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Had a meeting with Bob the boss...

Chris Evans | 10:36 UK time, Tuesday, 9 August 2011

...scheduled for straight after the show today.

He's fresh back from his hols, and wanted a catch up with the bloke he lets loose on his radio station for three hours every morning.

Bob is as calm as I am manic. I look forward to seeing him. He makes me feel like everything's ok...which thank goodness it usually is. I'm going to make the most of that situation for as long as it lasts, hopefully a long, long time.

A bit of writing every week, a bit of The One Show every week, topped off with a whole heap of The Breakfast Show every week. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it. Professionally and personally, I'm in the best place I've ever been.

Peace and Love (especially today)





  • Comment number 1.

    Good morning blogettes:

    Glad meeting with the boss went OK CLP.

    Very strange weather here in North Wales. Feels more like late September that early August.

    Hope all are OK. Regards PJ

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Thank goodness for Bob letting you loose on the radio Chris. We need people like your goodself to keep us happy and stable in a country which appears to have gone more mad than usual.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Good morning all

    Chris, I am glad your meeting with the boss went well. I'm very happy for you that you are in a good place both professionally and personally - it's certainly shows in your work. Keep on doing what you do because you do it so well xx

    Chrissie - like you I am horrified by the events of the past few days. I felt sick to my stomach watching the news last night - those poor people having to watch their homes and their livelihood being destroyed before their eyes. Dispicable! My thoughts are also with our emergency services as well as their families and friends.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Bloggers

    PJ - got me big cardie on today as I thought the same this morning when I popped down to the kitchen to put the kettle on at 5.50, leaves have started to fall too, brrrr!

    I felt sick to my stomach last night watching the violence and looting, this is unbelievable. This only effects people like us, when things calm down the insurers/retailers will just put their prices up to recoup their costs as they wont want it hitting their profits or shareholders. All this damage and crime for what? It certainly isnt in relation to the shooting that they are all hiding behind. What is this world coming too?

    On another note had a good catch up with my friend who lived on the farm by the accident last week, she has a lovely house with her girls, her man and lifestyle, and several horses whilst I (who use to be her boss) is still nose to the grindstone.

    Maybe we will do a swap in our next lives..................... Stay safe out there!

    CB xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello everyone

    Christoff, I am delighted that you plan to stick to it. I happy with that!

    Chrissie, AliB and CSN, thank you x.

    CSN, am pleased the foot is on the mend.

    Like a lot of you, my thoughts are with those innocent people who have been affected by the disgusting behaviour of these looting thugs.

    Videos, I have stashes of them and a perfectly good S**y player. But technology moves on, and so must I. I’m going in..........!

    Pen xx

    ps Cancel that last para, have just taken a phone call to say I am having a visitation from my four lovely grandchildren and their mothers! Yikes! Best I check the cupboards and fridge!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: I bet Bob is a very happy man that he has you at the helm of the Breakfast Show - it's just brilliant. And I am happy to hear your long-range plan, too! xx

    CB: yes, I know what you mean - not that I have ever been anyone's boss, but everyone I have ever worked with are all on to bigger and better things, and I am still here answering phones and typing letters! Hey Ho!

    Pen: sounds like you have a VERY busy afternoon ahead - enjoy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    lol, for the first time ever my boss here is only 3 hours older then me rather then a few years so I am wondering what went wrong with my life (apart from the face he is a man and wokred for the big four)

  • Comment number 8.

    ** that should be fact, although the face isn't the worst either!

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi everyone,

    What a lovely Blog Chris, it really does show in your work.

    Can I just echo what has been said previously re: the riots, absolutely awful and a great advert for the London Olympics - not!

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 10.

    Chris I am glad that you have your long term plan and it is no change at the moment. Which is good because quite frankly I cant even cope when you go on holiday and we have to put up with your temporary replacement.

    Chrissie, I would never begrudge my fab mate, she has had some pretty disastrous relationships and this is the one that suits her she is a real earth mother as well as a criminal solicitor. She was born to the life she has now really, whereas I am obviously destined for other things but we can all dream.......

