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The Boiler is in, The Heating is Back On, The Tree Goes Up Tomorrow.

Chris Evans | 12:00 UK time, Friday, 3 December 2010

Tash away for eight nights, the boiler up the spout for seven of 'em, and Noah a star throughout.

We return home en mass today. Tash gets there early and I will tip up - after a bit of Kylie and kids on The One Show tonight on the telly.

The radio show Christmas diary is full to bursting from Monday onwards, so it's lots of sofa and snowball time and not too much else over the weekend for us.

Stay warm you lot, we want all your ears back and able to listen Monday morning - 6.30am sharp.





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  • Comment number 1.


    Way to go Christoff, have a fab-u-lous weekend and keep warm!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Eye up CLP!

    Hindsight ... are you absolutely 100% sure the boiler was bwoken? YOu didn't just push the wrong button on Tash's departure? I'm hoping you've not spent out on a new boiler when Tash would have just gone "doh!" and pressed the right button to sire it up ...!?! ;-)

    Having a bit of a lonely day today - fella incommunicado shopping for Santa, and alone in office. Have put iSplod on til 2pm and am playing the playlists of the Divalicous CDs I did for some of my lovely fellow bloggers ... right now, my name is Lola, I am a Show Girl!

    Enjoy the toys and Kylie on The One Show tonight - and for goodness sake, give the weeny one a tin of chocs. She must be freezing in this weather!

    Have a grand weekend, en famille.


  • Comment number 3.

    Deev, You got that BOA around your neck again .XXX.

  • Comment number 4.

    High kicking round the office Bids!

    She's So Lovely!!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A very cold day here, I think the thin layer of snow might have turned to ice. I haven't ventured out yet apart from putting the nuts in the garden for Cyril the Wirral Squirrel.

    You must be looking forward to seeing Tash Chris but I'll bet little Noah has been wonderful company.

    I'm really looking forward to my tea today. Going to see the nurse later (follow up to blood tests) so on the way home I'm going to b uy fish and chips. I haven't had them for ages (apart from the oven ones which are just not the same) and so I can't wait.

    MM x

    PS Advent calendar - Baubles!

  • Comment number 6.

    Happy Christmas Big Chief CLP et al . . .

    have a great weekend everyone . .

    we're for Peter Kay in Belfast tomorrow - my sister bought the tickets LAST NOVEMBER - how mad is that . . .!!!

    the decorations start around Fender Park tomorrow as well - not sure if we'll get to the tree this weekend though . .

    Lunch, Bikram Yoga, chinese, sleep
    Bikram Yoga, Christmas Market, beer, Peter Kay, Beer, sleep . .

    sounds good so-fa . .



    xmas 10

  • Comment number 7.


    Minus 9 this morning, had the Candyman on whilst i was de-icing the car.
    Thought it would take for ever the ice was stuck so hard.

    Deev, I dont know if i have put my advent guess in for today, but if i have , then ignore it and can I have a erm, blimey this is hard ..... erm, ooooh, errrr ,ok , a donkey .

    I have come back from the dead today, as last night i would have sworn i was being consumed by manflu. teee heee.

    Right, off to eat .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    6:30am......you mean that time of the morning exists? I fell out of bed at 8:25 this morning (oops!) started work at 9am! lol. The blessing that is working 3 miles away from home hehe. (Take note this is also the bane because it's gotta snow really really bad for me to be allowed to stay home. I'm still close enough that I can walk!)

    How are you all today?

    New phone is with the carrier and should be delivered later today - if not we're going to have a field trip to the depot in MK tomorrow because my current phone keeps telling me off because the network have already switched my contract etc

  • Comment number 9.

    Aaww Chris, Have a fantastic weekend with the lovely Tash and the gorgeous Noah

    Bet you have fun helping him decorate the tree! ;-)

    Am looking forward to the sledge test tonight. Have your nerves recovered from watching the other sledgers yet?

    Best sledge we ever had was the mud guard of an HGV Lorry I think. I dodn't know where it came from but you could fit about 6 of us on in one go!

    Have I had a guess for the advent calendar yet? If not, our guess is a star!

    Maddy Hope nurse visit goes ok this afternoon, take care

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon all

    I've not ventured out today yet, but it sure looks cold out there - a local friend posted a pic of the temperature gauge on their car showing -12!

    Actually, I think I'll just stay in and have a tidy up instead!

    My guess, still a candle please!

