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Mr Blue Sky: Take Two.

Chris Evans | 10:00 UK time, Thursday, 24 March 2011

Here we go again (most of us that is).

We're full, bursting at the seams with sunshine - apologies to those unable to look up at such wonderment.

What to do with a sky so blue?

I already can't wait for now.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP - I love days like this - shame we are squirelled away in an office tho!

    Hello everyone - not here really....

    Happy Thursty Thursday

    PS - happy birthday GAIL!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh Christoffffff .......

    If only I could escape these four walls of huffle puffledom and get out into the beautiful Cannockshire sunshine. But I can't!

    Any WHY is there so much to do at weekends when all you really want to do is enjoy yourself?

    Life, sometimes, sucks.



  • Comment number 3.

    la la la la la

    Ive got the day off tomorrow, the morning will be spent playing with disabled kids and then the rest of the say to ourselves - I'm thinking long pub lunch :-)


    who still has many hours stuck in the office to look forward to today

  • Comment number 4.

    Good Morrning All

    Chris Mr Blue has come to visit us for a second day too - it's wonderful to see him I hope he stays a while.

    Gail - Happy Birthday, enjoy your day.

    Seza - nice poem thanks for sharing.

    Have a good day folks.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 5.


    I have sent the survey link on to my Mum and Dad to give a broader range of ages, hope that's ok.



  • Comment number 6.

    Dozy - thats excellent, thanks

    Now if anyone knows people who are shift workers or night workers that would be useful too :-)

  • Comment number 7.

    CLP another lovely lovely blue day here and it is so good for the soul

    Hi all and Happy Birthday to Gail


  • Comment number 8.

    Good Morning All, I'll repeat what I said to my daughter this morning when I got up at sunrise. Have you seen the sun this morning, it's a big yellow ball in the sky? Please, don't repeat what my daughter called me, and that's an idiot. If you were looking at the Sun where I was this morning you will know what I mean. It is all so very exciting. rebecx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: yes, it is a glorious day here in Glasgow, too. In the darkest days of February this year, I never thought a day like this would happen, ever again!

    Oh, and Chris, regarding this morning's top tips, one of the best tips ever given on this blog (I think by Jillygoat, but I may be wrong) was: when you have chopped onions, before rinsing your hands under water, rinse with a little milk first - works like a dream - no onion smell on your hands!

    Gail: happy birthday - I hope you have a really lovely day. xx

    Hope everyone is ok - will have to try to have a catch-up later this morning.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    OK, I missed that there was a new blog, so have cut and paste...

    Morning all

    Just popping in to wish Gail a very happy birthday, your walk last night sounds lovely. I hope you enjoy meeting your Mum and Dad too.

    Ali, I would probably would have wanted clap as well!

    Mary, I'm pleased to hear your eyes are better.

    Baggy, I'll message you on the other side re the survey, unless you still have my email address?

    Sezza, that's a lovely poem, I hope it has the effect you want ;)

    Hi to everyone else!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    The sun has got his hat on hip hip hooray! There's no blue sky here Chris, it's a bluey/grey colour with clouds but it's a lovely warm sunny day.

    My computer problems seem to be sorted out, OK so far today, hope it was an outside problem.

    Anyway, I'm going to switch this off and go out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    I work shifts!
    email me on fb

  • Comment number 13.

    ***Happy Birthday Gail***

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Baggy, my soon to be ex also works shifts, I'll ask him to do it as well

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.


    Glad you like the poem. I have done a bit to go with it - very carefully worded but basically just says Play Nice!!

    You'd think by the time you were in your 70's or 80's you'd have learned how to get along!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    JG, Your post made me laugh, I think you meant "to" clap.



  • Comment number 17.

    Gail, Happy Birthday, hope you have a lovely day.

    Well, it's splendiferoulsy sunny up here in Cheshire, we have the window open and the birds are singing. All is well outside, it's just plain cruel to work on a nice day.

    Baggy, I sent you a friend request on FB, would like to help if poss.

    Deev, yep, you are so right, weekends are jam packed and go far too quickly. I must stop giving the servants the time off, and then I could relax more.

    Boots now back in wardrobe, shoes on and summer blouse duly dug out ,am hoping the thermals can stay safely in the cupboard.

    Oh, todays menu, Left over Coronation chicken, followed by melon balls .

    Right, off to do somefink.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Haha Gail, I probably did mean that!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 19.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    I can concur with Manchester Calling - lovely sunny day here in Cheshire and I went for a walk in my lunch break - with no coat on wooo hooo ..................

