


    By contrast to you, kev, i'm looking forward to tonight's programme.

  • Comment number 5.

    I hope Jeremy is in Liverpool, it's a nice place and the weather is beautiful and there is a row going on between the LibDems and themselves if Victoria Derbyshire's programme is anything to go by this morning...there is real venom out there. A year ago it would have been autumn flower arrangements in the foyer, a few leaflet bods in the entrance hall, various stalls on the importance of solar heating and a few Jo Grimmond biogs but now in the heady heat of government responsibility we have the LibDems tearing chunks out of each other and embarrassing their leadership with a big fat no to their 'free schools' mantra (all of which they will ignore)and this being Liverpool a strain of the Beatles 'we can work it out' will not suffice.....

  • Comment number 6.

    @ Kevseywevsey #1 - no way should Jeremy be subjected to a pay cut (or any other ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ employee for that matter!)
    If there *HAD* to be a reshuffle, then I'd put Michael Crick in charge of all sports (he's written bestsellers on Manchester Utd!) not stick him out in the Outer Hebrides :p
    The rest are more than fine as they are :o)

  • Comment number 7.


    'Cooking with gas' is no longer a term of approval - our electricals are all going to fry. Time to teach every kid semaphore.

    Don't wait for Susan

  • Comment number 8.


    Nick fixed it for Nick. He feels successful.

  • Comment number 9.


    It looks like somebody's frying already, singie. Well, getting burned, in fact. On all sides.


  • Comment number 10.


    Kev's burning with jealousy, Mistress76uk, until he's well charcoaled.


  • Comment number 11.


    What - even those jokers who gave Pope Joe a Scarlet forehead on the video wall! I'd give 'em a rise, with a well placed boot.

  • Comment number 12.



    You've given me an idea about a semaphore gallore
    Which I might rhyme about well before
    Tonight's programme with Paxo, Nick, Crickey and Sue,
    Adding a line, possibly, about a flute.

  • Comment number 13.

    #12 addendum

    Sincere apologies for not mentioning Kirsty. You know who I am now Mrs , I should imagine.
    Until later,Team. I will try my best to stay awake till 10.30 pm.


  • Comment number 14.

    how many on NN earn more than the PM?

  • Comment number 15.

    ..INSPIRE magazine, an English-language journal published by Al Qaeda, included in its summer edition what amounted to a Friends and Foes list. ...

    its a bit of a search to find the magazine as its on islamcist websites.

    the general drift is there is no compromise with the west and that they are winning this global war.

    perhaps the interesting question is why they need an english version?

  • Comment number 16.


    'how many on NN earn more than the PM'?'
    Why do you make off it a concern?
    The PM knew exactly how much he would earn
    Before 'sending' the voters to urns.

  • Comment number 17.


    Well - Nick'll fix it all, he says. This time next Parliament we'll be millionaires. He is so confident of success, he did not even mention standing down if he fails to deliver. What a guy. Dave must be really worried Nick will steal his crown.

    I think he indicated that he will dismantle the Labour Asylum and build a Folly with recycled materials AND THE LUNATICS STILL INSIDE! In consequence, Britain will be strong, fair, free and full of hope. Now that IS a relief; I thought we were headed for dumb, screwed, stitched-up AND FULL OF FOREIGNERS.

    One small matter - those last two words. Were you hearing what I was hearing? Clegg ended with "for good" but in that moment, conviction left his voice. Shades of the Quiet Man when he could not help but turn DOWN 'the volume' to reveal his true self.

    Is there a Dr Freud in the house?

  • Comment number 18.

    "15. At 6:08pm on 20 Sep 2010, jauntycyclist wrote:

    "the general drift is there is no compromise with the west and that they are winning this global war.

    perhaps the interesting question is why they need an english version?"