    JG x

  • Comment number 11.

    Good afternoon all.

    Deevs - as for me - Music and passion were always the fashion
    At the Copa....she lost her love...

    Never mind. Plenty more faeces in the sea, eh?!


    R&J xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon CLP and the gang, hope you're all managing to keep warm. It got down to -13.7 here in Edinburgh last night, brrr!

    BUT! Today I have made a breakthrough... I managed to clear the snow from the car and dig it out enough to venture out to the supermarket to pick up a few things that I forgot yesterday on my expedition on foot. It was the first time I'd used it since Sunday. I'm sure there are people out there who haven't used theirs since before that but you have no idea how excited I was to get behind the wheel again!

    Right, am going to get my walking shoes on and head for the post office, Christmas cards to post!



  • Comment number 13.

    Hello loves,

    Met up for a coffee with some Mums after the school run. A rare treat - normally I work while they meet up.

    It's still perishing cold here. Heating on full blast and still cold in the house! Blooming Victorian House.

    My calendar guess is: a star!

    See you later guys x

  • Comment number 14.

    Just a quickie...

    Advent calendar guess is a hot cross bun.


  • Comment number 15.

    Chris, glad your boiler is done. Tash is back home so have a good weekend. Now you will all be warm. Love to sweet Noah.

  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon each

    So how did i make it 40 miles up the road when a colleague who lives 10 miles away didnt?! Not complaining really as...

    ITS NOT SNOWING IN YORKSHIRE!! Well not currently anyway..yippee!

    Cabin fever was definitely starting to kick in with the GM yesterday..would have sent him out on skis today just to get him out and about if neccesary... he is DEFINITELY not cut out for staying at home! I ventured to work for a few hrs yest morning but all back to normal now hopefully (she says, conveniently ignoring the 2ft of snow that greats her everytime she opens the front door!)

    Everyone seeming quite Christmassy today.. we refrained from putting the tree up yesterday (for that read: Scoobs was told `NO!` by the GM!) but i know a lot of other peeps have...some great pics to be had on FB.. CLP, enjoy having Tash home and you all putting up the tre...pics required too please!

    Deevs..hope you`ve still got that poddy pod on full blast..get a bit of `Beautiful People` playing..that`ll keep you occupied this pm even if it is just to annoy you by not being able to get it out your head!

    Oh, so many peeps to say hi to and comment too but as per usual I`m waffling so a `hope the dog is better`,`take care on the sledges`, `keep your chin up`, `take it steady out there`, `hope docs ok and enjoy fish n chips` will hopefully encompass one and all!

    Oh, and of course..keep eating the chocolate!

    Right..out of here, real,proper work to do apparently :(

    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.

    Ah...advent, sticking with a Reindeer..got to appear at some point!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 18.

    Right.. proper work done, well not quite but I`m in the mood for a game..dont seem to have played ISpy on here for ages! anyone else?

    I`ll start..

    I Spy with my little eye something beginning with `G`...

    Over to you lot..if anyone`s out there...!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 19.

    Gawjus bloggers!?!?


  • Comment number 20.

    Aha...Deevs! I am not alone!

    But no...sorry, although that is so true about most of us! Try again!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 21.

    GREAT big mounds of snow?

  • Comment number 22.


  • Comment number 23.

    Mtd - as much as I like your suggestion unfortunately no!

    And although i am looking at those Deevs not that either..

    Clue: I am sat looking out at a main road and thinking of MrDozyMac (sorry Gail but best clue i could think of!)

    mSc x

  • Comment number 24.


  • Comment number 25.

    Pen...yay! although only a singular one!

    Your go..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 26.

    Good Afternoon,

    Chris, Have a lovely family weekend as you gear yourself up to the manic few weeks ahead xx

    I've not gone into work today, I can walk, but having done it the past three days I refuse to do it today. It's too cold, too icy, and too snowy and my bottom and thighs ache with the tenseness (sp) of walking in the snow. My boss has been emailing me work, so it's not all fun.

    I have just cleaned out the top of my wardrobe and came across the following:

    1. My Dennis the Menace Fan Club Wallet
    2. Loads and loads of fancy bags, Christmas, birthday and general
    3. 2 clock radios!
    4. A cow bell!!!
    5. A bag of teddy bears
    6. A badminton racket
    7. A bag of embroidery threads

    And the good news is that I've thrown out a black bag of tut!

