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Peter Kay Day - All Hail Friday The 10th.

Chris Evans | 16:11 UK time, Thursday, 9 December 2010

Peter Kay is co-hosting the show tomorrow. Have I mentioned it? Only perhaps ten times this morning, that's all.

Well I can't help it you see, I'm excited. Proper excited. I find him so compelling and intriguing. I wonder what makes him tick and makes someone so so funny.

I'll be fascinated to spend a couple of hours in his company. Why don't you do the same ? And bonus Rick Astley - what's not to like ???




P.S. you can watch the whole Peter Kay and Rick Astley extravaganza on our website tomorrow from 0800. We've set up a bank of cameras in the studio just for your viewing pleasure....


  • Comment number 1.

    Ooo Christoff. Well think on when Our Peter's in, put t' Big Light on.


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: oooh, I know, I can't wait to hear Peter too - the guy is absolutely fantastic. And the lovely Rick Astley - it's all very exciting!

    Am absolutely gutted, though: I had booked tomorrow off as a holiday and could have heard (and watched) the entire show live, but as I have had 3 days off this week with being iced-in at home, I will have to come into work tomorrow.

    Chris, hope you ALL have a wonderful morning tomorrow.

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris, I am so looking forward to the show tomorrow, and I'll be there every step of the way!

    Chrissie, bums! At least it means you are able to get out now, It must have been a nightmare, and I thought we had it bad! Did you hear the show this morning, I thought of you when Chris played Donny!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 4.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Longtime no see?
    Busybee and all that but try to pop in most days for a gander.
    Hope those affected by the snow aren't suffering too much, it's been cold and snowy here in Norfolk but I think we've done alright compared to most of the country.
    Drove to Cirencester and back in one day last week, was dreading it too. Roads clear though and got home in no-time!
    Oh and had a Krispy Kreme on the way home to assit the drive. (other donuts probably available)
    Got a 5k race to do on Sunday, hope it's not too slippery out there - bought a pair of skin tight running troosers to keep me warm (not a good look I carry off to be honest!)
    Thinking of upping the game next year and do a half and then full marathon.
    Love the weightloss (stone and a half since Sept) and the feeling I get when out on the Norfolk countryside roads.
    Been having boiler problems and only have sporadic heating/hot water which isn't good.
    Fell over this morning on the ice whilst walking out to my car - comedy fashion too, didn't even get my hands out of pockets in time before crashing down on my 'arris.

    More importantly though it's a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY TO GABY
    - maybe the nicest, most gorgeous blogger (well IMHO anyway)
    Hope you have a lovely day you lurker.

    hey, enough about me, so how have you been?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 5.

    Howya Ginge, hurrah the Norman Wisdom of the blog.

    Am not bein' funny but I wish I'd seen that. Why is somebody fallin' so hilarious? One a life's conundrums, that.

    Any road. Bless you for doin' the marathon. Yous wouldn't drag me out in the runnin' shorts an' vest in this, not for a gold clock. Which is probably good news for the neighbours as the sight a that'd put next door's cat in a coma.

    Yous are a Hero my friend.


  • Comment number 6.

    CLP, I cannot wait for tomorrow show either! Although I do hope you do not make me laugh too much as I will be driving! ;-) As for Rick, what a legend!

    KW, god luck with that race matey, are you doing this one for sponsorship? Send me the link if you are and I will see you right for a note. ;-)

    I also have to agree and wish the "Gabster" a very happy birthday, I know she lurks but should get herself back on here IMO. X-x-x


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello Chris.

    I,m not going to miss that Chris (never gonna give it up). I enjoyed it when Peter Kay was a guest, he'll be even better as a co-host. And I loved his X Factor spoof, it was so much better than the real one. Geraldine, R Wayne & Two Up Two Down ha ha!

    Looking forward to the website too!

    MM xxx

    PS Tell Peter my son's coming round on Sunday 'cause I've got a large chicken!

  • Comment number 8.

    Evening all!

    I LOVE Peter Kay, that's a show I'll be listening to a few times again on t'internet!

    Am on tenterhooks waiting for tonight's Advent Calendar reveal.... I think I guessed mistletoe... Every one of Jasper-dog's AC doors has revealed a paw-shaped doggy-treat... no excitement there (for me anyway, Jazz seems quite content...) x

  • Comment number 9.

    Well I've just returned from the docs about my balance, and now have to have a whole load of blood tests on Monday :( Grrr!!

    And, because of that I missed my three word Thursday on Drivetime! Thanks Deebee for letting me know to listen again :)

    Good luck in your race KW, rather you than me, especially of you have trouble walking to your car ;^)

    Well I bought my Christmas cards, just need to write them out now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 10.


