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Near Mist.

Chris Evans | 09:59 UK time, Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Mist shrouded much of the UK early this morning. Or was it fog? Turns out the jury's undecided. There is a mist limit and likewise a fog one too. But no one's quite sure where the knitting finishes and the crocheting starts. And as for mizzle - do we even have time to consider it ?

Blue sky is what we want. Come on God or God's wife (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ 2 tonight Secrets Of The Bible) blue is the new you.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Thick fog here too!

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 2.

    Or is it mist.....?

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris

    Your blog has just reminded me of DLT and his snooker quiz he used to do on Saturday mornings: I can remember him saying to someone on the phone once "If you believe that, you can knit fog".

    And there you are, crochet needle at the ready!

    Murky and misty here in Cannockshire too.

    Time for coffee No.2 methinks ......

    Onwards and indeed upwards.


  • Comment number 4.

    i opened the curtains on this fine morning and my first words, without any consideration were!!!! Wohoaw!!! Then, after the initial awestruckedness I wondered if I had the right time of year, till, thanks Chris, you told me the date. Have a nice day everyone. xx

  • Comment number 5.


    I always get the same weather as Chris does at Radio 2 but about a hour later

    Good when he says the sun is coming out, not so good when the rain comes down

    Spring must be on the way though - gardeners are in at work today and both got their shorts on! One of them seems to live in shorts all year round - he even had them under his long trousers in the depths of winter "just in case"- but the other is a better barometer!

    I used to work for a company that had a harsh sickness policy and it only encouraged people back to work too soon so they spread all the germs around then went off sick again for even longer! Mind you, even then the people who were genuinely ill were caught by the discipline policy and those less genuine got away with heaps

    Best to stay home and get properly better

    Travel safely if you are out and about today

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    ...pardon me! is it barry manilow tonight Radio 2 at ten pm????

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: I do hope God's wife is listening to you! I tell you, I'd settle for some fog or mist - we have sleet!!

    Chris, I absolutely loved the listener saying this morning that she had only just managed to get "Copacabana" out of her head, since Friday ... and you promptly played some of it, just to get in back in there - great fun. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Where's the dream man?

    Do you remember when Ian used to post on this 'ere blog?

    I heard him on the Wrighty show yesterday.

    Well, last night I had the strangest dream (I've ever dreamed before!) it goes a bit like this.

    We had arranged a bloggers meet and there were quite a few of us there, all with our overnight bags, some a lot bigger than others, nothing unusual there ;)

    We were just waiting for our transport to get us to our destination. The only drawback, was this turned out to be a hot air balloon and 'thick fog' (yes, honestly) meant we were grounded.

    So, to cut a long story short, a few of us that had passports decided to nip down to the airport and see if we could get a flight out to anywhere for an overnighter.

    The last bit I remember, was trying to stuff everyones bags into puffballs boot. Then I must have woken up.

    I think I know why the fog bit came into it, after all, I had got up at 6ish to nip to the bathroom and noticed how foggy it was then. BUT, the hot air balloon?? Never in a month of Sundays!!

    I wonder where we would have ended up, if I hadn't woken up. Why is it, you miss all the best bits?


  • Comment number 9.

    MTF: yes, I do indeed remember the "dream man". Sounds like a great dream, lots of bloggers getting together. But, like you, I would never get into a hot air balloon!


  • Comment number 10.

    I had a dream that I cut my hair off!

    What's THAT all about?!?


  • Comment number 11.

    LOL, it must have been a nice surprise to see it still there in the morning Deevs!

    How many bloggers do you reckon would be up for a hot air balloon ride Chrissie? I would cheerfully wave to them from the ground :)


  • Comment number 12.

    MTF: you know, I think quite a few of the bloggers would be game for that, but you, me and JG would definitely be on terra firma!

    Cheryl: I don't have to dream about cutting my hair off - every hairdresser I have ever encountered manages to do that for me - even though I say "don't cut it short"!!!

    (moaning again!)


  • Comment number 13.

    Chrissie - I'm having my hair cut next Wednesday after work (and the roots sorted!). My connundrum is that I am growing my hair, so it needs to be cut without losing any length ..... hmmmmm!


  • Comment number 14.

    Good morning everyone,

    Heavy snow here in Ayrshire this morning - lovely!

