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The Lunch Bunch Have Munched.

Chris Evans | 10:29 UK time, Thursday, 19 May 2011

Much food and friendship was had by the team yesterday. Four and a bit hours for lunch means we must like each other. And all present and correct on sparkling form this morning. The great bonus of staying in a hotel the night before a show is that, if you're quick, you can nip back there at 9.30 and grab a sneaky golden hour of snooze, which is exactly what I'm about to do now. The curtains closed and the mini bar one Mars Bar lighter - night night. 10.07 a.m.





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  • Comment number 1.

    A Mars bar before a nap Chris?


  • Comment number 2.

    Sounds absolute bliss to me - including yesterday's lunch.



  • Comment number 3.

    Ohhh I could just do with a long lunch with great mates - hmmm and now CLP I fancy a mars bar! Not sure my strawberries will hit the same spot!

    Not really had chance to catch up properly but did see Chrissie pop in on Tuesday - lots of love to you lovely lady. I was in Glasgow again yesterday and especially thought of you - but just there for the day - I've decided next time I'll make it an overnighter and we can share a glass or 3 of something pink! Impromtu blog meet!

    Right not really here - off to see Pirates this afternoon yipee!

    love to all - Happy thursty thursday

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play must be very true Chris.

    It all sounds as though things went very well indeed CE when you were still together four hours later. And did the wine flow too?

    Today my lunch has been brought to me by my son and his lovely girlfriend. A prawn cocktail followed by a BLT. Together with lots of goodies in the fridge, salads, pastas, fruit, etc.

    MM xxx

    PS The weather has started to improve here on the Wirral peninsula, sunny and bright today.

    PPS Enjoy your sleep CE but don't stay there too long!

  • Comment number 5.

    naughtily I have just caught up with yesterdays blog

    CG - how awful for you - very sad about Jake, take care with your recovery - I'll share this so you can look on the "bright" side. I snapped my achillies tendon - in plaster and hard fixed boot 24/7 for TWELVE weeks - no baths, no showers, no walking on - zimmer frame all the way....

    Had to "re-learn" how to walk and still do not have full range of motion - I did this LAST JUNE! However, the cheeryness of the blog got me through the pain of being housebound for 3 months :-)

    Maddy - good to see you progressing too - and yes young lady - keep taking it very slowly - make sure that mad boy of yours spoils you!

    Mad boy Bingo - awaiting eagely your double good news :-)

    Right REALLY have to go......


  • Comment number 6.

    I just posted a comment which got lost, will try again.

    CG-that's just so awful what happened, you must be completely heartbroken about Jake. I am wishing you a very speedy recovery. You've certainly been through some difficult times recently (((hugs)))

    Debs-I don't know what the double good news is either and am eagerly awaiting to hear. Maybe it will soon be triple good news:)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.


    I too have just munched my way through 425 calories of loveliness, whilst playing Scrabs on the dark side.

    CLP, I'm guessing from Moira's lunch menu selection she was talking of this morning, you didn't take the team to the Golden Arches restaurant or the one with the fella wot does chicken ....!

    Maybe a Bloggers Supper in November post-CiN is on the cards!?!?!?

    Mange Tout!


  • Comment number 8.

    Greetings Of 'ello Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP – Most nice ter 'ear... Well read.... that all of the team 'ad a nice time at the team treat eat!!!!!
    The only problem is yerv still not told us where yer took the team????
    Or 'ave yer sneaked in a clue when yer mention a Mars Bar????

    Ok onter me double good news that a wanter share with all.... Sorry for the delay but ave been so busy lately at work & so on!!!!!
    But 'ere is me double good news >>>>

  • Comment number 9.

    Good afternoon, here or there, all this talk of food made me wanna cook! I used the King of Kings of Cheeses, with single cream and courgettes, and I was raised up. Simply delicious with a little home baked bread and virgin olive oil. Bonissimo!!! I imagined the rest. lots of love xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Basically ave been suffering from a stomach bug the past few days in which ave been struggling ter keep anything inside!!!!!
    INDEED right now a wanter share it with all... Me good news that is... Double good news!!!!!

