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Am I A Man Or Am I A Muppet ?

Chris Evans | 10:59 UK time, Wednesday, 15 February 2012

It's a fantastic new song that we're falling in love with. It's also a very sobering question. And the answer ?

We all have our muppet moments. It's when your brain unplugs itself without any prior warning and leaves the rest of the world still thinking we're switched on when we are in fact very much switched off.

In other news, I'm off to a farm all day today. And I have a sneaking feeling this is going to be the first of many future visits. More information will be forthcoming as soon as I am able to reveal it.


Peace and Love and Pigs and Sheep.




  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    Farm, you say? Could this be a clue to a new reality TV show "At home With The Evans"? A cross-breed of River Cottage and The Osbournes perhaps!?1? Whatever it is, enjoy it auld bean!

    I'd say that being a man AND a Muppet is a win/win - most of us ladies would love to snuggle up next to a Muppet - my choice would be Fozzie Bear, so what's nto to like!

    Laters, amigo.

    Deevs, The Virtual One
    x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris, I fear the other bloggers have gone off on a beano to the seaside ....... x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Deevs (and everyone else),

    I'm here, I also love the muppets, I think Kermit is my favourite.

    Didn't think we could afford to go out for valentine's dinner this year as we're a bit skint but last year we put up solar panels and yesterday we received our first payment from them, so a lovely meal out was had by us!

    After D's Mum's funeral, there was a collection plate for the Ayrshire Hospice and The British Heart Foundation, and D confirmed that Β£594 was collected - absolutely amazing amount of money.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 4.


    Deevs is a muppet but a loveable one :-) She definitely is NOT a man!


  • Comment number 5.


  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon All,

    I love The Muppets and sometimes I am one! ;)

    Gail, Hooray for the meal out and an even bigger hooray for the money raised, she was obviously a well loved lady xx

    Nothing much to report really, although I am tempted to put the "ranty pants" on again but won't! I think two outbursts yesterday was more than enough :)

    Happy Hump Day


    P.S. Did we ever found out what the big secret was last week that Chris wanted to tell us but couldn't because he couldn't get hold of someone on the phone?

  • Comment number 7.

    Rant away Ali,

    We missed the Vampires in our home town on Monday because we were at the funeral so I am going straight from work as they are in this town today, which is quite handy, I have got my 50 pint badge and have worked out that if I don't miss a session, I will be able to get to the 100 pint mark in 12 and a half years, so after today only 49 pints to go!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    There's nothing wrong with being a man or woman and being a very merry muppet too. Of course I suppose it does depend on what situation one is in at the time.

    I like all the Muppets, always brings back memories of Sunday evenings with my little boy at my parents house. "It's time to put on make-up, it;s time to light the lights"

    Gail-Glad the funeral went well, you'll be a great support for D just by being there. And so glad that Minstrel returned to his abode.

    Ali-I think CLP's blog "Here's What I Didn't Tell You" was the answer. About his ride on the motorbike to Chelmsford to drived on ice for The One Show. I didn't realise until later.

    MM xxx

    PS Now trying to decide what to have for tea, life is full of decisions!

  • Comment number 9.

  • Comment number 10.

    hi all

    If I am very lucky I will get to see the muppets movie on sat with my friend and her little girl, mr bp is taking her son to see 3d star wars so all will be happy!

    I actually had the muppet babies before I remember the muppets (that dates me) and have been compared to Beaker quite a lot of the years.


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon all

    I think we all have that penchant for muppetry (although that makes me sound like steve wright - perish the thought)

    Baggy - I'm not sure I can see the beaker thing for you, you might be a bit geeky ;) but not that bad. Although I suppose I would be a passable Dr Bunsen - just not quite as yellow!



  • Comment number 12.

    Can I be The Swedish Chef !?!?!


  • Comment number 13.

    Deevs- I definitely see you as Miss Piggy! (I mean the diva part).

    Don't know who I am. maybe Janice the chicken, Gonzo's girlfriend!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    D'oh Muppet!

    Camilla the chicken!

  • Comment number 15.

    Evening all,

    We are definitely all guilty of muppetry at one time or another!

    No Valentines were forthcoming this year, I'm still holding out that Mr Right is out there somewhere... Having said that I have had some very positive days at work this week, and have some exciting stuff to look forward to later in the year. I can't reveal too much as I can't give away who I work for!

    Hope everyone has had a good day.


  • Comment number 16.


    When, and indeed why, did the word Muppet start to be used as an insult?

    It's not even as if all the Muppet characters are stupid, it makes no sense to me.

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks Maddy ..... hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiya! lol

    MBD - I see "Muppet" as a term of endearment (see post #4 up above from my MrRolasticFantastic).

    The same goes for things like "you auld moose", "you daft eejit" etc.

    Never thought of it as an insult.

