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To the Tune of Hey Hey We're The Monkees...

Chris Evans | 10:43 UK time, Monday, 11 June 2012

Here we come,
Swimming down the street,
We're all soaking wet now,
From our head to our feet

Happy June everyone! Officially no longer classified as a summer month according to the long range weather forecasters.

Surely all this rain has something to do with more moisture in the air due to the polar ice caps melting doesn't it? Or is that just me being an alarmist???

All I know is the A40 looks like Lake Garda and the M25 has merged with the log flume at Thorpe Park.

Good luck out there and stay safe.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    Am I first?

  • Comment number 2.

    Woohoo looks like I am.

    Was in the toon over the weekend as OH had opticians appt. Very mixed weather both there and here. Monsoon like at times coming back yesterday afternoon!

    Debs so please you and GD had a good day yesterday and feet are still ok today?

    Bids really pleased to hear fairy is ok as have been concerned at lack of sightings recently!

    Chrissie enjoy the 'love nest' evening

    PJ pleased to hear all going as well as can be expected for wee man x

    MaddyM I knew there was a good reason to boycott vacuum lol but seriously pleased you are ok but please take care x

    So sorry for those of you I have missed for a personal response but I do read you all and roll on Edinburgh!

    Love & hugs

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: Love your wee song! Yes, the rain is just awful, and it's here to stay by the look of it! Welcome back, Chris - it was so much easier getting up this morning, knowing you would be there! xx

    Susan: hiya! Ooooh, I am so looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! And, thanks, about tonight. xx

    PJ: thanks for letting us know about the wee boy - hope he gets better very soon. xx

    Back to work!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Someone's just told me they think the weather will improve by the end of the week!

    Pesonally I think they're just a Daydream believer!!!

    Christoff, please reassure little Eli that the weather on Planet Earth is not always like this!!

    The sky does come in colours other than grey!!

    Never mind, it was lovely to have your happiness to light up our morning!

    Noah deserves all his rewards for his little contributions to the show each day!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Or I could rise 'neath the wings
    Of the bluebird as she she sings
    The six o'clock alarm would never ring
    But six rings and I rise
    Wipe the sleep out of my eyes
    etc. etc. etc.

    I must be a Daydream Believer because I think the summer will soon arrive.

    I think all the rain is due to the polar ice caps melting CLP. We used to get spring summer autumn & winter but now it's all over the place. Is the hosepipe ban still on by the way? Who in their right mind would be watering the garden?

    We are quite lucky here in Wirral and don't get the worst of the extreme weather.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    PS. Sezza- Great minds think alike :)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    afternoon all ,

    Just wading in to see how your all doing ,and I hope that you are all keeping safe in this weather .I've had a couple of apps this morning and have been absolutely drenched and that was just walking from the car ,and my feet were swimming in my Shoes ,that reminds me to get my wellies out .

    Chris ,sorry I missed the show this morning ,but glad to have you back.I do hope that you have had a nice break and that the family are well and that Eli has settled into a routine and that big brother Noah is helping out mummy .

    PJ, so pleased to hear that the little one's op is behind him ,and hope he's on the road to a speedy recovery .

    Maddy ,I hope that you're OK ,just take care not to catch it anywhere or you'll be back to square one ,take care and look after yourself . And yes you did the right thing by pressing your button ,always better to be safe than sorry.

    Crissie , "love nest" oh!! to be young again ,I just love the picture that you paint of the GD's and her other half ,so heart warming. although I'd like to think that that's what We have hear ..lol. We do have candle light dinners at w/ends.

    Susan , yes It was really nice to see the fairy ,and I did tell her that shes missed ,esp her nature reports ,hopefully she'll be back.

    Sezza ,Can you just let that young Gibbs that I'm enjoying his blogs ,he doesn't half get around ,he's got a better social life than me ,but who wouldn't when you see him .And how does he like this rain ?

    Right must go and decide on what to pack ,I've got it all ready ,packing I think for all weather ,wellies ,shades ,sun cream I think should cover all.

    Sorry if I've missed anyone ,back later .



  • Comment number 8.


    Good to have you back Chris. Didn't catch all of the programme, due to husband having a dental appointment and not leaving till 9, and he had his chatty head on, grrrr!!!

    A big well done to Debs and GD x

    PJ, pleased little fella is on the mend x

    Bids, if you are speaking to Sal anytime soon, please give her my love and say hello. I miss her.