    Now a don't know if it's a coincidence but last week when a was visiting me mother in 'ospital there was a nasty diarrhea bug going around the 'osptial!!!!!
    Visitors were being banned from certain wards & the patients were being moved around ter different wards ter avoid 'the drop' 'itting them!!!!!!!
    A remember the time when yer went inter 'ospital if yer were ill ter be made better but in modern Britain it seems yer go in & get more than yer 'ad before yer went in – know what am sayin'!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    It might be just a coincidence but me normally both steel mind & stomach ave been reduced ter not as steel as normal!!!!!!
    Ave been suffering with this diarrhea bug now for 3 days (by the way did yer know 'diarrhea' is a Greek word meaning 'flowing through') (Some might say very much like the Greek economic policy recently in which money seemed ter 'flow through' very easily... Leading ter their economy going … Down the toilet!!!!!)

    Anyway where was a?????

  • Comment number 12.

    Oh I yeah.....

    Me good news is that ave 'ad ter take an emergency pair of underpants ter work with me.... Just in case a lost control of the situation!!!!!! (suppose bit like the Greek government ave with their economy!!!).
    The good news is thatta managed ter keep control of me resources and me emergency underpants ave not been needed ter be swiftly removed from me work bag!!!!!

    But this is where me news gets 'double good'.... Not one day but two days running (no pun intended) me emergency underpants 'ave stayed firmly inside me work bag!!!!!!

    In the words of a well known, in Ukraine, electrical goods manufacturer.... Aka LG.....

    Life's Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye ter all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    PS Sorry about me 'aving ter drop me 'drop' story in in separate chunks.... But the blog seems ter be jumping & not accepting a BIG chunk of text!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    CG - I'm so sorry to hear about Jake and "owie" as my 5-year old niece says when she's hurt herself - your injuries sound very painful, so take good care and I hope you make a speedy recovery xx

    Deevs - a good attitude to have, methinks. When you're least looking for or expecting it something or someone wonderful (!) can turn up, so the right job is definitely out there. Onwards and upwards though and congrats on your latest assignment x

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Jilly. I cetainly have my "someone", which makes the rest of life all the more bearable!


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon all,

    Well that's me done till Tuesday.Did I mention that I was away the w/end.LOl.

    Bingo, I'm glad that you've been able to keep your undies in your bag for the last couple of days!!!.

    Deev, Good on yeah girl.

    Alib ,nice to see that there a little swans around ,and look forward to updates .That reminds me ....MTF .any nature watch bulletins yet.

    Hope everone else is OK.


  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon each

    Haven't got a chance of catching up but want to say to CG Big Hugs, hope you're feeling a wee bit better.

    Bingo, you mad person - I love your posts but that was maybe just a tad too much info.

    I'm stirring a risotto, so back later.


    Oh, and ps: Debs, don't even think of coming to Glasgow again and not giving me a call.

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening people

    I had a day out with my team today but it wasn't as much fun as the breakfast team!

    A whole day at a "staff conference" where we came away knowing as little as we did when we got there and no choice for lunch

    View was good from the conference room though - right across Newmarket racecourse!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    PS No choice on lunch was because they ran out off everything but sausage and mash!

    Bang goes the diet!


  • Comment number 20.

    Evening all

    CG: hugs to you, hope you mend well and soon, and that the happy times with Jake are the memories most recalled.

    Sezza: pizza was recovered within seconds of me clicking post. I'm still here, so the charcoal must've done me good ;) In all honesty, I think it smelt more well done than it actually was!

    I'm just peering at the map, trying to work out the best route to the start of a 5 mile walk along the canal tomorrow night. Haven't done any Sunday walks for a few weeks, but at least canal towpaths are mostly level, so hopefully I'll keep up with the rest of the gang! Early night as preparation will soon follow, falling asleep mid walk will not be a good idea.

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 21.


    I sat down with a cup of tea and a chocolate hobnob to catch up with the blog.

