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Stop The Presses !!!

Chris Evans | 10:09 UK time, Thursday, 17 May 2012

On tomorrows show - Gary Barlow brings in his song by Royal Appointment. I've heard it, it's beautiful. Don't miss it. There is also a huge reveal to do with who the main vocalists are. Plus, tomorrow night on The One Show - there will be the world premier of the video when we broadcast live from RNAS Couldrose where we will also be welcoming the Olympic flame to the shores of The UK.

No time to blink at the moment.

Life is never better than when it is full.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    9.23 million listeners and I am the first to comment!!! Woo Hoo!!! Exciting month for you for sure, CE!! x

  • Comment number 2.

    * * * WELL DONE again CHRIS AND ALL THE TEAM * * *

    What a week you're having and well deserved

    We're going to fall out if you play Sailing while I'm trying to put mascara on again! One of my favourite songs but always makes me cry!

    Have a good day and enjoy a cheeky cinzano!

    Sezza xxx

    ps Garath Malone as the extra mystery guest?

  • Comment number 3.

    Bums (as Annie would say) Can't watch tomorrow night as will be playing first skittle match at this years Shootout! Oh well, there's always the i whatsit!

    Not back at work til next Thursday after 5pm today so may have time to blog. You have no idea how good it is to say 'back to work'!!!

    laters everybody peeps, love you all

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Ok, so I've just "aquired" a lava lamp - supposedly to give to Boy1

    I've switched it on in the office "to test" it - is it very wrong that I now want to keep it for myself! ;-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Christophe, I haven't even HEARD the song for the Jubilee yet, but when you spoke about it this morning I couldn't help but blub! Best get my tissues ready for tomorrow night's One Show!!

    Well done to you all on the Sony Award - and to Beryl & Betty from Hull (where I'm from). I'm the local dog psychologist and have appeared with their producer, Dave Reeves, who's a great presenter himself. It's all good!! xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Chris can't wait to hear the show tomorrow. Are the other vocalists The Military Wives? Its bound to be a great song if Gary Barlow is involved.

    Well done to you and the team on your awards this week.

    Sezza, lava lamps are very hypnotic aren't they. I remember when my son had one and you could sit for ages watching it.

    Maddy after your chat the other day I just had to watch the Jersey Boys yet again and ended up watching the whole concert!

    Another cloudy and cool day here in the North West

    mm x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris, wonderful to see you blogging, even though you are so busy - we love being kept in the loop! I'm in the same boat as Tiggs - bums (as Annie always says) I won't hear Gary in the morning ... but I'll be Listening Again on Saturday!

    Hi everyone else: hope you are all ok.

    Can I just say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the lovely messages yesterday - sweethearts, all. My sister and I had such a great day. We had a lovely lunch in the Tapas restaurant where we had the Glasgow Blog Meet attended by so many fabulous bloggers, and the last time I was with our lovely Beez. xx So, it was a bittersweet day in more ways than one.

    Mark and CB - from the previous blog: I agree re: the statins. When I read in the paper that all over-50's should be taking them, I thought "this can't be right". I, too, have heard horror stories about this. I would say to you both, your posts were really powerful and if you can, get them on Chris's Facebook page, email and anywhere else you can think of.

    AliB: hope you are feeling a wee bit better today. My advice (as always) is hot toddy but as Bids said, you are not much of a drinker, so I just hope it will go away on its own! xx

    Right, tea break over - enjoy the rest of Thursday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    It's got to be good if Gary wrote it Chris, as Barry M says 'I Write The Songs That Make The Young Girls Cry' , both Bazza & Gazza do. Looking forward to The One Show with the Olympic flame arriving on our shores.

    My abode has had the new front & back door fitted today together with a new cat flap for Tom & Daisy. Someone is arriving to make a small concrete ramp to enable me to reverse my scooter in as it hits the sill and then wheelspins. I said it would but they said 'No! It will be OK'

    MarkfromPreston-Thank you! I do believe you've solved my problem. I've been taking statins since a heart attack in 2006. I've got neck pain, had x-ray, scan, physio, acupuncture but the end result was to be given yet more pills. Maybe all that's needed is to stop the statins and keep to a healthy diet which I do most of the time anyway.

    mandymoo-I need to watch The Jersey Boys at the 100 Club a few more times too:)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon all

    Maddy speak to you doctor it may be just the statins that you are on, the ones that made my dad bad were simvastatins and he is on atorvastatin now and has no problems at all. It normally shows itself as muscle wastage and not always joint pain.

