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As we know, every day here in life should be treasured.

Chris Evans | 10:17 UK time, Friday, 12 August 2011

However I think that within that, we are allowed to be glad to see the back of some weeks. And surely this, for most of us, is one of those weeks. Lives have tragically been lost, generations of businesses have been destroyed, and thousands of people have been unfairly frightened in their own homes and neighbourhoods.

All wrong, totally wrong and equally totally unjustified, not to mention frustratingly unexplainable.

So, whomever you like or love, how about you like or love them a little bit more this weekend. It's amazing how little it takes to rock the flimsy universe that we now live in. It is only by drowning each other with all that's good, that we can keep the insanity at bay.

Peace and Love people,





  • Comment number 1.

    Yes I agree with you. Have good weekend.

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    Well said! The country appears to be going totally insane at the moment - totally unjustifiable and inexplicable.

    Personally, I don't think 24/7 news coverage is helping matters: so called "bored yoofs" watching at home and thinking "I'll have some of that" is just making for copycat violence.

    Rain seems to be the answer: nobody wants to be a on CCTV in a kagool!

    I will indeed love a little bit more this weekend - it's my last weekend of being Forty-Two-Good-To Be-True and my wonderful man, MrRolastic, is taking me to The Cotswolds on Sunday for a cheeky midsummer overnighter! Please don't be offended if we don't see you on the Radio at 6.30 am come Monday morning ..... ;-)

    Mange tout all round.


  • Comment number 3.

    So true Mr Evans.

    This week has been truly awful in our history. A minority has repulsed the majority, but the majority will overcome.

    It is important to give those you love a little squeeze every so often so they know that you think of them and love them dearly.

    Number 1 son has a friend who is 20 and leaving for the other side of the world in a couple of weeks and everytime I think about it my stomach flips and I feel sick, not for him as I know he will love it, but for his Mum who I know is devastated by it.

    It is Friday so the weekend beckons and I hope that every single one of the bloggers have a lovely, peaceful and enjoyable weekend as I intend to.

    Take care of yourselves out in that big ole world of ours.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 4.

    I think that is true, we need to remind people that we care


  • Comment number 5.

    See I said if I blog on the old blog a new one will appear! LOL


    Very wise words indeed CLP.

    The riots over the last week or so have been totally outrageous and completely unjustified! I do not know all of the answers if I am honest but I do think National Service would have helped give the youth of today a little more respect for other people and their property. Rant over...... xx

    Peace and love (from an old soldier) to all out there in blogland.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 6.

    Keith - absolutely agree about bringing back National Service!


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris: a terrific blog from you today. This week I have been absolutely horrified at what has occurred. For those of us not affected, we can just move on, but for those people whose lives have been destroyed, it will take years before the nightmare lessens for them.

    And I agree, make sure that those we love, know that we do!


  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I think that the summer is slowly returning here on the Wirral peninsula.

    It has been a terrible week with the rioting. It's amazing how a small minority in society can do so much damage. I myself think it's those people who have never experienced parental and school guidance, have had no love of discipline and been left to fend for themselves. Like any animal or human group they become ferel.

    I don't know if National service is the answer as these ferel offspring would do so much damage to our forces.

    MM xxx

    PS Off to the shops!

  • Comment number 9.


    Yes, wrong and unjustified but not inexplicable.

    For the last 30 years or so a section of society in this country have been marginalised and as a result have developed their their own moral code and way of living which is at odds with the rest of society.

    So long as they stick to selling drugs to, robbing, stabbing and shooting each other, then the rest of society turns a blind eye.

    What we are now seeing is this group impinging on "normal" society. As somebody in West London said "This is Ealing, this kind of thing doesn't happen here, it only happens in places like Brixton".

    This problem is not going to be solved by just giving your loved ones an extra cuddle this weekend.

  • Comment number 10.

    Couldn't agree more Christoph and my heart goes out to everyone who is suffering as a result of what's happened this week.

