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On The Tee!

Chris Evans | 10:00 UK time, Tuesday, 14 December 2010

On the tee today Cameron and Liam, 10 and 13 respectively, take on Lee and Chris, 37 and 44. The boys take on the men at Sunningdale Golf Club today at eleven o'clock after their uncle bid Β£90k to Children In Need for the pleasure.

They can't wait, we can't wait and Pudsey seems to have had a word with the weather, so all things considered it should be a great day.

Can you imagine how young Cameron and Liam are feeling right now. What a blast ???





  • Comment number 1.

    Wowser! Have fun CLP.

    Loved your fit of giggles this morning during Head To Headlines with Johnny's revealation of women losing weight over Crimbo because we do so much and oyu lot gain it, due to doing (and I quote) "naff all".

    Really funny!

    Mange Tout!


    ps: Loved the reference on The One Show to Diva Fever. I think Nic may be suffering from that malady ...... x

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning All,

    Have fun Chris (I am sure you all will) and wow what a generous Uncle. He certainly wins Uncle of the year 2010 xx

    It's quite sunny here in Kent, although a tad chilly.

    Deev, My guess today is a string of fairy lights and I hope you feel better soon xx

    I'm not sure if the lovely Chris mentioned it yesterday, but he was saying that Moira was Number 1 in the DT list of Radio moments of the year; but did he say that he was Number 7 in the DT list of "Men of the Year"?? Lucky for him just one ahead of Justin Beiber...phew.

    Well Done Chris, it's certainly been a fab year for you xx

    My teeny tiny Christmas Tree went up last night all 3ft of it. I brought it 10 years ago, along with the decorations, and lights (that are still working)from Woolworths; so it's lasted longer than the shop!! I always have to listen to Handel's Messiah whilst putting the tree up, it's gets me all festive.

    Happy Tuesday Everyone


  • Comment number 3.

    Uncle of the Year? Harumph!

  • Comment number 4.


    Justin Beiber. "Man" of the year!?!?

    He's only about 12 isn't he!?!?


  • Comment number 5.

    Uncle Carl,

    I am so sorry, of course you are Uncle of the year xx It goes without saying xx

    Shall I get my coat?




  • Comment number 6.

    Advent calendar guess time.

    Is it 1966 North Korean World Cup hero, Pak Doo-Ik?

  • Comment number 7.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone else (again).

    Have fun at Sunningdale Chris and you're right, Pudsey has had a word with the weather considering what it's been like and is to be so again so they say.

    I think the boys are sure to win. But what if they really genuinley win. What is this going to do to your confidence Chris? Not to mention Lee's!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Oh - what have I found here? Its a bit rusty, about 3 1/2 inches long, a rounded bit at one end and a spikey bit at the other ........it's a key! I wonder where for? Hang on .... there appears to be something under this over grown Ivy bush......A Door! Eugh someone's left what appears to be a pair of Pink Frillies on the handle!!!!!!!!!!

    Can anyone guess what's behind the door?!!!!


  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Blog Buddies

    Blast!! After my guess of a seagull yesterday I did look at the cute penguins on the card in front of me and wondered if I should change!

    D'oh, never mind - a seagull is quite like a penguin, no?

    Deevs, hope you feel better soon, keep up the citrussy drinks

    Hope we're all ok?

    If there are any of those good blog vibes going, can you spare a few for my boss. Lovely man who is unexpectedly and unexplainedly off work, ill, until at least after Christmas. We are all very worried mostly because we don't know what's wrong and the emails coming from his boss not worded in a reassuring way

    Ta muchly

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Positive vibes coming your way Sezza, and Dook - great to see you back!


  • Comment number 11.


    no time to catch up, sorry

    went to the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ TV studios last night, saw the quattro (woohoo) and got Noel Fieldings autograph - and he said I had a lovely name

    la la la la la la - still off in the clouds, shame work is so busy.


  • Comment number 12.

    Cheers Dozy,

    The "other side" became my solace when drivetime turned to morning, and now local radio has taken over the rest of the day :-(

    Nostalgia took hold on account of a secret agent's birthday and thought I'd pop back over to catch up. It's difficult to keep up with everyone on the "other side" as a heap of other carp drops in.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Dook - really great to see you back on t'blog.