    I was told that they use to put Q10 with the statins that stopped the problems but it got too expensive to supply them with Q10 so to cut cost they took it out and this now can cause side effects like the muscle wastage.

    Thanks Chrissie it was heart breaking to see my father so bad he looked a shrivelled man almost like he had been in a prisoner of war camp and not a hospital but he much better now. I know doctors think that there advice does good but you have to look at everyone as an individual and not just blanket prescribe something as sometimes it just doesnt suit the individual.

    One of the lads in the office has a blow up olympic torch he purchased this weekend we have been taking it in turns around the office in a relay type thing. Trying to get ourselves in the mood for the next 70 days.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 10.


    Thanks, yes I will mention it next time I see my GP. Mine are atorvastatin so maybe not that, could be side effects from something else, I did initially think it was steroids as I'd just completed a course when it began. Perhaps I'm just getting old LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Just heading off, but did mean to say to Sezza earlier - I love lava lamps! We gave our daughter one, years ago for a birthday, and after we "re-vamped" her bedroom, it came into ours - loved it, and now you have reminded me, I must get another one!

    Maddy: isn't that great that between Mark and CB, you may have the answer to what's not quite right with you. xx Hope your GP will help.

    I love this blog, people are so helpful, and so supportive.

    Take care everyone, have a good evening.

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Ok, i think the lava lamp is now going to be a fixture in the kitchen!!

    I brought it home with one boy in mind, the other saw it and loved it so think it had better be kept in "neutral" territory!!

    Lovely evening here tonight. Hope you're all well today!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 13.


    Chris ,don't you ever stop ..please tell me how you do it ??? It looks like the show is going to be very exciting tomorrow and then the One show ,that should be good as well.
    I must admit if I'm honest ,at the moment I can't seem to muster up any enthusiasm for the Games ,don't know why as I'm normally excited ,and should be more so that it's actually here in this country

    Popping in late tonight ,but just this once ,normally in bed by this time of late .

    Love lava lamps ,can't seem to keep my eyes off them once they are on ...

    CB ,thanks for the heads up on the stat ins ,Ken is on those cheap ones that you mentioned ,so will be getting in touch with his doctor very soon. you just can't believe what you hear and read these days can you .

    Just fancying a hot chocolate ,but alas none in the cupboard so that's another item on my shopping list and on that note thinking about hot chocolate I'll bid you all sweet dreams as I'm just off now .

    Night ,night and god bless ..


  • Comment number 14.


    What I can't understand is that if you have over 9 miliion listeners, how come so few people post on your blog?

    Hi to MM and CSN.

    Fourteen .

  • Comment number 15.


    Just having a quick look before going up to bed with a hot chocolate. I bought some today Bids so will send a cup down to you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Hi MBD, nice to see you here, perhaps the other 9 million listeners are not creative writers like us :)

    MM xxx


  • Comment number 16.

    Goodnight All!



  • Comment number 17.

    Morning all

    Had the week from hell this week, I know you only get sent enough stuff that you can deal with, and that it makes you stronger, but our little family of two have had enough for this week!

    Re: lava lamps - I have a four inch one on my desk that you shake, it is full of glitter and a batterey powered light that I got froma secret santa, its fab :-)

    Musocbusdriver: I think that CLP doesn't mention the blog much anymore on the show so people don't know we are here - I too wish we could have some more bloggers, byt 9m comments a day might be a bit much!

    If you are lurking - yes you, please join in the fun ................ you can even do a tweet style comment about your recycling (sigh!)


  • Comment number 18.

    sorry, magicbusdriver, not musocbusdriver - I blame the lack of sleep

  • Comment number 19.

    Good morning all,

    Yes it's here at last (Friday) ,that's a lovely word don't you think its the best word of the week, there I've said it and feel much better for it ha!!

    Baggy sound like you're glad it's Friday and hope that things get better for you both in the Baggy house hold .

    Maddy ,thanks for the Chocolate drink twas lovely ,just sorry that I missed you .

    Just heard the jubilee song and yes it's lovely and I'm sure that HRH will love it And now they are talking beds ,the making of ,this I'd like to see. When my Ken makes the bed he takes the bottom sheet and billows it up and down like a flag and then it looks like there are clouds underneath it . Then I have to go and remake it ...

    And on that note I'll take my leave for the day ,so here's wishing you all a good one .

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 20.

    I predict another rise in the sale of waterproof mascara! Do you think Gareth Malone has shares in Ma* Fact*r!

