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Short Sleeves, Short Trousers, Short Week.

Chris Evans | 10:04 UK time, Thursday, 21 April 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, Chocolate is coming our way.

The thing is - has Easter ever been so warm?

All Easter eggs must be deposited in the fridge both before and immediately after being dished out. We snuck in a quick Maltesers egg (other eggs are available) last night, but boy - we almost had to drink it. In fact we were so disappointed at our own lack of forethought, we had to chop a Mars Bar (other blah blah blah) up, that HAD been in the fridge and give ourselves a second decent choccie hit - to make up for our lacklustre first attempt.

Cold chocolate is the only chocolate - unless it's steaming in a cup on a cold winter's day, and you've just been swimming with the school.

Happy Easter peeps, see you Tuesday.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Good morning all,

    Chris - fantastic show as always this morning. Thanks for getting me in the Friday mood ;o) xx

    Yes, I'm with you on the cold chocolate except if if has a toffee filing!

    Happy Easter folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 2.

    oooooooh, just a quickie - can we please remember the true meaning of Easter

    Jesus Lives :-)

    I make no apologises for reposting this, and thanks Hannah, I too gave up chocolate for lent :-)

  • Comment number 3.

    I posted this on the other blog one to realise that we overlapped and a new post had arrived.

    Today is a really strange day - it's my Grandad's birthday but his father (my Great Grandad) passed away this morning at 10 to 9. I want to be happy for my Grandad's Birthday but want to cry because of my Great Grandad. On the other hand he's in heaven with Great Grandma.

    But on this one - I have two eggs so far - I need to go and get one for CJ I had just not really planned very well - I might get him something instead of an egg. He's being a busy bee training to cycle from Land's End to John O'Groats (a little plug here please take a look for some more info and why he's being a crazy bean)

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: yes, even the little chocolate I ever eat, must come direct from the fridge! This morning's show was a cracker, thank you for playing The Candyman! xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    where is everyone? On holiday I guess :-(

  • Comment number 6.

    I'm here! But in the starting blocks - ready for the off, just as soon as my boss says "let's go to the pub"!

    Hannah: very sad day for you. And how sad for your Grandfather to lose his Dad today. But, I hope he will be able to celebrate his birthday, and to recall all the happy memories of his Dad. xx

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    nice to see others are leaving early, hadn't really thought about it but would happy to leave 4:30 if allowed :-)

  • Comment number 8.

    I'm here!

    House full of kids so I've been hiding in the garden. Just about to open the fridge and watch the locusts descend

    JV interesting about blogs and trolls today

    Can I add to the best way to keep choc ready for eating? From experience, i can say that grabbing a choccie bar in the garage, sticking it on the dashboard then driving with the heating on for half an hour is not the best plan!

    Not unless you want a really rich hot choc drink!


    Sezza x x x

    ps any advice on how to stop next-doors dog barking and throwing itself at the fence when I'm trying to weed the flower beds along that part of the garden would be gratefully received thanks!

  • Comment number 9.


    I'm here too, now a job number 2. Thanks to Chrissie and Baggy, I too might bunk off early. Both bosses are away so who's to know :)

    Hannah, Sending a hug to you{{}}} xx

    I second Baggy's motion, don't forget what Easter is all about and one things for sure it's not about bunny's and eggs!

    Although having said that I am half way through the shell of the Easter Egg that my bestest friend brought me, which I started on Tuesday! Is that wrong?

    Sezza, I'd start barking back at it, that'll show him ;)

    I too need advice, when you move furniture how do you get rid of the dents in the carpet?

    Happy Thursday Everyone


  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all

    It is quiet - must be the sunshine. Trying to finish off at work as not back in till 5th May, so no twagging early for me. ;)

    Sezza - I think a water pistol aimed over the fence should work.

    Ali - use ice cubes on the dints to bring the fibres back up.



  • Comment number 11.

    No early finish for me today but I'm not complaining - four days off hoorah!