    And Seza - hope things are OK xx

    Wel, I've given up. Am now home, in comfies, on the sofa with my pillow.



  • Comment number 14.


    You can't let the kids win. Giving them a good thrashing (at golf not with a cane or a slipper!) will teach them good life lessons!


  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon CLP et al

    I bet those young men are having the time of their life, what lucky boys!

    Sezza, vibes winging their way to your boss, hope he's ok.

    Hello Dook, nice to see you back.

    Bondy, Happy Birthday, hope you're having a nice day.

    Deevs, Candy cane please, what else! Hope you feel betterer soon x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Chris et Team,

    Please oh please can I have a reference (newswire or something) for Johnny's head-to-headline item "Women lose weight at Christmas". I have to be able to corroborate (or otherwise) this outrageous allegation that my wife is throwing at me. So far internet searches have brought me little than links to buy slimming pills...
    Maybe Head-to-headlines could be a new page to the show's site...



  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon bloggers

    Well it is quiet on here ain’t it!

    Now for the golf, jealous, moi? Well yes firstly I do not have the 90k to bid for this next year even if I saved all of my pocket money, well for ever! And I would give my right arm (after the round of golf) to play a round of golf with Lee and CLP. So Chris if you would ever like to have a bash around my club (Honiton in Devon) you would be more than welcome, my treat! ;-)

    Sorry for the rejected blog last evening. It was only the you tube link to my daughter singing. I could not understand exactly why it broke the house rules! Still the blog police know best eh!?

    Thanks you Maddy for putting the link up again and for the very nice comments. I still get quite emotional watching it back as she had gone through a rough patch and her doing the show was such a big deal and it brings back some bad memories. Still she is there and immortalised for ever!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 18.

    Oh yes Happy Birthday Bondy! ;-) Have a great day!

    Deeve (under the duvet) I would still like to see a Candy Cane appear out of the calendar. x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi everyone:

    Sorry I have not been around - had a day's holiday yesterday and did a fairly large food shop - some of the Christmas food in the freezer, just in case we never get back out of the house once the freeze comes back!

    Can I just say how absolutely lovely it has been to see so many kind messages for my birthday. What a really, really love bunch you are - thank you! You are all great "mates" and I really can't single out anyone, but I have to say it was great to see Crumpy! Crumps, please come back on the blog ASAP!

    Daisy: the message about your son was just breathtaking. My eyes just filled up - so good to have a wee cry now and then! You must be proud beyond words.

    Keith: I will check out your daughter on FB - I'm sure it's wonderful.

    MTF: I was so sorry to read that the house was destroyed. Just awful and my thoughts are with that poor family.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    It's very quiet on here today, I hope everyone is OK. Perhaps, like Chrissie, they are stocking up for the impending snow!

    I've been supervising three lads all day on a tidy up of the area out of the back of our office. They've been in for cups of tea and a little break, but when they left I had to open all the windows. What with a combination of sweaty boy bodies and feet it's wasn't a pleasant smell...LOL. No offence to the men on this blog, who I am sure smell delightful :)

    Is is time to go home yet??? I've got sausages for tea and I'm wondering whether to make a toad in the whole; although perhaps not as suggestively as Nigella did the other night - did you see her with those sausages??


  • Comment number 21.

    Coefficient Communicative Connections Of Charismatic Cheer To CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - When a first read yer blog, a waz in shock!!!!!!! TOTAL.... SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The Cameron & The Liam are playing golf with yer!!!!!!!!
    Aka The Dave & The Gallagher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aka The PM & The.... Ex Oasis frontman!!!!!!!!!!

    Then on closer inspection a see it's not thee Cameron & Liam butta more important Cameron & Liam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And all for the good need of Children In Need!!!!!!!!!!
    And whatta generous amount generated by their obviously 'ighly rated uncle!!!!!!!

    A 'ope all ave a most nice day out on the fairways of The Sunningdale!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    PS X-Factor... A just wanted ter say for any who missed it or wanter see it again!!!!!!
    This performance by One Direction of Rhinna's Only Girl In The World was one of the best performances of the whole series, of all the contenders.... 'armonie wise!!!!!
    Already a favourite tune of mine when Rihanna sings it!!!!!
    But when One Direction break inter the chorus, coupled with the great music & the echo around the venue, it's a brilliant powerful sound in my opinion for a young boy band!!!!!! (mind you me computer speakers don't do it proper justice!!!)

