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Gorgeous, blue sky, bright sun - freezing bits off...

Chris Evans | 12:05 UK time, Friday, 3 February 2012

...They say it's warmer today. It's all relative but when it gets below cold, further varying degrees don't matter. Basically - wrap up is what we're saying here.

David Walliams was our guest today. I would say from a host's point of view he is a ten out of ten. I remember hearing him in the past on other people's shows and thinking how good a listen it was. Not difficult when David's there. He is clever, funny, naughty, interesting and giving. I'm a big fan.

One Show tonight with Alan Davies, John Barrowman and the fastest illusionist in the world. Off to watch The Daniel Radcliffe film now ahead of his appearance with us next Friday.

Peace and Love and be careful out there lovely people. It's much slippier than it looks.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I think it is slightly warmer here on the Wirral peninsula today.

    David Walliams is one of my favourites, love all his TV shows with Matt Lucas. This is what we need, good comedy and entertainment instead of all the depressing soaps and dramas.

    I'll certainly be watching the One Show tonight as John Barrowman is another of my favourite entertainers.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    ***Congratulations to Mr & Mrs CSN***

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.


    I enjoyed David this morning, well what I heard of him. He certainly deserves some "Royal" recognition for all that he has done for charity, so does a certain CE in my humble opinion.

    Maddy, It's funny, I was thinking I can't stand John Barrowman and there you are saying the exact opposite. It's a a good job we don't all like the same people otherwise the world would be a sad place. Have you got chips again for lunch today? xx

    I might confess, in writing, on here that there is something about Alan Davies ;) I say that every time I watch QI, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


  • Comment number 4.

    Oh Yes indeed - Congrats csn and hubby xxx Glad to see you back on the blog xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: Peace and Love to you, too. xx What a sweetheart you are, writing a blog for us every day - even though almost everyone is on Tw*tter or FB! Your loyal bloggers salute you! xx

    AliB: absolutely agree about "recognition" for both David and Chris - I do believe this will happen, in time.

    Gorgeous day here in Glasgow - am able to go out without my gloves! This makes me very suspicious ... what lies in store for us, I wonder!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Haha - John Barrowman makes me think of Beezles. The year I went to Prawns In thw Pork to see one of my heroes - Barry "Copacabana" Manifold, Mr Barrowman turned up to do a bit of a turn with Mr Manifold. Beez was watching it live on the Beeb from her armchair and sent me a stream of hilarious, but totally unprintable obscene texts, basically letting me know of her "adoration" of Mr B and her jealousy that I was in Hyde Park and she wasn't!

    Still think of her every day, lovely lady.

    Will wrap up warm Chris, and then curse you when I'm in the supermarcardo (the one you VO for) as it's ALWAYS near tropical in there - even in the frozen chips aisle!

    Mange tout, and muchos amore!

    The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Have to slightly disagree with my near neighbour Maddy Moon - it's still very cold here on the Welsh border. The sun is out - granted - but still blimmin' cold.

    Can I ask a favour of bloggers? My oldest friend (we've known each other since we were 10 ) rang me last night. She's having an operation on 20th February. Don't need to say what for - but I'm glad I support the Pink Ribbon appeal. She sounded so scared on the phone last night. Lives quite a way from me. Will you all think about her for me? ................. Just knew you would.

    Hope all have a good weekend.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 8.

    Greetings CLP Pal & ALL Blog Pals & Gals...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP Pal – INDEED it is most very cold and the roads are slippery!!!!

    A driving tip for all from me, an expert at driving (noot meant in egotistical terms, just selling meself and giving free knowledge ter 'elp keep my fellow bloggers safer).... The roads when they 'ave been gritted 'ave a damp film across them which combined with oil and dirt trapped on the road surface makes for a more slippery road than when it's raining!!!!!!!
    Take it easy out there.... Unless like me yer like using it ter yer advantage and getting yer back end out on roundabouts!!!!!!!

