Prospects for Wednesday, 21 May
- 21 May 08, 10:58 AM
Peter Barron is today's programme producer - here's his early email to the team.
Good morning
We're looking for 1.5m plus today, but what they'll actually watch is wide open.
There's no obvious lead, but plenty of stories - we could go big on one issue or hit any number of them.
Dalai Lama meets Brown, but not at Downing St. There could be a big fuss
Ban ki Moon due to arrive in Burma - we hope Laura Trevelyan may get an interview
Crewe and Nantwich - last day of campaigning + PMQs
The primaries rumble on - we have an interview with McCain foreign policy adviser Robert Kagan
Champions League final - probably just a watch
Or it might be a good day to go off agenda?
Comment number 1.
At 21st May 2008, grumpy-jon wrote:Off-agenda sounds good. Programme could look at the cluster of black and asian violent crimes against whites which have gone unreported in the media, looking at the mechanism of this censorship and the motivations behind it.
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Comment number 2.
At 21st May 2008, grumpy-jon wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 3.
At 21st May 2008, grumpy-jon wrote:....or could we just get a post on this page at some point during the day, to confirm that our comments have been glanced at by someone from the production-team, and not just by those pesky moderators?
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Comment number 4.
At 21st May 2008, Xie_Ming wrote:McCain and US foreign policy could be of interest. (Remember, they elected Bush twice!).
Will it be a unipolar World, a bi-polar World, or a multipolar World?
Long-term, only a supra-national government can let civilization survive. Will any politician agree to ceeding any national sovereignty to such a UN-type organization?
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Comment number 5.
At 21st May 2008, midnightPantsman wrote:Busy day Pierre Barron
Will the Dial-eye-Lama be coming in to the studio tonight ?
Has Jeremy got him tickets for "I'll do anything" on Saturday finding a Nancy ?
I heard things in Newsnight are a bit shifty as the Crickster hits fifty
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Comment number 6.
At 21st May 2008, NickThornsby wrote:I think off-agenda sounds good. As tragic as the situation in China and Burma is, there is only so much that a programme like newsnight can do on it.
Newsnight is at its best when it gets a lead, investigates it, and takes to account those who otherwise might not have been. Has Crick not got a good story he can reveal to us all?!!!
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Comment number 7.
At 21st May 2008, mongodavies wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 8.
At 21st May 2008, mongodavies wrote:PS By the way if you want to generate interest and possibly ideas grumpy-jon #3 is right. Some notion that these posts are read by the team might be an idea.
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Comment number 9.
At 21st May 2008, mongodavies wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 10.
At 21st May 2008, M_Rock wrote:Re Foreign Policy; Yeee-haw is not a foreign policy!
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Comment number 11.
At 21st May 2008, mongodavies wrote:If anybody from Newsnight does read these things could you look at #9. I can see no genuine reason for that not showing and suggest you look at your moderators ans ask questions.
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Comment number 12.
At 21st May 2008, grumpy-jon wrote:What exactly is wrong with Gordon Brown do you think? After Dial Eye Lammer (courtesy of midnightPantsman) he's still talking about devol-youshun, and at PMQ's the terror threat, apparently came from an organisation called Alky-ada. Doesn't this wretched man who we find ourselves saddled with, even watch the News? Deeply weird.
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Comment number 13.
At 21st May 2008, thegangofone wrote:With Burma what is the situation regarding the risk of disease? Given the governments limited response there must be a serious risk of outbreaks. Also there must be a risk of bird-flu if people are forced into temporary accommodation with live stock? Maybe they will get lucky - fingers crossed.
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Comment number 14.
At 21st May 2008, brian_nn wrote:To #3 and #8 - the Newsnight team regularly checks the comments and we do take into consideration the suggestions you make. We try to respond to posts as often as we can - but maybe not as often as we should!
Keep the ideas coming - Xie Ming's question:
"Will any politician agree to ceding any national sovereignty to such a UN-type organization?"
Gets to the heart of McCain's foreign policy and will hopefully be something we can ask Robert Kagan about tonight.
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Comment number 15.
At 21st May 2008, ivegotanasbo wrote:Can you return to the uniquely British nhs (one in nine patients) scandal of Hospital infections? It was raised on Today this morning but reported very poorly I thought. 8000 deaths per year and (it was said on Today) that it was under reported. that is 'just' deaths. How many cases are there of those who have 'recovered' but have been left with horrible results? I want to know the figures Euro wide for context, as I believe that the nhs has chosen not to spend the Β£12 needed to test patients on admittance and then isolate those carrying the bug. indeed there are few isolation facilities which is a scandal in itself Instead 'you' and I will be stuffed into (probably) a mixed ward ( I am told only the UK still has wards, why)? that is so up close to your sick neighbour that your visitor will not be able to fit around your bed.
ON NORTHERN ROCK. I heard the new guy there 'mention' last night on Five Live that the billions of tax payers money 'given' to it is very likely not going to be repaid! Well, would not this money have been better spent on preventing 8000 NHS deaths PER YEAR - just for starters? I just do not understand why these deaths are APPARENTLY being accepted? Why aren't relatives up in arms and demanding a 'class action' against the NHS and its ministers GIVEN THAT EUROPEAN HOSPITALS - ESPECIALLY HOLLAND I BELIEVE HAVE ALMOST IRRADICATED IT. Can you get some researchers onto it. Hope this won't be censured.
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Comment number 16.
At 22nd May 2008, barriesingleton wrote:DEEPLY WEIRD (Grumpy Jon # 12)
Wesminster is a weird club for political parties, where they play weird games.
Parties have weird collective mentalities as befits their club.
Parties choose MPs before the electorate do any voting. Parties like weirdness in MPs.
Parties internally elevate the most favoured – the VERY weird.
Gordon is top of the New Labour heap. Deeply weird.
There you go Jon.
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