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High Speed Why Dot Com?

Chris Evans | 06:20 UK time, Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Welcome to my new website that doesn't exist (yet) - highspeedwhy.com. It doesn't exist at the moment but it could do soon enough. There is considerable consternation, you see, to the new proposed high speed rail link between London and Birmingham. Several hundred/thousand people say the route it is planned to take, will mean them having to give up their homes and move elsewhere. Well hold on a cotton pickin' minute.

Why do we need to get between London and Birmingham any quicker than we already can, regardless of where the new tracks happened to be laid ? It's not like it's ten hours away for heaven's sake, in fact it's barely two. And what are the super fast commuters going to do with the extra few minutes they have gained either side? Spend even longer queuing up for a donut or a Cornish pasty?

When overnight journeys are turned into day trips, or full on jet-lag is transformed into being a bit bleary eyed for a couple of hours, then sure there's an argument for change, but environmentally and economically, this catastrophic chronological short cut is a complete ass.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Agree, what a joke!!

    On a seperate note, loving the show as always Chris, the first year has flown by and you have done a brilliant job, keep it up!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Moorrning all

    tis me - I'm back. Just nipping in quickly to say hello before I venture out to try to get to work (first day of a new contract so need to show willing!!!).

    No chance to catch up fully but I will try to read back a bit to get the gist.

    As some of you know - the toedippers ventured away on holiday and (as usual) it would not be a toedipper holiday this year without a drama or two. I'll be back later with the tale of the high seas.

    Take care out there peeps - looks like it might be a bit scary out there.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Early mooooooooooornin aaaaallll

    AT LAST !!!! Totally agreed Chris, what a waste of money to build a route that only takes about 30 minutes of an already short journey. Why why why cant they just upgrade the old line?

    They did it here in Kent but did get to use the Eurostar lines part way so nobody had to move home and nothing had to be changed.

    And all this high speed link stuff. If they want to do it properly, why not build a dead straight line and put a train on it capable of 300 mph? Like Japan. Now that would be worth doing but just for an extra few MPH and a few minutes off the journey? I just dont get it.

    What is there in Birmingham anyway ?????

  • Comment number 4.


    CLP - thanks for today's blog

    I happen to live in the affected area in the Chilterns and it will affect me anad my in law side of the family, who have lived in these parts for generations and have worked very hard for what they have!

    Now I love London, and I love brum, but getting there a few minutes quicker isn't going to help anyone!


    Ps -that song you played by the Feeling - Christmas is just for children, made me cry and not in a good way - pls don't play that again

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello All, long time no blog!

    CLP - I couldn't agree more, very well put.

    Update on life in the CG household - Mum is still with us (just) but is in hospital & I'm trying to find a hospice for her, we've been told we have 4 - 6 weeks left so making her last Christmas special is top priority. Dad isn't too good either, but should have a few months still.

    We're pulling together and coping, that's the main thing.

    On a happier note - Lilly the kitten has settled in brilliantly and is now best friends with Treacle the older cat. I did expect the tree to be bereft of baubles by now, but she's been really good (so far!) Have a look at this - it's how I thought my tree would be .... tee hee!

    Anyhow - in case I don't get time to pop back in over the next few days -Merry Christmas to all you lovely people out there, stay safe and warm and be happy

    CG xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP!

    Tsk Tsk MikeyMikey!! What is there in Birmingham??

    Well, as a recent newbie to the Midlands (Feb 2010) I love Brum! I always considered London to be the be-all and end-all (I was born there, after all) but Brum is Fab!! A lovely place to shop, easy to get to, hotels to suit all price ranges and some fantastic venues for gigs. The beer is also cheaper in Brum, which has to be a bonus!

    But no, we don't need a high speed rail link as it only takes about an hour and a half from New Street to Euston.

    I also love Liverpool btw. Yet to be taken to Manchester and Newcastle, so judgement reserved.

    Well, more snow here this morning. Walked to work and it came over the entire foot of my welly boot. I'm off to the barnet fixers tonight so hopefully the main roads will be ok as it's just that little bit too far to walk, but way too close to justify a taxi!

    Pub quiz went well last night - we won! Huzzah!!!