    We have candlelit dinners, more so in the winter months. It doesn't seem right when it's daylight ;)

    Chrissie, enjoy your evening with the love birds.

    Maddy, take care x

    It's 12c here, it rained all night and hasn't stopped yet, and I'm not liking it one little bit!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 9.

    Ello CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Welcome back after 'the jubilant drop' and The Jubilee gigs.
    Yes a most interesting angle of the ice caps in meltdown.
    Interesting ter read Thorpe Park log flume 'as merged with The M25.
    We 'ave the same probldem in the back end of Birkenhead. The Birkenhead sewer works ave overflowed and merged with a road.
    A too can see logs floating down the road!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    PS A was at The Coldplay gig yesterday, ALL was most nice!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Glug. That is all.

  • Comment number 12.

    Oh dear Berni is it that wet with you? xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Wet dot com!!! Floods where I have never seen floods before - my poor little car almost got swallowed up in a few!! I played in an open air concert Saturday night and it was sunny and even a bit WARM - can you believe that?? Amidst (he he he, a-mist) all the rain....what great luck for 1000 concert go-fers and the Southampton Concert Orchestra!!! Any other June night so far, it would have been persisting down..... Where are you? x

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Berni - we relocated from Newcastle upon Tyne to North Yorkshire in February for OH work. I'm Geordie born and bred so a shock to the system!!

    Edinburgh blog meet this weekend if you can manage after your cuddle with Notsobigun? Keep blogging anyhow.

    Luv Susan xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Evening all,

    Can I whisper this ...... *it's not rained here today * ........... :-)))

    We are running a Euro 2012 footy competition at work, and about 30 people have entered . I just randomly filled in my predictions , not even looking at whom was playing whom. It took me about five minutes flat . Some of the men have applied "footy science" to their predictions , taking days to agonise over the outcome of the games and the tournament overall. So, the first league table position was published today, and two women are top , my colleague and I.
    I fear it may be short lived ! I cant see that kind of luck running with us for the duration.
    Right , off to find the Maltesers.
    MC xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Evening each

    Nice to see you back Chris, you've been missed. Hope the family are doing well.

    What a faff trying to find you on the new Radio 2 website.


  • Comment number 17.

    Evening all,

    Thanks for your song Chris. It鈥檚 so good to have you back 鈥 mornings are so much better with you around. Hope Eli is settling in okay 鈥 I really felt for Natasha when you said she fell asleep upright in the chair for 2 hours, bless her xx

    MC 鈥 don鈥檛 tell anyone but we haven鈥檛 had any rain here today! Good luck with the football competition ;o) xx

    PJ - thanks for the update on the little one xx hope he is much better very soon xx

    Bids 鈥 you have the right idea with your packing, cover all eventualities. Please say hi to the fairy next time you speak to her.

    Chrissie - I hope you are having a lovely time with the love birds xx

    Maddy 鈥 I hope your leg is better, sounds nasty. The alert system is fantastic 鈥 my lovely Mum had one it really give peace of mind doesn鈥檛 it? I hope you

    Debs 鈥 well done to your and the GD, great achievement xx

    Sezza 鈥 I hope that 鈥渟omeone鈥 is right about the weather.

    Hi to everyone else 鈥 sorry if I鈥檝e missed anyone, it鈥檚 not intentional xx

    I had a great time at the wedding reception on Saturday 鈥 the bride was gorgeous 鈥 made me want to get married again so it must have been good or maybe that was the effect the shots had on me ;o))

    Anyone watching Gok鈥檚 cooking show? I wouldn鈥檛 mind going to his for dinner!

    Hiya Annie xx

    Take care folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Maddy don't know what happened to the rest of my sentence.....it should have said "I hope you wear your neck cord." xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Mary, liked the photo on FB.

    Well, got to the bottom and have forgotten everything I was going to say. Hope everyone is well.

    No rain today but the heating has been on all day. Anyone coming to Edinburgh - bring your woolies.


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Mary-It's the wrist alarm I have, I always feel that I'm beating sod's law by wearing it. The only thing is it's supposed to be heard from the bottom of the garden, I was upstairs in my bedroom and couldn't be heard, the operator turned up the sound and I was shouting, ended up halfway down the stairs before I could be heard. Don't know what nextdoor thought was going on LOL!

    Glad the wedding reception went well and you enjoyed yourself. It would have taken a lot of shots to make me think about getting married again ha ha!

    Annie-tonight is the first time I haven't put the heating on for a while. And no rain here either.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Chris ,I'd like some of what you have in the mornings as you are always so cheery and bright ,me I could just dive back under the duvet today ,only due to the weather.

