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Great week on the wireless this week...

Chris Evans | 05:09 UK time, Monday, 14 May 2012

Full as an egg. Bank holiday ! What bank holiday? - seems like a month ago. That's how life should be. The last twenty four hours have been a bit of a blur. Vassos and I spent Wednesday night afloat on me little boat, back to London for a fabulous 2day concert at The 100 Club. Bed for a couple of hours, Breakkie Show then off to The One Show and now, early Saturday morning, on my way to French France for a spot of classic motor car racing. Don't forget to breathe Evans. Monday is The annual Sony Radio Awards, next Friday is The One Show live from Cornwall when the Olympic torch arrives. Plus Mrs E will be six days closer to blast off with son number two due to make an appearance circa May 28th.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Wow Chris - That is busy!!

    Glad you got back from French France in time for the show

    Very exciting to hear that the lovey Tash has nearly finished cooking the new baby - make sure she's got her bag packed!

    There's an ant walking around on my desk. Do you think I can persuade him to do my work today so i can sneak off home?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Breathing is good, Chris - yes, please remember to find time for that too!! LOL!! My motto for life is about β€˜living life in abundance’ - living it to the full/squeezing every drop of life OUT of life....you could be my poster-boy, couldn’t you?! Cramming is not always good either though.......quality not quantity is the goal!

    Wish I had known before that you were floating your boat so close to me in Hampshire Wednesday night! I was floating next to you at The Hundred Club Thursday night and I have continued to float with the memories/video clips since. Have a good week! xXx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: yes, you are the busiest boy on the planet at the moment - thanks for taking the time to remember us, during all this mayhem! And, good luck for tonight, I have everything crossed for you!

    Hi everyone else - hope all's well.

    Have a great Monday ... here we go again, into the fray!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Wow Chris - talk about packing in stuff! Are you getting it all in before Noahs little brother arrives? Cos you will have your hands full at the end of may!

    I'm not really here - but can I have a quick YAY! my holibob tickets have finally arrived - whoo hoo!!! First beach hols (in a hot clime) with GD in 10 years and we are beyond excited - just have to get through a week of work first.....

    right must get on.....

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning I can finally breathe, work has calmed down a little now so I am able to pop my head round the door and apologise for my absinthe.

    OOh Mr Evans my sons expected date was the 28th May then they changed it to the 21st May and he made an appearance on the 22nd May so he will be 21 next Tuesday.... I FEEL OLD!!!!

    Looking forward to hearing about the new arrival and Noahs little brother making his appearance.

    Loved the match yesterday (not a big footie fan) but my brother in law is City through and through, last year we watched the FA Cup final with him in Tenerife and I have never seen a 50 year old so tense and excited. He text me yesterday to tell me he thought his heart would burst with the excitement of it all.

    Saturday I will go through it all again when the boys team Chelski go up against Munich (I think) If they win and with his birthday on the 22nd I think it could go down as the best week of his life so far.

    Welcome Berni I am so glad you enjoyed the hundred club, we had tickets to see Neil Diamond through Radio 2 a few years ago and he stood next to me and sung Forever in Blue Jeans and I can safely say I have never been so elated in all my life even thinking about it makes me smile. Memories are what makes us.

    Chrissie - alls well here and the sun is shining had a little wet stuff this morning but so far today is okay. Hope you are well

    Hello to everyone too many to mention but hope you are all well.

    Have a good day Comrades.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 6.


    CB - you feel old! My little baby (second one) was due on 26th May and she put in an appearance on 21st in 1982 so that means she is 30 next Monday - yikes where did that time go. Her big brother is 32 in July - double yikes (made medical history obviously LOL)

    Debs enjoy your time away. I'm going to Brizzle next Sunday for afore mentioned birthday.

    Hiya Chrissie - forecast here was for sunny intervals and it has just been torrential - when will they ever know what we are going to get.

    Right I need a cuppa after submitting yet another job application.

    Catch you later.

    Love, Sus xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Well you have been a busy bee. Hope Noah's baby brother arrives on time. Weather in Sussex not nice now after a lovely weekend.

  • Comment number 8.

    Half an hour hour about some football game and now we have toilet seats not strong enough to hold larger people? Honestly, I have to start bringing an ipod to play between 12 and 1pm!

    Sus, good luck with the job

    Stella, same here re the weather! :-(

    CB, hope work is being kind to you

    Debs, What a fab reward for all your hard work!