    If it's not one thing, it's yer mother...

    Looking forward to it!


  • Comment number 11.

    I'm also looking forward to the show, although I'll probably miss the last bit!

    Garlic Bread? Bread, with garlic on??

    JG x

  • Comment number 12.

    Evening all,

    At last we have some rain, and the ice is retreating rapidly. I hope everyone is getting back to normal .

    I caused a dreadful traffic jam in the mutli storey car park tonight. It is free parking after 4pm. So , i didnt swipe my entry card at the pay station when leaving, as i thought( dont ask me why) you didnt have to as it was free , and a pay station is if you want to pay. Wrong, wrong ,wrong !!
    Got to the barrier and the machine wouldnt take my card . Ended up pressing the button to hear a human telling me off. When i said i had ten cars behind me and i couldnt reverse , they human said he would allow me out "just this once". I felt like a total criminal. Bahh humbug.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 13.


    Oh, I shall be so glad when it's next week and the teachers have given up setting homework and we have a couple of weeks of freedom!

    Had such a beautiful red sky here tonight so hopefully that holds good for tomorrow

    Feel like I ought to be doing so many useful things but can't get my head in gear

    Maybe Nigella will inspire me

    Hope you're all ok tonight and warm and safe.

    Sezza xx

    ps. will you still speak to me if I say I'm not much looking forward to the show tomorrow? Something about Peter Kay makes me nervous and I'm not sure I can cope at breakfast time.

  • Comment number 14.

    MC, bet you're glad to get out of that. Is horrible when something like that happens and nasty jobs-worths make it difficult for you


  • Comment number 15.

    Hello Sezza,

    I am watching Nigella too. It was only a few years ago, that i realised Toad in the hole didnt involve cooking real toads !

    I wont be able to listen to the show as i will be in work .

    I keep meaning to write cards and have lots of good intentions to do stuff, but its just not happening.

    Take care,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi All

    Flying visit.

    Advent Calendar today was a


    Muchos Amore!


  • Comment number 17.

    MC, how awful!! Hate multi-stories and stoopid machines!

    For some strange reason I am watching the live Corry episode, think it was Chris yesterday! Have never watched it before, so have no idea who anyone is....Doh!

    Can't watch Nigella, she's just too smug and organised for me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 18.

    BTW I've done nothing towards Christmas yet apart from a couple of DVD's for the nieces!

    No decs going up here though, I'm on strike, so no cleaning either, apart from the basics!

    JG x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi JG,

    As i looked in the rear view mirror, the queue was getting bigger by the minute. I can just about laugh about it now, but was almost tempted to drive through the barrier at the time, as i had visions of being lynched .

    Mr MC likes his Nigella fix , I am trying to battle with the laundry.

    Right, think i will put the kettle on.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Evening Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming To You From The Pitch Black, Parked In Me Truck... On A Tachograph Break... In The Middle Of Nowhere...

    CLP - Great ter 'ear The Kay & INDEED The Astley are 'elping with The Breakfast Gig termozz!!!!!!
    Yer ask what makes someone like The Kay tick??????

    Being like 'im but nowhere as nearly as funny or as talented as 'im, but thinking like a comedian meself.... A can tell yer comedians take a lot from our childhoods!!!!!
    Yer observe charcters... eccentric people... the mannerisms & the way they behave... And yer store it all upstairs... aka in the 'ead!!!!!!!!!
    Then as an adult yer carry on observing charcters at work & in the street!!!!!!

    Then yer try ter see the funny side of all that yerv observed & not take life as seriously as most adults!!!!!!!!

    Basically... yer never grow up!!!!!!!!

    And that's the problem with so many unhappy adults... Why so many go through life stressed out... unhappy... and ultimately many suffer with depression... it's because so many adults are trying to be adults!!!!!!!
    Ok some suffer with dpression from bad treatment from other adults or bad things in life 'appening!!!!!!!

    But when looking really deep inside, we are all basically still children!!!!!!

    Yes we can fend for ourselves as adults... but deep inside we all 'ave the same feelings as when we were kiddy winkles!!!!!!!!!!

    And this is exactly something that the nice lady you 'ad on yer show the other day with the 'Pause For Thought' bit!!!! (Tuesday it was a think!!!)
    I've never read The Bible properly... A found R.E. at school boring... And ave never eard this>>> But she said that Jesus said, well ave forgetten EXACTLY what she said 'e said... but it mean't/ went very similar ter this... 'It's only the child like that will enter the kingdom of 'eaven!!!!!!!!'