    Why is that at all interesting? They probably suspect that you (and others like you) not to mention many Muslims living in Liberal-Democracies, don't read Arabic.As the fastest growing group on the planet and given we are declining in numbers, it's not surprising that they're going to win in the end, is it? Maybe we should be listening to what hey are so angry about, as they sound rather like The Pope on that score (and there are 1 billion Catholics along with 1.4 billion Muslims). Have you done the numbers?

    17. At 6:41pm on 20 Sep 2010, barriesingleton wrote:

    "I think he indicated that he will dismantle the Labour Asylum and build a Folly with recycled materials AND THE LUNATICS STILL INSIDE! In consequence, Britain will be strong, fair, free and full of hope. Now that IS a relief; I thought we were headed for dumb, screwed, stitched-up AND FULL OF FOREIGNERS. "

    What's wrong with you? Don't you like freedom for foreigners? They're great, and they're also very good for the economy:

    Maybe you should go and live in China or Cuba or somewhere less free as your sort are no good for Party pooper.

  • Comment number 19.


    dr void rather, wingie singie, and he's failed millions of times

  • Comment number 20.


    i thought it might be witty
    to answer with a ditty
    isn't it such a pity
    the logic of metre means its impossible to fit in a coherent statement about issues in the news that has meaning which is what makes then all so ....y

    Mim might be dressed
    or like Lady Godiva
    it makes no difference
    when you're a back seat driver.

    i know you say you do not bother with mere details like the current news stories but one of today's news stories is about how many public servants earn more than the PM. The ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ was included in that survey. I apologise for bring tedious and distracting news stories on to the mimpromptunight board. :)

  • Comment number 21.

    According to this site, which I googled for, so can't say I know of them... there are still more christians than any other religion in the world....

  • Comment number 22.


    its of interest because its probably a strategic mistake.

    making their ideas easily available in english makes people who normally would not know anything what they stand for realise the ranting nature of their rhetoric. It will open them up to parody. Lefty Comedians will read it out on stage. It will make people familiar with their twisting of words and develop counter strategies. Their english is unlikely to be fluent so open to the 'lost in translation' problem.

    how effecive was Lord Haw Haw? or Radio Moscow? We all made jokes about it. it becomes entertainment. Laughing at your enemies is vital in a war which is why the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ had a whole team doing it in WW2.

    it also implies a certain desperation that they cannot reach their target audience through their normal languages.

    Before they forced us on to arabic etc ie their battlegrounds. English is our battleground. At least here they are unlikely to be victorious.

    I remember on the Great Debate Board we had a few islamacists after 911. People got very skilled at debating with them and unfolding their logic knots . Then they vanished off that board probably frightened due to the state security clampdown. I didn't see any islamcist debating with 'the west' on the various news boards i followed after that. They didn't need to. They had their own password protected boards.

    In the same way the israeli internet warfare team that entered the english language area was exposed and defeated on C4 boards and elsewhere so the jihadis will be. Its not their battleground. Its ours. We have the upper hand.

  • Comment number 23.


    I don't drive, I cycle,
    When I'm in charge of the one-liner, 'punter',
    Though when on blades I 'draw' all kinds of patterns,
    Waving my arms towards the 'lanterns',
    Which brings me to the semaphore gallore
    I said I might rhyme about well before
    Tonight's Newsnight. But what is it 4?
    Well, I could match it with words like 'adore',
    As well as with the opposite to it 'abhore'.
    And may I point out to you 'jaunty' I have no ambition of being a leader
    And have never developed about it a fever.

  • Comment number 24.


    Religious tolerance, Ecolizzy? Tolerating the abusers?

    I'm not having a go at yourself, though. I don't know you as we've never met, I don't think, unless our paths have crossed by chance in a street or some other public space.

  • Comment number 25.

    You, singie, and Jj will be arrested, SHORTLY!!

  • Comment number 26.

    CAP THIS !

    β€œTonight... we'll be asking the Business Secretary Vince Cable about current policy issues and about the long range.”

    Ask him if he supports this means of satisfying major employers; it
    makes the discussion on an immigration cap rather academic

    And may end up with a similar reaction in UK?

