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Rise And Shine - Guest Starring Mrs. E.

Chris Evans | 12:32 UK time, Thursday, 3 February 2011

So Tash, my beautiful, dusky, half Armenian, don't mess, wife got up with me today to come accompany me on my journey to London, as she had to be at the hospital (nothing serious at all) for half seven this morning.

Little did she realise, I soon discovered, that I am a 'straight in the shower, and then in the car three minutes later' kinda guy. Twenty five minutes later, and we just about managed to get on our way. She'd never make a breakfast DJ, but then again I'd never make a Tash.

With wifey safely installed where she needs to be, I went off to my own Docs for me hair treatment. A ten year course starts today? There will be growth again on this once barren land. The scientists have assured me - if not for a good few months yet !





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: oooh, I need AT LEAST an hour to get ready in the morning - not a minute less! And, we will always love you - hair or not - but this is so important to you, so good luck!

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hope it works for you Chrissie Boy - I'm 37 and going the same way . .
    I assume this is the same method, as used recently by Messers Kielty and Nesbitt . . ??

    DtM x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hey Chris,
    No disrespect to the lump of loveliness that is Marky Mark, but it must have made a refreshing change to have Tash alongside you....;0)
    Good luck with the hair, the teeth, the weight, the rounded shoulders......I think you worry a bit to much sir!




  • Comment number 4.

    Oops! 'Too'!



  • Comment number 5.

    I have the shower the night before so that in less than half an hour I can be up and at work. This morning I was up at 8:30 in the car by quarter to - in time to be confused when there were no Gobsmackers and question how old Jonny is to not have been around for the Eighties (I then shouted at the radio that I was well and truly not around for the eighties lol. I was 4 in 1990 - that gives you an idea lol)

  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon CLP!

    I'm most definitely a morning person (also been known as a moaning person at times too ....!). I can do the whole get up, get ready, hair, make up thing in 40 minutes at a push, but prefer to give myself an hour to potter around.

    Now, what's wrong with the way you are? Hair treatment, teeth braces ... enough already! You're lovely as you are. So there!

    In other news. I'm feeling a bit better today, but just fighting the urge to sleep as I don't want to be awake all night!

    That's all. Now now!


    ps: Han - you've just made me feel about 105!! x

  • Comment number 7.

    Great blog today, takes me right back but my obsession (Isn't there a song in there) was Tears For Fears
    Happy 38th anniversary Mr & Mrs CSN, have a fab day xxx
    lovely to see Scoobs and AF appearing last night, missed you ladies
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Just a wee word to Maddy from the previous blog: thank you, I know you are there. xx

    To everyone, really, who is being so supportive, you have no idea what it means. I am trying so hard not to "go on" about it, but everyone has been just wonderful.

    And of course, I am thinking of CG. xx

    Cheryl: you think you feel old? Hannah was 4 in 1990 ... I was THIRTY FOUR!!

    Meanwhile, it remains cold, wet and blustery here in the west of Scotland. Pen, just couldn't be happier for you with your spring-like weather!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon Warmth On A Chilly Febraury Afternoon Ter CLP & Each...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - My advice is if yer going ter get yer 'air sorted.... If my 'air was 'eading south.... I'd 'ead south & go to the same place as Elton John went!!!!!!!!!

    Personally though... A 'ave not noticed yer 'air is thiniing but yer look alright ter me CLP - stop worrying & enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - Am feeling somewhat sad & dejected, dejected & sad today after me blog was rejected yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A was only trying to entertain, make a few smile... In a world where I seem daily to see very few smiling!!!!!!
    All in a none malicious way... All mean't in the name of comedy & entertainment.... And all in a creative way!!!!!!!!!

    Strange when at this very moment when this very blog 'as advertised a search for young creative writers & a keep 'earing trailers done by CLP 'imself for this very thing.... And 'ere I am one of the most creative writers with my very unique style.... 'avign my creativity taken away... strange!!!!!!!!

    But then we do live in a strange world full of strange people!!!!!!


