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In session for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Scotland: Machines In Heaven

Vic Galloway


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Scotland has been famous for its world-beating guitar bands for many decades now, but let it also be known that its electronic and dance scene is incredibly vibrant and globally influential as well. Taste-makers such as Calvin Harris, Mylo, Optimo, LuckyMe and NMBRS lead the way, but there are more and more grassroots producers and live acts rising to the top too.

My Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Introducing session guests for September on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Scotland were a Glasgow trio called Machines in Heaven, who I've kept a close eye on since they came to my attention in 2012. Following their excellent 'Glasgow Jihad' EP and proper full-length album 'Bordersbreakdown', I knew they had the skills in the studio and increasingly as a live proposition.Equipped with samplers, sequencers, keyboards and computers (as well as one of those old-fashioned electric guitar things!), they set up and ran through 2 original songs and a cover version on air, alongside some chat about their history, influences and ethos. Bravely they decided to play brand new tracks, 'Hindu Milk' and 'Feel Slow' from a forthcoming EP, rather than tried and tested album tracks.Combining warm, luscious synth textures, throbbing basslines, skittering beats and backwards samples, they twiddled and tweaked away whilst singer Davey manipulated his voice through a vocoder on top.

Finishing with their own faithful version of Arthur Russell's 'That's Us/Wild Combination', I know they converted a few new listeners to their dreamy electronic soundscapes. Dip in, soak it up and immerse yourself... As their name Machines in Heaven suggests, this might just be what they are listening to up above!

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