    By the way, what boring attire they've been dressed in... grey, dull & boring... The EXACT opposite of the vocals in the chorus!!!!!

    A tell yer if The Cowell 'ad given this ter them on the final show, coupled with brighter or trendier clothes... they could 'ave won!!!!!!

    Check it out >>>>>

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    Who's their uncle?? Is he married?? Does he have a Dad??

    Seriously Chris, hope the boys enjoyed themselves and you let them win.

    Little boys have just gone home - there's pringles all over the rug but they'll keep till tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is ok.


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all! I really enjoyed the show this morning, especially the funny caddy! How lucky are those two l'il nippers, eh?! This was a day they'll remember for ever!

    Sezza - MANY good vibes and virtual hugs en route to you as I type - hope all will be well xx

    Baggypuss - I am super-jealous that you met the exquisite Noel Fielding. Believe it or not, I only got into the Boosh this year, after a colleague lent me a DVD - I'm SO annoyed that I ignored it for so long.

    Jonny is very much the Bollo to Chris's Naboo, I think... ;-)

    WELL - guess which Roo has almost set fire to her house?! Jasper isn't amused. I guess the lesson learned is that, when working with a flat, glass-topped, electric cooker hob ALWAYS make sure you've switched the correct ring on before you wander away and do something else...!!! D'oh!

    Hope everyone is well.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 25.


    Sorry about the lack of blogging, I've been sulking!

    My new car is STILL not ready!! It might be ready by Thursday, but it could be Wednesday next week :(

    Now given the weather forecast, I'm starting to get worried about getting to work, I have one day's holiday left, but if it's bad for ages, I really can't see my chances of getting to work in the Merc in one piece :(

    Mr JG has offered me a "driving lesson" in his new one on Saturday to get the feel of driving a manual again, but I would be in BIG BIG trouble if it got the slightest mark on it, so am not too sure about that....

    Hope everyone is OK, will catch up after I've had a chat with me Mum!

    JG x

  • Comment number 26.

    Love and hugs Jakey - hope the car is sorted soon. xx

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Ok, caught up (on today anyway)

    Deevs, keep taking the medicine and wrap up warm.

    Bondy, Happy Burpday me dear

    JG, Poo about your new car

    Roo, Daft Bat

    Ali, I've got rather hooked on Nigella but, yes, what was she like with those sausages?

    Dookegg, is that the key to the shed?

    Sezza, hope your boss is ok and gets well soon

    Hallo to the rest of you lot.


  • Comment number 28.

    brightAnnie - that is perhaps the wisest assessment of me ever committed to the blogosphere!

    Bondy - not sure who you are yet (bit of a newbie, me) - but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Sorry, Roo, was only joking - done it myself on many occasions.

    Just watching the One Show and the gorgeous deer on Cairngorm. Don't know if they are the herd in Rothiemurchus but if they are - I helped feed them once. What a spectacular sight it was, seeing them coming over the hill.

    When daughter came to pick up little boys tonight she said how much better the One Show is now with Chris on every night. Of course.


  • Comment number 30.

    Evenink all

    Still sneezy and Dopey, which leaves only 5 more little people for me to be!

    Spent the afternoon on the sofa, dozing. Came to the conclusion that Deal or No Deal really is a heap of pants. And to think, I wanted to marry Noel Edmonds once (I was about 7!!).

    Have decided not to go out with the girls from work tonight as Thursday night is much more important and I don't want to be poorly for it. So, Nic has gone to his little big man and when he gets back, he's off out to the pub quiz.

    Me? An evening of wrapping and Hugh Grant methinks. (although if he were here, I'd much rather unwrap Hugh Grant to be honest ....!)

    Today's Advent window revealed ....


    Til later.


  • Comment number 31.

    Sneezy/Dopey - did anyone win with the Christmas Tree?

    Ok, tomorrow - Santa


  • Comment number 32.

    No winners today Annie.

    Santa - noted!


  • Comment number 33.


    Sneezy/Dopey I should imagine you are also a bit Grumpy and later when Doc gets back you will be Happy!