    Chrissie, are you keeping you head above water there?

    Berni, loving the live life to the full!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris ,I just don't know where you get all your energy from ,I'd certainly like a share of it . Just make sure you don't get burn out. And I never knew that you had a boat down this way ,just trying to think where you would have it birthed , got to be near the New Forest so I might just have an idea as to where ...

    All these baby birthdays ,my eldest is (44 ) next week and yes where have all that time gone ..you can't explain time can you ,all as I know is there is never enough time in the day sometimes ,but doe that tell me that I should go faster ,or slow down.

    Sezza ,f you cant get the Ant to do your work ,try calling Dec maybe he'll help you out ,sorry couldn't resit that.

    CB, nice to see you back and glad your work load has eased , and best wishes to son on his 21st.

    Debs/ Crissie ,I hope that your work load is easing as well as you both seem to have been very busy of late . And Debs an away holibob ,you lucky girl ,and Crissie ,are you counting down the days for your GD to return :-))

    Weather wise here ,not a lot to mention other than first off this morning it was wall to wall sun until I but the bedding on the line ,popped out for half an hour ,and guess what the bedding is still out there having an extra rinse. So it's feet up this afternoon with the telly and hopefully a film .

    Susan ,good luck with the job application ,you must be getting quite frustrated with it all ,but don't give up ,you will get there ,and enjoy your b/day w/end with your GD.

    Must be time for a cuppa ,better give Mr B a shout ..see you later .

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 10.

    Suse - I cant believe GD is 30 - tell her she looks 21!!!! I did wonder about her getting married so young! DOH! but of course you dont look a day over 30 either - so it must be in the genes.

    Good luck with job apps - you know my trade if there is anything I can do to help CV or apps wise - just hollar.

    Bids - you do make me smile - Ant and Dec and your washing having an extra rinse - and poor ole mr B - rushed off his feet! LOL

    And hello to Stella, Sezza, CB Chrissie and Berni

    Right back at it!

  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon everyone

    Awww Chris, my lovely daddy used to have a boat on the River Wey/Thames. I used to love going down there for the weekend (before he moved to Spain) and messing about on the River - I got woken up by a swan once, tapping his beak on the canvas of the wheelhouse, river side. It was HUGE up close! My favourite memory of that time was my 21st Birthday - dad and his lady, me and then BF poodled down-river and moored up outside Hampton Court Palace for a champagne picnic. It was lovely!

    Sorry for not being here much of late. I just don't know where all the time goes, or where all the work comes from but it's been busy busy busy here.

    Sezza - I hear you sister about the 12-1 slot today. I thought the woman covering for JV sounded like Nina Myskow. Not the most riveting hour of radio ever ...!

    Right, work to do and the day's running away.

    Enjoy the rest of a good one, and good luck at the Sony's tonight Chris and team.


    ps: follow Vassos on Twitter! xx

  • Comment number 12.

    me again:

    just having a quick cuppa and a sneaky look at our lovely Chris's blog.

    Debs: how exciting for you and your GD. You two will have a ball!

    CB: nice to see you back. xx I know just how you feel regarding your son being 21 - my daughter turned 21 in March and I honestly, honestly do not know where those 21 years went! Hope his team wins, and makes his birthday week even more exciting!

    Susan: hang in there with the job applications, and good luck with this latest one. xx

    Sezza: thank you, my head is above water - but only just! So much happening in our place at the moment, I am trying not to complain ... too much!

    Bids: I know, time just disappears, doesn't it? Loved your wee jokes, you have a great sense of humour! And, yes, looking forward to the return of MsS - she has been gone now for 47 hours ... but who's counting?!

    Cheryl: that's great that things are so busy for you - you must be thrilled that things have taken off so well. xx

    Awww, my tea is finished!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Back again twice in one day as the day is alot quieter than I have had for a while.

    Relocated Susan - congratulations to your daughter on her 30th its lovely where your children have such young parents. hee hee hee!

    Work is doing okay had a bit of detour from the normal job but that is okay when you have been doing the normal job for 6 years it is nice to have something different to focus on and this is most definately different and as I am so productive at the moment and they are making a fortune out of me so it keeps the boss off my back.

    Sezza and Deevs - for a while I have thought that some of Jeremy's stories can be a bit off the mark. I think they must have some new researchers that are trying to find the bizzarre and weird current stories. But toilet seats really does take the biscuit....

