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Alright - Pressure's Off...

Chris Evans | 14:32 UK time, Wednesday, 1 August 2012

..., for a few hours at least.

The girls have bagged our first gold in the double skulls at Eton Dorney, bloomin' well done to Helen Glover and Heather Stanning for their stunning victory. Our first ever medal in women's rowing, phew what a scorcher.

The men's eight sacrificed silver in going for gold, but exactly the right thing to do. This was their only chance to win for another four years, I thought they were off the scale heroic.

Right, I'm still in with a shout for the sofa gold medal, although I am way behind the peloton according those of my pals I've been talking to.

Day 5 rocks. Make sure you rock with it. This is The Great British Olympics of 2012 !!!

Peace and Love




See photos of Chris and the team in today's special Olympics gallery

Hear highlights of all our Olympics programmes in our Celebrating The Games clips collection


  • Comment number 1.

    Allez Wiggo!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Chris.

    It's a coincidence that I'm No 1 again.

    Great news that Helen Glover & Heather Stanning got GOLD! Hoorah!

    I was watching the men and willing them to keep going when they were equal with Germany but they did well to get bronze.

    MM xxx

    PS My little cat Tom is at the vet having tests done, so far it's looking like pancreatis with some kidney trouble. It could be just a kidney infection would be good news. He will be on a drip until Friday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Tom.

  • Comment number 3.

    And well done to the girls in the boats

    Lovely pictures of the eventing team and the other visitors to the olympic studio

    What a great time we're all having!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello Sezza.

    You're No 1! Congratulations LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: yes, we are all rocking with these Olympic Games, I can assure you! So annoying being at work, and unable to watch any of today's events! You deserve your gold medal for the sofa, good to hear you are getting some relaxation (among all the heart-stopping excitement) in. xx

    Maddy: aww, wee Tom - I hope he will be alright. xx My fingers are crossed, too.

    MC: oh, I know, isn't all this activity just exhausting?!

    Berni: oooh, what a very wise choice of words ... hee, hee!

    AliB: honestly, I can't believe it has been a whole year since your boiler scenario. Stop 2012, please! It's running away from us a rate of knots!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    ... "at" a rate of knots ...


  • Comment number 7.

    Wonderful pictures from Hampton Court of Chris Hoome and Bradley Wiggins receiving their medals!

    Just stunning!

    Chrissie, I thought how fast the year is going when I turned the calendar over this morning!

    Mind you, Chariots of Fire music is playing - shan't ever think of that the same way again after Friday Night!!


  • Comment number 8.

    Sorry, Chris Froom - knew that didn't look right!


  • Comment number 9.

    Its another.....


    Oh yeah, baby!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello again,
    Well, what lovely results team GB have had today, I was thrilled to read that more medals had been secured .
    I am back on my sofa, catching up with the days events , work really does get in the way sometimes.

    Maddy, hope your puddy tat is ok, am thinking of you and him.
    Chrissie , glad you are enjoying the TV coverage too, and yes you are right, it is totally exhausting being a supporter :-)))
    Sezza and Baggy, oh how lucky to get to attend actual events , I am quite a pale shade of green :-)
    Deevs, glad all is well with the business and the mighty Randall.

    Berni ......... calm down dear :-))))

    Right , am off to channel hop with a packet of biscuits to calm my nerves. I will be the size of the Olympic Stadium by the time this is all over.

    Love to all

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    And tonight i shall be going for the gold medal in Ironing!

    As this is an endurance event, there will be now announcement of results until tomorrow

    All I can say is I have been training hard, the preperation has been done and I will be giving it my all!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Evening Greetings CLP & Bloggeroons...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP & ALL - WOW A can't believe a was just in the right place at the right time just before a went ter work ter see 'eather & 'elen win their gold for Team GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not getting ter watch as much of the Olympics as a would like too due to 'aving ter work alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But now a 'eard while driving me truck now Bradley Wiggans 'as won another.......


    For Team GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wrock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Manchester Calling told me to calm down, The-Extra-Value-Bingo-Star-ere, so I assume that means you too as I just pinched your roar!!

    Keep Calm and CARRY ON, I say!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Am easy Bernie.... A know yer copied me over the top Gold Roar.... A couldn't 'elp it when a saw The 'eather & 'elen bag the gold in the rowing gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am just so 'appy we are off and running with the golds at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    PS Take a look at this.... Boris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VERY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Good morning Golden Bloggers!

