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Early Morning - Very Late Night.

Chris Evans | 05:30 UK time, Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Not last night, tonight. I am taking my wife to The Brits, you see.

She's never been before and I guarantee, she'll never want to go again.

But, seeing as I'm in a postion to do so, it's only right I let her find out for herself.




Chris Evans Breakfast Show Blog Radio 2


  • Comment number 1.

    Morning all

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all morning csn

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning everyone.

    Have a great night CLP - I heard you tell Moira you weren't drinking tonight - oh how smug you'll feel in the morning when all others are complaining!!

    To all you lovely Bloggers - I'm back. The last week hasn't been the easiest in my life, but it sure has shown me how many friends I have in the world. I have lurked a bit and it helps so much to see love & hugs sent by so many of you & to know you were thinking of me. The funeral is on Friday, so that's the hurdle I'm aiming for now.

    Have a good day, one and all.

    CG xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all

    Hugs to CG

    Work threatened to go epic last night but I think I contained it, just caused lots of extra work for me to day :-(

    Wish I could go to the Brits, just the once


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: oooh, a very early blog today! I heard you talking about the Brits this morning - it does sound as though it gets rather messy! But, it's great that Tash is getting the opportunity to go - hope you both have a fun evening. xx

    CG: lovely to see you back - we have all been thinking of you, as you know. Yes, Friday will be a difficult day, but we will all be with you in spirit. xx

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris, team and blog dudes everywhere

    I don't think I'd like the Brits now - too noisy, too much screaming and screeching and to be honest, I don't think I'd know many of the artists on parade!

    I think since we lost TOTP, music isn't quite the same. I haven't a clue what's in the charts at the moment, and I'm put off watching music channels as after a while they all seem to pedal the same old same old, puffed out with adverts full of beautiful young shiny things.

    Also won't be watching The Brits tonight as I have a very important mission with a lovely neighbour and a bottle of pink plonk, whilst Nic goes and gives it some at the quiz.

    I'm back at work today but we had an absolutely lovely day out yesterday. If you've never been to Ironbridge Gorge, I urge you to go. It's absolutely beautiful and I could quite easily live there!

    Right, time to go play with the kettle.



  • Comment number 7.

    Good morning everyone from a very cold, but bright and sunny Ayrshire.

    We had another covering of snow last night, then it froze overnight so it was extremely slippy this morning.

    CG - Nice to see you back, and as Chrissie said, we are all thinking of you and supporting you in spirit.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



    p.s. David appeared in from work yesterday with flowers and a bottle of wine for me, I am not into cut flowers, but the thought was there and I will enjoy the wine.

  • Comment number 8.

    Greetings CLP, Tash & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Ave just about regained me composure after the anger, yes the anger of the madness on the roads from the previous blog in which yer mentioned speed cameras & a went a little bit mad on yer blog last night!!!!!!!

    Yes CLP, The Brits... Some years it's a great show... awesome... mega but last year it was a boring let down!!!!!!!!
    Depends who's on... who's won etc!!!!!!!
    But since the past year there seems ter be some mega new music around in the charts... Ave gotta feeling tonight could be a good one!!!!!

    A mesen 'ave never been ter The Brits & a was looking at getting tickets this year!!!!!
    But it seems very expensive just ter end up kept at the back away from the action!!!!!!

    Instead am taking my other 'alf out terdee on a romantic trip to a romantic city!!!!!!!

    And the great thing am going by train.... not an inch of road madness terdee!!!!!!!

    'ope all 'ave a nice day!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star, Striving For A Substantially More Sustainable Future... But Without Any Stains ;))

  • Comment number 9.

    Position #8 - Friendly enough area ter be in on the blog... A like this position 8!!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    Ah, so there WAS a blog yesterday!

    Chris: I can't comment at all regarding driving, as I am such a coward, I had to give up driving many years ago. I admire ANYONE who can drive on our roads now: no-one has a moment's patience, and even during all the snow and ice we had recently, almost everyone was speeding. Frightens the life out of me!!

    Jillygoat: thank you - yes, the weekend was lovely and I know my sister just loved being home. xx

    Gail: after me saying yesterday that MrS and I do not buy gifts for Saint Valentine's Day, I got home last night and was presented with a dozen red roses! Absolutely lovely ... what's the catch?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Chrissie, the answer to your last question is.....

    You are :)

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all! Enjoyed watching the BRITS. Helena Bonham Carter seems like she'd be good fun to hang about with.