    Guess for tomorrow is a holly wreath. Happy 1st anniversary to ChezNic for tomorrow and hope you both celebrate in style xx

    Susan x

  • Comment number 34.

    Oops like Sally traffic I too think it is Wednesday - ChezNic I meant for 16th xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh no! One of my earlier guesses was a tree! Poodles!!! Um... still a present for tomorrow please Deevs. Jasper says "Present". Although that may be more of a demand from me than a suggestion from you... ;-)

    No need to apologise, bAnnie; my general outlook on such things is that, if it doesn't kill me, it's actually quite funny. It's where others are concerned that I get upset.

    Deevs - I LOVE pub quizzes. I've got lots of ludicrous trivia in my head! Alas, none of the pubs 'round my way hold pub quizzes these days :-( sad times...

    I'm getting all excited 'cause there's a good programme on Pompeii on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2 tonight - getting my mouse finger all ready for the iPlayer afterwards...!

    Do you remember that kiddie's programme, Fingerbobs? Who could've known back then that the same 'fingermouse' finger would end up being used with a REAL computer mouse?! Scary! Perhaps that beardy bloke had insider knowledge... ;-)

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 36.


    Thanks for the good wishes. Is funny cos Boss won't even know about them but they're making me feel better

    Roo, have been reading Jasper's blog - he's quite the writer isn't he/ I can't wait to hear what happens next!

    btw pub quiz down the road soon, want to make up a team? ;-)

    Can't remember what's appeared in the advent calendar so far so will guess a snowman

    How's you all doing tonight?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Half time in the wrapping marathon ... at this rate he'll still be opening his prezzies on Boxing Day!

    Susan - thank you! It seems unreal that it was a year ago. So much has changed in the last 12 months, all for the better!

    I too love pub quizzes but really think going out tonight would be a daft move on my part. And I'm really not in the mood for drinking to be honest (maybe a large irish Cream Liqueur latet tho ....!)

    Right. Legs stretched. Back to it ....


  • Comment number 38.

    Deevs - if you don't feel like going out it's always best not to - besides, why waste all that qualight time on your own with Hugh Grant? ... ;-)

    Sezza - SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! That's the sound of Jasper and I sharing a shriek of honour as we do the Hellacious Hula around our tiny living room! THANK YOU so much for having a little look at Jasper's scribblings - it's so sweet of you to pay us a visit; we are very grateful. Jasper is having a short rest after describing the first traumas of his early days with me - but a new entry is brewing up. Although obviously embellished and anthropomorphosized, all of the featured beasties are real and display the actual features and characteristics of their blog counterparts. Alas, the tales of youthful Jasper's mischief are all 100% true. He really DID wind masking-tape around and around the coffee-table legs (which I had to carefully snip off) and he really DID embark on a campaign of destruction. Ironic really - given the misery he caused when young, it's actually true to say now that, were it not for the grown-up Jasper, I wouldn't be here today. But THAT's a story you won't find on his blog!

    Pub quiz team - YES PLEASE!!! (Although you might have to put up with Jasper as well... he's very good on the meat-based questions).

    Some of our good wishes are for your boss, Sezza - but most of them are for you. Thanks again for visiting Jasper's site; you're lovely.

    Roo xxxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Deevs - qualight??? Silly me. Of course, I meant "quality"! I was thinking about how much I might appreciate some "quality" time alone with yummy Owen Wilson when Jasper's not looking and I must have become a little distracted... oops! ;-x

    R x

  • Comment number 40.

    Okay you two - where's Jaspers website?? Stop keeping it to yourselves.


  • Comment number 41.

    Oh, Annie! I would tell you - but the mods will boot me off! Here's a tip: Ask Uncle Google what he can do with the words Jasper, dog and blog. Should be the top result (latest entry features a couple of pics of little kittens). But if you look at it, hate it, and make it your mission in life to tell all peoples everywhere how rotten it is we PROMISE we will still love you! Thank you for asking... xxxx

    As for MY web-site - it's on the ceiling at the top of the upstairs landing. I can't reach up that high with the duster... hehehe... ;-)

    Now then... washing up - or emailing potential b/f? Ah, the agony of choice...

    Roo xxxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Annie, I've sent the blog link to you on the other side

    Roo, I haven't actually ventured to the pub quiz yet, just seen the signs and keep thinking I really ought to....

