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Red Button, Red Button, Red Button.

Chris Evans | 10:46 UK time, Monday, 12 September 2011

This is a red button clarion call.

For all those whom it may concern: highlights of yesterday's Festival In A Day, Radio 2 Live In Hyde Park are available now on the red button on your telly box.

Failing that, there are video highlights also on the main Radio 2 website, which you probably already know because you are here, reading this now.

Peace And Love guys, plus remember - Rock and Roll goes hand in hand with both of those.

Love and affection





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Chris!

    Thanks for the Red Button heads-up. I have a mini mountain of ironing to do this afternoon so hopefully will see you on pushing red.

    I have to say, you sounded remarkably chipper on air this morning considering what you were up to yesterday!

    As for mushrooms - I can highly recommend a fungal forage, with an expert, of course. Very informative, but watch out for the fairies and elves under the red spotty toadstools.

    And finally ...

    Love is - all thanks to your blog in my case! Thank you very muchly.

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: well done on a fantastic job at Hyde Park yesterday - it was brilliant. xx Also, thanks for such a terrific show this morning - you were still buzzing from yesterday - very infectious, I was actually smiling going in to work this morning!

    Hi Cheryl!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Good morning all,

    Well Just my luck again ,posted earlier aand lost it ,did another one posted that only to find Chris has posted his new blog...oh well!!! happy days .
    hope everybody out there is safe and keeping your heads down out of these winds .

    I'll be back later when iv'e got my posting head on .

    Take care and stay safe if your'e having to go out...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Thanks for the red button alert Chris, I already have it all sorted. I am planning to enjoy watching the concert each night this week.

    Rock and roll does indeed go hand in hand with peace and love Chris. 'Music soothes the savage beast' , it causes people to be happy and love one another.

    Thanks for bringing the music to us CLP!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon all,

    That's this evenings entertainment sorted - red button it is!

    I am a monday feeling and am not doing anything with enthusiasm........hopefully it will pass.

    Hope you are all well

    C x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chrissie, Bids, Maddy and Cath

    I know what you mean Cath. I feel well and truly in the doldrums today - the weather's not helping. It's a comfort food kind of day but alas, it'll be some healthy option or other.

    Roll on next Wednesday .....



  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all!

    I haven't got a TV, so no red button glory for me - will catch bits on the iPlayer, but from the snippets that I heard (Jasper-dog wasn't well yesterday, so I was somewhat preoccupied doing my Florence Nightingroo bit) it was a REALLY good day.

    Did you hear what happened to Janice Long though? Her OH has just started a photography business and, while she was doing her bit on-stage, some complete tool broke into her car and stole ALL of her OH's brand-new kit (new cameras/lenses/laptop/etc.) from the boot of her car. My heart goes out to her OH, he must be gutted - hope they catch the miscreant.

    How brilliant is Gary Barlow, though?! What a decent guy.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo (and Jasper)

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Deevs - sorry you're feeling glum. Fingers crossed for happier times. xx

    I have the day off today (cometh the hour; cometh the boiler-man) - am just off to pick bits of tree out of the wreckage that was formerly my garden...

    Have to be careful though - Jasper and I might get blown away to a mad Technicolor land and squish a witch... ;-)

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 9.

    P.S. Lyn's back - YAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Bids (previous blog).

    I saw that too on Chris's DM column. When I read that he may be going to The National Ploughing Championships in Somerset next month driving Freddie's Lotus I thought of folk down there.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Roo - thanks! And also thank you for your lovely email. CiN Admin is on my "to do" list for later this arvo so I'll reply then (after a swim straight from work, and the aforementioned ironing Tor!)

    Hope Jasper picks up soon - a poorly mutt is no fun.


  • Comment number 12.


    Cathmel and Cheryl: if it's any consolation, I am struggling a wee bit today, too. It's horrible when we have days like these, isn't it?

    Hi Maddy and Bids. xx

    Roo: that is appalling what happened to Janice Long's partner. I would lock that person up for 10 years because that's what they deserve for being so ruthless and vicious.

    I'm in one of those moods today, there's a lot of people I'd like to see locked up for 10 years!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi all,

    Sorry to hear that you're all having one of those days, Dare I say I'm on my day off,(ducking out off the way of on coming missiles).

    Crissie , what I did want to ask you is ,That new kitchen of your in that nice new flat,Is it big enough for a Blog Party. Because at the moment it looks like these poor souls want some cheering up. RSVP..