    Crumpy - wishing you a very happy birthday, have a fantastic day xxxxxx

    Ali - mixture of warm water and white vinegar rub over the area leave for a wee while then hoover, might have to do it a couple of times but it does work.

    I take it by no one commenting on my "hob nobbing with McVities" no one has heard Chris on the new McVities advert for Hob Nobs?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Thanks Andy and Mary :)

    Mary, I have heard the advert and I got your comment xx Sometimes it takes me ages to work out who the voice over is, especially if it's someone familiar.


  • Comment number 13.

    Thanks Ali. I know what you mean - you hear a familiar voice but can't put the name to it, although I have to say that wasn't the case with Chris, I recognised his dulcet tones straight away ;o)) xx

  • Comment number 14.

    what official seal of approval do you stamp on your easter egg? My chocolate eeg had someone elses name on it and earns extra points for having to give it away before I ate it, satisfaction guaranteed. happy now xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Rebecca - it may be me, it may be you, but I have no idea what your are talking about. if someone gives me an egg I wither eat it or share it around. I would not touch anybody elses and that included hubbies!

  • Comment number 16.


    Back in the office after being taken for lunch by the three bosses - result!

    Sezza: will have to listen again to JV - I would like to hear that.

    AliB: hope you do get away early - I don't know if I will now, having just been for a two hour lunch!

    Andy: enjoy your lovely long break.

    Mary: I must look out for that advert, I don't think I have seen it. And if I have, it just did not register with me that it is Chris!

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hiya everyone

    Just popped in to say hope all have a Happy Easter. Got the nephews round for an Easter Egg Hunt in our garden over the break. Mr PJ does not like them climbing all over his plants and we haven't got a big garden so it's difficult finding new places to hide them. With this lovely weather won't need to put them out too much in advance either ........... problems problems. What great ones to have though.

    Marj Hope Bingo lets you know all who have been asking after you. Get better soon.

    Crumpy Happy Birthday - enjoy Nantwich Jazz Festival. Every year say I'm going to go but never get round to it. Feel 2011 will be the same.


  • Comment number 18.


    We are finishing at 5pm apparently, so not long to go!

    Can't believe I almost forgot to wish our lovely Crumpy a very happy birthday! I hope you are having a great day. xx

    PJ: have fun with the nephews. Bet they will love egg hunt!

    Maddy: still thinking of you. xx

    To everyone else: take care, have a lovely Easter, and I hope to pop in over the break.

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon each

    And a Happy Easter to you Chris. Was singing along to Candyman this morning while driving over the rickety bridge, hope no-one noticed me.

    Now, chocolate eggs don't do it for me but give me a sight of a chocolate orange and I'll elbow everyone out of the way.

    Back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 20.

    Evening all

    Annie, I saw you, singing out loud! Looked liked you were enjoying yourself! ;-)

    Baggy, hope you enjoy your special egg and all your Easter activities

    Everyone else's children have gone home now so all is peaceful here

    How are we all tonight?

    Sezza xxx
    And it's

  • Comment number 21.

    Bums Sezza, I just knew someone would be laughing at me!

    Can't watch the One Show right now - they're underground with creepy crawlies.


  • Comment number 22.

    I wasn't laughing - I was singing along too!

    They were nice bats in the cave - quite cute really - or were you talking about the presenter?

    There's an ironingpile calling me but I'm trying to ignore it!

    x x x

  • Comment number 23.

    Sezza, it was the claustrophobia as well as the creepy crawlies and flying things - yuk.

    Quiet here, isn't it? Has everyone gone on holiday but me?


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all. Most peculiar singing along to the Candyman this morning knowing full well it was a Thursday!!

    Deevs - well done on passing your latest assignment!

    'Im indoors and meself picked up the keys to our new flat today and after having a quick spin round the place, we spent a very pleasant half hour in the garden!!! A man and a van will be at ours for 9am tomorrow and then it's all hands on deck getting everything moved .... this time tomorrow I'll be relieved it's all over!

    If I don't manage to unpack the pooter and get connected for a few days, I'd like to wish you all a very happy Easter and hugs to all those who need them xx

    jillygoat xx (picking her way through boxes in pursuit of the Cab Sav!!!!)