    Quite simply put, I'm loving The Limpix! It's giving the country a real uplifting spring in its step - even the news is (in the main) happy.

    Well done Wiggo and Helen/Heather and all our medal winners thus far.

    So, Olympic Football yesterday at The City Of Coventry Stadium. Mostly brilliant - although the first game was a bit "flat" (Japan vs Hondurus) finishing at 0-0. The second match (Senegal vs UAE) was a lively affair with some cracking footie on display, ending 1-1.

    The getting in / out of Coventry was seemless: yes, there were traffic queues getting into the car parks but that's to be expected at any large-scale event. Getting out was a breeeeeze. No traffic queues, excellent marshalling and lots of smiley happy people wishing you well and a safe journey home. So, well done Coventry City Council and all involved in the park & walk planning.

    The downside: the catering inside the City Of Coventry Stadium was dire. Absolutely awful and badly planned. Given that there were 2 matches on, with the gao between games at around the 7pm mark (tea time!) we were speechless after having queued for about 40 minutes, only to be told on getting to the front of the queue that they'd run out of every pie on the menu, and that the chicken curry was available (Β£6.00!!) but they'd run out of rice. There were still hundreds of people queueing for food behind us, so much unhappy grumbles were in the air. And rumbling tummies!

    Team GB Ladies Football are playing at Coventry on Friday evening, and it will be a sell-out. Let's just hope that lessons were learnt yesterday and that the Stadium catering team are more prepared for it by Friday night. Running out of grub - simply unacceptable.

    BUT, on the whole, an excellent day/evening.

    A day of work today with no furry, four-legged distractions and then re-charging the batteries and prepping the picnic for a trip to Headlingley tomorrow for some Test cricket.

    Have a fab day lovely people ...... I'll be torn between having the cricket on in the background, or the cycling later.



    ps: MrFantasticRolastic ..... thank you for everything x

  • Comment number 17.

    Morning all,

    morning Deev, have a good one and enjoy the cricket.

    Just had a quick catch up,and I see that you're all enjoying the limpix ,its lovely to see the medals coming our way and well done to all .

    Sezza ,I scored gold on monday by clearing my ironing ,but I have no where near to your pile ,so well done to you .

    Mc ,lovely to see you popping in ,I hope that work load of yours isn't weighing you down too much ;-))

    Crissie ,did I see that you were off from your daily gring for a couple of weeks ,but thought i'd seen you at your office? If you do happen to be home ,I hope you are putting your feet up and relaxing.

    Annie , Helllloooo,to you too,might catch you if FNWC is having a wee one ,and if not catch you later.

    Just a cffee to drink then it's the start to my day ,and hoping yourvday is going to be a good one ...Take care .


  • Comment number 18.

    Hi, just a wee check-in over a cup of tea!

    Cheryl: glad to hear you had such a good day yesterday but, what a disappointment with the catering situation. Just not good enough, and no fun when you are hungry!

    Sezza: hope you managed to get through the ironing - a chore I absolutely hate!

    Bids: yes, I am still at work - finish tomorrow night for two weeks - I am soooo looking forward to it! xx

    Last night, MsS joined us for a bite to eat and a very small glass of rose. Well, ok, I had two! I said to her, do you mind if we put on the Olympics - I'd like to see what's occurring. She said: well, yes, but I have no interest in the Olympics at all - can't understand what all the fuss is about. So, we join the Women's swimming - within two minutes she was off the sofa, jumping about and cheering for her chosen favourite! She said me: wow, this is really infectious. I replied: yes, toots, it is!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning all!

    Well, I got so far but the shirt defeated me!

    I now have that joy to look forward to later!

    At least the sun has come out now!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 20.


    Wow the Olympics are really addictive. I've had to put the tv off or I'll get nothing at all done. I am however going to be cheering on Sir Chris Hoy & co at 6.10. Will this be another GOLD?

    I got a call this morning re Tom. GOOD NEWS! He is responding well to treatment, is eating well and will be coming home tomorrow. I feel so relieved! He'll need a special diet for his kidneys. Thank you so much for the good wishes on here & facebook :)

    Off to make a bacon butty!