    So Thursdee a 'ad a plumber around me new old 'ouse and at last a now 'ave full control of me water pipes!!!!! But still not 'ot water or 'eating yet!!!
    Me stopcock was jammed and the valve in the street, but now me new pipe is in from the street and me old lead pipes no more!!!!!!
    Yesterdee a got all me old water pipes out and me new ones in thus making way for me ter be able ter start ripping out me old bathroom and in with the new!!!!! (couldn't work on any ipes as they were all live and with a jammed stopcock unable ter turn it off – Thank the lord above a didn't getta burst as a wouldn't be able ter stop it!!!!! amazing 'ow the some people live, aka the previous owners!!!! but then both sad and understandable if they 'ave little money ter spend on their 'ome!!!!).

    Last night a went te rme Mum's 'ouse ter experience 'eating and the most beautiful warm bath.... Complete with bubblebath bath bombs that me most nice Thai girlfriend got me and me Mum for Xmas!!!!!!!
    After being in me new old 'ouse for days in cold... where even when yer go the toilet.... A cloud of steam rises it's so cold in me 'ouse.... A was lying there thinking wow this feels good.... The simple things in life of a warm bath are the best things in life!!!!!!
    The best thigns in life blog pals & gals!!!! Gals & pals!!!!
    Which brings me ter thinking about choosing a fine set of waterworks for me new bathrooms.
    In me previous 'ouse a fitted a fine corner bath... A used ter love soaking for 'ours in relaxation... And in this 'ouse am doing now... The one luxury am gonna spend abit on is a BIG bath!!!!!!!!

    A went down ter me local bathroom showroom of bathrooms which gets me ter the strangest thing ave ever seen.... The most expensive baht there 'ad many 'ole sin it!!!!!!??????????!!!@!
    A said ter the salesperson.... Surely all the water will come straith outta the 'oles... Of which a was reassured it was a top of the range whirlpool bath... complete with pipes ter plug the 'oles!!!!!!
    It's then memories of me Latvian girlfriend who 'ad one of these contraptions fitted in 'er 'ouse in London!!!!!! Aka zee Zvetlana.... ya!!!!! (it only lasted 4 weeks as she loved 'er 'whittle chiwawa' as she called 'im/ it, more than me!!!!)
    She let me use 'er whirlpool bath.... And for me it was anything but relaxing.... It's like being in a coffee maker thast makes that 'orrible 'ssscchhhheeeeehhhhhkkkkkkk' noise coupled with rumbling!!!!!!!!!!!!
    For me it was like 'aving a bath suffering from the severest of flatulence after eating baked bean and brussels sprout sandwiches!!!!!!
    Who wants ter pay top wack for such!!!!!!

    Am settling ter a treat of a large double bath ter 'elp improve me swimming... Cheaper than lessons!!!!!!
    Or should a build me very own bath out of concrete and tiles???????

    'ave a most nice weekend all!!!!!!!

    Niceness ter each ;-)))))

  • Comment number 9.

    Hiya Chris,

    Peace and love to you too. Have a good weekend. Interesting One Show tonight – not a fan of Alan Davies – can just about tolerate John Barrowman saw
    him in Panto at Christmas - my he has a fine derriere! Will tune in tonight to see you with or without your pjs ;o)) xx

    Not a fan of David Walliams either (he’s doing very nicely without my vote ;o)) but I have to admit I did enjoy his interview this morning.

    PJ – will send lots of positive thoughts your friend’s way xx

    Mary x

  • Comment number 10.

    Ali-Good! I don't have to fight you for John Barrowman then like I did over George Clooney. But I don't think he'd be interested in me ha ha!

    The rest of the chips went into the bin, I'm now cured of my appetite for chippy shop chips for a while.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello all

    Just popped back to say thank you, Deevs, Gail, Mary, Chrissie, Marjie and Ali, for all your lovely anniversary messages. xx

    I am having a lovely day and will cook a nice meal for dinner later.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hello again

    Mary: Thanks

    CSN: Glad you're having a lovely day - great achievement.