  • Comment number 10.

    PS Ave put a copy of me final part of me story on me FB notes page for any who want to see/ read it ;))

    Tatty bye!

  • Comment number 11.

    Chrissie, thank you. I thought I would update you on our weather, much the same really. I did think I could blow some your way, but nope, no wind. Hey ho!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Fairlyoddmotherx2 has asked me to say hi to you all. Her uncle passed away recently after a long illness and she's not felt up to blogging, but I'm sure she'll be back soon.

    Trish - sending massive hugs to you hon {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Jillygoat: please tell Trish that I am thinking of her - so sorry to hear that news. When she's ready to come back to the blog, we'll be here for her. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Evening CLP and the bloggers, from a rain soaked, storm lashed Edinburgh!

    It takes me about an hour to get ready in the mornings, from that first beary eyed step out of bed to actually getting out the door! I'm one who has to shower in the mornings, it does help bring me to life. I'm usually not too bad in the mornings but I do need a good eight hours sleep the night before!

    Sending hugs and positive thoughts to all who are going through troubled times at the moment.


    PS I'm another young'un, I was 10 in 1990

  • Comment number 15.

    Hello CLP & Everyone (again).

    I always have my alarm clock 15 minutes fast and I like to take my time getting ready in the morning, must have two cups of tea to get me started.

    Chris-I know that your ginger hair is very important to you and, being in show business, it's important to look right but you honestly look fine as you are.

    What about a wig? You could have many to suit different occasions.

    I've had so much trouble with my hair over the years, in fact I'm having a bad hair day today. Despite using conditioner it's gone flyaway and to make matters worse the wind got up. I once bought a wig when it was fashionable to do so(about 1970) and it was wonderful just to put it on and go out.

    MM xxx

    PS Just done ham, cheese and potato salad (handy for Bingo when he finishes work later).

  • Comment number 16.

    Evening each from wet and very windy Fife.

    I definitely couldn't do the 3min get ready in the morning Chris. I take as long as I've got.

    Hope everyone is home safe and warm.


  • Comment number 17.

    Evening all

    Thank you, Chrissie, Pen, Deevs, Marjie, Tiggs and everyone for all your lovely wishes here and on fb.

    Had fab day so far, champagne, flowers and a teddy bear.

    One thing I did made me think how much I miss Beez. I dragged Mr CSN into a shoe shop and bought two pairs of shoes.

    He hates shopping. LOL!

    Trish, sorry to hear about your uncle, sending you big hugs. xx

    Annie, glad you got home safely. xx

    Was lovely to see Scoobs and AF, here yesterday. xx

    Deevs, pleased to hear your feeling a bit better today. xx

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Happy Anniversary CSN, glad you had a good day.


  • Comment number 19.

    Chris on The One Show, with a new shirt!!


  • Comment number 20.

    Thank you Annie.


  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all

    Not been about much for the past few nights, have had busy bee mode enabled and events beyond my control have also contributed to me not being home much other than to sleep (and not for long enough either). One of these days I might get an evening in and an early night, best not hold my breath though.

    Quick visit tonight to pass round some needed hugs and dash out again.
    Hugs to all requiring one


  • Comment number 22.

    Evenink chums!

    Christoff, that's one heck of a shirt you're wearing there!

    And how blimmin' talented is Richard Curtis? I'm looking forward to Red Nose Day and have today gawn online and ordered my t-shirt (Shakespeare), red nose (pirate) and deeley boppers.

    Let's Dance For Comic Relief should be a hoot - Noel Fielding AND Ed Byrne! Get In ......!!!

    Had a fairly lazy day doing not very much. The cough now seems to be in full flourish. Oh deep joy!

    Glad you've had a lovely day CSN.

    WOW!!! SIR BOB GELDOF ON THE ONE SHOW TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    And it's a year tomorrow that I moved in with my man and began my new life. It's been a fab first year and long way it continue!

    Wrap up warm friends.


  • Comment number 23.

