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Prospects for Thursday, 4 September, 2008

Stuart Denman | 10:24 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008

The Republicans prepare for McCain's speech but how did Sarah Palin go down at the convention last night? With more on our coverage of that and the rest of the programme, here's today's output editor Dan Kelly:

Good morning.

We have an embarrassment of riches from the Republican Convention tonight - Palin's speech, a preview of McCain's address and an interview with Henry Kissinger.

We need to do more chasing on the Brown story following Clarke's intervention and Brown's speech tonight to the Scottish CBI.

Plans for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad come out this morning - a worthy legacy or "culture by committee"? What could we do on the findings by the Human Rights Commission on the lack of women in top jobs?

Ideas and guest suggestions please.

See you at 10.30.



  • Comment number 1.

    Oh no, not Henry Kissinger, isn't having to listen to him drawl on against the Geneva convention or something?

    Nice to see the cracks in the nuLabour project. Retired Rottweiler Clarke is missing savaging the press and Tories and has gone for the meatier target of Brown, funny how his comments meant to stop the failure of nuLabour at the next election may well be self-fulfilling.

    Instead of Sarah Palin, lets all talk about Michael Palin, much beloved ex python and traveller, much more interesting to have him on the show!

  • Comment number 2.

    "What could we do on the findings by the Human Rights Commission on the lack of women in top jobs?"

    Point out to them that , and that as one moves to the right of 120, the ratio increases exponentially (it's just a property of differences in means and the Gaussian distributions, more men in the tails, the female distribution has a lower mean and shorter range). But this got Helmuth Nyborg into trouble, as it did Larry Summers, so maybe not.

    PS. Women on average are also shorter on average than men (an estrogen thing), have smaller brains, and have less muscle mass (a low testosterone thing). This is all one of those evolutionary, naturally selected, sexual-dimorphism, pesky scientific things. No doubt the EU folk will find a way around all that though, robably by saying that intelligence isn't important for work in top jobs or something!

  • Comment number 3.

    Very interesting post Jadedjean. The link you provided makes for wonderful reading. I hope this finding is mentioned if they run with the story, after all, it is all about balanced reporting!

  • Comment number 4.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 5.

    so sport is not enough we have to have shakespeare, secret seven and winnie the pooh? a textbook example of decisions made by people who have lost focus of what sport they are playing.

    'As flies to wanton boys, are we to the Olympic; They kill us for their sport.

    'Misery acquaints an olympic with strange bedfellows.'

  • Comment number 6.

    opec to defend 100 dollar level for oil. That's nice of them. What's the point of a cartel if you can't use it to make you rich?

  • Comment number 7.


    Thanks for #2 JJ. I could weep for the sheer beauty of its simplicity and truth.

    It is said: "Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." Also: "Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise."

    The gods are clearly angry. Those who aspire to wisdom are going mad with frustration and the ignorant, by default, are inheriting the earth.

    Good 'ere innit!

  • Comment number 8.

    By 2012 Scotland may of course not be part of Britain (the referendum is due in 2010). I really don't think therefore that is right for a London-based committee to be sucking even more money from arts budgets for
    a 'Cultural Olympiad'. We can do our own 'creative programming' thank you very much ........ culture is of course a devolved
    area under The Scotland Act - as is sport.

    We don't want to play in a British football team either - no matter what Brown says!
    That would risk jeopardising our status as
    an independent member of FIFA!

    Why too has Jude Kelly been put in charge of this Cultural Olympiad? Has she not got
    quite enough on her plate already trying to
    bring some sort of order to dysfunctional British Council of which she is still a board

  • Comment number 9.


    But who wrote it? Ask not what Palin's delivery did for that speech, ask what that speech-writer has done for Palin's chances!
    How poignant that we speak of characters being 'written out' of history. If some hack speech writer, using ink compounded with snake oil, lifts Palin and, by association, puts McCain in the Whitehouse, McCain will truly have been written INTO history.
    What an AGE OF DECEIT we live in. I read the bloggers on this forum and learn much of their personality and foibles by their use of language and choice of words. I do not doubt they are assessing me in similar vein.
    Is ANYONE on here having their postings WRITTEN FOR THEM by some scheming, seconded advertising-copywriter? Or do we all stand or fall (or get Sin-Binned) as OURSELVES? Faith Hope and Charity left long ago. Now it seems, we must say goodbye to Virtue, Integrity and Honour - particularly in high places where it most matters.
    Although I started with Palin in the USA, it is no different here.
    Perhaps Michael Crick might shout: "Who wrote that then" (It might become a classic like: "Rubbish - get off.") every time a speech is delivered at the Conferences? Or better still - there is still time - Newsnight could do some digging, and ferret out the 'offering themselves for unworthy purposes - nine letters' novelist speechwriters - even interview them?