    Grey skies here this morning and still have that wet stuff falling out of the sky, and can't see it stopping any time soon.

    Seem to be word bound today so that's all from me for now folks ,utill I get my tongue free ;-))

    Take care..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 22.

    Lamb shank - yum! What a fun evening these guys are gonna have!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi everyone:

    Bids, Pen and Berni: I really feel for you, and everyone else getting this horrendous weather. It's a total drag when it pours day after day.

    Bingo: I am sure Coldplay were fantastic - just love them. Isn't the drummer just incredible? I have a bit of thing for drummers (!) and he is undoubtedly the best I've ever seen/heard.

    MC: excellent about the footy competiton! I hope you and your colleague stay at the top of the league!

    Annie: I thought it was just me having trouble with the R2 website, it's nice to know I'm not alone!

    Mary: shots ... are we up for a few of those on Saturday? Only joking - don't let me even think about it!

    Bids, Pen and Mary: thanks for mentioning the love birds. They seem to be completely happy - you can just tell from the body language, can't you? We had a terrific night with them, great music, drinks, lots of good chat, but I woke up this morning thinking it must be Saturday ... I'm not used to going out on a Monday evening!

    Hope everyone else is ok, and I hope Tuesday is good to you.

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning all

    Chrissie, You're just right - this weather really is a drag! I am so bored with it and I'm even bored with hearing myself moan about it!

    I'm sitting in the office with the heating on looking forward to going to the dentist this afternoon - I think I need to change my mind-set and stop annoying myself ( and probably everyone around me!)

    Hugs to everyone who needs them and smiles to share!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning All,

    I'd like to "ditto" Sezza's comment - "Chrissie, You're just right - this weather really is a drag! I am so bored with it and I'm even bored with hearing myself moan about it!"

    It is raining yet again and even my balcony is flooded! Well there's lots of water sitting on it! So to cheer myself up I am skiving off early to go and have the badger stripe removed and a hair cut.

    If you are lucky enough to have sunshine, please enjoy it on my behalf :)

    PJ, Glad the little one had the transplant and hope that they are well on the road to recovery. My little friend is still with us, she's certainly a fighter. On Saturday 400 people turned up to walk 10km for her and raise lots of money, the photos brought tears to my eyes.

    Debs, Well done to you and the GD on your walk xx

    Maddy, Glad you are OK, it must have been a bit worrying for you xx a good excuse to put your feet up though :)

    Hello MC, Hope you are feeling better xx

    Mary, Good to read you xx

    And a big hello to everyone else - thanks for brightening up a dull, dreary day :)


  • Comment number 26.

    OK Now I feel bad - I just shouted (well was perhaps a bit stroppy) at a pensioner :(

    We have a buzzer system in the office and he was pressing the buzzer or an office with no one in and he kept doing it, holding his finger on the buzzer for ages. So I went and told him no one was there and that it was really annoying! I did then tell him which buzzer to press and they were able to help him, so not all bad.


  • Comment number 27.

    Good morning one and all,

    CLP - Great to have you back on the air! The drive to work is a much happier place when you laugh all the way. ;-)

    I would love to attend a sausage fest! My kind of food, only the sausages with meat in them not the cheap and nasty kind. Sorry your butcher friend did not win an award this year, maybe you not turning up as his lucky mascot did not help his chances, eh? LOL

    Debs - congratulations on your 5k! Pleased to hear that you managed it without the need of medical assistance, other than the claret at afterwards of course. ;-) xx

    Work is kind of mad right now after a long weekend (and me taking the rest of the week off) things seem to have gone crazy!

    I will be back when I have a moment..........

    keep smiling


  • Comment number 28.

    Morning all, nothing good about here.

    Yep, it's raining again, but hey, at least I woke up!

    Chrissie, glad you had a nice evening. With the love birds working shifts, you have to grab the opportunity, school night or not. It'll soon be the weekend, won't it?

    Also heard Chris talking about lamb shanks, they are one of my favourite meals. Not today though, I think I've eaten something dodgy. Will leave it there!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello blogettes:

    Well this is where you've been hiding! Wondered why I couldn't find Chris the usual way. I do wish they'd give us a bit of notice when they're going to change stuff. My brain can't cope with it.

    Update on wee fella. His Grandad says he's been a bit sick the last couple of days. Well after two weeks of chemo and a bone marrow transplant I think he's allowed to be 'a bit sick'.