    MM xxx

    PS I could watch a bit more tv while eating the bacon butty!

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon folks.

    Maddy - great news about Tom, am so pleased he is going to be ok.
    Did you have to mention the bacon butty though ????
    Being back at work is seeing a huge drop in my calorie consumption , any more time off and i think i would have exploded.

    Bids, I'm still looking for a Taser :-)))) that Parrot has got to be zapped :-)))

    Deevs, wow that catering situation is poor . I was at the rugby in St Helens on Sunday night, and the price of the food in the ground was outrageous . It smelt truly awful too .

    Berni & Bingo , loving your GOLD blogs ! fingers crossed we get some more today :-)

    Chrissie - i love the expression "toots" , glad all is well.

    Not much else to report from here, just watching the grey clouds gathering .

    Keep smiling , Love MC xxxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Chris, I'm sure I heard you 'ask Vassos' the other day how the Backcrawl swimmers know when to turn.
    They don't look at the cieling as suggested, (well they might), but there is a row of flags strung across the pool at a fixed distance from each end. This tells them how far away they are. Once they roll onto their front for the tumble turn they are not allowed to kick and can only do one arm pull so they have to get it right or it's a long glide in.
    Sorry if loads of people have now told you this but it's been bugging me.

  • Comment number 23.

    Maddy: that's terrific news about Tom - you must be so relieved. xx

    MC: aww, thanks - I love the endearment "toots".

    PeeGee: very interesting - I really didn't know they were not allowed to kick at the turn - must take so much strength. I would quite literally drown myself if I tried the back crawl!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi bloggers,just wondered if anyone could advise.Hubby and I are heading for London on sat 11th,we were hoping to visit the Olympic Park and realised we needed to purchase tickets for this,I have been on the official website and cannot find any information re tickets for this only for events,does anyone know if you can just turn up on the day, Heres hoping xxxx

  • Comment number 25.

    HURRAH!!! Come on in Bingo & Berni. I've got my earplugs in LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Okaaaay......if you insist.........just for you, then.....

    T H R E E M O R E


  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo and Berni, you are both mad. LOL! xx

    Marjie, glad to hear that Tom is doing well. xx

    CSN, over and out.


  • Comment number 28.

    I can't leave on an odd number!


    Yes, I am mad too!

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Must say,

    Summer is short of a medal postion!

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 30.


    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Morning everyone.

    Hope you all have a lovely day.

    Chrissie, have a great holiday. xx

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 32.



  • Comment number 33.

    Good morning all,

    Showers forcast for today ,but apart from that it looks like it's going to be a good day.
    Would you believe it's that Friday day has come around again and so fast this week ,must be runing along with the olympians. Or is it that you justb don't watch the time as much .

    Nothing on the cards here for the w/end but no doubt something will turn up and things will be done .

    So have a good one all, and I'll will pop in tonight if the bar is open.

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 34.

    I'm back! Did you miss me?

    Had tinternet trouble, but all has been restored... thank goodness. Still it does make me do stuff that I've been putting off.

    Sunny here today, with a little wind.

    Maddy, Glad Tom is OK xx

    Deevs, Sounds like a good time at the football, apart from the pies, that really is disgraceful! With regards to your comment on the other blog, I think you've been reading too much of "that" book ;) xx

    I am still totally absorbed by the Olympics and am really excited that the athletics has started; in fact if I'd be lucky in my ticket application I would be there right now, but alas it wasn't to be :( Great haul of medals yesterday - GO TEAM GB :))))

    Chrissie, Happy hols Toots ;) xx


  • Comment number 35.

    Morning One & All,

    This Olympics stuff is so addictive, as I'm child free this week, afterwork its a glass with a stem with something cool in it (not water) eat watch & enjoy. AliB like you I too have a thing for the athletics, my boss has a thing for Jessica Ennis, so I'll be kept in the know during the day without even checking the news. One down six to go, go Jessica go.

    Will be really strange listening to Chris at the weekend wonder what it will do for my body clock? This weekend I be mostly ironing while watching & listening, getting ready for my hols.

    Anyway peeps must go lots to do as this is my last day for a couple of weeks and the need to leave work with a clean desk is a must, especially as little or nothing will be done on it while I'm away.

    Chrissie you have a good hols too.

    Happy weekend may the sun shine and the rain be GOLD Medals for Team GB.