    Maybe this means we are are already in 'eaven being given a life on this earth.... Sadly of which many can't see this!!!!!!
    It's the ones who don't take life seriously & who can look at the world through the eyes of a child that will ultimately... enjoy life more!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's the adults who are basically like big kids... who don't let adult things annoy themselves as much... and are able to look at life, the trials of life & the world in a more innocent way... And see the funnier side of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!

    What am trying ter say... Is take a step back... Resist all the stressed out NUTTERs in our society... And suddenly yer will see whatta wonderful world it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And INDEED be able ter see the funny side of most things!!!!!!

    Easier said than done sometimes... I admit it... but try it & yer'll enjoy life more!!!!!!

    And a think this is what myself & many comedians are like... bascially big kids who see the funny side of things!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    sleepy sleepy here so am going to switch off

    Sweet Dreams

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 22.


    Is this what you were quoting...

    Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? He called a litle child and had him stand among them. And he said I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in me name welcomes me.

    When Jesus is talking about "little children" he means trusting and unprententious.

    We could all be a bit more like that eh?


  • Comment number 23.

    Well, just got home, so not as late as last night.

    I have seen a very upsetting sight today. Something that I was helpless to do anything about.

    A beautiful, very large thatched house that I pass every day on my rounds was totally ablaze. The owners were out in the lane waiting for the fire brigade, who were just behind me.

    Its the kind of thing that you see on the news but never experience first hand.

    I will never forget the look on their faces as I drove past. I simply had to get out of the way and allow the fire brigade to get through.

    I met two more engines coming from the opposite direction and can only hope that they got it under hold.

    What a truly awful thing to happen to anyone, let alone at this time of the year.

    I wont mention where it was, but if this is read by anyone that knows of it, I am so sorry and hope that you are all safe and sound.


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening ALL,
    Well you either like Peter Kay or you don't .I don't mind him ,an find him funny most of the time .I bought one of his books last year when I bought Chris's ,read Chris's first obviously ,then started on Peter Kay's ,But never really got past the first twenty or so pages ,too many swear words ,and no it s not that I'm a snob ,or a prude,and I'm no saint ,but just too much ,and it didn't sit well with me .
    But saying that will look forward to listening ,will be fun .

    MTF .yes I would like those Mon -Fri word things .Would be fun can think of lots to come up with .

    MC /JG glad you're both OK ,did hear it on the news that it was bad up around there ,even my home town was mentioned .

    MC ,I would have driven through and enjoyed the chase .:)x

    Crissie ,Mary ,Annie ,HLS,Gail ,well what can I say ,did see it on the One show tonight just how really bad it is with you all up there ,I knew that you having it bad and when the people were saying that they hadn't seen it so bad for so many years ,It must be bad .
    I do feel for you all as I know with that little bit we had last week was spit in the ocean to what you've got .
    I do pray that it starts to get easier for you soon.

    Hi Bingo ,hope you're all tucked up nice and warm in your cab .you're not on that Pennine run again are you ???

    Ali,listening to the choirs ,that must be lovely .


  • Comment number 25.

    Blimey. Just come back from a friend's house, where we were glued to the TV (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ, natch). Unbelievable, what was going on in London. I'm angry at the government too but vandalising shops, buildings, assaulting rozzers and bashing a police-horse in the face with a stick (quite apart from kicking-in Prince Charles's car) is NOT the way to make a dignified protest.

    And then I come home to find a poxy STAR in the Addy-Cal tonight. What a world, eh?!

    I will stick with my mistletoe guess for tomorrow, please, Deevs. I'm quietly confident that it's lurking there somewhere...

    JakeyG - Bad luck about your tests, that's really unfair. Will keep everything that's legal crossed for you. xx

    MC - Sorry about your car-park experience; that sounds grim. I don't trust those car park barriers myself. One day, I'm certain, they'll rise and enslave us all. What with their crackly, disjointed "human" voices and that...

    KandKsmummy - I've invited you to be a friend on Faceboot; hope that's OK.

    Office drinkies tomorrow - the informal one (can't be doing with the big Corporate one this year - which is a 45-mile drive away from me anyway), so should be a real laugh. May I apologise now for any post-party-posts...?

    Love to all, keep smiling,
    Roo and Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    MTF - I'm so sorry that you saw that awful sight, and for the people whose home it was. It's just heartbreaking. No words can bring comfort.

    Do you know the owners? I really hope that the whole place wasn't gutted and that no lives were lost or injured. I'll hope and pray that all will be OK for them.

    Roo x

  • Comment number 27.

