Paper Monitor
A service highlighting the riches of the daily press.
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and acknowledge a job well done, however much you don't want to. And so it is the case with the X Factor PR machine.
The new series kicked off on Saturday and, as we have come to expect, it makes front-page news in the Mirror and the Sun, with several pages devoted to the show inside as well. You may as well face it, this is going to be the case every week in the run up to Christmas - and possibly beyond.
But the story that technology is used by the show's producers to iron out wobbles in contestants' voices is big news today in the more serious papers too. The Guardian devotes an entire page to it, as does the Times. Only the Daily Telegraph is able to resist the power of Simon Cowell. Yes readers, don't be fooled about who is probably behind the story. All publicity is good publicity remember.
But at least Daily Mail columnist Jan Moir has the measure of things, noting that the record 12m viewers who tuned in to watching the opening show must have made Simon Cowell very happy - and even richer:
That factoid must have put an extra diamond glitter onto those Β£ signs that whirl unchecked inside Simon Cowell's eyes.
Hmmm, much like the entire page the Mail itself devotes to the show, along with the story on its website that includes no less than 34 pictures - yes, that's 34 - from the opening show and links to three additional X Factor-related stories.
All in all, a good day at the office for the show's PR team. But it's probably smarting just a little bit that it didn't get a clean sweep of the papers - unlike another story. So, who can take on the show and win when it comes to getting in ever single newspaper?
The Beckhams? Carla Bruni? The Queen? Top Gear's Stig?
No, it's SamCam and bump in Cornwall. The Telegraph simply can't resist that .
It seems there is one PR machine mightier than Cowell's.