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Business As Usual - Well Almost.

Chris Evans | 10:24 UK time, Tuesday, 5 July 2011

After the best CIN Drive and Dine thus far, thanks to everyone ramping up their extraordinary efforts your genial breakkie show host was voiceless come Sunday night.

I suspected this might happen, and so booked the Monday off in an uncharacteristic display of forethought.

Little did I realise though by how much my larynx would desert me. It literally took the day off too, leaving things very late before reappearing at around 4 a.m. this morning.

I actually set the alarm early so I could check there was any sign of life in the old vocal chords. Croaky? Yes, but no more than that. And sure to be loud and proud for Jonny's last show on Friday.

Any tips on how not to cry in public very welcome.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Seems like the croak does the rounds, Simons got one too!

    Quick Hello to everyone.

    A very Happy Birthday Marj.


  • Comment number 2.


    Happy Birthday Marj

    Chris if you find out how not to cry in public do share please. I got a bit teary on Sunday afternoon when I watched a 1940's singer sing "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" the song my dad use to sing to me when I was a kid.

    Dad's still here with us but he had a bad car accident 4 years ago which has left him in a wheelchair and I got a bit emotional remembering that little moment.

    Luckily had my son glasses on and could blame it on hay fever (even though I dont suffer) to hide it.

    Funny how a simple thing like a song can catch your breath isnt it.

    Have a good day everyone


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris!

    Glad that Drive & Dine went ticketybooooo - how was Paolo? And Paloma? And James?

    Roll on November when we bloggers invade R2HQ and do our bit for CiN. So we can't afford to take part in the auction but we can donate our time to a very worthy cause. And it's not an easy day by any means .....!

    Not looking forward to Johnny's last show on Friday. I trust the team have had a whip round and that Mr Saunders will be duly presented with the obligatory bottle of Jacobs Creek.

    Kind of getting used to working part-time. My afternoon "To Do" list is making me wonder how I managed to work full time in the first place.

    Laters taters.

    x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Good Morning CE & Everyone.

    A lovely sunny day here on the Wirral peninsula.

    I'm so glad that all went well with the Drive & Dine Chris and so pleased to hear that you have your voice back. It's not good doing a radio show with no voice!

    MM xxx

    PS Thank you so much everyone for the lovely birthday greetings!

  • Comment number 5.

    Son - doh! Sun obviously

  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning one and all!

    No tips from me Chris, I blub at the slightest thing. Nothing wrong with that, let those tears flow, you won't be alone.


    Wall to wall here...........at the mo!

    Pen xx

    ps next door lit a bonfire earlier and have now gone out and left it smouldering. Grrrrrrrr!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello One and All,

    It was sunny here, but is now clouding over!

    The more I think about what Johnny is going to do the more admiration I have for him. I know quite a lot of teachers both in primary and secondary and as much as I rib them about the long holidays, I wouldn't swap places with them at all. I know by this time of year they are exhausted and counting down the days.

    Go Johnny :)

    Chris, to stop yourself crying in public you press the finger nails of one hand into the palm of the other; I heard Esther Rantzen say that once.

    *** Happy Birthday Maddy ***

    Grrrr indeed Pen!


  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon Chris and everyone.

    Lovely and sunny here.

    Happy Birthday Marjie, have a wonderful day. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, a wee tear or two is ok. I'm sure you'll be keeping in touch with him.

    Sun's just disappeared behind a cloud - bums.

    Oldest grandson is gallivanting somewhere, 8yr old (9 next week) is faffing about on the sofa fighting some invisible transformer and I'm trying to do some work.

    Happy Birthday Marjie. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Just in case Katie doesn't make it onto this side of the fence today, I've knocked up a cake for Maddy.

    .............().... ()....()....()

  • Comment number 11.

    Annie, forget the work and have fun with little grandsons.

    Pen, lovely cake.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Is it me, or has it got very muggy and close? They do threaten rain in my part of the land, I think it's on its way!


  • Comment number 13.

    Ali, very muggy and close here now. Think we are going to get rain or a thunderstorm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Raining here now after a fabulous start to the day. I do believe, AliB, it is on its way to you :-(

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Pen, Just in time for when I leave work! Good job I remembered to take my brolly off the back seat of the car this morning :)


  • Comment number 16.