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh, I do hope you find the vino Jillygoat. Hope it goes well tomorrow and you get to enjoy your garden over the weekend.


  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks Annie - at least the weather forecast is good, so no soggy boxes or furniture x

  • Comment number 27.

    Jilly, hope it all goes really well. Enjoy the garden!

    The ironing won!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Right, I'm off folks. Having Good Friday lunch with youngest son and his family tomorrow, lunch with daughter and boys Saturday and lunch with oldest son and family on Monday - paid for by them hopefully as a reward for all the babysitting. Sunday I might be eating chocolate.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Easter weekend with lots of sunshine. xxxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening All,

    I (unusually) took a few days of with my business partner and our families this week.
    All 9 of us (37,36,30,27,8,6,6,4 and 1.5) took advantage of a deal around Lyndyloo's Leicester.
    1 night B&B at a 4* Hotel with pool + free entry to our choice of 3 of the 5 main local attractions (strangely, Lyndy's house wasn't listed) including Twycross Zoo, Conkers and The Space Centre. The Melmans did two nights (Β£60 for the second night) and the business partner just did the one.
    Well, who knew that Leicestershire had so much to offer?
    We arrived on Tuesday and finished our day off today, with a trip to Stratford for ice creams on our way to the in-laws in Banbury....we have not stopped!
    What a great part of the world......

    To finish off the perfect week and to kick start the Bank Holiday, my brother and I are taking my Dad out for dinner tomorrow night. This hasn't happened before, due to ridiculous and frankly irrelevant complications in our family life.
    I'm not sure who is more excited, me, or my Dad (who is genuinely, the nicest man on earth), either way, I'm sure that we will both have too many cold drinks and end up arguing about something which we both fervently agree on, whilst my (extremely placid) brother sits and watches.....

    Families! Gotta love 'em....

    Can I finish my above nonsense by wishing all of you the best extended weekend ever. Whether you are working or not.
    Whatever you hope for - I hope it happens too.



  • Comment number 30.

    Can I also add that I only mentioned the cost of the Hotel above because as far as mini breaks on a budget go, you'd be hard pushed to beat that.
    Β£159 for two nights B&B at 4* hotel with free entry to 3 major attractions + deals on dinner etc.....

    Terrific value



  • Comment number 31.

    Top stuff Rips, have a FAB time. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello everyone - a FAB show this morning - Johnny's plaintive "Nooo...!" when he lost the second egg-round... hee-heeee! Poor Johnny. Will he ever learn that he is the new "fall guy"...? But we love him all the same. x

    Baggy le Chat - I've just got home from a traditional passover meal at my parents' (CofE) church. The Vicar explained exactly what every stage of the Jewish Passover meant - and then, at one point, my cynicism actually managed to evaporate. The words "Take this Cup" changed everything - in more ways than one - for the course of History and theology. I will bribe Jasper into explaining it further on HIS blog. He'll protest, I've NO doubt - but will back down at the very instant in which I remind him that I can open tins of dog-food and he cannot. Hehehe... if only everything in life was so easy, eh...?!

    Be nice to meet up with you again sometime, Baggz x

    Hope all is well with everyone. Love to you all - Keep smiling!
    Roo and Jasper x

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning everyone - Happy Good Friday
    Sorry I've not been around so I hope all is well, hugs to those that need them and hugs to everyone else.

    Work has been mad mad busy but all in a good way, had a very positive chat with boss man and he is really happy with what I have achieved in less than 3 months!

    Off to Devon today for a well earned break, weather not looking fab that part of the world - sea cloud and showers probably, but not to worry, we will have fun whatever the weather.

    Lots of love to you all, no wifi or mobly signal for a week now so see you next friday for a wedding - hats at the ready ladies!


  • Comment number 34.

    Morning all

    Debs, have a fab holiday - bet you're really ready for it

    Hi Roo, your meal sounds interesting. I tried to leave a comment on Jasper's blog but it hasn't appeared. Wanted to know if you and your fella there had read a book called The Art of Racing in the Rain. I'm sure many books are really Dog Written as opposed to Ghost Written but in this one the narrator, Enzo the dog, is given his full credit!