    I may venture out to go and feed the lost Goose (Honkey) on the river and also to clear my car of snow. Not that I can move it anywhere, but I don't want it to freeze too much.

    Happy Friday Everyone xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi there

    Sorry for nipping in there - actually I need a bit of advise. The OH and I are going on holiday next week which involves changing flights in Madrid. The question is, given the weather here at the moment, do we risk going for our scheduled flight which will give us 3 hours to change flights or leave a day or so early and stay in Madrid to guarantee that we will make the flight? Currently flights out of Heathrow have some delays - some up to 2 hours...

    Any thoughts would be gratefully received as we cannot make our minds up...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Scoobs, could do with them round here!

    'D' clue - what I would definitely find on top of my wardrobe!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Dust Pen.....surely not ;)

  • Comment number 30.

    Ali, how productive, well done!

    And Pen, it was definitely only one, wasnt spreading but i was excited anyway!

    Right D... Deevs?She has a reputation for swinging from the wardrobes so i hear...

    mSc x

    PS - Loves ya Deevs! x

  • Comment number 31.

    ...as opposed to dust pan, ha ha. Correct AliB, your go!

    Glad to see you are putting your free time to good use!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Just caught up with yesterdays shenanigans - hmmmm - agree with Roo and JG!

    Working from home today, but just taking half an hour out to clear my brain before a 3.30 conf call - now WHY did I arrange that for a Friday afternoon! Numpty!

    I want to add in my advent calender vote - a sledge!

    Right out of here......

    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 33.

    I spy with my little eye something beginning with "B"

    Not sure I've guessed the advent calendar for today, going for Father Christmas again...thanks Deev.


  • Comment number 34.

    Binbag Ali?

    Right..post to do, cuppa to be made and tidying up to be done and then home time i reckon...

    I may be back but if not..happy weekend everyone!

    mSc x

    PS - thanks for playing along with me!

    PPS- MtD - I`d go with the extra day..better to be safe etc... have a fab time!

  • Comment number 35.

    Ali, our guess is Santa's reindeer, Blitzen!! Cabin Fever indeed!!!

    MTD, Let me get this right, either stick around in the snow and ice or run away to Madrid, where it's bound to be at least a bit warmer. Hmm, how about I go to Madrid for you and hold the flight til you get there!!

    Deffo go early, it will give you peace of mind

    Debs, Hello my lovely, how's life with Auntie Beeb? Hope she's treating you well

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Scoobs - you bin spying on me!?


  • Comment number 37.

    Deevs..your reputation precedes my dear....!!

    Wotcha Seza and Debs...

    Not here..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon Peeps from a chilly Scottish Borders. Under 18" of snow here, but it looks spectacular. Chris make the most of the broken boiler, I've just forked out 57.3p/l for oil - that's 14p/l MORE than July!!!! They know how to make a profit eh?

    Hot drinks, plenty clothes and look after your neighbours - it's the community spirit kicking in.

    Tread carefully when out x


  • Comment number 39.

    Not bin bag, bear in mind I live near a river!

    Just been out to feed Honkey and sweep some of the snow off my car. What a thankless task that was, there must have been 10 inchs or more! Sweeping it off was ok, although the roof still has snow on it, but I can't get it out as I need a spade for that and there is not much call for spades living in a flat! Ran the engine and the temp was -3 brrrrr.

    mtd, Go early - you really had to ask ;)

    Bye Scoobs, Thanks for the game xx


  • Comment number 40.

    Ali, i`m still lurking but dont tell anyone!

    Surely it cant be Barracuda in this weather so I`ll go with a Beaver..although have NO idea if they`d be around either!

    Hi BLip..good call on the neighbours..been really good to see the street camaraderie kicking in.

    mSc x

  • Comment number 41.

    Scoobs, Barracuda - well done that's it...LOL

    BLYipE, Well said. I've been touched that quite a few people have called my parents to see if they need anything.

    I'm going to walk into town tomorrow, so will ring a few oldies from church to see if they need anything. Although last year they'd all been out already!


  • Comment number 42.

    OK Ali, I'm changing my guess - a Bridge!!

    Just oped the front door to someone - brrr it's very cold out there !!!

    Take care all of you who have travel

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Yeah Sezza, It is a bridge, although it's gone a bit dark now so I can't actually see it anymore....whoops!


  • Comment number 44.

    Oh Sezza...you is SO intelligent..here was me going through all the possible animals starting with a B..i had already discounted Bear and Buffalo but was getting there!