    Alone in office at the mo as my two colleagues are both stuck in snow. I've suggested they both turn round and dial in from home, but no, they're on their respective ways here.

    Good to se you bakc MTD - good luck with Day 1 of the new contract.

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 7.

    Take care CG.

    You're going through a tough time. My thoughts are with you.

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 8.

    CG - hugs to you
    JG - hugs to you too

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning all! So sorry there is a fair bit of sadness around at the moment. Goes without saying that I send hugs to you all. The Daisy household are having an unexpected Christmas at home this year as the weather seems to have scuppered all attempts to get down south to spend it with the rest of the family. So we need to food shop at some point now... oh dear...
    Still I managed to amuse myself this morning when Mr Daisy and the Daisy boys got in the car to bring me to work and all commented on how much milder it felt today. Only to see the car thermometer reading -4! I think we must be becoming hardened to our new arctic conditions! LOL!
    Thankfully the snow missed us overnight, sorry to those who were caught in it again.
    Advent guess is a donkey please Deevs.
    In lieu of sending Christmas Cards I have made a charity donation to help local homeless young people (a bit of a change from my original plan to those who I already explained that to on t'other side)..... God bless you all and I wish you all peace and goodwill over Christmas and I wish you all everything you wish for yourselves in 2011.
    Have a good one CLP and bloggers..
    Take care.
    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 10.

    Chris - I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    Living in Aylesbury - I would be directly affected by this. In fact, the proposed route would see a viaduct being constructed 80m from the house we used to live in on the other side of town. Ben Fogle tweeted the exact point as you yesterday having used the existing service.
    It would be terrible to rip up sections of the Chilterns to allow this to run through. I feel blessed to live in what, I believe to be the most beautiful countryside we have (other beautiful areas of countryside are available).

    I have to admit that I haven't got involved with any of the campaigns against the HSRL, because I believe that what will be, will be and it is a little unfair for me to fight to have it land on someone else's door step.
    I do appreciate hearing other people with the same view and large platforms to air them from though.....

    Good work Chris!

    Hi to everyone else and Happy Birthday Debs x



  • Comment number 11.

    Hi again,

    Just read through and saw your post CG - My thoughts and best wishes are with you and all your family x

    Daisy - can I make a recommendation? The CMM, the kids and I hit Tecso (sic) at 0630 this morning. The shelves were full, the queues were non existent and thanks to a military type plan which saw the kids and I hitting the booze, crackers and luxury type goods on the shopping list, followed by breakfast in the cafe whilst the CMM did the dull stuff. It was almost fun.....
    I think the (recovering) Current Mrs. Milham may well spend the rest of the day in bed mind...



  • Comment number 12.

    Off to deliver some smiles now. The very last ones of the year, thank goodness!

    Just dropping by to wish Lady Chards a 'Happy Birthday'

    Take it easy and put your feet up!!

    Will be back this evening to raise a large one to you.



  • Comment number 13.

    Now Rips, that sounds like a plan. Mr Daisy, Daisy Boys and I could be done and dusted in time for me to come to work. I shall be suggesting this tonight. Daisy boys will think it is an adventure - and if there is food involved for them that'll seal the deal! They're growing lads and bribery by food ALWAYS works! LOL!
    Will report back tomorrow morning to see if our Tecso is as good as yours!
    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 14.

    A few years ago, I got up and went to Tecso at 5am, I was the only one in there, but they were still stacking the shelves, making getting down the ailses difficult, so 6am is probably better!

    I agree with you CLP, there is absolutely no need to build a brand new rail link, especially through such a beautiful part of the country! Havin spent the past two days travelling to work by train, they should spend the money on more carriages, and some bloody heating!

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning All,

    Well said Chris, the problem with most "Government" decisions is that they don't look at the bigger picture. I am within hearing distance of the EuroStar (and now the Kent Highspeed Rail Link), I am quite used to it now, but would hate to live any nearer.


    cg, Thinking of you at this time, but I like your positive attitude xxx

    mtf, Take care out there my love, be safe and three rings when you get home xxx

    I am counting down the hours now until the end of the week (and my working year) it can't come quick enough.

    It must be time for a mince pie and a brew. I'll put the kettle on.