    Brilliant book but you might need a hanky handy.

    Not sure what we're doing today but the sun is still shining bright

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning Sezza and Debs - and everyone else on this lovely sunny (well, down South, anyway) day.

    Thanks for visiting Jasper, Sezza - much appreciated! I'm sorry you couldn't leave a comment; not sure what happened there. The beast is asleep just now, but I will prod him into wakefulness in a bit so that he can go and investigate what's occurring with his site! Thanks also for the book-tip; will check it out. I think it's healthy to have a really good sob sometimes - even though my default disposition is usually chirpy (if I was any one of the 100-Acre Wood residents, I would probably be Tigger - though, hopefully, slightly less irritating)! If I need a massive blub, I'll usually stick on 'Titanic' or 'United 93' and gush until my contact lenses fall out.

    Debs - have a WONDERFUL holiday you lucky thing, you. I ADORE Devon, it's where my mum was born (Bovey Tracey) and I go to walk on Dartmoor as often as I can. I haven't been able to afford a holiday for the last 4 years though, and am missing it like crazy. Am hoping that I'll be able to have at least ONE more Dartmoor holiday with Jasper before he - well, anyway. Que cera cera, as they say. He's MUCH better than he was the other day, thankfully, although still only breathing through one nostril. Lucky he's got a big ol' conk - one nostril can easily do the work of five average ones, hehe!

    And because we haven't been around on here for ages, we'll offer you an ALL NEW Jasper-joke:

    Last night Huddersfield police station was
    broken in to and all the SatNavs were stolen.

    A taskforce has been set up and is
    looking for Leeds.

    Keep smiling!
    Roo & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi there,

    Well, that's me just finishing now till Tuesday, this is the only bank holiday we get, we have to save them up because we close for a fortnight at Christmas, which is great.

    Going over to my brother's tomorrow with the trailer, he has cleared out his loft but doesn't have a car to take the rubbish to the tip so I have been nominated, then David and I are planning on doing some walking Sunday and Monday so really looking forward to that.

    Hope everyone else has a great weekend.



    p.s. Love to MM and Bingo, hope she's feeling a bit better.

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon each

    Rips, sounds like a bargain break - enjoy.

    Dozey - enjoy your walking. Friend phoned last night to say they've booked our holiday house on Arran in July - can't wait. Lots of food, alcohol and inane conversations will take place, and no chinese lanterns this time hopefully. Last year we had the police and coastguards involved in our shinaneginns. xxxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi All

    Just popped over the fence from next door. I'm here for two reasons, 1) to ask if there's any news on Maddy Moon, and 2) to wish you all a very happy Easter!

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 39.

    Watching the One Show - nice shirt Chris.

    Sorry Deevs, but Russell Brand doesn't do it for me - he's mad.


  • Comment number 40.

    Happy Easter Deebee

    Haven't heard anything about Maddy, hope she is ok

    My sort of Easter Egg hunt for sunday is expanding - my friend's sister is coming earlier so her and her little ones will be joining us

    The more the merrier!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    ps Annie, I'm watching through gritted teeth, just to see how Chris and Russell interact


  • Comment number 42.

    Sezza, he's redeemed himself somewhat, talking to that 95yr old.


  • Comment number 43.

    And what can I say about Angela Rippon??


  • Comment number 44.

    Let's not mention Angela Rippon

    I haven't liked russell brand at all so I'm trying to watch without judging too much

    I don't dislike him as much tonight as i have done!

    He doesn't think highly of me either though! ;-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Quiet again here tonight

    Is there anybody out there?

    x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    I've just popped in Sezza. Just put the heating on - it's a tad cold here tonight.


  • Comment number 47.

    Evening all

    Where's me jumper? Got goose bumps sat here (in t-shirt and jeans) letting my evening meal digest a bit before bed. Twas too hot to want to eat earlier, but then I got peckish. Always the way isn't it.