    Roo, sorry to hear Jaspers not well,but I'm most certain he's with the best possible person.

    Morning Pen,hows the weather with you at the mo???and Maddy nice to see you ,hope you're safely tucked up at home.

    Deev,Don't know what to say chuck ,don't like seeing you down like this .the only thing I can say is get down to that job center ,even it's only for a temp job as that place that you're at now is suffocating you .

    By the way ,on my last post last one on other blog , Chris has purchased himself a new car, None other than the car that was once Freddie Mercury's.
    Now if this car is going to be in the next Drive and Dine run that would be worth bidding for eh!!! .who's going to put there first bid in .Shall I start at Twenty Quid...well you have to start some where ...little acorns don't you know.


  • Comment number 14.

    Roo, really sad to hear what happened to Janice Long's partner. Such a shame because there was the best vibe in the park

    As one text read on the radio said, never seen so many M&S picnics and prosecco in one place!

    Deevs, what's happening next Wednesday?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 15.

    I think I've just worked out what I'm doing with the rest of my day!

    I've just taken the memory card out of my camera to download the pictures - there are 589 to sort out!!

    Not all from yesterday I hasten to add but still!!


    Sezza xxx

    ps looks like red button and on-line videos are the same

    I have to declare I am now even more in love with Imelda May - not only is she gorgeous, witty and rockin - yesterday she did the meanest version of one of my favourtie ever songs - Tainted Love! Don't think that's there to see though

  • Comment number 16.

    Sezza - we shall be acquainting ourselves with a couple of sun-loungers, lots of books, some sea, some Ouzo and a barman called Yannis!

    Much needed, and can't wait!

    Then when we get back it's all systems go for the new business - my escape route!

    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Sezza - buy or download Imelda's "Mayhem" album - it's brilliant! We saw her in Wolverhampton at a fairly small venue and it was a fantastic night!


  • Comment number 18.

    Hi everyone - great to see you! Thanks for your good wishes about Jasper. He has the Big C in his snout. Not good - but apart from that he is the same cheeky wag - bit of a MAJOR snout-bleed yesterday, which hit me especially hard as I was watching the live coverage on-line from Manhattan, so already a bit raw.

    But - if that day taught us anything - it's to be thankful for what you have here and now; love what you've got and don't lament what you haven't got. Because the merest random chance could see it all snatched away from you tomorrow. x

  • Comment number 19.

    Just found her Tainted Love on Yoo Hoo Toob!

    Deevs, Ah yes! Was wondering if I'd forgotten something or not realised it in the first place!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Chrissie - me too! Much as I already despise whoever pinched JL's OH's new business equipment, I pray that the wretch does not fall into Jasper's paws. Although, on the other hand, we are terminally skint... perhaps a cheap alternative to turkey looms up before us.... (it all looks the same under the bread sauce and cranberry jelly, you know, hehehe...) ;-)

    Roo x

  • Comment number 21.

    Wise words Roo.

    I thought the concert sounded fantastic on the radio last night and Moira sounded magnificent this morning, like she'd been on the Woodbines all night.

    Sounds like we're all feeling a bit down in the dumps today - I'm back at work after a week off and everyone is getting on my nerves. I think I'm missing my afternoon nap.

    Love Barmy xx

    PS - what a complete star David Walliams is. Let's get him over the million pound mark. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Roo, just a quick pop in to say so sorry to hear about Jasper, I know exactly what you are going through, FB me if you want to chat.

    Right off to catch a train, hope its not the "wrong kind of wind" between here and manchester as it sure is blowey round these ear parts!


  • Comment number 23.

    Bids: you know something? I would LOVE to host a blog kitchen party! It's not an enormous kitchen by any means, but a fair few of us could fit in there - wouldn't it just be great?! Perhaps that's something to think about in the Spring ...

    Roo: so sorry to hear about Jasper. xx And very, very wise words from you - I have long since stopped taking my nearest and dearest for granted - everyone I love knows I love them and every day I am so grateful when all is well.

    Barmy: I agree about David Walliams - an incredible achievement by him.

    Debs: hope your journey is o.k.

    I am out of here at 4pm today because we are due for a cracker of a storm and the trains will definitely go off!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon each,

    Red button it is tonight then whilst I hit my ironing pile... love the Tor description Deevs! Sounds like a wonderful day and that Propa, Sezza and AnnieOakley loved it from comments on here and FB... perhaps it could be a meet next year???