    It was a shock Roo, but my thoughts are with the owners, who I dont know, but pass by everyday.

    I have a feeling it might have been caused by a spark from a chimney as it only seemd to be the upstairs that was in flames.

    I am going that way again tomorrow and will do my best to find out if there is anyway I can help.


  • Comment number 28.

    MTF,just seen your post ,you OK hun .I hope that nobody was hurt ,and can't imagine how those poor folk must be feeling right now .When I see or hear of tings like that or any tragedy I always say to myself,
    "There go I but for the grace of God " and that is so true .


  • Comment number 29.

    MTF, that's just horrible, I hope they have managed to save some belongings!!!

    Roo, I have opted out of all my works's do's...with my boss's blessing!

    OK some advice needed, how do I tell the rest of the work peeps, that are almost like family we have worked together so long, that me and himself are splitting up?

  • Comment number 30.

    Oops, JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    JG ,as it is hun .xxx.

  • Comment number 32.

    JG, how have you kept it from them for so long?

    I expect, if they are close, they will already have an idea.


  • Comment number 33.

    JG - just the truth, however hard it is to tell. If your colleagues are worth anything at all, they will respect you for your honesty and courage in 'fessing up, and will probably want to support you as you face the future. I was stunned when my best friend told me she had asked for a divorce from her hubby of 21 years - but not for a SINGLE moment did I judge her or love her any less. She has been there for me during some extremely difficult times over the years. I felt privileged that I could, at last return the favour and support her.

    I didn't realise you were facing this sort of thing Jakey. Sending you LOTS of hugs. Feel free to PM me on Facebook if ever you need a good rant.

    I'm sure your colleagues would also appreciate knowing (at least some of) the truth so that they don't accidentally 'put their foot in it', which might make them feel bad when they DO learn of the situation.

    Keep smiling sweetheart. Each difficult step is one step further along the road to a new, better, life for you - even if it might not seem like that just now.

    MUCH love,

    Roo (Jasper sends you a big lick and tail-wag) xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    MTF - alas, chimney fires are often the way of these things. Maybe you could drop off a nice pie, casserole or lasagne on your way past if their kitchen has been damaged? Then, at least, they could have a hot dinner. Or just an anonymous "I'm sorry - thinking of you" card. But - hey! - you're the Mobile Tooth Fairy, well-used to slipping goodies discreetly under pillows; you'll have LOADS better ideas that I would!

    I agree with Bids. I often think the "there but for the grace of God go I" thing if I should happen to pass the aftermath of a car-crash or other accident.

    Actually, I would probably pitch up to the house with Marigold-gauntlets (other latex protective handwear brands available!) donned and offer to help with the clean-up. Or, at least, I like to think I would... in reality, I'd probably bottle-out halfway to the house... :-(

    tons of love,
    Roo x

  • Comment number 35.

    Roo, I'd be there with bucket and shovel and offer alll the help that I could.


  • Comment number 36.

    Bids - I think just about everyone on here would pull out all the stops to assist however best they could; this is such a good-natured place.

    Well - all apart from a certain one I can think of... who might consider pitch up with a smirk and a toasting-fork.

    Seriously, though, It's never a chore to help out someone in a fix. In actual fact, it's a blessing to be there for them. Like you said, 'there but for the grace of God...'.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Think the blog might be crashing again... just blanked out for 15 mins on my PC.

    'Night all.

    Keep smiling,

    Roo and Jasper xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Well ,I didn't realize it was getting that late ,so thats me about to sign out .

    So take care and sleep well, and Yes Roo, There Go I .


  • Comment number 39.

    Maybe, I shouldn't have posted someone elses misfortune on here tonight, but I was so shaken by what I saw.

    I will as I say, be passing by there tomorrow and if there is anything I can do to help, then I will offer it.


  • Comment number 40.

    MTF - I'm back again! No way, you were TOTALLY right to share the news. It's important to unburden yourself with friends - and now, we can all be sending up lots of positive vibes and prayers for the householders.

    Sorry if I sounded preachy or anything... didn't mean to.

    You're a good 'un, MTF - folk are lucky to have you in their neighbourhood. I hope you might be able to share an update as to how these good folk are doing in the days to come. I shall certainly be keeping my fingers crossed for them.

    With love,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Roo, the trouble is, they are not in my neighbourhood. If they were, I would be there right now to help.

    I cover 200 miles every afternoon, this is on one of my routes.


  • Comment number 42.

    Woah! 200 miles - that's SOME scenery, there. Guess (despite being a London-born girl) I'm so used to a rural setting that everything seems 'parochial' to me!!! Generally, here, you either know (or know of) a person or location and then everything else is just fields and beasties.