  • Comment number 10.


    Post #2. It is indeed a nice post. There's one problem with using this to explain why their aren't more women in top jobs.

    It's a statistic of the entire population. Companies do not hire statistics. They, assuming they haven'y got below average IQ themselves, hire individuals. As a statistic this means companies are going to hire more men in top positions, simply because they are more of them.

    I'd be interested in comparing the ratio of men to women at a given IQ and the ratio of such people in the hierachy of employment, which might give some scientific basis the the question "Are women discriminated against simply for being a women?"

  • Comment number 11.


    HovellingHermit (#3) "I hope this finding is mentioned".

    Hmmmm this finding has been with us for many years (along with the differences in IQ by ethnicty). Somehow it seems to get bunged down a 'memory-hole' and any cheeky ('nazi') upstarts who try to keep pointing this, out risk or even sacked. At times it appears to be against the law to tell the truth these days which kind of scuppers scientific education.

    Barrie (#7) Spot on as usual.

    To continue, not only is this the case (and note, most researchers on sex differences are female, as 80% of psychologists are), but if one looks at the UK SATs, GCE and HESA data each year (that's over 600,000 data points for SATs), there are clear sex differences in subject performance (SATs) and selection (GCEs/A levels, see numbers sitting not just % results, it's masked) with females (and feminised males) choosing more verbal subjects and avoiding the geeky stuff which is all about truth (and other boring, unimaginative, dull stuff like that).

    Explain this to these florid spin merchants (who are rapidly scuttling 'liberal-democracies' in more ways than one as pointed out elsewhere ad nauseam) and they can't believe it (or say that you're just trying to get at them, or depress them - seriously), perhaps because they haven't the abilities to grasp it? Though woe betide if you suggest THAT. That's 'patronising'.

    Government departments (e.g Probation Service) really have recruitment quotas proportional to local ethnicity base-rates. How can that work to IMPROVE service delivery if there are marked differences in mean ability across ethnic groups (which the SATs etc show there are) and London is progressively more BME?


  • Comment number 12.

    On the Searchlight magazine website you can read all kinds of things.

    "...we explain why the BNP are the same old nazis they always were. We broadcast a video, shot only four years ago, which shows leading BNP officials singing racist songs and giving a Nazi salute. We reveal the nazi and terrorist links of the BNP leadership and we explain, in the "Us and Them" section, just why the BNP does not stand in the great British tradition of tolerance, equality and compassion.

    In a new section, we also reveal the nazi links of BNP leader Nick Griffin.

    The BNP is dedicated to imposing apartheid-style rule in Britain. It wants to create a system that is based on the nonsense that white people are superior to all others. Black and Asian people would become second-class citizens under the law. ".

    I like Searchlight.

  • Comment number 13.

    Looking forward to the Kissinger interview, its not every day we see the devil himself. Who ever has the task of sitting in the same room as this creature must be armed with Holy water.."the power of Christ compells thee!"

    Women in top jobs:
    Jjean your not wrong but the egalitarinists will always brush aside scientific fact. We only have to look at the likes of Harriet Harmen or that other minister, the little red-head whos name escapes me to know that men are generally stronger interlectually. Even the Thatcher argument holds no water as she recieved all her radical ideas from the likes of Keith Joseph/ Enoch Powell and other great minds ( all men )- it was her personality that carried her through and not her interlect, but try saying that at a womens institute meeting!
    Women should stay at home and mind the children and the benefits would be that house prices would fall to a natural level as we would return to a single income house hold and not the double income that fuelled the house price boom. All to often, women once with child suddenly wants to work part-time and sometimes eventually quit work leaving us poor hard pressed men to foot the mortgage bill. You should have all stayed at home to begin with, whilst we got the bacon. And if your bored with crosswords and nappies, paper the parlor ceiling, make yourself useful...don't take that wrong ladies...am just sexist.