    Off for a cuppa after my salad lunch and spanish omellette (left overs, well we are in tight times you know).

    CB xxx

  • Comment number 11.


    Not all meetings with my bosses have gone as well as yours seems to have. Glad you are sticking around - we need you.
    There are, however, some people in London we don't need but if I suggested what I would do with them, I'd get modded, so i won't!


  • Comment number 12.

    hmmmm Rubber Bullets (10cc)

    any more ideas?

  • Comment number 13.

    status qou - I'm in the army now?

  • Comment number 14.

    Hello again.

    I've been watching Gino D'Campo doing some posh cooking and as I was going to have eggs tonight anyway I've now decided to make his 'whatever you have in your fridge frittata'. Mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese and of course eggs with some extras thrown in. Very posh indeed!


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    last one - jail house rock, elvis presley, although it looks like I'm playing onmy own again!

  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon each,

    I have to firstly add my best wishes to anyone caught up in the awful scenes from the last few nights. Luckily I have noone I care about in any of the areas so for those of you who do my heart goes out to you.

    As many of you have already said it sickens and saddens me that so few people can have such a negative impact on such a large scale and that it seems to be in their minds "ok to do it". S**m the lot of them and as NicR said I`d be modded if I put what I really thought of them.

    Full power and thanks to our police and good riddance to the yobs who get locked up... apparently 10yrs is the max.sentence for rioting..lets use it!

    Right..normal vacous posting to follow!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.

    So..everyone well apart from the obvious?!

    Chrissie -wotcha lovely..you dont hang around do you?! Congrats on the new move (when it happens!) and know EXACTLY what you mean about the book thing. You should invest in a Kindle... I`m sure someone on this blog has one.... :)

    Bids - yay to the fab glasses..look forward to seeing them hopefully in York!
    As someone who wears specs all the time I know how important they are to you. I would literally not be able to function without them and I know some of you guys are the same.
    Now as some of you also know I sell them for a living too! We sell several different types of bespoke frames that are fabulous..however, a sit down, the smelling salts and a stiff brandy are often needed when the price is imparted!
    As Crumpy`s friend said tho if you work it out over a few years then the cost per day is quite reasonable.... and for a comfortable, sometimes bespoke option then every penny is worth it!
    Also, as Susan said, the lenses are the most important part... but can I just say she always looks fab in her specs!

    Anyhoo..sales technique over!

    Baggy - good luck if you go for the laser. I dont know your prescription and I`m not prying in any sense but if you are short sighted then please just ask the question about how long the technique you are considering will last. If you are prone to short sightedness then it can often develop again. Just some previous knowledge to try help you.

    Bids/Debs/MM..all your food sounds wonderful.. room for one more?!

    Had a N**dos last night for the 1st time in ages and thoroughly enjoyed it. Was enroute to the pics with PiP and AF and had a lovely night... PiP is blooming and AF is as wonderful as ever..

    AliB - there`s a funny smell disappeared in the last few days :) Hope you are loving your new shower!!

    Now there are lots of you I`ve missed as per usual so will just say Happy Holidays to all of you on or off on soon...

    right..brew coming up..all this typing has made me thirsty..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 18.

    Scoobs: wotcha to you too! Always, always lovely to see you. xx Great to hear all is well with PiP and AF - terrific girls - yes, girls, the three of you! Ah, a Kindle, must see if I can get some advice on that from a certain blogger ... but, I just love the real thing. Nothing beats buying a book, actually holding one and reading it, so I just don't know. But it may come that, given that MrS would like to take all FOUR of his guitars!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Chrissie...thank you..and girls! Bless ya little cotton socks!

    I also love a proper book but ration myself to buying 1 `proper` book for every 7 downloads! Have just started The Despatcher by Ryan David Jahn having waited for it for several weeks and I can`t put it down....but its a proper book and a pain in the proverbial for trying to read it whilst eating my lunch or cooking or anything else food related... one handed reading with an Ebook is definitely the future for the majority!
    Also have just read the new Dorothy Koomson... very good as ever and am awaiting the 18th eagerly as the new Thorne novel by Mark Billingham is out..the only hardback I every buy as a rule!