    Did I see mention of a Chester meet in yesterday's blog - must have missed previous discussions - when is it going to be?

    Regards to all

  • Comment number 20.

    I agree MC and PJ, it's far too nice to be stuck in the office!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.


    I've left the music exams behind and am now at another desk, in another building, doing another job. Unfortunately after the violinist it all went down hill, apart from a little boy called Cameron playing the piano. You can evidentially do a music exam in singing, and let me tell you most of them couldn't. Simon Cowell would have had a field day!! I must have listened to "Bring back my Bonnie to me" a dozen times or more this morning!

    Off to my bezzie mates this evening for dinner, her sister is over from Canada so really looking forward to a catch up.

    MC, Oooh Melon balls, don't you have to have a fancy scoop thing to make those xx


  • Comment number 22.

    Wotcha CLP and blogeroonies!

    Another glorious day here too, and it's still only March!

    Beef stew and dumplings on the menu, is that so wrong on such a glorious day?

    Chrissie, good tip, but for some reason the thought of rinsing your hands in milk doesn't somehow appeal to me! In fact if you rub your hands on the chrome tap before washing them, it has the same effect!

    Happy Birthday Gail x

    JG, nice to 'see' you, hope you're ok and your plans are falling into place x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Is everyone out enjoying the sunshine?

    Interesting fact - Chris blogged at 10:00am and has had 22 replies. Simon Mayo blogged at 8:39am and has 173 replies, now I know that he is asking for songs to be played on his show - but something isn't quite right in blog land.

    In my very humble opinion it would seem that Chris's heart isn't in the blog anymore and neither is the heart of his loyal bloggers. Either that or we've got nothing exciting to say. It's also difficult to say something interesting when Chris has basically said the same thing two days running.

    Now don't get me wrong I still love the man, but his blogs certainly aren't what they used to be and I don't think anyone can deny that.

    Ok off the soap box now. Back to the grindstone.


  • Comment number 24.

    24th March 2010 - over 100 posts!!


  • Comment number 25.


    Well said.

    I have changed my blogging habits since starting my new life last year, having been accused in the past of blog hogging and wanting to make this blog my own (total piffle as I have now got my very own blog!). I think more carefully about what I post these days but still have lots of contact with many non-blogging bloggers on FB and Twitter.

    As for CLP, I think we all have to remember that his life has changed considerably in the past couple of years - not only in terms of workload, but he is now also a family man. It crossed my mind that maybe he (or Tash?) don't want to share every finite detail of life Chez Evans like he used to (remember the days of TGOTS?!?). There's also the new hours CLP keeps since taking over from El Tel.

    It would be fantastic if some of the long-ago loyal bloggers (now lurkers?) came back and said Hi and chipped in a bit - so if you're out there auld bloggers ..... Hi!!!

    Off to yoga in a bit - will catch up in the morn .... thankfully Friday at last!


    peees: Ali have a lovely evening with your mate!

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon each

    Here to try and do my bit to get the numbers up...I can waffle for England you know!

    I`m only not here as often as I used to be due to business picking up speed somewhat...which is a good thing as it means my job is safe as are the other 12 people who look to me as their `boss` (even tho its not my company, in my role i have to do the hiring and firing). I shall endeavour to `play out` more though... you`ll regret it!

    Hope everyone is well...well i know csn and kandks arent but hope you are on the mend.. x

    Blue sky here in Gods own county again today.... me and the GM (sorry - the GM and I!) have next week off so sorry if it rains..it`ll be my fault! As for what we are doing, well finishing off the front garden we`ve started landscaping and very little else if i can get away with it. The GM just got a promotion so thats really great news but its been a tad stressful few weeks with one thing and another going on.... wine and relaxing in the back garden is definitely called for!

    and while i remember...MWK - fab news on the eyes my lovely...you are a FAR braver soul than me! Glad it went so well and you are healing well! x

    And AliB - I used to be one of those...a 17yr old grade 8 violinist... probably couldnt play chopsticks now (or whatever the equivalent is on the violin).. must get the fiddle out and have a go!

    Right... stuff to finish here... rotas, holidays, ordering... then home!

    Will try pop back tomorrow..

    Hugs to all...cos i can!

    mSc x

    PS - Dozy...many happy returns...hope youve had a lovely day! And i`m very jealous of where you live...love Arran and havent been for years..must rectify that! x

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon each

    Lovely day in Fife too. Was up at 6 with the sun.