    It's getting much colder again here. Wrap up warm everyone and keep safe.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 13.

    Thank you PJ.

    I will send lots of positive thoughts for your friend. xx

    It is freezing here today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    PJ: just to let you know, your friend will be in my thoughts. To have known her since you were both just two wee tootsies, it must be so hard for you to see her have to go through this. I have no doubt you will be a tremendous support to her. xx

    CSN: I am so glad you are having a good day - you deserve it so much, after the terrible few months you have had. xx

    Cheryl: I did mean to say to you earlier - hope you and Nic enjoy your anniversary weekend - wow, where did those two years go to?! xx

    Hairdresser for me tomorrow morning - thank goodness, I look like the old woman who shows up at the end of Up Pompeii - anyone remember her?! Woe, woe, and thrice woe! And then, into town and meeting up with the lovely Mary. Yes, wine will be taken! I can't wait!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon each

    Heard David Walliams this morning - what a nice man, hope his back gets better soon.

    First morning this week I didn't have to scrape the ice off the car, but at least we don't have snow (for the moment). Hope all those who have are ok.

    Met up with the man in the cupboard this afternoon for a coffee and a scone - how boring are we?

    Kirstie has tickets for an event at Pitlochry Theatre tomorrow - will we get there, or will the snow catch up with us? We're setting off in the morning but at the first hint of a snowflake we'll be doing a three-point turn.

    Haven't caught up yet but will Debs let me know when it's wine o'clock? Ta.


  • Comment number 16.

    Dear Chrissie, thank you. Have a lovely time with Mary tomorrow. xx

    Hello Annie, hope you have a lovely day tomorrow with Kirstie. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Ok, so I've not been invited to lunch in Glasgow - I'm not upset! Enjoy the vino Chrissie and Mary and raise a glass to me.

    CSN, nice to see you back and Happy Anniversary to you and Mr CSN.

    PJ, will send a thought to the universe for your friend - no wonder she's scared but I hope everything turns out well for her.

    Maddy/Ali - I like John Barrowman and Alan Davies (is it his shy smile?).


  • Comment number 18.

    Thank you Annie, it is nice to be back here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Missing the One Show. Have 9yr old and his friend in playing the PS2.


  • Comment number 20.

    I'm missing the one show - Mr Sezza is watching some weird Australian police chase show!!

    CSN, good to see you back. I hope you're feeling better x x

    Hello to everyone - hope you're managing to keep warm tonight

    I'm off to a friends for dinner so the laughter and chat will keep us toasty!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Have a lovely evening Sezza

    Little boys are eating chocolate, drinking juice and making a mess on the rug!


  • Comment number 22.

    Will try the CLP poached egg for breakfast tomorrow, thank Gail.
    loli x

    Dont like John Barrowman, like Alan Davies. I have just discovered the comedian Micky Flanagan i think he is hilarious .

  • Comment number 23.

    Howdy doody,

    PJ, consider it done, get well and good luck vibes being sent to your friend, please let us know how she gets on xxx

    Mary, hellooo , you made me laugh with your approval of Mr Barrowmans derriere !
    I think he is fab, he just makes me smile .

    Maddie, yes , the electric shocks are quite severe from those wretched slankets. My hair stands on end and I glow ,..... and zap everyone that comes near me :-)

    Sezza, my book arrived today, so I've got my February project to start .

    I am booked onto a photography course in Manchester all day tomorrow. It involves doing various outside projects in the City Centre. I was really looking forward to it until I saw the forecast for snow. I will have to work out how to take pictures without taking my gloves off .

    Right, first load of washing finished, the fun never ends here ............

    MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Now MC - I did tell you those slanket thingys were dangerous, didn't I? At least you haven't broken a limb. Enjoy the book, it's a lovely story. I've just re-read Tibet - My Story by the sister of the Dalai Lama. Not an easy book to read but, my word, what a story of courage.

    Little boys have gone so I can now have a look at the TV - anything worth watching?

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Annie,
    Thanks, I am looking forward to having a good read. I have decided to read a book a month and re-discover the way to relax . So, any good suggestions you have will be welcome please.
    Put your feet up and have a minute, sounds like you deserve it . Oh , and enjoy your trip out tomorrow too .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks MC. Have just finished James Corden's autobiography - very good.

    Off to watch Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ4 - How the Brits rocked America.


  • Comment number 27.

    Dear Chris

    I am a new listener who is loving the show, so you can imagine how excited I was to discover that you had a blog. I expected it to a continuation of the show, vibrant, entertaining and funny.

    How wrong can one be!

    Your contributions are very lacklustre and do not really encourage interaction.
    As for the posters, a small group of rather sad individuals who tell each what the weather is like and what they had for tea. Not forgetting, of course, plenty of tales of woe, illness and disaster hoping to get a bit of sympathy.

    I am surprised that you are prepared to put your good name to this drivel.

    Still there is always the show

  • Comment number 28.


    I was freezing cold here today. Had meatballs for my tea after spending the afternoon at the hospital outpatients.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ alone now and nothing to do but read the blog.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh dear MagicBusDriver, we are a sad lot I suppose, but we're nice people, so welcome to the blog.


  • Comment number 30.

    You and me both Maddy, although I am watching Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ4 as well - does that make me interesting? xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Dear Lovely Bloggers (You know who you are),

    Thank you so much for my "surprise" this morning, you will never know what your very kind gesture means to me. You are a terffic bunch and I am honoured to call you friends.

    I've never had that particular type of chocolate before, so am really looking forward to it. However, I am not sure the poor postman will ever recover from the site of me in my jimmy jammies with my hair all over the place :)

    Thank you and bless you and I love you all too xx


  • Comment number 32.

    Morning all - including magicbusdriver - sorry we dont meet your expectations, each to their own I say, but we are a lovely bunch of bloggers if you want to tell us what you had for tea and your woes ;-D

    Today i'm going to figure out how to load up my n@no with some tunes, GD not in the house so it could take me some time....

    Also might watch the rugby, just for the legs you understand

    So take it easy everyone out there, theres a blizzard on the way
    Happy Saturday

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all

    Just a quick catch up from MoB before I resume role of chief packer and chucker outer!!

    Thank you so much for the good wishes - day went off without too much bother and we even had photos outside even if it was a bit chilly. There is one 'I can't be bothered with any more photos' shot on FB but I am sure others will follow once the newlyweds get back from their couple of days in York.

    Take care out there as it's bitter. Right this won't get us to move on Tuesday.

    TTFN and not sure when I will be back.

    Love Susan xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Good morning all,

    It's a lovely day down here on the south coast ,sunshine and wall to wall blue.But hey I'm indoors and happy to be as its' very cold out , mr B's just gone out for his paper .

    Just relaxing at the minute as I've just been listening to Chris's DID ,loved it and I even shed a tear when he mentioned that his money was his and his Mums ,how nice is that. And thanks Crissie . I must have a delve though those archives ,must be some good listening to be had .

    Susan, good luck with the move on Tuesday ,I hope that the weather is kind to you .And they do say that chucking out does cleanse ,so there you go two jobs for the price of one lol.

    Debs ,don't forget to leave room for yourself when loading up the car with
    emergency rations ..good also to you got you priorities right .

    PJ, sorry to hear your news ,and most certainly will be thinking of you dear friend ,and for anyone else that wants a kind thought .We'll say a little prayer for all when we light our candle.

    CSN, belated congratulations to you both on your anniversary ,and hope that your meal went well.

    And that brings me to thinking about what we are going to have to eat today ,so better go start planning eh!!! .tea and toast me thinks first.

