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Feed A Cold? Er, How About Ketchup Sarnies???

Chris Evans | 10:35 UK time, Monday, 6 December 2010

So the scoop is that we are all bunged up today. Like - everyone. My Indian guru, in the back of the car as I type, says turmeric can come to the rescue yet again. It fixed my finger, now it can fix all of our colds.

Here's his recipe:

Teaspoon of turmeric
Couple of pinches of water
A mug of water
Mix it all up
30 second in the microwave

And then drink as much of it as you can.

Try at your own risk. I'm going to.





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  • Comment number 1.


    MM x

  • Comment number 2.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Do it pal... do it!!!!! If a was you i'd take yer medicine recomendation ter get on the mend... I'd say "thanks Indian Guru.... Amm goin' in!!!!!!!!"

    ALL - Ok all... A will keep this VERY brief terdee.... Ave just found a 'ole in me favourite pair of 1987 Y-fronts!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 3.

    OK so it's guess the missing ingredient time. My thoughts are that it is something pretty pungent cos otherwise why would it say 'drink as much as you can' soooooo my guess for the couple of pinches ingredient is chilli powder.

    Morning all - cold and frosty here in MK. Got to get stamps for my xmas cards today then start packing....


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    A white covering of frost here in Wirral.

    It can't do any harm at all Chris to listen to your Indian guru. But my advice for a cold is lots of soup, preferably chicken and as much food as you manage.

    But then I'm not an expert in medical matters.

    Today's advent calendar guess-a satsuma (previously tangerine)

    MM x

    PS Satsumas are good for a cold Chris!

  • Comment number 5.

    OK, so just what is a pinch of water?

    Hope it works for you Christoph, I don't think I can cope with hearing about the contents of your nasal passages much longer! Yuk!

    Great show this morning btw.

    Snow gone now, only small mound left where my snowman once stood :o(

    Right, must get a wiggle on,

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning everyone

    Chris, that sounds more like a marinate for a couple of chicken breasts than a cold remedy. Good luck me auld china!

    Not feeling too tickety boo this morning. My wrist and fingers hurt after falling over on the ice last night (thankfully after dancing class) and I've been awake since 3.30am, willing the alarm clock to go off, which it did eventually.

    Then I decided to take my car to work. Now, the Micra hasn't been moved for some 9 days so I was over-joyed when she started first time. The problem was when I pulled into the car park at work the car went sideways and kind of glided across the ice, which in turn (after 3 hours sleep!) terrified me. After sitting here stressing for an hour or two, I took the car home (with the help of lovely lady on Reception who, as a far bettererer drive than me, got the car out onto the main road for me), then once home I jeaned and wellied up and walked back to work. Still dog tired but calmer than I was.

    And breathe ........

    It's a real sofa/Hugh Grant kind of day today, with a mug of hot chocolate and a duvet. Sadly tho, there's work to be done.

    Keep the Advent guesses coming.

    Muchos Amore


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Chris,

    Sounds yuck, but that probably means it will work.

    I missed the bit about ketchup sarnies, but I love a bit of brown sauce on toast - 100% true as our Bingo would say.


  • Comment number 8.

    I am in the same boat but sticking to max strength cold and flu, olbas tissues, honey and lemon throat sweets & hot chocolate. It's sort of working for me...................

    Advent calendar: snowman :-))))))

    Have a good day


  • Comment number 9.

    I'm having a mug of tea, a chocolate chip cookie AND a jammy dodger and I just don't care :)


  • Comment number 10.


    Busy day today, so une poste rapide malheureusement. Might pop back later if possible...

    What's behind today's Advent Calendar Door?


  • Comment number 11.

    I wrote this mammoth comment and then scrolled back up again and saw "NEW BLOG" - doh!

    So here it is again in the right place!

    I may speak too fast but here we go.

