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So Long Jake/Welcome Back Jonny/Goodbye Day

Chris Evans | 10:41 UK time, Thursday, 16 June 2011

Jake The Humph Humphrey, what a super-sub he has been for the last 3 days. And Jonny back tomorrow to reveal the mystery of his mini break. You're not gonna believe it.

But hey - how about a mention for Day - our Assistant Producer who leaves us tomorrow after 27 years of sterling service to us on The Brekkie Show.

Tall, lithe, always perfectly turned out, sharp as a tack and not a bad bone in his bod, he is the toppest of top men, and is leaving us for that Saturday night dance show thing. Telly! Where meetings are long, and car park spaces are like four leaf clovers. Great canteen though, especially on fish and chips Friday.

Good Day.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    So, Day's heading off to the land of the tellybox eh!?!? If you need a replacement, I'm back on the job market having been told (by phone) yesterday that my hours are being cut to 25 a week (from 40).

    Many emails sent and phone calls made this morning. What's a gal to do eh!?!

    Loved what I heard of the show this morning, and You'll Never Walk Alone jut after 8 for Marj - nice touch!

    Keep up the good work. Me? I'll just keep going for as long as I can muster the energy.

    Muchos Amore!


  • Comment number 3.

    I thought Jake was good and now looking forward to knowing what Jonny's been doing the last few days.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Chris

    Great to be back into the rythmn of a daily new blog. I think Jake has been great, v different to JS and so a nice contrast.

    Very intriguing as to what Jonny's news is - roll on Friday!



  • Comment number 5.

    Wow Chris, Two blogs in two days - you are spoiling us :)

    I've enjoyed Jake the past three mornings and have learnt a lot about F1, which I had no interest in whatsoever, so thanks for that.

    All the best Day in your new venture, I'm excited for SCD already, only three months to go.

    JG, I hope today went well, I'm thinking of you xx

    MM, It's terrible what your neighbours did, but I am glad that you got the police involved and I hope that it gets sorted out in a nice friendly way, that doesn't cause you any more stress xx Big hugs to you {{{}}}

    It must be time for a brew.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: good luck to Day - as much as this must be a fantastic move for him, he must have had to really think hard about leaving you, and the Breakfast Show - what a long time he's been helping to look after that! So looking forward to hearing from Jonny - I just can't imagine what's been happening! Chris, love the comment about car park spaces being like four leaf clovers, really made me smile. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Good Morning CE & Everyone.

    A lovely sunny day here in Wirral again.

    Good day to Day, what a lovely man and looking forward to hearing what Jonny's been up to.

    WOW! I read your post Deevs and have just listened again as I missed that, was that really for me (Lady Marj). I was overcome with emotion listening to it , thank ou so much Chris! Gerry Marsden once sang that to me and a few others when he was rehearsing at The Cavern (it was closed at the time) many moons ago.

    Ali-I'm still not at all happy about what my neighbours have done to my lovely fir tree and the wildlife it brought. If they were younger and in good health I would certainly take them to court. I'm presently about to order some lovely Leylandii, found one very fast growing which reaches a height of 40ft. Sounds perfect!

    Lady MM xxx

    Off to listen to Gerry again! WOW!

  • Comment number 8.

    PS I hope Jonny will make the tea when he returns!

  • Comment number 9.

    LOL MM, sounds perfect indeed - Good for you xx My parents have some at the end of their garden which belong to the people who back onto them. The chap comes round a couple of times a year to tidy up the bits that hang over into my parents garden. There are some nice people around!

    I missed your dedication this morning, so will listen again.


  • Comment number 10.


  • Comment number 11.

    First chance I have had to get back here - nightmare when work gets in the way!

    Cheryl: sorry to hear about your work situation. What cowards that they told you the news by phone. Some people are just the pits. I know that you just have to keep going, and hopefully a new career beckons for you - you are zipping through your assignments, so just hang in there!

    Maddy: how lovely for you - I will have a listen later today.