    Felt a bit sorry for Christopher Nolan - Inception is an excellent film, but seems to be overshadowed by the King's Speech and The Social Network.

  • Comment number 13.

    MTF: awww, that is such a lovely thing to say! xx

    HF: hiya. I watched quite a bit of the Baftas - I do rather like Colin Firth! Yes, it would seem that "the" film this year is the King's Speech - I must try to find time to see it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Thank you for your lovely comment about our Panto visit Chrissie.

    Only popping in briefly, as now its payback time for taking the weekend off,as I have to catch up on what I would normally be doing at the weekend. Chores, chores and more chores.

    Back to it.


  • Comment number 15.

    I'm not sure whether I'd necessarily like it either but on the other hand it would be an experience and I could then say that I'd been.

    I am going to give blood this afternoon so that should be fun lol. On the other hand I'm beginning to get a headache which isn't good because I can't take painkillers if I'm going to give blood later - argh the science of it all lol.

    And to make it all worse my colleague tried to retune the radio to a certain station that is only half of what we are (Get me?!) then retuned it back to 2 only to then switch it off in the middle of Popmaster! Yes I am going to need those happy pills by 5pm

  • Comment number 16.

    MTF: oh, it just all sounded like such a lovey weekend. But, as you say, the piper must be paid, in the form of catching up with the housework! Hate it, it's really the most pointless activity, but must be done!


  • Comment number 17.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Cooler and windy here in Wirral.

    You and Tash are so lucky to be going to The Brits, Chris.

    But from what you say maybe I'm better off watching it on TV which I'm looking forward to tonight.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    afternoon all,

    The Brits Chris! I tingl most of up are the same as Tash when it comes to having the chance to attend.....just once! Lol

    I did read that there 100 of our finest troops attending. I hope they have a great time even if you do not. ;)

    Keep smiling

    X x x

  • Comment number 19.


    I should be vacuuming but instead I've ended up googling The Brits.

    There are a number of changes this year. The gold statue has been replaced by a bronze figure which has been designed by Vivienne Westwood. On the base is carved 'Stop! Climate Change'.

    The closing of a medley performance by previous years winners has been replaced by Mastercard British Album of The Year. The closing performance was my favourite part of the show:(

    Anyway if we can't have the closing medley performance I hope the award winners will be Take That and not Plan B (I don't know what to make of him).

    MM xxx

    Got my chocolates ready for 8 o'clock (choc o'clock)

  • Comment number 20.

    This is one of my favourite Brit Award performances:

  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all

    Think you're right Deev, music has gone right down hill since the loss of TOTP. I don't plan on seeing or hearing anything to do with the Brits.

    MM: I have many o'clocks in my life: silly o'clock, stupid o'clock and pub o'clock to name but a few. Can't think why I don't have a choc o'clock though... might not aid my aim to loose some flab, but it certainly deserves the odd outing in my life.

    CG: best wishes for Friday, hope it all goes as well as it can do, and your mum gets the send off she deserves.

    Hugs to those who've been missing them in my absence the past few days (sorry about the lack of postcard / note, but those who have me on the tother side will no doubt have seen some photographic evidence as to some of my whereabouts)


  • Comment number 22.


    Like many, I'm not that bothered about the Brits, don't usually watch it, but I'd go if I was Mrs E!

    Thought we were heading to spring yesterday but today seems to have taken us back to cold, wet and miserable

    CG, Will be thinking of you this week especially on Friday

    MM, have you managed to resist the chocolates so far? I'd have struggled

    Baggy, work going epic sounds a bit, well, epic! Hope you've managed to turn it round to your advantage

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Sorry for my absence, drowning in paperwork recently...

    Tonight is a big night footie-wise for me, so will be concentrating on that now!

    CG, I saw you'd popped in, I'll be thinking of you on Friday! xx

    And, Chrissie,still thinking of you, your sister and your family! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi all,

    A bit late in the day today with my posting ,and as you can see I'm not attending the Brit awards.

    Country girl,My thought are with you and your family .I will be thinking of you on Friday.Stay strong .{{Hugs}}

    Chris, nice one take Tash and hope that you both enjoy it ,can't see why you don't what with being there with your lovely wife and all.

    Busy day for me also today first day back to work is always the busiest,and not enough hours in the day.

    Crissie ,Wow !!! what a nice surprise that was for you ,Mr C must love you very much and so he should.well deserved .