    The only person I know who would be up for a hot air balloon ride would be David, he would love it (weirdo). LOL

    Because of the rural location of our home (and work for me as I work in a sand quarry), there is just no way we could live without a car each, they are both diesel cars and are costing us an absolute fortune to run, we also try to holiday in this country, we love walking holidays, and we bought ourselves a caravan at the end of last year, but because of the cost of fuel etc., it would be cheaper to got to Spain or somewhere for a fortnight, so much for holidaying in Britain!

    Hope you're all having a good day.



    p.s. Thanks for all your lovely comments, I am now going through a guilty phase, I can't stop thinking if only I had taken Ellie to the vet on Saturday when she was sick instead of waiting till Sunday, maybe they could have done something, but it's too late anyway!

  • Comment number 15.

    Gail, those two little words can cause so much torment.

    I think you do what you think is right at the time. We had a black lab puppy that had to be put to sleep at the age of 9 months.

    We had laughed at him never mastering the art of 'decorating' the lamp post!

    It wasn't until, we took him to the vets that we found out why. He had bad hip scoring and was riddled with arthritis at such a young age.

    We had bought him from a vet so were very upset about it all.

    'If only' featured quite a lot at the time, please try not to feel any guilt, you gave Ellie such love and kindness. She hadn't experienced any of that until she met you and David.


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all

    Fog or possibly mist here in Norfolk too. OMG my chicken has just scared the life out of me, she is laying and out of nowhere came the chorus!!!!

    Absolutely full of cold and cough this morning, suppose it is a good thing to get everything over and done with in one go!!!!

    Have applied for Olympic Tickets which is an easy process but you have to be careful as you can apply for up to 20 events BUT you could end up with a huge bill if you end up being lucky enough to get all your tickets. Huge lottery really and probably have no hope as have applied for Β£20 tickets for me and the boys.

    How is everyone??

    MTF - he he he at your dream how fab does that sound, a meet and a hot air balloon, I may get on the hot air balloon but would probably be cowering in the corner as it left the ground (don't do heights!!!!)

    Deevs - make sure they don't cut lots off if you are trying to grow your hair

    Seeza - the gardeners in shorts are they mad????

    Chrissie - at the copa, copabana (can't spell)

    Rebecca - it really is 15 March!!!

    Prayers to Japan as looking like things are going from bad to worse due to the nuclear power plant now 6 out of 7(problem). Thoughts and prayers with them. Good news that a survivor has been found and yesterday a four month old baby was rescued.

    Huggles to those whom need (will wear a mask!!!!)


  • Comment number 17.

    Heavy snow!!

    How bizarre is this small country for weather extremes. I hope it soon clears for you Gail and anyone else being affected by it.

    Right, I have to battle with some bindweed that has just reared its ugly head.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 18.

    Cheryl: ah, yes, the "just take half an inch off, please" thingy! Been there, got the short hair to prove it! Seriously though, I am sure you will be ok - honestly, I think it's just me that has this problem with hairdressers!

    Gail: please try not to beat yourself up about Ellie. I am sure you did absolutely everything you could for her, and there was no way you could tell how ill she was. I have been thinking about you, and would just say: be kind to yourself, because you and David gave Ellie such a lot of love, and she knew that. xx

    And, yes, isn't it ludicrous that it would be cheaper to go abroad for two weeks, than have a week's holiday here!

    Actually, I think I just may take to the streets in protest, after all!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    OOPs nearly missed you there Kandks.

    Good luck with the tickets.


  • Comment number 20.

    Gail - those words haunt us in life. Ellie had a lovely time with you and she will be grateful for her, thank you for sharing the lovely poem, like that said Ellie was on loan from God (or his wife) and unfortunately for you they wanted her back sooner rather than later.

    Try not to be so hard on yourself, we are all here if you need us. Try and remember the good times with Ellie and do something in her honour.


  • Comment number 21.

    kks: you are certainly having a ruddy awful time of it at the moment. xx Good luck with getting the tickets - it would be really exciting just to attend any Olympic event, I think!

    MTF: how sad about your wee puppy. xx

    Gail: I have been meaning to say, and keep forgetting, your poem was just beautiful.

    An hour until lunch - don't know how I'm going to last, I am trying to be "good", but it's not easy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Chrissie, don't know about lasting another hour - I'm just trying to hang on until Jeremy Vine comes on but that's mostly because I am sooooooo bored today

    KKs, Yes, gardeners may be mad! Has to be said though, bottom half - shorts, trainers etc, top half jackets, hats and gloves!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    On Sunday, Nic sat his 8 year old son down and asked which Olympic events he fancied, and that it'll be a once in a lifetime thing to experience.