  • Comment number 36.


    Well, we've had a whole week of Chris starting at 7am, and I am still not used to it! My timings are all off - it's 7.30am before I know it, I have to stop what I am doing so I can hear Chris and Moira chat, and then it's a mad rush to get out of the house for 8am! Is is just me ...?

    Fizzyo: hope someone can help with your query.

    AliB: thank you, toots!

    Sharon: so, you are in the same boat as me - lots to finish off, and then can rest assured that there will be lots to come back to! Have a great holiday.

    As much as I am off for two weeks, I will very much be around - it's home sweet home for us this year. If I don't get back today, have a great weekend, all CE bloggers!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon everyone,

    Grey day here , getting shonkier by the hour . So a week into the Olympics , and i am just loving everyminute of it . I may even share the fact with you that i have a rather large crush on Ian Thorpe :-)

    Have a nice weekend everyone, i will be spending mine on my sofa , cheering and eating .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Oh , i forgot , Chrissie, have a lovely couple of weeks off xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Back again but only very quickly, while eating lunch at my desk! Crumbs in the keyboard YUK!

    Chrissie you are so right, you just think your on top of it then someone remembers your not here for a couple of weeks and asks you do something before you go?!

    If the car is repaired in time, we plan to take our caravan somewhere south, it will still be home sweet home, ie me cooking etc. but a change of scenery is required to rest & recharge.

    Must crack on . . . .

    Sharon X

  • Comment number 40.

    Evening all

    Been a lovely afternoon her

    I sneaked into the back of my Jazzercise instructors wedding with some of the other ladies who go along.

    Was a great follow on to her Jazzercise Hen Party that we threw for her last night - what a way to de-stress on the night befoe your wedding!

    I did hobble a bit through the night - I managed to fall out of my back door yesterday - and yes I was sober!!! - so I am now limping along, sporting a beautiful selcetion of bruises down my leg!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening each

    Heard most of the show this morning while driving to baby-sitting duties and am so impressed, Chris is really giving it his all.

    I see on the Scottish News that Chris Hoy is being given the freedom of the city of Edinburgh - he won't ever again have to pay tolls or charges - wonder if that means he can park for free?

    Has Debs been in to declare the bar open? If so, mine's a wee meeerrrrlllloooot. Ta.

    Haven't caught up properly, but Maddy, hope your little cat is ok.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Annie.

    Sir Chris certainly deserves the freedom of the city aftger his wonderful achievement but even if he can park for free will he be able to find a space? He might well use his bike!

    Thanks for asking about Tom, he's back home and is doing well but has been meeowing all day wanting more of the special food than has been prescribed. He sat in front of me staring & meowing when I was eating my dinner and I felt so cruel. I finally gave in, phoned the vet to see if he could have more, he can and so I will have to buy twice as much. The vets fee and the cost of the special food has shaken me a bit (been looking online and I can buy in bulk which will be cheaper). I'm also having fun stopping Daisy getting Tom's food and vice versa but should be in some sort of routine soon.

    All in all though I'm so happy that Tom is doing well, he's a lovely cat and worth it.

    MM xxx

    PS Annie-the spider & fly catching hoover thingy is great. I've caught a few of those midges that bite and put them outside.

  • Comment number 43.

    Maddy, so glad Tom is doing well. Your comment about the vet bill reminds me of a friend whose dog was kept at the vets - 'Hilton for Dogs' was her comment!

    So glad your spider hoover thingy is useful. Mine was used this morning - spider on the landing when I came out of my bedroom, yuk!


  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Annie, Marjie and Sezza.

    I am so excited by some wonderful news that I have had this week!

    Well done to Andy Murray! xx

    CSN. Over and out. LOL!

  • Comment number 45.

    Must say

    Whatever happened to FNWC!

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 46.


    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Sleep well and take care!

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi CSN.

    Your wonderful news sounds very exciting!

    I wonder where our friend MBD is, maybe watching all the games!

    MM xxx


  • Comment number 48.


    Can't finish on an odd number lol!

  • Comment number 49.

    It would be a shame not to get to the 50 mark now!

  • Comment number 50.


    Goodnight all, sleep well!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Well done Marjie on the 50th post. xx

    I miss MBD on here. Hope all is ok with him.

    Will send you a personal message tomorrow.