    Still sunshine here on the borders. I know it's not at all good for some of you. Bring on summer - what do you mean - this is Summer?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 30.

    Hello ,

    Well, (i'm whispering again) ........ nothing so far .... yet , you know what i mean !! BUT, it is very grey , and chilly .

    Pen, ohhh no, are you sure its not that bug i had last week ? came home from work and within an hour ....... get well x

    PJ, glad to hear the little chap is progressing , it's early days x

    AliB, oh , sometimes you just sound shouty in your head, and it doesnt actually come out , if you know what I mean. SO dont worry :-)

    Maddy , hope you are ok now.

    Sezza, cheer up chuck, I am still draped in my slanket most evenings.

    Chrissie, going out on a school night is always confusing. Glad to know the Love nest is still going strong :-)

    Not much else going on round here right now , just ploughing through the paper and clock watching today . I am usually fighting the clock, but today, well , its just going on for ages .

    Right, am rambling
    MC. xxx

    Living life in the it isn't summer and we cant pretend we are happy about it lane.

  • Comment number 31.

    MC, thanks x

    I am so cold and begrudge putting the heating on in June, I rummaged to the back of the cupboard and found a cuppa soup. I didn't check the sell by date and on reflection maybe I should have. However, thus far it has stayed put, sorry, tmi, I know ;)

    I am sat here, wrapped in a blanket watching tennis at Queen's, and yes it has stopped raining!


  • Comment number 32.


    A cup of tea, and a sneaky look to see what's happening!

    Sezza and AliB: re: the weather - I know we all hate moaning about it, but it really affects our wellbeing. It's all very well when people say "just dress for the weather" but it's not that simple. Miserable and/or extreme weather just brings us all down.

    AliB: ooohh, my buzzer goes all day long and it drives me up the wall! There are four other companies in our building, but every visitor pushes OUR buzzer first! I have lost patience now, and I don't let anyone in who is going to another company - so I understand your frustration! Thanks for letting us know about Tina - I have been thinking about her. xx

    Keith: always nice to see you - hope to see you again soon!

    Pen: not nice for you ... hope your tummy recovers soon. xx

    PJ: thanks for the update on the wee one - he's been through so much.

    MC: glad to hear your part of the world is avoiding you-know-what. And, yes, thanks, the Love Nest is very much still that - I hope it stays this way for them, because it's lovely to see!

    So much paperwork on my desk, I could cry ... I suppose I better try to do something with it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 33.


    I must remember to water the garden tonight! Yes I know I said in my post #5 yesterday 'who in their right mind would water the garden'. Well me, that's who!
    But I haven't lost my mind, it's been dry here for the second day and I am referring to the hanging basket and tubs by the wall which don't get the rain anyway.

    I hope this a sign that summer is on the way and we all are about to get nice weather at last.

    You're so right Chrissie, the weather really affects our moods, everyone's spirits are lifted when it's sunny and warm and when it rains day after day how can we not moan and feel miserable. Animals are affected by it too.

    Pen-I hope you soon feel better, a tummy bug is not nice at all.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Thank you Maddy and Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning afternoon and good evening, hope you are all enjoying the summer. Only 75 here today which is about 20 degrees cooler than it was yesterday here in Upstate NY.

  • Comment number 36.

    Bondy, how nice to see you. Summer? What Summer?


  • Comment number 37.

    James you didn't have to be that rotten!! We can only dream of warmth here. I have had to nudge up the heating again tonight. Hope you are well though?

    Best wishes
    Susan xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Shove some our way, Bondy, it's dire here! Don't they say we get your weather? Best it hurries up.

    Good to see you.


  • Comment number 39.

    Hello Penny,Susan and AG :) 95 here yesterday and gradually supposed to build back up to that over the course of the week. Mid to upper 80s by the weekend. Great football playing weather :)

  • Comment number 40.

    I am starting to dream about sunshine!!!

    Am determined to take pooch for a walk and have coffee with friends at country park tomorrow so there had better not be any rain around about 2pm!!!!

    Mind you, just watching Gt Ormond St programme - makes all my moans fade into insignificance!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 41.


    If you believe that the current weather is due to global warming, which is caused by the production of greenhouse gases, then why on earth have you organised not one but two events for cars.

    Perhaps you should think more about the world you are leaving for your children rather than your short term pleasure.

    Sell the Ferraris and buy an electric car, otherwise this is what summers will be like in future.

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening all,

    Thanks Annie re: photo.