    Egalitarinists: is there/ their/ther're such a word that exist?? i bet you a pound it will be a women thats gonna tell me.

  • Comment number 14.


    "A deliberate erosion of psychotherapist posts and career opportunities within the NHS is resulting in a serious inequality of opportunity for psychotherapists and counsellors in the UK, particularly those working from humanistic, existential or alternative perspectives and approaches that are not amenable to the positivist reduction typical of β€˜evidence-based’ therapies."

    In other words, for which there's no empirical evidence of clinical efficacy.

    Society is full of this these days, and it got worse under New Labour. Presumably, because people are all 'equal', they're able to choose treatments which don't work if they want (even if someone ele is paying)? I've mentioned Aiming High, SureStart, SEAL, Brain-Gym and others before which are government sponsored.

    This issn't tht far removed from these daft cosmetic ads which have secret ingredients like 'pentapeptides' (5 amino acids for those who don't know - cosmetics almost by definition dont do anything, hence they're classed as cosmetics). Next we'll have convicted robbers/burglars petitioning No. 10 asserting that judges/probation/police etc. are infringing their human rights by preventing them from securing an income. I take it everyone knows that drug companies do something similar (to the MHRA and NICE) when they want to flog anti-depressants (which actually have limited clincial efficiacy)?

  • Comment number 15.

    I don't really think the lack of women in top jobs should matter too much, when the last time i heard someone mentioned stats on new business start-ups, they were predominantly by women ( don't remember the exact figures mentioned). It's a matter of women choosing where they wish to work and how they wish to work, And if (and this goes for men as well as women) they can earn a very good income building their own companies, why should they bother with trying to be top dog in a world where they are devalued purely on grounds of gender.

  • Comment number 16.


    Not sure if I have aired 'Toilet Door Syndrome' on here? It is the casual division of humanity into man and woman.

    When a womb-bearer (Ah - I wonder if womb is 'proscribed' just as literary use of the verb: to offer oneself for unworthy purposes, is?) whose mentality is naturally male-ised, or who has been pummelled into espousal of male goals and values by "education X 3" takes up psychological research, will such research be skewed with a male bias or a female bias?

    Whatever the truth of that, JJ's points at #11 are well made. We seem to have ESTABLISHED a fantasist culture, as if Jeffrey Archer is running the world. Havel spoke of 'living within the lie'. We are now making the lie very comfortable, with fitted falsehoods and fakery. No wonder, I suppose, that no one wants to step outside
    and face any truth.

    I must go now, my invisible friend and I are going to visit Narnia. The ticket also covers Wonderland and Cloud-Cuckoo Land; it comes free from the office of the Illusion Czar, to over 70s.

  • Comment number 17.

    I hope you also ask "Cultural Olympiad"
    tsarina "Jude" (as she is described on
    their website) whether London will be
    returning the stolen Elgin Marbles to
    Greece as part of the 'Inspire' brand's
    attempts to celebrate Hellenic culture.

    Shame too that theatrical maverick Ken Campbell will not be around to restage
    his pidgin version of 'the Scottish play'
    (Makbed bilong Wilum Sekspia) with or
    without 'Doris, an African grey parrot he
    had been training to squawk her life story' when he croaked this week.

    FT Obituary: Ken Campbell Theatrical maverick 1941-2008 'Creative
    joker of contemporary theatre'

  • Comment number 18.


    amlorusso (#10) "It's a statistic of the entire population. Companies do not hire statistics."

    Well, some do, that's why they're called quotas and targets. There's seminal which is worth looking into. One should look critically into their 'over-ambitious' NCLB legislation's impact and our version here ('Every Child Matters').

    If people discriminate for or against an individual solely on the basis of their melanin or genitalia, that's clearly wrong (technically and ethically) - unless, that is, those phenotypic characteristics are essential to the job.

