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Er ....

Chris Evans | 12:33 UK time, Wednesday, 29 February 2012

...apologies for the lack of blog yesterday. I was indisposed having a camera stuck down me throat you see. Anyway, nothing to worry about in the end. Which is why people who are worried should go and discover if they are wasting their time worrying when they could be living. Having said that it took me six months to get round to addressing my latest worry. But boy am I glad I did. Hernia ! Pah, no worries.

In other news, just been to watch the latest Aardman Animation offering 'The Pirates! - In An Adventure With Scientists'. Excellent as expected and something I'm sure we'll be watching for many Christmas Days to come. Right, what next - oh another movie - all work - honestly. This one is on my own and is called 'John Carter', it stars Willem Dafoe who is on The One Show as a guest this week.

Toodle pip and if you see my wife and son, please tell them I'll be home soon. Promise.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    First ???

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello MC

    I think you're forgiven CLP in the circs. I think most of us men do tend to put these things off, which is not a good thing really.



  • Comment number 3.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Congratulations MC:)

    You're quite right there Chris! If a bit concerned about something get it checked out. Although I'm not worrying it's at the back of my mind all the time that I could, but most likely am not, carrying TB. All because of my letter to have an x-ray within six months as I was in contact with a patient who has been diagnosed with it who was in my ward last May.

    I keep on putting it off as I don't really want to know but best to get it out of the way. If it's good news, worry gone. And if it should be bad news best to get the required treatment.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hiya Andy and Maddy,

    CLP, glad you got yourself checked out , and all is well .
    It's best to be safe than sorry .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi All

    It's always a good idea to get things checked out sooner rather than later. The doctors are never going to accuse you of wasting their time. A pal of mine's brother procrastinated for over a year in getting a lump looked at, and he is now in serious trouble... :o(

    The CarFest idea sounds fantastic! Is it the plan that punters will be able to bring their own cars along? I'm sure Mr B would love the opportunity to show of his TVR... And if there's a need for bloggers to help out in any way, then count me in.

    MM, you should make that appointment. It will be a precaution that they've contacted you, and the likelihood is that it will all be fine! But you won't know until you go.

    Hope everyone else is fine.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello DB

    Nice to see you over this side of the fence!

    I think that is the idea that punters can try their hand at the hill climb, although I have the feeling that what is in Chris's mind now and what actually happens may not be the same thing!

    Maddy, you go and get it sorted, at least then you'll know and if it needs teating, best to get it done and out of your system.


  • Comment number 7.


    Have I understood this correctly, hill climbing is just cars driving up a hill. If this is right then surely this is boring even by the standards of motor sport.

    Throw in a bunch of caravaners and some 'petrolheads' and it becomes more snorefest than carfest.

  • Comment number 8.

    Evening all

    Chris, glad to hear the tube down went ok. Is a nasty thing to have to do - Mr Sezza has done it twice and luckily had the same result. I wonder if you'll have the special miracle pills that he has - the ones that reduce stomach acid so you will be more comfortable

    Deebee, I'm sorry to hear your friend's story.

    Maddy, I hope you can get checked out soon

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Evening each

    Heard you say that this morning Chris. Not a nice procedure I'm sure but at least it turned out well thank goodness and you don't need to worry any more.

    Off to catch up, back in a bit. xxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi everyone,

    Nice to see the blog so busy.

    Glad to hear the procedure went well, D had that done a while back too and he said it was very unpleasant but like you said, better to be safe than sorry.

    Glass of something red poured, dinner on and just waiting for D to get home from work, hope you all have a good evening.



  • Comment number 11.

    Lovely to see so many new bloggers - and all offering something for the Carfest - great. The Bands sound great, and the loos even better!

    Andy, your comment about the Edinburgh meet has made me nervous again. We've got Saturday Lunch and Dinner, Sunday lunch and tour of the Royal Mile sorted hopefully although I haven't booked anything yet - need numbers. Some people are arriving on the Friday so that's still to be organised. Debs wants an open-topped bus tour........