    PS check those man drawers for your old holiday drachmae's I have a feeling that they may be legal tender very very very soon.

    Catch you all laters.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Debs your staff must love you as you are such a smooth talker!!

    Hey Bids glad I am not the only one who gives things an extra rinse as been doing so for all the years i have done washing. Loving the And & Dec reference x

    Deevs glad to see you but you do sound busy too but in a good way I think - only 6 months to phones for CiN so hoping you will have time to organise us again?

    Hi Sezza, love the pics of Gibbs and I'm sorry but I am not an animal person although all these pet antics make a good read.

    Daytime radio some days is as bad as daytime telly. I am vowing not to switch the telly on at all while I am at home but keep the faith with Radio2 even through the bad bits!!

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Sus - if R2 want us, then I'll be more than happy to co-ordinate events again x

  • Comment number 16.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    A sunny & windy day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    That certainly was a busy weekend Chris but I think when doing things we enjoy we can keep going for longer. You, Tash & Noah must be getting very excited, hope all goes well.

    My son arrived on time (14 January) many moons ago. My sister-in-law kept saying he would arrive earlier as she thought we had to get married. He arrived exactly nine months and two weeks after the wedding the previous year on 1st April. That shut her up!

    Talking of messing about on the river reminds me of the time my mum, stepdad, son (who was about five) and me decided to get a motor boat on the Dee at Chester. My stepdad (a vicar with his white collar on) and myself were the worse for wear after too much wine with the meal. My poor mum and son were worried but we had such a great laugh, me being the driver LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    messing about on the river stories - my ma and da used to have a little 16ft "cruiser" that we used to float up and down the leeds liverpool canal every weekend.

    One time I fell off the back - probably totally my own fault.... and what I didnt know was that I fell in by a swans nest, so whilst my dad was trying to put boat in reverse and hold out the big stick thing you used to push off lock walls for me to grab onto, a male swan was taking off down the canal after me! luckily I didnt know but boy my dad certainly did!!! I managed to get to the boat so dad waved the stick at the swan and he flew over us! (the swan - not my dad....)

    and yep - the wing span was pretty much the width of the canal - so Deevs - they ARE BIG close up!

    Right having a righ ole day of it - head hurts now but will power on for another hour

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon each from a very soggy Fife - ginormous hailstones half-an-hour ago.

    Chris, I'm exhausted just reading you, and good luck tonight. Any ideas about names for the wee one yet? If he's a day late, he'll be born on our 1yr old's second birthday.

    And as for our children's age - how on earth could my eldest have been 46 a couple of weeks ago when I'm only 47? It's a conundrum.

    Lovely to see all your posts, hope everyone is well.

    Back in a bit. xxxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Yaaaaaaay! Just been informed via text that we're going to the pub for tea tonight. Result!

    For all you doggie lovers out there, have a look at my FB wall at a pic CB sent me earlier - it really really made me laugh and I wanted to share it with you all.

    Right, time to walk Mr Muddy Paws and then get some lippy on in readiness for my impromptu treat.

    See y'all tomorrow lovelies.


  • Comment number 20.

    hi everyone

    weekend full of ups and downs, we lost mr bp's great uncle - he was a fantastic man, full of life (a couple of cruises need to be cancelled) and will be sorely missed.

    Its my nephews 12th birthday today, makes me feel old as his mum is the same age as me, don't feel old enough to be a potential mum to a 12 year old!

    But then again, I guess I am getting long in the tooth now, hey ho

    Have a great monday you'all, I'm still stuck at work, need my boss to ok something but not sure where she is?


  • Comment number 21.

    Debs-I was picturing the scene there on the canal and laughing but it would not have been funny if the swan had got you. I was once bitten by a swan, again on the Dee but on a different occasion. A very nasty bite.

    Annie-I know what you mean. I didn't put the year my son was born not just in case he might not have wanted me to but it would have made appear old when, in fact, I am young.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Maddy, I feel your pain!!!! Was just thinking earlier I really need to decide what I want to do when I grow up.


  • Comment number 23.

    Just popping back to say *** C o N g R a T u L a T i O n S *** to Mr Evans on his Sony Radio Award:

    Music Radio Personality of the Year
    Gold: Chris Evans – ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 2


  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks Berni!

    New Blog!



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