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My goodness, another stellar day...

Chris Evans | 10:22 UK time, Monday, 16 January 2012

...And what a night for "Star Gazing Live" tonight is gonna be. Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2 - don't miss it! I'm off to spend the day on a mate's farm, but I shall make it home for that and no mistake. Would also LOVE to catch up with last night's Sherlock tonight. But that might be pushing it all a bit.

Listen now. You have a fantastic day. And don't forget to wear a hat, it's bloomin' freezin' there; beautiful but nippy all the way through to your unmentionables.

Peace and Love and Hot Soup.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    I really is bright but bloomin' freezing here. Hoping the weather doesn't get any worse during the next two weeks so fingers crossed please.

    Not here, obviously!

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all - again!!

    Bright and blue and blinkin chilly here this morning!

    It was not quite dark when I came down to the kitchen this morning so there is hope - the winter is heading away!

    Was just thinking about blogger I was missing and thought I didn't see as much but I went back and read through some old blogs and realised there's actually still a lot of us hanging on in here!

    If you pass through, I'd love to know how you are - Baggy, Clodagh, MTF, Oz, RosiePosie - if I've missed seeing you I'm sorry

    I read the blog and posts from the day Chris confirmed he was moving to breakfast and some of the post debating how the new holders of the drivetime and breakfast batons would do. I wonder if the people who expressed strong opinions, shall we say, over whether they would or would not listen still feel the same!

    Right, best look busy - I wish i was in an office with other people today

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Good Morning CE & Everyone.

    Cold and frosty here too. I'm going to wear a hat Chris, at last I've found one which doesn't look too silly, a hooded scarf which is nice and cosy.

    I'm going to watch Brian Cox tonight coming to us live from Jodrell Bank. With Dara O'Briain of course. Should be very fascinating.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: good advice about wearing a hat, I wish I could, but I am one of those people who just look ridiculous in a hat!

    Hi everyone else:

    What a fast weekend, it just disappeared in a flash, for me.

    CB: I am glad to hear everything went well on Friday and I 'm sure your Nan would have been very proud of you. Re: your friends - this is a toughie, this happened to our two best friends many moons ago. It is extremely difficult not to take sides, especially when you feel your friend has been treated very badly. She will be so grateful for your support in the months to come, and I hope Mr CB can continue his friendship with his mate.

    Just off to have a wee sneaky cup of tea - it really is freezing here today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.


    I'm also someone who looks ridiculous in a hat but my hooded scarf looks less silly than the others. It still has it's problem though, when I take it off my hair stands on end due to the static.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Yes Christoff, the first thing I grabbed this morning for the walk to work was the sheepskin followed by the hat and scarf.
    Love me hats, todays selection a brown trilby, love me sheepskin more though.

  • Comment number 7.

    I'm confused - if it's Stargazing live then surely I need to be outside to look at the stars - but at the same time if I'm inside to keep up with the TV then I miss the stars! I'm sure someone else has commented about that right?!!?

    Lunchtime!!! woohooo Going to get my sandwiches before coming back to my desk and carrying on

  • Comment number 8.

    Maddy: yes, the static thingy is a problem, isn't it?! It's years since I wore a hat, when I saw a photograph of myself wearing one! Now, I just freeze which I know is daft, but hey ho, that's me!

    JTT: oooh, I had a sheepskin jacket about thirty years ago, you have just reminded me! They are so warm and cosy ... that's on my wish list for next winter!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon ,

    It's cold, but oh the sky is sooooo blue and sunny , totally uplifting.

    CB Glad Friday went well, I hope you are feeling a little bit better .

    Sezza - my book has arrived this morning - am looking forward to a good read . Thanks !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Mr Evens ( Christof) - Its all your fault I am writing this!!
    (I`ll shorten the long story) I heard you talking about David Hockney / Art and I agree with you he is a great artist but my artistic passion is photography - british landscapes. You see I am a keen amateur photographer and your comments "sparked off" a memory tucked away somewhere in the back of my mind.
    During last year when you were talking about your annual charity event at Goodwood and then back at your home, did I hear you say you had bought your wife a "good camera" which she did not want?? I know this comment stuck in my mind (I`m getting to the point). Well, as I only have a basic camera and if said camera is still in the bottom of a draw, gathering dust, I could put it to good use.
    Please send it on and you never know, I could become the David Hockney of British photography.

    Love your show.

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh Wow!

    I've just looked out of the kitchen window at work and, as the sky is so clear, I can see all the vapour trails of the planes landing at Stansted!

    It looks amazing - there are loads of trails, all converging on the same point!

    At least, I assume they're vapour trails!! They do look just like a scene from War of the Worlds - wasn't Prof Cox talking about meeting extra-terrestrials tonight? ;-)

    Laters - i hope!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 12.