    I have the tendency to get a really minging horrible cold (or in one case it was flu! argh!) and then I'm fine again for a year or two. Then again the last 3 years are mean - I've had 5 chest infections - woot woot!

    On the year I got flu I'd been ill for about a week but kept doing my thing. It got to Christmas Day and I got up opened my presents, curled up on the sofa playing PS with my brother and next thing I knew it was lunch time (I'd been asleep about 3 hours) and I'd fallen asleep on the sofa with the controller in my hand - funnily enough I didn't win the PS game lol. I didn't eat any Christmas food all day but then by Boxing Day I was fine again! As if I'd fought through that far and my insides just needed a reboot lol.

    Hope you feel better soon CLP!

    In response to knowing the actions to YMCA I think it's like The Beatles lyrics (Everybody's born knowing all the Beatles lyrics instinctively. They're passed into the fetus subconsciously along with all the amniotic stuff. Fact, they should be called "The Fetals". - Name that movie without adopting a certain search engine!)

    SCD Fans - what are your responses on the weekends results? (NON-SCD: Widdy has gone home!)

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all

    Well we have day 2 of freezing fog, and it's definately minus something out there, but I've no way of measuring it until I go out later in the car!

    Just waiting for a load of washing to finish, and I'm heading out to do some Christmas shopping, via the bank...can't say I'm looking forward to it, but it has to be done!

    CLP, hope your cold is soon better, that recipe sounds awful, but it probably won't do any harm to try it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 13.

    CLP - yuck and double yuck - I'd go with a hot toddy straight afterwards to be on the safe side!

    Freezing fog here too, just dropped car off at garage of doom - "sounds like the cam shaft, we need to strip the engine down, thats a starter at Β£70"

    uh oh,

    Still needs must, and I need a car!

    GD having a douvet day "off sick" today with a cold so I can feel an afternoon of hunkering down on the sofa - different ones - I dont want her snotty nose!

    Happy Monday everyone

  • Comment number 14.

    Well, I've just had a complete change of plan!

    Following Mr JG selling his car from under me yesterday, I need to very quickly get something practical for myself, so I'm off to have a look at, and hopefully buy a new (to me) car this afternoon! On my own!! Scary!!

    Trouble is, I'll have defrost his and move it, and then defrost mine...and as I need to be there by 2pm, I guess I'd better get started! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Good morning everyone,

    Another white out here in Ayrshire, when I came into work this morning it was 4 degrees and pouring with rain but now it's snowing really heavily and lying.

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    My guess for the advent calendar is One of CLP's snotty tissues.



  • Comment number 16.

    Good luck with the car buying JG.



  • Comment number 17.


    Freezing cold here.

    Just been out and the roads are not good, very dangerous!

    Take care and keep warm.

    Chris, hope you feel better soon.

    Deevs, hope your ok after your fall yesterday and glad you got your car back home.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Ewwwwwwwwww, Christoff!! Thanks, but I think I'll stick to my hot toddies!! I love tumeric in a curry, but that sounds completely gross! Sneezing and snuffling and snot abound in the Highland croft today! Add to that another fall of snow overnight and a severe lack of snow plows and gritters, and it was an interesting school run this morning (eldest HL's school is 5 miles away so no way were we walking!!). And my worst and most impressive skid? It was at a roundabout at which I had just sat and watch a snow plow (1st one I'd seen) clear!! What's that all about?!

    Anyhoo, you sounded A-OK on the show this morning .. so perhaps the tumeric works?!

    Off to catch up quickly on shivering bloggers and blogettes!

    Warm and cosy huggles

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Roo ~ I had to laugh when you described your poor Staffie, Jasper's run in with the flu! They all have such different personalities! My late, great Bobby, a greyhound, HATED rain with a passion and had to be bodily lifted out the door to do his business ... yet he adored snow and would tear off at a rate of knots when you opened the door. So very sorry for the loss of your dog-lass. Look me up on FB by the way (unless I've already added you, I get so mixed up!!) ~ I'm Citril1.

