ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 2 August 2010

Sarah McDermott | 10:24 UK time, Monday, 2 August 2010

This is the week for banking results - and the profits are likely to be sky high. Today HSBC was first to announce half year profits, and they reached $11.1 billion, more than double last years figure and $2 billion ahead of forecast.

Lloyds results are Wednesday, Barclays on Thursday, and "the people's" bank, RBS, on Friday. All are expected to show signs of recovery. George Osborne says banks should lend more to small and medium sized business, but will they? And what can or should be done to make them?

Paul Mason is out filming with a small business at the moment, and we'll debate the issues.

There are apparently 500,000 Blackberry subscribers in the United Arab Emirates, and they are about to be bereft. The UEA contends some of the device's features operate outside the country's laws, causing judicial, social and national security concerns, (and if you have a Blackberry and you are planning to travel to the United Arab Emirates, beware, it looks as if the ban on Blackberry e mail, messaging and web-browsing will extend to visitors).

Tonight we explore the real reasons for the crackdown, and find out whether its relatively secure communication channels act as a way to avoid government attention.

Also tonight we have the second of our films interrogating the 'big society'. Nick Hurd MP, son of Douglas Hurd and a fourth generation conservative, is the minister responsible for Civil Society and comes to give Steve Smith a lesson on the big society.

Join me at 10.30pm on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two.


From earlier:

The UK's biggest bank HSBC has reported pre-tax profits of $11.1bn (Β£7bn) for the first six months of 2010 - more than double its profits for the same time last year.

In the UK, profits totalled $2.1bn - a rise of 26%.

The UK's other major banks Lloyds, Barclays and RBS are due to report their results later this week.

But the Chancellor George Osborne yesterday added to calls for banks to lend more to businesses in order to sustain the economic recovery.

Our Economics editor Paul Mason will be considering why the banks are still not lending.

Struck by the government's idea of a 'big society', Stephen Smith has become a volunteer in Hastings and we'll be returning to the Sussex coast this evening to see how he is getting on.

And we'll be doing something based on the news that two Gulf states are to ban some Blackberry functions.

The United Arab Emirates is to block sending e-mails, accessing the internet, and delivering instant messages to other Blackberry handsets.

While Saudi Arabia is to prevent the use of the Blackberry-to-Blackberry instant messaging service.

Both nations are unhappy that they are unable to monitor such communications via the handsets.


  • Comment number 1.

    Re: Blackberry in Saudi Arabia

    Statism, eh??

  • Comment number 2.

    want the banks to be strong, macho, no messing about and hope RBS give the two Yanks their marching orders and let Liverpool football club have it's dignity back and hopefully a nice Chines gentleman buys the club at the weekend...now that would be nice...

  • Comment number 3.

    OK on banks I can see how we need them to start lending to make jobs and keep small and medium sized companies creating jobs and wealth.

    They weren't lending because of liquidity fears.

    But those fears should have disappeared I would hope and these types of loans would not be the kind of dosh needed f there was a major sovereign debt crisis.

    Therefore I hope it comes out why the banks themselves say they are not lending.

    If the economy goes down it makes little odds whether the banks had paid a really nice dividend just beforehand.

    They well know that we need that lending and that it was our public money that was used to keep them afloat so they would not be being sentimental.

  • Comment number 4.

    On the big society I wonder if this is not something where it could be stimulated more by recognising those that already contribute to encourage them and those teetering on the edge of magnanimous commitment.

    I am not sure I would handle the responsibility for a round about and I am not sure about accountability if it all went wrong.

    Steve Smith plants, as a wild suggestion, elephant grass on the roundabout and some think it unsights motorists and may be dangerous. If the council start using resources to consider the weighty matter does it end up costing them more and give us the same size society we had before? Perhaps in the long run minor issues are swept aside and the council benefits from greater feedback and more contribution.

  • Comment number 5.


    What, are you a 'nice ' Chinese'/cheese man after liver, stevie?

  • Comment number 6.

    Over the weekend I stepped cheerily on my path as somebody who welcomes an inclusive and multi-cultural society.

    But then I stopped and rather like the half empty half full glass issue considered what if kevseywevsey (who previously formally declared war on me) was right and the way to hell was paved with good intentions and a multi-cultural society would lead to a perfect storm of racial conflict?