    Roo-good to see you lovely. Sorry to hear about Jaspers woes.. poor wee lad. On a similar but different tack my poor 6yr old nephew is getting recurrent nosebleeds again. He had his nose cauterised about 18mths ago for the same problem and it solved it for a while... but looks like he may need it doing again. Poor wee mite is not dead impressed to be honest cos I think it hurt like h**l! But its either that or my sis washing his bedding every night at 2.30am so I think he`ll be having it done like it or not!

    Cat..good to see you too lovely... dont be a stranger!

    Bids..enjoy your day off... sounds like you had a lovely weekend..and I never asked, hope you are getting on with your new specs! And I echo your sentiments re Deevs and the job... but onwards and upward..and think of Yannis!

    Barmy..David Walliams is an absolute star. I have put my bit in the pot and feel lucky I am in a positiion to add just a little bit to it. He should be made a knight of the realm without a doubt.

    Ali - hope the wedding was wonderful and glad your bro and sis in law had a fab weekend!

    MWK - how lovely to see you here too... the flat will be split mint now I`m sure so feet up and enjoy your newly painted palace! Still loving your new car btw?
    Anyone travelling today...please take it slowly and safely... it`s blowing a gale out there and I`m not as far North as some of you.

    BG, so sorry to hear your mum not well...

    MM, think the ploughing championships may now be a sell out if a certain CLP is going!

    Right -too long a post as ever but I don`t care... off to make a brew!

    mSc x

    PS - Chrissie - a wotcha just for you! Glad the move went well and you are getting settled...! x

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon each

    Just watched a few clips from yesterday and I'm sure I saw Sezza leaping up and down!! Looks as if everyone had a great time - and what about Lenny Kravitz's guitarist??

    Ali, hope the wedding is going well and you haven't got our weather.

    Back in a bit. xxxx

    Oh, and hallo to BG. x

  • Comment number 26.

    If you text SWIM to 70005, Sport Relief gets a fiver for David Walliams and his mammoth achievement.

  • Comment number 27.

    Thank you Barmy. Meant to text when I was watching him on the telly and then forgot d'oh! Now done!

    MM XXX

  • Comment number 28.

    What an incedible day! Listening to Gary Barlow as I drove to work mad the night shift bearable and hearing your dulcet tones still buzzing from last night on my way home this morning gave me the Friday feeling on a Monday morning! Your zest for life Chris is so tangeable and infectious! Keep up the Good work! Love Uxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Just seen on Twitter that Ayrshire is now without power because of the Hurricane. Oh dear. My pots are rolling about the garden and my poor neighbour can't get over the Bridge to see her boy graduate in Edinburgh. Buses aren't getting over.

    Thanks for the info Barmy - will do.


  • Comment number 30.

    Done Barmy, thanks for letting us know about that.



  • Comment number 31.

    Annie, It is absolutely wild here in Ayrshire, the rain has stopped but it is so windy, hopefully nothing will have blown away at home by the time I finish work, my colleague is on holiday this week so I'm in from 8 till 5 every day - bummer!

    Hope everyone is ok.



  • Comment number 32.

    Oops, spoke too soon, the rain's back with avengance (sp).

  • Comment number 33.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    Hope you are all managing to keep safe. Have been thinking about you Dozymac because of the weather. Have a good friend who is on holiday for two weeks in Scotland - have tried to ring her - no reply - so hope she is OK.

    I was supposed to go to the gym tonight but like a lot of people CBA - so think I'll just go home instead. Had a very busy weekend - Beer Festival on Friday & Saturday evenings - I was in the kitchen dishing out bacon butties etc. So feel I may have done my bit of exercise - that's my excuse anyway.

    Like I said before all do keep safe.

    Deevs - Calle Mera - or should it be Calle Spera now? Which bit of Greece? We go to Captain Corelli's island fairly frequently only our bar person is called Sharon - she's an ex pat !!

    Better get off home. Regards PJ

    PS David Walliams for a knighthood deffo

  • Comment number 34.

    PJ, I know i have said this before on here, but Norwich Beer Festival is the only place I have ever been where there was a queue for the gents toilet and not the ladies, it was really strange - in a good way!


  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon troops!

    Just got in from swimming (well, about half an hour ago) - it really is scary windy out there: my little auld Micra was buffeting about all over the place en route to the health club.