    Sezza: hello to you too!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Good luck to Day with his new job, I'm sure you will all give him a great send off tomorrow, 27 years, that's a bloomin long time!!

    Sorry to hear about your job news Cheryl, as Chrissie said, you are fairly getting through your assignments so the future is looking good.



  • Comment number 13.


    I was so caught up in my excitement earlier I selfishly forgot to thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    As for the job situation, this could be a blessing in disguise. As others have said you are getting through the assignments very nicely and you will now have more time to get ready for a much better more fulfilling career.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    I'm just going to knock up an Ark before I venture home! Typical the heavens open, when it's nearly going home time!


  • Comment number 15.

    Big chief Christoff lemony, lammie pie,

    I am getting round to the inclination that mr. JS has been training at something he is passionate about - motor-racing, rallying or maybe flying . . .

    Dtm x

    Good to have you back - hope all is good . .

  • Comment number 16.


    Christoff, thanks for blogging, and good luck to Day. He deserves a good send off after 27 years.

    I thought Jake did brilliantly, but looking forward to Jonny returning, with his news!

    Heard your mention this morning, Lady Marj! I thought it must be you. Just what the doctor ordered, great tune too. I was shocked to read about your tree, I would have been furious. Hope you're ok x

    Funny old day here, stair rods bouncing off the patio. I know we needed the rain but this is ridiculous.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon bloggers,

    Hiya Chris, I've really enjoyed having Jake on the show but I am looking forward to Jonny returning. Can't wait to find out what he has been up to.

    Day - very best of luck to you in your new venture. All this talk of Strictly is getting me very excited!

    Maddy - Dreadful situation with your neighbours, your plans sound like the perfect solution.

    MC - forgot to say from the other day high fives right back atch ya ;o) xx

    Chrissie - thanks for your lovely message on the previous blog xx

    Well it's been a lovely sunny day here - I'm now on holiday until the 27th so the heavens are bound to open soon - apologies to my fellow Scots!

    Cheryl - Sorry to hear your news - before you know it you will be up and running in your new career path xx

    Enjoy the rest of your day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 18.

    My idea of an important song

    Do they know it's Christmas - Band Aid

    Not so good on the song front but thanks to Bob changed the way the Uk and the world treated their donations to natural disasters.


  • Comment number 19.


    It will be good to have Jonny back where he belongs although Jake has been an excellent stand-in.

    I think Jonny has been off somewhere doing a super secret interview with some sports celeb!

    Good luck Day, I'll miss your name check as I wake up each morning

    Deevs, While less time at work might have been just what you wanted, I wish you could have done it on your terms!! Good luck with the next move. How much longer is your course?

    Maddy, It is awful what your neighbour's family have done. Such a swift action to cut down your tree and then it can't be undone.

    Can I just issue a little warning about going with Leylandii? Having seen how they grow at first hand, please remember that something that quickly grows to 40feet will need a lot of maintenance if it is not going to be a problem to you. Leylandii take a lot of light and nutrition from the surronding soil and they are not the best wildlife attractors.

    If you can bare to wait a little while and maybe see what else you could put in that might be easier for you to take care of and give you a more pleasant outlook, you might be pleased in the long run?

    Me, I love a silver birch tree. Beautiful and rustle-y!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Evening each

    I know where Jonny's been!!!!!! Saw in the Scotsman this morning that Jonathan Saunders had received an Award at the Scottish Fashion thingy.

    Haven't caught up yet, just in after a long day and must eat. Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all

    Love it Annie!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Do you think it was him Mary? Probably not, but would be a great story.


  • Comment number 23.

    Annie, lol

    Mary, thanks for contacting Chris re the blog, it's lovely to have him back. Hope you have a lovely holiday. Are you going away?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    If only Annie lol xx

    Hi Pen - my pleasure, thank you. I'm not going away my lovely sister is coming up from Hampshire for a few days so there will be lots of shopping, eating and drinking etc., Oh and wee concert on Wednesday evening to see erm what are they called again, oh that's it TAKE THAT! lol

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Annie for a bit of fun you should send the link into the show.


