"When wet is dry and cold is hot"...
I am rubbish at weather. FACT. This was highlighted on the show Tuesday morning.
The problem is i'm not a fully trained meteorologist and as such can only really work in terms of what the weather's doing where I am e.g. outside the Radio 1 building. This is a problem when you're reading weather information to the entire UK...
The problem is people don't like being told it's dry if it's actually hammering down outside their house - for some reason this happens a lot in the North East of England. I'm not very good in this region. They text in and everything!!!
So - this is my attempt at an apology - if I have wronged you in some way, i'm very sorry. I do try to get it right but sometimes ... (71 per cent of the time apparently).... i'm talking rubbish.
I will try harder.
Dominic A Byrne
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