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Tomorrow on the show...

Chris Evans | 11:03 UK time, Wednesday, 14 September 2011

...How about we start up top in the North of Scotland somewhere, and work our way all the nation down to the South Coast of England in food - after Melton Mowbray's guest starring role today.

It sprung from the latest episode of The Great British Bake Off, featuring one of Mr Hollywood's genius pork pie recipes made up the second challenge last night.

Mmmmmmm, Melton Mowbray! But what about Bakewell Tarts and Eccles Cakes, Kendal Mint Cake and Aberdeen Angus?

I don't see we have any choice but to get on with it.

I have to have a pie today by the way. I don't mind what sort - as long as it's proper.

Pies and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Christoff, I can guarantee a new blog when I post on previous one.......typical!!

    The Great British Bake off, superb telly. Last night was no exception.

    I love pies!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Can I recommend a Killie Pie (Kilmarnock), delish!



  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: oooh, I do love a pie ... but the pastry gives me terrible heartburn ... aargghh! Enjoy whatever pie you have today. xx

    Gail: couldn't agree more - a Killie Pie is the business - almost worth the pain of heartburn!

    Pen: I'm a tiny bit reluctant to say this, but we have blue sky up here today too! Not quite nice enough for sitting out on the patio, but definite blue stuff up there!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Howdie Doodies!

    I have Cloud Plussed last night's Bake Off episode and hope to watch it later, or tomorrow.

    Pies. Delicious. Sweet or savoury. Shortcrust, flaky or rough puff.

    Really hungry now CLP - cheers for that!

    I believe the local delicacy in these parts to be "Faggots and paaaays" (that's peas for those not from The Black Country). Hmmm. Judgement reserved!

    Back later - stuff to do. Albeit reluctantly!

    x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    I'm really hungry reading this, have now been on the phone to Sage helpline for 49 minutes and I'm surprised the guy on the other side can't hear my tummy rumbling, hopefully we'll resolve our problem soon and I can tuck into my very exiting soup and roll!

    Sun is shining today believe it or not.



  • Comment number 6.


    Love the Great British Bake Off, fab telly. Now I need to confess that I am not a lover of pastry. In fact when I was little, I left the pastry bit of a home made lemon meringue pie (which my Mum had made) and when she asked me why I had left it, I said "I don't like the wood". Of course I have never lived that down!

    I eat pastry, and I particularly like "puff", but if given a choice I wouldn't choose to eat it. Although some of those pies yesterday did look scrummy :)

    Glad the sun is shining in Scotland, a black cloud has appeared in the sky here!


  • Comment number 7.

    Deffo up for a slice a THAT Christoff.

    Up 'ere in Pie Central, Wigan, we like anythin' topped off wit a nice thick pie crust, although it's not a Proper Pie if it's not looked over a gate at some point in its life.

    An' none a that Southern Softy puff pastry nonsense, either. My aul granny would be spinnin' round 'er rollin' pin watchin' all that palaver last night. Nice big lump a lard, trow it in a bucket a flour an' show it who's boss before batterin' it into submission wit said rollin' pin (makin' sure to clean off any fluff from Granddad's cap first, of course), then slap it round 'alf a ton a meat an' potato, crimp the edges wit the dentures an' bingo. A plate a that wit the mash an' watery cabbage an' yous were set up for the week.

    Happy days. And am fondly reminded of the DDF Eric, when upon returning from shopping in Wigan with Renee, they stopped off at Poole's Pies for a couple of said delicacies for their Dinner. (That's Lunch to yous posh jockeys.) Suddenly, en route home, a car pulled out in front, forcing Eric to do an emergency stop. Splat, the pies hit the deck, one of them completely mangelated but the other ok. Ah NO. Later on, Eric was recounting the tale of the numpty driver to a neighbour, and complained, "..And you shoulda seen the state a Renee's pie..."

    "'Old on a minute," says Renee, " 'ow come it was MY pie?"

    Not strong on chivalry, my dad.


  • Comment number 8.

    afternoon peeps
    Just having my squelchy cheese, celery and mayo sandwich, which tastes lovely but now I WANT A PIE!!

    GBBO was good last night and the right folk got the elbow, but boy that Mary-Ann (Mary-Jane??) is scary!

    Also watch the Hairy Bikers - Meals on Wheels last night.
    Some of the food that they were providing for those poor old souls looked vile.