    After much deliberation, some denials and huffle puffing, sticks were very blatently grabbed at the wrong end when aforementioned 8 year old said he didn't want to do the swimming events and that he's better at going out on his bike ....... yes, he thought that he would be taking part in the races, not watching!

    Bless .....!


  • Comment number 24.

    Sezza: yes, boredom is lethal for me! If I stayed home every day, I would nibble my way through everything in the fridge!

    Cheryl: bless his cotton socks! And I remember the story you told us about him at Christmas - he sounds like a lovely wee boy.


  • Comment number 25.

    Hello CE (not CLP) & Everyone.

    God or God's wife is really very kind to us here, we do get a lot of blue sky and very little mist or fog. Unlike the old days when we got real fog, I remember coming home the office in Liverpool following the footsteps of the crowds as we couldn't see anything in front of us, what an eerie atmosphere it was. Then to find that the ferry boat had been cancelled. As for the smog in London, well hundreds of people died.

    MM xxx

    PS Let's hope that Japan's troubles don't get even worse!

  • Comment number 26.

    Aaaaarrgggh!!! Why is it so difficult to find a tradesman these days? Why does no-one bother to even return your call??? All I want is a roofer and someone to service my boiler, is that really too much to flippin' ask????

    And breathe... Sorry folks, getting a bit frustrated here (can you tell??).

    AF xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Chrissie - yes, he's a gem. Although he does have his "devil horn" moments too .....!

    I feel really hungry today - must be the cold, drab greyness outside the window making me want comfort food.

    Oh well, almost "crispbread" time ....!


  • Comment number 28.


    Try a website called Rated People. We've used it many times at ChezNic.

    Good luck


  • Comment number 29.

    Cheryl: oh, yes, the little darlings just wouldn't be complete without those "devil horn" moments!

    Maddy: I remember the fog being really thick when I was a little girl. It was horrible, and as you say many people died from lung problems.


  • Comment number 30.

    Keeps making me laugh because to get to this page I have search for Chris and each time today the news item comes up as "Chris Evans find movie costume sweaty!"

    What has our very own Captain America been up to? :-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    ps Going to local shop to try to pass a bit of time!

    Buying stamps is the excuse!


  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all, yep, it's foggy in Norwich too (not misty, and defo not mizzle)

    I'm still deaf in one ear, but feeling a lot betterer now.

    Pardon ? ...................

    Hot air balloons - I've been up twice, and I'm truly petrified of heights. It's the most wonderful experience ever. But it hasn't cured my fear - it's just 'different' up there!

    Price of petrol - I live 4 miles from the nearest postbox/shop & there's a bus at the end of the lane about twice a week, so there's no way we could be without a car. I'd love to use my horse to get in to the office, but it's a 50 mile round trip!!

    AF - try "quotatis", it's another good site to find a local tradesperson

    Hope everyone Ok today, hugs to those in need - especially Gail (still thinking of you)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hiya peeps. Get me blogging from the 1st class lounge ay euston on my posh new phone!
    Flippin exhausting.
    Need a cuppa.
    ttfn crumpy xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Deev - flippin' marvellous - got a call already about the roof, they're coming on Saturday morning :-)

    Thanks chicken xxx

    CG, I'll try yours if no-one gets in touch about the boiler - thanks :-)

    AF x

  • Comment number 35.

    My pleasure Flower.

    This Blog's like a Parish Notice Board some days ... love it!


  • Comment number 36.

    Tone deaf cockerel for sale!


  • Comment number 37.

    Actually, free to the first caller. (its not mine to sell!)

  • Comment number 38.

    ...Or give away for that matter, its blimmin annoying though!


  • Comment number 39.

    Haha, MTF, nearly had low fat hot chocolate all over the keyboard then!!

    I'll swap you for a forgetful goldfish!

  • Comment number 40.

    LOL Flower.

    You'd be asking for your Goldfish back within the hour!!


  • Comment number 41.

    MTF-when we moved here in the seventies we were awoken every morning by a cockeral crowing. Although a nice country sound it was also annoying.

    All I can hear at the moment is the pigeon cooing.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    You are right Marj. Its got to the time of year now, that I like to throw my windows open at about 5.30 and breathe in the dawn chorus.