    I blame Crumpy and Chrissie y'know.

    Ali, hope today went well.


  • Comment number 12.

    Oh, and btw, if you get the green box at the bottom just keep hitting refresh and it eventually goes away.


  • Comment number 13.

    Coo Annie!! You and Chris! Busy organising eh!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    I know Sezza!! Our dear Rosie has offered to do the Royal Mile tour bless her. Haven't done anything about the ghost tour yet - not sure how many people want to have a sleepless night.

    Forgot to say to Bids - Mtd is alive and well and beating me on Scrabble.


  • Comment number 15.

    Annie, at least you haven't got to find porta-loos!!!!

    Have you given up bread too!

  • Comment number 16.

    Annie-I'd definitely be up for the ghost tour if I was going. Have never seen a ghost and always wanted to.

    Sezza-I'm going to get the x-ray out of the way on Friday as I have been offered a lift. Have a choice of four hospitals so will leave it up to the chauffeur which one we arrive at.

    Dozer-I had one of the camera thingys arranged for me and was dreading it and then thankfully they changed it for a scan. Enjoy your dinner and wine and have a lovely evening.

    MagicBusDriver-I'm glad you explained your name (The Who) as I thought it might be something to do with The Magical Mystery Tour. From what I can gather I think everybody's going up the hill.

    Onwards & Upwards!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Sezza, thank goodness for small mercies - don't think we'll need boginabags in Edinburgh (still making me laugh).

    Maddy - so glad you've bitten the bullet, good luck on Friday. And you're welcome to the ghost tour - I definitely wouldn't be doing it after hearing from friends who've been under The Mound in Edinburgh. Scary stuff.


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening chaps and chapesses,

    This CarFest thingy sounds good, I'd love to be there, but I have a lot of to-ing and fro-ing this summer already. however after hearing the lady from Hay talking about the festival I'd really like to go there too!

    Eek I had no idea my "tour" of the Royal Mile was getting such high billing at the meet! I've never done the Ghost Tour, but have been to the place under the Mound, if it's the one I'm thinking of (Mary King, Annie?) and wasn't scared in the slightest. It's very interesting though.

    Having a busy week this week, looking forward to a week off next week aand a trip home to see my Mum.


  • Comment number 19.

    Oh yes Rosie, you're the star of Sunday!!!!

    Yes, Mary King's Close - I've heard about all sorts of scary stuff.

    Enjoy your time with your mum. xxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Big Problem Chris! What are us NO Beer Boys for lent going to do on St Patricks Day?!!! Do we get a special dispensation. A friend told me that if you are in Dublin for St Patricks Day it actually against the law NOT to drink Guiness, Dublin it is then!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Good morning all,

    A misty start to the day here on the south coast ,but have just noticed that sun is breaking through .

    Happy St Davids day to out lovely welsh bloggers .I dont know if you celebrate in any way ,so if you do enjoy.

    Much the same sort of day for me ,but visit fornm the hair dresser tonight ,so I will be feeling a bit light headed in the morning .

    Have a good day all and enjoy .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all!
    Happy St Davids day - leeks for tea then!

    Sounds like carfest is defo a goer then CLP, I didnt hear the other day but it is defo at Laverstoke Farm nr Andover. I had a box of meat from there last year, very very tasty, but also very expensive. Magnificent bacon, so at least the bacon butties will be first class.

    Right got loads to do today, off to our company conference later for two days, so frocks, shoes - with heels!!!! and all the other stuff sorted.

    Annie, you are doing a stirling job of organising the meet, thank you.

    Right catch up with you all at the weekend
    Happy thursty thursday everyone

  • Comment number 23.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi everyone:

    Great to see the blog marching on, and it's lovely to see new people on the blog, sending their messages to Chris.

    CarFest sounds like a lot of fun, something else for the calendar, I hope.