    Ooooops. It would seem that the anti-biotics is affecting my speeeeling!


  • Comment number 24.

    Howdedoody Deevs - you sound a bit better.

    Sir Bob tomorrow?? Definitely must watch that, I just love him - rumpled man.

    Happy Anniversary tomorrow.


  • Comment number 25.

    Its a man thing! I can get up shower, and out the door in 8mins... cant say the same for my wife or teenagers - 45 mins? What takes that long?
    Why don't you do a survey - who is always left waiting??

    Really enjoy the show - where do you get the energy? Grumpy - Dad (also Grand Dad!)

  • Comment number 26.

    LOL Annie - "rumpled man". D'ya think he'd let us unrumple him!??!

    Are you enjoying Dawn's novel? I think the son is my favourite character - I'm on about P204


  • Comment number 27.

    Hello Grumpy Dad.

    It's a girl thing:-

    Hair wash
    Brush teeth
    Skincare routine
    Hair - blow dry/straighteners
    Get dressed

    nigh on impossible in 10 minutes, sadly!

    We're a vain lot us lasses.


  • Comment number 28.

    Deevs - wasn't sure at first about Dawn's novel but by the end I loved it. Don't want to spoil it for you, but the husband is the star.

    And I would love to unrumple Sir Bob!!!!

    Grumpy Dad - Hallo. And, really, 45 mins is no time at all. Stop moaning.


  • Comment number 29.

    I hope Chris wasn't attempting to speed up the natural process of Tash's feminine mysteries... 'tis a world never to be tangled with...

    Nice to see you looking a bit more chipper Deevs, hope you're on the mend. x

    I also wish lots of luck to the good Mr. Evans with his hair treatments. And - hey - if it DOES go awry and get wildly out of hand, he can always earn money from appearances as the world's first ginger sasquatch... ;-)

    TTFN, Keep smiling!

    Roo & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Oh, the up and out of the door thing, I could do it it about 15 mins, if I didn't have to feed the dog...walk him..

    OK, probably 20 mins if I have to find my clothes from the maiden, or dry my hair...

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    Hey all!

    Only managed to catch up this blog but might do a bit of back tracking later....

    Well I have survived my first 3 days - very very intensive - I literally arrived at 9.00 on Tuesday and went into back to back hour long meetings with my new boss, direct reports, key people on the leadership team, then out for dinner with 4 colleagues, day 2, 9 hour group wide induction and more of the same today.

    But so far so good, what a great bunch of people they seem to be, very positive, full of energy and how great that at dinner on the first night it was almost like a blog meet - felt like I had known them for ages and such good fun too.

    There is a lot to do in the role, but if I do it right me and my team will be able to make a massive difference to the success of this business - how exciting is that!

    Right off to find a glass of something chards and an early night....

    Missed you all - hope you are all ok


  • Comment number 32.

    Debs, so glad you're liking new job.

    Just listening to gale outside and quaking.


  • Comment number 33.

    Sounds like you're settling in well Debs :)

    Quick meeting tonight, barely had time to slurp my drink before it was over. So as bonus I'm back a tad earlier than planned.

    On the up and out routine I tend to allow a good hour for mine, shower and hair wash, dress, make sarnies, have breakfast, attempt mop control. I do occasionally fit in the washing up or loading / unloading the washing machine as well, depending on how long it took me to wake up in the shower. My record was up, in shower, wash hair, out of shower, dried, dressed and out the door (with very wet hair) in 10mins flat. I set my alarm an hour later than planned that morning, whoops! Luckily, lunch was provided that day.

    Hugs available once again

  • Comment number 34.

    Debs, fantastic to hear your new job is so exciting, any job that feels like a blog meet must be good!

    Deevs, take care of yourself and get well soon

    (((hugs))) for all who need them especially Chrissie and CG

    Have friends to stay this weekend so wont be around much

    Take care all

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 35.