    Anyway..this is turning into a book recommendation post so shall stop... but yes, books are fab..but ereaders take up less space!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 20.

    book recommendation - just read a book called Room, not sure on the author - amazing story, couldn't put it down until is was done!

  • Comment number 21.

    Scoobs and Baggy: yes, we could find ourselves being in opposition to Richard and Judy for the book recommendations. For the moment, I have to resist even thinking of buying anything else.

    I'm still trying to negotiate why I need to take my box of Osmonds' magazines from the 70's which I insist will be my pension some day!


  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Everyone

    Just been lurking of late, enjoying tales of new boilers, eye surgery (or not), downsizing apartments and goatcams.

    Lots of huggles to those what need 'em and can I have one back if there's any goin spare please!? (only til NicR gets home as he has loads of hugs for me, thankfully!)

    Nothing to add on the riot situ other than WHY? I spent much of my childhood in North London (I was born there, and both sets of grand-parents lived there until fairly recently). It's just so sad to see the scale of violence and destruction. and for what?

    Glad the meeting with your boss went tickety boo Chris. Wish I could say the same - remember that meeting the other week? No change, back to square one but even less flexible than ever before which is leaving me feeling down in the dumps and frustrated to say the least.

    Still forging forward with my own business venture - currently designing/writing website which is a lovely challenge - but not sure HOW I am going to get any business when my P/T role is so utterly inflexible, making it very difficult to attend networking events (which seem to be mostly breakfast or lunch times).

    I'll show 'em. One day!


  • Comment number 23.

    Baggy - Room is brilliant... so cleverly written and different. By Emma someone..will have to g**gle it. Loved it and have been recommending to everyone!

    Also for people to read is One Day by David Nicholls. Read it when it first came out and is a great book... film just about to be released and I`m not sure if they`ll be able to do it justice.

    Anyway..enough of the books!

    Deevs.. get self promoting girl! Hows the networking meetings going? Any chance of you and Nic and little man getting to York on 29th Oct? Questions questions!

    Worked hard today..think it must be time for a final brew..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Scoobs

    I don't think we will be at York - it's a bit of a trek for one day and we can't do overnighters with the little guy. Sadly.

    The networking events are a non-starter at the mo. There's one this Friday which I've been invited to. I asked at work if I could do my 5 hours but start a bit later than normal and was told no, and my hours reiterated to me on no uncertain terms. So 8.30 - 1.30 doesn't bode well for going to breakfast/lunchtime events!

    Just need to keep up other marketing activities without spending a vast fortune before I've earned it! Not in a happy 9-5 place at the mo.



  • Comment number 25.

    Evening each

    Chris, does 'a bit of writing' mean another book? I do hope so. And peace & love to you too - I think some of the English cities could do with it.

    Haven't caught up yet, have been looking after the 9yr old today - the 11yr old disappeared to his friend's house this morning and was never seen again. This is their last week of freedom, poor wee souls. They're back to school next Tuesday and the 11yr old is a bit apprehensive - it's High School for him.

    Back in a bit. xxxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Scoobs, did I tell you I had a Kindle? Well I never.

    I have Room, and it's by Emma Donoghue - a great read.

    Chrissie, I'll now have to bring my Kindle with me tomorrow so you can have a look at it and decide whether it's for you. I now have 108 books on it and am keeping amazon in profit all by myself.

    Deevs, keep going, you'll get there. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening all

    And I hope you are all having a peaceful and pleasant evening

    What's happened across the country and especially in parts of london this week has shaken me like some many others and I just hope things are settling down tonight

    Chris, your happiness shines through every day and I hope you and Tash and Noah are having a lovely evening at home together

    Will catch up back here tomorrow

    Sleep well and stay safe

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Just popped in to say.