    Well, I've caught up and my tea is still too hot to drink and I've hardly had a nibble of my biccie.

    What's occurring!

    PS Have you looked at the Simon Mayo blog recently, it's a bit like this one used to be

  • Comment number 22.

    Good Morning all,

    Morning Chris, looks like it's going to be a lovely sunny day from where I'm sitting.Just having a nice casual breakfast today .and no rushing it's chill time .

    Have a good day all.

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning Bids!

    I'm not rushing either (couldn't if I tried!) It's a bit chilly but I'm sitting on my decking looking out across the fields ........... quiet thinking time.

    Happy Friday all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning Troops!

    Can you hear me? Not sure I can hear you ......

  • Comment number 25.

    Those Manic Street Preacher chaps were jolly good in Wolverhampton last night - apparently it's their favourite venue, and it showed. Fantastic gig, loud, proud and lively as a good gig should be. I'm just glad we were standing up on the balcony as it looked pretty hectic down at floor level.

    You know you're getting old at gigs when there's more bald heads in the mosh area than hairy heads!

  • Comment number 26.

    Tonight, we're back to the same venue to see the brilliantly funny Ed Byrne (no spoilers please Baggles!). I've seen him teice before but it's a first for Nic. And I'm driving, so Nic's really in for a treat there .....!

    But first a day of work to trudge through - it's a means to an end, I tell you.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    (and means YOU too!)


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all!


    Bids enjoy your weekend away, CG take your recuperations slowly - enjoy your view, Annie defo up for a little meet up! Will sort something on the other side with all the glasgow gang.

    Working from home today so no Friday commute, what a luxury :-)

    Right offski, might catch you a lunch

    and Deevs - post CiN dinns a defo! :-)


  • Comment number 28.

    hmmm - not sure I'll be catching lunch for you all from a housing estate in Bristol - so maybe I'll just catch UP with all at lunch!

    sorry for miss managing your expectations!

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning all

    Deevs, Have fun tonight. I'm getting to like Ed Byrne - he makes me giggle when I'm falling asleep on a Saturday night!

    And thoughts of CiN already!! Wow the year is flying by. Last year's supper was fab even though I had to slip away earlyish.

    Loved the Breakfast Show Wedding Disco hour between 7am and 8pm this morning! Weell, Steps and Hi Ho? What else could it be!

    When Christoff plays Hi Ho Silver Lining on the radio, do you think he's tempted to turn the sound down on the chorus so everyone at home can sing out loud? ;-)

    Lovely day here today and it's Friday!! Yippee

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Aww Debs, tought you might be off with your lickle fishing rod to catch our lunch!

    Laters Miss Managing!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    I'm going slow too, very good advice from you folks on here who advised going at my own pace and nobody elses as different people advise different things, some say slow down some say try to get moving faster. I will tgake notice of what my own body is telling me to do.

    Deevs-Glad you enjoyed the gig and you keep on rocking for as long as you want to, there's no age limit to having fun. If there's one thing I miss because of my breathing it's dancing, there's nothing like letting yourself go to the music.

    Now having a quiet cup of tea before visitors arrive!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 32.


    When I'm at home alone I often put music on and just dance.

    But don't tell anyone ......


    x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Sezza - lol at Hi Ho Silver Lining dubbing. My dad used to have a mobile disco when I was a kid and he always did that!

    Last night on the way home from The Manics, Nic put R2 on in the car and it was Dave Pearce - he was doing an hour of 80s disco/dance music and it really took my back to my days in Chelmsford when me and my best friend used to go clubbing on a Friday night, after our "pizza for a penny" in one of the high street pizza chains (now sadly defunct) ... (probably as a result of flogging pizzas for a penny ...?!)

    Debs- enjoy your working from home day, and yes, I need to contact The Lovely Man at R2 ref CiN numbers etc.


  • Comment number 34.

    Shhhhh-so do I Deevs but the last time I tried dancing to I'm Still Standing I very nearly wasn't LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning All,

    Deevs, So do I ;) xx

    Hi Debs, MM, Sezza, Bids, CG xx

    Lovely here today, I just wish it would rain at night!