    Tears in the eye at the stories and the Jubilee Song

    Tears of Laughter at Lord Lloyd Webber trying to make a bed!!

    And an Marriage Proposal acceptance!!! All before 9am!

    Happy Smiley Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 21.


    Thank goodness it's Friday - I too have had a bad week! The office internet and phone line has been down all week and this morning I had to be here at 8am for a nice man to come and fix it, which he just has - hooray :::))) You don't realise how much to rely on it until you don't have it. So it's been frustrating going to other places to log in remotely, which is never quite the same as being at your own desk.

    My cold has turned into a 40 a day cough, so I've not been sleeping very well either and last night a house alarm was going off for over 4 hours......grrrr.

    Still apart from that everything is fine and dandy :)

    Didn't hear much of the show today, so will have to listen again. I feel bad as probably for the first time in my life I didn't make my bed this morning as I was in such a rush!

    I'm off to a 40th Birthday Party tonight and tomorrow a charity concert in aid of the local Foodbank. We've got a ex West End star singing as well as local choirs, should be a good night.

    Happy Friday Everyone

    Hugs to those who need them {{{}}}


  • Comment number 22.

    Hi everyone:

    Friday at last, thank goodness!

    Last night I managed to watch Chris's show on 2DAY. Wow, it is terrific. If you haven't watched it, you simply must! Just utterly terrific, loved every moment of it - I love seeing such talented people showing what they can do.

    And our wonderful Chris, totally in charge, working the audience and just making sure the entire show zipped along. Will have to watch it again, as soon as possible!

    After work today I am taking milk, bread and some "bits and bobs" to put in the fridge for the lovebirds when they return tomorrow. It's always nice if someone gets in a few essentials for when you come back from holiday, isn't it? Also, it gives me the opportunity to visit their lovely flat, and have a wee beer while I stand out on their balcony admiring the view ... will have to keep my coat and gloves on, though!

    Baggy: hugs to you and Mr bp.

    AliB: sorry you are not well. A cough is just awful, I know. Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead, I hope you are well enough to enjoy it! xx

    Hope everyone else is ok - happy Friday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    @Chrissie-S: I hope you saw me waving to you!!! LOL I just watched the Gary Barlow video.......wow......get the tissues ready.....

  • Comment number 24.

    afternoon peeps - expect a couple of consecutive posts because I always seem to have problems when posting from the office!

    First - statins. Cockneybird, I have taken statins for a few years now and was on simvastatin. about a year ago I had horrible muscle aches and my leg kept' going from underneath me' - if you know what I mean! A bit like when as a kid someone jabbed the back of your knee.
    Spoke to the doc and he changed me to atorvastatin and 'tra laa' no more pains.
    It seems that simvastatin is the cheapest and so the most prescribed.


  • Comment number 25.

    part deux - thought the Jubilee song was lovely and was delighted that Chris was brave enough to play it twice in quick succession.
    I thought it might be a bit 'twee' but it was excellent.
    I'll certainly be watching the One Show tonight to see the video.

    Re the Olympic flame - it travels through Wrexham on 30th May and the community choir has been invited to sing at the welcome event that is being staged by the local council. Trouble is, it is at the Guildhall between 7.40am and 8.10am! so my vocal warmup will have to be in the shower!
    Still, it's the nearest I am ever going to get to te actual games, so day off work booked and red, white and blue outfit decided on (blue jeans, white t-shirt, red cardi)

    Choir now has a 5 track cd, which I am not in the least embarrased to say I play all the time in the car.
    We aren't quite as polished as the mili-wives, but we sound pretty good.

  • Comment number 26.

    chapter 3 .... bed making. Sorry but I am definitely an elasticated fitted sheet girl!
    Would love to see how Phil (omena?) does the duvet.
    Mine is a king-sized one and it really is like all-in wrestling when I put a new cover on. I do have a bit of help because I have got two big 'clippit' type thingys - about 4" long that you use to clamp the top bit of the duvet with, whilst you manhandle the remaining cover down and stuff the bottom bits of the duvet into other corners.

    I got them from a BW**e catalogue. Brill!

    If I try to give my bedding 'a bit of a shake' to even it out, I usually hit the light fitting or knock something off the bedside cabinet!

    Anyhoo, time to resume the daily grind (cream cheese and cress butty having been hoovered up in half a dozen bites!)
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 27.

    I think the Jubilee song is AWFUL! No tune; not easily remembered; doesn't create emotional patriotic stirrings. Unfortunately, you are going to play it again and again and again. Therefore, until it is all over I will change stations.




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