    Right, really really going now...

    take care heading home everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 45.

    Ok then we spy with our little eyes somthing beginning with C


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 46.


  • Comment number 47.

    Yo Seza, Auntie Beeb is treating me well, but the 'ilton Sausage and Mash is not a patch on the County - LOL - infact I sent it back! I mean what is there to get wrong about sausage and mash hey? ALL of it if you are the 'ilton!

    Mind you they do a spectacular breakie - I'm really going to have to get my head around eating that early in the day - sooo much to chose from!

    I am missing you all on the blog tho! Dont have time to really catch up either - am i missing any key goss? Who's Ripster been fraternising with this week??? :-)

    Right - few more emails and then in 25 minutes I am declaring FNWC open - we deserve it you know!


  • Comment number 48.

    Something beginning with C - there is ONLY one thing


    gwon - you know it makes sense!


  • Comment number 49.


  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs is right!!!

    Chocklit in da chockolit, it's nearly Christmas, yippee, calendars!!

    Deevs turn!!

    Although I think Debs was a better idea - off to make sure I can see some!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Wooooo Hooooo .... I won sumfink!!

    Reeteo ....

    Eye Spy Wit My Little i ...... sumfink beginning with


    off homeski now. will log on when I get there to see who's guessed it roight!


  • Comment number 52.

    Back again,

    Mtd; go a day early and enjoy the delights of Madrid! I spent a year there teaching English, 10 (blimey) years ago and at Christmas ttime the centre looks so pretty, the lights should be up and el Corte InglΓ©s (their answer to that department store that's never knowingly undersold!) will have their Christmas display up. The Plaza Mayor is lovely, and there are lovely bars around plaza Santa Ana, where you will get a yummy glass of wine. It will be cold.... but not as cold as here!!

    Hope everyone has had a good afternoon, I've got a batch of chocolate brownies in the oven and am now wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa, bliss!


  • Comment number 53.

    Happy Friday Evening one and all and CLP et al

    CLP I have caught the show on my travels this week and last and have so enjoyed hearing your Noah - what a bonding session you both had - not that you needed it... but - as my Nan would have said - absolutley "smashin'". We might miss his contribution next week...

    Advent calender - candles... ???

    Hope you are all well and after reading last night posts I can see that the fighting spirit lives... well done...

    News from my end is so puppy orientated that I will not bore you with the "love in" in our house (flat actually but lets not split the fur of the dogs lovely coat of hair!)

    Apart from that, Christmas doesn't start in this one level house on the second floor until the week before the big day itself... only because I am never organised for it... it is all last minute... and - well - it all works out great in the end...

    May be back later... or not depending on how and when I can stagger (walk) the dog...

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Suzie???? that begins with "S"


  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks for the advice peeps. I think if it snows again tomorrow anywhere, our mind will be made up.

    My guess for Deev's eye spy 'snow'

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Yay!! Snow ..... your go MTD!

    Had a mild panic when I got home - no broadband. But it's just come back online, although for how long is anyone's guess.

    Advent calendar window #3 was a toy boat.

    No takers there then!

    Happy to take weekend guesses, if you're so inclined .....


  • Comment number 57.

    I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'M'

    Advent calendar guess is Robin (if that goes tomorrow, then I'll guess a Xmas tree for Sunday).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Is it a bottle of Mackieson?

    Or is it a Martini?

    Or could it be a ................... Merlot!?!?!


  • Comment number 59.

    Hello Again.

    Fish and chips consumed. They were delicious, when I came out of the chippy there were snowflakes covering my scooter which weren't there when I went in. Are we in for a night of snow?

    All OK with the blood tests apart from another kidney one required. Important things, blood pressure, cholestorel, blood sugar, etc all fine and weight good for my age. Of course, I didn't mention I was getting fish and chips on the way home but we need some comfort food now and then.

    So now for a cosy night of TV with the tree lights on starting with CLP who's on for an hour tonight.

    MM x

    PS MTF - I agree with your hot cross bun choice, I'm still eating them from Easter!

  • Comment number 60.

    I'll stick with my candle guess Deev, it's bound to come out eventually!

    It's just started snowing hard here in Wigan Maddy, I wondered why I was eventually feeling a bit warmer!

    Just about to pour a glass of wine and settle down for the evening.