    Ali, enjoy your evening

    Gail, hope you're having a fabby birthday

    Scooby, nice to see you

    Mary/Chrissie - now the snow has gone (please god) we must arrange a minimeet with Rosie.

    Hallo to everyone else.


  • Comment number 28.

    Evening CLP and the rest, from a very sunny (and not cold!!) Edinburgh. Wall to wall blue sky here, but of course I was stuck in work and not able to enjoy it much!

    Hope everyone has had a good day, epecially Gail!

    have not long sat down as I've been busy packing and getting sorted out as I'm driving home to Liverpool after work tomorrow. So can I put out a request to Lyn and Sally to ensure that the M74/M6 is nice and free flowing! Spending the weekend with my Mum, and then am jetting off to Sweden on Tuesday to visit friends (and meet their second child, born at the end of December)

    Annie that sounds like a great idea!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Rosie

    Hope your journey is stress free and have a good time in Sweden. Your friend is not my friend, is she? Rachael?

    Just popped over to Simon's blog and he has over 200 posts. We look sad.


  • Comment number 30.

    No, it's not a Rachael, they live in a place called Jönköping, which is about 2 hours east of Gothenburg.


  • Comment number 31.

    Right. I was outside Stockholm for Rachael's wedding a couple of years ago. The venue was stunning, on a lakeside, in the sun, with kilts!! Can't remember the name of the place, though.


  • Comment number 32.

    Evening all

    Definitely on the return to normal health levels, and have attempted to get rid of the remains of the lurgy with home made curry tonight. Pity I don't like more powerful ones, korma is about my level ;)

    Still have busy bee mode enabled at the grindstone so have barely had time to peer at the loveliness that is the outdoors currently. What's the betting it's all gone by the weekend when there's a vague chance I might get to enjoy a bit of it? I say vague, because, as appears normal in my life, everything is happening at once this weekend. I have several jobs to do on Saturday, and am expecting a visitor (although annoyingly I don't know what time) and have been invited out for the afternoon, which would neatly lead on to a little evening shopping that I've been putting off for a little while. I'm now hoping my visitor turns up before lunch and gets the hint to move on sharpish afterwards. Wouldn't be the first time my plans have been altered for me.

    Rosie: have a fab weekend with your mum and a great time with your friends and their family, you'll be back to work for a rest ;)

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 33.

    Oz, glad you're on the mend and I hope your visitor takes the hint!

    Our weather forecast is not good for the weekend, hope yours is better.


  • Comment number 34.

    Annie: haven't dared look at the forecast, tend to take a peer out the window and guess for myself, seems just as accurate ;) Visitor in question can be a bit obtuse when he wants to be, so I might just have to be very straight with him and tell him where to go ;)


  • Comment number 35.

    That's men for you Oz!

    Rosie, what does Aker 204km i timmen mean in Swedish?


  • Comment number 36.

    I've no idea Annie, my Swedish stretches to hello, goodbye, and thanks!


  • Comment number 37.

    Cloudy as the day is night, all the view that's in my sight, grey and dull there is a chill, here upon the windowsill.

    What to do with blue sky? All my troubles seem so far away. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Well, that's better than me Rosie.

    I'm presuming my Swedish friend has run a marathon, but I'm hesitating to reply just in case I've got it completely wrong!. xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Early to arrive, early on in the day, early to rise to see the sunshine. Savouring every quality of a beautiful gift, welcoming all the energies this has to give. thanking everyone and everything for it, especially my excercise class group i share with, miss them all. wonderful as is life xx happy birthday birthday people (even if i don't know you)xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Greetings Of Niceness Ter CLP Boy & ALL Blog Operatatives...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming To You From Bangkok...

    CLP - What did a tell yer.... WHAT... did a tell 'ALL' by writing on the blog 'The Bingo Star !st Day Of The Month Sets A President For The Month Ahead Weather Prediction... Remember a writted whatta beautiful sunny day the 1st of March was... 'ow the weather 'ad flipped/ cheanged on the change of the month... And from what yer saying above CLP.... me prediction didn't dissapoint!!!!!!!!

    Ave just noticed this little trend... Ave observed it so many... The reason >>> Am a deep thinker... And a like ter observe... take in what others might not be taking in/ observing - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    But whatta do like ter do... Is share me obervations with all.... Anything from the possible end of the world.... ter abitta rain on the north side of New Brighton!!!!!!!