    It’s difficult to put a cap on a gusher when the pressure builds up.

  • Comment number 27.

    During Newsnight I shall be taking deep streams of breath.

  • Comment number 28.

    Apologies to Mark Urban as well.

  • Comment number 29.

    There's another hit job on the MoD and BAE on Dispatches CH4. The chap pushing the Bill so the public can tick a box when depositing their money in banks (essentially so banks can charge for their services) featured along with other Conservatives (anarchists).. Britain's public sector, isn't it awful? Much better to let our military go out shopping like the SAS and just buy what they want form shops seems to be the message? Maybe a military ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔBase etc?

    "21. At 8:22pm on 20 Sep 2010, ecolizzy wrote:
    According to this site, which I googled for, so can't say I know of them... there are still more christians than any other religion in the world....

    The problem is, classes I guess (as usual). As we recently saw when The Pope was here, Catholics don't think others (e.g. Anglicans) are real Christians.

    Mind you, the same goes for Shiite Muslims, and Orthodox Jews with respect to their co-religionists and I guess many Catholics hold many of their own flock as not really Catholic!.People - we're very strange species if you stand back from it all.

    22. At 8:44pm on 20 Sep 2010, jauntycyclist wrote:

    "In the same way the israeli internet warfare team that entered the english language area was exposed and defeated on C4 boards and elsewhere"

    What about the American internet warfare team and their allies?

    Are you sure you've fully thought this through? (I wish you were right, but fear you're not).

    22. At 8:44pm on 20 Sep 2010, jauntycyclist

    Like it or not, Rawls (and others after him) had a practical effect on Liberal-Democratic legislation and policies over the past forty years or so. If one listens to this potted summary on liberal ethics one might pause for thought over which group might be favoured if (when one gets to the second principle) advantage is ever conferred upon a minority group (with the veil intact). It certainly isn't Muslims.

    Not long ago I reported that Dreben had watched what Rawls had done very closely, somewhat arrogantly referring to Rawls as his tutee (according to Rawls himself).

    You'll need to dig deep to see what this is all about.

  • Comment number 30.

    Excellent debate on the British troop withdrawal from Sangin by Jeremy with Mark Urban (love those graphics!) and the former SAS Commander & Professor too.

    Hillarious Michael with his latest "Confessions Darling" game....Poor old Ed Balls at the bottom of the table :p

    As summed up by one of Kirsty's interviewees - nothing the Lib Dems say in the conference will have any impact on current policies. Oh dear....

  • Comment number 31.


    Hi Lizzy. I reckon the question worth 'asking' (pondering) is 'How was this or that belief implanted'? Did it spread because the adherents were SEEN to live a good, benign, prosperous, sustainable life? Or did it spread because the proponents had (literally) the whip-hand, gunboats and an oppressive, violent turn of mind?

    Once a belief system is installed for a few generations, it will not normally disapear without 'pressure' to change, or a long passage of time without existential threat.

    I reckon 32% (made up of VERY DIFFERENT Christianities) is not a mandate for the Roman speciality to take on airs of superiority. As I posted recently, HUMILITY was Jesus' thing. Anyway: we Daoists (Taoists) hold the view that certainty is proof of error. The tenet works like the 'governor' such that moderation is maintained. We could do with more Daoists in 'science'. (:o)

  • Comment number 32.

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  • Comment number 33.


    No sooner had Our Nick re-asserted the 'illegal war' (up with which he never did put) from the platform, than Dave (that is: 'I voted for Iraq War and still believe in it' Dave) was heard wrapping himself in the heroic British triumph that is victory, death (maiming) and glory, in a little bit of Afghanistan.

    There is no limit to the mental adjustment of the ambitious politician.
    They no longer sell their granny - the return on effort is not sufficient reward. Now they sell souls of others, in batched lots, like AAA stamped dodgy financial instruments. They are unspeakably lacking in integrity.