    Deebee: sorry to hear about your friend. I, too, sometimes put my head in the sand, but it really is best to face health issues head on, isn't it.

    Dozer: nice to see you popping in - hope all is well with you.

    Annie: I see what you mean about the Edinburgh meet ... what a busy couple of days it will be! Err, sorry for landing you in this! But, I know it is going to be brilliant. xx

    Maddy: oooh, I definitely do not want to see a ghost! A couple of years ago, MrS woke up during the night, and he tells me that my lovely Mum was standing over me at the side of the bed. When he sat up to look at her, she disappeared. Noooo, not for me!

    Big Cheese: yes, your information regarding Dublin on St Patrick's Day is 100% accurate!

    Bids: I am desperate to have my hair cut, but have to wait until Saturday, 10th March - I will be very heavy-headed by then!

    Debs: you are the busiest woman in the world at the moment - hope the conference goes well. xx Watch those heels, ok!

    Scoobs: did you hear Moira say "wotcha!" this morning, while her chat with Chris? I thought of you straight away. xx

    Speaking of Chris's chat with Moira this morning - he was VERY naughty!

    Really sad to hear about Davy Jones. I was madly in love with him when I was 12.

    And, before I go, and I promise I will shut up now ... Happy St David's Day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    AliB has been moderated? There's a first time for everything!


  • Comment number 26.

    Happy St David's Day Everyone.

    White rabbits & black hares! Pinch 'n Punch. Mad March hares and all the rest of it!

    Chrissie-Actually I might have seen a ghost in hospital lasy year. I pressed the buzzer during the night and a very gaunt ill looking nurse came to see me who said she would get help. When the usual night nurse arrived I said someone has been and she said she was the only one on duty and that I must have seen one of the ward ghosts. Apparently the doctors and nurses know about their 'visitors' and are used to it.

    Right off out now, it's a lovely day here today.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Morning Again!

    Fancy me being moderated - I feel very naughty.

    Probably said too much about yesterday. Suffice to say it was OK and we await a verdict. Nothing serious.

    Glorious day in North Kent. I notice that John Bishop is passing through today on his second marathon for Sport Relief, I might go and cheer him on.

    Debs, Good luck with the conference xx


  • Comment number 28.

    Morning (just)

    Yes Ali go and cheer John Bishop on.

    We all have our moment for sticking our heads in the sand, but it really is better to find out sooner rather than later.

    Still misty here.started out sunny and blue (it was very early!!) the sun is trying to break through.

    this was going to be longer but husband has just called me and invited me to the beach ( bring your money he said ! ) looks like coffee is on me then

    Shall i bring anyone an ice cream ?


  • Comment number 29.

    ha ha Alib being modded - there's something you dont see every day!

    djeli - I'm very jealous of you going to the beach, have a paddle for me please!

    Chrissie - I'm most nervous about getting up and more importantly DOWN from the stage tomorrow - that is what has made my decision about not going "long" with the frock.... you all know how me and steps dont work well together!

    Hello to everyone else I've missed - I'm really not here....

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all.

    Lovely sunny day here.

    Ali, moderated. I don't believe it! xx

    Marjie and Chrissie, I love a good ghost story. xx

    Onwards and upwards!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Morning All

    You go careful on those steps Debs, don;t want another 'lady chards' incident do we!

    Ali being moderated must be a Feb 29th issue, reversal of the normal order and all that!

    Coffee on the sea front sounds nice, bit of trek from here, but at least the sun is out.

    GD went off to school as Paddington this morning, complete with suitcase with jar of marmalade, for world book day. Those who know me on FB or twitter can see the pic. Hope she wins (again)!



  • Comment number 32.

    Andy, lovely photo on FB, she looks so cute.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Don't know why but I keeping thinking it's Friday today.

    Right, off to walk the dog.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    afternoon peeps, sorry for being 'm i a' for the last few days but wow what a busy blog it's been. Hope Chris' team are taking note of all the offers on the blog for bands and the other suggestions.
    It would be a real shame if they weren't picked up from here.

