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Prospects for Wednesday, 25 June, 2005

Ian Lacey | 10:20 UK time, Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Morning all. Tonight's programme producer is Robert Morgan. Here's his brief to the team on what we've got planned for this evening.

"We're planning to do a special programme tonight about Gordon Brown one year on from becoming PM. Do come to the meeting with ideas on how we should do this.

We also have a film from the Baghdad blogger, Salam Pax on Iraqi asylum seekers in the UK."

Brief indeed.

We'll have a suitable lunchtime debate pegged to Gordon Brown's first year in office here on the blog - look out for that later. But a year ago Martha Kearney looked at what we could expect from a Brown government. To remind yourself of her predictions click here.

And you can see a selection of Salam Pax's past Newsnight films .


  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Robert,
    Can I again suggest that you carry an item on Peter Tatchell's dealings with Mugabe, obviously concentrating on his attempt to arrest him and resulting assault by Mugabe's thugs.
    A brief piece on what Tatchell has consistently advocated as policy towards Zimbabwe would carry more weight with many than all the hand-wringing and waffle coming from the so-called world leaders. I don't happen to share too many views with Tatchell, but his determination and sheer cold courage, offer a lesson to all of us, and our politicians. How different a response to the brutality than Gordon Brown's plan to possibly forbid a cricket match next year.

  • Comment number 2.

    the test for a politician is have they recognised the common good and if not implemented it at least not harmed it.

    imo the take on the pm is that he may recognise the good but does not articulate it to the country. perhaps because there is a fear of talking about the good, the common good etc. in modern society there is no such thing as good. only options.

    whereas tony substituted beliefs for evidence and articulated not evidence but wrong beliefs.
    e.g i believe with every fibre of my being wmd in iraq speech.

  • Comment number 3.

    This is the old Socialist dinosaur who has stripped our pensions of Β£5 BILLION per year since his first budget, who has quietly raised taxes and lowered thresholds in an underhand raid on the public's pockets. This is the man who has complicated the tax/benefits system so much that only he can understand it, and who has created his very own client group who depend on his handouts to get by. The man was a menace as Chancellor, and is an absolute disaster as PM.

  • Comment number 4.

    Aye Aye to post one.
    Gordon wont play cricket with Mad Bob.
    They wear the same shoes when it comes to de mock crapsay though eh. No such thing as REAL Democracy in the UK, Is there? Our wonderfull politicians are the last people on earth who would want us to have that. one day son. what the curtains?

    Mr Wheeler has lost round one of his fight, what a surprise Not. Good luck to him for round two.

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Robert and the rest of NewsNight staffers.

    There is not much to write about!

  • Comment number 6.

    It has been one year since Gordon Brown, became Prime Minister of United Kingdom.
    Time has gone by fast.

  • Comment number 7.

    If the buisness community can make plans and deadlines which are effectively accomplished, why does the government overlook this example within which all life on the planet is based.
    The distinction between history and the future is cause and effect, a - b, what are the objectives of change within which a credible representaion of value can be expected within the future of expectation of a social contract that validates the opportunity existence is aligned too?

    How do the democratic principle of civilization validate peace with this everlasting continum of opportunity? A- B - whats the problem with a deadline such as 2 years within which time an assesment of the common value interpretation of civilizations objectives can be accertained to validate the activation of human based bill of rights, which constitutionally represent the dependent interests of humanity on its collective journey through space and time?

    When will the car crash reality of self-interest corruption and greed evolve into the living value system of universal opportunity in alignment with expectation?

    How is the world going to afford the price tag of the Earths rejuvination, the people rejuvination, when the worlds nations are involved in an arms race to oblivion, the outcome ofwhich as nological reason which validate the principles of a civilized democracy to the universal expectation of 6.8 billion human beings?

    The stratergy for peace will never be represented realistically while the stratergy for warfare dominates national adgendas?

    There are no winners in war only loosers what are you?

    Does civilization have to draw a distinction between permaculture and progress in order to procure a sustainable future?

    What is the basic sum of value within which the social ideologies of earth find the common ground to peace?

    When is the government going to unveil its proposal for intergrating community with the solutions available to address social division.

    In view of yeasterdays misadventure in the common laws of assocaiation between the common people and the common judicail process of barbarity would it be at all prudent not to consider the credibility of all aspects democratic representation fail to meet?

    Would you agree all problems on the planet are linked to the misrepresentation of human value?

    What is the value of a human being on the stock market today?

    Why is the future of the nation tied to a system that fails to represent the common interests of the next generation?

    If we cannot meet the needs of the current generation then how does humanity expect to meet the needs of the next several generations?