    Look what it has done to Blair. We have got another two.

  • Comment number 34.

    By the way, I did have my steak made of cow's meat
    With horseradish, black pepper and coconut and coriander sauce.
    Most tender it was, cooked quickly as rare,
    Blue they would say across the Channel the French.
    Why would they call it blue while it is all red?
    I suppose because live languages idiosyncratically 'behave'.


    I joke in my ditties and with words I do play
    But there isn't a day that I don't think of the soldiers that die,
    Nor of Diana, whatever her faults, chased like a kite.

  • Comment number 35.


    In the age of Fairness and Tranparency, why are we not told BEFORE a speech, who really wrote it, and if is it being read?

    Or perhaps we have been duped?

  • Comment number 36.

    Is it just me, or is there a collective groan as the party conference season arrives. These events are geared to rouse the party faithful. For anyone not of the orthodox political faith it's about as engaging as watching the video of a gas hob. Except, that does have the capability of genuine fire. Sorry Kirsty.

    Why does the media give these events wall-to-(yawn)-wall coverage. Promises, promises, promises all to be broken at a later date if necessary, with a jolly good excuse. And then the 'in-depth' reporters' interviews giving us a clear insight to waffle policies and the heartfelt desire to change the country for the good of all, waffle, waffle, waffle.

    Now if the independent channels want to waste their money on this navel gazing coverage fine, because it's coming out of their own pockets. But ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ please stop wasting licence payers money - cut to the quick, which shouldn't take long, and concentrate on more vital, even worthy events in the country - it's a big world out there.

  • Comment number 37.


    You may have been

  • Comment number 38.


    What do you mean, Mistress76 uk when you say you 'love' those graphics'? Were they pretty or what? Did you think about what the represent? Comparison between the numbers of killed soldiers. Do you 'love' that?

  • Comment number 39.

    @ Mim #38 - your failure to grasp the basics of the English language never cease to amaze me.....

  • Comment number 40.

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  • Comment number 41.

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  • Comment number 42.

    "35. At 00:32am on 21 Sep 2010, barriesingleton wrote:

    In the age of Fairness and Tranparency, why are we not told BEFORE a speech, who really wrote it, and if is it being read?

    Or perhaps we have been duped?"

    Have you read LIGHTS, CAMERA, DEMOCRACY?

    A few decades ago it was much clearer that only a minority of people paid any attention to liberal-democratic politics, it just didn't seem to impact in any significant way upon most peoples' real lives. It was the same with the entertainment industry, it was a business that no reputable person would ever go into.

    Not much has changed, they've just had big makeovers and the integrity and security of real jobs have been undermined at the same time. As you keep saying, it's all going terribly well.

    The media still doesn't cover our real problems adequately, as that would be as bad for the illusion/makeover as constantly pointing out that everyone in action movies was just acting and it essentially just 'effects'.

    Mistress76uk seems to enjoy the show, as does Mimpromptu. It's a woman's world these days.

    "39. At 06:41am on 21 Sep 2010, Mistress76uk wrote:
    @ Mim #38 - your failure to grasp the basics of the English language never cease to amaze me....."

    It goes deeper/further than that.

  • Comment number 43.


    deeper, you say, table? you seem to me like a shallow sort of chap

    do you 'imagine' yourself to be some sort of king 'hoping' to rule the world with singie as a page boy?

  • Comment number 44.

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  • Comment number 45.

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  • Comment number 46.

    And our Science editor Susan Watts will be considering how much we really need to worry about Nasa's solar flare warning and the possibility of all the lights going out.

    Enough to seduce me, next, to iPlayer, with luck, to be informed. Factually, and without hyperbole or further instruction on how to think.

    That way the degree of 'worry' is for me to assess. Guessing heading for the hills, again, is not the best option this scare round.

    '5. At 2:13pm on 20 Sep 2010, stevie wrote:
    ... if Victoria Derbyshire's programme is anything to go by this morning...there is real venom out there.