    Just about to purchase my lottery ticket for tonight in the hope my winnings will get me into next years Drive and Dine. I'm hopefull but probably going to be dissapointed as usual.

    Good job Chris on raising all that wonga for the kids !!!!

  • Comment number 17.


    Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes and thanks for the cake Pen. Yummy! It's delicious!

    I just had an ordinary day today, the weather is too changeable for the prom and so I went to the local park. They call it a park but it's a playing field with a couple of trees, a bowling green and a swing & seesaw. Still I enjoyed going along the path on my scooter, I would have loved to have had a go on the swing but thought I had better act my age.

    I'm looking forward to my day out and meal very soon when others are not working. I won't be acting my age then, I intend embarrassing them LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 19.

    CSN, you're so right. I closed the laptop and went out for cake with the 8yr old, so now I have a backlog of work now he's gone home.

    Marjie - sounds like you're going to have a great time on your day out. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Annie, glad you closed the laptop and went out with little grandson.

    Marjie, enjoy your day out.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Just popping by to wish Marjie a very Happy Birthday xxx


    Sus xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Don't try not to cry!! Everyone else will be sobbing into their tea - just join in!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Good morning all,

    Much cooler here today and have had rain,so the garden is looking nice and fresh and the plant thankful.
    Nothing to report today ,just to say have a goood day and take care .


  • Comment number 24.

    Morning comrades!

    D'ya know what, at 6.30 a.m it were black as night. It's now actually stopped raining and there's a peek of blue sky teasing us here in Cannockshire!

    Ark building plans on hold. For now.

    Fab night last night. Team ChezNic (that's just me and him then!) tried out a new pub quiz. We made it through to the final round but fell at the last hurdle - not bad for a team of 2, and we shall ne going back again to have another bash. Maybe even with the rest of our team ....

    Exciting times yesterday afternoon: I actually managed to set up my business email address, synch it to my 0utl00k at send/receive messages. Also ordered some business cards .... no turning back now!

    In-tray this morning looks healthy too. Soon be home time......!

    Hope you're all fine and dandy and full of the joys this morning.

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 25.

    Morning All

    Back from a day driving up and down the M11 to a training day that was, for once, quite useful!

    Chris, no hope with the not crying on Friday I'm afraid but take heart, the public will all be crying too so you will be in with the majority!

    I'm so going to miss Jonny's hugs in November x x x

    Deevs, I was quizzing last night too! We came 4th, ok out of 12 teams there last night but out of the 106 teams that originally entered - not bad - at least that's what we thought!

    Ok, so shall we take bets on how many of my 34 residents will be in to ask me about the TV switchover that's happened in our area today?


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Morninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg all.

    Exciting times Deev's, how posh, business cards eh! you will be given Mr Sugar a run for his money shortly.

    We have Mr Blue Sky here too.

    I feel exhausted today, I think I am going to blame Mr Evans I think he had three weetabix this morning his energy levels are draining me this morning. How does he do it?

    A little more rain please as the allotment and the tomato's need it, 1st harvest of potato's happened this week they are delish, just waiting on toms, carrots, courgettes, cabbage and beetroot and more tatties, feel like a proper farmer giles.....

    Have a good day today everyone

    CB xxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 28.

    LOL cockneygirl - me posh!?!? Naaaaaaah. Common as muck but just being practical. I want to do as much self-promotion as poss via local networking events so I'll need something to give to potential clients. Still really exciting tho .... and scary!

    Sezza - hope you've got your techy heeeeeed on today to help with the digital switch over. I think we've had ours here but as we're all digital already we didn't really notice any change.

    Well, I've been here for an hour already and no coffee as yet. Time to change that methinks!


  • Comment number 29.

    Morning everyone.

    We had lots of rain in the night, so nice and fresh here.

    Deevs, glad it's all going well.

    Hi Sezza and cockneybird.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.

    I hate myself for doing this but .....


    I make no effort to contact you on here, FB, Twitter, blogs or anywhere else. YOU are the one leaving messages for me all over the place. I do not want you to contact me on any Social Networking site, I do not want you to contact me via the email facility of my blog and I do not want you to refer to me in any way shape or form on this blog. Clear?

