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Tuesday, 20 May, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 20 May 08, 02:57 PM

Crewe and Nantwich By-election Special with Jeremy Paxman

cameron203.jpgIt promises to be the most important by-election of this Parliament, a contest which could have huge implications for the fate of Gordon Brown and David Cameron. So who will win the Labour seat of Crewe and Nantwich in Cheshire?
Jeremy will hold a special debate in the constituency with politicians from each of the main parties who will face Jeremy and an audience of local voters. David Grossman will report on the controversial tactics adopted during the campaign, and Tim Whewell will report on the impact of immigration in the area and on local politics.

Tonight's abortion votes on whether to reduce the legal limit from 24 weeks are set to be very close and could take place while we are on air. If the limit is changed, Jackie Long will report on the implications for women, society and medicine, and we'll have live reaction from Westminster. Liz MacKean will anchor the coverage from here.

It could all be very lively.

Tonight at 22.30



  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    Could you please confirm whether or not Mike Nattrass, as the candidate for UKIP, the UK's fourth Party by some margin, will be included in the debates and if not why?

  • Comment number 3.

    Abortion. Only women bleed, Only women give birth, women Only should have the right to choose.

    cant wait for the scrap tonight re Crewe and Nantwich byelection. blood on the carpet? yes please,I'm setting the controls for record, hope to see a Sam Peckinpah type flick where the brownies/baddies get the good news. I am not bias honest, just sick to death of Death under nulabour.

    Would I be correct in assuming that this last 10 years + of nulabour have killed, injured and made homeless more people than any other goverment in our glorious past? eh Stick that one on nulabour JP and watch them squirm or probably not.

  • Comment number 4.

    Go Mongo.
    I'm going to start calling you "This comment has been referred to the moderators" buddy! Do they send you a Christmas card?

  • Comment number 5.

    Although probably beneath today's programme radar has anybody seen the Tower Bridge bus accident today. I suspect that they will blame the driver and try and jail him but an interesting anecdote comes to mind.

    Whilst regularly driving high vehicles in the late 1980s I was informed ( by a long serving BRS man ) that it was the duty of the local authority to trim trees hanging over the kerb into the road. The specified height was then 16 ft 6 inches and when a BRS 15 ft vehicle hit a tree at the side of a road the company successfully took the county to court for damages. Perhaps Boris needs to get the tree surgeons out there before if happens again.

  • Comment number 6.

    Okay Michael Crick is really Fanny Cradock,

    I claim my fiver Mr Barron ...

  • Comment number 7.

    I despair of ever hearing any sensible political conversation chaired by Jeremy Paxman. He trivialises every discussion, looks to make the cheap put-down, to gain the easy laugh - and has done more to dumb-down the coverage of politics in this country than perhaps any other commentator. It really is time to get someobody on Newsnight who has more respect for the political process and who is capable of asking serious questions of every politician, irrespective of party. I suggest Andrew Neil.

  • Comment number 8.


    Gladstone is right about award-winning Paxo. Sadly Andrew Neil is slowly getting more self-indulgent and silly (when not doing a Jeremy hectoring). My choice would be John Sopel: no theatre, no histrionics, he just nails them.

  • Comment number 9.

    Outstanding Jeremy tonight (as always) - he does not trivialise or dumb news down, and tonight was a prime example of that. He interviewed each candidate, including the UKIP and English Democrat Candidates in the audience and interrogated the panel fairly, pointing out discrepancies in all their policies and getting the audience's opinions too. Jeremy is award winning for a reason - because he is the best journalist around!

    I can see Michael C turning up on a celebrity edition of Can't Cook, Won't Cook or some other cookery show in future ;-) Poor thing!

  • Comment number 10.

    I'm sorry. Paxman may have been a good journalist, but he is also rude, patronising and often impertinent. His predecessors (such as Robin Day) often did much more to disquiet interviewees than ever he succeeds in doing, without having to stoop to sneers, insults and inuendo. The same applies to the best US journalists on CNN etc. who ask effective questions without being disprespectful. It's time the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ called a halt to an approach that has had its day.

  • Comment number 11.

    I had been looking forward to the item on the Crewe and Nantwich by-election but Paxman completely spoiled it. His performance was barely a step up from Jeremy Vine in a cowboy suit or Andrew Neil with his silly magic roundabout characters. It is clear that the intellectual lightweights working on Newsnight do not understand or enjoys politics and current affairs as much as do their audience.

  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    The Grossman piece on dirty tricks failed to mention that the police had arrested somebody for vandalising Labour placards. Too lazy to make additional changes or just simply Tory knocking copy?
    Edward Timpson-not enough made of the fact that he did not attend the live debate, clearly too frightened to come out and play with Jeremy.Perhaps his nanny thought Jeremy was too rough a boy for him.
    Good programme, reminded me that politics is more than just set briefings and controlled comment

  • Comment number 14.

    Respect for politicians ? I dont see any of them treating us with respect. All 3 reps from the main partys showing a great deal of desperation a bit like a certain Mr S Plankton, in fact all politicians resemble/ remind me of him. Check him out on Spongebob Squarepants he is half as incompetent as this nulabour goverment but ten times funnier, there's nothing funny about nulabour.


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