    Magic Bus Driver ,Welcome ,and I'm sorry to be a boring old f*rt ,but hey-ho that's live .

    Take care out there and stay safe..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 35.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening All

    Brrrr! I've just got the house nice and warm and now the rest of the family has come back and brought the cold air in with them!

    At least boy2 had a nice warm neck - he was wearing The Scarf courtesy of Tiggs! It did go round his little neck about 4 times but hey!

    MC, hope you enjoy this book too!

    Susan, any closer to moving?

    How is everyone this evening? Hope you are all warm and safe and got something tasty for tes!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Toasty warm here (inside anyway) light covering of snow outside (don't think that will be all though!!!).

    Chilli for tea - G&T time soon ahem ahem (that was for the man in the corner who mixes them....).

    I hope the anniversary meal went well Deevs and a belated happy anniversary to csn.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Evening all

    Sorry for the absence, I've had a nasty cold, and just nothing to say really...

    Had to cancel my new man's visit on Weds, he's working again until who knows when...

    Gail, love to you and David and his Mum xx

    Susan, hope the wedding went well!

    I'm all warm-ish, and don't have to go out again until Monday morning...lots of snow and icy rain here.

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Evening each

    Well, Kirstie and I say about 5 snowflakes this morning and decided we were too scared to go up the A9 to Pitlochry so we spent the day here with the newspapers, coffee and toasted cheese - another couple of boring old fa**s Bids!

    JG - another new man??


    Susan, loved the photo on FB - good luck on Tuesday.


  • Comment number 40.

    Not 'say' - should have been 'saw'

    And I don't know where that J came from.


  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Annie, no same new man...I guess since I've been seeing him since last July, I should just call him "my man"now...lol

    Got a msg on a dating site yesterday....can't repeat it word for word on here, but it went along the lines of "Do you want to be my wh**e".... never even messaged the guy before... And they want to get dates? lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.

    Or 'the man in the cupboard' JG!!

    Heavens above!! Now that man didn't want 'someone to go to the theatre' with, did he?


  • Comment number 43.

    Oo er JG!! There's some odd people about aren't there! Take care lovey.

    Annie, very wise to stay safe indoors! I let the boys all go out today but I did day i'd go with then tomorrow

    Is it very wrong of me to be secretly hoping for sleet? ;-)


  • Comment number 44.

    Sezza - just keep it down your way!!

    Watching Castle Commando on 2 - was up that way a wee while ago with Kirstie on a fact-finding mission for one of her tour guide thingys - beautiful scenery.


  • Comment number 45.

    hi mate my missus is being sacked this week by the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ for not being able to work 9-6 from elstree whilst trying to bring up our 16 month old daughter meaning they would be apart for at least 15 hrs a day.
    you wouldnt believe the vile conduct the bbc management & hr have put my family through
    the only light i have seen tonight is a exert from another blog one would wish from the bbc
    not to sell all and abandon family / community responsibilities, simply to follow love / compassion / honour, in equal fellowship

  • Comment number 46.

    Sean, so sorry for your situation. Oldest son and daughter-in-law are discussing how she can go back to work and look after 2 little'uns too. Good luck.

    Now, how can I reconcile in my mind watching Castle Commando and reading Tibet - My Story, by the sister of the Dalai Lama. Life is a conundrum. xxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Sean, sorry to hear about your situation. Hope you manage to sort things out for the best

    Annie, Am catching up with the Midwife programme

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Sezza, Midwifes is fab, isn't it?

    Watching David Beckham on Jonothan Ross - how shallow am I?


  • Comment number 49.

    Annie, not even the divine Mr Beckham can tempt me to put up with JR!!

    I've had an afternoon of catching up on recorded stuff - it doesn't half build up

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    I'm watching JR... Love all the guests tonight...

    Sean, sorry for you situation, I have no answers I'm sorry, I don't have kids! It must be awful though, good luck!!