    Night everyone, sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning all!

    Just a quick hi and bye, caught up but no time for commentations

    Off to take GD to her first day at work in a mo! Soooo proud, she has had 3 interviews for it including role play sales calls - she got the job over 3 people in their early 20s with sales experience! She is going to work for a charity that supports aid in disaster stricken countries by sending Drs and medical supplies - asking previous donators to go on a monthly donation plan, so not really sales at all :-) as its for a good cause.

    Then I need to get my act in gear to get on a plane this arvo for a spot of dinns with some lovely peeps before my presenation to 25 clients at a breakfast meeting tomorrow gulp!

    Love peace and happiness to all :-)

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all

    Just popping in to wish the mini meeters a lovely evening in Glasgow. Have fun all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    morning people

    Hope all are safe this morning and well

    I'm very hungry this morning but have no breakfast, how foolish is that? Now I need to last until 12 when I can eat, also I've fallen of the diet/ healthy eating band wagon the last couple of days and need some help getting back on it!


  • Comment number 32.

    Good morning all,

    Quite a nice day down here on the south coast ,sunny albeit a tad cooler ,just the way I like it ..

    Mtd,morning to you ,hope that you're well and nice to see you .don't see much of you here now.

    Hope that all you north of the border lasses enjoy your meet today ,and ejoy.

    A normal day at work and home for me today ,so not much happening .

    Take care all and have a good day ,and (stay safe )


  • Comment number 33.

    Good morning everyone,

    Well the weather is absolutely awful here in Ayrshire this morning, heavy rain, grey sky and 11 degrees, looking forward to tonight though!



  • Comment number 34.

    Morning All,

    Sunny in my part of Kent today.

    I am glad things were a little calmer last night, although perhaps not for our friends in the Midlands and up North. Let's hope that's the end of it all!

    Scoobs, lovely to read you, you do make me chuckle :) xx

    I've read Room too, thought it was fab and couldn't put it down.

    Happy Mini Meet tonight, have fun xx Me I'm off out on a Harley (weather permitting) and I am very excited.


  • Comment number 35.

    Morning all,

    Thanks MtD, Bids and AliB.

    Debs and CsN have a safe journey - looking forward to tonight.

    Watcha Scoobs - lovely to see you as always.

    Can't believe cities and towns are still being targeted.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 36.

    ps. Ali enjoy going out on the Harley xx

  • Comment number 37.


    I hope everyone is safe in the troubled areas, and that their loved ones are safe, too. I watched the news last night and could hardly believe my eyes. My heart goes out to everyone affected, and to the Police who are dealing with an almost impossible situation. I know it's a bit extreme, but I would definitely be bringing in the Army, if I was in charge of this country!

    Debs and CSN: safe journeys to Glasgow - please be prepared, it's cold and wet here, sorry!

    Annie: bless your lovely 11 year old grandson - he will be apprehensive. But, I do believe that High Schools now are much more "tuned in" to ensuring the children have time to settle in, and they are well looked after. Not like in "my day" when we were told that one of the initiation practises was to flush the new kids' heads down the loo! (never happened, of course!)

    Oh, and Annie: yes, please bring your Kindle, I would love a look at it!

    mtd, Bids and AliB: thanks for your lovely good wishes for the mini meet.

    Wish it was 5 o'clock!

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Debs: how did I manage to miss the news about your GD! Fantastic news - clever girl, just like her mum! Hope she has a great first day in her job.


  • Comment number 39.

    Morning all.

    Lovely and sunny here.

    mtd, Bids and Ali, thank you.

    Ali, enjoy the harley. xx

    Annie, thank you for the text. xx

    Thank you Chrissie and Mary, I am getting very excited. xx

    Hope everyone has a good day. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Chrissie and Annie.

    I will be reading my Kindle on the plane. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 41.

    AliB: how exciting to be going out on a Harley ... and how brave of you! May one ask: who does this Harley belong to?!

    CSN: I thought you might be bringing your Kindle with you! Just make sure you have your thermals with you too, and a nice warm coat!

