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Tip of the Week: Chutes - Brighten Up

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

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Everyone seems to be scratching around for post-Olympic hangover cures this week. Well, good news, we have one too - the cheery sounds of and their single Brighten Up, currently all over .

Despite the regular repitition of the lyric "the weather's been cold outside, and it's not gonna brighten up", there's plenty of sunshine in what Chutes do. The fivesome from Folkestone (four boys, one girl) run riot with fun, fresh and charming indie pop that reminds us of and .

Brighten Up, a former hottest record of the week for , bounces along with call and response harmonies and mix of mellower folky moments with shackles-off, foot-down choruses.

Proof that the band have no difficulty bridging the transition from record to stage comes in the shape of their performance for us at T in the Park. .

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