    Annie, the "man down the road" might do it! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.


    Top tale of woe.

    But what about the big questions?

    Weather? Tea?

  • Comment number 52.

    JG - sounds good.

    Sezza - David Beckham was just divine. xxxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    @ MagicBusDriver

    That wasn't exactly helpful to Sean...people sometimes come on here for help!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Well said JG. xxxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Why would someone post on a Radio Two blog in order to seek help.

    Isn't that what the Samaritans are for?

  • Comment number 56.

    MBD - Perhaps Sean wasn't asking for help; but just needed to state his case in order to get it out of his system. My question to YOU is: why would someone post on a Radio Two blog merely (it seems) to insult the regular community? We are English; we talk about the weather - an internationally well-known and light-hearted idiosyncracy.

    Regulars, most of those whom you are deriding this evening, willingly give up their time and money to raise funds for Children in Need, as well as friendship and support to each other on and off this blog. IF inappropriate issues are raised or discussed, there is an excellent team of moderators to remove contentious or spurious posts - and Chris and his production team are more than capable of getting a message out that they would rather certain things weren't discussed here. It is the Chris Evans Show blog. Only he and his team have the right to comment on the nature of the posts here.

    I wish you well, whatever you think of me.

    Roo x

  • Comment number 57.

    Have met John Barrowman several times. Always seemed very lovely. However, I can't forgive him for a comment he made on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross - he was discussing his civil partnership with his BF Scott, and said "Well, I can't promise that I won't EVER do 'anything' with a woman ever again...!" Sorry JB - man OR woman, a civil partnership is a commitment exactly like a marriage - you pledge your love and you whole person to another entirely.

    When I marry my man I'll choose willingly to love only him for the rest of my days...

    But that's just me. Live and let live - just don't joke about it on national telly.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 58.

    R (as we seem to be abbreviating names)

    I do not doubt that the people who post on here are generous and supportive to each other, however that does not excuse the fact that most of them are exceedingly dull.

    You say that this is the Chris Evans blog, so why do so few posters ever refer to the show or what Chris has written?

  • Comment number 59.

    MBD (yes, abbreviating even now)...

    I don't necessarily dispute your point. But I do respect the other posters.

    But where have YOU referred to what Chris has written? Forgive me if I missed it in one of your earlier posts.

    Roo x

  • Comment number 60.

    ........ and anyway MBD you have been here before I fear, under a different guise,

    Hope all are OK - including CE - you see I did mention the main man!
    Not snowing now,
    had nasigorem for tea (indonesian I think??) Am turning in,

    G'night all
    Jo xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all.

    Lots of snow and freezing cold here.

    Sezza, Bids and mtd, thank you. We had a lovely meal on Friday. xx

    MBD, just going to make myself another cup of tea. I don't think my life is boring, maybe yours is. LOL!

    Sean, sorry to hear about your situation. xx

    Roo, nice to see you here. xx

    Hope you all have a nice Sunday.

    Take care out there and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Okaaay!! Doesn't look like we'll be going far today!

    I had so hoped we might miss out on the lots of snow deal but no such luck!

    Ian has been out with the boys but even he says it's bad out there so I'm not going anywhere

    Luckily we have food and films and firewood so tuck up here with us if you like

    Sezz x

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all. Snow given way to wet grey yukkyness here - boo... Willing myself to get on out there and walk my new little "nephew" Benjy for The Cinnamon Trust... Come on Roo, you know you want to really...!!!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi everyone:

    Thought I would have a wee Sunday catch-up.

    MBD: how amazing that you continue to get in here, what an effort this must be for you!

    Annie: oooh, honestly, it was a last-minute decision for Mary and I to meet up yesterday! Mary and I did have such a good laugh yesterday, and we were fairly sensible wine-wise ... no, really, it's the truth! Sorry you and Kirstie didn't get your day out yesterday. Oh, and I have to say your final comment #46 is quite brilliant!