    CSN . xx

  • Comment number 52.



  • Comment number 53.

    Good morning everyone,

    I think we should have Limpix all the time - everyone seems so upbeat at the mo, it's just lovely!

    But why do I always call the mighty-thighted cycle man Colin Hoy?!?! There's something in my brainbox that just sees him as a Colin. Can't explain.

    Well, we had a lovely time at Headingley yesterday. Great cricket (although could have done with getting them all out by lunch rather than tea), and the sun was shining for most of the day. Unfortunately the heavens opened at about 5.15 and play was abandoned for the remainder of the day but we'd been there since 10am so mustn't grumble.

    For a southerner like me it was weird coming home down the M1 seeing signs for the likes of Sheffield and Rotherham ...... in my head they've always been "ooops north" and there we were heading south towards them. Good journey home though, and back in time to watch some of the athletics - HOW do those ladies do the 10,000 metres!?!?

    Not sure what today has in store as the love of my life is still asleep but I've got some emails and stuff to catch up on from yesterday and then I may even have a bit of a read of "that" book - LOL Ali!

    Right, will stop waffling now and leave you all in peace.

    Muchos amore,


    Chrissie - havea fab 2 weeks off!

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning Deevs, morning All!

    Busy week again what with work getting in the way of the olympics - I've been sucked into it and loving every minute I can watch, really hoping Murray can do it tomorrow and Jess later today.

    Watching brekkie news and they have just been describing what the triathletes have to do today - swim the swim that becky did, then ride the bike ride that bradley did THEN run the run that Mo is doing later - crikey!!! what athletes!!!!

    Few chores today and lots of sofa surfing watching the limpics for the rest of the weekend.

    Chrissie enjoy your time off, everyone else have a FAB weekend

    PS Maddy, glad all is well with Tom xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning Debs

    This work malarkey can be a real inconvenience, can't it?!?! lol

    I know what you mean about the tri-athelete people - amazing! I'm doing some voluntary work for a local charity I've got to know through networking, and one of the women in the networking group recently too part in the Bolton IronManUK event, in aid of the charity. She's a wee slip of a girl but with a start time of 6am she did a 2 mile open water swim in a lake, then a 117 mile bike ride over a hilly route (most of it uphill from what she told us!) and then, after all that, a 26.2 mile full marathon. It took her approx 11 hours and she raise over Β£1K for the charity, but WOW! In the overall standings, I think she finished 6th in the ladies class. Amazing!

    That's all, for now!


  • Comment number 56.

    WOW Deevs - that is awesome, makes my 5K walk look like a skip in the park!!! Good for her and well done on the money she raised too. On that note my skip in the park raised Β£400 for cancer research so thanks once again to all my lovely blog and FB friends who sponsored me.

    so many people falling off their bikes, fingers crossed for the team GB girls - hang on tight ladies!


  • Comment number 57.

    Do they need stabilizers .... ?!?! ;-)

    Well done you. I did the Race For Life a few years ago, very very emotional.

    I'm now off to celebrate a minor triumph: I've just managed to update a website for one of the networking groups I attend (another voluntary, on my part). I've been putting it off as I was a little daunted by it, but, a bit of peace and quiet and following the destructions and success! All updated.

    Off to skip round the kitchen.


  • Comment number 58.

    Good morning all,

    Hi Deevs ,Debs ,my you are busy ladies ,can't keep up with you. but nice to see you both doing so well and Debs ,you did so well in your walk what with your poorly heel and all . wel done you and are you going to do it next year ??

    I've decided to go with the flo today here in the bids house hold ,just a bit of pottering and a qick house shop and have no idea what's on the menu for the weekend meal wise ,just might wait untill I'm actually in the store to see what jumps out at me.

    Maddy ,so pleased that your Tom is home ,but wow!! food price that's a bit of a downer and yes I suppose you bying it in bulk you can get it a liitle cheaper. And the vets bill :-(( shows how much you love him as you say he's worth it.

    Well I'd better go and start my pottering ,so see you later and have a good day all.


  • Comment number 59.

    Morning all!

    Very strange - Chris on t'radio and feet up on a Saturday!! Could get used to this!

    Have done the early morning run to the butchers and stresscos, now time for a drink, a jaffa cake and a re-group!