    One of them is distinctly out of tune and very repetitive!

    We have got a garden full of extremely overweight pigeons.

    Must dash now, is it only Tuesday?

    Have a good afternoon all.


  • Comment number 43.

    oooh, warm pigeon breasts on a green salad ........mmmmmm

    is it home time yet?

    CG xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Was just thinking that myself, CG! Getting into the car and being soothed home by the dulcet tones of Sir Tel reading Where Was I (I'm not a Mayo fan)...........

    AF x

  • Comment number 45.

    CG: not a pigeon fancier, but everyone to their own! However, I do fancy going home ... another two hours - aaarrgggh!

    MrS has phoned me to say that in our little part of the world, there's a blizzard! Someone, somewhere is seriously taking the Michael.

    C xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Now THAT is odd ..... we've got friends round for dinner on Friday night and I said to Nic the other day that a warm pigeon breast and bacon salad with a balsamic drizzle starter would be nice.

    He thought I was joking ......


  • Comment number 47.


    You can't eat pigeons, I give my garden ones nuts (along with the squirrels).

    Chrissie-you must be really fed up with the weather in Scotland, we are lucky here, although it does get very windy at times.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    oooh, now I'm really hungry .............. can I come to supper on Friday too Deevs? And pigeon breast is low calorie too - result!!


  • Comment number 49.

    There's an idea MM - roast squirrel as the main course ...........


    CG x

  • Comment number 50.

    LOL CG.

    How did I know that you were going to say that? ha ha!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Is it!?!? That's that then .... now where do I get pigeon breast from round these parts?

    MM - its lovely. The first time I had it I wasn't told what it was until after I'd eaten it. I thought it was pan-fried liver (hence it goes really well with smoked bacon).

    Not sure about mains or puds yet - that's on tonight's list of "To Do" before pub quiz o'clock. The couple coming round on Friday aren't as fussy as the ones we entertained the other week, but one of them doesn't eat anything too spicy.

    I've seen a nice Chocolate Mocha mousse thingy in one of my WW cookbooks that looks fairly easy and low cal.

    I'm hungry too now!


  • Comment number 52.

    CG: you are a wee devil!

    Maddy, oh yes, absolutely cheesed off. I know I said at the weekend that I shouldn't complain because of all the disasters that are taking place, but it's very hard not to let this sort of weather affect you. I may just have to have a wee glass of wine tonight, to cheer myself up!

    Oh, and I did mean to say earlier: Crumpy - nice to see you, even though it was a brief visit! First class lounge, eh? Posh phone, eh? Great stuff!

    C xx

  • Comment number 53.


    I used to make a nice orange mousse using an orange jelly, small can of mandarins and a small can of evaporated milk. Just cool the jelly, pour in the milk and mandarins, mix and hey presto!

    It's time I made it again!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Now that sounds nice too MM! (not sure how many calories in evap milk tho ...!)


  • Comment number 55.


    No matter what's going on in the world, we still have our own things and can't be happy about some things. I found the snow difficult for a few weeks, I would be at the end of my tether if it was still here.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Maddy: this sounds right up the street where MrS lives. So, you cool the jelly, pour in the milk and mandarins - and then does it settle, ie is it smooth, or what? And do you put it back in the fridge? sorry for all the questions!

    Mind you, I shouldn't encourage him - he ate practically a whole trifle on Sunday - one that was meant for 6 people!! OK, so it was consumed over the course of several hours, but that is no excuse, is it?!


  • Comment number 57.

    Our local butcher sellls squirrels for Β£1 each ......... and no, I'm not joking!! If you lived closer Deevs I could supply you with the pigeons!

    Anyway, I think I've probably upset/annoyed enough people now, I'll crawl back in my cage for a while :-)

    Have a lovely evening everyone, I'm going to have a glass or two tonight - the first for a month, I've been on drugs for so long it's the first night I'm 'clean'


    CG xx

  • Comment number 58.

    CG: you could never upset or annoy anyone - you are a wee star! Enjoy your wine - cheers!

    C xx

  • Comment number 59.


    After adding the evap milk and mandarins to the cooled jelly (still unset) whip it up in the mixer until light and fluffy and then put into the fridge to cool. Can be put into individual dishes. It makes such a lot from such small ingredients.


    I will keep you away from my back garden LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    heh! heh! ............ and I haven't even started on the venison ...
    oh, and the rabbits and hares ..........and pheasants, partridges, ducks ............