    As INDEED yersen CLP are sharing your observations about the most nice blue skies!!!!!!

    As for blue skies where a am... there are not any!!!!!! :((((

    Yes all.... Ave left sunny Britain... ter come ter sunny Thailand... only ter arrive in a VERY rare rainy spell.... yes it's been 110 degress and a did getta bitta sun.... but not enough.... And am surrouded by people with MEGA tans who got 'ere a week before me.... And my tan is nothing more than the same as a couple of sunny days in the UK in May!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Ave got meself inter a mess in Bangkok... in me 'otel there where some very nice packs of tea/ coffee.... So a took them all & ave 'idden them in me room safe... so the maid won't see ave stolen them & not drunk them... so a ge tmore!!!!!
    Yes ave got me tea & coffee packs in me safe.... is this a sign of madness??????
    But it gets worse.... this morning a did get more left in me room... but with a bill!!!!!!!!!
    Yes the packs ar enot free.... A thought they looked VERY nice... And me bill is for 120 bahts!!!!!!!
    (that's about Β£2.60!!!)
    Ok notta lot... but expensive for a couple of tea bags!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS Ave reasd there was an earthquake in Bangkok last night!!!!!! 100% TRUE - Seen it on the news!!!!!!

    Brings a new meaning ter the earth moving in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did it move for me last night.... A did notice.... a sleep through the quake.... But it did move earlier in the night with me Thai girlfriend.... in a way that doesn't show up on the richter scale!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotta go!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 41.

    PS Lah gorn ter all..... LAHHHHHH GORN!!!!!!!!! (Lah gorn = good bye... in Thai!!!!!)

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning all
    Another wall to wall blue here at the moment. Working from home today so have the luxury of sitting in my dressing gown waiting for the candy man :-)

    regarding Ali's and Deevs comments - I am sad that the blog is now only a couple of lines and that a lot of "old friend" bloggers are not commenting anymore. But times move on, I know I dont have time to read or blog so much anymore.

    But 2 days a week I have the joy of listening to most of CLPs show as I drive somewhere, I think he is fab and he makes me smile and LOL every day.

    Might have a chance to pop in at lunch, so lurkers, comon - say hello for a friday!

    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 43.


    please come back lurkers, we miss you
    and any newbies please come and join the fun

    ginge, we are not friends on fb anymore, I know thats becuase of your job but I cant send you the link- if you email me I'll get it to you ;-)


  • Comment number 44.

    Morning everyone

    Well, I feel like I've done a day's work already and it's not even 9am yet!

    Today I have learnt that doing the weekly shop at ELH at 7.15 in the morning is definitely the way forward. Shelves full, aisles and checkouts empty. Although I did get a few funny looks when I put the week's worth of wine for ChezNic through the checkout just before 8am! Still, fridge stocked and one less thing to do after work and over the weekend!

    Bingo - Bangkok reminds me of a joke Easy Job told me once. Sadly I can't remember it but I'm sure that if I could it would get me modded anyway!

    Calling all lurkers .... come in lurkers ..... lurkers we love you!! We don't bite ..... come in for a paddle and a cuppa ......

    Back, as they say, in a bit.


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all

    Loving the Babs Windsor Show with Chris Evans this morning

    Babs, Chris and a sunny morning! Does it get any better than that!

    Laters my Lovelys

    Sezza xxxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning All

    Beautiful day here.

    Chris, great show.

    I have met Barbara Windsor and she is a really lovely down to earth lady. We had a long chat and I have a photo of us together hanging in our study.

    Hope you all have a good friday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning All,

    I can see clearly now the fog has gone and it's blue, blue, blue. I walked to work this morning and couldn't see the river but as I got nearer to work the sun was breaking through and now it's blue - hooray; and even better it's Friday :)

    Had a great time last night with my friend and her crazy family. I was the only non family member there, but they all treat me like family which is lovely and makes me feel special.

    Scoobs, Grade 8 I am very impressed and please blog more often your posts always make me laugh xx

    I only heard about 10 minutes of Babs this morning so will have to listen again, but I am glad that finally Chris had a woman as his co presenter on a Friday.

    Oh well best do some work, then it's an early doors finish, then to my friends for dinner and then Street Pastors and I might get to bed about 4am tomorrow morning!