    Sezza ~ fair enjoyed Fry last night, thanks for the heads up on that!!

    MwK ~ did you get some lovely pressies?

    MTD ~ you heading to sunnier climes?! Safe travels!

    WBBillie ~ the thing about the cartoon FB profile pic thing being started by a very unsavoury group of people is a hoax. Whilst it is though that the whole thing was started as a joke, the huge majority of folk changed their profile in good faith and have indeed raised awareness. To quote them, "The whole cartoon profile picture has got nothing to do with any registered charity and Facebook have not announced they will be kicking people off Facebook for having cartoon profile pictures. Fabricated nonsense. The idea of changing your profile picture to a favorite cartoon character is harmless enough and do it if you still want to as it certainly has got people talking about the subject." As Jakeygirl said, we can't be traced through our profile pic & we screen who adds us as a friend, and the warning has turned out to be the scam!

    MtF ~ wonderful to be back! Hope you got some sleep and rest through the night!

    Oo, Bids, did you enjoy your brandy? So warming on a Winter's evening!

    CSN ~ lovely to be back, thanks! Hope you are keeping warm too!!

    Annie! I did wonder if you would be snowed in! Eldest HL's school was open but it was a hairy ride to get there!! Stay warm! Wonder if EGScotland got out?

    AliB ~ thanks my love! Stay safe on the ice and in the fog! Feel free to pop North of the border ~ we'd make sure you weren't bored! :)

    Hannah ~ here's hoping you stay clear of flu and colds this winter! Sounds nasty!!

    Right, have caught up with the last of yesterday's bloggers and blogettes but have to go do some housework and ironing before collecting eldest HL from school and taking her to Taekwondo!

    Stay warm you loverly lot!

  • Comment number 20.

    Bingo, does that mean you'll be posting a pic of said found pair of Y-fronts!? ;)

    MTD ~ at least the chilli would clear the sinuses!! Thanks for reminding me to get stamps! ;)

    Lin, MaddyMoon ~ shall I lob a snowball your way!?

    Deevs!! Nightmare! Is it worth getting your wrist and fingers checked out? Nowt worse than a scare in icy condiotions in the car! Dinnae work too hard honey.

    Cathmel ~ sorry to hear you're still under the weather!!

    Uncle Carl ~ haven't been to a film in ages, but would love to see the new Narnia one!

    Debs ~ hope the car needs the minimum of work!! Someone hit mine in the carpark last week and broke an indicator light! Grrr!

    Dozymac ~ stay warm! DWNB was complaining about a lack of snow in her area I think so go lob a snowball at her!

    Right, I'm going into the ironing pile!

  • Comment number 21.

    JG, good luck with the car buying.

    HLS, take care when you pick little one up from school. Your roads sounds awful.

    Can't believe window cleaner wants to clean my windows today, he looks frozen.

    I am off to do some ironing too, least it will keep me warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.


    HL, very kind of you to offer the ironing - I'll drop mine by! ;-)

    Hannah J Film is Sliding Doors - on the undergorund in response to neighbouring persons music leaking out!

    And I think half the country heard my response to the SCD last night - boy1 is probably still deaf on one ear!! If the cotton wool in my brian retains this thought I talk to you tonight on FB

    Ali you little Devil you!! Got any spare Jammy Dodgers?

    JG Good Luck with the car. (((xx)))

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    csn - our numpty neighbour yesterdy was out cleaning his car on his driveway in all the ice and snow! he spends more time with that car (a Porsche) than indoors with his family. according to my nearest and dearest, he was even out there on Christmas Day last year.

    thanks for all the wrist wishes. i'm sure it's fine - probably just hurts more because i am tired!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon all,

    CLP not sure about the Indian recipe! I think I will stick with TLC and off the shelf products if that is alright. ;-)

    Ketchup sarnies on the other hand count me in! I love them on really fresh bread, yum, yum!