  • Comment number 26.

    Mary, have a lovely holiday.

    Cheryl, thinking of you.

    Maddy, well done on contacting the police. Now the neighbours know you're a force to be reckoned with.

    Sezza, while the leylandii was a good joke, I agree with you - they're a nightmare. A silver birch would be lovely.

    Whatever Next - good choice, but I think I would go for the Cars song - the video that went along with it really hit home.

    And lastly, good luck to Day - 27 years is a long time in one job, hope you get a fabby present.


  • Comment number 27.

    Mary, I haven't a scooby how to do that - I'm old!!!!! I even remembered Russ Conway - Chris played his rubbish tune this morning.

    In fact, I even remember Winifred Attwell, who played the same honky tonk piano before Russ Conway - that's how old I am!!!!!

    Bums. xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Mary, that sounds like my type of holiday. How lovely to have your sister visit and I'm sure you both will have a fab time at the concert. My girls are seeing them at Wembley, in a couple of weeks, and are already getting a tad excited!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Annie, I know all the golden oldies that Chris plays, lol


  • Comment number 30.

    Thank you Penny xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Pen, it's sad, isn't it?

    Mary has just spoon-fed me the link from the Scotsman to send to Chris. Hope he reads it out in the morning.


  • Comment number 32.

    I'll be all ears Annie! Hope he does, it will be hilarious.


  • Comment number 33.


    Talking about lovely people going to see Take That, has anyone heard from Debs yet?

    Should we be sending out a search party?

    Mary, your holiday sounds fab, just my idea of fun!

    Annie, so that's what he's been up to!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Oh Lordy Sezza, do you think she fell at their feet? And is in the local A&E?


  • Comment number 35.


    Loving the Scotsman article Annie. Bet I miss hearing why Jonny has been off.

    Debs must be ok as hasn't made the news headlines lol

    Roll on FNWC


    Susan xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Annie, maybe the boys have whosked her away with them!


  • Comment number 37.

    or whisked even!

  • Comment number 38.

    Susan, I'll probably miss it too. Can only listen till 8.15, when I arrive at youngest's to look after the little'uns.

    Sezza, wouldn't she just love that!!!!!

    Am watching Rock Choir - fabby. Heard the girl who started this on SW this afternoon.


  • Comment number 39.

    Perhaps that should be 'The Choir that Rocks'.


  • Comment number 40.

    Annie, I'm watching the Shadow Line - last part and I still don't know what's happened

    Right, bed now and wake up to Jonny's secret revealed!

    Night all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    That was fab, loved it, and the Dancing in the Street Flash thingy was great.

    I'm off too Sezza. Up at stupid o'clock yet again to look after 1yr old and 6yr old when he gets back from school at lunchtime.

    Can't wait for FNWC and a lie in on Saturday.


  • Comment number 42.


    I feel well and truly put in my place about my suggestion about planting Leylandii.

    I now realise that this was a hugely irresponsible thing to do.

    On the other hand have you considered Triffids?

  • Comment number 43.

    I suggested Eucalyptus CLP.

    Would love to think it could expand the koala population on the Wirral. (rhymes with squirrel)


  • Comment number 44.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 45.

    Yes, I admit to the SW rhyming thing!

    That poor woman y'day that rhymed with turtles!!


  • Comment number 46.

    Who on earth removed that totally straight forward post from CLP?

    I give up.


  • Comment number 47.


    Thanks for the planting suggestions.

    CLP-I particularly like your triffid one, sounds very appealing. I don't know what your post 44 said but it must have been a bit too drastic.

    I also like the silver birch and prickly berberis ideas.

    MTF-I like your idea of the eucalyptus. Some koalas in the back garden would be lovely although I will miss Cyril the Wirral Squirrel:)

    MM xxx

    I think that starting a leylandii war could be unwise, goodness knows where it would all end!

  • Comment number 48.