    Well, I think they're lucky just to have you pass by them and be concerned. Even if they don't know it. It isn't everyone that gets a little bit of MTFairy dust in their area every so often, you know...

    Roo xXx

  • Comment number 43.

    Get away with you Roo, they dont come much more rural than me.


  • Comment number 44.

    Oo-ar, moi luvver! That b'ain't you twas were with Jacob 'tother day?

    Yoo know that there sayin' "yoo carn't teach yoor granny to suck eggs"? - Oi 'ad to tell auld Jacob 'tother day - "No, booy, 't ain't theh same wi' pigs!"

    In truth - my mum was brought up in a small village on the edge of Dartmoor, population: 107 souls and a couple of goats. She learned to drive in a tractor. Seriously. She hasn't lived permanently in the West Country since 1971 (two years before she met my dad), but she still has a lovely rich Devonshire (aka Debbun'shrre) accent. And I love her all the more for it!

    One of her colleagues in 1972 gave her a little book as a present - a "translation dictionary - English : Devonshire)! She's still got it!

    Prime examples include:
    "Tatty-oggy un' a dish o'tay?";
    "Yer tiz";
    "Ow be 'ee moi purdy maid?";
    "We be gwain fur a frauzy";
    "Plenny o'grockles 'bout tuddy up 'Aytor"...

    But, MTF, I know she'd trust you with the keys to her combine harvester - brand new or otherwise.

    Roo-arr xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Roo, I lived in Devon for several yers!

    One of the expressions we used to use to describe one another was... 'maised!'

    I have just googled it. Lets just say, times have changed!!

    Such a shame.


  • Comment number 46.


    Why have I woken up at 5:05 for the past three mornings in a row??? What's that all about?

    Mtf, sorry to read about the thatched cottage, but as Roo said we are all sending positive vibes and prayers for the family. You're a good 'un MTF no doubt about that x

    MC, Did make me chuckle about the car park, glad you got out OK though x

    It's Friday, thank goodness for that. Lets hope more of the snow melts today To my Scottish and Northern friends I hope yours melts too and things warm up considerably for you all xx

    Sending hugs to all, just because I can.

    I'm going to snuggle back under the duvet and listen to Chris, as I don't have to get up quite yet.


  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Chris and team,
    if you get chance could you ask Peter if he remembers being contacted back in 2002 from me requesting to be an extra in his hit TV show Phoenix Nights, I was undergoing chemotherapy at the time and was bald headed, he responded with 'bald women are sexy' needless to say I was not invited to be an extra!
    Went to see him on stage at Liverpool and got his autograph on a copy of a local paper I was featured in as volunteer of the year, he confessed to having a heavy night the night before, it showed in his performance!!

    Dewsbury (where we keep kids under the bed!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    Good morning ALL,
    Chris I don't know what you lot are up to there but you're getting into a right muddle.Do like the banter though .

    Not too bad here this morning ,we've had a visit from good old Mr Frost again .Must admit to it looking nice and thats about all.

    Can't believe it's Friday again ,comes around to fast doesn't it .

    Right my guess for todays advent calendar is a ( A Farting Hippo.)

    Have a nice day ALL and stay safe .



    And if you don't wwatch NCSI,you won't get the Joke .

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning all

    Apologies for my briefness last eve - I went to Yoga straight from work, then it was all go when I got home, tea at half eight and just about ready to collapse after that!

    But how brill was the live Corrie?

    Wowser ....!!!! Yikes ....!!!!

    Only 1 advent guess thus far today - keep 'em coming. Although I probably won't post the reveal until tomorrow morning as I think I am going out straight from work. Well, I'm definitely going out tonight, it just depends on what time my man works til as to whether he'll have time to get home, have tea and get changed and drive us back to the town he works in (half an hour away) as we've got tickets for John Bishop. The alternate arrangement is I get a train straight after work to said town and he meets me from the station. That's Nic, not John Bishop ....

    Gawd! It's complicated.

    So glad it's Friday tho!


  • Comment number 50.

    LOL Bids. My pad now has written upon it ...

    Bids - windy hippo

    That's going to make me smile all day!


  • Comment number 51.

    Good morning everyone.

    Plus 7 here in Ayrshire this morning, the main roads are great BUT our farm lane into the house is 1 mile of sheet ice with water on top of it, I couldn't even keep my feet when walking the dog this morning and had to walk in the field, there is a bridge on the lane with no sides and it's at the bottom of a dip, so of course David phoned to warn me how slippy it was and stressed to go into 4WD, first gear and TOUCH NOTHING, this of course sent me into a panic but I just kept calm and did as I was told and I was fine, not looking forward to going home though!