    No FNWC tonight? Tis a bit quiet. Can't decide whether to bother pouring myself something alcofrolic or whether just to make hot choc shortly and go to bed. Looking forward to a bit of a lie-in tomorrow, then a trip into town to do some jobs and then settle down with some sewing.

    Hugs to those in need

    PS. Jasper, thanks for your joke, it put a grin on my face :)

  • Comment number 48.

    Evening Oz. Have had a wee glass of Pinot Grigio!! Am off now with my hot chocolate and my Kindle.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Good evening,
    Chris Evans asked Russel Brand what advice he would give William on his marriage to Catherine, tonight, on the One Show. I always like to be able to stick around till the end. I hope they both find that in each other for their marriage. with lots of love xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi everyone:

    So far, I'm really enjoying my break. Spent an absolutely lovely afternoon with my sister yesterday, and today I am seeing my older sister. Bless her, she is really struggling at the moment, and we are all doing as much as we can to help her.

    Annie: my lovely Mum gave me a chocolate orange every Christmas, without fail. I see them, and think of her. "Tap it, unwrap it" - never worked!!

    Jilyygoat: hope the move went well - I was thinking of you yesterday, whilst quaffing white wine in a beer garden!

    Rips: so lovely to see you. I hope you and your brother had a great time with your Dad. Honestly, Rips, if I told you some of the stuff that has happened in my family, you would never believe it. And I am sure that is true for most of us. xx

    Debs: lovely to see you too. I miss you Debs!! I have no doubt that your boss thinks you are terrific.

    Gail: hope you and David enjoy your walks.

    Deebee: hiya - happy Easter to you too! Thanks for popping in - any news of Mark King?!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning everyone,

    Happy St Georges Day to you all!

    I had a sneaky chocolate orange yesterday................that was very naughty seeing as it was Good Friday. Maddie and I did the walk of witness and our church had an afternoon service about The Passion - a good reminder of what Easter is all about.

    It is a glorious day here - I think some BBQ'd food may be in order later.

    Have a great day


  • Comment number 52.

    Good morning,

    Happy St Georges Day to one and all!

    Just popping in from the campsite in Cornwall, a little overcast down here this morning although the sun is attempting to break through!

    The OH and I have decided to give chocolate a miss this Easter, maybe an ice cream if the weather improves.

    Have a great St Georges Day!

    Keep smiling

    Keep smiling

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning all

    Phew, just made it back from ELH! Can I just say, if anyone is thinking bbq this weekend - go get your stuff now!

    What with the lovely weather today and the shops all rightly shut tomorrow, you might miss out if you leave it til too late

    Tiles being fixed in the kitchen so i'm banned from the room! We still haven't worked out why they've lifted but have ruled out most dire causes so are going ahead with fixing them

    This means I will end up with a fetching mat style design of un-matching tiles but as the alternative is ripping up the entire floor, I'll live with that

    Best I look like I'm busy doing something useful i suppose


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hello Lovely People,

    I trust you are all having a wonderful Easter weekend whatever you are doing. It really has been lovely weather in North Kent, my car said 26 degrees this morning!!

    My weekend isn't exatcly going to plan. I had made a list of DIY and spring cleaning jobs and haven't completed any of them yet! I did clean my balcony windows yesterday, but the task was to clean all windows! Oh well, am I bovvered - no not really. I've just made some cakes which when finished should look like Shaun the Sheep - I'll try and take a photo.

    Last night I was Street Pastoring, so have had a fairly lazy day. Tomorrow I am off to the parentals for Easter Lunch; Monday catching up wth my bestest mate.

    Maddy, I hope you are doing OK xx sending lots of love

    Sezza, Enjoy your Easter egg hunt tomorrow xx

    Rips, Glad you had a good break xx

    Jilly, I hope the move has gone OK and you are enjoying a few glasses of vino in your garden xx

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 55.

    Final touches just being put to the Easter Challenge Ali!