    Not many local food delicacies for North Wales that I can think of, but 'the Principality' does have Caerphilly cheese - which I like and the slime they call laverbread, which I DON'T!
    There must be others but I can't think of a single one.

    Butty calls ... ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Howya chaps btw. How rude of me.

    Actually, I have to be disloyal to my roots here and say that a real Melton Mowbray pork pie is one of life's true delights. In fact you know what. Bugger the cardboard coffin; slap me inside of a nice hot water crust an' shove me in t'oven. An' don't forget the jelly.


  • Comment number 10.

    I should point out it wasn't the HB's food that was vile, it was the pre-frozen, once a fortnight stuff.
    Wouldn't want to be done for slander!
    C x

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Cornish pasty, pontefract cakes, Lancashire hotpot, Chelsea buns, Everton mints, Manchester pudding, Yorkshire pudding, the list is endless. Round here it's scouse!

    I love pies, both sweet and savoury ones. I often have a Melton Mowbray pork pie with my salad.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all

    Amazing how baking is the new Rock & Roll! I got two lovely presents (among others) yesterday, one was the GBBO book and the other was Mary Berry's new Sunday Lunches. I'm never sure whether getting cook books is a compliment or not!

    Clodagh - great to see you're on great form as ever.



  • Comment number 13.

    Andy - it's a hint that the giver wants to be invited 'round for a meal!

    C :O)

  • Comment number 14.

    Bedfordshire Clanger!!!

    My OH said that I let down the side by not trying a Cornish Pasty when I was in Cornwall last week, Then again I did have a Cream Tea in Devon (sans the cup of tea lol!) I asked him to get me some Kendal Mint Cake or a Bakewell tart from Bakewell but he wasn't sure he'd be able to! He's busy doing Land's End to John O'Groats for charity at the moment (more info can be found here:

  • Comment number 15.

    It occurred to me last night on the GBBO that Janet sounds like Jo Brand, it's taken me this long to work it out! Anyone else agree?

    Typical Kentish fair - Gypsy Tart, Cox Apples, and of course Beer. Kent is famous for its hops.


  • Comment number 16.

    I know this will sound ridiculous but at the Blair Horse Trials last month there was a Cornish Pasty stand which did traditional Cornish Pasties (which were delish), however they also did a Haggis Pastie which was absolutely gorgeous.



  • Comment number 17.

    Where are you Debs? We're talkings pies!!

    Andy, if Mr PF received recipe books for his birthday, he would have thought the giver had taken leave of their senses, lol. Me on the other hand..................

    Glad you peeps north of the border are enjoying some brightness, it's nice to share it around.

    Nice to see you back Clodagh.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 18.


    My OH would have a similar reaction, while she can cook it's not something she enjoys at all. Which is why the kitchen is mt domain! ;)

    On the pasty front, a local baker near us can't now sell what used to be called cornish pasties, they have to be described as corned beef and potato!


  • Comment number 19.

    Andy, she's a very lucky lady. Not that I'm complaining, Mr PF makes up for it in lots of other ways, ie he always cleans my car, does the gardening and DIY. Oh and he's a dab hand at pushing the hoover around! Can't have it all ways can we? :-)

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.

    I think I've been influenced by CLP today!

    I can't go to the shopps tomorrow as I have hospital appointment in the morning and awaiting boiler man in the afternoon and so I've done an online delivery.

    On reading back I've noticed the pies, i.e. Melton Mowbray pork pies, apple pies and jam tarts.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon each

    Watched the Bake Off last night and was sorely tempted to make a corned beef & potato pie for oldest son, he still talks about the ones I used to make when he was wee. I think that might be a Geordie sort of pie. When I moved up to Scotland in the sixties I was horrified by the mince pies they sell here - pink mince, no gravy.... yuk...and they didn't know what stotty cake or pease pudding was! A real culture shock.

    Back in a bit when I've caught up. xxxxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Eye up!

    I'm swimed, saunad and steamed. Watched the Great British Bake Off (awwwww man, I WANT pie now!!) and am now listening to today's Jeremy Vine Show on the iPlayer. I'm not normally a fan, but I recommend you listen at 32.50 minutes in to the show if you can.

    Himself is working late so thought I'd do a bit of CiN admin. I'll be doing badges for bloggers (tres Blue Peter!) so am brushing up my design skills ... just don't expect too much!


    Hope you're all fine and dandy.

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 23.

    Yummy! That corned beef & potato pie tastes delicious Annie. I love corned beef hash and the thought of that in a pie sounds so good.