    Morning All,

    Well Chris ,that was a complete shock,nearly dropped my tea. Well Done Jonny ,but if you wanted a longer summer holiday I'm sure that you could have swung one way or another .
    Sure wont be the same with out you ,and lovely to hear that Chris is doing your last show at Silverston.

    But what will you be teaching ???


    PS..Candyman day .Yeh!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    oohh!!!,Sorry There should have bee an I in there ,don't want to sent out the wrong vibes there .I'll be getting marked on it .


  • Comment number 50.

    Good morning everyone from a wet Ayrshire,

    What brilliant news from Jonny, although I will miss him on the show.

    Have a good day all!



  • Comment number 51.

    Ooooohhhh Jonny!

    We will miss you.

    Enjoy your last few weeks and every best wish for the future

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning friends

    WOWSER to the Man Saunders. That's an incredible choice to make and highly commendable. However, I will sorely miss my Johnny Huggle come 18th November at R2 !

    Thanks for all the messages about my job. I've done shock. I've done anger. And today we turn to optimism.

    After an informative chat to a lovely lady at yoga, and several beers and hours of discussing stuffage with my Nic I'm going to start my own business. Early days and a lorra legwork to do, but I shall continue in my admin role on the PT hours they've reduced me to, and do my own thing for the rest of the week.

    Excited? Yes!

    Watch this space .....


  • Comment number 53.

    Good luck with that Deevs.



  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Deevs, sounds like a plan! Good luck with that. At least you've already got the "how not to do it" example!

    Good point about the huggableness of Saunders. Do you think anyone has checked the hug factor for the new guy yet? We need to know these things!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi everyone:

    Good to see some lovely chat on the blog last night.

    Well, indeed Chris was right, I would never have guessed Jonny's news, not in a million years.

    Jonny: we will miss you so much - you are just fabulous on the show. But what a wonderful new career lies ahead for you - all the very best for the future. xx

    Cheryl: good for you - look forward to hearing what this will entail. Onwards and upwards, it's the only way to go!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello again,

    Can I just share something from FB "foster mare required in the North East of England", I don't know any details but there is a contact number on my FB page if anyone knows of anyone who could maybe help, the more people know the better.


  • Comment number 57.

    Morning All,

    From a soggy North Kent! But hooray for the weekend.

    Wow Jonny, What fantastic news, our loss is teachings gain. I had a lump in my throat when I heard that this morning, what a brilliant thing to do and I am sure the kids will love you xx

    I'm off to a wedding tomorrow, now I have to be honest in saying that I don't really like weddings - all that love and stuff is hard to take when you don't have it; but that's my problem. The couple getting married are just out of University and to make me feel really old, I've known the Grooms parents since I was 11, even before they got married and now their middle child is walking down the isle. It's by the seaside in Eastbourne, so let's hope the sun shines. Because I am not wearing tights!! ;)

    Good on you Deevs, you will be fab xx

    Chrissie, I meant to say that I am with you on "Never going to give you up" as the greatest pop song xx Can I also add YMCA into the mix ??

    Is it home time?


  • Comment number 58.

    Ali, Ali, Ali ....... weddings are great places for boys to meet girls, and girls to meet boys and for shennanigans to begin! And if that doesn't occur, there's free food and wine! I'll be hoping for sunshine for you, and good on you for NPOT wearing tights. Stockins and suspenders it is then ....!?!?

    Sezza - we need to have a Man Saunders Huggle Replacement trial. The most huggablist one gets the gig! ;-)

    Thank you too Gail and Chrissie.

    I am really excited about it all to be honest!

    Can I go home yet?!?


  • Comment number 59.

    Jonny, hats off to you mate for giving up such a fun job to enter the world of teaching, I'm sure you will be a great success. As someone who has been married to a teacher for 34 years I can assure you it is a very rewarding career but I would advise your wife to take a course in Counselling & Psychotherapy.

    Thanks for all the fun and entertainment over the last 5 years.