    OK OK I really am going now xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Maddy: thank you - I am one of those really hopeless cooks who needs everything explained to me ... "first of all, this is a spoon" etc!

    CG: you would get great with my boss - he's of the huntin' fishin' shootin' variety!


  • Comment number 62.

    CG - I LOVE rabbit, and we had venison for Christmas Dinner at ChezNic. Yup to pheasants too, and ducks ..... now there's an idea for Friday night.

    I also love the meat of our equine friends. Sorry if that upsets anyone, but I had it years ago in France and only wish butchers in the UK sold it. Its less fatty than beef steak and much lower in cholestrol.


  • Comment number 63.

    Oh, I can't shoot them Chrissie, I'm far too soft. Mr. CG has to get them oven ready before I can cook them. I do love to eat them, but I am a bit of a hypocrite because I really love to see them in the garden & the fields too.

    When hunting was legal I didn't even do that because I didn't agree with it.

    Now, what makes you think my star sign is Gemini then?!


  • Comment number 64.

    Nooooooooooooooooo Deevs, not horses............

    See - we all have our pressure points xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Again, I didn't know what it was until after I'd eaten it. Sorry ....!


    ps: AnnieG / Bagpuss - sorry for all this meaty gamey talk!

  • Comment number 66.

    I'm with Deev, when I ate meat I would try anything.

    If you're going to eat a baa lamb or iggle piggle, then why not a bunny or a zebra (yum)

    However even though I have been veggie for nearly 5 years if my furry babies don't start behaving I might try cat kebab ;-)

  • Comment number 67.

    deev - thanks, I don't persoanlly mind - I'm just a lot more fussy about what I put in my mouth these days (oh err)

  • Comment number 68.

    CG: I know what you mean... MrS is a Gemini too - one day, he's Yin and the next day, he's Yang. Makes for an interesting life!


  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon CLP and the bloggers, from a very wet and soggy Edinburgh. It hasn't stopped all day here, but at least it's not snow (sorry to the other Scottish ladies if you've got the white stuff!) There was a definite haar lingering around Arthur's Seat today.

    From previous blogs, and today's:

    Re:tourism, I work in the tourism industry here in edinburgh, and I would agree that the UK is a very expensive prospect, especially for families. The challenge for attractions is to enusre that they give best value for the money! As for the Olympics, I would love to go down to London to soak up the atmosphere, but there's no way I'd be able to afford accomoadation in London at that time. I think I'll have to schedule in a trip home to Liverpool for then, as London is do-able in a day from there. But I do think that a huge chunk of the population is being excluded from the games, for economic and geographic reasons.

    Price of petrol: I'm another one who drives to work, mainly becasue I am lucky enough to work somewhere with parking! During the wintery weather I took the bus each day, which was fine for the first few days, but the novelty wore off once the delays kicked in. I now appreciate how lucky I am to be able to choose between driving/public transport. On my days off I am making an effort to be car-free, so that my tank of petrol goes a little bit further.

    Meat: I love rabbit too! I had it for the first time in Spain last year, and it was absolutely delish, I'm looking forward to having it again when I go back to Spain.

    Right, that's enough from me, hope everyone has had a good day, and that the poorly peeps are feeling better.


  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Rosie!

    Well, home time at last. I can't believe how long the last two days have felt to me, and funnily enough last week seemed to just fly by. Hey Ho!

    Have a nice evening everyone - thanks for all the chat today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 71.

    I've just googled the year of the very bad fog, 1959 it was, I was sixteen and thought it exciting at the time but the smog in London was actually worse than I remembered, thousands died in the first week.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi all

    Well, what a day... I won't elaborate as it might unnecessarily scare you!!!

    A good glass of red wine and relax... I'm home.
    Oh still have water problem... thank goodness we're not in Japan!!

    as for the conversation about what started out as warm pigeon breast on salad... (sounds nice) I feed the squirrels and birds too but must confess to having had rabbit a couple of years ago with delicious pureed parsnip on spinach and tiny roasted pots. Haven't had rabbit since a child and was brought up near farm and fresh everything, so it's a bit of a debate how we all get in a fix about the food we eat. Ahh... Don't think I'd like to eat horse. I expect that is now some people feel about rabbit though.