    JG, well done on your mention last night, I did wonder if it was you when I heard it, and good luck with your colleagues, I'm sure they will be very supportive.

    Bingo - Loved your post, very well said.

    MTF - How awful for those poor people, sending positive thoughts out for them.

    Hope everyone has a good day and an even better weekend.

    Mad that Peter Kay is only on from 8 as that's when I started work, never mind.



    p.s. My guess for the advent calendar is Spaghetti Carbonara with Garlic Bread.

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning CLP and the rest, from a slightly less snowy Edinburgh, yes, FINALLY there has been a slight thaw!

    Still sitting up in bed listening to the show as it's my day off today. It was so nice going to bed last night knowing that I didn't have to worry about whether I would get my car out, if I would need to get a bus to work, which one, from where, at what time etc.

    Went to the German Market last night for some much needed Gluhwein, and was delighted to be asked for ID (I'm 30) before they would serve me!! After a rubbish day the day before it made my week.

    Hope everyone has a good, warm day


  • Comment number 53.

    Morning everyone:

    Anyone watching the show? I am taking my life in my hands, but I am taking wee sneaky looks, and I really feel I am in that studio!

    Just had to turn up the sound when Rick was singing, just in case it was my "funeral song" which it was!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Rosie - I'm going to Brum tomorrow and they too have a Bavarian market. If I stop for Gluhwein, and get asked for ID, I shall kiss the Gluhwein vendor!!!

    Morning Gail - good guess!!


  • Comment number 55.

    Chrissie - if I try to watch live streaming, I'll bring down the entire network! I've never worked for a company whose computer network is so pants!


  • Comment number 56.

    Just popped back to apologise if my joke offended anyone .And if anyone doesn't watch NCSI ,It's a cuddly toy that the actress ABi holds when she's stressed and it makes noises ,ie to help releive stress.

    Deev I hope I didnt offend you my love .you'd be last I'd do that to.

    Crissie good morning .xxx.

    Humble Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 57.

    Bids - don't be daft! It really made me laugh


  • Comment number 58.

    Cheryl I very nearly did!

    Before I forget my guess for the calendar is a Christmas stocking


  • Comment number 59.

    Cheryl: very frustrating, eh? We are so spoiled in our office - it's all top notch stuff - that is, when it works! Just to let you know, Chris is wearing the same shirt he was wearing last night!

    Morning Bids and Rosie, and all others who are around!

    C xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all

    Chris, great show.

    Holly is not happy at having to wait for her walk this morning.

    Advent calendar, A snowman.

    Chrissie, glad you got to work ok.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi CSN: thank you - it's a miracle that I am here - the slight thaw this morning is causing mayhem - slush and ice - absolutely treacherous!

    Erm, Cheryl, I may be wrong about the shirt!


  • Comment number 62.


    Noah looks so cute.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning Greetings Ter CLP, The KAY, The Astley & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Dozy mac - Thanks for yer most kind words of agrement, but Ali B 'it the nail on the 'ead EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ali B - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what a was saying, what you said about what Jesus said of what CLP's Pause For Thought most friendly lady said about what Jesus said!!!!!!!!!!
    Yerv 'it it spot on!!!!!!!!!!
    A fully agree with you, we all could do with taking note - there's alot of sense in religion if yer can understand what it says!!!!!!

    PS Am VERY much liking yer blog too... #22 directly above the name 'Bingo!!!!!'
    22 of couse being my number one number!!!! (when a say #1.. it's 22 times #1 but is actually #1 for me!!!!!) (although a didn't put #22 down whenever a needed ter put #1 down in me recent maths exams!!!!)

    PS A keep forgetting ter write what a got in me maths - Some most kind blog pals asked at The CiN Gig!!!!!!
    A gotta 'B' in me GCSE 'igher maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'B' for Bingo a like ter look at it!!!!!!!

    Back ter the #22 above the name Bingo... It's almost looks like 'alo above me name, yes a 'alo!!!!!!!
    Not that am being egotistical... But Ali, could it be a sign from the other side???????

    Bridget - Am fine thanks, a wasn't parked in me truck overnight, just taking a tacho break before a 2 'our drive through the beautiful 'ills of 'erefordshire & Shropshire back ter the depot a work at up north!!!!!


  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Everyone,

    I escaped woooohooooo! First day I've been out since Sunday!! I've never been so glad to get work as I am today!

    Thank you for your lovely msgs.