    The point here is about frequencies and quotas where the employees DO go by these phenotypes alone. Hence in (#11). Some of these jobs are less demanding, and where that is the case, the mean ability differences are less important as employers don't have to recruit extensively from the upper tail of the distribution where the ratio is large. But with an IQ Standard Deviation of 15 points, a mean difference of 15 between one group and another WILL have a significant impact even here if one treats both groups as otherwise the same, especially if the lower scoring group comprises a much smaller population (i.e. you just won't find many from the lower scoring group with the same level ability as the mean ability of the other group even if the higher group's mean is just 100). This is all about gene pools/gene barriers and assortive mating, not skin colour. To illustrate, our British Chinese and British Indian populations do better than the White British. Our Black Carribean British and Black African British, and our Bangladeshi/Pakistani British do worse (on average). These are goverment education (SATs) data, and the ordinal pattern is repeated every year. The birth rate matters too, it is highly negatively correleted with IQ.

    Good intentions (but ignorance of maths) are paving the road to hell, and I fear at least some of the contractors know exactly what the're doing.

  • Comment number 19.


    Good intentions (but ignorance of maths) are paving the road to hell, and I fear at least some of the contractors know exactly what the're doing.

    Superb - pure poetry. Now shall I fold my tent and silently step on a land-mine.

  • Comment number 20.


    BarrieSingleton asks for the identity of Palin's speech writer. According to Tim Reid of the London Times it is Matt Scully, a Bush White House veteran. Christia Freeland, the US Editor of the Financial Times, has posted a video blog today on FT.com on the Palin speech. The FT editorial line is pro-Obama, but Freeland was impressed with the way Palin placed her punches. Yes Sarah Palin is good with a teleprompt, but the lip stick on the pit bull was a great ad lib!

    I can't understand why Obama doesn't have his team under control. If I had a vote I would vote Democrat, but Obama has this election to lose. If Obama's guys go on belittling Palin and making snide comments about her family life they will play the game McCain wants them to play. I was for Bill, and then Hillary. For all their faults they understand small town America. They would have reacted very differently to Palin on the ticket.

  • Comment number 21.

    thecookieducker (#13) "Women should stay at home and mind the children and the benefits would be that house prices would fall to a natural level as we would return to a single income house hold and not the double income that fuelled the house price boom."

    Women's higher vebal (but lower spatial/logical/mathematical) ability may have been naturally selected in conjunction with their role in gathering/herding children I suggest, whilst men's higher spatial/logical/engineering ability seems to have been selected for hunting, building andf thus feeding/protecting (their) women and children.

    Upsetting this long-term, naturally selected dimorphic balance has much to answer for, as many educated, single/childless women in their 40s will lament today. Without these male skills, women's world's would collapse. The figures clearly show that we now have a demographic disaster on our hands as a consequence of a naive, verbal obsession with 'equality' (which ironically flies in the face of spatial/physical reality). Many younger women won't fully appreciate this (yet). Bright older ones today regret their folly. Some of the latest data indicate that 1/3 of female graduates remain childless. Note that Islam and Orthodox Judaism are 'sexist'.

    This is a sad fact of secular, liberal-democratic life.

  • Comment number 22.


    Cognos (#20) Demographically and dysgenically the USA is worse off than the UK (see ETS (who do the SATs) Feb 2007 and take it very seriously). Sadly it shows as their PR people already think the electorate clueless, hence it's all theatrics, no substance.

    By 2050 White in the USA will be in the minority and given the differential birth rate, they won't be the sharpest folk around either.

    That's why I say we have very little to learn from the USA other than what NOT to do. I hope the Newsnight team fully appreciates this. I mean no offence. If you want to cover politics which matter, cover China. If you want to see how a country is trying to recover from demographic blight brought about by liberal-democrats, see Russia.

  • Comment number 23.


    No - not death OF culture but group suicide BY culture.
    Nature loves stereotypes and mainstream traits. British culture says 'stereotype' is a dirty word and espouses every aberration bar one. It's going to hurt in the morning.

    COGNOS: Thanks. Lets hope Crick starts shouting.

  • Comment number 24.


    I like Searchlight.....

    does it also talk about the JNP raising money in the uk for its apartheid rules?

  • Comment number 25.


    bookhimdano (#24) Precisely, but how many will see that this is precisely why they peddle equality and anti-racism to other groups (i.e. to deflect/pre-empt criticism of their own behaviour in Israel) whilst simultaneously undermining dominant groups' cohesion and hegemony amongst whom they settle whilst managing to get legislation passed to protect their interests as a minority group?

  • Comment number 26.

    Barrie (#23) "COGNOS: Thanks. Lets hope Crick starts shouting."