    Am giving the watching a rest while Chris is on - sort of feel that if they're turning up on a day off, ought to listen a bit - but I'm sure the pictures will go back on later!

    Mr Sezza took the dog and I out for a bit of geochaching last night. Very nice evening but I've been bitten to pieces!! My feet look like I've got measles!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    LOL Sezza ..... "stresscos" ....... banked that one. How apt!

    Bids - happy pottering.


  • Comment number 61.

    hi yall!

    Sezza I had CLP on too but also pics on telebox, the rowing was SOOOOOOOO good, so so emotional, I loved the 2 girls who were not even expected to be in final that when they won and finally realised she said "OMG we've won the olympics - we'll be on a stamp tomorrow!" And then the abject sorrow of the 2 boys and also tears from the interviewer!

    Bids - happy pottering - I'm having home made bruschetta with italian meats and cheese if that gives you inspiration!

    Deevs - glad you achieved what you needed - clever girl, learning new things everyday by the sounds of it!

    Chrissie, just had pick of the pops on in the car back from sainsbugs - 1st hour - listen again hunny - David Cassady AND Donny!

    Right back to more lympics, just hope that Jess does it tonight, what a legend, and that Andy M doesnt blow his chance of gold tomorrow by playing 2 mixed doubles today! Oooo get me chatting about sport!!!

    hmmm time for a cheeky penguin anyone? Thats a glass of gold that will get me though the olympic ironing pile I have!


  • Comment number 62.

    and oh my - the weather, its been monsooning it down all day! And just been watching some of the sailing - I'm feeling sea sick and its only on the tele!

  • Comment number 63.

    Hello ,back as promised .

    Well a nice few hours just pottering doing this and that and then the shopping ,and now with feet up.

    Sezza , not sure what "stresscos " is but no doubt it will come eventually or just it case it doesn't ,can you just tell me please . and bitten I was last week in the garden and expecting to again tomorrow if the weather permits.

    Debs, that sounds rather tasty of what you're having for dinner this evening ,I myself have been very lazy and decided on a meal deal ,so just got to bung it in the oven shortly and just let it do it self . not being quite lazy just crafty I suppose and the bonus of that as well is you get a bottle of vino with it .

    So I'd better go and get the hardest bit over with and put in in the oven and switch on .


  • Comment number 64.

    Oh!!! and weve had sunshine for most of the day ,just one little shower of about 5 minutes ..

    Bids ;-)).

  • Comment number 65.


    Chris is going to be busy tomorrow!!! All these Gold Medalists to catch hold of!

    Well Done Jess Ennis and Greg Rutherford

    GO MO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sezza xxx

    ps Bids, Stresscos sounds just like a very big supermarket!

  • Comment number 66.

    This describes my day today:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi Maddy ,just seen on tother side ,so your day hasn't been a good one ,hows
    Tom doing ?


  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Bids.

    Tom is doing OK but I'm having a bit of a time of it today. He won't eat his special food, enjoyed it yesterday but he now wants his usual food, Daisy is not happy because there's no food down in the usual place and to add to this the stray cat from No 8 (they just put it out for other people to feed) is hanging around looking for food.

    Tom won't have his pills, he keeps his teeth tightly locked together, I managed to prise it open a few times only for him to keep it in his mouth then spit it out. I resorted to wrapping it in a small piece of chicken (which he should.nt have but I was desperate) but exactly as I thought after the chicken had gone the pill was still there although slightly smaller. Finally I did get the rest of the pill in and then sat down to rest. He walked into the room and was sick all over the place & in the hall too. As he had brought up the pill I need to start again.

    I haven't yet had the courage to start again but must do so soon.

    MM xxx

    PS I was looking for a website to advice and came across the above link LOL!

  • Comment number 69.

    Maddy ,is there any way that you can crush the tablet and give it ti him that way .you'd think the vet would be able to advise you on it eh!!.

    not nice for you having to clear up after him is ,I know its not his fault ,but it's what you don't need . And are you OK Maddy??


  • Comment number 70.

    Tom is determined not to take it, I think perhaps it might be better to have the pill in my pocket and do it quickly while he's sitting beside me. I'm going to try this now.

    I'm going in! Wish me luck!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    We used to have the same problem with a lady patient on the ward where I worked ,and we used to sick the tablets into a jelly fruit sweet to see if she would take her meds that way ,but alas she always seemed to know. we tried everyway .