    My wonderful mum who's 78, fell over on Sunday, splitting her chin and getting a black eye for her trouble. Although I speak to her almost every day, today I loved her a little bit more by asking her over the 'phone to put one arm round her waist and then squeezing gently ..... it's the closest to a hug that I can get for the moment and it made her smile at the same time!

    Deevs - have a lovely weekend x

    I've now got two weeks holiday and can't wait. Mind you, I've got to write 5,000 words during that time so there'll be no slacking for me, but at least I'll be at home - hurrah!

    See you after the hols and take care everyone.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 11.

    I say "Amen" to that my friend, a long and heartfelt one at that!
    Happy weekend everybody,

    Jo x

  • Comment number 12.

    Too true Chris, another lovely Blog.



  • Comment number 13.


    Excellent words Sir!
    I would love to do National Service and yes it would be a good idea, though it's not going to happen, sadly.
    If people don't know the difference between right and wrong, don't blame "society", whatever that means. Maybe some time at HMP in a nice cool cell will give them time to contemplate on their actions and what they need to do differently in future. No rights without responsibilities!


  • Comment number 14.

    Very Well Said Mr Evans, couldn't agree more. There is a very good article in the DT today by Peter Oborne, worth a read.

    Jilly Goat, Good to read you, enjoy your time off and I hope your Mum is ok xx

    Right I'm off to the barnet fixers. Have a lovely weekend one and all, play nicely.


  • Comment number 15.

    And Hear Hear again to you, Christoff. I couldn't agree more.

    It's all very well theorising about the root cause of all this corrosive madness in society; but at some point we HAVE to become pro-active in turning things around.

    The problem is that I think we all feel powerless in this situation; the actions of a stupid, bullying minority have such an enormous impact on the rest of us, and it's all too easy to feel overwhelmed and pessimistic. But the fact is that we DO have power. We all have the power to show each other love and positivity; and in my experience, there are few dragons which can't be slayed with kindness.

    I'm not talking about taking Peace and Love on to the streets; I'm not that daft. I'm talking about not underestimating the positive energy which is generated by showing-and telling-our loved ones that we love them. If we could all value and protect who and what we hold dear and precious, and affirm all that is good and positive instead of focussing on the bad and negative, the bedrock of life would be much stronger and there would be less need for certain individuals to fill a void in their lives with aggression.

    And even that can be hard to do; but it IS achievable. In my case, when Renee pushes me to the point of considering how long the prison tariff is these days for Matricide, if I can stop, take a beat and be sweet as a little honey-bee; ie., kill her with kindness, she calms right down. I can't always manage it, like; I usually end up shouting at her when she's grumbling non-stop, when she b**gers up her hospital appointment for the 3rd time, or has 3 of us running round for a tin a corned beef. I swear I had an easier time with the GD when she was a demanding toddler but hey, I daresay I'll be the same if I'm lucky enough to survive into my 9th decade.

    Mind. The GD says I won't. Bless her. But only because SHE won't stand for it.. we shall see...

    So yes; we all have pressures and problems at this difficult point in time; some people, God knows, have suffered the kind of tragedy that, lucky for me, I can only imagine, and I so wish I could help those people. But the fact is that I can't. What I can do is to be a more positive, kind, appreciative and loving woman towards my nearest and dearest, and try to spread a little further afield.

    We have to start somewhere.


  • Comment number 16.

    "Amen" to your sentiments too! I wish I had my dear old Renee equivelant around to shout when things are not to her liking!! "too hot" , "too cold", "HOW MUCH???" ............make the most of her, truly, you'll miss her when she's gone.

    Love to all this weekend

    Jo x

  • Comment number 17.

    Howya Nic!

    I hear what you say, but I've always taken issue with those who say Stick 'em In The Army; I certainly don't want to be defended by gangs of brainless numpties, thankyou so much. I know that's not exactly what you're saying, but it's the logical progression of the sentiment. It's not for our fantastic boys and girls of the Armed Forces, or indeed, those who train them, to pick up the dregs of society and 'fix' it.