    It would do him (and the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ/UK) a great service if he did. But I fear he won't, and for reasons you've astutely given repeatedly.

    It's a cruel world, and those in the media, like almost everywhere else these days, tend to put their employability before their integrity.

    This has become a foible with immense costs, as you say, and it's because the protagonists don't have a grasp of truth. This is a lamentably a 'female' (but see NCAH) trait although femininity is a cerebral, not exclusively genitalia, based disposition. Those who push the envelope and don't get caught, get the glory - the rest tend to get derision as 'losers'.

    It's a female's selection strategy. Sadly, it's also well past its evolutionary origin. Today, females need to be cared for (aka managed) not indulged in their best interests, despite what they think. Some cultures know this. They are biologically 'fit' (cf. TFRs). We, on the basis of the data, are not fit.

    Empirical refutations welcome.

  • Comment number 27.


    What is a 'Cultural Olympiad'? Is it like a Floral Derby, or even a War on Terror?
    I keep being surprised to find I am in a year dedicated to footwear or embroidery or whatever, without even knowing it. Does the C.O. amount to ten of such years (of different flavours) lumped together and multiplied by four? What about an Educational Olympiad? We could actually teach kids stuff as a novelty. Recycling Olympiad? Energy Olympiad? Westminster Olympiad, during which the Parties compete to see who can be the most ineffectual?

  • Comment number 28.


    Y' know JJ, I used to be a Lert because I thought the world needed Lerts. Then I realised it is Stutes we are short of, so I took the course and got a poor pass.
    So it is, as a Stute, that (far from trying to refute your assertions) I ask if you have any suggestions for a way out of this ordure.
    As I am sure you agree, the ultimate test of a formulated problem is an applied solution that solves it. Given that we humans are probably (to repeat) 'a synapse too far', hence are (99%) unable to sustain the very complexity we have the wit and will to create, how might you nurture the one percent. I know this is a repeated question, but a pain shared is a pain doubled. Enjoy.

  • Comment number 29.


    Barrie (#28) Darwin, Galton, Fisher and many since have made it clear why civilized cultures/groups have to protect against dysgenesis, and yet for most of the last century, especialy after WWII, the opposite has been engineered. I've made it clear that I fear that this has been engineered by, and for, special-interest groups' benefit rather than by accident, and I say this on the basis of statistical evidence, some of which I have provided in this blog. We have feminised liberal-democracies to such an extent that verbal-behaviour is now not only an end itself, it takes precence over physical reality. I have remarked before that sxual-dimorphism is not the same across all ethnic groups (cf. NCAH and CYP21 via c6p21 polymorphisms), and that for some groups brain/cognitive sex-differences can be more at odds with genitalia sex differences than it is in others.

    The basic formula for resolving what's gone wrong must therefore be to reverse the drivers of what amounts to a pernicious, self-interested promotion of sex-equality, and this will inevitably mean removing the advantages which some groups have managed to secure for themselves at the expense of others. To see where this lies in detail, one mus look very closely at sex and ethnic differences in sub-scales of IQ or their proxies (SATs), especially at the tails of the distribution.

  • Comment number 30.

    Gang of One #12

    "I like Searchlight....."

    So that makes it alright!?! I used to 'like' smoking. It did me about as much good. I think we went through the exposure of Searchlight and its personnel here a while back. Time to do it again already?

  • Comment number 31.


    Bear in mind the ethnic demographics of New York when considering the 'ex communists' who morphed into neoconservatives expressing themselves through magazines like and then .

    Too many people tday no longer appreciate that many of these 'ex-communists' were in fact Jewish Trotskyites who despised Stalin's National Socialism after Trotsky and his International Socialism was ousted from the USSR in the late 1920s. The Trotskyites, like the neocons today, wanted 'grass roots Worker's Democracy' everywhere. Practically, that's pretty much what we've been forced fed as 'Wolfie' Miliband's 'power to the people' free-market, except... it's more likely to benefit those who profit from running supermarkets, privatised utilities, and everything else which was once state owned.

    So, instead of wondering where Old Labour went and why Human Rights and Political Correctness is now so pernicously influential (see other blog comments on the EU/Lisbon) consider why it's now almost inconceivable for any of that National Socialism (becasue that's what Old Labur was) to come back because of our special relationship (note France was not too keen until Mr Sarkozy turned up).



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