What a nice man that Gordon Ramsay is. He came in to plug his book and talked at length about mushrooms and posh puddings. He was bowled over by Chris' knowledge of food and was visibly impressed by his technique of cooking chicken and mushroom pie - specifically the bit about smearing milk on the top with his hand to stop it burning. Nice.
I've never eaten in one of his restaurants but I'm sure it's very nice. The last place I ate in was a Harvester. I like this because you get a free trip to the salad cart. Other restaurants are available obviously.
All in all the show was good fun today. My favourite bit - apart from Gordon - was shutting Aled inside the studio sofa and then putting the lid on. He seemed ok with this so it may become a regular feature of the show. We could call it "Put A-LED on it". Ha ha ha ha ha etc
My day's going to be pretty dull today to be honest - I'd like to make it sound more interesting but that would be lying. I'm going to go home - do stuff in the garden - play with the kids - put them to bed and then have tea. Probably chicken.
Sometimes I even bore myself and this is one of those times.
I'll leave you at this point.
I wish you well and hope your day is much more exciting than mine. Perhaps you're windsurfing or hunting grouse or moonwalking for charity or…..erm….
Goodbye now, good bye...
Dominic A. Byrne.
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i think your show is da bomb
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Fair play Dom, does sound mega boring, but i must say i read your blogs over everyone else's, cos they are generally the funniest blogs. The girls take it too seriously, and i admire your tongue in cheek approach to blogging.
Keep it up bald.. urm.. big man
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Great blog as usual Dom.
You're quickly becoming my favourite member of the team.
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I agree, this is an excellent point!
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I loved the show...
I just cant wait to see Gordons face when Chris takes him down the local!!
Please make sure pictures are taken.
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hi dom love the blog plus i like the new feature
put A-led on it sounds really funny
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It's weird, I wake up to your show which means that I can never know what I've dreamed or what actually has happened..
Glad to know that you shutting Aled in a chair was for real!
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Haha Dom you legend!You shut Aled in the sofa thingy today... hehe. you should have taken a picture and put it up on the site!That would have been something to see. BTW your weather forecast was very imformative today. I learnt a lot from it.
Bet you thought everyone had forgotten about that!
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James wrote:
If you'd have told me the weather was going to be rubbish, I'd have rescheduled.
What do you mean?... it was the longest weather forecast ever today - they said they'd let the gimp out of the coffin when the weather was over - so it stretched out a little.
Very detailed & informative - although I was laughing so hard I can't remember the detail ;-)
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Does it have to be just sofas that you put Aled into? I have a very nice cardboard box that would make a great substitute store for your little Welsh chum. There is even room to write on it, so you could post it to somewhere exotic, like the Swiss Centre. Wouldn't he get a surprise when he got out : )
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Hey Dom!
Ive been reading Project B all morning - im upto page 89, so ive read all about you! I can't believe management were so nasty to you - you have all 5 qualities!!
I too like to go to the salad cart in Harvester - its great cos you can take as much as you like! Not a great day for gardening Dom, enjoy yourself though :)
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Bizarrely, I was due to teach moonwalking grouse how to windsail today. Unfortunately, the weather just isn't right for it.
If you'd have told me the weather was going to be rubbish, I'd have rescheduled.
Sort the weather out Dominicinicinic!
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I will be sat at work, probably a duller day than yours Dom.
It is my birthday tomorrow. I am going to treat myself to buying Chris' "Project B", can we mention that on the blog?!?, I shall wait to see if anyone else gets it for me. Then I will try and get the mighty Moyles to sign it for me on one of his pitstops across the country.
How about Sofa so good, and I just thought of another for the ideas pot....what about "Saled" (this is for the we suggest the name, you come up with the feature.)
Can I get a credit for that?!
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Your day sounds as good as mine's gonna be...midweek blues. Ho hum.
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God your all so mean !!!
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Your afternoons & evenings are about the same as 20 million other people in the UK... well, the same as mine anyhow. At least your job is a damn sight more interesting than mine. I would love a job where I could put Aled in a confined space - I wouldn't let him out either - not even when anyone said "Bring out the Gimp" - I would just present Comedy Dave instead!
Have a good day - Stay lucky!
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fab show today. you lot are the best!!! keep up the impressions dom!
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Poor Aled, but it was funny. tee hee hee.
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P.S. Hi Dom
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Hi Dom,
If you're bored, try sitting in front on a mirror and slapping your (egg for a) head like a drum for a few hours.
If I was bald, that would keep me entertained for ages. Possibly years.
But I'm not.
So I don't.
Shame really.
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