    Good luck and best wishes.
    Nigel & Pat

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi AliB: hope you do have a good time at the wedding, you just never know who you may meet there. xx And, yes, YMCA, and anything by Abba! Mind you, today's choice was excellent: In the ghetto - it always, always brings tears to my eyes.

    Cheryl: I have not been lucky enough to have a hug from Jonny, but I would take a guess that it going to be very difficult to find anyone as lovely as him. I just love Jonny!

    C xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Good point well made Deevs xx

    I am having my roots done tonight and my hair straightened, I've got a new frock and I will certainly keep my eyes peeled. Although most of them are going to be about 23 years old, but hey I've always had a thing for Zac Effron ;)

    You can go home if I can go home!


  • Comment number 62.

    So Ali, as of Monday you'll be blogging as "MrsRobinson" then .....!!?

    Boots. Fill 'em!!



  • Comment number 63.

    Me too, me too! Please can I come home too!

    Ali, have a fab time at the wedding - a chance to spend time with friends in happy circumstance is always good (and there could be a dashing gentleman just waiting to meet a very lovely lady!)

    Deevs, this is sounding better by the minute. A part-time job where you may occsionally have time on your hands and a fun an fufilling career!

    Gail, how's your new doggy getting on?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Denny is great Sezza, thanks for asking, he has settled down fine with us and the cats, he's still very frightened of strangers though, and instead of running away, if they approached him he would snap at them which isn't good, but I think that will be sortable in time. Fortunately, where we live it isn't a problem. He's not good with the horses yet, he just barks at them, I think that's also because he is frightened of them and I hope we can sort that out. Time will tell.



  • Comment number 65.

    Morning everyone.

    Bit chilly here, heating on.

    Wonderful news about Jonny but I will miss him.

    Ali, have a lovely time at the wedding. xx

    Deevs, exciting news. xx

    I am not even dressed yet. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all from saturated Surrey!

    Would never have guessed in a trillion years what Jonny was heading off to do. Can't believe you're going so soon, but good luck in your new venture. You will be missed.

    Dare we hope for a Friday blog? Let's hope so.

    Pen xx

    ps enjoyed Sir Tom this morning.

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello neighbours and thank you SO much for the wonderful warmth and goodness emanating from this lovely blog.

    Briefly - I had a brain haemorrhage 2 years ago resulting from a ruptured aneurism. I was one of the lucky ones. When following up last year they found that the repair was not as secure as it should be, so have returned to have the job done again. All is good so far.

    Your thoughtful words both in here and next door are appreciated more than you know ..


  • Comment number 68.

    Katy - Delighted to hear you are doing so well, onward and upward!



  • Comment number 69.

    Katy: how lovely to see you. My goodness, you have been through such a lot. xx
    Good to hear the surgery has gone well, thanks for letting us know how you are.

    Pen: hiya - yes, just a trifle wet here this morning too. I was loving listening to Tom this morning - had to tear myself away at 8.35. How lucky are we that we have Listen Again!

    CSN: when my six numbers come up on the lottery, I will still be in my jim jams every morning at 10.38!

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Oooh - have just read back and seen the news about Jonny S. That's kinda heartwarming - it's a tough profession nowadays what with all the directives and paperwork - it's easy to lose out if you're a vocational inspirational type which I suspect Mr Saunders is. A big up for him. That chap from FiveLive Breakfast show, Vassos, will be taking over, yes?

    Deevski - go f'rit x

    They say that the third Friday in June is supposed to be the happiest day of the year -
    who knew?!


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Katy

    Glad that all went well and is good so far, long may it continue.


  • Comment number 72.

    Hi Chrissie! I often use the 'listen again' service, mostly the evening shows, some of them are very good.

    Katy, I had no idea and thanks for sharing that with us. Sending you best wishes x

    I would have added a banner, if I could! :-)

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Katy, glad it all went well. xx

    Pen, I really enjoyed listening to Sir Tom too. xx

    Chrissie, that made me smile. My excuse for not being dressed at that time is, I have hurt my foot and I'm hobbling around. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hello Everyone.