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning everyone!

    Thanks for the encouragement yesterday folks, sorry I didn't hang about decided on an early night as was cooooolllld!

    JG - sorry to hear Mr. is being a complete grinch - hope you get shot of him soon. xx

    Baggz - Jasper was most honoured to see you pop up on his blog! Hopefully a new post tonight with snow and propagation frolics... PM him where you are - be good to meet up! I had asthma dreadfully at school, several different types of inhaler, many brushes with death, etc. Then, bizarrely, I had a huge attack when I was 19 and nothing since (touch wood). Not a squeak or a hint of a wheeze. Mad. Good - but mad. Your boss sounds like a heartless nutjob. Good riddance to him. Hope he has a rotten Christmas.

    Deevs - RESULT on the quiz!! Congrats!

    CG - MANY hugs to you.

    Good show this morning - brilliant 'end of term spirit', I thought! Hope the team get to York.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Sorry - meant "I hope the team get to York SAFELY". Wasn't concentrating! Roo x

  • Comment number 18.

    Well said Chris! Is 90 minutes not quick enough for some people then?! I know I am impatient but that's ridiculous!
    Mikey - I could have a rant about your comment but I won't as it's Christmas but maybe hop on a train and have a look for yourself.


  • Comment number 19.

    Oops, forgot to say...Happy Birthday Debs!! Have a lovely day!

    CG, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right, {{{hugs}}} to you! xx

    I've missed the breakfast show this week, due to not possessing any earphones or portable radio etc, good luck if you are trying to get to York, and avoid Cheshire and North Wales - loads more snow fell overnight!

    JG x

  • Comment number 20.

    I used to have a similar opinion to Mikey - but my brother lived in Birmingham for a few years a while back (he did his post-Graduate degree at the medical university). I went to stay with him and I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. They've completely re-done the central bit and it's lovely. Didn't they also have the largest cinema in Europe at one point?

    That said, the area where my brother lived was "a bit" rough, but by no means intolerable. Even Jasper's been to Birmingham (but he says that true Brummie dogs have a bit of an annoying bark...)!

    My l'il bro really did enjoy his time living in Brum and - hey! - there's good and bad elements to every place in the world.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 21.

    My parents are both from birmingham and my Nanna still lives there - that byself itself makes it a great place

  • Comment number 22.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Just a bit of fresh snow here in Wirral, nothing like the forecast which had me panicking last night. What happened to the days of great excitement running out to build snowmen and snowball fights (which could now be called gbh!)

    But thinking of those who are having it much worse than us here and causing difficulties.

    I agree Chris, they really need to slow down the rat race and not speed it up any further. Everyone is so impatient and must have things done immediately no matter what the hardship to other people who will be affected.

    We've all got so much more than we used to and yet we all moan far more, we all just need to stop and count our blessings.

    I'm in danger of rambling on for a long time now that I've got started so I'll now shut up.

    Today's advent calendar guess: A robin because there's one looking into the kitchen window now and then.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    ***Happy Birthday Debs***

    CG - Thinking of you at a very difficult time xxx

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    my guess for today is Birmingham ;-)

    tomorrow I'll have a present!

    Rips - the bucks massive are united

  • Comment number 25.

    PS - happy birthday debs

  • Comment number 26.

    Chris: what a great blog from you today. I agree: sounds like it would be a nightmare for so many people, and for what?

    The Lovely Debs: hope you are having a very happy birthday!

    mtd: good to see you back, looking forward to hearing about all the drama!

    CG: what a very difficult time this is - thinking of you.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    G'day everyone. Have been lurking but unable to blog for a while but now I've finished work for the rest of the year (oh how nice that sounds) can I join in please?

    CG and JG - huge hugs to you both - you definitely need them {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}

    I got news this morning that my brother is finally en route from New Zealand to Heathrow via Los Angeles and is due to arrive tomorrow lunchtime. Am very excited as it's almost two years since I saw him last.