    Was I 48 hours closer to hell!!!

    Kevseywevsey comes over as somebody who sometimes sits and thinks and sometimes just sits. Well quite often really.

    So rest assure the latter sub-Powell thought originates from the explicitly National Socialist Jaded_jean who also concluded that the Holocaust was made up. So that really adds weight to the view doesn't it.

    So going back to the glass I had to consider whether there was any merit in their ideas at all.

    In science no as all of the races are pretty much the same with common ancestors genetically, in history the Holocaust was NOT made up and Hitler could objectively be said to be one of the most evil men in history. Possibly sick but we will never know.

    National Socialism led to the murder of millions for no reason whatever as there was never any basis for their views in reality.

    Its unlikely I feel that kevseywevsey has any great spiritual knowledge or has been to heaven and hell to check out the room sizes and availability and so on.

    So whilst I was touched by his sensitive thoughts I considered what was the evidence for such a conflict?

    There are the handful of football hooligans who turn up at the EDL meets.
    But then they would probably turn up at any kind of meeting where there might be trouble. Most of their views are based on ignorance or racially motivated tribal instincts that bias their views. Their leaders hide from public scrutiny.

    Then I momentarily considered the European Athletics championships where we got a record haul and some wonderful champions that brought joy to the country. Many are of different ethnic backgrounds and all were enthusiastically cheered on from home.

    So did I see a perfect storm of racial conflict brewing?


    Did I see any evidence for the views of the dullard far right on any level?


    Do you know after a great deal of thought I continue on my way knowing that there are some who for various emotional reasons prefer to linger in the dark lacking the integrity to come out into the light.

    That's a shame but my path is set and so is that of our society.

  • Comment number 7.


    you sound so very loveable & delightful, blogger, 'good luck', if you see what mean.

    from the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ site in the White City.

  • Comment number 8.

    On the Cameron comments on the ISI on the one hand if they help tease out the deeper issues and miscommunication that may hinder our common interests that is good.

    The floods have brought discontent with the government and in all probability there are the black propagandists out there trying to exploit the issue for Talib purposes.

    So how stable is the situation internally?

    Are they in fact making progress in areas like Waziristan and are the North West Frontier police getting the extra resources (10,000 men I think) that they said they needed?

  • Comment number 9.

    In Afghanistan I am heartened to see us taking the war to the Talibs and trying to put them on the back foot in a more mobile and unpredictable way.

    Clearly Newsnight could not report on specific intelligence - even if they knew it - but I wonder whether they could comment on the interrogation of captured Talib leaders generally.

    I never get the warm feeling that we truly understand our enemy and that we are getting the right intelligence out of them? I assume that they do get to interrogate them.

    In my lay view it should also be possible to have a pretty good idea of how the munitions they use for IED's arrive in theatre and to intercept them.

    Are these notions too simplistic?

    Is the war far more complex and chaotic so that when we try to identify the head to cut off (metaphorically) we find there are many beasts to slay?

    Even if that were so I would hope that we would be able to identify the main enemies of peace.

  • Comment number 10.

    I am no fan of the banks and I agree with the ConDems that more competition would help the consumer and SMEs.

    What I do not agree about is that there is a vast untapped reservoir of potential growth and employment out there if only the banks would lend to small business. This is not the case - the UK already has a large SME sector - where we are woefully falling behind in the large business sector which is still expanding its outsourcing from overseas.

    The SME sector does not perform well in exporting - and it tends to suck in imports too. The root of the problem is that we have allowed a gerrimandered world trade market to decimate our manufacturing base - as so much of the venture capital industry went down the pan in the banking crisis, so if Boy George is serious about creating 2.7m private sector jobs in this parliament, Vince & the Boy need to stop whinning about bank lending to small businesses and start putting in place an industrial policy to encourage (and if necessary force) big businesses to source and manufacture in the UK - there's some country called India where Dave has been laying down the law recently - that's how they built up their manufacturing, I seem to remember... Dave is trying to persuade them to stop protecting their emerging market sectors - fat chance!

    But as the ConDems see themselves as more radical libertarians than Mrs Thatcher, this is rather like the Pope accepting Gallileo's analysis that the Earth goes round the sun, and not the otherway round.