    I've had a really productive say today and am starting to see the wood through the trees in terms of holiday planning/housework etc. without the prospect of a total paddy oon Sunday afternoon!


    Deevs aka Miss Piggy!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening all,

    Chris, the farm trip sounds like fun hope you wrapped up warm though .looking forward to hearing the news about it.

    Muppet is I think a term of endearment ,I don't see any offence in it ,my favorite character would have to be animal ,always thought he funny.

    got to go mr B's in the kitchen just getting dinner and I'm going to be called some time soon .It's really nice having a house husband you know.

    see you later ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 19.

    Muppet as a term of endearment.

    Ah well, each to their own I guess.

  • Comment number 20.


    I liken you to one of the curmudgeons Statler or Waldorf!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.

  • Comment number 22.


    Love the link, made me LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi CSN.

    Me too LOL! but I'm now slightly worried about what's coming ha ha!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 24.


    So, are you being endearing or insulting?

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Marjie.

    Don't worry, I think we can both cope with what might be coming next.

    Must say, one of my birthday presents was a little bear, it is so cute and I have called it Barney.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.


    Well I like the muppets Statler & Waldorf so I must be being endearing in a muppetry sort of way!

  • Comment number 27.

    Barney Bear, love it CSN!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 28.


    I think that is what is known as hedging your bets.

  • Comment number 29.


    Get a life!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.

    MagicBus(that initial is familiar)Driver.

    Apologies for getting your initial wrong.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.


    I have never directed a comment at you, I know nothing about you, I cannot remember even reading anything you have written , so why are you so rude to me?

  • Comment number 32.

    Evening all, hope you're well?

    Thanks for the couple of bday mentions on here, and the loads I received over on fb. Nice to be remembered despite my long absences - which I still have no valid excuse for.
    Well I've been off work for a couple of weeks. Had yet another op on theol' creaky knee, actually it was the other one this time. Usual cartilage repair but also have arthritis too. It's all gone well and I'm good to go - well nearly.
    Been busy organising ptII of the charity fun run which we did last year. Was meant to be a 'one off' but you know what it's like. Come on down if you fancy it???

    Hope you're all ok out there, old friends, new, young and unknown bloggers.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 33.


    CSN...I do have to say that that was a bit rude!

    Deevs, I wondered at that too, but we both hadn't really thought about it, I wasn't seeing my bloke...

    Actually, as bad as it was this time last year, we have become the friends we should have stuck at, and had a good giggle about online dating sites....and yes, apparently, most of the women are as bad as the men for being attached...

    I only know Kermit and Miss Piggy....think I'm more of a Kermit person if I'm honest

    JG x

  • Comment number 34.


    Well it is funny that you have never read any of my posts since you have joined this blog. I know most of my posts are boring. You only come on here to insult people and try to be a bit clever, which you are not. I can also play the same game!

    I love this blog, the people on it and Chris's show in the mornings, also the new people that come in and post, but I think you have been here before under a different name.

    At my age I don't really understand why someone would what to do this, very sad life some people lead these days. Enough said!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.


    Sorry, I will get on the naughty step tonight. Maybe it is really time for me to leave this blog.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 36.

    That's entirely up to you CSN, but I have appreciated your support over the last horrible 18 months, thank you x

    I suspect that MBD is our rugby loving friend from South Wales (who I once threatened to crack over the head, for which I have also apologised for!)

    MBD hasn't said anything nasty to anyone on here that I've seen, so live and let live!

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.


    I really have no idea what you are talking about when you say that I have been here under another name.

    So far since I have been posting on this blog I have been accused of being opinionated and being somebody else.

    I did think it was strange that more people who enjoyed the Chris Evans Breakfast Show did not post on his blog.

    I now know that it is because the people who already post on here like to keep it to themselves and that newcomers are not made welcome.

  • Comment number 38.

    Evening each

    Definitely been a muppet today. Stood in the queue in a coffee shop in Edinburgh trying to remember the word 'cappucino'. I remembered just in time, would have felt really stupid saying 'you know, the one with the froth and chocolate on the top'.

    Nice to see you Gingembre - take care of those knees.


  • Comment number 39.


    Like all groups it takes a while to settle in but you got off to a bad start when you said we bloggers are sad individuals who talk about the weather, meals and tales of woe. Not the best way to introduce yourself.

    We think that you could be someone with past initials of BuS.

    We need more bloggers as this blog is dwindling and so if you have something to contribute to it then WELCOME!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 40.


    If I am wrong then I apologise but if I am not you will get a slap on the wrist at a later date. LOL!

    Life is far too short for this nonsense.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 41.



    You got the initials wrong! LOL

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Marjie, well said.

    Hi Annie, I have lots of muppet days too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 43.


    I am too old for all this stuff now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.


    I had no idea that I was joining a group.

    I just thought that I was posting on the blog of a R2 show that I really enjoyed.