    To anybody who glibly comes out with the above statement, think about what you're saying. You are insulting all those brave and dignified men and women who have laid down their lives to uphold the precious freedom that eejits the like of those we've been seeing the last few nights CAN abuse it.

    Right, high horse dismounted. Back on the soap-box.

    Clodagh the Perfect. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    I certainly shall, Jo.. and that's why I'm mindful.

    Not perfect, or even particularly successful, like.. just mindful.


  • Comment number 19.

    I agree Chris xx

    Take care all and have a great weekend.

    Mary xx

    ps. It's stopped raining.......for now!

  • Comment number 20.

    Chris, Terry Wogan used to be very good at pitching his radio show just the right way during difficult times and you have done just the same this week

    Maureen Lipman was a joy as your guest this morning and I was re-joycing while I was listening to you

    Have a fantastic weekend with your family and every best wish for all your plans

    Sezza x x x

    ps when will hour long friday one shows be back?

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon each

    Wise words Chris. I'm going to have my loved ones close to me tomorrow. They're all heading my way for lunch. Mind you, I might also wave them off cheerfully after they've eaten everything in sight and left me with a pile of dishes. Not to mention the teeny granddaughter faffing about in my bedroom checking out my make-up and jewellery. Ah, but I love them all.


  • Comment number 22.

    Thank heavens for Newsround!

    IF anyone can see it, the newsround shown at 5pm today was an insightful and clear round up of what has happened this week and what we can take forward

    Well done Sonali

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Howya girls!

    Dyou know what. 'Ave just read meself back an' I sound like a right smug smart@*se. I've a good mind to modd meself.

    My sincere apologies for anybody feelin' bilious; am goin' to do what the GD recommends for a sudden spasm of righteousness, namely am goin' to take meself outside an' give me head a wobble.

    How good was Maureen Lipman. Top Bird. That's who I want to be when I grow up.


  • Comment number 24.

    Sezza-I always like the way that Newsround explain things very clearly without all the 'experts' talking.

    I'm also looking forward to tonight's One Show. I heard somewhere that the guests are Vic and Bob. Shooting Stars gets better all the time.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Clodagh, Maureen Lipman sits on my book shelf right next door to our Chris and just along from Dawn French and Jools Holland!

    Now, there's a party!

    Maddy, did you know Newsround was banned in South Africa because they always gave an explanation of apartheid and the authorities didn't like that!

    Right, best go look busy in the kitchen
    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Clodagh, petal - you never sound like a smartar*e me dear.

    Didn't hear the show this morning but I just love Maureen Lipman. Every time I'm sat on the loo in restaurants etc. I think of her describing trying to find the end of the toilet roll in those damned to hell stupid things (you know what I mean girls). xxxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Mine too, Sezza. Plus Jo Brand an' Bill Bryson, Geoffrey Willans (How To Be Topp), S.J. Perelman, Tony Hawkes, Clarissa Dickson-Wright an' a damn good wheeze about Boudica that I've never got round to finishin' but it's 'eavy enough to stop the landslide.

    I must sort my bookshelves out, actually; when I go to add another one it's not so much like filin' as dry-stone wallin'.


  • Comment number 28.

    Ah you're too kind, Annie my dear.

    But you know you're pushin' it when you get on yer OWN nerves. Guilty as charged.


  • Comment number 29.

    My book collection consists of Memoirs Of A Fruitcake and Paul O'Grady, The Devil Rides Out. I'm not a great reader.

    Talking of fruitcake I've just thrown out a stale piece for the seagulls who appear to be appreciating it rather than just the usual bread.

    Annie-I know what you mean, the only solution after unsuccessfully trying to find the end is to get all the crumpled tissues out of the handbag. I think they do it to avoid having to replace the toilet rolls!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Maddie, The Devil Rides Out scared me stupid. My bookcase is filled with hardback books, and yes Clodagh, I've got Tony Hawks (I love him) and Jo Brand along with Michael Palin, Dawn French, The Python Diaries and many more.

  • Comment number 31.

    PS, Clodagh, don't you dare modd yourself! Honestly! What would Renee say!

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Sezza!