    Nipped into a supermarcardo on the way home to top up with some of that Diet fizzy stuff that's no good for you and begins with P. All going well until I got stopped on the way out (with heavy bag!) by an over-zealous young chap from one of the enregy companies trying to sell me their wares. I don't know how many times I had to say "you need to speak to my partner as he does all that" - it just didn't sink in! So I agreed (somewhat reluctantly) that they could quote us and gave him the bare bones details. All was going well until he said that in order to secure the quotation he had come up with they just needed to take my bank details .... hang on. No. No way. It's a quote .... He was somewhat surprised when I turned on my heel and walked out of the shop. Gonk!

    Janet - lovely to see you. We're off to Rhodes. Thought we'd pick a Greek Island that neither of us has been to in the past with an ex partner! (I've done Crete and Thassos and I think Nic's done Crete and possibly a couple of others). And we're both really looking forward to getting away from it all.

    Right, ChezNicia Tor awaits some ironing action. Apologies for lack of email action - I will reply to you tomorrow peeps!

    Muchos Amore.

    Tardy (But Organised) Deevs
    x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    Eve all

    My we have been busy already so just a quick peek before catching up and placing the young man to bed and I will return.

    Great energy from CLP this morning didn't think they would pull of the top tenuous but never fear.

    Hope everyone is ok and battened down the hatches and not blown away. In the eye of hurricane Irene a couple of weeks ago the winds were 80mph plus and that was scary so hope everyone is safe.



  • Comment number 37.

    MM - agree with "music soothes the savage beast"
    Cath - did the monday feeling pass?
    Deevs + Cath - agree with the doldrums day and comfort eating, just not found the good healthy option yet
    Deevs - what's occurring wed?
    Roo (and Jasper) - Is Jasper any better today? What evil people breaking into Janice Long's OH car and stealing all that equipment. Hope the garden is not too wrecked, what time did the boiler man cometh?
    Roo - he he he about being blown away to a mad technicolor land to squish a witch, I said to my Dad during Irene that we could end up in Kansas City flying past the witch pedalling her bike, great minds hey!!
    Chrissie - hope none of us are on your lock up for 10 years list, big hug xx
    Sezza - how is the picture sorting going?
    Roo - poor Jasper my friend's dog had the same bless him
    Barmy - David Walliams is a legend
    Debs - hope you had the right kinda wind of that there train
    Chrissie - yippee a blog kitchen party sounds good
    Annie - oh no with your pots blowing around and your poor neighbour
    Gail - hope you are safe
    PJ - agree DW for a knighthood


  • Comment number 38.

    KKs, Pictures mostly sorted thank!

    I have stuck a few on t'other side but my little camera is not a very good match for a big event like that!

    Barmy, just heard on t'radio that David Walliams has been given the Freedom of the City of London! Think that gives him the right to carry his sword unsheathed and drive a flock of sheep over London Bridge!! Very useful!

    What a change in the way people think of him.

    I was thinking something like that yesterday. I was so pleased to see our very own Christoff as the "headline presenter" yesterday. He got a great reception too. It seem like only a few years ago that the thought of him being involved in an event like this would have been unthinkable let alone him presenting the major acts!

    Good on you, Mr Evans!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.


    Just finished watching the concert with my feet on a pouffe as there's a massive spider running around in here, I'm sure they get bigger and faster each year.

    Gary proved just how talented he is by singing his songs without the others and sounding just as good. And I enjoyed him singing 'Hello'

    Also enjoyed Always Something There To Remind Me which took me back to my youth.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    What a great show in Hyde Park......loved it. Thought I'd made a BIG mistake when the 'lady' behind me told me to sit down or move because she couldn't see!!!!! My daughter and I tried but couldn't......it was JOOLS and Sandie Shaw for heaven's sake! How can you not get up and boogie?

  • Comment number 41.

    K&K - I'm so impressed with your post - how do you do that??

    Sezza, loved your photies on fb

    Maddy, how can you sit there without screaming? I loved Imelda, and how clever is she with the bodhran? I love the sound of it, although have only seen it played in pubs in Ireland.

    Trees are bent over here, bins are rolling about and it's getting quite scary.


  • Comment number 42.

    PS: Hallo Rockmart. xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Rockmart, I know exactly what you mean!!

    We're going to see Jools in October and we have front row seats -oo er get me!! ;-)
    My only worry is having to sit so the people behind don't get grumpy!

    I may be the person off at the side of the theatre boogying with the band!!

    MM, Sandy Shaw was amazing!! Her voice is still great and those legs!!! Wish mine were half as good now!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Annie.

    I'm relying on my two cats to get the spider, it ran under a chair and there's one each side waiting for it to come out. I do move past the chair very quickly when I have to leave the room.