    So I shall take my leave of you now.

    One last thing, who was the last person to join the group and how long ago was it?

    Maybe the last person on the blog would be kind enough to turn out the lights.

  • Comment number 45.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning all

    I am more than a little saddened reading the posts from last eve.

    So, feel free to skip this post/rant/waffle (delete as appropriate) but:-

    1. It is NOT a closed club of exclusive membership. It IS a public Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 2 blog.

    2. "Leave" the blog? See (1) above. Baffled.com

    3. Yes, this blog is sadly dwindling. Maybe it's perceived by lurkers as a closed club. See (1) above. Again.

    4. Many, many great friendships have been formed on this very blog over the years, some of us have had the pleasure to meet Chris, do our bit for Pudsey and enjoyed some great blog meets all over the country.

    5. It's a great place for support and encouragement at low times, and congratulatory messages for those good times we choose to share.

    6. Yes, there have been some iffy contributors in the past, and you all know that I've been the "victim" on more than one occasision. This is no reason to be suspicious of every new contributor - see (3) above.

    7. We only live once, so let's make the most of it and bring some much-needed humour and fun back here. The common ground is that we all enjoy Chris's words, the fact that he takes his time to even write a blog for us - and out of 9 million listeners, I for one would LOVE to see some newbies contributing and chipping in ...... but sadly, as long as there's posts akin to last night's, it will unfortunately remain to be perceived as a cliquey closed club and will eventually fizzle out.

    I'm sure none of us want that to happen.

    Rant over, but I will close by just saying - think before you post. Please .....

    Muchos amore, and keep smiling


    ps: #44MBD - I think it was the lovely CockneyBird, and long may she stick around! :-)

  • Comment number 47.


    Andu - I am beaker becuase when I get cross apprently I go meep meep meep meep (or that is what it sounds like)

    I think the reason we don't get many new people is that Chris never mentions the blog anymore - or it is not used as a vehicle for the show as it once was.

    Please Chris can you talk about the blog, attract in new people using whatever method you like? Maybe ask for the last song on Friday or the first on Monday morning to start the show? I would love to see so new names (not that I don't like the old ones, but hopefully you know what I mean).

    I have been blogging for around 6 years, and many are here longer than me, but this is not a closed shop and we welcome newbies.


  • Comment number 48.

    Good morning everyone,

    Very well said Deevs.

    Nothing to report, so see you all later.



  • Comment number 49.

    Morning All,

    Oh dear!

    Thought I'd pop on and say hi seeing as I'm stuck waiting for my van at VW and unusually have some spare time.
    Sad to see the nonsense still going on, but as I'm out of the loop, a bit of a stranger (always been strange) and have no idea where it stems from this time, I'll keep my thoughts on it to myself.

    Can I just say though, that whilst I hardly ever get a chance to post on here, I have made some terrific friends on this blog and keep in touch or up to date with what you're all up to via other social media outlets.
    I mostly agree with Nutjob's post and look forward to catching up when it's all simmered down - which it will.

    Hope you're all well and bobbing along on the surface.

    Take care



  • Comment number 50.

    Good morning all,

    Well said Deev. Gingembre ,nice to see your post and glad to see the knee on the mend,don't go racing around too soon.

    Morning Baggy ,hope the jobs going well.

    Well It must be getting warmer as I have the back door open this morning ...or should I be turning the heating down /off ??

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 51.

    OOH! How remiss of me.

    Christoff! Show sounds great, life sounds better - long may it remain so.
    I did tweet you about it, but the 'interview' with Tash last week was superb and the sign off she did made me stop in my tracks.....You lucky boy!



  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all

    Well said Deevs, I must say the posts last night made me feel uncomfortable so I felt I couldn't join in. Hopefully we can now draw a line and move on


    Muppetwise, my favourite has always been Robin - 'Halfway down the stairs....etc'


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Well said Deevs but you've obviously forgotten MBD's first posts (some of which have been removed) which were insulting. Not by me I hasten to add, I find it all rather amusing.

    Of course this blog is for all Chris's fans and should not be clique. It used to be busy when Chris was doing Drivetime but of course Simon's blog is now the busiest for that reason.

    If MBD is indeed a newcomer then we welcome him/her and his/her rather less insulting comments.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning all, I heard a cry for bloggers so thought I'd come say hello after a long long long long long time of no blogging. So Hello! Yes, new name because I couldn't remember my log in for the old one!

    Love the muppets, favourite has to be Mahna Mahna and the Snowths. Do Doo Be Do Doo.....

    Dragon xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all

    Tis me Cockneybird. I was in Brum Brum Bruuuuuum yesterday so didnt have a chance to blog.