    Whoever would have guessed what Jonny had been up to? We'll miss him (I bet the team will too) and wish him well in his future career.

    Katy-All the very best wishes to you and I hope that you will improve and fully recover from now on. It's scary when something like this happens but it does make us value life far more.

    Chrissie & Ali-Never Gonna Give You Up & YMCA are two of my favourite songs. And can I add I Am The One And Only by Chesney Hawkes.

    Deevs-Onwards & upwards, a more fulfilling career beckons.

    Today I am wondering why there is a layer of mould on my apricot jam. The sell by date is Jan 2013 and I thought that preservatives kept hence the name.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    PS My neighbours came to apologise. Although I'm not happy about the tree we haven't fallen out over it which would make life more difficult for everyone concerned.

    So the leylandii war has been cancelled!

  • Comment number 76.

    PPS Politicians-take note!

  • Comment number 77.

    That's good to hear Maddy.



  • Comment number 78.

    Maddy, glad you've sorted the tree episode. It won't bring it back tho' will it?

    One of my many all time favourite tunes is, Without You, Harry Nilsson. I know it's sad, but I love it.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Katy: I have never heard Five Live, so don't know Vassos. Certainly, Chris will want to replace Jonny with the very best he can get, so it will be interesting to see what occurs.

    CSN: sorry to hear you have a poorly foot. I would say to you, take things easy, but I know you are an extremely busy lady, so that's unlikely!

    Maddy: love, love, love The One and Only. I bought it for my daughter when she was born - it is on vinyl! Now, we listen to it together on the internet - and she loves it too. Glad to hear your neighbour has apologised, how dignified you have been over the whole episode.

    Pen: another song that makes my cry! It would seem I am always in tears!

    C xx

  • Comment number 80.

    A song that reduces me to tears every time is Bright Eyes.

    I would put the link on now but I need to go to the shops and have my mascara on LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    John Lennon's Imagine does it for me ...... x

  • Comment number 82.

    Apologies, meant to have said; sorry about your foot CSN. I had a painful big toe recently. Luckily enough it was when we had our summer back in April and I was able to wear open toe shoes, otherwise I would have been laid up. Socks now back on!

    Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton. Another favourite of mine.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Sorry to hear that Jonny's going but good luck to him in his new profession. Why anyone would ever want to teach is beyond me (on top of giving up working with Chris Evans 5 days per week!) but each to their own. Day leaving, Jonny leaving...who's next?....
    Not having a particulalrly good day today at work but hoping to "escape" soon, as the scheduled finished time is 1 pm (ha, like that ever happens!).
    Umpiring tomorrow and weather forecast is sun or rain, depending on which forecast you believe (think I'll just wait and see, as I can't influence it one way or the other).


  • Comment number 84.


    Hey, its not raining here......... yet .

    Kathy, glad you are ok, you are very brave x

    Hope everyone is ok, Weekend is just around the corner .

    Having the busiest time ever, am thinking of you all.

    Hugs & high fives .
    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Dear Grumps

    I promise to make you smile later.

    Your Lady

    x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Thank you Pen, I will just have to stop dancing on the ceiling.

    Nic, sorry you're having a bad day but I'm sure Deevs will cheer you up later. xx

    Hi MC, hope you are ok and not working to hard. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Pen. xxxx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Marjie, glad the tree problem is sorted out.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Sorry, did I break the blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 90.

    CSN: as has been proven this week by the divine MrE and his sidekick, MwK, this blog can never be broken!

    MC: sorry I missed you earlier today. Hope all is well with you. xx

    Into the final hour - hurrah!

    C xx

  • Comment number 91.


    I know we really needed rain but we didn't want it all over 2 days!

    If you have any good blog vibes to spare to try to bring us some good weather tomorrow.

    Mr Sezza's birthday party could turn into a game of sardines if we can't use the garden!