    I think I'm going to make one too!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    PS I should have said sounds delicious, I haven't had it yet! LOL! Can't wait!

  • Comment number 25.

    Will listen to JV later Deevs, should be interesting. (just looked at fb)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Maddy, I haven't eaten meat for yonks, so will have to hold my nose when I buy the corned beef. All my lot are meeting up at oldest son's on Saturday to coo over the new baby so if I have any energy left on Friday night after looking after the 1yr old and 6yr old, I'll be making it.

  • Comment number 27.

    Annie - the assignment I submitted last night was all about vegetarian diets. Fascinating stuff indeedy!


  • Comment number 28.

    Evening all.

    Thank you Chrissie, Ali and Pen for your very kind messages of support at this very difficult time for my friends. xx

    Annie, corned beef and potato pie sounds nice.

    Hi Marjie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    evening all

    Am all ticked-off tonight. Made a lovely toad in the hole - really good sausages and fluffy, puffy batter but the salt I have at the moment seems extra salty - I put the same amount in that I always too but it was too salty to eat!

    Very bizarre! I'll have to try again soon

    CSN, every best wish to your friend and their family

    Cheryl, well done for completing your course. Here's to the plans for the future and good luck with the sticky back plastic!

    Maddy, hope the boiler man has been and done his stuff!

    Sure there was more but my brain can't cope

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks Sezza - not quite finished but all Assignments submitted. Just my final essay to go (1500 - 2000 words entitled You Are What You Eat) which I am going to do after our holiday.

    I'm starting to think of how I can sell my services to help people, so I'm very excited about that, and the VA business, all happening at once. The time just feels right, which I can't explain, but I shall be taking a small notepad on holiday to make notes whilst topping up my Vitamin D levels!

    Demi CiN Badges made, awaiting judgement later this evening .....

    I'm really freezing tonight. Himself is on the way home and I might have to use my wily feminine charm to get him to put the heating on (I don't know how to as we've switched it off at the boiler ..... doh!)

    Tea here is an Indian takeaway - we had it about 3 weeks ago but only ate half, and froze half. Really looking forward to it, and I swammed extra hard to earn the calories beforehand!

    Right, I'm switching off now as my shoulders are starting to ache.

    Have a lovely evening all of you, stay safe, warm and sane and I'll be back tomorrow from my cell of doom (aka work!)

    Muchos amore, and dreams of fluffy bunnies


  • Comment number 31.

    Deevs, your assignment sounds interesting.

    CSN, God Bless your friend. It's awful when you can do nothing to help. A friend of my brother, who is already dealing with a dreadful disease caught when he was doing VSO many years ago, has been diagnosed with Asbestosis. He's having an operation on Tuesday and I'm so worried about him. Like your friend, he is very brave and never complains.


  • Comment number 32.

    Thank you Sezza and Annie for your kind wishes. Cancer is such an awful illness. xx

    Dear Annie, I hope all goes well for your brothers friend on Tuesday. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Where has CLP's widget gone to?

    I've just noticed that it is missing at the top of the page!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Maddy, didn't notice that it had gone, probably because I haven't a clue what it is.

    Right, off to watch Who Do You Think You are.


  • Comment number 35.

    Alan Carr is in my favourite pub in Newcastle. Was there a few weeks ago - right opposite Newcastle United's stadium.

  • Comment number 36.


    just a quickie,and feel free to email me direct on fb with any reply -
    Could you send me a list of do's and don'ts, goods and bads in relation to nutritional advice in respect to training for the London marathon. Don't know if this falls within your remit with your new studying?

    thank you my lovely


  • Comment number 37.

    Hi All

    I've been instructed by the lovely Deevs to blog more. Well, I thought I was already spending far too much time in blogland, but apparently it's not enough to pay daily homage to the greatness that is Mr Mayo... So I'm going to try and pop in here a bit more often, to get to know some of you gawjus people who I'll be meeting in real life at CiN. I have my list of real names/blog names so I think I have an idea of who's who, and of course I met some of you last year. I am already far too excited about it, and now I know we're having badges I'm even more excited!

    Was a bit miffed at CLP giving spoilers for TGBBO this morning, as I hadn't seen it (and still haven't), but hey ho - I'm sure it will still be well worth a viewing.

    CSN - I've only just caught up with your news. So sorry to hear about your friend. I've sent you a message on FB.

    I'm enjoying watching Alan Carr on 'Who do you think you are' at the moment. Mr B has been doing some research into his own family tree recently - fascinating stuff!