    We've done an Easter Egg Hunt for years now but all our kids are too good at finding them now so this year we've made a Scavenger Hunt that will send them all over the village!

    See how long that takes'em!

    How's everyone else tonight?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Evening each from a very cold Fife. Got the heating on.

    Hi Sezza.

    Ali - 26 degrees???? I'm so jealous.


  • Comment number 57.

    Annie, my friend said it was 30 on her car thermometer at lunch time!

    Come down and see us!

    x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    Bloomin' eck Annie, I'm wilting down here! Mind you, this lappy is working overtime, it's like having a hot water bottle on my knees!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 59.

    Fog, rain, dying fuschias, it's dire up here. Sezza, I'm on my way.


  • Comment number 60.

    Gorgeous daughter, her husband and little boys did a 6 mile walk yesterday from Dunfermline to South Queensferry, over the bridge. 8yr old said going over the bridge was like walking in the sky (it was misty). About the same time as Rosie was schlepping to Incholm on a boat.


  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, we've got a drying up lawn too but at least some sunshine!

    Night all

    Don't eat too much chocolate for breakfast!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    6 degrees here at the moment. My poor fuschias.


  • Comment number 63.

    Hello all.

    just been having a scroll down the posts and it's nice to see you all still about and enjoying the Easter break.

    Has been beautiful weather here on the south coast ,have spent the last couple of days in the garden getting it up together and is looking ok now .cut the hedge today ,shopped ,tip run and delivered the Easter giftrs ,so I'm glad to finally be putting my feet up for the rest of the holiday.

    Hope you all enjoy tomorrow and get lots of nice yummy easter eggs but mind ,don't eat them all at once ,don't want you being icky .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 64.

    You're a springtime kind of person,
    and there's sunshine in your smile.
    There's warmth in all the gladness you impart.
    And here's the special reason
    you're so like this lovely season--
    It's the springtime that you keep within your heart.
    Happy Easter Happy Spring!
    Janette from Poland

  • Comment number 65.

    Happy Easter everyone!

    Just checking in to wish everyone a happy Easter Sunday. I have not received an egg (which is fine by me!) but I do have beautiful flowers.

    Unfortunately, MrS works in the retail industry, and he is working today. So, I hope to catch up on some housework (I know!!) and make some phone calls this afternoon. MrS and I will spend tomorrow together and pretend it is Easter Sunday!

    Hope you all have a lovely day - Janette, welcome to the blog - why not stick around?

    Might stick my nose in later!

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning and Happy Easter!

    Jeanette, that's lovely, thank you

    Chrissie, hope you have a lovely Easter Sunday tomorrow!

    And I hope everyone else has a lovely day today

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Morning and Happy Easter.

    Beautiful here again.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    I have had a really lovely weekend so far, had lunch with youngest daughter and her family on friday and little grandson stayed overnight.

    Today seeing oldest daughter and her family, hopefully I will be having a rest tomorrow.

    Chrissie, have a lovely day tomorrow with MrS. xx

    Jeanette, hello and welcome.

    Sezza, hope you're having a lovely weekend. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning All,

    Lovely to read you are all well and having a nice Easter. I've had a great weekend so far, having my neices (6yr old and 15 month old) coming over later to stay over. Have all the clues and eggs ready for the Easter egg hunt - not sure who will be more excited! lol

    Hello Janette - welcome to the blog.

    Chrissie - enjoy your Easter day tomorrow with the delightful MrS.

    Chrissie - Oven cleaner! Oh my goodness I have never known anything to work it's magic like that - thank you very much for the tip. I nominate you for "bloggers tip of the year award." xx

    Maddie - I hope you are recovering well. Take care and lots of love xx

    Wishing you all a Peaceful and Happy Easter!


    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Good Evening Lovely People of the Blog,

    I hope you've had a great Easter Day and not eaten too many eggs! Glorious sunshine again today, sat in my parents garden this afternoon, which was lovley. I went to their church this morning and they have a new pastor who I think I might just be a little bit in love with -what a dish ;)

    I'm already in my PJs, going to catch up on a bit of TV then an early night.