    My day was turned on it's head this morning as the boy's school had no heating, so him and his girlfriend have been home since 10 am - the house that should have been cleaned today now looks like an explosion in a toy factory!! But they've been as good as gold really, just noisy!!

    Not so good news on the moving front, the owners of the house we want can't get a buy to let mortgage so if we want it we'll have to find a mortgage ourselves and with t'other going self employed.................
    It's not over yet, but feeling a bit deflated now.

    Looking forward to Stargazing live - we saw Prof. Cox and Uncaged Monkeys in December which was very good indeed!

    CB - Gald Friday went well. x

    I hear screams, better go and investigate!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon all,

    I did pop in briefly this morning ,but didn't have time to post. Bright blue skies here too albeit chilly .Have been out and about today on some errands and now back indoors ,feet up and just had a nice sarnie ,a piece of stolon cake , and a mug of tea,tele watching now.

    Chris no I don't do hats although last year when we had that really bad spellING did wear one briefly.
    I'll have to have a watch of Prof Cox tonight as he'll be near to where I used to live and also your old patch I should imagine it would be about the same distance in mileage,I'll have to google it and see.

    CB,so pleased for you that it went well on Friday ,and the other problem that's cropped up for you is a bit of a bummer ..you must feel like you're between the devil and the deep blue sea. A difficult one for sure.

    Crissie ,I hope that sneaky cuppa went down well ,was there a biscuit thrown in ??

    Maddy ,nice to see you ,hope you're keeping well and wrapping up when you go out ,and how are the eggs going down :)).

    Sezza ,your view of the plane vapours sounds nice ,I like to see them in the early mornings when the planes are high in the sky ,I look up and wonder where the planes are off to ,or where they've been.

    Eb,sorry to hear your news about the house ,dont get too downhearted ,something will come up for you ,and I hope the little man and his g/freind are enjoying thier day of school. don't fret to much about the toys ,they'd have come out anyway when he got home lol.

    see you later ..Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    hello, i am sticking my head above the parapet for a moment..

    i heard on the radio that they are not going to build a royal yacht.
    because they couldnt find 60m.
    if they didnt build a certain railway then there would be a lot of money to do other things with..or am i wrong??
    you could argue that the royal yacht is for the privileged few...but with rail tickets the price they are at and going up, train travel is only for the privileged few too. (a friend wanted to travel back from the south coast to norwich today and was quoted a price of 85 pounds one way..it was cheaper for them to bring two cars.)
    climbing off soap box and heading back under the protection of something so you can shoot . p.s i dont live any where near HS2.


  • Comment number 15.

    I totally agree with every word your saying .


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon, thanks again to everyone what brilliant support you lot give.

    Bridget, eb and sezza, thanks about the other bit of news, hubbie works in the same place as his mate and hoped to bump into him this morning and find out what happened but it looks like he has gone to ground for now. I spoke to my mate again today and she is at a complete and utter loss to understand it.

    Crikey I am only 3 weeks into this year and it has been so stressful I want things to go back to normal, stop the world for five minutes and catch my breath.

    Eb I hope you manage to sort out the house situation it is tough out there to get anything nowadays but I have every faith that you will find a way to do what you want to do.

    djeli - I know what you mean the country is broke and yet somehow they keep finding money to pay for these things. Could I just state that a standard return ticket from wolves to euston at the moment without underground is Β£170 return. Even if the train takes the strain it is still a ludicrous amount of money and seats arent always guaranteed either.

    We live in a strange ole world.

    Have a good evening everyone CB xx

  • Comment number 17.


    170 pounds..good grief. remind me to never moan about the ferry prices.

    its not that i think we should or shouldnt have a new royal yacht its just that i thought what nick clegg said about not being able to find the money was laughable.

    gone again
    got to get smallest children dinner

  • Comment number 18.

    Just caught up.

    Bids-I'm AOK thanks. Funny you should ask about the eggs as I've just had fried eggs on toast for my tea as I didn't feel like a large meal. I'd never heard of fried eggs on toast (only poached) before I met my ex from London and wonder if this is a southern thing.

    Actually I got it wrong re the calcium, eggs have cholestorel but they keep on changing their minds as to whether they are good or bad for us so I'll just enjoy them.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Hot home made soup sounds good right now, wish I had got organized to make it for star gazing!

    Ok here's why I posted, I love the brekkie show as it makes the school run fly by (even this morning when I got to use the super size ice scraper on a pole with broom only to find that a credit card would have worked better than the chocolate teapot useless scraper:-(

    I also have r2 on between 2.30 and 3ish off and on. Now for a while I thought there was a bit of sneaky rivalry going on -bear with me- then didn't I hear today a comment about the Sunday show and then didn't I hear this afternoon a bizarre monologue about a breakfast cart and celebs. Ok I must admit it made me smile and I'm looking forward to listening out for more clever gamesmanship. On the other hand I could be very bored housewife who loves a bit of psychodrama! Who's with me! O, Steve where's the salad...