    And how dare you insinuate that my Nutrition Diploma is a "nothingness". I am working extremely hard and taking my studies seriously with a view to helping others in the future with my knowledge.

    Maybe by putting your efforts into something worthy instead of niggling away at me morning, noon and night you will eventually become a better person.

    Go on then - get this post moderated. The truth really hurts doesn't it.


  • Comment number 31.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 32.

    Deevs, well said. xx

    Plum, what is wrong with you woman? Will you ever leave Cheryl alone?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 36.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 37.

    cockneybird - this obsession has been going on for over 4 years now.

  • Comment number 38.


    Airing dirty laundry in public is not a good thing and I find it very disturbing why you would want to do this.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 40.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 41.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 42.

    I think we should take her advice and leave her alone. Hard I know but apparently that is what she wants she put it in black and white at #33.

    Deev's - onwards and upwards for you kiddo, are you getting some posters done too? I think it is marvellous you are doing something you are so interested in. Wish I could do the same but you dont get much call for handbag and shoe counselling. lol xxxx

  • Comment number 43.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 44.

    cockneybird - I think handbags and shoes fall under the remit of a life coach! lol

    First thing's first, the VA business to get off the ground. My work hours were cut very recently which shocked me somewhat so rather than try to get another part-time job and go through the trials and tribulations of job interviews, I figured why not work for myself doing something I am very good at. I've worked as a secretary/PA for some 24 years now so that seemed obvious.

    The Nutrition Diploma is about two thirds complete. I'm hoping to be able to offer freelance nutritional counselling when I qualify - it's not all about weight loss. There's allergies, eating disorders, intolerancies, underweight people ..... I think in order to get experience I may have to do some voluntary clinical work at the outset.

    All very exciting and very very scary!


  • Comment number 45.


    I am really pleased for you. It all sounds very exciting.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Life Coach that sounds right up my alley.

    I had my hours cut too back in April, so I found another job and called their bluff, it worked and I am back to my old hours. I would love to re-train but unfortunately home committments determine otherwise.

    Nutrition is a mine field now days, when I was growing up I dont remember anyone having nut allergies or wheat intolerances, but there is so much to know now days.

    The other half has diverticular and no gall bladder, so his diet is high fibre, low fat. Phew!!!! hard work to begin with but we have got there. That's part of the reason we have the allotment and grow our own stuff now, we now where it comes from.

    Voluntary work that will be interesting and will give you some fabulous experience, its all going on for you and sounds very exciting not scary - I like to think of it as different.

    CB x

  • Comment number 47.

    Yeay for me!!

    2 TV's retuned and I haven't had to resort to the instruction book yet!

    Do you think I can make it compulsary that everyone here buys the same make and model of TV? That would make things easier!

    Cockneybird. I think I need some handbag counselling! I think I bought 4 this year before I found "The One"!

    Anyone else planning their shopping list for Shepherds Pie tonight? Didn't hear baked beans in any of those posh type recipes but that must surely be a mistake?

    Deevs, I take it the more cheese in the potato, the better! meets all current nutrional guidelines? ;-)

    Sezza xxxx

    ps I keep imagining Jonny in front of his class - Now class, your challenge, and you will choose to accept it, is to write an interesting, stimulating and, if the subject calls for it, amusing 300 word essay on a subject of which you have no prior knowledge!!

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi cockneybird.

    Are you on FB?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    I am on the my face space book yes. Tried to find the bloggers page the other week but might have been putting in the wrong link to it. Whats it called and I shall join later today.

    Sezza I have actually got a husband who has actually been known to buy me the odd handbag and purse. He makes me larf, he stated 21 years ago that he would never buy me perfume or underwear as a gift without me, but he has been known to see a handbag or purse and buy that..... bet he gets some strange looks in those shops.

    I love shepherd pie, everytime I heard Chris talking about it this morning I licked my lips. Food shopping tonight so may get the stuff and do one tomorrow night. It is one of the home comforting meals dont you think?

    Oooohhhh tis grey and dark over bills mothers, looks like it might rain again, more juice for me toms and carrots then......

    xxx CB

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning All,

    Well it poured down here this morning, but the sun is trying to peak out behind the clouds now.