    Chris and team, you talked about the rape seed oil this morning.... Oh yes, I can recommend the Chiltern cold pressed. They do a variety of flavours and the garlic is scrumptious for dipping your crusty bread and focaccia in. It's supposed to be so much lower in cholesterol than even virgin olive oil...

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    Wish I'd booked that plumber that won on the horses!!!!!!

    Sorry to just pop in briefly and disappear again, off to cook.


  • Comment number 73.

    Hi folks, feeling a bit more chipper, so thought I'd pop in...

    Chrissie, yes, I'd definately being staying on terra firma with you!

    We had a misty day, very grey, but the sun did pop out briefly when I went to get my lunch, which was lovely.

    I'm with you all on the price of petrol, it's costing me a helluva a lot to get to work, a 40 mile round trip, I'm starting to get worried about what I'm taking on here!

    Last night I went out for a meal after work with a friend to put the world to rights, had a good evening too, and home for 7.30!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Oops, forgot to say that I'd love to go in a hot air balloon. I watched a thing with Stephen Tompkinson recently, where he was travelling across Australia by ballon, and it looked amazing!


  • Comment number 75.

    Evening all

    Just waiting for my spud to cook (jacket spud for tea tonight, might find something mildly more interesting to stick on it than just a dash of butter, but we'll see).

    Am still smiling as a result of a village type encounter on my way home (a good hour ago). I've lived here for four months now, although I've lived within 10 miles of here for the past 10 years. Anyway, tonight I was walking along from my car sharree's house to my home and I encountered a retired lady I vaguely know (I've spent more time talking to her partner than I have her, and I wouldn't say I know him awfully well) walking her dog. Automatically I greeted her by name, and although she didn't use my name she stopped for a chat. Some 5 to 10 minutes later she's announced I was too good for the ex (who I'd say she knows better than she knows me) and we've discovered rather a lot in common (most of which I knew anyway although she didn't! Same car model and membership of a national organisation for which I'm branch membership sec amongst these things - 1st giveaway being both our cars having car stickers advertising the fact!), but anyway after a while we both continue on our ways (the dog was all for continuing before we were!) and she now has my number and email in her pocket and the offer of a lift to any branch social meetings she wants to come to ;) It's making me smile, because it's not the sort of thing I could imagine happening just anywhere these days.

    Hugs to those in need of one

  • Comment number 76.

    Thanks Oz, nice story, it does make you wonder sometimes...nice people are right under you're nose :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    JG: it's also making me think, why are the majority of them so much older (in age if not in outlook) than me? Am I from the wrong generation? Was I brought up with older values than others nearer my age? Probably a bit philosophical (now there's a big word!) for a Tuesday night, but it's how I'm thinking currently.


  • Comment number 78.

    Eve all

    Just caught up and loving the talk of eating anything with meat ( well near enough!!!). I do like rabbit and duck never tried anything else. In Aus we were offered kangaroo but couldn't.

    Been in text contact with CSN and she is feeling awfully poorly today full of cold bless her so big hugs her way and to anyone else whom needs it.

    Deevs bless lil Nic thinking he was gonna have to compete in the games. I have applied for the opening ceremony which is on my son's 10th birthday how cool would that be!!! One of the qualifying athletics days and the closing ceremony.

    Anyway gonna head to bed as feeling rubbish. Night night all


  • Comment number 79.

    Evening each

    Night kk. Sorry you're still feeling rubbish.

    Deevs, like SB, I don't mind folk talking about meat, in fact I was looking at a bacon roll the other day...... didn't succumb though.

    Rosie, you got in before me, mentioning the haar. I suppose that's classed as mist. Piddled down all day here as well.

    Hallo to everyone else and CSN hope you feel better soon.


  • Comment number 80.

    Awww Annie .... gwon!! ;-)

    Right, menu selected and shopping list done for Friday night. How's this sound:-

    Starters: goats cheese salad
    Mains: Moroccan Spiced lamb tagine, served with mini herby roast potatoes
    Pud: Chocolate mocca mousse

    All WW recipes, comes in just under 1000 calories. Without any alcofrol, obviously!

    Nearly time to go a-quizzing ..... a-quizzing I will go!

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 81.

    Deevs, as sorely as I'm tempted, I just couldn't after all these years. I do cook meat for other people, though.

    Please can I have any leftovers of the salad, the roast potatoes (as long as you're not cooking them in goose fat) and mousse please, thank you.

    Good luck with the quiz.


  • Comment number 82.