    Now I was all ready to come on here this morning and have a go at Chris for stopping S Club 7 in mid flow, but fortunately for him he redeemed himself by playing "Reach". Now I don't mind confessing that I love a bit of S Club and Steps and have their CD's - there I've said it :)

    Oh well best do some work to justify the penny or two that I earn.


  • Comment number 36.

    AliB!!!!!!!!!! You've out-trumped my "dance" confession!!!

    Glad it's not just me ladies .....

    My boss is in a foul mood today. Do you think she'd notice if I (a) started dancing and (b) put my tin hat on?!?

    Apparently it's 5o'clock somewhere ..... just not in Cannock!


  • Comment number 37.

    Sentimentations Ment & INDEED Sent Of Friendliness & 'appiness From Me To You...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    ALL - A just wanted ter 'pologise for any offence or alarm caused by me detailed blog yesterdee!!!!!!

    Yes a agree a did putta lotta detail in the detail but a didn't tell all about all.... just some of all about all!!!!!!!

    Put it this way.... A can't 'elp it if nature calls..... talkin' of which....... not again......

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....... GOTTA GO.............

  • Comment number 38.

    PS ALL.....

    This clip from the roof of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ radio 'eadquarters is MEGA.... And a waz there as was CLP >>>>>

  • Comment number 39.

    At last ... it's almost home time!

    Today has been the longest day since the last one.

    Will try and drop in over the weekend but depending on the weather, the garden beckons, the house needs some cleaning attention and then there's Assignment 5 (proteins and carbs) to get my heeeed round.

    But first, Ed Byrne awaits.

    Have lovely weekends one and all. Whatever you're doing, do it well and enjoy it!

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 40.

    Right - as master of ceremony's - its only right and proper that I declaire FNWC open - I'm off to libertate a bottle of chards from the fridge after I type

    Happy weekends for all of you what ever you are up to

  • Comment number 41.

    Hear hear Debs!

    Or maybe that should be chin chin!

    Cheers guys. Happy Friday!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello all

    Seemed rude to leave you drinking alone Debs, so I have my usual on the go.

    I hope everybody else is OK and will join us through the evening. FNWC is not the same without you all.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening each

    Haven't caught up yet, been looking after teething baby today and his big brother who finished school at lunchtime.

    Have just poured the first glass of Meeerlllloooottt - is anyone joining me at the bar?

    Off to catch up.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hello gang...

    Hope all are well and thriving...

    tonight I'm using FNWC to celebrate an old friend of ours...

    raising a glass or two to say cheers

    and here's to pink frilly knickers in the hot tub!


  • Comment number 45.

    Right, caught up (didn't take long - Chris, you're losing your bloggers when you only blog a couple of times a week!!).

    Cheers Debs, Sezza, MTD and Suzie. And, of course, our lovely Beez who I'm sure is quaffing pink fizz somewhere.

    I know Chris is busy busy, but so are we all - and we still manage to get on here most days.

    Where's those ranty pants??


  • Comment number 46.

    Hi all I know it's only 3.15 here but I couldn't resist having a slurp with you. It's been raining here for days now but 24 centigrade so I'm having a tipple sitting under the gazego in shorts. The nutters in New York are saying that the world is gonna end tomorrow so I thought what the heck.

  • Comment number 47.

    Good evening maw. 24c???? Just had a look and its bloomin' 13c here. Swap your rain for my blue sky?

    I heard that the world was going to end tomorrow - you're right, get that drink down your neck.


  • Comment number 48.

    ok... pink frilly ranty pants... xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Ta Suzie. xxxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Hiya Annie and Suzie

    plenty of room in the hot tub at the moment. Are the men in the shed as usual? Who's got the nibbles.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hiya mtd... I think our mate has got the nibbles on a fluffy pink cloud type thingy...

    Oi... you up there - pass them down and share!


  • Comment number 52.

    Budge up MTD, I'm coming in......


  • Comment number 53.