    Maddy 鈥 that made me laugh about the shots. I鈥檝e been at home today because I have an ear and throat virus so that鈥檚 probably why I was a bit delirious on Saturday hahaha

    You should get them to check out your wrist alarm there might be a fault with it 鈥 good that you wear it 鈥 my Mum always had to be reminded to wear hers.

    Chrissie 鈥 no shots for me on Saturday thank you very much ;o) xx

    Bingo 鈥 sounds like the Coldplay gig was brilliant.

    Ali 鈥 thanks xx Continue to send thoughts and prayers to your little friend.

    PJ 鈥 will keeping praying for the little ones recovery xx

    MC 鈥 hope you are fully recovered and fighting fit for the weekend xx

    Pen 鈥 hope you are feeling better too xx

    Keith 鈥 lovely to see you xx

    Bondy 鈥 nice to see you too, send us some sunshine please xx

    Seeza 鈥 I鈥檝e been following the Gt Ormond St programme, really puts everything into perspective doesn鈥檛 it?

    Hi to anyone I have missed.

    Time for a hot drink, pain killers and back to bed for me.

    Nite nite folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Mary-hope you soon feel better. Re my wrist alarm, I realised later when I thought about it I think it's probably that the alarm works as far away as the bottom of my garden and not the voice range. If I was shouting for an ambulance from the bottom of the garden there's an ambulance station the other side of the road at the back who would most likely hear me before the person at the end of the careline LOL!

    MagicBusDriver-Everyone should be driving electric cars these days but the government wouldn't like it for obvious reasons.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Evening Greetings Ter ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Chrissie & MWK - Actually ave gotta confession about the Coldplay gig.... ALL did not go smoothly!!!!!
    A ended up talking to a concrete wall..... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Basically after being at the touring cars all afternoon at Oulton Park.... It's a dive/ 'ours drive ter get ter the Man City FC wher ethe coldplay gig was 'appening!!!!!!!!!!!
    Only problem when a goot there.... A found me seats where near the back of the stadium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A don't know what 'appened as a studied the seat plan before booking me tickets... For sure a booked near the stage ter the side up above in the seating area!!!!!!

    But 'ow can a prove the website a booked it on was wrong.... OR was it me mind being under severe stress due to concreting me bathroom floor???????
    Ter be 'onest a don't now, sorry know!!!!!!?@?

    On top of this somebody was sitting in me seats and would noot move!!!!!!!!

    So as there where a few seats left in the stadium.... AND in the area that a wated ter book/ think a booked... Which adds weight ter that a did book correctly.... A explained ter the steward and asked could a sit where a wanted ter seat as there was seats free!!!!!!! (not thatter the gig was free at 65 a ticket!!!!!)
    So we made our way ter the otherside of the stadium and the steward said it was ok if nobody came.
    Sadly somebody did....
    So we moved ter some more seats.... And enjoyed The Rita Ora and The Robyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only problem..... As Coldplay came on.... even though the seats we were in.... A JOBSWORTH steward aske dter see our tickets and told us we couldn't sit wher ewe were sitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A explained the above..... Trying to above the loudness of the start of the gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We ended up being ejected.... And escorted to the naughty seats at the VERY back of the stadium.... ALL why the opening oif th egig was on complete with fireworks and music... And Coldplay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By now a was getting VERY irrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then a explained again to the steward at the back that no way are we sitting at the back when the our wrongly booked seats that some people were sitting in where less at the back than the VERy back but more back than the seats am sure a booked.... But that we were reeemoved from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But the steward was not interested and couldn't 'ear me due to Coldplay making alotta noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A STORMED back around ter the part of the stadium where we originally where with the people sitting in our seats.... The ones a didn't book but that we were booked inter!!!!!!!!!!

    Again the stewards totally unhelpful and it was so difficult trying te rspeak with them above the noise of The Gig...... By now a FURIOUS.... A could 'ear Coldplay playing.... but a was missing the gig..... MISSING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A turned away from the now 3 stewards and started shouting at the concrete wall in protest thatta might get more sense out of the DAMN IT wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!