    It is official and has been for some time I LOVE THE MUPPETS. Many moons ago before my dad was ill we all went to the USA to Disneyland in Florida and I have a fab picture of my dad with a statue of Miss Piggy "his girlfriend" he always thought she was fab and he loved the American Eagle too as he was very dry with his personality.

    My ultimate favorite is the swedish chef "FLOOBY DOOBY DOO". I also have Waldorf and Statler sitting behind me at work "my pet names for the two ole codgers behind who spend all day chuntering away at each other". The nickname has stuck and they are referred to as W & S in the office.
    When we went to the show my dad and I spent the whole time giggling hysterically and mum and the hubby just looking at us as if we had lost the plot.

    I wish Chris would stop talking about toast it is making me feel starving.

    Anyway off to have a cup of tea as my throat is very dry at the moment think it is the paint fumes as the hallway which was given another coat last night.

    Have a lovely day everyone

    Cockney "Decorating" Bird soon to book a holiday as Deevs is making me well jell!


  • Comment number 56.

    Deevs just took her anti-maleria tablets on an empty stomach. Deevs now feels very very sick and dizzy.



  • Comment number 57.

    Thanks for the nudge Deevs!

    Hiya blogpeeps!

    Long time no blog (slap on the wrist!) so better say hello quick and then come back later (in between mini-man demands).

    Favourite muppet defo "Animal" the crazy drummer, as was my Dad!

    Mini-man has spent 1st night in big-boy bed so I have a big proud Mummy look all over my face this morning.

    Hope you're all having a fabby day!

    & Mini-man

  • Comment number 58.

    A quick leap over the fence to say Hellooooooo.

    I do drop by and have a read now and again, but I dont ever hear the show anymore.(Chris was my co-driver for many a mile)

    As Marj points out, the Drivetime blog is a busy one although not this week, as there are no tune themes, as such to make song suggestions for.

    Happy Days all :)

  • Comment number 59.


    I've just had some cereal with my ten tablets, the rest to be taken at bedtime.

    Now off to doc's for my follow up to seeing Consultant (probably for more tablets) LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning, just a quick one from me,

    For the fans of Chef from the Muppets, if you ever go to Sweden everyone talks in that sing song, hurdy gurdy way when they speak Swedish!

    Oh and my favourite way to have toast has to be French!


  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all

    Apologies for not being around much anymore but have no internet at work :( Thanks goodness I'm off this week.

    Love love love the Muppets hoping my children will take me to see it this weekend

    Have a good day everyone

    Propa x

  • Comment number 62.

    Blimey Maddy - that's a lot of tablets! I'm starting to feel a bit better now so will venture out to ELH in a bit.

    Lyndy - I saw the pics on FB of MiniMan in his big-boy bed. GAWJUS!!!! I feel that he won't be a MiniMan for much longer - he'll soon be breaking hearts at playgroup!

    Yay!! The blog is alive with the sound of posting ......


  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all

    A late lazy morning for me as have a couple of days off work - was so lovely to take as long as I wanted to get up this morning!

    Will need to get moving soon - the cupboards are looking very bare this morning so best track down some provisions!

    Of course, had to have toast for breakfast and very happily found a jar of marmelade my Dad made me before Christmas - nom nom nom!!

    My favourite muppet will always be Kermit (although I also have a soft spot for Robin)

    I'm not as big a fan as my SiL though - she has just bought some Kermit converse trainers and has a Kermit tattoo!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning blogmates!

    Sunny but also cloudy at times here in North Yorkshire - seems strange to say that and still feels as though I am on holiday.

    Never really in to the muppets but I do like animal.

    Off to speak to an agency, this afternoon, about a job I applied for on Monday - yikes.

    Keep calm and enjoy thirsty Thursday.

    Love Susan xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Good luck this afternoon Susan! Fingets crossed x

  • Comment number 66.

    Thanks Deevs. TBH if it wasn't for the money I quite like being a lady of leisure! Glad your venture seems to be taking off a pace.

    Lyndy - love the picture of mini-man x

    Catch you all later, probably.

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Blinkey Blimey! Had it not been for Zen's helping hand, the chap on PopMaster just now would have got 0.

    Never heard that before!

  • Comment number 68.

    ... and the woman who won only got 6 points!

  • Comment number 69.

    Going to the Hat-trick ....


    x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    deevs popmaster is really hard I try every day and to see what i can get still no top scores but normally mid teens but some days no chance matey, still not brave enough to get on t'radio and give it a try mind you.

    Love the rally call on Facecloth seems to have done the trick.

    Maddy hope everything goes well at the docs and Lyndy Lou - big mans bed, crikey growing up fast, Susan good luck this arvo. Sezza I would love a couple of days off work but I have no holiday until April. Cant wait to book a couple of days off to do some much needed spring cleaning once the decorating is finished just before the kitchen is ripped out. ummmmppphhhh! back to the grindstone

    Sees you laters Peeps

    CB xx



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