    ... imagining I'm in NY with MaW and the heat and so a cold tub... and remembering our mate... let's all live today as if tomorrow is not going to be an issue... and it really won't be...

    Speak soon

    With love

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Suzie, I do try to live that way.

    Am watching Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ4 - No Direction Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ and remembering how dreadful Bob Dylan was at St. James Park many years ago. Friend of brother and myself went across the road to The Strawberry (Susan-on-Tyne will know this pub) to get over it.

    But I still love Dylan.


  • Comment number 55.

    Me too... and that's were the trouble starts!!!!


  • Comment number 56.

    *raises a glass to the CEBloggers*


  • Comment number 57.

    Hiya KM - cheers xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    *Raise a glass back atya Katie!*


    Can I squeeze in if I bring a bag of wotsits?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Well howdy folks - having a hot moment so will refrain from the hot tub, thanks.

    Well Annie my new job (would you believe the interview was a year ago today) is in offices behind the Strawberry and our window looks across at it. The boozy lot on one of the other floors go there most lunchtimes! It wasn't offices there at the time you are talking about.

    I remember when the kids were little sitting in the car outside St James Park so we could all hear Queen.

    I'm saving my drinking for the weekend as got lots of socialising to do!!

    Cheers tho

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Ooh just remembered KatyM well done on the ARF on drivetime tonight and one of the few times I have heard the start of the show.

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Susan - you mean it's still there??? My goodness - I'm sure they've been promising to demolish it for years!!!! Have they chucked out the manky sofa??


  • Comment number 62.

    Annie they have built things around it as it is a legend. I don't think it will ever go and do you know I have never ever been in it!! Work will probably rectify that soon as I keep being told they do wonderful chips.

    Night all - busy weekend ahead

    S xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Night Susan, I'm off too - got my camomile tea.

    We must meet up in The Strawberry - I need to check out the manky sofa!!

    Night all.


  • Comment number 64.

    Morning all
    Lovely sunny day here in Brizzle, another lazy weekend on the cards, meeting some friends for lunch in my local and a roast tomorrow, but other than that a chilling time for me.

    I too am particularly remembering a wonderful lady this weekend and eagerly awaiting my pink fizz rose to start blooming. How quick a year has passed. Gone but never forgotton Beezles xxx

    Happy Saturday everyone

  • Comment number 65.

    Pee Ess
    If you have time, go to the archives and check out 27th May 2010 when CLP paid tribute to our lovely Beez. I remember how much that meant to me at the time.

    Thanks CLP X

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all

    I read that archive at lunchtime at work a few weeks ago - big mistake with the leaky eyes but I don't think anybody noticed.

    Lovely memories....

    Happy weekend all.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Good Morning Debs, mtd & Everyone.

    I had a look last night at Chris's tribute to the lovely Beez, I can't believe it's been 12 months, where did the year go to. I still remember how it was Beez together with MTF who first welcomed me onto the blog.

    So, according to Harold Camping, the world ends at 6pm today. We'd better have dinner early then.

    This has thrown me as I understood the end to be 21/12.2012! D'oh!

    MM xxx

    Better get a move on!

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning all.

    Brizzle bound this morning. Will be raising a glass of something special at lunchtime to one of the most wonderful Ladies I have ever had the privilege to meet.

    Happy Times.


  • Comment number 69.

    Maddy - I really hope the end of world is not 21.12.12 - thats the day before my 49th birthday - I'll feel really cheated!

    Loving Stacey on Sat Kitchen - how natural and normal she is.

    right back in a bit

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning all

    Really a year? Oh where has that time gone. The world is definately a sadder place

    I will raise my glass this evening

    Right, need to put this down an go do something more useful


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 71.


    I can't believe that it is a year as well! Here's to you Darling Beez xx I often wonder how your doggy is doing, I hope he is as mad as ever and doing ok xx

    Nice sunny day in my part of Kent. I am having a lazy day as was Street Pastoring last night. I feel a bit bad as I should visit the parentals, especially as I won't see them for the next two weekends...ho hum.