    Deevs, Hot toddy for you by the sound of it. Keep warm won't you.

    I want to make a beautiful rug now. Do you think Kirsty will come and help me?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Roo, washing up ain't going nowhere!


  • Comment number 44.

    Sez - It tastes horrid when you try and kiss it as well (not recommended)... Thank you for sending Annie the link; that's very kind of you. xx

    Where's the pub (general area - don't want to leave you open to nutjobs!)?

    R xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Sezza. The kittens are gorgeous, but I think maybe Roo is slightly mad?? Jasper, of course, is a gentleman.

    Roo, is that best friend or boyfriend??


  • Comment number 46.

    Roo, I'm an up darn Essex girl - let's just say a certain singing competition winner is a local lad!


  • Comment number 47.

    Oh, and last year's runner up went to school here too

    Is this something I should admit?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Well popping back now, watching the Pompeii prog now, it's good!

    Sezza, hope all is well with your boss, {{{Hugs}}} To you and to him!

    Roo, Finlay disgraced himself this morning and did something he hasn't done for ages! Hope Jasper isn't listening to get any ideas, but..

    When I was in the shower this morning, he started drinking the shower water, and then tried to climb in! Both front paws in! Luckily, I'd heard the slurping and was wise to him, and the shower curtain prevented him from getting completely soaked!

    He hasn't done that in ages!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    JG, oh dear Naughty Finlay! But the idea of you turning round in the shower and finding you've been joined by a furry friend made me laugh!

    Don't think I could cope with the shock that early

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 50.

    brightAnnie - thanks for the Facebook thingy! Yes, I am entirely mad. Or (I'm hoping) I'm sane and the rest of the world is nuts. Don't worry - I'm not dangerous... Actually, I hope I'm not mad. Possibly just a lively imagination... ;-) In this particular case, b/f means "boyfriend". Tempting... but the washing-up water is getting cold...

    Sezza - aww... widdles. Essex is MILES away from me (J and I are in Hampshire). I have BEEN to Essex a few times though. A few years ago, I wrote a play about Jane Austen and her sister which was staged (I played Cassandra Austen) and a lovely lady with a costume company in Essex made the dresses and coats for me (long story - but it was cheaper for me to get her to do it even with the travelling to Colchester and back several times than for a local costumier to do it). Somewhere on Jasper's blog there exists a photo of him by the roadsign for a small Essex village called "Jasper's Green". Too good an opportunity to waste...!

    Jakey - NAUGHTY Finlay! Ah, nothing like the smell of wet dog, is there?! Jasper's not prone to doing that sort of thing, although he DOES get into the (dry) bath whenever he's feeling poorly - he thinks no-one can see him in there. As a child I used to have a little Jack Russell who was absolutely fascinated by the human body. Whenever in the shower or the loo, she would barge in and just STARE. I was convinced that she had been sent here by aliens to gather data on the human body to report back to her martian masters. It was most unnerving....

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Roo, our 5yr old does that - barrels into the bog and just STARES!!! Scary boy.

    Have never heard of Cassandra Austen - who was she?

    Tempting boyfriend - you need to tell us more.


  • Comment number 52.

    Then, Roo, you and Jasper have driven past my house!

    Well, the little turning to my house anyway!

    Two miles along the road from that sign and you're at the pub!

    Night all, sleep well and watch out for wet noses in the shower!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Ahh, well Finlay, fortunately, has always managed to stay the "other side" of the curtain...not that I'm shy, but a completely soggy dog would be more than I could cope with first thing in the morning!

    Well I can highly recommend the Pompeii programme, excellent!

    I need to head to bed now, night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Sezza - NO WAY?!! What a small world, eh? Actually, Jazz and I got hopelessly lost and stopped to ask for directions - maybe the kind lady who helped us was you! Hehehe... If so, thanks! Night night no nightmares about furry beasties in the shower, now! xx

    JakeyG - sleep sound poppet, sweet dreams. Will deffo watch that programme tonight. I went to Pompeii a few years ago. Also climbed Vesuvius and looked into the crater. Not the wisest thing I've ever done - but certainly one of the best! xx