    Take care in the hurricane, I'm thinking about you folks in Scotland. Strong winds here but 30mph is the worst.

    Hallo Rockmart!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Sezza, am so jealous. I love Jools and his 'I Dig Rhythm & Blues' from his album Sunset Over London is the best - the drums are fabby. Think I've said this before. If you're interested, it's track 6.

    And just ignore the grumpy people - have a blast. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Sezza.

    It must have been great to be there at Hyde Park. It's all v ery well watching on the telly but we don't get the same atmosphere.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Maddy, I do hope the cats get the spider - I wouldn't be able to go to bed until I knew it had gone to spider heaven.

    Just checked the garden and the whirleygig thingy is whirling like a dervish. Hopefully all will be well tomorrow.


  • Comment number 48.

    clare teal just made me laugh in her intro on the radio

    She said she has some tunes to blow the cobwebs away!!

    Not sure they're needed tonight!

    Night all, battern down the hatches and sleep well!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Good morning all,

    A lovely autumn day is beckoning here today ,suns up ,washing is out and it's all very calm..
    I do hope that you northern girls have ridden the storms and have had no damage.not a very pleasant experience,and if your on your own can be quite frightening.
    So take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 50.

    Morning all

    Hope everyone is safe and well after yesterdays awful weather.

    Chris, I really enjoyed listening to the concert.

    I have had a very busy few days, not sure it was a good idea of one of my daughters to start moving double beds at 7 30pm on a Sunday night, It took Mr CSN and son in law ages to try and get the base of the bed round a bend on the staircase, it was like something out of a comedy film, must have gone up and down at least four times while little grandson cheered them on.

    Chrissie, think you have given me the clearing out bug, spent most of yesterday clearing out wardrobe and now have lots of bags ready for the charity shop. xx

    Sezza, glad you had a lovely day on Sunday.

    Ali, hope the wedding was wonderful.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi everyone:

    Well, certainly in Glasgow, we have been very lucky in respect of the storm that was due. High winds last night and this morning, but nothing too bad. I hope everyone else is ok - I know that lots of places had really bad conditions last night.

    Annie: what a shame your neighbour could not get to the graduation - she must have been so upset.

    kks: no, none of our lovely bloggers are on my "10 year lock up" list! I was just in one of those moods yesterday - feeling much brighter today!

    Cheryl: it drives me mad when I get stopped by people at the supermarket or in the street having the audacity to ask for my bank details! I'm afraid to say that I have actually been rude once or twice because I am so taken aback to be asked something so personal.

    Scoobs: thanks for that wotcha!

    Bids: nice to see your weather is behaving itself - if I put a washing on the line today, it would be blown away instantly!

    CSN: well done on the clearing out. I do seem to have started something - my sister spent the whole day yesterday clearing out her wardrobes - something she has been meaning to do for about 2 years!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning Lovely People,

    Blue sky in Kent and the wind has dropped. Chrissie, I am glad you survived the storm and I hope everyone else did too.

    Hopefully I'll get around to watching the concert on the red button sometime this week, perhaps like everyone else when I am ironing!

    Roo, Sorry to hear about Jasper, give him a tickle behind the ear from me xx

    I don't want to freak MM and Annie out, but I would pick that spider up, with my bear hands, and throw him out the door. In fact I sleep every night with a spider in my room, my theory is he's not doing me any harm. Although I do have to check where he is before I turn the light off.

    Thanks for the good wishes about the wedding, it was a really lovely day. A small intimate affair, about 45 people altogether. The bride looked beautiful and so happy, she couldn't stop smiling, the groom handsome and the weather behaved; a bit windy but the sun shone and we sat outside for a while drinking champagne and eating canapes. I ate far too much! Her brother gave her away, as her father died some years ago, and his speech was a real tear jerker. I've talked about Beryl on here before, my 79 year old best friend, well it was her daughter who got married. I felt so honoured to be apart of the day.

    Is it time to go home yet? I am soooo tired today.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.


  • Comment number 53.

    Hi AliB: thanks for letting us know about the wedding - it all sounds so lovely. Pity you couldn't have had today, or at least this morning, off, you could have had a wee lie-in. How I wish I could have your attitude towards spiders! I am absolutely terrified of them, which I know is ridiculous and totally irrational, but good grief I'd never get a wink of sleep knowing there was a spider in the bedroom!

    I did mean to say earlier, it's Mr Toverson's birthday today - happy birthday Andy - hope you have a great day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.




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