    So, my brother, mum and dad will be with us for Christmas and I can't wait for everyone to be here, but since mum's stroke her confidence has plummeted and she gets so anxious about everything. The uncertainty about whether my brother would make it through this recent weather has driven her half mad, which has in turn taken its toll on my dad, bless him ..... I love them dearly but sometimes I feel like a circus act trying to keep them cheerful. Anyhoo, now that I'm starting to relax a bit I've developed a cold sore on my lip which is the size of a small country, so I may well just plant a flag on it and declare it 'jollygitsville' !

    It's also the funeral of my friend's husband today so my emotions are all over the place right this minute.

    Sorry about that folks - just had to get it off my chest.

    Thank you to the lovely bloggers for my Chrimbo cards, especially Deevs and Maddy Moon - I made a lovely list of everyone I was going to send cards to but I did a huge tidy up before last weekend, when the in-laws came to stay, and now cannot find the list for love nor money (I suspect it's been recycled), so I've no idea who I did and didn't send cards to. So, please accept my apologies if the cards have been somewhat one-sided this year and, like Daisy, I'll put some money in the charity box this year!

    Love to all.

    jollygit xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Just popping in to wish Debs a wonderful birthday xx

    CG, you are in my thoughts , keep strong. x

    JG, you know where i am x

    I love Brum, spent loads of time there when my brother was at Uni, and to be honest i think it has got better , with so much to offer .
    Manchester is where my heart is, and as Ian Brown said, !It has everything except a beach" ! Personally , as long as there are shoe shops and restuarants , I'm happy !

    MTD, good to see you back, good luck with your first day on your new contract.

    Cant believe it will be a year tomorrow since we were all at the O2. Happy days.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Glad you liked my card Jillygoat.

    Actually I'm not sure who I sent cards to, just to names and addresses which appeared on my computer.

    So to everyone whose name didn't pop up:

    ***A Very Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year***

    MM xxx

    PS That, of course, includes Chris, Tash & Noah! xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon all

    Not been about much as v busy at work and will be for next month or so.

    Happy Birthday Debs - not too much Chards now - remember to save yourself for the weekend!

    I'd like to add my thoughts to CG and JG - hope you can feel the support by everyone on here.



  • Comment number 31.

    Harsh, but kinda funny ....

    Back later. Promise!!


  • Comment number 32.

    Deev - now I know what to threaten my babies with next time one of the little darlings wee in the living room, and I think they got the wii remotes too - yuck - lots of washing going on in my house!

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi everyone, remember me?

    Great blog Christoff, and I totally agree with every word, what is the point?

    JG, thinking of you, what a nasty thing to say (previous blog) it must be so difficult for you, I hope you manage to get away for Christmas xx. Any news on the new car?

    CG, thoughts are also with you xx

    Deevs, I did chuckle! Talking of puddy cats, do you get updates on MrsSootycat?

    Happy Birthday Debs xx

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    Off to Guildford panto tomorrow, with big kids and little kids, oh yes I am!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 34.

    *I'm not here ....*

    Pen - I had a box sent to me last week from the ex Mr Deevs, full of christmas decs and a few items of jewellery I'd left behind. He also sent a Christmas card from him and MrsSootyCat!

    Yes, I was speechless. And yes, the decs are now handing on the tree at ChezNic.


    ps. Baggy - ewww! x

  • Comment number 35.

    Deevs - I agree, we may be having cat burgers for chrsitmas dinner if behaviour is not sorted out!

  • Comment number 36.

    Baggy - Would those count as veggie cat burger then?

    (I'm not here)


  • Comment number 37.

    A - as cross as I was the second time it had happened - I could have eaten them raw - after first finding out how big the room is!

  • Comment number 38.

    Deevs - even as a cat lover I had trouble looking at that cat! It looks like it's got another animal hanging off its front!

    Have just returned from S****bury's in pursuit of the almighty sprout (and various other bits 'n bobs) and there are a gazillion bags of sprouts in there CLP, so fear not!

    D'you know, it's feeling quite warm darn sarf - positively balmy ... or should that be barmy?

    jollygit x

  • Comment number 39.

    JG - big hugs to you; your family are lucky to have you.

    Deevs - trust you told the ex where he could shove his baubles?!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Roo - complete wrong end to the stick my friend - I believe Deev was happy to receive the parcel!