    I'm getting anxious! There are two new people moving into my office the week after next and they came in today to measure up to make sure that what they were bringing would fit. Now I am quite OCD about things and unfortunately I will be on holiday the day they move in, so am dreading coming back and finding out what they have done. I did mention my concerns and they said they wouldn't be offended if I wanted to change things....phew. I don't like change :( But on the plus side, it's company for me and they are both very nice people.

    CB, Can I just say that it is a joy to read you, thanks for staying and writing entertaining posts xx

    Sezza, That made me chuckle about Johnny xx

    Hi Deevs and csn xx

    Right back to the grindstone.


  • Comment number 51.

    P.S. Meant to say that I am going to my bezzie mates for tea on Friday, as I do every week and she said that she was doing shepherd's pie! She must have known :)

  • Comment number 52.


    Thanks for the nice words glad someone finds me entertaining, mind you my hubby says I am very entertaining and special but I think that is for totally different reasons.

    Dont get anxious about those moving in and the change. I am sure they will respect your space and if they don't then when you get back stick yellow post notes everywhere saying "Keep off" - worked for me. Lol xxx.

    Hopefully you will find a new dynamic in the office that will be completely positive. As you said company for you in the office and they seem nice.

    Sezza your post about jonny made me chuckle too, I wander how many of his new pupils will put two and two together and realise that the new Mr Saunders is actually THE Mr Saunders..... More importantly how many Mothers of pupils will too. ha ha ha.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Shepherds pie. :-0

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning all!

    Sezza - that bit about jonny really made me giggle!

    Did I hear CLP say he was going to publish the receeepeees? I'm waiting for a delivery of lush (I hope) products from Jodie schectures place - wish I'd ordered lamb mince now!!!

    Might do a little cook off over the weekend and try them all side by side (and batch freeze the rest) I'm not that much of a gobble gannet!

    Was a very proud mum last night. GD for one of her art modules had to take a brief from the MoD on some art they wanted commissioning. Last night we and the other 7 students plus parents were treated to a visit to see the art being displayed in their main office in Brizz. What a talented bunch of kids and their work will be displayed their for as long as the offices exist :-)

    Right offski

    Deevs - keep smiling :-)

    happy hump day folks

  • Comment number 54.

    Cockneygirl - I'm going to have to work out how to shorten that and not confuse myself by thinking you are CountryGirlie. C'girl maybe?

    The FB page you need is CLP Bloggers

    Hope I'll see you there later!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Will go on later on tonight then. Sezza use CBird for me if it makes it easy or just cockney! Me I answer to most things really....

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello everyone from a rainy and grey Ayrshire,

    Maddy, so sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had a lovely day.

    Deevs - Good luck with your new venture.

    Debs - Well done to GD, you're right to be very proud.

    Sezza - Post 47 about Jonny was funny.

    Everyone else, have a good day.



    p.s. What happened to the Glasgow mini meet, has it fallen flat?

  • Comment number 57.

    CBird it is then CBird!

    Right, off to try my skills on another TV!

    Wish me luck


  • Comment number 58.

    Hey Gail, just sent you a FB messarge


  • Comment number 59.

    Hello one and all, especially CLP, from an aged and very distant (meaning I ent been here for ages an ages etc etc) Errol.
    OMG how many entries have been deleted, and I missed it all, but then I am glad really as I would no doubt have had some of mine deleted too.
    I will never understand why P has it in for Deevs, she is so sweet (deevs that is) and it is sooooooooo not wanted here, I blame alchol, alcolol, alcopups, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the booze lol, it affects us all.
    Anyhoooooos, Deeva, ignore like you know you can hun xx
    I just wanted to let you all know and Chris, (if you didn't sneakily go Chris) that the Foo Fighters at MK Bowl on Sunday night was an awesome night with guest star Sea-Sick Steve, he was amazing as was the whole day and it got me thinking if Chris and beautiful wifey, Natasha, were there and that I should write a little here. 65,000 people agreed with me that the whole day was amazing and we should all get out more to gigs like this, maybe Chris should organise a radio show from there and get 65,000 listeners into the Bowl and have a real party with guest bands??????
    What do you think Bloggers, are you with me??????? lol I wish!
    I do hope you are all well and to all the newbies I ent met yet, Hellooooooo
    Lave ya all,

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    PS, I am sitting here with 8 bars of Green & Blacks chocolate they sent me, so I can do a review on the taste, I AM IN HEAVEN lol xx
    R U jealous or not?????? answers on a postcard please xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Green & Blacks Chilli (or the ginger one!) Choc!?!?!