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    Back to you then Deevs. On FNWC what else could it be but a Merlot.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    I'll bow out and let someone else have a go as we're orf to ELH in a mo to do the weekly shop (I'm to wimpy to drive out of the Close in the ice so am allowing Nic the honour of ELH on a Friday night this week!)

    MM - glad all went ok with the tests. You made me chuckle about getting the chippie tea afterwards - it reminded me of when I used to go to Weight Watchers. Just round the corner from the Church hall WW was held in was the best chip shop in Sudbury - Ye Olde Fish & Chip Shoppe! The owners used to joke that Wednesday was their busiest night of the week as all of us WW ladies used to pile in there after our weigh in and pep talk for our wekly "treat" !!!


  • Comment number 63.

    aw Deevs - you and Nic have all the fun ;-)

    MM glad your tests went OK.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    MM.... fish 'n' chips... mmmmnnnnn....... haven't had them for AGES - and our local chippy does them SOOOO well... Fingers crossed for the kidney and that. I agree with you though - FnC might not be healthy - but sometimes you've just got to go with the psychological benefits of a calorie-fest!

    Deevs - a TOY BOAT?!?! Are you making this up?! That was a bit of a curve-ball! OK - we'll guess a golden bell for tomorrow.

    I'm so cold. Don't know why - the heating seems to be working and the doors and windows are closed - but Jasper is shivering too so it's not just me. Might have to have a wee nip to stay warm... Jasper will have to make do with a nippy wee... ;-)

    OK - I HEAR with my little EAR... something beginning with "S" (clue - it's Jasper-dog related).

    Keep smiling!

    Ruth & Jasper

  • Comment number 65.

    No guesses :-(

    It was "snoring"! Jasper's very own Music of the Night. Just 'up top' though, happily... it's when he starts to snore from BOTH ends that one has to take care not to inhale...

    Beware of leaving me by myself in cavernous spaces... I tend to start singing at the top of my lungs, hehehehe...

    R&J xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Roo, so Jasper wont be having sprouts on xmas day .!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Bridget - NO!!! I'm thinking of putting a ban on parsnips as well. And if he so much as LOOKS at a Jerusalem Artichoke I'm selling him to the Turkey Twizzler people.

    I fear the worst, however. We will be visiting my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas (snow-permitting) and their small children often don't manage all of their dinners.

    Jasper is the perfect air freshener for people with no sense of smell...

    R xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    LOL I remember we used to go to friends at Christmas and their son was often put out in the garden after the sprouts!!

    Just watched CLP get a pie in the face on a Friday night. TFI Friday lives again!!

    Roo, you're quite welcome to ban parsnips any day of the week

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Chris was good wasn't he tonight ,hes so good with the kiddies .
    I know what you mean about parsnips ,I only like them roasted with a honey glaze..

    missed the pie though Sezza ,it must have been right at the end .


  • Comment number 70.

    I'm just watching the lovely Kevin Mcloud on Grand design .xxx.

  • Comment number 71.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. ....


    Wish it would get knotted xxxx

    hope everyone is ok. . Im going to jump in a nice hot hot bath hubby has run for me ...

    Catchya soon. .

    Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Bids, Chris was good but did you see the Mini-Chris?

    Lickle lad with bright red hair and specs!! Gawjuss

    Billie, Boo to more snow! :-(

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Evening each

    Wasn't the One Show good? Loved Kylie and the kids, specially the little Chris. And the sledging was hilarious.

    Have spent the day looking after little boys and reading books on my Kindle. After my rant on Amazon, Ben from Customer Services emailed me with instructions to repair said Kindle. Couldn't understand a word of it but son-in-law has just been round and it seems to now be 100% - thank you Ben.

    Off to catch up, back soon. I have a cheeky little Rioja courtesy of son-in-law so might pour a glass.


  • Comment number 74.

    Is there anything funnier than watching someone who is laughing so much they can't breathe??

    Introducing Boy1 to Michael MacIntyre might not have been wise!!

    I spy with my little eye some chards - oh, it was there a minute ago!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 75.


    Shopping done.
    Tea done.
    Bottle #1 done.

    Not watched ONE Show yet but it's on the HD digiwotsit for later.

    We've had more snow here but I think it's stopped now.

    AND! I treated myself to a good old fashioned box of milk tray chocs when we did the shopping. nowt fancy, just some old fashioned coffee creams and noisette whirls. I can always remember as a kid when mum had a box of chocs I wasn't allowed any, because they were for "grown ups" and then when I became a grown up, all the boxs of chocs had turned into fancy pants ones from top of the range choc retail outlets.