  • Comment number 48.

    csn - Babs is teeny tiny isn't she!?!? In Dec 2009 myself and the now ex MrDeevs went to see Little Voice in the West End (out last outing together, I believe). Babs and her beau (Scott?) were sat a couple of rows behind us in the theatre. She was so glam in real life with all hr tresses piled up high and she was wearing THE highest heels I have ever seen anyone walk in, but she's sooooo petite!

    Ali - glad you had a fab night, and good luck with the street pastors tonight. I really admire you for doing that.

    Sezza - yes, it can get better than that ..... it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've just had 2 soluble pain killers for toothache ...... toothache gone and I now feel like I've had half a bottle of wine already! Maybe today won't be so bad after all ...!


  • Comment number 49.

    Deevs, she is tiny, we had a laugh because I am the same size as her and she is very glam and I don't know how she walks in those heels.

    Ali, glad you had a good night.

    Off to let doctor listen to my chest. LOL!

    Back later. csn. xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning All

    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Chris - fantastic show this morning. Barbara Windsor sounds such a lovely lady.

    CSN - I was late coming into work this morning but was fortunate enough to hear most of Barbara, you have to listen again she was great.

    Scoobs - thanks I did feel quite brave afterwards. I had the Lasek advanced customvue wavefront. My scars are still healing (that really isn't as bad as it sounds) but I'm noticing a difference every day.

    I know everyone's circumstances change including Chris's but I think it's time for another roll call. If Chris can say hi to us a couple of days a week shouldn't we make an effort to say hello back - it would be rude not to don't you think? Myself included.

    Don't be shy
    Come on and say hi.....

    Now that's about the limit of my poetic available - even I deserve a hello for that one hahaha

    Have a good day all.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 51.


    CSN, I just had a vision then of the Doctor listening to Babs' chest in Carry On Doctor!!!!!!! Hope you've got your sparkly hearts in place and that you are soon feeling much better!

    Deevs, Indeed Yeay for Friday! I did try a dress this morning but decided the world would not cope well with my pasty milk-bottle legs so switched back to the leggings again!

    Mary, my little poem in the newsletter may have had an effect. The person who was i think most affected has just told me they had a good evening so fingers crossed.

    Ali, Good Luck with the Street Pastors tonight

    I'm preparing for my 4th night out this week - think I'm going to need the weekend to recover!

    Sezza xxxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Sezza - 4th night out? You're not taking part in Come Dine With Me are you!?!?

    Hi Mary!


  • Comment number 53.

    CSN - Good luck at the doctor.

    Seeza -lol re vision of Barbara. That's great your poem has had the right effort.
    Four nights out? I feel exhausted just thinking about it ;o)

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi everyone, just had a cup of tea and a quick catch-up:

    Pen: I will give the chrome tap thingy a go, but I don't mind using milk, it feels quite silky!

    Scoobs: always lovely to see you. Hope you are your GM have a lovely week's holiday together. xx

    Annie: a mini-meet? Yes, please! Will be in touch to discuss!

    Rosie: have a lovely time with your mum, and have a great time in Sweden!

    Oz: glad to see you are feeling better. xx

    Bingo: oooh, naughty!

    AliB: good to see you had a great time last night. It's lovely when families make their friends feel part of the family too.

    CSN: love Barbara Windsor - so down to earth. MrS and I saw her in a hotel in London years ago and she was just lovely, said hello to everyone - I became a huge fan of hers from then on.

    Cheryl/Ali/Debs: re: the blog. Well, as you know, I have been trying for months and months to get the lurkers to come back. I could come up with a list the length of Oxford Street of missing bloggers! There must be a reason for them staying away, but who knows what that reason really is. As Ali says, things are not right in blog land.

    As for Chris, I agree Cheryl, his life has changed beyond recognition. When he started the blog, it was as much a part of his life, as it was ours. I often say that I am amazed that Chris still writes his blog. He is doing his bit, but if people don't want to come on his blog, then there's nothing he can do about it. Perhaps what Debs said is true, and people are simply moving on.

    I would hate to see the blog end - perhaps it has had its day - I hope not. But, if we can't get people to pop in, even just briefly - even though they are reading this, at this very moment - then I think it just may be doomed.

    Sorry for the ramble - hope some of it makes sense!

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Good morning everyone from a beautiful sunny Ayrshire.

    Had a lovely lunch yesterday with Mum and Dad, we didn't go to the coffee shop after all, but ended up in a pub, so I had a nice little glass of red with my meal.

    Last night we got the caravan all ready for it's maiden voyage this evening, really looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and a great weekend.