    August? Not up here, it ain't!


  • Comment number 42.


    Lovely news about your GD.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Chrissie, LOL!

    I better get a move on, don't won't to miss the plane.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Blimey is anyone else having problems posting to the blog?


  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Keith: haven't tried to get back on ... so here goes!


  • Comment number 46.

    Ooooh, it appears to be working! All I can say is, every now and then it plays silly beggars, and I have to refresh 3 or 4 times!

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all,

    Not been around much recently I have to admit. Still all good things come to an end as they say……

    Debs, good news for your GD! Hard times on the work front for so many people right now. A friend of mine lost a contract yesterday and his boss said enough is enough and folded the company on the spot!

    I have been approached by a company to do some consultancy work for them, to be honest though they are paying a pittance compared to two years ago (because they can) and I do not need the work that bad thanks. Lucky I guess but I would almost be out of pocket after the tax man got his cut!

    More to follow if spared…..

  • Comment number 48.

    Well it was morning when I started this journey to blog....LOL

    Ali, what a treat going out on a Harley! I have never owned on however I have hired them when in the US of A. I must make more time for a blast on one of my bikes! They are ornaments far too much these days.

    I will be back later after I have spoken to my β€œBob” about some time off this afternoon to play golf! ;-)

    Keep smiling

    Blimey is anyone else having problems posting to the blog?


  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks for good wishes for GD, found out this morning they also do work for RSPB, RNLI, Guide Dogs and a couple of the great cancer charities, lets hope she sticks it out!

    Bank of Mum is officially closed!!! cha ching!!!

    Infact, I think Bank of GD should be open next Friday! LOL

    Right this isnt getting organised is it, had a warning from my office in Glasgee - "bring ye wellies henn!"

    See some of you later - the rest of you "see you Friday"

  • Comment number 50.


    Just popping in before I eat my couscous!

    Debs, sorry meant to say well done to the GD and yay to the closing of "Bank of Mum" ;) xx

    Chrissie, You may ask :) It's a friend of mine, who happens to be happily married. He is your typical biker, a big chap with a big hug. I've been out with him once before and he has been promising me another trip, which hopefully will be tonight; as long as it doesn't rain. Can't wait.

    Watcha Keith xx

    Right, lunch is calling.


  • Comment number 51.

    afternoon peeps
    lunch today was chicken bap and W**k**s salt & vinegar crisps, followed by a satsuma. Hope some of you are having a more adventurous choice.

    AliB - enjoy the Harley and hold on tight!
    Debs, Chrissie, Mary et al - have a fab mini-meet and don't let Debs go bonkers on the chards ... she has a presentation tomorrow, dont ya know!
    Scoobs - hiya Hon .. I will see you in York. Will the lovely Chris be in attendance?

    Everybody else - play nice!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Well lunch it is, a coffee (De-cafe of course) and a slice of Granary with Pate followed by a banana! Mmmmmm

    β€œBob” has agreed to me disappearing this afternoon for some community engagement time on the golf course! I am sure it will cost me in the long run, with any luck the sun will not be shining by the time that happens. Make hay whilst the sun shine they say…..

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 53.

    Greetings Night workers and writers , this is my first time on this blogging thing. hope all of you are well.

    well off to a good start in getting the towns back after all night court and a majority of those who caused disruption and destruction have been locked away. keep up the good work

  • Comment number 54.

    Good Morning Simile People out there. reading quite a lot of the on-line papers and pleased to see that Londoners and groups of people taking control and lending a hand to keep it tidy.

    Hope the gold went well notsobigun

  • Comment number 55.

    Good morning all,

    Morning V/Mark and welcome .

    Seems to have been a quieter night all over thankfully ,It must be a dreadfull fear for those peole that are living there ,don'y really know what I would do .

    A dull day hear on the south coast,looks a bit like that we may have rain today.

    Nothing esle much going on for me today so I'll just wish you all a good day and hoppe that you all have a good day .

    Take care and stay safe.




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