    Maddy, so pleased you and your neighbours have talked. What a shame they didn't do that first but you have acted just right through all this

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Just remembered what I meant to say this morning before I was distracted by Jonny's Big News

    Loved Sir Tom Jones on the radio this morning - he always sounds so genuine and happy to be there

    But, Christoff, where are the girls? We could do with a few more ladies in the mornings so my suggestions are

    Sheila Hancock
    Dawn French
    Clare Balding

    Anyone else got any ideas?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Just heading off - I love Friday evenings!

    Sezza: I certainly will send good vibes for your weather tomorrow. It looks like Glasgow is going to be soaked for the next few days, so you may get a reprieve!

    Re: lady guests for Breakfast - why don't we push the boat out and get Barbra Streisand? Oooh, I love her - when I saw her in Funny Girl (I was aged 12) I fell instantly in love with her voice, mannerisms, the lot.

    Or, alternatively, Tamsin Greig - fantastic actress, sharp as a tack.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Evening all,

    Well that's another working week done, shopping done ,just having a aperitif before getting dinner.

    hasn't it been an exciting day today ,what with Jonny's news ,hope Chris keeps us updated on to how hes doing from time to time ,lucky kiddies that what I say.

    Deev ,well done you on your decision ,big step ,but very rewarding .

    Ali, enjoy your wedding ,hope the weather improves ,it's rained for most the day here.

    Sezza,is it a suprise party for mr Sezza ,or does he know.Anyhow hope it all goes well and that you have some good weather also .

    Hope everyone else is AOK.

    Female guest ...our lovely Glodagh ????


  • Comment number 95.

    Evening each

    Well, who'd have thought it? Jonny a teacher, wonder if it's PE, given that he's such an expert on sport.

    Ali, have a lovely time at the wedding

    Sezza, you can have our sun, it's gone south anyway

    Maddy, glad you got the tree situation sorted with your neighbour

    Deevs, don't know what your prospective business is but you'd make a great motivational trainer on exercise, health and nutrition.

    CSN, did you kick the cat?

    Song that reduces me to tears is Thirty Years of Tears by John Hiatt. Definitely not going to be listening to that one tonight!

    Been looking after 2 gorgeous little boys today, then met a friend for coffee and a catch-up. Back home now watching Chris and Tom Jones and have opened my own FNWC.

    Cheers. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm enjoying watching Chris and Tom Jones too Annie. And pleased to see that Chris is wearing his lucky starry shirt (I have a feeling that he has more than one lucky starry shirt).

    I'm also looking forward to Paul O'Grady at 9pm talking to Lady GaGa, I wonder what will happen, should be fun.

    MM xxx

    PS Re the tree situation-I must have mellowed a lot with age, in the past it would have been all out war!

  • Comment number 97.

    Maddy, must watch Paul at 9 - I do like him. Little granddaughter calls me Ga Ga - I like to think that she sees the resemblance!!!!!

    Just been talking to my lovely step-son. I so appreciate that he, and his sister, still keep in touch with me and my lot. Consequently, I missed the last of the One Show.


  • Comment number 98.


    Maddy, I think you've done just the right thing with your neighbours although I still think they were so wrong. How are you feeling now? I hope you're still getting better and taking care of yourself

    Just cought the end of the one show. Chris and Alex look like they were having so much fun and I noticed that my nails are the same colour as Alex's

    Bids, it's not a surprise party thank goodness. I think I'd be tearing my hair out if it was! ;-) We're planning it together and we've just been finalising the Plan b - damp weather issue!

    Mind you, it's rained so much here today, there can't be much left!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Annie,

    Your family sound lovely!


  • Comment number 100.

    Sezza, I so hope you don't have to resort to plan b. Piddling down here too. Our 6yr old finishes school at lunchtime on a Friday so I had to push the buggy with the 1yr old in it to collect him. Was raining so I had my umbrella up, and pushing the buggy with one hand. Now, how is this progress? Buggy wheels that go all over the place and need 2 hands!!!! In my day (get me!), pushchair wheels were fixed and you didn't need a degree to get from A to B.

    And don't get me started on how difficult it is to collapse them.



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