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks Pen, the update on the car isn't too great unfortunately :(

    The sensor that's gone wrong is the traction control one, and can't be got at, so it needs a whole new ABS system (which is where it's situated apparently). Given the weather, they are not sure they will get the new part and get it fitted before Christmas :(

    Luckily I'm not paying for it, as it's Β£850! Ouch!

    In the meantime I'm stranded, other than taxi's, as I can't get the Merc off the drive!

    Oh well...luckily my lovely ex-neighbour who lives the other end of town has offered me another lift to ELH if I need it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.

    Roo, Baggy's right. I was rather touched that he had taken the time nad trouble to send the box of trinkets, and yes, very taken aback. Had the boot been on the other foot I would have taken the whole lot down the tip.

    I know you're new to this 'ere blog but I've been incredibly open about my divorce, Nic and I getting together etc, and the whole thing (after the initial shock) has actually worked out really well. Our divorce was quick and amicable (6 months start to finish). Last time we spoke he told me about his new lady (which kind of gave me closure) and I am genuinely happy for him.

    Apparently the rest of his family think I'm a scarlet scuzzy haridan but then they didn't know the half of it ...!

    And can you believe, troops, it's a year tomorrow since the o2 bash and NIc and I "coming out"!?!?

    What a year. (Nearly) all good!


    still not here ...... x

  • Comment number 43.

    Psst .... Deevs .... if you're there, many congrats to you and Nic on your first year of being 'out' as it were! Where did that year go?

    jollygit xx

  • Comment number 44.

    JG, what a bummer! Hats off to your ex-neighbour. We are off to ELH this evening, and if you lived nearer you would be most welcome to jump in. Hope you have a safe and speedy journey home x

    Jillygoat, yes it is feeling balmy today, well it is 1 degree, barmy I call it!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Jollygit! I'm a very lucky lady and as happy as can be!


  • Comment number 46.

    I'm not here!

    But ......... none of you commented on the Simon cat link-thingy, and I thought it was soo funny - here it is again, if you have cats I promise you will recognise it - and turn up the sound!

    I'm not going to be negative, but thanks to all of you for your kind wishes and hugs

    It's snowing here just for a change!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 47.

    CG, brilliant! Sorry missed the link in your earlier post. Yes, have had cats and can totally relate to it!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon all,

    Its been a while but wanted to pop in to wish you all a very happy Christmas and new year.


    P.S. sorry to anyone who is having a hard time at the moment, hope your situations improve quickly.

  • Comment number 49.


    I watched your Simon's cat link and really enjoyed it and can relate to it with my two cats and what they do to the tree.

    I'm going to watch the other Simon's cat links later.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Happy Christmas to you too Nick.

    Are you dong the Santa run thingy again this year?


  • Comment number 51.

    Didnt do the santa dash this year as did a 10k in October and hurt my instep and was not keen on causing myself more damage until the foot heeled properly. Back running next year and hope to do a triathlon as well.

  • Comment number 52.

    Triathlon. Good luck chuck!

  • Comment number 53.

    Oops! Grovelly apologies to you (and the accidentally maligned former Mr.Deevs) - and thanks for the corrections Baggy and Deevs. I'm probably a bit over-keen to have a rant on the subject. My lovely best friend went really through the mill with her ex. 21 years of misery she endured at the hands of the loser and his awful harridan of a mother. He has hundreds of thousands stashed away in various 'pensions' but on finally getting the heave-ho made certain that he took with him not only these pensions but all of the money that my friend had herself saved for their daughters' university funds. (He's a solicitor/barrister, so knew all the people who know how to get away with wretchedness like that). Grrrr....! He, irritatingly, now lives just around the corner from me and often hails me with "Hey gorgeous!". I'm NOT impressed, and all of you are FAR too young to hear Jasper's opinion of him.

    Apologies for my mistake!

    Is it me or is it colder? Got a Chrimble bottle du vin yesterday. Pink Zinfandel... cracking it open now (purely for warming up purposes, you understand).


    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    hello bloggies

    how are we all???? I am in a snowy Mablethorpe at the moment, good journey from NORFOLK gonna catch up so ttfn


  • Comment number 55.

    Hello KandKsmummy! Hope all's well with you!