    Chris the show was great today, Peter and Rick were just fabulous. I too had a few sneaky looks. Noah is just gorgeous.

    Chrissie you are right about the shirt!

    Cheryl - my advent guess is a drum.

    Have a lovely day everyone and take care.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 65.

    PS This tune is a most nice tune....


  • Comment number 66.

    PPS VERY soz ter say but a missed CLP's show with The Kay... been in bed after being on lates last night!!!!!!
    Sometimes a wish CLP was still on at 17.05!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Glad I could help Bingo xx Your number 22 could well be a sign. I ended up going to Zimbabwe for a month cause I believe that God spoke to me through the Cheryl Crow song - A Change will do you good - and that's 100% true. I thought about the song whilst having a word with him upstairs one evening and then the next morning Chris played it on his radio show - second song in. So that to me was confirmation that a change would do me good - and it certainly did.

    Dozy, I agree about the timing of PK I only got to hear up to the head to headlines and getting around to listening again is highly unlikely xx Glad you made it across the bridge, take care coming home xx

    Mary, Glad you've made it out (and Chrissie too) xx big hugs to you both {{{}}}

    Back to work, time to put kettle on and have a sneaky biccie!


    P.S. Guess for today a cracker (that's if we haven't had that before)

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning CLP et al

    Good show, Christoff. Couldn't watch though, pesky laptop said NO! Kept stopping and getting those annoying circle of dots, WHY?

    Glad our friends up north are slowly returning to some sort of normality, although I imagine it will take some time yet!

    We still have some stubborn snow, but today is a little 'warmer' so hopefully it will all be gone soon. Although I hear it is due to return next week, bums!

    Advent calendar; Candy Cane, even I'm beginning to bore myself now :-)

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello Everyone.

    Much warmer here now that I've bought some bright socks to put inside my boots, probably won't need them now but I can't wear them at any other time.

    Off to the vet very soon with Daisy for her booster and annual check up. I've locked the cat flap as last time she disappeared and we had to rearrange the appointment.

    My advent calendar guess: sprouts (what's the matter with my local supermarket that they haven't got any sprouts at this time of year.

    MM x

  • Comment number 70.

    Hmmmm .... this Advent Calendar malarkey is taking on a distinctly foodie feel ...!


  • Comment number 71.

    Morning all

    Glad the thaw is reaching the frozen north and people can get out and about again.

    MM - The sprout shortage is due to the ice & snow as the pickers have been able to!

    Deev's - Advent guess - a bauble, esp as it was on the GD's this morning!


  • Comment number 72.

    Hello again,

    We've just put the office Christmas tree up, it's one of those fibre optic ones therefore has no decorations on it, my boss decided that it needed something on top so has put Hardie (my monkey which Bids kindly gave me at the York meet) on the top, I will take a photo on Monday for the other side, he actually looks quite cute up there!



  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all!

    Caught up on this blog, no time for rest of the weeks, but its good to see some of the "Scottish Massive" are getting out and about again, I've worried about you over the week watching the weather and the news.

    Working from home today, so going to put CLP on listen again when it appears as I was having a telephone interview first thing.

    Still carless - what a pain! Now they are talking about head gaskets.... gutted its still in the garage as I really wanted to get my tree this weekend - but it will have to wait till at least next weekend now - NEVER has a tree been so late in this house!

    Right back to it

    laters taters

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi everyone:

    Just taken a break from putting 200 calendars in envelopes. I hate this chore every year!

    Pen: oooh, I didn't hear Donny yesterday (Puppy Love is my guess!) and I forgot to wish him a happy birthday on the blog!

    Donny: I know you are lurking - I hope you had a great day yesterday! xx

    Gaby: if you are lurking - I hope you had a great day yesterday, too!

    Gingembre/Keith: yes, yes, we know you two love Gaby! And why not, she is lovely and very much missed on the blog.

    JG: re: the blood tests, I sympathise. I had to have mine done recently, but all I can say is that this will help to sort out the problem - you just need the right medication and you will be tickety-boo!

    MC: what a brave girl to even think of entering a multi storey car park! When I used to drive (about 18 years ago) I parked in a multi storey only once. What an experience, I have still never recovered from the horror. Caused me to start drinking heavily ...

    Sezza: no problem about Peter Kay not being your cup of tea. Different strokes, and all that!

    MTF: really awful to hear about the fire at that house. I hope those poor people are alright - life can be very cruel sometimes.

    Bingo: excellent news about your mark for Maths! What a clever boy you are!

    Mary: isn't it wonderful to be free??!!

    Bids, AliB, Pen, Andy and Debs: thanks for all your lovely messages re: your frozen friends in the north! (if I missed anyone else, I am sorry!)