    Highland Lass, welcome back to the site, oh how you have been missed on here great to see you back honey. X-x-x :-)

    JG, any closer to finding the right car? I insured mine this morning so all systems go for Saturday. :-)

    Deevs, and other please take care out and about on the ice! My OH slipped and is currently in bed having put her back out and my bosses OH slipped and broke her wrist! As for driving even I did not bother to make it into work last Friday after a -11 night!

    Advent calendar guess – Mistletoe please as I am feeling lucky! LOL

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon each

    Nice to see you HLS

    CSN, my window cleaner was out last week in the worst of the snow. When I looked at him in amazement he said 'Aye, am aff ma heid'. I suppose if you're self employed you've just got to get out there. Son-in-law is in same position - it took him and hour and a half to get about 5 miles this morning.

    Keith, if you've got any spare bread, chuck some my way please.

    JG, good luck with the car

    Deevs, poor you, hope you're not typing with a sore wrist. Watch out for rsi.

    Gail, don't think you're going to win the advent calendar game but your guesses are funny.

    I'm looking at some work. Shall I?? Or read my Kindle, which, btw, is working fine after I took the cover off.


  • Comment number 26.

    Hello Highland Lass.

    Lovely to see you back here and hoping you're keeping well.

    Yes! I'd love you to lob some snowballs this way please, although I don't want deep snow I feel rather sad that there's no snow here at all now. And also some snowballs of the drinking kind please!

    I'm now thinking about vacuuming upstairs, will I, won't I?
    I'd better get on with it to avoid feelings of laziness and guilt!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Deevs, your neighbour sounds a bit mad. Mind you he does have a porsche to look after darling. LOL!

    Annie, my son-in-law is a self employed gardener, so not an easy time for him too in this weather. Glad you got your kindle sorted.

    If your out and about, take care getting home.

    Freezing fog and very dark here now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Maddy, you made me feel a bit lazy and guilty (not a lot mind you) so I've got fairy cakes in the oven and am going to make fudge icing for the tops - and I still haven't done any work. Ah, well, don't suppose I'll be going far tomorrow so I can do it then.

    Hiya CSN.


  • Comment number 29.

    csn - that's not quite how Nic describes him ....!!

    Honestly gang, I am struggling. I've even broken my own rule of no coffee after midday and am now hugging a very strong cup of the caffeinated stuff. I reckon by the time Nic gets back from the Gym tonight I shall be sparko!

    We've had freezing fog here all day and it's not lifted. It's now starting to get dark and looks eerily quiet outside - the trees all white, the grass all crunchy and laden with ice.

    -9 tonight, apparently ..... brrrrrr!


  • Comment number 30.


    Good for you with the fairy cakes and icing!

    Upstairs now all nice and clean. For once I thought to myself 'tomorrow never comes' and I got on with it. Sometimes I use more energy thinking about doing housework than actually doing it!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon CLP, hope the ketchup sarnies are doing the trick and that your cold is feeling better!

    Well the story of the day here in Edinburgh is that yet MORE snow fell this morning, starting at about 7:30am, so I got the bus into work. The snow fell and fell all morning and so we were sent home early at lunchtime as many of the buses were disrupted. The roads got so bad that the buses were all suspended, so it took me an hour and three quarters to cross town, walking most of the way. All I can say is thank goodness for the i-pod, and Breakfast Show and More Mayo podcasts for keeping me going!

    Hope everyone else has had a good day and is keeping warm etc!


  • Comment number 32.


    Hope the hand is soon better, lots of rest and chocolate is the cure!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Annie, I love fairy cakes. Please can you send me one or two.

    Just spoke to younger daughter, she hasn't had much sleep the last few nights because both her little ones are not well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Marjie, would you like to come and help me with my housework.

    Deevs, take care getting home.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    I would love to help you with your housework CSN.

    Unfortunately I'm just off to the kitchen to make chicken korma and rice, maybe another time.