    Sezza and Mary, How was the egg hunt?


  • Comment number 70.

    Evening all, hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

    Well, on the third day (of the holiday weekend) the sun did FINALLY come out here in the 'burgh, allbeit temporarily. As Annie has said we were fogbound on Friday (which made for a not particularly scenic day out to Inchcolm), and then rainsoaked yesterday. I was back at work yesterday, and had to spend most of the afternoon outside. Needless to say I was soaked!!! Had to have a hot bath and get into bed cuddling my hot water bottle when I got home last night.

    All I can say is that the Scottish summer had better be SUNNY and WARM, and had better last untill October!!!!!!


  • Comment number 71.

    Hello you wonderful people of the blog
    I have had a fantastic few days, Friday was spent with my family in the back garden with the paddling pool, water pistols and easter egg hunt. Yesterday I went motor boating at Henly with my darling husband and then today I have been with friends in London and am also now sat here in my jammies. Tomorrow me and Mr bp are going to the beach and I'm looking forward to another day in the sun with my husband. And then back to work :-(

    Hope all others having a great easter, I havent had any choc let dispsite giving it up for lent and having three eggs, wonder how long that will last


  • Comment number 72.

    Evening each

    Hope everyone's had a lovely Easter Sunday. Had Kirstie here for tea and she's just gone.

    SUN here today thank goodness but not a lot of heat unfortunately.


  • Comment number 73.

    Hi annie

    Sorry - I forget not everyone has had the beautiful weather we have had and how great my tan is :-)

  • Comment number 74.

    Just had a wee scroll up

    Welcome Janette

    Chrissie, I do hope you didn't do too much housework today, it's your day off.

    Mary, Has the 5yr old had a midnight feast yet? I bet you'll be shattered tomorrow.

    Baggy, 3 eggs?? And not even nibbled 1? What strength of character.

    Ali, didn't you get a photo of the scrumptious pastor? If not, you'll just have to go back next week.

    Rosie, I KNOW!!!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Baggy, stop showing off

  • Comment number 76.

    its all right - you can have some of my egg :-)

  • Comment number 77.

    Is it a chocolate orange?? If so, where do you live?


  • Comment number 78.

    no choc orange, but I do have a green and blacks one

  • Comment number 79.

    That'll do - give me your address, NOW


  • Comment number 80.

    Heavens, I sound like a stalker

  • Comment number 81.

    lol, far to far just for choc, deepest darkest Bucks

  • Comment number 82.

    Good Evening Everyone,

    Here are my Easter acrostic poems to sample...........

    Jumping high above the ground,
    empty sounds,
    stunning silence rebounds.
    up and under, high over
    simple steps, more under

    Living like thunder,
    in we crash,
    very loud,
    exiting with a BANG!,
    sunning it up as we go along, along, along.

  • Comment number 83.

    Good Easter Evening, here is poem no.2....

    Jugglers balls going round and round,
    even when they drop to the ground,
    suna and moon keep them spinning,
    using up the energy that flows,
    straight from the mountain tops

    Lovingly lets the spinning
    increase out of a release
    vessels surging from the sky
    enveloping our bodies
    soaking in the sun.


  • Comment number 84.

    last one, phewwwieee...

    Jotted at each stop post,
    east, south,north and west,
    songs are sung,
    under the sun,
    sounding like heaven

    Loving music accompanies,
    invigorating efforts acomplish,
    very good attempts establish
    every happiness deep inside,
    search is over, peace of mind.

    with lots of love this easter xx

  • Comment number 85.


    Oh I've had a fantastic day but now I'm worn out!

    We ended up with 17 people here but i sent most of them out on a scavenger hunt around the village!

    Sounds like some lovey times have been had today

    Ali, is he single? ;-)

    Baggy, Tuesday is a long way away (that's what I keep telling myself!)

    Annie and Rosie, glad you've seen the sun today

    Can't think straight tonight! Think some choclit might help!

    Sezza x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Sezza, do you live near Baggy? She's got some.


  • Comment number 87.