    She'd probably remind me what the DDF Eric used to say.

    It's better to keep your trap shut an' 'ave everybody think you're an eejit, than to open it an' prove it.

    Which speaks volumes, actually... no wonder I've no self-respect!!!!!!

    Interesting what you carry forward in your life, isn't it? Which rather goes to support my original point, really.

    I mean. I had an exceptionally happy childhood, full of fun, was never in any doubt about the fact I was loved; wasn't wealthy, particularly special or privileged, but by comparison to some I've led a charmed life; and yet those tiny seeds of self-doubt can be lethally hard-wired. So how some people fight through the adversity of true hardship, neglect or abuse always amazes me.

    Gives you pause for thought, dunnit.


  • Comment number 33.

    Clodagh, when are you going to be booked for the 9.15 pause for thought spot?

    So many of us are so lucky, we should all count our blessings more often

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.

    Oops, sorry. What did I say?


  • Comment number 36.

    Blimey Annie, that was quick!

    Who'd you upset?

    Am enjoying a bit of culture here tonight. The proms has a film music night so we're freaking the boys out with the Psycho score!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Think I mentioned a place in Edinburgh Sezza. Was a good story, though. Kirstie is a mad woman. Can't wait to get an update on Tuesday.


  • Comment number 38.


    Just having a quick lurk during my weekly Friday night indulgence!

    For what it’s worth CLP and fellow commentators – as many of us live in places that have been affected by this week’s disruption, violence and wonton disregard for people, buildings and, actually, human life – there is hope. I knew a wonderful boy at school, who is remembered, in history for partaking – nay starting – the Toxteth riots – back in the day.

    At the time, I understood why those young people reacted to a particular situation that led to my watching the smoke, the Rialto burning down and the anger of people. I still do.

    My friend, who was integral to that event – was punished – changed his life around fantastically and the last time I heard is doing well.

    You know, the human race is a funny thing, we herd, we follow, we do things with others that we wouldn’t normally do. And this accounts for many of my misdemeanours – however, as a renowned, chain smoking alcoholic – I take full and singular responsibility for me!!!

    Finally - I wish there was a β€œlike” button on some of the comments I’ve seen here over the past few days – notwithstanding the option for β€œdislike"...

    Keep well folks...


  • Comment number 39.

    Sorry for the absence, stomach bug left me low for a few days.

    Just watching the golf, poor Rory...

    And trying some wine for the first time in a week lol xx Well it is Friday xx


    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Slainte JG, hope you're feeling better now.

    Nice to see you Suzie, and like you I wish there was a 'like' button on here.


  • Comment number 41.

    Evenin' Suze!

    Indeed, my dear. Hear hear. You can take the girl outa Liverpool...

    Some of us only escaped half way down the East Lancs Road, mind.

    Slainte my dear.


  • Comment number 42.

    I'm watching the second episode of Geordie Finishing School - fab - and there's the Cluny, where we had a celebration of my brother's life! Spooky.


  • Comment number 43.

    A very quick drop by to say Hello.


    I worked in a pet shop in North Wales when the Toxteth riots were taking place.

    We had a rep call by one day, not long after the terrible atrocities.

    He had been to a pet shop in the area affected and told us that some of the rioters, were using tortoises as weapons. This might sound mildly amusing when first reading it, but seriously, what value do people put on another beings life.

    I cant say anymore, just needed to air that.

    Have a nice weekend all.


  • Comment number 44.

    Not here enough to comment...

    Bye all xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all

    Wet and dreich (love that word!) here today. Hope it cheers up later and that, is the sun isn't here, you have the sun where you are!

    JG, I am always happy when I see you here and am always glad when you stay and comment. I'm sorry I wasn't around last night to chat. Hope you're getting over your tummy bug now. Have you got anything nice planned for the weekend?