    Have KandK been good enough little Ks for Father Christmas this year? Not sure is Jasper deserves a visit from Santa Paws after the havoc he wreaked in our garden (aka Jasper's "Personal Salad Bar") over the summer - but I think the Canine Santa is very forgiving... x

    Jasper's appalling Christmas joke of the week:

    What do you call someone who is afraid of Father Christmas?


    I really am most incredibly sorry for that. Couldn't help myself...

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Don't be afraid of Santa Claus .... he was hiding behind window #22 on the Advent Calendar!

    Only 2 more windows to go .....

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


  • Comment number 57.

    Nooo! Santa! He was early!!!

    OK - for tomorrow - a lanced boil. Or possibly a candle.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 58.

    LOL! I think your 2nd suggestion may hold more weight .....

    Right, time to go cook something for us tea, before devouring some beer and telly.

    Til tomorrow lovely bloggets.


  • Comment number 59.

    Greetings CLP Man & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIS very issue 'as been on me mind for a while, so much so a was nearly gonna write about it on the blog.... But yerv done it yersen!!!!
    So let me join in!!!!!!!!!

    A FULLY agree with you CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A thought the country was trying ter save every penny due to be broke!!!!
    So why are they going ter spend billions just to get ter from London ter Birmingham faster?????
    And like yer say it's less than two 'ours already.... actually 1 'our 22 minutes most trains take!!!!!!!
    With the VERY fast flagship service of the day... the 07.30 flyer... from Birmingham taking an awesome 1 'our 12 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YEAH.... 1 'OUR 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WAY under two 'ours!!!!!!!

    They've just spent billions making the West Coast Mainline from Euston ter Birmingham & the north faster.... So why as soon as they've just finished the upgrade.... they wanter build an even faster one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And a agree CLP, the amount of destruction it would cause ter people's lives around the proprosed route!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My only conclusion is that our country is being run by the insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact am starting ter feel anger so much so.... am goona 'ave ter cancel me 'Bingo Star Winter Driving Advice Of The Day' today... and go for a lie down!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    PS CLP... Ever thought of running the country... yer seen ter talk sense!!!!!!
    I'd be more than willing ter be yer Transport Secretary... gotta alotta experience being a trucker & me knowledge of the railways!!!!!!!

    PS While am on.... Another thing a wanter get off me chest:

    Did you 'ear... The Britsh goverment offered assistence ter 'eathrow Airport ter send in the army ter clear the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    But BAA declined the offer!!!!!!!!!!

    This is my whole point ave pointed out on the blog before.... that The PM isn't really running the country!!!!!!
    We are controlled by BIG business & Brussels!!!!!! (and a ain't talking DAMN IT sprouts!!!)

    If the airports were still nationalised, our goverment would ave simply sent in the army & got the planes flying!!!!!!
    But greedy companies like BAA running 'eathrow can only think of profits for their directors & shareholders!!!!!

    Which bring sme back ter why do they wanter build a 'igh speed rail link when we've already got a more thna good enough 'igh speed rail link from London ter Brum!!!!!!!!
    Again if yer ask me... it's all terdo with BIG business trying ter get contracts... all at the expense of the DAMN IT UK tax payer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 61.

    Bingo - the only UK politician I'm liking at the minute is Vince Cable. At least he is willing to express his opinions honestly.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Isn't it amazing how far a bottle of red wine will go when you drop it onto a ceramic tile floor!!


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Sezza! Nooooooooo! Bad luck, my friend. Baking soda on it PRONTO - then hoover it up when it's dry.

    That is pure tragedy. Oh! The humanity!!!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Too late Roo!

    Copious amounts of kitchen roll and a mop and cleaning down the cupboards has done it!

    Not quite as much a tragedy as when I walked round the corner in the supermarket and someone had knocked a bottle of very expensive single malt whiskey off a stand! Made the whole shop smell like Christmas!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Evening CLP and bloggers out there, hope you and the rest of teh Breakfast crew have made it to York in one piece CLP...