    Take a quick canter through the parliamentary Conservative ranks - what proportion of them come from the financial services industry? Probably most of them. What we did at the last election was elect the Merchant Bankers Party to power whose personal interests are in maintaining the free trade regime that coins it in for venture capital and allows hedge funds to run rampant wherever they wish, so giving their junior cousins in retail banking a good tongue licking provides a smokescreen to hide behind.

  • Comment number 11.

    a contemplation

    I wonder if I should ditty in the White City?
    But then if I ditty it should be witty,
    Considering my verse might be read by great minds
    Of this land and perhaps further afield
    Raising a smile would be a feat
    If nothing else I should admit.


  • Comment number 12.

    ..β€˜There is in England a saying that an anti-Semite is someone who hates the Jews more than is necessary.'


    never heard that saying? has anyone else? the only reference i have found is to a Joseph EΓΆtvΓΆsz, a Hungarian nobleman in the 1920s on 'Judeophobia' examining 'chrisitan anti semitism'. seems lots of other blogs have picked that up.

    we do know israel view the con dem coaltion as a strategic threat as in

    ..Jerusalem is sunk in a Clegg-pression,” is the way it was put by Ha’aretz, which quotes one unnamed official as saying point blank: β€œClegg is bad news for Israel. His party is running on a human rights platform, and the atmosphere is hostile to Israel. We remind the Liberal Democrats of South Africa during apartheid. Even if Clegg decides not to take the foreign portfolio, the very fact that Liberal Democrats sit in the cabinet is likely to mean trouble for us.'....

    so we should expect more 'hasbara handbook' being thrown at the uk?

    what can one make of this outburst from the passport stealers?

  • Comment number 13.

    china unlikely to stop trading with iran?

    china's 'success' model is based on ignoring international law and human rights. For nationalists the only law is the nation. For them the nation is the highest law that trumps everything.

  • Comment number 14.

    It shouldn't be beyond the wit of Blackberry-owners visiting the UAE or Saudi Arabia to get another mobile before they go.

  • Comment number 15.

    no.6 GO1

    "So did I see a perfect storm of racial conflict brewing?"

    It's never been racial conflict which has been the problem. It's always been economic catastrophe brought about by irresponsible financial predators! Even in Germany in the 1920s/30s!

    You are (deliberately?) seriously missing the point and distracting people!"

  • Comment number 16.


    Magic Obama is at it again - orating at the top of his beanpole. But, I ask you, what sort of bloke prefaces his 'wisdom' with: "Make no mistake"?

    Make no mistake, a bloke who says 'make no mistake' has no awareness of what a crass precursor that is. It belongs with 'What I say to people is' and "Be in no doubt' and 'Mark my words'.

    No wonder he gets on well with Certainty Cameron (Definite Dave). This is not the utterance of contemplative, competent people; more the empty rhetoric of the wretched, self-obsessed leaders, that this world keeps ending up with.

    Oh - it's all going awfully well.

  • Comment number 17.

    AND THERE'S MORE (#12)

    'Passport stealers' doesn't do justice Jaunty. How about 'Roof-fiddling, passport-stealing, aggression monkeys?

  • Comment number 18.

    17 because it would be inaccurate?

    they interpret standing up for human rights for all as 'hate' of israel/jews etc. which is a strange position to take as it means to be pro israel you have to be anti human rights for all?

    quite funny melanie phillips slams the telegraph for its headline but not the daily mail [for which she works] which had the same theme?

    the real battle they have is over the soul of israel. those jews who want human rights for all regardless of race colour or creed and those who don't. the former have been attacked by the later on the streets of the uk.

  • Comment number 19.


    in the usa they love that sort of stuff. in the uk it would be a bit monty python.

  • Comment number 20.

    15. tabblenabble01 wrote:

    'It's never been racial conflict which has been the problem. It's always been economic catastrophe brought about by irresponsible financial predators! Even in Germany in the 1920s/30s!'


    I guess this supports your view?