    Guess what I'm doing on Saturday ... I am taking part in a flash mob!
    It's organised by Welsh National Opera and is called National Flash Mash.
    We are singing a 'mash-up' of songs by Catatonia & Manics mixed in with bits from Myfanwy, Men of Harlech and the Marriage of Figaro!
    Only lasts 5 mins or so but went to a practice last night and it was great fun.
    Gotta do these things, ya know!!

    It's part of a whole weekend of music stuff that is the start of Radio 3s Music Nation.

    Happy St David's Day

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon everyone,

    Ooh Crumpy , that sounds fab, hope it goes well .

    Andy, just seen your photo - really lovely, hope she wins .

    It's lovely here today, bright blue skies, sunshine and it was 13 degrees when I nipped out earlier. Makes you feel so good , and heres hoping it's a sign of things to come.

    Debs, good luck with the "do" , hope everything goes well :-))

    Really looking forward to visiting Edinburgh for the meet, I have never ever been to Scotland so this will be just superb .

    In other news ........ Dashed to the supermarket straigh after work, needing just one item ....... Cheese .
    I was totally distracted by the fact that Easter Eggs were all Β£1 , so I perused the choice and bought one (of each ) , then rushed to pay and dashed off . Half way home , realised i'd forgotten the cheese ........... i am sooooo unable to concentrate when I see a bargain !!!

    Right, back on my perch..........

    MC xx

    PS Maddy, glad you have made your appointment , hope all is well.

  • Comment number 36.

    Debs, It has to be a lot warmer before I put my feet in the water !

    I do have a strawberry mivvi and a couple of 99s that are available.

    took spare clothes for youngest boy who got covered in sand and splashed in the puddles he doesnt seem to mind how cold it gets.


  • Comment number 37.

    MC-I too was tempted by all the Easter eggs in the supermarket today and almost stopped to buy but suddenly pulled myself together and thought of the stack of choccie, cakes & biscuits I already have at home. Better get through them before buying more. Did you go back for the cheese?

    MM xxx

    PS No appointment neccessary, have a note from the doc to go anytime between 9.0am & 4.0pm. Going tomorrow because I'm being chauffeur driven.

  • Comment number 38.


    I have just missed John Bishop, he has just ran past my building and I was too late to see him :(( All I saw was a lot of traffic that was being held up.

    If I hadn't walked to work today I would jump in my car and try and catch him up. But alas he will be a lot faster than me.

    Go on John xx


  • Comment number 39.

    Ali-Calm down, calm down der!

    But that's unlucky that you just missed him and as you say go John go!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Lol Maddy :)

    I'm kicking myself as I've been following him on his little satnav thing and didn't realise I could make it bigger and when I did realise he was running along my road. Ran out of the building only to find I was too late. Looking at the satnav thingy now it looks as if he might even be running past my front door. If he does I will be even more gutted.


  • Comment number 41.

    Ali - could John be stalking you?

    First your work and then your house!

    Not here really - baggy

  • Comment number 42.

    Phew - It's OK he won't be running past my flat, seems to be going the other way. Looks like he just had a stop off at a local school.

    It's all very exciting.

    Now I really must do some work.


  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon everyone

    It is still manic so this is a fleeting visit. Hope everyone is okay especially you JG, hope you are feeling better. Crumpy love the idea of a flash mob sounds like fun.

    LAB fancy missing John oh dear, bet the ordinary lad from Liverpool is truly shattered poor soul but it will be worth it when the money is all counted.

    MC - oh dear no cheese just loads of chocolate then sound like you might need to do another shopping trip...

    Well back to the grindstone have a good thirsty thursday everyone ready for Funky Friday CB xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Our classic mini club are VERY excited about car fest!!!! ;-)

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi chris,this charity festival thing sounds great,do you need a good covers band to play at it?we would be willing to play our 2 hour set or less depending for the charity,cheers,rob



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