    As the night grows older, (and I begin to feel more and more like nodding off) I begin to think I dreamt tonight's walk home and conversation. (It was a bit murky out there, but not a patch on this morning when I couldn't really see to cross the road (it is quite wide - former great north road don't-ya-know?), definitely fog here not mist ;) ) But confirmation has just arrived in the form of an email from the lady's partner testing the address I gave her. Great news, I'm not loosing the plot just yet!


  • Comment number 83.

    Looks like they're taking you to their heart Oz - that's nice. In my journey through life I do find that most people are good. Or maybe I've just been lucky.


  • Comment number 84.

    Hey - did anyone hear our Deevs mentioned on t'other blog tonight? SM chose 'Thin Lizzy' 'Whisky in the Jar' (is it meant to be Scotch or Irish whiskey...oooh a dilemma)..... sooo brilliant!

    Love it..........

    One large savvy b down, another lined up ......... hic!


  • Comment number 85.

    Annie: not sure about the taking me into their hearts, I think they just know someone useful in the village when they see them ;) But it's ok, I'd been thinking I ought to contact the pair of them anyway and wasn't quite sure how to go about it, partly regards the shared hobby I first met them through, and partly the membership sec thing, so things have worked out. Funny how that happens sometimes isn't it?


  • Comment number 86.

    Ah well, at least they're being friendly Oz.

    CG, one of my favourite toons. It sounds more Irish than Scottish.


  • Comment number 87.


    Have just beaten a whole heap of ironing into submission

    If I had the energy I'd reward myself with a glass of wine but don't think I have

    Am worn out as been cough cough coughing all night. Sent him to Dr's today and he has got a chest infection.

    Hopefully now he's got the anti-B's he'll start to get better

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    I'm sure I typed that Mr Sezza has a cough but that seems to have vanished!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Seeza: well done on beating the ironing pile :) I don't currently have one, but mainly because there's not point putting anything in a pile to iron until I buy an iron ;) I tend to buy clothes which don't require ironing and the few which do need an iron are summer wear, so I'm putting that purchase off a little longer.

    Hot choc slurped and a few more of those cow biccies dunked. Must be nearly bed time.


  • Comment number 90.

    Evening all.

    Have had the day from hell, but will leave it a that.

    No need to prolong it any further.

    Lets just say, that it started with a hefty thump of a hammer after Puffball decided that she would like the day off.

    It reached 16c here today, I really do hope, and I know I keep saying it, but I do hope that the weather further up the country soon subsides.

    Just going to grab a bite.


  • Comment number 91.

    Oz, mine didn't used to be so bad but now I have to iron shirts!

    Am just watching Hairy Bikers - how much could I murder a Lemon Curd Swiss Roll Right now!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Sezza, I don't do huge piles of ironing any more - been there, done that, and not doing it again, thank you very much.

    Have just ironed 3 things that I need for tomorrow.

    Watching Caroline Quentin in India then I'm going to have my hot choc Oz.


  • Comment number 93.

    MTF - 16c - am sooooo jealous.


  • Comment number 94.

    MTF, hope you can relax now you're home. Naughty Puffball!


  • Comment number 95.

    Sezza: I used to have to iron my own school shirts. Don't think mum liked ironing either ;) Thought for the future?

    Annie: hot choc is always a good plan :)


  • Comment number 96.

    Oz, sadly work shirts and division of labour means they fall on my list!

    I don't mind too much, once I get a drink by my side and something to watch!

    Meant to say Hi JG, see you soon

    Typing going to pot so will say goodnight

    Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks Sezza, I keep missing you, JG too.

    Thats the thing Annie, I sent it in to the Mayo show today as a homework sucks, albeit to no avail.

    We live in a relatively small country, yet, this blog is a prime example, we have such a wide variation of weather.

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could all sit down in the evening and say, what a lovely (or as is the norm, yucky ) day it has been.

    Have just been reading back about the meat discussions, I will try most things once, but tripe?? No, no, no!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Hiya Oz, have just read your post, it made me smile.

    I have always had older friends, no reason why, just happened to be people that I met and got along with.


  • Comment number 99.


    Thanks to Bids mentioning the onlin e jigsaws, that's where I've been for the past hour, I love them, hours of entertaining there.

    I used to love tripe in parsley sauce as a child but couldn't eat it now (I don't think so. I could give it a try).

    I've always had younger friends, I think it's because I've never grown up!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    100 Hurrah!!!


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