    A late good evening to you all.
    just thought I'd have a little peep. Chris i really don't know why you are fretting so much about your Hair ,It must be a man thing surely ,are they the vainer species.

    well the hair has been cut ,I decided to do a nice pasta dish tonight as My friend is a veggie ,so food was consumed and the wine went well with the food.
    Friend has now just gone so having half hour before bed ,as it's ~Friday tomorrow.

    CNS before it's to late and turning midnight ,just like to say ,hope you had a nice day today and congratulations ,yes 38 years is a long time isn't it .

    Well I'm going to end on a Happy note tonight as I am Very happy .

    As you all know I'm a House keeper to a truly lovely family who I'm proud to say I work for and have done now for nearly nine years .And they are very good to me as an employee.

    MR ???,who is My employer is a scientist and a very clever man having worked for the space industry and worked for NASA on the Apolo progamesand also worked in Germany for several years.

    On coming back to Englang he found out that he had thoat cancer ,so it was a hard battle for him as he has always suffed from lots of other prblems health wise,but he fought and won .
    He has also got so much metal in the bottom of his spine from a horse ridind accident its hard to beleive it but true ,but stiil kept going.

    whilst recovering from his cancer at home he started to potter around at home in a lean to known to them as the potting shed ,now from there the pottering turned into Two world wide companies that took a lot a lot of hard work and selling by the whole ???? family .

    The last coulpe of years I've seen them trying to sell one company and in this climate it's bee very hard and very stressful for them .And its been taking it's toll.

    But they pulled it off just before Christmsas ,making sure that all the people that they employed also kept their jobs so every one was happy.

    now when they should be unwind a little MR ???? was taken vert very poorly,and as I watched him being taken off to hospital four weeks ago today ,I honestly thought that I wouldn't see him again.
    Even up untill last week that was the case ,untill he realised he had to start to fight again ,and fight he has .
    He Came home today ,a few tears shed I'll tell you .And it's going to be a long journey for him this time more than ever before ,but fight he will I just now it .
    and now can you see why I'm proud to work for such a man .

    Good night and God Bless .

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 36.

    Sorry ,a few spelling mistake ,but just wanted to share .xxx.

  • Comment number 37.

    Wow Bids...

    What an uplifting post.

    I am so pleased that your boss is on the 'up'

    I know how worried you have been.

    They are very lucky to have you. I know you go beyond the call of duty sometimes.

    As do I, but thats for another day!!!

    Right now, I am sitting listening to the house shaking, from the force of the wind, it is however mild.

    All afternoon, I've been listening to Sally Traffic giving out warnings about areas, where our lovely bloggers 'North of the Border' are. I hope you all got home safe and sound.


  • Comment number 38.

    LOL Bids, was just about to say, stick your spellcheck on, but, does it really matter?



  • Comment number 39.

    Hello there CLP blog posters

    A very absent and yet checking in from time to time dreamer here

    first off Bids - it was your post that made me put pen to paper...aka posting...I cried! Like proper sobs - how much does that mean that we could all wish so much that our lives left mean so much to others outwith immediate family and someone that wasn't family thought so much. I have had a fair few hurdles in the last few days and weeks but your post ,CSN's and ChrissieS's are humbling.

    I would also like to send some love to CSN who I know nothing other than this blog of. I am not sure of your world right now, but I hope you can have hope. And to ChrissieS - I only met you once but I know you are a a character of some force. I do not have a sister or sisters but if I did I would def want one such as you.

    Take good care all and when you need a force for good look no further than our own CLP and indeed our inner-selves, if push comes to shove then look to our national rugby teams this wknd just for how much passion some people have - for rugby, life, their nation and all of us watching and supporting.

    Bids - big big hugs.

    dreamer xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all

    Quick sneak on from work to say

    Didn't catch as much as I'd have liked of David Walliams this morning but he sounds like another of the good guys

    Bids, Beautiful post, so pleased for your family and I hope things go well for them

    Now, ladies may need to lie down in a darkened room for this bit (gentlemen -feel free to have the vapours too if you need to)

    I've just seen a piece in T'Snail paper about a new TV show called Mad Dogs starring...........................................................