    MM xxx

    PS I must switch the light on too, I can't see what I'm typing!

  • Comment number 36.

    csn - thank you. i have my super-tread all weather terrain wellies (the same ones i was wearing when i went flying last night!). the trick is to walk on the grass verges and avoid the pavements at all costs. and I hope the little ones are bettererer soon. x x x

    Rosie - i was just looking at Edinburgh on the news page. You take care!

    annie - gis a cake!

    im hooked on ELH puff pastry mince pies at the mo. it's a good job they only do them for a few weeks of the year or else i'd resemble a small bungalow by now - they're delish!!


  • Comment number 37.

    Marjie, I will keep you that one.

    Lights on here too!

    Enjoy your dinner, sounds lovely.

    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 38.

    'Lo everybody

    Don't think we've got any more snow here .....yet but it is blinkin cold!!

    Annie, Cupcakes with fudge icing - how yummy do they sound!!

    Sometimes the housework and ironing just seem never-ending don't they? And even though it looks good when you're done, it never lasts!

    Poor Steve Wright sounds awful today - not sure his voice is going to last for the show - sounds very painful. :-( Those germs must be travelling round all the studios

    And just read Alex Lester's blog - congratulations in order by the sound of it!

    Gotta go be a taxi now

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi folks, thanks for all the good luck messages!

    I traipsed all the way to Bolton in the freezing fog to the Audi garage only to be offered quite an insulting price for my Merc, so walked away, despite preferring the colour of that car.

    I then traipsed back all the way through Bolton and Wigan and out the other side to have another look at the red one I saw last week, and decided red wasn't so bad after all! Especially when they were offering me Β£1,500 more for the Merc!! So I've bought it - picking it up on Saturday hopefully! I'm now frozen to the core though!

    Details on t'other side if anyone is interested!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Marjie, forgot the to.

    Deevs, thank you. Bet you can't wait to get home now in the warm. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Cakes on the way to anyone who needs them. Enjoy - fudge icing with chocolate sprinkles.

    Rosie - Oh no. Oldest son spent 4 hours getting home to Dunbar last week. The 1yr old is in the nursery near their home, but they both work in Edinburgh. Yikes.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hallo Sezza, CSN and JG - you popped in when I wasn't looking. A red Audi JG - my favourite colour. Off to have a look.


  • Comment number 43.


    Wonderful news.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Howdy all - HLS; thank you for your reply, my auntie had a dog called Bobby too! Will get on the ol' FB when I'm back at home...

    Deevs @ post 23 - what is it with some blokes and their cars?! (No offence boys). The son of someone who lives near my mum spent so much time with his car (not even a Porsche either, I think it was a Ford Cortina) that his wife eventually said "It's me or the car." He chose the car. He then moved into his mother's bungalow (near my mum), still with car. I used to feel so sorry for his children. On their weekends with him, they just sat on their gran's front lawn, watching their dad tinkering with the car. Poor s*ds.

    Can't remember what I suggested for the calendar today - think it was a Chrimble pud!

    I had one of my posts from yesterday removed by the mods 'n' rockers - had a thinly-veiled remark about the fair Plummy_Pie! Oops!!

    Chris - You'll be on your own with THAT potion, I fear. I think, in the old days, folk who brewed up that sort of concoction got hauled away and burnt in the town square... ;-)

    And don't knock ketchup sarnies - there was a time, not all that long ago, when one ketchup sarnie (with a bit of salt and pepper if I was feeling indulgent) was all I had to eat. I'll have the sarnie - Chris can have the cocktail...


    Keep smiling,

    Ruth & Jasper xx

  • Comment number 45.

    CSN - hope your daughter's kids are feeling better very soon. She must be shattered!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Roo - you're not alone being moderated because of a certain person. Me too!


  • Comment number 47.

    Sezzagirl *hi five* yes! Kinda one of my faves and always miss quote it lol.