    Annie, Agree with you about the blog xx

    Debs, Do you know I've never heard Stacey speak until today! But thought that she came across as a nice down to earth girl, grateful of what she has achieved and where she's got in life xx

    Right time to kick back with the papers.


  • Comment number 72.

    Hello everyone or anyone!

    Ali, I have finished your journal and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about your trip. You put it into words beautifully. The memories you have will stay with you forever. Any chance you would go back? I’m sure they would love to have you.

    Haven’t been around for a few days. Basically had a s***y week, which has resulted in a funeral attendance next week. We have known this was going to happen; it was just a case of when :-(

    Heard on the radio this week, Footloose and Afternoon Delight, and this morning Goodbye to Jane was played all of which reminded me of a very special lady. Can’t believe it’s almost a year since Beez left us. Think of you often lovely lady.

    Wall to wall here today. So back off to the garden to enjoy!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 73.

    New blog piece, if you're looking for something to read ...

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hi everyone

    Yes indeed, where has this last year gone? I think about Jane every single day and often wish I could pick the phone up for some advice from my Evil Twin - I'd give anything to hear that evil cackle again, telling me to grow a pair and pull myself together!

    I miss her so very much and feel honoured to have enjoyed her friendship, albeit too briefly.

    x x x

  • Comment number 75.

    In other news .....

    I'm home alone today as Nic is out with his little boy doing daddy/boy stuff. I've had a session in the kitchen, cooking up a low-fat chilli con carne and my own recipe seafood sauce for use later in the week - by doing it now I can still go swimming/yoga after work and stick to my diet. I know me too well - any midweek intentions of cooking would go out the window, together with all the effort of being good!

    We're going to attempt a BBQ when they get home, although it's a bit blustery out there.

    And I'm actually looking forward to a night in as we were out Thurs and Fri nights galivanting.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, however you're spending it.

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 76.

    Afternoon each

    Well, it looks like you lot have got our sun - give it back immediately!

    Cold, wet and windy in Fife and I've got the heating on. Bums.

    The dreaded photo has been taken and didn't look as bad as I expected - youngest son is obviously a talented photographer. However, he did add one of the photos to his stupid app on his phone and made me bald. That one, hopefully, will not be sent for publishing.

    Pen, a big hug to you, sounds like you've had a rotten week.


  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks Annie. I have had better weeks!

    Glad the photo turned out ok. I prefer to be on the other side of the camera!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Think I'm talking to myself here.

    Watching Friday's One Show on iplayer - Dan the Man, well done on getting your question read out to Rod Stewart.


  • Comment number 79.

    Pen, you popped up! Hope next week goes ok xxxxxx

  • Comment number 80.


    Is me, popping up too!

    Has been a gorgeous day here and we had lunch un the garden on the new furniture for the first time

    How's everyone doing? Hope you've all had a good day

    Chards nicely chilled and ready to go

    Maybe I can just persuade boy1 to go fill my glass for me!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi folks

    CG, I'm so sorry for your loss of Jake (I had a dog called Jake once!) and I hope you're soon feeling betterer...

    Missing Beez too....

    On the wine already...lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Evening Sezza and JG. Been trying to post but keep getting a message saying they're sorry, but having some problems.

    Is it fixed??


  • Comment number 83.

    Oh, it is!!

    Enjoy your wine.


  • Comment number 84.

    Sometimes that message comes up.

    Wonder if the blog workers are taking sometime off?

    Annie, I am enjoying my wine ta muchly

    JG, Are you feeling better now? How's the time off going?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello all, haven't posted for a while but am here in spirit on a daily basis.

    Spent 3 hours last night reading the blog and resulting posts from this time last year.
    It just doesn't seem possible it was that long ago, it has gone so quickly. Not a day passes when I don't think of Jane, and wish she was still here with us.
    I opened a bottle of pink tonight, but only had 1 glass. Do you think I should finish the bottle?
    I know what Jane would say!!

    Miss you, ta ta Lin xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Lying in bed just taking in the dawn chorus.

    The best things in life...