    Marc Warren

    Philip Glenister

    John Simm


    Max Beesley!!!!

    Now, all I have to do is persuade Mr Sezza to subscribe to the cloudy satellite service and I'm fixed!!

    Either that or a DVD set's going on my Christmas list NOW!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    LOL Sezza - they keep trailing that on the CloudyHD channels - I'm raaaaather excited about the prospect of Marc Warren re-entering my life for a few weeks! Maybe you should ask a local girlfriend to record it, then you can both enjoy a girlie night in drooling, ooops, sorry I meant watching ..... the show!

    Only caught about 40 minutes of Mr Walliams but yes, he's a decent sort! Also loved the soft accent of the Scouse Pause For Thought fella.

    And well done Cathmel on being In The Chris Club!

    And Bids - big hugs to you xxx

    I'm just doing a bit of gentle dusting and it's exhausting!

    Back soon.


  • Comment number 42.

    Morning Bloggers,

    Unexpected day 'working' from home as I have a plumber round to sort my leaky pipes - 'nuff said.

    Thanks Deevs - so excited to be the first one in the club this morning
    :-). I am also very glad to hear you are feeling more chipper x x

    I will popping in and out of here today so hope to chat to you all some more.

    Have a great day

    C x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning All,

    Apologies for not blogging much but I am just coming to the end of a very busy fortnight! But that's enough about me.

    Bids, what a lovely post. Your boss sounds one in a million, as are you xx

    Big hugs still going out to those that need them {{{BIG HUGS}}} xx

    Deev, glad to hear that you are on the up xx I had a really bad sore throat last night, just on the left hand side. But it seems to be a bit better today, so hopefully that was it!

    Scoobs, AF and Dan the Man - big whoop whoop to you all and good to read you xx

    I'm sorry if I have forgotten anything important, but my brain really is a bit frazzled at the moment. Too much going on and not enough time to do it in.

    Now this getting ready malarky. I must be a man!!! As I can do it in 20 mins, a bit longer if I have to straighten my hair. I always bath/shower the night before, so in the morning I just have a lick and a promise, have breakfast, make my sandwiches, get dressed and out the door. I'd rather spend the time in bed than faffing about, but that's just me!

    I've learnt a new word today, someone just said it to me on the phone and I've never heard it in my life so I had to look it up.....alacrity - prompt and eager, readiness... so there you go.

    Happy Friday Everyone and thank goodness it is.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi everyone:

    Well, I settled down with a cuppa to have a quick read through the blog from last night, and here I am in tears reading Bids' post. Bids: what a brave, brave man - he sounds absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for sharing this with us - and I will remember him, and hope he gets the strength to fully recover. xx

    Dreamer: more tears! What a really lovely thing to say - thank you. xx You know, you're not so bad yourself!

    Thanks to everyone for all the hugs - really appreciated.

    Cathmel: lovely to see you - and well done for this morning!

    AliB: sound like life is very busy for you at the moment - loved your chatty post!

    Right, off to find a hankie, and then make myself look busy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 45.

    hi blog peops

    I've had the week from hell but this blog has been keeping me going, love the love on the blogs, the sharing and the laughter - so thanks all of you even though you didn't know I was here.

    Found a new diet - the stress and sickness diet, lost a stone almost in 6 weeks! Not recommended but i look good (or ill if you talk to my mum)

    Love to all


  • Comment number 46.


    I'm with your mum - get something down your neck pronto and get those curves back!

    Stress isn't a good look.

    Deevs, with hugs, even though you don't like 'em!

  • Comment number 47.

    Deev, after the week Ive had I'm taking every hug I can get!

    I have my dress fitting for my friends wedding tomorrow as I'm bridesmaid, need to reassure the dress maker that the weight should come back as I have a worry my dress might hang off me!

    Also - I need help - fancy dress for hen party is gypsy wedding, knowing my horror of pink - any ideas for actual dresses as I want to look good!


  • Comment number 48.