    We have a bbq tonight (but there is an indoor option if we need it!) and if the weather is nicer tomorrow there is a free music event on at Canary Wharf that we hope to go to

    For now, chores, lists and shopping! What joy!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi All,

    A bit quiet here today ,i bet you've all got your feet up and doing nowt ??? Thats a bit like me at the moment ,but I have been out this morning with the lovely no1 daughter ,shes just left the building so now i'm having a half hour chill then Mr B and I are off to do the weekly shop ..Oh Joy !!!! .I reckon it's the worst chore of the week ,but as hes going with me it's lightened my day ,bless him.

    Well thats it from me and its a cheerio from him .

    Take care all.


  • Comment number 47.

    Re post #43

    The ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus was allegedly killed by a tortoise.

    It was however dropped by an eagle rather than wielded by a hoody wearing youth.

    I feel that somebody may have been pulling your leg.

  • Comment number 48.

    And there we have the answer!

    Forget bringing in the army, water cannons and rubber bullets.

    Bring in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Evening each

    Bids, I now have my feet up and quaffing the last of the merlot from yesterday. Had all my lot, plus Kirstie, for lunch today. Fortunately the sun shone briefly so the little'uns could run about in the garden and water my pots to death (why do kids love water so much?). Am now collapsed in a chair and haven't even gone upstairs to check what state my bed is in (they also love bouncing about on it).

    Oh, and btw, the rug is still crawling about the carpet. So much so that son-in-law rolled it up and chucked it upstairs.


  • Comment number 50.

    chris - spot on !

    have been saying for several years now that we are now reaping the whirlwind of the 3rd or 4th generation who have not had exposure to a proper rules discipline in school, and as those of us with kids know, each generation is more lax socially than its predecessor, and some of the 'parents' behaviour thats been seen this week in response to their childs abysmal behaviour only re-inforces my argument.

    Many people have said its the shame and shape of modern society - i'm all right jack and up yours - and it has to stop. But, and this is the biggest but, whats needed is a two or three pronged attack: reinstate a better discipling and teaching of social standard to children in school when they are in their formative years, before they get too ingrained by their parents attitudes, a legal system that actually punishes people for transgressing the law or acceptable social norms, and 'education' for the 'parents' who allow their children to rampage about uncontrolled.

    Of course, we could also bring back the stocks....

  • Comment number 51.

    Evening Phil and welcome to the blog

    While I agree with most of what you're saying, I was really interested to see what Russel Brand said on Twitter.

    Many years ago I worked for a youth counselling service and I used to wonder where the 'adults' were in some families. The children had parents but sometimes they were more adult than the grownups.


  • Comment number 52.

    I've just read Russell Brand's blog and it's the most sensible article I've seen.
    I've put it on my fb page.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Good, wasn't it Maddy? xxxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    It certainly was Annie!

    Hope this doesn't get modded:

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Just been having a stupid text conversation with Kirsty. Honestly, some people are so ungrateful. Yesterday I made a huge bean stew with dumplings (you might want this recipe SB) for the hordes who were descending today. Youngest son wouldn't go near it but the rest of them loved it, as did Kirstie - she took the leftovers home for her dinner. You wouldn't believe the rude comments I've had from her regarding parps.

  • Comment number 56.

    Hi all

    Come on Annie this is Kirsty we are talking about, what do you expect?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    You're so right mtd. Another story from Kirstie which won't get modded hopefully: At Stirling Castle, while waiting for a group, she put a fire out in a bin and was lauded by everyone. Only she and the coach driver knew she'd started it by throwing her fag in!!


  • Comment number 58.

    If this was FB I would have put a 'like' on that LOL!!!


  • Comment number 59.

    MTD: She's getting a laptop sometime soon, with the help of my 11yr old grandson, so hopefully she'll be on here herself. My moderated post told the story of her contacting a distant relative by accident - and only Kirstie could do that - who is a theatre critic and in Edinburgh for the Festival. I'm hopeful we'll have free tickets for Sara Millican. xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    That will be great, I really like Sara Millican, she is so down to earth but funny with it. Like the one about how she puts on her bra.....


  • Comment number 61.

    Did someone say Russell Brand ...... ?


    morning, btw!


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all!