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 38.

    Deebee, I didn't watch the baking show but I did think as I listened to Chris this morning that he was going to get into trouble!!

    CiN is coming so quickly! Scary that after that, it'll be nearly Christmas!!

    On that thought, night all, sweet dreams!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    100 days on Friday untill Christmas...better start that wrapping ..

    Deebee, lovely to see you andthank you for pooping by ,hope you managed the fence.lol.


  • Comment number 40.

    Bids, wish I had something to wrap....running off to do some interent shopping


  • Comment number 41.

    Hello Propacar,

    Thought I'd just mention it like ,then it gives you a 100 days to do a 100 things ,then hey presto you're all ready ...and no last minute panic .dont say you weren't warned lol.

    Bids .xxx.

    PS ,lovely to see you by the way :))

  • Comment number 42.

    Hiya Bids

    Hope that doesn't mean I need to but a 100 presents :)

    Thanks though at least I now know I need to get a wiggle on.

    Propa x x

  • Comment number 43.


    No not at all , there are lots of things to do, Cake making comes to mind.


  • Comment number 44.

    So, the only Welsh contributions to the culinary world are Caerphilly cheese and laverbread.

    What about Welsh cakes, cawl, bara brith, Welsh lamb, Penclawdd cockles and the unbeatable Clark's pie?

    There again, what can you expect from a Gog?

  • Comment number 45.

    Nos da.


  • Comment number 46.

    Good morning all,

    Wall to wall blue here this morning as all is well .Not quite as busier a day for me today so I'm happy .

    Take care all and enjoy your day.


  • Comment number 47.

    Good morning everyone,

    Well what a contrast in weather, there was a frost this morning and now we have clear blue skies, and it's as still as can be, quite cold though but that's fine.

    Hope you are all well, {{hugs}} to those who need them, and anyone who just wants one anyway.



  • Comment number 48.

    Morning all

    Just a quickie - full house here at Cell Block H today ....

    KW - no worries. I'll message you on t'other side over the weekend.

    Sunny but with an autumnal chill in the air here today. Counting the minutes in this office until I can escape at 1.30. This afternoon's mission is a trip into town (or tow-en as the locals call it) to top up on holiday essentials like DEET, anti-histamines and bug spray! I refuse to become a buffet for the critters next week.

    Hope you're all as lovely as ever!

    Laters taters.


  • Comment number 49.

    Good morning all!

    A cracking start to the day again in southern parts, that's all!

    Back later.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi everyone:

    Gail: yes, we had frost this morning too - what's it all about, Alfie?! As you can imagine, I just about fainted when I went out the front door, but thankfully it wasn't slippy underfoot!

    Cheryl: very excited about the CiN badges!

    Annie: sorry to hear about your brother's friend. I hope the operation will go well. xx

    Deebee: lovely to see you!

    Bids: thanks for the heads-up re: Christmas! I must start the wrapping too ... only kidding!

    Have a good day, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning everyone.

    Lovely sunny morning here.

    Deebee, thank you for your message on FB. xx

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Top of the morning to you!

    A lovely sunny but cool day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    Off to my hospital appointment soon (oxygen team this time). This afternoon I have to wait in for the boiler man and the home delivery then pick up a prescription this evening which I think calls for another fish and chip day.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Warmth To CLP & ALL... (Even Though Am Freezing After Returning From 10 Days In Thailand Again - Aka The Country With The Most Warm & Friendly People In The World From What Ave Seen So Far & Very 'ot Weather ALL The Time... Aka Thai Time (Not GMT))...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - 'ow about New Brighton rock.... Not a poptastic concert.... But the stuff that'll 'ave yer down the dentist looking for a new crown!!!!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Ave found this pop video which would be perfect as a 'olidee destination promotion film all about New Brighton..... My favourite bit is 1 minute 22 seconds inter it, just when am getting VERY inter it, when Bingo makes an appearance!!!!!!!!!

    Who needs Bangkok when ave got New Brighton on me doorstep!!!!!!!

    Some VERY nice doorsteps in New Brighton too!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry all a missed a dot out on the #53 link.... Go for the #54 link and YOUR 'olidee dreams will come true!!!!!!!!!

    Just suddenly realsied me father is coming for a 'olidee in New Brighton next week.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE..... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unless 'is depression kicks in and 'e cancels last minute (without using lastminute dot com).... Also 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!

  • Comment number 56.





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