    A timely recounting of the Weimar disaster that aided Hitler's rise to power

    Much of the anti-semitism of the post-Weimar era came into being due to the perception that Germany's jews were able to borrow money at very advantageous rates from their international brethren, money which non-jews did not have access to. This enabled them to purchase assets that had to be sold by non-jewish Germans in order to make ends meet i.e. to eat, at its most basic. The jews were therefore perceived to be taking advantage of Germany's misfortune, therefore unpatriotic, and this fuelled the hatred of jews that persisted throughout the period of the Third Reich. I note the author's re-use of the term "jew confetti".

  • Comment number 21.

    #13 jauntycyclist

    re your link...

    i'm afraid i've used up my 10 article, 30 day free trial...i'm not giving murdoch any of my money!

  • Comment number 22.

    #14 MaggieL

    It shouldn't be beyond the wit of Blackberry-owners visiting the UAE or Saudi Arabia to get another mobile before they go.


    Its easier than that...when UAE demanded that BB install s/w on their phones so that it would allow the state to record messages (approx 2 years ago)... BB simply privately gave advice to their users on how to delete the s/w from their phones. It's probably the comms that the 'passport stealers' used with deleted s/w advice taken!

  • Comment number 23.

    13 jauntycyclist wrote:

    china's 'success' model is based on ignoring international law and human rights. For nationalists the only law is the nation. For them the nation is the highest law that trumps everything.


    armchair philosopher extraordinaire [failed PPE?]...have you ever been to china?...have you ever been to asia?

    What are human rights.....a right to job perhaps?

    Your post did remind me of this clip from a chinese factory...'elf n safety'....you must be 'avin a giraffe!!!....it's for wimps.

    Here's the link to the video...

    arbeit macht frei!

  • Comment number 24.

    A striking work force here would have lost their benefits for such behaviour (or 'perks' as the meedja would spin it) [think BA].

    ...or worse still would simply be sacked!

  • Comment number 25.


    simply delete the ft cookie for more 'free access'


    the most significant is the exchange rate which they set rather than let the market set it. at their rate the yuan is weaker than the ukp. that is what has moved manufacturing from places like the uk to china.

    given they have a trillion surplus and we have a trillion deficit why is the ukp stronger and yuan weaker? their constant excuse is nationalism. you only have to tilt the table a little for all the water to end up on your side.

    the chinese model does not play within the same rules the uk does. so should the uk become like china or china like the uk?

  • Comment number 26.

    #25 BHD

    Cheers!...you didn't take the bait then!

  • Comment number 27.

    The HSBC 'profits' are because they are putting less aside for bad debts, i.e. an accounting trick / fraud-

    The banks lack of lending will force a) offshoring of business, thus destroying tax income for the government b) outsourcing to offshore companies c) an expansion in the black market.

    As for banning Blackberry, well a) there is no difference in banning and some random terrorist attack on the telecoms infrastructure that achieves the same ends b) who would want to do business in these countries if they want a licence to snoop on you and potentially front run any business deal c) what is the difference between what the Saudi government wants and what Osama wants in terms of destroying liberty d) what do you expect from the Saudi government that tortured British subjects into confessing to terrorist attacks that were the work of AQ?

  • Comment number 28.

    @the thinktank lady who was in the bb discussion: Did I hear some mumbling on "India did something similar or were considering something similar and these are not countries the west wants to emulate? " David Cameron when in India mentioned humility. You only need to look at the banks over here to understand that statement. The ones in India were untouched by the crisis. Maybe we should learn a thing or two and keep an open mind rather than continuing with the colonial mindset?

  • Comment number 29.

    #15 tabbenabo01

    "It's never been racial conflict which has been the problem."

    Actually when you have learned to read I was saying there was no perfect storm and I am therefore very happy in a multicultural society.

    "It's always been economic catastrophe brought about by irresponsible financial predators! Even in Germany in the 1920s/30s!"

    Yes but thing is that those who quote the views of the odious jaded_jean would therefore be the kind of people who would see the Jews in that period as "an internal economic and political threat".

    In actual fact there was no such threat.

    "You are (deliberately?) seriously missing the point and distracting people!""

    Oh dear, but actually I think I am pointing out utterly baseless and totally base views.

  • Comment number 30.

    #20 debtjuggler

    "This enabled them to purchase assets that had to be sold by non-jewish Germans in order to make ends meet i.e. to eat, at its most basic. The jews were therefore perceived to be taking advantage of Germany's misfortune, therefore unpatriotic, and this fuelled the hatred of jews that persisted throughout the period of the Third Reich."