    I enjoy a good train journey, but most of my recent train travels have been abroad. Reading the comments it does seem a bit daft to build a high speed link between London and Birmingham when it already takes less than 2 hours. It would be nice to have a high speed link between Scotland and London to link up with the Eurostar (but I have to confess I don't know how long it takes to get from Edinburgh to London by train)

    Hope everyone has had a good day


  • Comment number 66.

    Just popping by quickly to say I'm home, and all the food shopping is done, skated the mile to ELH from the station, and got caught by Mr JG who happened to be driving passed for work...

    To cut a long story short, I got all the shopping whilst he went home to get the car, and he picked me up, just as well too, as he'll get the benefit of some of it!

    So we're all stocked up, the dog has enough food until the middle of January (he doesn't much like takeaways) and I've finished work for 2010!! Whoop!!

    Sorry for those who are working on :(

    I really could do with some tea now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Whoop Whoop JG! Sounds like you're good to go!

    Enjoy your tea!


  • Comment number 68.

    Tea, as in dinner/supper, have already had a glass of celebrationary (?) wine!

    Have given up all chance of getting to Mum's, she's had more snow, so even bought myself an individual Christmas pudding! And some brandy butter!

    Right, think tea's finally ready...

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    OK, tea eaten, collapsed on sofa...

    Anything on the TV worth watching?

    JG x

    PS Annie, you've been quiet, you OK? And need 3 rings from MTF please!

  • Comment number 70.

    JG, Am watching some daft thing I recorded yesterday - about a city girl who buys a farm with her ex's credit card!

    Wasn't anything on I wanted to watch

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    And now that's finished - but looks like there could be another one - I'm off to bed

    Meet you at the Bishop's palace in the morning!

    Sleep Well

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 72.

    I'm watching The Other Boleyn Girl on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2. Based on one of my favourite books, and I'm a bit of a history geek!


  • Comment number 73.

    I'm yawning too, have walked more in these past few days than I've done in months!

    I can't even be bothered to get off the sofa to turn the TV on!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Just popping inter the blog ter add:

    Remember the famous quote by Ghandi....

    "there's more to life than simply speeding it up!!!!"

    'ow true, a notice a don't see many 'appy faces on the London ter Liverpool train now!!!!!!
    Evens though it's an excellent service & only a breeze over 2 'ours!!!!!!

    The faster we get around, the more spoilt we seem to get.... And the less we seem to appreciate life!!!!!

    Everyone should take a step back & see 'ow onderful the modern world we live in actually is!!!!!!
    But the more advnaced we are getting... the more the wheels seem to be falling off everywhere!!!!!
    Maybe us 'umans 'ave actually reached the peak of evolution!!!!!

    Take Concorde as an example... that was the most amazing advanced passenger plane ever to be invented... but we've lost our way so much nowadays, partly with greed, that the powers that be can't even afford to keep Concorde flying!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Talking of speed Bingo, my safe driving tip for the bad weather is SLOW DOWN!! Idiots!!

    And on that note I'm off to my bed! Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    good morning, bloggies!!

    Finished work now until 4 Jan and here I am sat in the living room with a cuppa and some toast watching Chris and co on the red button - FAB!!

    Hope you are all well and are prepared for Christmas.

    Nadolig Llawen, Crumpy aka CHRISTMAS Carol xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Morning all

    Just turned the pictures from the palace on to see Jonny dressed as an Angel!!

    Not sure that's good for a girl this early in the morning

    I've hit record so hopefully I be able to watch the bit I miss by having to go to work later!

    Just a thought, Biggest Breakfast Show around live from the Arch-Bishops houe? Sounds like the boys done good to me!

    Well done Chris! And Good luck for tonight!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning all

    Just think - this time last year we were all soooooooo excited. Where did that year go??? Christmas Eve Eve already.

    We have all been through a lot since then and I think we deserve a big group (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))).

    Sorry I didn't pop back in yesterday - trust me the story is worth waiting for. Will be back when I stop feeling soooo tired.


    Happy Birthday Baggy.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Actually, just in case anyone notices, that should be the boy's done good!!


  • Comment number 80.

    morning bloggies

    loving the show and the red button this morning

    Johnny looks like a slim Henry VII at the moment

    OMG sounds like he is gonna get his legs and tights out

    Tinkerbell still has a funny voice

    Loving CLP's jumper

    Happy birthday Baggy

    morning everyone else


  • Comment number 81.

    classic santas lady doesn't like that mice pie and the camera keeps filming her

  • Comment number 82.