  • Comment number 56.

    Good Morning, Today I am blessed with the benefits of a good nights sleep. The ability to rustle up a breakfast, with an egg to fry, and two slices of bread to jam it between. Most of all, I am blessed with a secong person to give two. Who then blessed me with one of Chris Evans theme songs, sang loud and proud and lovely, and a kiss or two or four on the cheek. Now, I'm wondering, with the kettle boiling up so much hot water for tea, what it may need for all it's hard graft. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Morning everyone. Hope you're all well. It's a beautiful spring day here in Somerset and I am wearing flip flops. My feet are absolutely freezing but I'm NOT giving up, no way.

    I'm supposed to be working at home today but I'm procrastinating at home instead. I've got a really tricky piece of work to do. So far I've managed to postpone starting it by sorting the recycling, cleaning the kitchen, emptying the car of rubbish, reading Chris talking about bacon on Twitter and filling in the census form.

    I think I ought to start it now.

    Back later.

    Love Barmy xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all

    Thanks for the thought Pen, I'm doing fine at the moment thanks, and everything is slowly falling into place.

    I'm finishing work at 12 today and heading down to Wales to spend the weekend at my Mum's, which I'm really looking forward to. I've not seen them all since New Year.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend, and I'll try and pop in on Monday!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello everyone (including lurkers!)

    I love this blog - it has been such a source of comfort during the last few (sad) months and to know there were all you lovely people out there with hugs and not judging me when I was down - you can't put a price on that.

    I thank you all.

    It is sad that Chris doesn't give us his 'full' attention anymore, but I agree with the others - life moves on.

    One thing I do know - the friendships built on this blog should never fade away. C'mon all you lurkers let's get this blog back to where it should be.

    Have to go - working in Hertfordshire today

    Enjoy your weekend one & all.

    CG xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Have a great weekend JG, you deserve it.



  • Comment number 61.

    Mary, what a great post! Loved your little poem!

    Gail: glad to hear you had such a nice birthday. A little glass of red is always welcome!

    Barmy: I am the World Champion procrastinator - I have even been known to clean the oven, rather than attend to what I should actually be attending to!

    JG: hiya. Hope you have a lovely weekend with your mum. xx

    CG: very well said! Have a good weekend. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 62.


  • Comment number 63.

    Oh go on then.

    It's me, hello. I must confess to being one of the (many) deserters, the main reason being that I lead an immensely busy life, and at one point I was paying more attention to my blog postings than I was to keeping in touch with "real live" friends. I don't even lurk much now to be honest. Here are some thoughts:

    I think that the blog seemed to change when Chris took over the breakfast show. I can only ever listen to part of it, unfortunately it's the same part so I tend to hear the same things. I haven't really clicked with the breakfast team so much and I have realised that it was the banter between Chris, Jonny, Sally, and Foxy which made it so appealing to me. Also, I'm not really a morning person, my family would testify to that.

    I have my own views about Twitter but I don't want to offend anyone; however it would seem that the Twitter format is exactly right for Chris, and perhaps he thinks that anyone who really "gets" him should follow him that way. There can only be so many ways to transmit your musings before something becomes superfluous.

    Now, how to put this. It's the blog banter that's changed. Would it be perverse of me to say, people are just a bit too nice? We use to rib eachother and take the mickey a lot. Obviously I'm not condoning the nastiness which reared its head from time to time, but a bit of sparring often livens things up. I guessed Concered was Barney, it was typically witty of him to give himself the sacred initials. He must find it very amusing when his little "bon mot"s cause people to leap so passionately into defensive mode, as if it were necessary.

    We used to be a motley crew of individuals, now can be just a little homogenous.

    And there was me saying I didn't want to offend anyone.

    Anyway, in other news:

    I am still flying the flag for Primary School Music - I have more responsibilty than before and thoroughly love what I do. What's more I still have a job next year despite the local Council's effort to squash funding.

    Teen1 has a place to study Law at Oxford in September, I am very proud and showoffy about it. Teen2 has amazingly buckled down to work and will be doing A levels next year. I am absolutely dreading May when they will both be doing major exams, and we all have our hormonely challenging moments still, very much so.

    I guess this is going to take up a lot of inch-space, so I'll call it a day. A very warm hello to those who remember me but you may recall I don't do virtual hugs so here's a hearty punch on the arm and a matey slap on the back, nice to see you, to see you nice.

    A x



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