    Nice to see you, to see you niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!



  • Comment number 62.

    All Differing flavours but no chilli dammit lol xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Ha Errol - I have a box of mini G&B bars in the fridge - just had dark choclit and cherry mmmmmmmm

    not here......

  • Comment number 64.

    Errol are they all dark chocolate? Not a lover of the dark chocolate I am afraid. Now if it was milk chocolate............. I would be envious. Don't overdose will you.

    Hadnt noticed I got moderated above......... strange that the comments that started it all are still on. Cant think of what I wrote that needed moderating.

    It was nothing nasty as far as I can see albeit an observation.

    Debs well done on the GD being honoured in such a way.

    There is less time now to the weekend then there is from the last one. (if that makes sense) Woo hoooooooooooo ;-))))))

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Chris,
    Just wanted to send you my version of Shepherds Pie so it might move you to make this most glorious comfort food. Cook in a frying pan minced beef using lager or beer at least one bottle. Once mince is cooked add large pieces of mushrooms and thickly cut white onions and finely sliced courgette.Add lots of sage and pepper. Let it simmer for a while and thicken with gravy granules. Put in a large dish and add on top mashed potatoes. Cook the potatoes and mix in up to half a pack of butter and some sour cream and then mash and then whisk until fluffy. Put in oven to brown. Serve with Asparagus. Try it...it tastes beautiful (nb: slightly fattening!). Brilliant show don't ever leave! Gill

  • Comment number 66.

    2 Dark choc 4 milk n 1 white, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Wow Gill that mash recepie is worthy of the Mighty James Martin himself with all that butter! Welcome - stick around!


  • Comment number 68.


    I can't take this talk of chocolate any longer. I love it but developed an allergy to it when I was in hospital at Easter, had to give away my Easter eggs.

    Deevs-I will come to you when you get started for help in sorting out this problem.

    I do, however, like CLP's talk of shepherd's pie. I've had it twice this week, a lovely home made one I hasten to add, not the frozen ready meal. I made an extra portion as Bingo was calling here but he'd already eaten out and so I had it again the next day.

    MM xxx

    PS Now thinking of chocolate cherry liquors! Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    Gill, my mouth is watering soooo much. That sounds delicious!

    Maddie, I don't like cherry liquors but love cherries! Had a whole heap of them the other day - delish!

    Anyone know what's happened to Cockneybird's posts? Think we need a campaign here


    Sezza xxx

    ps Errol, wouldn't say no to the white green and black! oohh sounds colourful!

  • Comment number 70.


    I eat lots of cherries, delicious and healthy too.

    I was also wondering why on earth Cockneybird's posts have been removed????????

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Thanks for your comments guys. Yes between myself and James Martin we are slowly getting through the butter mountain. I figure I am allowed that amount of butter as I don't like chocolate! Not that I shall ever attempt to enter any cooking competitions (Masterchef having gone beyond the capabilities of 99% of the British people) but you have to do Lamb shanks in the Slow cooker...melt in the mouth. Also need a campaign to get Chris Evans to do the Friday Drive time..I miss him so much on that he started the weekend. Never known anyone so positive.

  • Comment number 72.

    Evening each from a very wet Fife.

    Will I get moderated too?


  • Comment number 73.

    Gill: You'd been moderated last time I looked. Hallo.


  • Comment number 74.

    Anyway, what I was going to say was welcome back Errol. My favourite choccie is the chillie one. No-one else in the family likes it so IT'S ALL MINE!!!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Right, I think I've caught up.

    What's happened to Cockneybird??

    Debs, congratulations to your wee girl - what a star.

    Errol, how do I get G&B to send me chocolate? And am so jealous you saw Seasick Steve - I love him.

    Loved Chris and Jonny's attempt at the Geordie accent this morning. Not quite right, but not a bad try.

  • Comment number 76.

    Hello all.

    Debs, well done to your daughter.

    Hello and welcome Gill.

    What has happened to cockneybird's posts. I don't understand why they have all been removed.