    Phew what a week!!!
    Very very busy work wise, a GD to coach, get a job, start in job, coach in job, a mini meet and a house and dogs to run!!!!

    So today mostly I will be relaxing and sunday roasting :-)

    Not really had a chance to catch up properly but I did see some comments about our night out - was great fun, as always a warm welcome north of the border!

    Right time for a coffee me thinks
    Happy Sunday everyone

    Love and peace indeed

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi everyone:

    Just catching up with the blog, while listening to Aled. Shane Lynch (Boyzone) was his guest this morning, and what a sweetheart. I always thought he was a bit of an eejit, but it would seem not.

    So much I would like to comment on, but I would be here all day. Briefly, Clodagh, I think what you were saying on Friday was fantastic - really, all we can do is look after our own back yard. Yes, help others all we can, but first and foremost we must look after our own.

    Re: the riots and the poor wee souls that society has disregarded. I was brought up in a tenement building in Glasgow. I come from a family of six children. Times were tough, we were skint, but I had no idea of this. We were all well fed, immaculately dressed, and loved, to within an inch of our lives. Although I knew that some other people had more than me, I never, at any point, felt like torching our local shops or thought of terrorising people. I could go on for a month, I really could.

    Barney: I do not believe for one second that MTF was having her leg pulled. I have seen cruelty to animals on a scale that is impossible to believe.

    Annie: loved your stories about Kirstie - what a girl! Years ago, we had a woman who worked with us, and she used to have a sneaky cigarette in our basement store room which housed our "dead" filing, together with a few dead plants that should have been disposed of. For some reason, she put out one of her ciggies in one of the dead plants. Four hours later, we had the Fire Brigade storming through the office - the store room was on fire! Mayhem! It wasn't an entirely wasted day though ... some of those firemen were gorgeous!

    Have a good Sunday everyone - I do wish peace and love, too.

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning Chrissie, same to you my dear.

    Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say, although it sounded a bit like a sermon. Which I'm certainly not in a position to deliver; like most of us, I suspect. Although it's not so much a pessimistic 'all' we can do, so much as 'don't underestimate the importance of what we are ALL able to do'. Like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others less able. If we're in a position of even slightly elevated power or ability, then it's our duty to use that at base roots.

    And at the risk of startin' again, seriously, I'd be interested to hear what our Gingembre has to say on the subject of this frustrating row which seems to be captivating everyone's attention between the Police Chiefs and the government.

    I find it SO frustrating that we seem to have this misconception about what Zero Tolerance is all about. It's not about Hang 'Em High or dishing out 300 lashes or Throw 'em In Jail An' Chuck Away The Key... that's just plain daft and ill-thought through. It's about a long-term strategy of tackling petty crime before it builds up into serious stuff, the likes of which we've seen both in the last week or so. I have to say that the first time I went to New York, 20-odd years ago, it was a scary place. Then Rudy Giuliani became Mayor and, famously and unpopularly at the time, did exactly this. And now, truthfully, I feel far safer on the streets there than I do in Manchester or London. It's a lively, noisy, frenetic place, absolutely full of energy; but you don't feel this air of menace, somehow. You're not wading through litter, fighting through drunks on the street, you don't even jay-walk like, frankly, especially in Dublin, it's a miracle I haven't flattened anyone yet. Somehow it's a different discipline. And given that just about every different of the world is present and represented on the streets of NY, that's amazing. You just sort of slot into it instinctively, somehow.

    And as for this statement, 'I wouldn't want to learn about gangs from someone who has 400 gangs..' IF that's what was said, and in the correct context; whereas I completely understand his irritation and believe he makes good points, and not to mention I think it's vital the police have SUPPORT from government, instead of ministers seeming to have their heads where the monkeys stick their nuts, I'd say that this person is EXACTLY the one to advise. We're none of us too big, too daft and too ugly to learn.

    'Specially me.

    Right that's my 4 penneth. Disabuse me, Ginge, if you're lurkin'.