    For a start there is the characterisation that all Jews were bankers and that all people should be judged on the actions of some of their race. Clearly flawed and clearly racial. If Fabulous Fab is the same race as me and makes a mint in a dubious manner then there is clearly still no relationship whatever with me.

    Next stop were rumours, without foundation of course, that Jewish grocers cheated their customers.

    Next stop an SS man is trying to explain how he came to shoot Jewish civilians in Russia and he has no explanation.

    National Socialism was evil in the past and the even sadder people who consider it as a viable philosophy today with the benefit of history are also utterly evil.

  • Comment number 31.

    On the Blackberry piece I was slightly bemused by West who stated how we had great oversight.

    I am not sure if all of the permissions were revoked but I think even such as the Milk Marketing Board could look at your emails and I would doubt that they get great oversight.

    Councils were allowed to spy on their constituents over schools and so therefore I should say I favoured the American guests views at this time.

  • Comment number 32.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 33.

    On the banks I think Gillian Tett had a good point about long term problems for the banks as if they won't act in the interests of society then society needs to replace them via a sub unit of the BoE or a community bank and so on.

    Then we need to take back what they owe and cap their size and reduce the risk and if they go bust in the future then we laugh and let them go bust.

    We also need to look at associated areas like Repo 105 and fraud laws to make sure any future "entrepreneurship" is appropriately punished.

  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.

    Liberal Democracies only promote the Liberal Arts

    Only scientist in Commons 'alarmed' at MPs' ignorance

    The only scientist in the House of Commons has called for all MPs to be required to take a crash course in basic scientific techniques.
    Julian Huppert, a research biochemist who became the Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge at the last election, said he was alarmed at the lack of scientific knowledge among colleagues.

    Proof....if ever proof was needed, that β€˜statist’ was right all along!

    I think it’s time to emigrate.

  • Comment number 36.

    In Search of True Love
    written at 1 am

    It’s well past midnight
    Though I’m feeling quite bright
    Having taken a flight to the pre-England days
    Looking through the cassettes I recorded in Warsaw.
    I have found one with β€˜Le Petit Prince’
    Journeying through all sorts of planets
    Hoping to find some kind of sense.
    On one there was a despot, on another a fool,
    And yet on another numbers serving for tool.
    What he realised, however, was that one single rose
    Among thousands was worth living for.

    Based partly on Amtoine St Exupery's own search

  • Comment number 37.

    And crime rates are supposed to be falling?!

  • Comment number 38.


    We ARE a punitive culture. We have punished Nature for sufficient generations now, that she has all-but withdrawn from daily life.

    We were termed the 'Human Zoo' decades ago. But we are the worst sort of zoo - the sort that drives the animals into weird behaviour and madness.

    This is compounded by 'Elevation of the Maddest'. (About as far as you can get from 'Survival of the Fittest'!)

    Vaclav Havel is in the news today. He was the wise man who coined: 'Living Within the Lie'.

    See you on the outside?

  • Comment number 39.

    originally the whole point of fractional reserve banking was to be used for risk capital [without collateral] not to enrich the banks [through demanding collateral]. the british empire was funded by such risk capital. the banks then changed to enlarge themselves not the nation. this current uk govt model fails uk society.

    there should be 1 bank that does fractional reserve lending [without collateral] in the uk that can take on the risk of those who create wealth. The current banks prefer no risk bonds and the carry trade with australia and canada. this they call 'risk' that they say demands 'big bonuses'.

    but uk politics institutionalises incompetence. there is no society building science. the only dogma is that the market is the best arranger. where is the evidence for this much quoted theory? the evidence is market fundamentalism leads to market crashes that the public pay for. market fundamentalism privatises the profit and socialises the loss. markets deliver profits not a unified society.

  • Comment number 40.


    The clock has struck the hour of noon
    Good afternoon!
    And may the hours that are to come
    Be pleasant and free of crappy scam.


  • Comment number 41.