    Sezza, Unfortunately he is married :( Glad you had a good day sounds like fun, at least the people you spent it with weren't all over 75!

    As much as I love my parents, I sometimes wish that my brother would spend Christmas and Easter with them rather than leave it all to me!! Just because I'm not married and don't have a family doesn't mean that I haven't got anything better to do....Which I think he thinks is the case. I might like to spend the time with my best friends like he can; and then post the pictures on FB!! There got it off my chest!

    Now where's that chocolate ;)

    By the way the Shaun the Sheep cakes were a disaster and I turned them into cakes with chocolate drops on the top!


  • Comment number 88.

    Ali, I don't think it matters whether you're married or not, it's because you're the daughter. Been there, done that, and had the arguments with my brothers. Didn't make a scooby of difference.

    Now, have you got some chocolate? If not........... you know where 3 chocolate eggs are.


  • Comment number 89.

    Ali, ;-( I sort of organised my brother into doing his bit today

    Annie, i'm just wondering if the boys will miss a mini egg or two?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Annei - if they would survive the jouney I would post you one :-)

  • Comment number 91.

    Ah, go on Sezza, of course they won't.

    SB (I really don't like calling you Baggy), I appreciate the thought.


  • Comment number 92.


    Nice to see you all having a jolly Easter and making the most of your time off and having family and fun time ..
    And we go through it all again next week ,ie long w/end . Is anyone doing a street party???

    Ali ,I rememeber you saying you'd like to come and see us ,so i'm holding you to that ,and thats an invite ,now you've been asked as I know you wouldn't come without one .

    Sezza ,glad youve had a good day with your famliy and fiends ,17 is a lot .

    Rebecca ,nice poems ,thak you.

    Baggy glad to see you enjoying your break ,hope the beach trip goes well for you ,don't forget the bucket and spade .

    crissie,sorry to see that Mr c .had to work ,so enjoy your belated day .Also thinking of that lovely sister of yours and wishing her well.

    Welcome Janette of Poland .

    Best wishes and regards to eveyone else that I haven't mentioned and hope that you all enjoy your B/holiday Monday.

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi all

    Lovely weather again - sorry not much to say but thought I should get things going today. I suppose it is the weather keeping you all away from your computers.

    I hope everybody is well and that Maddy is improving - any chance of an update Bingo?

    I will pop back later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Quiet day all round then!


    Hope you're all ok and enjoying the sunshine. Back to school and work tomorrow will come hard I'm afraid!

    Mtd I was wondering about Maddy too. Hope she's feeling better and back here soon

    Wondering how MTF and Cheryl and lots of others are too. Hope you all ok and you feel like popping by to say hello soon

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Did someone call?

    Thanks Sezza, I think I am just one of many, enjoying the wonderful BH weather.

    I've had a flim crew here all day, back again tomorrow. Its amazing to see how much work goes into producing a 5 minute mini film. I have tried to stay out of shot and was banished to the garden for the duration. So now, just a tad on the well done side!

    While I'm here... Lots of love and get well wishes to Marj, hope you are feeling better chuck.xx

    Right, what to have for dinner, Hmmmmmm?


  • Comment number 96.

    Ooo MTF, what were they filming you for? When can we watch? How exciting!!

    We got given a Comic Relief dvd in sainsbugs today - 25years of Comic Relief and there was our Christoff Lambie Pie in a Bohemian Rhapsody video! It was from the old Big Breakfast days and the boys hardly recognised him as a proper ginger!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Not filming me Sezza, perish the thought!!

    A mini drama for the GDs student friends' media studies.

    I am to get a copy, when its finished so will see if I can post it on fb.


  • Comment number 98.

    People at last!!! I thought it was going to be a one post day....

    I think Deevs is tramping round some lakes oop north Sezza.

    According to the weather forecast it's going to get cold again tomorrow (12 degrees cold). I'll be in work for the next 3 days, so it won't matter too much, but I hope that it warms up for next weekend.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    .....red balloons :)


  • Comment number 100.

    Floating in the summer sky

    hello New Page!

    x x x x


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