    Hi Annie, wet and chilly here today too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi CSN

    Been piddling here today - had sun this afternoon but the rain is back.

    Talking of butter Gill - has anyone got room on their kitchen windowsill for some herbs? Or does no-one know what I'm talking about?


  • Comment number 78.

    Hiya all

    Just for information, the only person who can appeal about a post or posts that have been removed is the person who is affected. ie the person who posted.

    I hope that anyone who has a post or posts removed will appeal

    Annie, I've got herbs in the garden but I think I'm missing something here.

    Debs, missed your daughter's news. Well done to her

    Ali, good luck with the new office buddies. My friend has just had to stage a recovery bid when her new office buddy nicked her desk!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Sezza - do you buy Lur**k? Every pack has a herb pack attached. As none of my family are gardeners or give a toss about plants, they keep giving them to me. I now have no room on my kitchen windowsill.


  • Comment number 80.

    Annie, I have lots of herbs in the garden.

    Sezza, the book made me cry too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Annie, I don't but I might have too!


  • Comment number 82.

    CSN/Sezza - if you have herbs in the garden - DON'T BUY THE BUTTER!!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Annie, LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Have just emailed the Labour Party on behalf of friend who is unemployed. Am so miffed at how he is being treated.

    If I could fly these shores I would.

    Sorry, ranty pants removed.


  • Comment number 85.

    Annie, I am so sorry to hear this, must be really awful for your friend.

    cockneybird is very upset that she has had all her posts removed and hopes to be back with us all tomorrow.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 86.

    CSN - it's the man in the cupboard - am so upset for him.

    Been speaking to CB too. Hopefully she will be reinstated.


  • Comment number 87.

    Annie, I know it is and feel very upset too that he is being treated like this.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 88.

    CSN, a lovely man who has brought up 2 gorgeous boys without their mother; a fine musician; a very good friend; and, in the eyes of the government a no-hoper.


  • Comment number 89.

    Ok annie, I won't!!

    Sorry to hear about the man in the cupboard's troubles. I hope he can get something sorted

    CSN, how's your foot doing?

    Need to make a taxi run in a mo and I'm way too comfy to move! Do you think the boy will mind if i don't turn up!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    I will most probably get moderated for this post.

    Jill, I really think you need help and by coming on here chasing one person you are making all our lives a misery. I think you need help and wish you no harm.

    Lets get to the facts of real life, my husband is covering the Police Bravery Awards tomorrow, these are the real people in this world that help all of us, unlike you that keeps coming on here complaining on how badly you are treated on this blog, twitter and FB.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 91.

    CSN. xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    I seem to be getting most of my posts moderated today. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 93.

    What on earth is going on?? Are the moderators on overtime????


  • Comment number 94.

    I think maybe we're best to just carry on with our normal inane chatter and no mention "That Person" at all. Her posts have gone and she's back to just being a number so i presume she is back to banned

    I think that every time we mention her, refer to her or try to "speak" to her, we are only inflaming the situation

    CSN, I bet your husband will hear some fantastic tales of courage and bravery tonight. I often think of him when I see big events like that are going on and wonder if he is there

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Sezza!!!! Inane Chatter???? Moi?

    Oh well, ok, you're probably right. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    That's us on a good night Annie!!

    At least we're not talking to the herbs!


  • Comment number 97.

    Night Annie, Sezza and everyone.

    Annie, I am so upset that my last post was removed, maybe this one will stay. LOL!

    Thank you Sezza, sorry I didn't mean to be rude to you earlier by not replying to your post. It will be a very long working day for Mr CSN tomorrow but will be lovely to hear all the stories of how brave these people are and what a wonderful job they do for all of us.

    Sleep well and take care everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Good one Sezza.

    I'm off too. Night all, see you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 99.

    Night all

    Sweet Dreams


  • Comment number 100.

    Evening all,

    Apologies for my absence (again) I am currently attending a course! A from the heart course to keep me sane! Well they are trying hard anyway. Lol

    I have spent the last couple of day in a retreat in Devon exploring me and the inside of my head. This is linked to my job and what I have to do from time to time, kind of duty of care I guess.

    I do hope all is well in blog land, I will have a scan read back through the entries to catch up. ;-)

    Keep smiling



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