  • Comment number 72.

    I took Tom by surprise and very suddenly opened his mouth and popped in the pill, held it closed while stroking his neck, waited a long time but out it came. Tried again waiting a very long time until I thought it must surely have dissolved. He jumped down and there it was on the carpet.

    I've given cats pills many times but never known one like Tom! One website says crush it and put in cream cheese. I don't think so, he'll know the pill's in there!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh!! yes he will Maddy. the only other way is to get the meds in liquid foorm and apply the meds with a syringe.

    I do hope that you can come up with something ,if not get back intouch with your vet ,it's down to them ,they are charging you enough ..


  • Comment number 74.

    Success at last! I crushed the pill, crushed a piece of chicken into tiny pieces and mixed them together but some pills should not be crushed and I know he should not have chicken and so will ask the vet if this is better than not getting the pill at all.

    Right, let's hope he doesn't bring it back up again!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Good afternoon all,

    I hope that you are all up and not languishing in your beds after that very exciting day for the GB team yesterday ,didn't they do well ,I'm so pleased for the one's that have one and also to all the sports men and women .

    I've been busy this morning as I decided to wash the car and not take it to the car wash and actually I quite enjoyed it ,a good bit of exercise ,just the dinner to prep and then off out for a while .I do have a little bit of ironing but have decided to leave that for tomorrow.

    Maddy, I hope that you've had a more successful day with Tom and his tablets .and hope that you get the problem sorted when you've spoken to the vet .

    Right back to it ,so take care all and enjoy the rest of your day ,Ken is just watching the final stages of the ladies marathon.


  • Comment number 76.



  • Comment number 77.

    Coo, talk about sunshine and showers!!

    Was all set for lunch in the garden, then the thunder clouds gathered so we didcided inside was better!

    Been another Olympic day - was Murray on form or what!!

    Didn't think I was at all interested in the 100ms final but it's strange how addictive it gets when you watch the heats!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Well done to Andy Murray!

    Sezza, we have had awful weather here tonight, whatever happened to Summer. LOL!

    Marjie, hope you have a better day tomorrow. xx

    Berni, love your post.

    Hope you all had a lovey weekend.

    Sleep well and take care.

    CSN. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Morning all!
    What another olympic day yesterday! so so pleased to see Andy Murray really pull out all the stops and have a well earned win - the biggest of his life. I'm so proud of all our team GB athletes, as we know so many times we heep high hopes on them and then they never pull it off, not right now though!

    Loving CLPs facecloth pages with photos on the balcony - how small does he look compared to the 4 rowers LOL

    Right, best get a wiggle on,
    Have a great week everyone

  • Comment number 80.


    Standing in the kitchen, cup of tea handy, and listening to the fantastic, on-top-of-his-game Chris Evans! What are these shows like? Just incredible!

    And, someone else has opened up the office this morning, because it ain't me!

    Thanks, ladies for the lovely good wishes for my holiday. I have loads I want to do/people to see etc, but I can't, simply cannot, leave the Olympics! Hasn't it been incredible? Saturday evening was electric and unforgettable. Yesterday, just so fantastic to see Andy Murray get the gold. It has just all been wonderful. I don't want it all to come to an end!

    Debs: I have to say, I think your 5K walk was an incredible achievement from you - after everything you went through? You are a star! xx

    And, Debs, thanks for the heads-up for Pick of the Pops - loved it! Ahh, Puppy Love, just wonderful and the Patridge Family - David sounding very "breathy" loved it! I do believe that record was a "Maxi Single" - does anyone remember them?!

    Maddy: bless you with your efforts with Tom! I loved the link about giving a cat a pill! Hope you can get some good advice from the Vet, and I think Bids made a good suggestion about getting the medication in liquid form.

    Now, I have something else to share, which I hope you don't mind, but I will put it on another message - it may be quite lengthy!

    Happy Monday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 81.

    err: Partridge Family - missed out an "r"!

    What I want to say, please don't think I am trying to preach or anything, but this weekend I learned the danger, the dreadful danger of gas leaking in the home, and I just want to tell you about it.