    In the end a told the stewards straight a want the people in our wrongly booked seats removed.... And we will watch from those seats even though am sure a didn't book them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We were taken back ter where we 'ad originally started..... Only ter find the people in our seats were no longe rin our seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They must 'ave realised they where in th ewrong place and moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So finally we settled in ter join in the gig that a missed the start of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All after that was most nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    PS Chrissie - As for drummers.... A know where yer coming from.... 'e is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But a think Coldplay are good together 'as a band with Chris Martin the genius of the band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ter me a can name other MEGA drummers - Queen - Roger Taylor.... Dave Grohl.... Phil Colins..... Ken Bruce..... ALL VERY talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Good morning all,

    I did something last night that I really wish I hadn't,I checked the 5 day weather forecast for three area's and guesss what ,yes you've guessed heavy rain in all of them.
    And on to a brighter note ,it's my last day at work for just over a week and really looking forward to the break

    Sezza ,think you need to invest in a little rubber ring for your Gibbs,as he just might need it when you meet up with your friends .

    Nothing else to report so I'll getb ac wiggle on and be on my way .Have va good day all,and stay safe.


  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all!

    Feeling almost human today, maybe the shiny bright blue sky has something to do with it. Yes, we have sun!

    Mary, thank you xx And I hope you improve before the weekend for your VIP date! ;)

    Bingo, blimey, you couldn't make it up. Glad, in the end, the gig turned out 'most nice'.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi everyone:

    Dry here, but cold - so cold! We had to put the heating on for an hour last night, and again this morning - I could not have ventured into the shower otherwise!

    Nice to see some chat on the blog last night - I just never get the chance to get on in the evenings ... perhaps just as well, eh?!

    Maddy: hope you got your basket and tubs watered.

    Pen: hopefully your tummy has settled now.

    007: how lovely to see you, even though you are making us all envious!

    Mary: hope you are feeling a bit better today. It must have been miserable for you yesterday. xx

    Bingo: what a nightmare about the seats at Coldplay! Did you keep your wristband? I was reading somewhere that for some people, they keep lighting up, still!

    Bids: ooohh, I checked out the weather too! Aaaarggh! I have my fingers crossed that you get a lucky break and the weather behaves itself for your planned Royal Mile walk with Rosie. I usually find the weather is always better in Edinburgh than it is in Glasgow, so fingers crossed it's the same this weekend. xx

    This morning, I had to stop everything when Moira introduced What a Wonderful World. We played that at my darling Dad's funeral and it just reminds of him so much. How right Chris was when he said that it is really is a wonderful world.

    Right, that's enough of the self-indulgence - back into the fray!

    Have a good day, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning all

    Bingo, what a nightmare at the concert. Sounds like the seating was really poorly managed.

    Dry but cold here too Chrissie - at least it's cold indoors. I have a feeling it's probably warmer outside than in today!

    Penny, was soooooo much nicer being out this morning in the sun rather than huddled against the howling gales!

    Bids, Hope you're still wiggling and getting everything ship shape for your week off!

    Right, quick trip round to the co-op for the local paper!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon folks,

    Well , it's drizzly and grey here today.
    Mary, sorry to hear you are poorly. You simply MUST be better for weekend. Or we will all come to your place and sit on the end of your bed and party with you.
    Bids, I heard the weather forecast too, oh well, I have never felt Scottish rain , so it will be a nice change from the English stuff .
    Sezza, when you wrote Great Ormond, i read it as Osmond :-))) Chrissie - behave !

    Pen, hope everything is ok today . I am finding my daily dose of Matesers to be most beneficial. I almost took a vitamin C tablet this morning, but remembered half way to work that I'd forgotten. I seem to have lost my va va voom lately, my memory is dreadful.
    Not much else to report really, just paper and e-mails floating round, and the desire to rip them up or delete them is almost getting the better of me.
    Right, back on my perch.

    Love to all
    MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon Each,

    Dare I say it, but the sun "has" (being the operative word) been shining here, it's a little overcast now. But I enjoyed it while it lasted!

    Pen, Hope you are betterer today xx

    Bondy, Nice to read you and if you could please send some of that weather this way we would be most grateful xx

    Mary, Hope you are feeling better today, got to get yourself match fit for Saturday xx

    Bingo, Never been to a Coldplay concert, but they are one of my favourite groups xx

    Bids, Hope you get everything sorted before you week off xx

    MC, I know what you mean about your va va voom. I was only saying to my colleague this morning how grumpy I felt and that everything annoyed me, which is very unlike me. I am sure it's this depressing weather and the lack of sunshine. Keep your chin up chuck, or in my case chins ;) xx

    Back to it.


  • Comment number 52.

    Tips to reserving a trailer- -Most useful thing I learnt was not to over-steer. Trailers have a smaller turning circle than a car, so you only need to make the smallest of turns on the steering wheel to get the angle you need.

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