    KKs not sure i'd like a mice pie either! ;-)


  • Comment number 83.

    oh yummy yummy mice pies

    was classic to watch made me laugh and Santa had a second one

  • Comment number 84.

    Donna and Blitzen very cute

    Johnny is a big girlie again

  • Comment number 85.

    Thought it was funny that when the bloggers anthem, Don't stop me now, was played the visual was 'Santa' (aka a man of a certain age) 'snoozing'!! A lot of us bloggers of a certain age are just as likely to be doing that as having a rave up!

    C xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Dear CLP, The Team and everyone participating and reading this here blog...

    What a guy the Bish is eh! Really enjoyed what I heard of this morning’s show...great start to Christmas Christopher...

    I’ve just got home after a long, cold, wintery, but invigorating walk with Mr Man... Sure clears out the cobwebs and sets me up for the day...

    Just want to wish all of you a fantastic Christmas – I hope each of you get whatever you wish for, no matter if that is a longed for material object or the realisation of an aspiration, and of course world peace. Here’s to 2011 – I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one...


    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all

    Happy Christmas eve eve everyone

    Baggy xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Happy Birthday, Baggy.
    C xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Happy Birthday Baggy


    Seza xxx

    Really must go now.

  • Comment number 90.

    thanks every one ;-)

  • Comment number 91.

    Morning all

    Fantastic show Chris.

    I went to doctors last night, now on antibiotics and in bed with flu.

    Got five people coming on Christmas day and haven't done food shopping yet. LOL!

    Happy Birthday Baggy.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.


    Oh I remember 30 .....


  • Comment number 93.

    Can you believe it's a year today since the o2 bash?

    Yip Yip Yibble!


  • Comment number 94.

    Morning All,

    What a fab show this morning, I love the Bish. I also have a bonus morning at home, have to go to work this afternoon though, so I am able to watch it on the red button...hooray. Just done the ironing, a few more pressies to wrap and I'm good to go.

    Baggy HAPPY BIRTHDAY xxx

    csn, Poor you, hope you feel better soon xx

    Now I have a dilema, which only the blog can help out with.

    About four weeks ago I was invited to someones house for dinner tonight, they said that they would be in touch nearer the time with times etc. Now I haven't heard anything, so what do I do??? Do I ring and ask what time? What if they've forgotten that they've invited me! What if they think they've told me and I don't turn up, that would be rude - I don't know what to do......help!!! Please xx


  • Comment number 95.

    Ali - text the person (or call) and ask what time and do you need to bring anything? works for me each time to firm plans

  • Comment number 96.

    Just a very quick one ....

    Message from MTF: 3 rings from last night. She can't get on the blog at the mo, but didn't want you all to worry about her.


  • Comment number 97.


    And Happy Anniversary Deevs and NicDeevs! LostaliB - Baggy's advice is top. Alternatively, you could say something like 'Is tonight still on because of the weather?' or 'Could you remind me of your postcode for my SatNav?' As the thing is tonight, I'd be inclined to call rather than text, in case they don't pick up their text, or it get's held up in the 'phone network - that might cause a further worry.

    I LOVED the show this morning, will definitely listen to it again tonight! Sounds pathetic, I know, but (apart from seeing my little niece and nephew and sis-in-law) I actually enjoyed this morning's show more than I suspect I will enjoy my own Christmas day. Can't wait to see Johnny "Victim" Saunders in all his little outfits. Bless!

    Keep smiling,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 98.



    Scooter fully charged, oxygen topped up, steroid boost completed. To the shops>>>>>>>>>

    It might possibly be more peaceful out there than it is in here!

    MM x

  • Comment number 99.

    ***Happy Birthday Baggy***

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all

    Had a lie in, so will listen again once himself has gone to work!

    Happy Birthday Baggy, oh to be 30 again! xx

    The plan for today is to wrap the last of the presnts and have a big tidy up, and possibly attempt to get the decorations out of the loft, or at least the fibre-optic tree.

    Catch you later

    JG x


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