    Susan: good luck with the move - I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. xx

    Bids: that's great you managed to listen to Chris's DID. Yes, there are loads of terrific DID's on that site.

    mtd: hope you enjoyed your G&T!

    JG: hope you get to see your man soon. xx

    Sean: you are in a very difficult situation - I have always had to work, right through my daughter's life, so I know this is really hard. Hope you get something sorted.

    Right, off to get a few chores done - didn't get anything achieved yesterday!

    Have a good Sunday, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    I might just have washed a memory stick!


    Any hope of recovery do you think?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 66.


    Mr Sezza & boy1 have just been watching a film and complaining it doesn't make much sense.

    After watching about an hour of it, they've just realised they have been watching the 2nd half of the film that recorded after the news not the first half!

    They've now started watching the first half!

    I think the numpty fairy must have visited us last night!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Good morning all,

    A grey day here and just damp ,we have not had anything in the form of snow or the likes of .it's 3 degrees so not bad .

    Sezza , doesn't sound good ,so good luck with that one.

    Crissie ,nice to see your outing went well with Mary yesterday, Did see Crumpy mention somewhere about a Scotland meet this year ??? and yes DID's archives for days such as these eh!!

    Roo ,did you get to go out for that walk you spoke of ,me I don't think I'll be going far today , a lazy sort of day .

    And my day has just got better ,kens just given brought me in a nice mug of coffee and a choc snack bar ,so it must be break time.

    Take care for those that have the snow ..Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Afernoon All,

    Lots of snow here, but gradually thawing out, so hopefully it might be OK for work tomorrow. The good news is that church was cancelled this morning so instead I've got a stew in the slow cooker, made roasted sweet potato soup and some date slices. Now I'm sat in front of the TV to watch the rugby.

    Hugs to those that need them {{{hugs}}} xx

    If you've got snow, stay safe and don't go out unless you really have to.


  • Comment number 69.

    Phew, Memory stick still works- I'm off the hook!

    Hope you've all stayed warm and safe today

    I have been out - as far as the garage to dry some washing!

    Have had a message from the school that they are planning to be open but missing first lesson so kids have to be there bit later

    Should mean they don't have to be travelling when everyone else is trying to get to work - hope they've told the bus company!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 70.


    I want snow! We had the lightest dusting yesterday that had gone by the time I walked the dog!

    The move is coming along - I think - and we're definitely going to my mum's for a few weeks as we have to be out of here before the end of March......the boy is really looking forward to it!
    I took 8 carrier bags of clothes to the recycling bank today and plan on starting sorting the books tomorrow.....if anyone hears a thud and muffled cries of help its just the pile of books on top of the bookcase going over!!

    Sezza, glad the memory stick survived!

    Hope everyone with snow is keeping warm and safe

  • Comment number 71.

    J (abrev obv) what do you mean.

    C (ditto) I really don't have a clue what you are talking about.

  • Comment number 72.

    Morning all!
    Happy Monday right back atcha Noah!

    got the day off today as it is GDs 19th Birthday - how did that happen, she was 3 when I last looked! so as a treat we are off to a spa for the day topped of with a proper afternoon tea, then she is off out for cocktails with friends this evening. Whatever happened to Jelly and pass the parcel hey :-)

    Good luck with the sorting/packing/moving Eb and Susan

    The rest of you, have a great day/week and I'll catch you later

  • Comment number 73.

    Good morning all,

    Debs, enjoy your spa day ,you lucky girl ,and Happy birthday to your lovely daughter .

    Errands for me today but just got a tad of ironing to do this morning .Then the day is for relaxing.
    A very mild day here so far ,a bit grey but I'm not complaining,I think us southern softies get off quite lightly with the bad weather .

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hey Chris

    Great show as per.

    I was going to say its a mystery to me why more of your listeners don't post on here, but I guess I now know why!



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