    Annie - Cassandra was Jane's older (and only sister). They were incredibly close and Cassandra nursed Jane as she fell prey to the illness which killed her, aged only 42 (probably Addison's Disease). Jane's letters to Cassandra have been widely published (they wrote to each other constantly when apart). What I did with my play was to take some of Jane's letters (with permission) and wrote letters as if from Cassandra back to Jane, to 'flesh out' the relationship between the sisters, how they influenced and supported each other and reacted to the local and national things around them, the things they laughed at together (Jane actually had quite a wicked sense of humour at times) and it ended with Cassandra nursing her younger sister and subsequently endeavouring to deal with her loss. There were only three in the cast, Jane, Cassandra and a male narrator. The reviewers were kind ;-) I nearly wet myself on the first night though. Someone told me that some Austen family descendants had come along to see it. I thought they might have come to stone me to death... I managed to escape unscathed!

    Oh dear; this is a bit too self-promoting for me. Sorry guys. :-(

  • Comment number 55.

    Oh yes - b/f very tempting. Definite prospects there, I think. More tempting, at any rate, than a bowl of lukewarm washing up... ;-)

    R xx

  • Comment number 56.

    How interesting Roo. Off to google Cassandra.


  • Comment number 57.

    Oops, missed the boyfriend comment. Keep us up to date Roo.


  • Comment number 58.

    Hello everyone

    Just popped in to say while we have all been chatting about our problems and Christmas coming up next week.

    Mr CSN, will be covering the military bravery awards in London tomorrow , that puts all our problems here in to insignificance, when you think about what all these people have been through in their lives.

    Get my coat and leave now.

    Sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hehehe - don't go buying a new hat yet bAnnie! But he's certainly very lovely. All depends on Jasper really. He only seems to like the ones I'm not very keen on. He probably does it deliberately - he's a jealous pet! xx

  • Comment number 60.

    CSN - Hello! How's the doggie doing? Still on the mend, I hope. x

    Wow - the military awards. You're right. Everything (in my life at least) pales besides those folks. I can't even imagine anything as horrendous as some of the things those military personnel had to witness on an almost daily basis. We owe them more than we can ever repay.

    Take care, CSN, much love,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    CSN, I'm not sure how I feel about the military. Very brave men but I would hate my boys to be joining up. And I feel so sorry for the mothers, wives and children left behind.

    Roo, I'll keep my hat in the box for now, then, but fingers crossed.

    Nothing interesting about Cassandra on t'internet - or on Kindle.


  • Comment number 62.

    bAnnie - I know what you mean. My heart would break every time I had to watch them go off on a tour.

    Try this for Cassandra:
    or this: - the last letter on this page was the final scene in my play.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks Roo. Very reminiscent of Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journals, which I bought when in the Lakes in October.

    That letter is very emotive.


  • Comment number 64.

    Right, I'm off folks. Shopping with daughter in the morning.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 65.

    brightAnnie - Agreed. Brings tears to me every time. Couldn't control it on stage; don't know how I got through it, honestly I don't.

    Thanks also for the chats on 'tother side - really great talking to you; I enjoyed it. Have a fantastic time with your daughter tomorrow - hope the weather is kind to you both.

    Night-night - sweet dreams.

    Keep smiling,

    Roo xxxx (and Jasper) x

  • Comment number 66.

    Evening each,

    Bit busy tomorrow - carpet laying duties, absolutely no idea what I'm doing - so I thought I'd take my guess for tomorrow's Advent Calendar just in case time does not permit anon.

    Is it...

    A cylinder head gasket from an Austin Allegro?

    `Spect not....

  • Comment number 67.

    Uncle Carl,

    Hello! Good luck tomorrow! Confidence in your (non-existent or otherwise) ability is the first step to complete success, you know...

    I cannot imagine any circumstance in which your guess would be anything other than 100% accurate. Apart from an advent calendar, of course - but, hey, we all get lucky some time.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 68.

    morning peeps!
    will try to catch up later but hugs for all who need them {{{{{{}}}}}}

    advent guess today, a elf

    tiggs xxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    morning all

    Roo - had a look at Jaspers blog - need more time to read it but looks good!

    My guess is alien - becuase today I'm off to cardiff with my Dad and mr bp to see War of the Worlds live - all together now - dum de dum, da da da, da da da, just got to keep doing budgets for the next few hours **yawn**


  • Comment number 70.