    Hey ho!


  • Comment number 76.

    Roo, have sent a poorly Finlay upstairs to bed with his "Dad", am fed up with clearing up after him today!

    Am so grossed out by what they've just eaten in the jungle...I can't deal with an icky sicky dog too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    I've not seen the One Show yet either, it's for tomorrow!

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Evening all,

    We had quite a flurry of snow at 6pm , which was sticking quite quickly. I had to go out in the car , but at 8pm the roads were quite clear thankfully.
    If it freezes tonight then it will be treacherous tomorrow.

    Seza, I love Michael McIntyre, he just makes me laugh sooo much.

    Deev, talking about childhood chocies...... i cant believe I am the owner of a TIN of Quality Street. To own that much chocolate as a child .. well things just didnt come in that size. It was all cardboard boxes and sellophane , or decked out with a ribbon if it was a "posh" box. Yes, you are right, children didnt get a look in.

    I had a curly wurly the other night and all the chocolate fell off as i was trying to bite it. They just dont make them like they used to .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Sentimentations Of Zest Sent Your Way From Me To You CLP & Each & Every Blog Person...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Sounds like a most nice & warm weekend is ahead of you, what with the return of Tash & your 'eating... Looks like there will definately be warm 'earts reuntined in the Evans 'ouseold ;))

    As for meself... A don't wanter bring the blog down but ave gone & blown me core-plug clean out of me block!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes all... Ave been driving me Rover turbo diesel too 'ard & thus a need new core-plugs ter stop me losing me water before a melt me engine!!!!!!!
    Ave gotta mechanic coming down Monday ter get me fully mobile again!!!!!!!
    In the mean time ave gotta take 5 gallons of water out with me each time a drive ter work (as all the water at the petrol stations is frozen) & keeps topping ter top up me ever lost water in me engine!!!!!!!
    On top of that ave gotta keep turning me engine off everytime am sat at traffic lights in Liverpool & turn off me engine & roll it 'alf way through the Mersey Tunnel each day!!!!!!!!

    Life... 'ere ter test us!!!!!!!!!

    Ok onter 'The Bingo Star Review Of The News':

    Did anyone 'ear about the lady who dialed 999 ter report a stolen snowman!!!!!!!? (Don't know if any 'eard it on the R2 news bulletins terdee??)
    Ave never 'ad a snowman stolen... But a did once 'ave ter ring the ploice after a 'ad 24 bottles of Snowball stolen off me doorstep!!!!!!
    A left them their ter keep them cool after me fridge brokedown!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of mishaps in the snow... A just wanted ter say ter all who asked was a ok after me fall in the snowfall... Am fine now!!!!!!!
    It was touch & go if a would make it through last night... But ave pulled through & all is now most friendly!!!!!!!!
    It's a good job a man of iron will both in the mind & physically!!!!!!! (not that a mean that in an egotistical or INDEED vain way!!!!!).

    Talking of men of 'igh quality... A see The 'ucknall 'as come out terdee as saying 'e regrets looking after the needs of 1000 women during 'is years as a god's gift ter women poptastic star... And 'e 'polgises for messing with them!!!!!! (their minds that is!!!!!)
    Looks like The 'ucknall is another one, who might ave been reading too many Nostradamus & Mayans books, and like many, is preparing for The 2012... And possibly 'aving ter explain 'is actions on judgement day.... Just in case!!!!!!!!! Just in case all!!!!!!!!

    A personally am easy when it comes ter The 2012!!!!!!!!

    If it is The End... Well looking on the brightside... It's a good job we failed ter get the World Cup in 2018!!!!!!!!!
    Would ave been a right damn it waste of time getting all the stadiums upter scratch!!!!!!!!!!

    Also terdee ave been 'ouse 'unting!!!!!!!!!
    Ave decided now is the time ter forget the stockmarket & get inter investing in property that ave been thinking of doing for years!!!!!!!
    Now is the time ter buy while property is low & ready ter go!!!!!!!!!

    Some may say what's the point if it all goes pop in 2012... Well looking at it from different angles, as ave been doing with 'ouses... If The Mayans are wrong... The 'ucknall will now 'ave a clear conscience.... The women 'e met will 'ave 'ad their minds repaired.... And a will be on me way ter becoming a property tycoon!!!!!!!!!!