    Baggy - Google the Big Fat Gypsy Wedding programme - Google Images has some "interesting" pics of the lady outfits, but the basic rule of thumb is less is best .... x

    And don't take this the wrong way but I envy womem like you. I have friends (yourself included) who lose weight at the first sign of any stress. My bugbear is comfort eating: I'm stressed - eat. I'm depressed - eat. I'm happy - eat. I'm bored - eat.

    Snot fair!!


    Deevs, still dieting

  • Comment number 49.

    Deev - the problem with no eating is I get ill and feel rotton, and feel sick permanently Also if you don't eat for a while then the thought of eating makes you sick causing a vicious circle.

    And as Roo can testify I can put away a meal and a choc brownie as long as I'm not thinking about food! I eat when I'm happy, something I watch more in myself now then I did before

  • Comment number 50.

    I have just polished off a hooooooge banana muffin with buttercream icing made by a very marvellous colleague - all is right with the world!

    Hello tout le monde, how's Friday treating everyone?

    Christophe, you do seem to worry a good deal about your appearance in general, but I suppose being on the tellybox now makes you think about these things eh. Good luck with the hairyness!

    As for getting going in a morning, I'm with Hannah - well, not literally, obviously... But I do get a shower the night before, then I can be out of the door in 30 mins, breakfast at work. Sorted! I am secretly impressed with Grumpy Dad's 8 mins though.

    Debs, glad they're a good bunch!

    Bids, your post made me all teary. Not just because of the bravery of "your" man, but also because of your depth of feeling which shines through. You're such a warm and lovely person x

    Sezza, I don't have cloudy tv, so I'm pretending I haven't read your post. Hope you don't mind.

    Baggy, perhaps you could do traditional gypsy, rather than pink meringue?

    Deev - me too :-(

    AF xx

  • Comment number 51.

    AF - thanks, but I think the idea is from the show, I guess something suitable, in yellow or orange, and that Mr bp doesn't mind me wearing!

    I'm also a get up and go girl, when I worked in London I would get up at 6 and leave at 15 past - be impressed :-)

  • Comment number 52.

    Deev and AF, Me three :( It's not fair is it!


  • Comment number 53.

    It's one of the nature/nurture questions I think Ali!

  • Comment number 54.

    AF - in what way?

    I would be intereted as I wasn't bought up by my birth mother so that kind of things interests me greatly.

    I am similar to my step mum in lots of ways but me and my brother (who never lived me with me as my mother took him with her when she left) are carbon copies of each other.

    Very odd

  • Comment number 55.

    Well, just in terms of whether it's an innate response to a difficult situation, or whether it's learned behaviour. I can't think of anyone I've learned it from, but perhaps it's more on a subconscious level. And I suppose on a wider level it's about your whole relationship with food, and that's what I think is difficult to change.

    Far too deep for a Friday!

  • Comment number 56.

    AF - sorry - thats my fault! It's been that kind of week

  • Comment number 57.

    Baggy: sorry to hear you are so stressed, I hope the situation resolves itself very soon. That's a lot of weight to lose, especially as you are so slim to start off with - but it should go back on, once things are better for you. xx

    Cheryl: yes, I'm with you on the comfort eating - no matter how stressed I may be, I do manage to eat ... and drink!

    C xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all.

    Just dropping by with one or two more of my date thingys.

    Happy Birthday to Alice Cooper and it would also have been 'Norms' birthday today.

    ..and this day in 2004 fb was founded. Now who'd have thought that would catch on?

    Hope your holding onto your hats up there Chrissie?


  • Comment number 59.

    Oops careless typing.... you're!!


  • Comment number 60.

    Hi MTF: thanks for thinking of us! I can tell you, it's like Armaggedon up here! I'm a fairly solid wee wumman, but last night I really did think I was going to be blown off my feet!

    C xx

  • Comment number 61.

    New blog.x

  • Comment number 62.


  • Comment number 63.

    What colour will the hair be? ginger ? Or are you going to have it coloured as well



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