    What is more significant, human rights or citezens rights, whos decision and how are citzens?

    The collective experience of universal time is the time of reality, the origin of the species and where it is today and where it intends to be in the near future, how is capitalism going to achieve all the collective objectives of progress with a miniscule budget, that is incapable of addressing universal democatic access to civilized mainframe sytem of leadership that validates the human integrity of a quality of life system, based on the historical manifestion of cause and effect upon the social makeup of this planet?

    Is the carrot and stick mentality, which brutilises the expectations of an ethical interpretation of life, still necessary in the 21st century...do you not percieve we are all living in the stoneage of the spaceage and what the planet needs now is a solidarity aligned to an age of rejuivination to address the credibility of afailed system of authentic representation of life on earth and the advanced objective of a human constitution of common stability to realistacally address what it actually is we intend to achieve for the forthcoming generations of human children, who will only have the opportunities to address their future with the opportunities we collectivly create for them?

    Why is it taking so long for so many independent nations to validate the peace process, please could you outline the prospals and expectations this course of history is talking for and on behalf of a human culture with common objective aligned to the lives and welfare of the diverse set of cultures, nature contains within its own diversity, if the validation of diversity is a realistic concept human minds are capable of engaging with?

    Scotland are proposing radical reforms to address climate change what is England, Ireland and Wales planning?

    If solar and wind energy are the sustainable opportunity of clean energy for the future, mass production and implimentation of commonly utilized technology might be prudent? Why are the cost of such technology so high, when the demand is a natural repose to what the planet is telling us to do?

    It time is just a concept, why is it so evidently contained with in every element of life? Get a move on theres no time like the present?

    If God created heaven and earth in severn days how long is it going to take to reorganize it for the dependent interests of the common species who have the duty of maintaining it and who should pay the bill...God or Gordon Brown

    What is the price of freedom from the oppression of a false value system of limited fortune?

    How does survival of the fittest playout if we continue to accept the pitfalls of existence?

    If the Pope and Stephen Hawkins believe in aliens should we and should we be keeping our heads down like he surgests, or is it a bit late for that now?

    If defense comes down to human defence and not tribal instincts of a lost tribe, then how does the nomadic nature of human civilization adapt into the external environment of opportunity and welfare.

    What are the collective objective sustainable realities of a common existence without war , hate, oppression, greed, crime, mental illness, poverty, a future cycle of continued abuse internally, externally and at the door of every person we share this existence with on the commonground of this signifcant planet, if our own signifcance as human children, beings of our own fortune, does not create the stable platform of a safe world within which children can prosper in a civilized environent of human appreciation, concern, identity, integrity, honor, belief, ability, expectation, freedom, peace, harmony, if justice is signifcant for anything it claims to value then should it not be accountable for just this? and should it not be of a very good understanding of how one would go about making it credible???

  • Comment number 8.

    Re #4.
    Well-meaning chap Wheeler; I found his faith in the legal system touching but stupifying. To imagine that the Establishment would let him win, and screw up their plans!
    But what the hell do we do about it 169?

  • Comment number 9.

    As a suggestion for an "...and finally" item, there's a truly fab picture of migrating manta rays, in today's "Sun",(I read it for the football.) I bet it was taken from some film footage, and it might lift our spirits to see it some time, and thereby take our minds off the twin horrors of Mugabe and Gordon.

  • Comment number 10.

    Time is not a mystery, its not fiction, human age is a limited period, it as a beginning a middle an end, the middle is signifcant to all the end is a choice and we were all born free.

    I did a swot analysis on the human race and we are f-----.

    The human race is a buisness, if we dont make humans the shareholders we will not appreciate an equal future, nor will any future generation that will be engaging with the real potential of the collective species of a common origin. Strength in survival terms is aligned to the strongest group, the divsion of interests on Earth is taking away from the signifcant edge we can engage with, if time resources and energy are not continually squandered to benifit the interests of a minority limitation.

    No other species is engaged with the type of disgraceful nature we engineer within our own cultures to sustain a system of limited potentil to manifest the advantages of an advanced civilization of common fortune to the welfare, happiness and survival of its many billions of inhabitants with whom we engage the collective future of anticipation freely aware non of you are more signifcant than each other and the only way we procure signifcance is if we invest and invest heavily in its prospect, but, to whom should the validity of ownership to bear signifcance in ownership belong too, if all shares are equal and non should fear?

    What is the credible identity of a human being with equal rights of ownership to the reality of existence in the time and space of our own perception definitions within which we mould time in to the history books we write. To acheive the collective goals destiny demands.