    Morning bloggeeeees

    Well, I'm in work. Coughing a bit more than yesterday but I'm sure a citrussy hot drink will see me right (or send me to sleep!)

    Had a lovely evening in with Hugh, Colin, Alan, Martin, Kris, Liam et al last night. Yes, Christmas can officially now begin as I have watched Love Actually for the gadzillionth time - and it's still a fantastic fillum!

    And Nic and the chaps won the quiz!

    Hopefully back later but I have a feeling the person who sits behind me may be in today which could make for awkward bloggery.


    Deevs, who likes a mitten!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    okay - where is everyone?

    i've finally got a day I can hang out on the blog and its just me and deev's (hi honey)

  • Comment number 72.

    Good morning everyone,

    Minus 5 here in Ayrshire this morning but still lovely and dry.

    My guess for the Advent calendar is - Princess Anne.

    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 73.

    Grrr .. someone sitting behind me!



  • Comment number 74.

    ps: Baggy - Mr Mayo's theme for toons today is Angels.

    Can you think of anything!?



  • Comment number 75.

    deev - tears of an angel - aerosmith came to mind first ;-)

  • Comment number 76.

    tbh - that might be wings of an angel - too busy at work to stop and check my ipoddy ;-)

  • Comment number 77.

    actually - that might be skin - can I just say I have a huge headache, its been hanging aroound for a week and I can't seem to shake it - any ideas?

  • Comment number 78.

    Chop your head off?

    I think it was Skin ..... ahhh Nev!!


  • Comment number 79.


    Baggy, sounds a bit glib but walk out in the fresh air? I feel like I've been stuck indoors for ever and the heat and artificial light don't do us good

    Deevs, hope the feeling better is lasting

    I'm feeling a bit less worried this morning as I've found out what is wrong with my boss. It is bad, he has had a heart attack and is waiting for surgery, but at least we know now and can worry constructively!

    Off to lunch with the oldies today - Laters!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 80.

    I can confirm - fallen angel Aerosith and wings of an angel - skin - both very good songs

    Sezza - sorry to hear out your boss

    Fresh air sounds good - just don't know when I will get the time

  • Comment number 81.

    Seza, you can't beat a bit of constructive worrying. As opposed to completely senseless worrying for nowt other than the sake of worrying about something. I think some people worry for the sake of worrying, and worry even more if they don't have anything to worry about.

    If you know what I mean ....


  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all!

    Yep BAnnieG - it was the key to the shed! Just scrubbed & disinfected the hot tub, righted the bar stools, primed the Genny and off to stock up. Bondy requires the ingredients for Martini's - anyone know what goes in them?


  • Comment number 83.

    Sezza, that's exactly the same as my uncle Ivor, he is having a stent fitted but they have to wait till they get rid of an infection in his kidney before they can operate on his heart, he is in hospital at the moment, hopefully be out by Christmas to recover then back in sometime in the new year for the heart operation. It's very worrying for everyone involved. His daughter (my cousin obviously) lives in Dubai now, she is coming home today for Christmas and said that she will probably burst into tears when she sees her Dad in the hospital, my Mum said she should pull herself together as that will just upset everyone, but I don't know, surely it's good to show your emotions??



  • Comment number 84.

    Dook - I don't care what goes in them, just pour me a double please - it's 5 o'clock somewhere!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Deevs-calendar guess for today-is it a large lump of snot with tinsel hanging from it?


  • Comment number 86.

    dozy - as an emotionaly repessed accountant/capricorn I say she should let them out, a good cry will help the process and allow her to deal with a very difficult situation.

  • Comment number 87.

    Hello Everyone.

    I woke up this morning with signs of a cold coming on, probably picked it up yesterday at the doctor's when I went for a blood test ggggrrrrrr!

    Anyway, last time I had one I shook it off OK but the previous one last February, I spent 10 days in hospital (COPD).

    I don't wish to spend Christmas in hospital but do wonder what the dinner is like.

    My advent calendar guess: A calendar!

  • Comment number 88.

    Hey Dozymac - looks like someone cleared out those special glasses - Pint Pot do you?!

    Advent guess - Candle


  • Comment number 89.



  • Comment number 90.

    Spare pair of pants - in case of getting ahole in one



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