    Meanwhile it's a year today since Damian's demise, hence am here in Dublin an' off wit me bunch a peonies down to Glasnevin; and given that he used to find it so hilarious when I got on me soap-box, all I can say today is That's MY Opinion, and Yous Are All Entitled To It. Bless me.

    Hope all is well wit yous all today, take care of yourselves and hug your loved ones. Wit the rollin' pin if necessary.


  • Comment number 65.

    There are many ferel offspring in this country, the result of parents failing to take responsibilty for them leaving them to fend for themselves. A lot of this has come about through young mothers unable to cope, selfish parents putting their own interests first, the materialistic society which has been created starting with Margaret Thatcher's 'you can have it all' policies.

    These youngsters, through no fault of their own, do not know how to behave correctly, they have never been shown how to. They grow up without the basic skills required and together they form groups. We see them hanging around all towns and cities around Britain. They have no self respect and no respect for authority. If you tried to help them they would spit in your face, if you invited them into your home they would thank you by stealing everything you have. They don't want to be part of society.

    I don't know the answer to this problem but I do know that it has been caused by a selfish, greedy, I'm all right Jack attitude which has developed in this country since Thatcherism.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Exactly MM x

    Suse x

  • Comment number 67.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife (at last!)

    Maddy, couldn't have put it better myself. xxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    If you've got a minute, watch Born to Shine - fabby.


  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all,

    hope that you've all had a good day,and have done just what you wanted and intended to do.

    Well I started the day ,with the feeling of ,i don't knoe what to do but wated to get busy ,needed today to be busy...so I decided to clean out our brick shed ,we've got a posh shed .

    The sun was up and Mr B got his gardening gear on ,so we both hit the garden ,me in the shed ,Mr b the garden .
    Twas a nice few hours spent him out there ,me in the darkest depthsf the shed,and do you know it 'twas lovely ,something that needed doing and it was nice been able to do things along side each other ,so all in all ,I have had a lovely day just pottering with the most important person in my life.

    Take care all.


  • Comment number 70.

    Note to self....check spelling ,and don't post when you've been on the sauce .lol.


  • Comment number 71.

    Bids put the ketchup down. LOL!

    Chrissie, thanks for your note to Barney. I know for a fact that I wasn't being spun a yarn.

    Hope everyones weekend has been a good one.


  • Comment number 72.


    How jolly nice to see you ,.yes that Ketchup is awfully powerful ,just didn't realize ,must water it down a bit.

    yes had a good w/end spent with the lovely mr B.now just chilling and getting ready to face aew week.


  • Comment number 73.


    I totally agree, Thatcher ruined this country.

    Also I think we need to be told how those tortoises were deployed in a riot situation, in hand to hand combat, as missiles or trained by cruel and unusual methods to be attack tortoises.

  • Comment number 74.

    Tut tut CLP.


  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all

    I was feeling really grumpy this morning as I have left all the family at home in bed and I have come to work!

    Then, as I left the village, I had to stop while a family of deer - about 6 or 7 - walked across the road in front of me. I watched them stroll across the next field in the morning sun and started to feel better about being up and about

    The Chris played Hayseed Dixie and George Micheal's Find Me Somebody to Love! A guarenteed pick-me-up if ever there was one!

    Now there is a big grin on my face and I am glad to be alive this morning!

    Have a fantastic day today


    Sezza xx xx xx

    PS More Hayseed Dixie!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi everyone:

    Good grief, the weekend just vanishes, doesn't it?!

    Just want to say to Maddy that your post #65 was absolutely spot on - brilliantly put. When Margaret Thatcher became prime minister, we were out of the country for 12 months - from August 1979. When we returned I could not believe how bad things were - people I knew, people I had worked with a mere year earlier, had turned into money-grabbing monsters who did not give a damn about anyone else. Yes, indeed, the "I'm alright Jack" mentality was alive and well and Maggie was terribly pleased with herself.

    Bids: lovely to hear that you had such a good day yesterday.

    MTF: hiya. Yes, I knew what you were saying was absolutely true.

    Barney: nope, changed my mind ... really can't be faffed.

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 77.

    New blog



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