    Mr B and I don't do cards or flowers ,but we had a nice meal and a bottle of red Oh!!! and cadles .

    Hope the footie is going well JG.

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 25.

    Bids, I've just read your post and wondered if cadles are candles or cuddles...............or maybe both I hope!

    Night all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Sezza, sorry didn't see that ,Yes candles and I always get my cuddles .


  • Comment number 27.

    just putting my head around the door to wish you all good night and sleep well .

    Happy sweet dreams all.


  • Comment number 28.

    Well I must say that I was disappointed with the Brits, Mumford & Sons winning the British album award???????????????????????????????????

    Maybe I'm showing signs of old age but this show is not like it used to be with the likes of The Pet Shop Boys, BeeGees, Coldplay, etc. Thank goodness for Take That!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 29.


    My thoughts are with you for Friday xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Night everyone.

    Had very busy day here with all the family, youngest grandchild is not very well and oldest grandchild didn't want to leave his mummy this morning when she dropped him off at pre-school.

    So to cheer him up we had a picnic lunch in the living room. Great fun!

    Holly is making a good recovery now.

    Sleep well and take care.

    CG, thinking of you. xx

    Chrissie, what a lovely surprise for you last night from Mr C. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Morning from s cold upstate NY. Sorry for not being around much or really at all. Hope everyone is having a good week.... Hopefully will be on later. Now need to get some
    sleep... TTFN....

  • Comment number 32.

    Bondy, welcome back

    Seza - Epic is the right word, have no bosses at the moment but work load just keeps increasing!

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all

    Cold and damp here.

    Hi Bondy and Baggy.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Morning, morning, morning ....

    Baggy - consider yourself lucky. I've been here for 40 minutes and am climbing the walls with sheer unadulterated boredom. Yesterday I managed to make a 30 minute task last for 5 hours. If I don't get out of here soon I will end up doing something daft and extremely regrettable.

    Anyhooo ....

    I had a lovely evening with a lovely friend last night. 2 bottles of pink plonk and a plate of nachos between us, and she even left the Brits on so that I could gawp in awe at Simon Le Bon and John Taylor! Now that's a mate!

    Looking forward to 5pm so that I can go for a swim and "earn" some calories to account for those cheesy nachos I ate last night! Then home to watch Arsenal take on the mighty FC Barcelona - I shall be watching from behind a cushion, akin to a scary episode of Doctor Who!

    Back later lovely people


  • Comment number 35.


    I'm not afarid of hard work

    What i can't do is the impossible and again I feel I cannot suceed and so I will get bolloxed, again

    Lifes too short for this


  • Comment number 36.


    Have you thought of a career change? It's something I am SERIOUSLY considering at the moment and I've got 12 years on you. You're young, clever and confident - don't throw those attributes away.

    Like you say, life's too short.

    Deevs xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi everyone:

    JG: hope the footie went well last night - I haven't seen any scores today! and thank you. xx

    Bids: yes, a very nice surprise, thanks for being so lovely.

    CSN: what a lovely lunch to have with your wee grandson - he must have found that quite exciting!

    007: lovely to see you - come back soon!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Deev - career change not an option at the moment, permanent job would be ideal though :-)

    My suggestion - get skype on your machine and then you can chat all day! My skype address is on fb if anyone wants to say hi to me? And as a business tool its almost okay :-)

  • Comment number 39.

    Baggy - I'm in an open plan office, where you can heara pin drop! Skype not an option but Twitter and blogging ok!


  • Comment number 40.

    twitter is a no no for me, I just don't get it!

    and blogging/ email is too noticable :-(

  • Comment number 41.

    Morning All!

    Deevs - you can message on skype as well as talk - it's really good! x

  • Comment number 42.

    third time lucky

    I am on skype to chat only most of the day and would like some more work buddies so if you can chat my details are on fb :-)

  • Comment number 43.

    Deevs - I talk on Skype a lot to a friend of mine who doesn't have a webcam - it's great to be able to 'chat' in silence!

    CG - my thoughts are with you and your family, especially for Friday x

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi everyone from a lovely sunny, but quite chilly Ayrshire.

    I have just checked out the photos of Prof. Brian Cox when he was co-hosting, on the website, there is just something about him isn't there!!!, I really wish I could have heard the show but he was only on from 8:(

    Nothing to report, so I hope you are all having as good a day as possible.



  • Comment number 45.




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