    If The Mayons are right.... The 'uckanll is still in the clear... And as for me property dealings.... at least the 23 years remaining on me mortages... A won't need ter worry about paying them off - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 80.

    MC, He makes me laugh too but not as much as it made a 14 yr old boy laugh!!

    JG, Euuw to a poorly dog, hope he is better soon

    We may be reaching the point of buying a tub of chocs. The snowman basket will be coming out soon and I need chocs to go in it

    Sezz axx

  • Comment number 81.

    Deevs, that reminds me - some singer or other (can't remember his name, but he's well known) from Glasgow. His mum lived near my aunt and was great friends with her. Well, he gave her a box of Milk Tray for Christmas when he was wee and when she opened it he'd been in and eaten all his favourites. Cellophane was still intact and she was flummoxed as to how he'd done it.

    That's going to annoy me all night now - what was his name????


  • Comment number 82.

    Bingo - I heard that about the stolen snowman too. How stupid are some people??


  • Comment number 83.

    MM told a funny story about the "man drawer" & going into the loft, soooo funny i was almost gasping for air - it wasnt rude , but just so typical of Mr Mc and I .

    MTD, from earlier on , Yes , go early , it would be so annoying to get held up and ruin your plans.

    I bought some Stollen tonight, i now have to keep it in the cupboard for three weeks , gosh , that is going to test my will power.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Ritey ho. ....

    Billie is not on tonite. . Got 8am start. ........ And feeling tired

    So i hope all of you have a good weekend and im off to bed

    nitey nite. Xxxx

    billie xxxx

  • Comment number 85.

    A toy boat? I was close with my hot cross bun choice then!

    Hi ho, just got home, after another long round.

    The local weather forecast said that the temperature had risen by 14f in the last 2 hours. The result being rain, lots and lots of rain.

    I came home armed with 2 new halogen heaters and one is smashed to bits inside so will have to go back, only a 110 miles away, so that will be on monday !

    So I hope it has been a good afternoon for everyone. Just about to have a read back.

    I have an idea of how to do my countdown to Christmas, I wonder if any of you can do a similar thing....

    Heres's mine.

    Christmas is 2,600 miles away, roughly!

    Off to raid the fridge.


  • Comment number 86.

    no, no, no MC you have to try the first stollen or two or three of the season just to make sure they were still up to scratch! Not that I would know obviously lol

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 87.

    ooh meant to say bought lots of the HC stuff with 10% off with my invite to the new store yesterday plus a cheeky little glass of prosecco and a couple of tasters - heaven. x

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 88.

    MTF, my Christmas starts when, and probably, if, I get to my Mum's...am going to try and book the 22nd and 23rd off too in some kind of false hope that it leaves me some options open...given the forecast for December!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    Susan, you lucky woman, you - HC, wine and tasters!!!!

    Just watched the Fencing video. My youngest tried fencing and I did think it was a really elegant sport - not now!!!!!

    Still can't remember the name of that singer - how irritating.


  • Comment number 90.

    Hi Annie what sort of era for the singer?

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Susan

    Gay boy band - early 90s???


  • Comment number 92.

    Mc ,bet it wont be there come Christmas . ;)

  • Comment number 93.

    Evening all, hope everyone is warm and cosy.

    Had an early finish at work today, but although the roads were much clearer, I was chauffered there and back. Cleared off my car when I got home ready for tomorrow and just had to build a snowman with all that lovely snow. Trouble is it was so soft and powdery it wouldn't stick, so instead of the 6' giant I had envisaged, he is barely 2' tall!
    But he does look cool in his baseball cap and shades!

    Advent calendar guess for Saturday, a rocking horse, Sunday, a wrapped gift and Monday, a choirboy. That should do it!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 94.

    Annie ,did he have blonde hair ???


  • Comment number 95.

    Oh god Bids, can't remember. He was a great dancer though - did a very interesting video.


  • Comment number 96.

    Was it jimmy something ????

  • Comment number 97.

    That might be him Bids. Jimmy what??


  • Comment number 98.


    Yes!!! Now I can go to bed.


  • Comment number 99.

    Evening all,

    Spent over an hour with no electric, dam power cuts. LOL At least we have a gas hob so we managed a few glasses of Mould wine! ;-) Power has been restored thankfully......

    Still smiling


  • Comment number 100.

    I can just see him dancing thought it was him .

    night night Annie.



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