    Repost reworded:

    #17 barriesingleton

    "'Passport stealers' doesn't do justice Jaunty. How about 'Roof-fiddling, passport-stealing, aggression monkeys? "

    Well when you have pals like jaded_jean, explicitly National Socialist and a Holocaust denier who thought Hitlers views had merit your views are no surprise.

  • Comment number 42.

    #35 debtjuggler

    "Proof....if ever proof was needed, that β€˜statist’ was right all along!

    I think it’s time to emigrate."

    I can only encourage you to go. Anywhere.

    But note that on proof and science your jaded_jean/statist fell at every post as, for instance, genetic science does not show any race-IQ correlation that cannot be explained by environmental factors.

    History does not show the Holocaust was "made up".

    The far right are characterised by deceit backed up with deceit.

  • Comment number 43.

    #39 jauntycyclist

    "but uk politics institutionalises incompetence."

    So as an alternative what some far right head banger like Nick Griffin who changes his mind at every other hour:

    He is a great success - who is quitting as he carries too much baggage.

    QT was an early Xmas gift - but it was the worst experience of his life.

    The EHRC requirement on non-racial membership was something they had been meaning to do for years - and they were a sniveling quango for making them do it.

    Incompetence is a an entry requirement for far right groups is it not?

  • Comment number 44.

    Calling banks institutions is dubious I would think. They have not really helped manufacturing (or brownfield in banking parlance) business, especially pre 2007. The only way banks were involved in these businesses was usaully making sure they became unviable (no investment helps) and failed, so the site became brownfield, ripe for house building (so many in the wrong area), retail, leisure, offices, service etc, the normall visonary stuff. You can go to so many sites on Google Earth and see where there was once a manufacturing facility, they have been replaced by things that have made banks a lot of money, to the cost of the Country and people. I just hope they cannot continue to force house prices up (they are one cause of house prices increase), and cost of living. You can find out about a lot these these ruined businesses, and realise much of it did not need to happen. Banks are businesses too, and they've played their part in manufacturing decline to a certain degree.

    Can a "Industrial Bank of Britain" be created, formed by Government and Industry that works separately from the other banking businesses, and similar to German lines. Because at the moment, I do not see anything different coming from our present banks, and the present system. Compared to other Countries, our banking business plan leaves British companies clearly at a disadvantage. I would not rely on the banks we have at the moment. They were more used to financing the outside world anyway, and maybe that's what they should still do. British firms need independence from the present banks. That will require help outside and self, vision, and a real change.

  • Comment number 45.


    "but uk politics institutionalises incompetence." Ain't that the truth Jaunty!

    To politics we are units of work/income/tax. In reality, we are units of human psychology. Set that up right, and all other parameters shift towards optimum.

    Unfortunately, Westminster is where the dysfunctional go to try to feel OK. Westminster is self-perpetuating. We are in serious ordure.

  • Comment number 46.

    #27 ecolizzy

    "And crime rates are supposed to be falling?!"

    When there are politicians like Nick Griffin with his conviction for inciting racial hatred in the fray its hardly surprising.

    I think the BNP has yet to comply with the law on racial equality as the EHRC require and tellingly they are not off to court to challenge the law as they can't without evidence as opposed to hot air.

  • Comment number 47.


    I've kind of hinted at it before but how about some of the bloggers are 'running' a spoof simply for the sake of twisted and perverse provocation 'passing on' messages that have nothing to do with real politics and their beliefs? It could be something to do with an obsession of 'winning' carnally and financially.


  • Comment number 48.

    With reference to the economic crisis why is the word capatilist used - Thatcher - or is it too dangerous it's use might upset the great unwashed.

    Secondly what is it about Charlie Wheelan he and his mate Buick have a great advertising chances for BGC. Charlie gets his predictions wrong - for example he said the the British car industry should be allowed to go to the wall - it did not who would take his advice- I am thinking of starting a fan club Charlie and Dave - they must some real contacts at the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ; I have complained about their continued presence but have been told they are well respected members of the City er well are there any such members respected by who ? Too much familiarity with them would the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ be as familiar with trade unnion leaders ?

  • Comment number 49.

    it's a sight not very pretty, when you drive past White City, and realise that all of our kitty is in the Beebs mitty, I don't have a grouse cos Broadcasting House spends it so well and we could be in hell if coalition forces agree......to back ITV...



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