    Speaking of how things can get framed, there is a fair bit to ponder in that. Just ask Ms. Boaden. If she is anyone to go by, either.

  • Comment number 47.

    When 64 million (I now reckon our population is at least 67 mil) of the british population is not muslim or jewish, why is halal meat for sale everywhere? Often secrectly.

  • Comment number 48.

    OK, some cons & pros as to whether smearing factor 30 over the iPod is a) necessary and b) going to work.

    Did feel the old eyebrow cranking a bit at first with the 11-yr cycle solar maximum being cited, as that means I am more than halfway to exhausting my feline allotment of lives.

    150 years and due gets more interesting. Though again had to restrain a Commissioner Dreyfus twitch at blokes saying 'could' a lot, especially basking in all that 'raising awareness' can bring.

    But a degree of preparedness, contingency planning and sensible mitigation does seem wise, and from the satellite guy's reassurances.. in place.

    I am sure they were not unaware that anything that get spin a compass might not help with SKY sports reception if repeated.

    Be it by nature or man who, often rather arrogantly, has seen fit to meddle:

    For all the negatives, at least there is data to play with.

  • Comment number 49.


    It's the secret bit that's most worrying, ecolizzy. Otherwise people can make a considered decision whether to buy Halal meat or not.


    P.S. I was wondering whether you'd stopped posting to Newsnight altogether or whether you were all alright as until yesterday you didn't write for quite a long time.

  • Comment number 50.

    Lib dems don't know what the big society means? Given politics in the best sense is philosophy in action that's a sad admission not to be able to identify the parentage of ideas?

    its Hayekism which includes the belief the state knows nothing and the market knows everything and is thus the best arranger of all affairs in the idea of spontaneous order. e.g Steve Smith, through his spontaneous order, knows more how to run a roundabout than the state does. If they admit they know nothing one wonders why public servants get paid more than the PM then?

    Hayekism is also behind that buzz word 'choice'. Hayekism is also behind the financial crash and provided the atmosphere for the 1980s nationwide riots. It does not take the good as the highest idea of the mind but substitutes it with words like money and choice. So there is not and can never be much good in it.

  • Comment number 51.

    Staring at the Sun

    No no no . Sunspots are caused by climate change which is caused by iran. It is due to this infallible logic that carbon trading that transfers wealth from the many to the few is the answer. get it right.

  • Comment number 52.

    "50. At 12:09pm on 21 Sep 2010, jauntycyclist

    Good post. Now all you just have to do is to critically look into whose interests this (and Rawlsian political liberalism) has served. It shows up in objective statistics so that shouldn't be too difficult (but it is). That, I suggest, is because it's been cloaked by a 'veil of ignorance'. This, I suggest, is the true source of our blight of Political Correctness.

  • Comment number 53.

    "44. At 09:10am on 21 Sep 2010, mimpromptu wrote:

    I've noticed that in several of your posts you threaten to report people to 'the authorities' or imply that some people are going to be physically harmed. These are usually people who have benevolently tried to socially correct you in your own best interests too. Why do some people resent education/therapy?

    Is there any time in history that you can think of where this may, en masse, have led to grave injustices?

    If one's community can not correct errant behaviour, what is likely to happen in the end do you think?

    If you watch The X-Factor, how is it that some people, who clearly do not have the ability to sing, nevertheless audition to be pop stars? Is it a) because they just want 5 minutes on a stage or on TV, regardless of how bad they are, or b) is it that they truly lack awareness of their own abilities through paying too much attention to their own thoughts and not enough to other people's?

  • Comment number 54.

    having worked and lived in America and had to watch their 'dire' television I will not heard a word said aboutNN or the salary levels of their presenters, they can pay Jeremy a million plus and Mark Urban the same as long as they keep up the professional level of their output. Critics should be strapped to a chair and be forced to watch the trash out put of most other countries. We are so lucky here...we don't know we are born...



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