    Cheryl: I am still going with a snowflake for the calendar - apparently more of the the little blighters will be with us next week!

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    C - 200 calendars what is that all about?

    Morning all how are we all


  • Comment number 76.

    Hi kks: looks like it's just me and thee at the moment! Calendars, as in golf calendars with our company name on them. We send them out every December to our nearest and dearest clients. It is tedious beyond words - stuffing them into enormous cardboard envelopes, and then addressing them, franking them, and getting them to the Post Office! The very worst thing is, though, that at least 50 of them will have to be hand delivered - it saves Β£1.82 on each one, don't you know!

    Hope you are ok for a Friday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Apologies for my absence yesterday - had a couple of door frames to paint and then popped to Wellingtons the Pharmacist to get drops for my inflamed eyelids. Rock and Roll!

    I was pretty confident about my Advent Calendar guess for yesterday too - a 1987 Vauxhall Astra GLS - so was a bit gutted I missed it. Today though I'm going for....

    Motty's Big Book of Football Facts

    Bound to be, innit?

  • Comment number 78.

    Chrissie, it was indeed Puppy Love, what a shame you missed it. However, I am sure Donny will be delighted when he reads your message!

    I also hate multi story car parks, I would rather walk a mile than use them. Still I could try just once and then start drinking :-))

    Bingo, well done. I gave up maths when I left school and I can’t remember when that was!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Afternoon folks,

    Well, another pesky customer has paid by cheque, resulting in another trip into town to pay it in. So, the only place to park is the multi storey - yet again.
    It is so busy i had to make my way right to the 3rd floor , where I had never ventured before. After nipping in the bank all i wanted to do was exit the car park. So after entering the lift and visiting every floor at least twice, i then found that the pay station on the third floor was out of order. So back in the lift , visit every floor again, and eventually end up in paystation queue . Get ticket validated, back in lift , visit every floor, and eventually arrive back on level three.
    By this time i have made new friends, been invited to someones house for new years eve, and offered to give someone a lift home next week.
    But, you have to look on the bright side of all this madness, the view from the third floor was tremendous. I could see Manchester, Liverpool, the airport,the space shuttle , and my house . I plan to visit the 3rd floor again in the near future, perhaps i may just wait until after Christmas has passed , because i have a feeling if i go there next week, i may not get home for Christmas.

    Right, off for a lie down .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 80.


    My guess for today is a micropig please.

    Oh, i had a thought, could we perhaps stagger Christmas next year? Should we split the alphabet up , and those with surnames in each bracket get allocated a season to have Christmas in. Then we could rotate it each year. Could be a problem if you got married and end up having Christmas twice. ........ right, will re- think the rules and get back to you.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    LOL MC - I too have just got back from town (or, this being Cannock, "tow-en" as its known to the locals). I had to park on Level 2 of the Multi Storey, but it's only an itsy bitsy multi story. My problemo was getting out of Cannock itself. Gridlock! I thought I'd slept a fortnight and it was actually Christmas Eve, such was the traffic nightmare.

    Anyway, I now have some shiny tokens of cash to spend on prezzies for my nearest and dearest in Brum tomorrow (and I'm taking the train!)

    And .... for only the 2nd time in my 42 years upon this planet, I was taken in by someone approaching me selling the "Beeeeeg Ishooooooo" - they know, don't they? I mean, they saw me coming, hook, line and sinker .... put Russell Brand on the cover and Deevs'll buy a copy!


    Office to self for rest of afternoon, and 3 letters to type over the next 3.5 hours. It's gonna be tough ....!

    Chrissie - I'll see your calendar stuffing and raise you a copy typing of a Lease document!


  • Comment number 82.

    What's a micropig? Does it produce micro pork scratchings!?!?


  • Comment number 83.

    UC: you certainly now how to live!

    Pen: yep, it certainly worked like a dream for me!

    MC: you are just hilarious! Your post has cheered me up no end. You could even give the lovely Mr Kay a run for his money!

    C xx

  • Comment number 84.

    I quite agree with Chrissie, MC you crack me up - thanks.


    P.S. *** NEW BLOG ****

  • Comment number 85.

    As i only ever visit level one, levels 2 & 3 were a bit of a challenge. It was trying to find the exits that baffled me. This way to exit AND level 2 , noooo dont want level 2 , just wanna leave .
    The town centre is pretty much gridlocked from now on until Crimbo.

    Off to see the Courteeners in Manc tonight, am not looking forward to the concert, but i can wait to try the multi story out at the MEN arena.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    new blog



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