    I was at work on Saturday morning. MrS called me to say my brother-in-law had called, he could not get out of bed, could not even lift his head - he had no idea what was wrong with him. I asked MrS to go straight to his house (thank goodness we have a set of keys for his house) and I left work immediately and was there in around half an hour. On my arrival, I just could not believe the smell of gas in the house. Neither MrS nor my b-i-l have a good sense of smell and although they knew there was a "funny" smell in the house, they could not work out what it was.

    Anyway, the upshot is that my b-i-l had not turned off the gas properly on Friday morning - the gas had been escaping for a full 24 hours and he was suffering from gas inhalation.

    Now, he is going to be ok - he is in hospital for a few days, but he will recover. But, what a lucky escape - had he been unable to call us, if he had gone into a deep sleep, he would never have woken up again - it doesn't bear thinking about.

    What I really want to say is, he had a carbon monoxide alarm in the house, but it was lying down on top of the mantelpiece in the lounge - had it been sitting up, it would have registered the gas, and would have been piercing throughout the house. When the paramedics arrived, they said that most of us who have these alarms, have them in the wrong place in our homes. Smoke alarms should be "high up" or on the ceiling, but monoxide alarms should be half-way down the wall, next to the gas supply. I didn't know this, and I know this sounds like I am preaching but honestly, I just want to share this. Please check your alarm, and make sure it's in the right place. Apparently, gas is so dense, it takes a very long time to rise - if the alarm is up too high, it could be too late by the time the gas reaches it, and activates it.

    I told you this would be lengthy! Just to say, once we moved the monoxide alarm, it screamed throughout the house. We opened every door, every window, and honestly, 90 minutes later, the alarm was still piercing. It was utterly terrifying just how much gas was in the house.

    All is well, and my b-i-l is definitely on the mend, but he knows what a lucky, lucky man he is.

    I hope this reads ok, I just wanted to share this with as many people as possible.

    C xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all

    Only 2 days in work and I'll be joining Chrissie in the "I'm on Holiday!!!" brigade!

    Truthfully, Wednesday is work but is a meeting at another site where I actually get to spend time with my colleagues instead of the residents so isn't really like work at all!

    Only thing is, I shall not be able to watch much more of the Lympics! Do you think my little recorder device will record the whole of the rest of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ1 at least? NO! :-(

    Maybe I'll just try for the Closing ceremony as we'll be trotting round the south of the Lake District!

    Right, best try and hide the rubbish, oop sorry, I mean organise my desk so when my colleague pops in next week to check everyone is ok she doesn't have a fit!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Oh my goodness Chrissie, What a scary experience!

    Hope your brother in law recovers quickly

    We don't have gas in our house but I'll second your call to those who do

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Oh my word, Chrissie.......that was close. Thank goodness he was able to call MrS....hope he recovers quickly..... x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi Sezza: I don't think I have ever been more traumatised, honestly! Yes, please tell everyone you know about the monoxide alarms.

    Sezza: lovely for you, getting into the holiday mode! Oooh, it's great! xx

    Berni: frighteningly close, for sure. Thank you - yes, he is going to be ok, thank goodness. xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi all can't say good morning or good aftrernoon as it's mid day,

    Have done some errands this morning and just having brunch at the moment then we are off out with no1 and no2 grandbobs ,were going to do a dummy run up the car fesr site and going to have a look around Witchurch that is quite close by and they have an old silk mill there ,so that should be interesting ,and we'll probably have a bite to eat wilst we areout so hopefully no cookingfo me tonight.

    Sezza ,is it a staycation that you're having or are you off somewhere ..choose which hope you have a nice break.

    Crissie ,what a relief for you about your brother in law ,and hope he's home soon and how lucky was he that he rang you ,you just don't know do you .And thank you for that information ,most enlightning about the gas monitor thing.,we do have smoke alarms ,but our gas boiler is in the loft

    Deds ,hi to you my love and hope you have a good week also.

    Off to get ready and pop round to pick the boys up and then we'll be on our way.

    See you later ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 87.

    Oh God Chrissie - what a close call, i'm so glad you were able to get there in time! I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Bids, how funny that you say you are going for a carfest dry run - literally your ticked popped through the letter box about an hour ago! Will forward on to you tomorrow when I'm in the office - exciting!!!

    Must dash on, laters everyone

  • Comment number 88.

    Just in case you've missed any of the big events from the Olympics, here's a way to catch up!

    x x x



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