  • Comment number 20.

    Gosh it's quiet here tonight.

    Night all

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Night all.

    Sleep well and take care.

    I am still deaf at the moment and feel very down, going back to see doctor next week.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A find looking up at the stars just amazing... blows me mind... makes any problems in life and me whole life feel so unimportant when yer look out inter the cosmic cosmos..... and it makes me think why are we 'ere and what is it all about??????


    A don't know.... yer look inter space and realise there's planets made up of chemicals... Acitve... alive from the very cold ter the very 'ot... made up of gases... fire... a can sort of understand that.... but what boggles me mind.... The fact that we are so tiny in the mega giganticallly gigantic universe.... Why are we so intelligent and ave developed all that we ave on this crazy earth??????
    and all this depsite 'uman beings being very clever but very flawed creatures at the same time!!!!!!!!
    Boggles the mind!!!!!!!
    And throw inter the paranormal that a know excists.... yer can feel it... at times a feel phychic although a it's something a can't make 'appen... It just 'appens by accident throughout me life!!!!!!!
    Then throw inter the equation god....... Of which am can feel something excists 'igher does excist!!!!!!!
    Take electricity.... VERY like the paranormal.... a very strange invisable force that we take for granted... Yet at times for a second will flash it's presence.... This is one magical invisable force that we've mastered to our advantage!!!!!!!
    But i'm sure there's other thign sout there we a far from understanding!!!!!!!!

    Then looking up at the amazing cosmos..... Why us... Why the Earth 'as been chosen/ is the place that 'as all that we 'ave??????

    It all boggles the mind..... Ter near MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz got carried away.... a was just trying ter say a for one will be watching the TV show in question.... Thanks ter a kind relative taping it for me!!!!!!!!

    Tatty Bye!

  • Comment number 23.

    My gooodness.... #22 all by chance.... freaky!!!!!!!

    PS A only came on the blog ter say.... Been trucking in mid-Wales all day!!!!!
    Whatta beautiful day.... And a was used as practice target practice in me HGV twice by the RAF in their Eurofighters!!!!!!!!!!
    A could tell by the body language of the jets.... twice while driving in different locations.... driving me big truck on the quiet wlesh roads..... A jet turned.... Then at around 1500ft slowed (estimated about 300mph/ 260 knots) (which is slow for a fighter jet).... It swooped directly over me truck while a was on the moved.... for sure a could tell they were using me as target practice.... Probably a 'ad a laser locked on me truck..... Thankfully no live amunition on board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway got 'ome..... And WOW..... 'ad a quick look on youtube and is EVERYTHING in our crazy world on youtube????!!!!!!!
    One of the very roads.... The A487 Machynlleth ter Dolgellau road.... Is on the clip with the RAF using it as a practice area!!!!!!
    Didn't realsie but this very valley is a main RAF practice area!!!!!!!

    Check out the amazing clip of the jets flying lower than the dude with the camera..... and 1m 12 secs in yer can see the eact road a was driving down in the middle of the valley.... WOW!!!!!!!!!
    PS The jets in the clip are going alot faster thna they flew over me..... i'd say 600mph/ 520 knots in the youtube clip!!!!!!!!

    Ave gotta 'eadache now!

    Niceness ter each ;-)))))

  • Comment number 24.

    Good morning all,

    Another bright day on the horizon on the south coast ,but brass monkeys come to mind.

    Well Chris it was a lovely clear sky down here last night ,but I didn't venture outside to do any star gazing.

    Bingo ,Bet that was a bit of a surprise for you hearing them there jets over you .It took me back a few years about one of our holidays down in Pembroke-shire,we were staying in a bungalow overlooking the Preseli Hills. It was a lovely sunny day so all the patio doors were open and all of a sudden we hear an almighty roar,shot outside and to everyone's amazement there almost moving along side us was a jet and we could even see the pilot in his cockpit, and he just turned his head sideways and put his hand up to us.
    That was a jaw dropping experience that I'll never forget.

    Right another quick cuppa me thinks..Have a good day all and take care .


  • Comment number 25.

    Morning everyone

    How the Devil are we? Keeping warm and safe, I hope.

    I'm somewhat excited today - there's a man coming at lunchtime to clean the ovens! Hurrah!!!!!

    Other than that, a fairly busy day ahead researching for a NEW client (!!!), writing blog posts, building social media profiles .... all with the gentleness of the cricket on in the background. Nice.

    Now, that ad for the "Braeburn/Granny Smith" phone with the virtual assistant spooky voice .... if you could have anyone as your assistant voice, who would you have? I think I'd go for Alan Rickman, persoanlly ....! ;-)

    Right, time to get creative.

    Laters lovelies.




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