    Flooding, don't we have suction device which can control flooding, in flood planes and near rivers, which can hold large bodies of water which can be utilised to satisfy public demand as and when required? Pumping stations geographically position to control the situation?

  • Comment number 11.

    A Safer and Happier Collective Race for Earth
    Defining the route to Peace, Saving the Environment, Making Equality Work, Improving Moral Identity, and Saving Humanity
    ” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” ~ Thomas Jefferson ~ Cool
    The greater good is relevant to all humans, and human potential should not be wasted, in the oppressive regime’s we elect to make our lives safe. Safety, alas, is not visible in any mode of civilization this planet as procured, we all live with social conflict, domestic abuse, division, oppression, poverty, crime, failing education, a mountain of waste, homelessness, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse, child abuse, rape, vandalism, murder, theft, pollution, climate change, war, genocide, resource exploitation, corruption, complicated systems, discrimination, racism, torture – the worlds cycle of abuse, behavior breeds behavior. A constant barrage of bad news fills the history of events, this so called modern civilization represents.
    If I cannot claim life, I claim death, because I reject any system that does not fulfill the integrity of responsibility to all humans and provides them opportunity from the point of conception, to the point of death, to satisfy all needs generously. In exchange a human of this planet will be expected, to contribute to the collective workload for a limited period of life, relevant to the workload requirement at any given period of the future. All work will be defined as either communal or development to meet the needs of community and progress.

    OK, well it’s all in a days work, but, realistically, I feel the ideas we have to integrate with, will eliminate many problems the planet of humans generates and save a shit load of resources we all need for our futures children to take the baton of life and really run with it.
    The basic idea is this – human identity is misrepresented, we have the potential to be more, do more, and give more. The problem – inequality, the division in the world, within wealthy nations, is a failure because of inequality – representing the misrepresentation of human right in a modern environment and the reason for crime, mental illness, poverty, wars, it’s a long list, but, in short the worlds cycle of abuse. Human id as failed to gel collectively, because the world is abused and there is no significant representation of human justice.
    So what’s the plan?

  • Comment number 12.

    FUTURESCAPE ESCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey fella(e)! Three long screeds and you said it all in one sentence:

    'I did a swot analysis on the human race and we are f-----.'

  • Comment number 13.

    So what?s the plan? (Futurescape # 11)

    Not exactly a plan, but . . .


    There once was a land full of two-ended folk
    their construction both basic and charming;
    the artist, philosopher, poet and don,
    juxtaposed lusty apes, good at farming.

    Now you might think that this crazy scheme could not work
    but if you haven't tried it don't knock it
    for half way along, evolution had placed
    a wonderfully formed plug and socket.

    Each end had such organs and limbs as required
    to attend to the stuff they would do;
    at night they enjoyed a Platonic embrace
    but when morning arrived - came in two.

    I know not how long that their bliss was complete
    but at last they ran clean out of luck
    God's will or black magic or just heavy dew
    all the plugs and the sockets got stuck.

    The high-minded end, thus far free from all taint
    found out about sex and soil tilth;
    before very long it was down in the dirt
    quite diverted by cerebral filth.

    The two ends conspired to invent GM crops
    pornography, gambling and debt.
    The join healed up, extra limbs disappeared
    but I'm told they are holding on yet.

    With narcotics and genocide, WMD
    underhand psychological vending
    gender roles all confused, procreation awry
    hellbent on inglorious ending.

  • Comment number 14.


    Two links which sadly mght explain both an old (truly barbaric) archaic practice (foot-biding in old China), Islamic dscriminatory law and, ironically, Orthodox Judaic law too, and why 'modern' values (human rights) are not always 'wise' human values (especially in dysgenic populations).

    Sadly, unlike the fictitious 'James Bond' (and the PR created Putin image - no doubt in an effort to encourage more Russian females to have children with their 'sexist' partners and hopefully reverse their country's critically low TFRs/birth rates after decades of sex-equality), in reality, narcissistic, Anti-Social Personality disordered, Machiavellian types are almost everyone's nightmare - even those cursed with these 'talents'.

    Curiously, have you noticed how many of those in the public eye appear to be very short? Cue a couple of Barrie's past jokes and one or two Randy Newman songs?

  • Comment number 15.


    Randomly absorbing ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ output this morning, my topic is 'discrimination' as it seems: not content with intolerance of intolerance, we are now to discriminate against discrimination! BUT, in spite of JADED JEAN'S observation that frantic short blokes can claw their way to the top, statistically, the good job and better pay (and class crumpet) goes to the tall bloke.
    And the final insult: in the pub, tall gets served OVER THE HEAD of short! Perhaps some 'pub clause' in the law required?



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