  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all, nice sentimentations about Jane, a toast was raised to her with a couple of friends at an impromtu lunch yesterday, spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the garden and was hoping to do the same today. However, the weather has other plans - blowing a gale and a monsoon coming out the sky at 2am and its so chilly I've just put the heating on!

    But another lazy day ahead re-charging my batteries before another busy week ahead.

    Now I see on the news that a volcano is doing its things again - isnt MTD travelling soon...

    And Annie - I have to say, I did chuckle at the image of your bald photo - go on - put it on FB :-)

    Right Happy Sunday everyone

  • Comment number 88.

    Morning all

    I just checked the volcano situation, it's not as bad as last year apparently. Mind you, we're not flying so we won't be affected anyway - are you saying it's my fault debs???? ;-)

    I agree it was nice to remember Jane yesterday, I started reading all the comments from 27th May last year but leaky eyes prevented me from finishing.

    GP to watch later today. Nothing else planned.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.


    Very blustery here with sudden heavy downpours.

    Off out for lunch, to the venue our daughter has chosen for her wedding next February, for her birthday lunch as she was 29 yesterday!! Where did that time go eh?

    Catch you all later but hope everyone has the day they wish for.


    Susan xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Afternoon all

    Scary how time flies. How hours turn into days, days into weeks, weeks into months and before you know it a year has past. I quite often play Afternoon Delight on long car journeys now, having never heard it before CLP's tribute morning. Nice to think Beez lives on in the hearts of us all. Might brave rereading the blog later, I do remember it made me blub at the time.

    Usual Sunday activities for me today, and have even been for a walk on my own in the wind, sun and rain (weather couldn't make its mind up what it was doing, got drenched 10mins in and had dried out by the time I got back). Just having a bite to eat after loading the washing machine up and then I'll settle down with the sewing. Managed to fit some in yesterday between everything else in my diary, but the deadline for finishing it is looming and I've not finished half yet. Must try harder!

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 91.

    Afternoon all

    Coo, it's breezy here today - washing being blown all over the place

    Oz, i know how you feel. i have a heap of birhtday cards to make so getting on with it now!

    Got distracted by Cap'n Jack Sparrow for a while, easily done I know!

    Boys have decided we need to catch up on his adventures so we can go see the new film at half term!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Afternoon each

    Sun, rain and gale-force wind - daren't put the washing out Sezza in case my drawers end up in someone else's garden.

    Have had a very lazy day with the papers and Kindle (did I tell you.......) Had to reboot it as it wouldn't download my new book, how very dare it.


  • Comment number 93.

    What a great DJ Johnnie Walker is - listening to him talking to Robbie Robinson. And Clapton singing my favourite John Martyn song 'May you Never'.


  • Comment number 94.

    Annie, I've just had a lovely couple of hours making cards with Johnny Walker and cooking with Paul o'grady

    Was it blowing a hooley today? I don't know what a hooley is but it always sounds so descriptive!

    I've just rescued me knickers! All are safely gathered in!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Sezza, according to the Dictionary on my Kindle (!) a hooley is a wild party, so yes, it's blowing a hooley up here.

    Glad you're knickers are gathered in.


  • Comment number 96.

    Annie, A Kindle? Really? Is it any good?


  • Comment number 97.

    Might be

  • Comment number 98.

    Annie, you'll have to let us know when you've had a chance to try it out!

    x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    Sezza, I really must stop buying books. Now have 91, with 2 samples waiting to be perused. I'm keeping amazon afloat!!!!


  • Comment number 100.

    I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with my sofa. At first it just happened when I sat down with a book and I was blaming Stuart Maconie since I've been reading a couple of his books recently (and due to the fault with the sofa I still have a pile of unread books when normally they'd have all been read by now). But last week and this week the fault has also occurred when I've sat down to do some sewing. I've nodded off. Any ideas how to stop the fault happening again? It's really not helping with my deadline!

    The good news is when I woke again I did manage to do some more work on the project and I'm now well past quarter done. There's still a fair way to go. Need to motivate myself further I think.



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