  • Comment number 48.

    Thank you Roo.

    Can't believe that post was removed.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Why are you even discussing that person? It's like Voldemort .... speak of it and it will appear and upset the equilibrium ... or however you spell it!



    Back in a bit with the Advent reveal!

    Muchos Amore!


  • Comment number 50.

    Roo, I have been moderated too because of a bit of nasty fruit.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Quick guess, a reindeer

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Deevs, very true.

    Off to feed Holly and maybe do a bit more ironing!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Careful how you go Deevs.

    Daughter-in-law just home after leaving Edinburgh at 1.30. Son is driving home (ring road & A1 Rosie!!!) but at least the little one has one parent present.

    Wonder how Chrissie and Mary have got on today.


  • Comment number 54.


    Can't stop, cooking a roast, hopefully be back later!

    Advent Calendar guess, Candy Cane :-)

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Back again, tried to post earlier but it was eaten!!

    Glad your Daughter in Law made it home ok Annie, apparently the buses are starting up again now. Hope your son is ok getting home too, I don't envy hime being on the bypass and A1 tonight!

    My guess for the advent calendar is a star!


  • Comment number 56.


    Think maybe because of the bad weather, Chrissie couldn't get to work today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Just got a text Rosie, and he's home. He's the sort of calm, unruffled driver who must take after his father. Not like me at all - I'd have been a puddle.


  • Comment number 58.

    CSN, Oh good, at least she's safe and warm at home.


  • Comment number 59.

    Glad he got home ok Annie!


  • Comment number 60.

    Annie, glad your son got home ok.


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks Rosie and CSN.

    Just put brothers 2ft of snow in Newcastle on FB. Can't decide whether he photoshopped it or actually built two feet of snow.


  • Comment number 62.

    Glad everyone is getting home safely!

    I've got to go back to work tomorrow too :(

    Plus, need to sort out the car paperwork - this is the bit I hate, especially sorting out the change of number plates! Hope fully the garage will do it for me...

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    LOL @ the pic Annie!! Brilliant!

    Are you sure that's Newcastle ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Yes JG - Gosforth, outskirts of Newcastle, where all the dippy hippy people live. You know, the ones who don't have a lock on the toilet door!!!!

    Oh, that might just be my brother and his wife.


  • Comment number 65.

    CSN & brightAnnie,

    Thanks for your posts - makes me feel a lot better. Strength in numbers, my friends. I shall refrain from mentioning She Who Must Not Be Named. What a world, eh?!

    Safe journey home everyone who has to travel.

    Jasper fed, burping and happy. I'm COLD; lighting a candle now!!!

    Five little feral kittens born in our workyard just lately; they're SOOO cute! Jasper is jealous because he thinks he should have 100% attention, all of the time - but he's putting a few pix on his blog (I shall supervise him to make sure he does it)!

    Keep smiling,

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Phew, am I still in time?

    My guess is a drum!

    JG, Glad you got the car sorted

    Annie, those cakes sound goooooood!

    Take care everyone

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 67.

    JG, I'm now having doubts. As he's an artist who uses the internet a lot, he's probably got it from somewhere else entirely. Anyway, I think it's funny.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hey the cheek of it you lot - you should see the snow we still have too and it's about 4 foot where it is cleared off the drive and on to the garden. BTW Edinburgh and beyond sounds really bad so take care. Better go and have a look at the photo but I think I need to eat first.

    Well done on the car JG - what is it about some garages and part ex prices. Apparently winter tyres may have solved your undriveable problem but not somewhere to transport Finlay.

    Back later xx


  • Comment number 69.

    Three Rings .....

    And we have a winner ..... dum dum dum

    Cue drumroll

    Window #6 contains ...... A Big Fat Christmas Pudding

    grats Roo!!!

    Guesses for Day 7 now being taken!


  • Comment number 70.

    Susan, I knew about the tyres, but have you ever tried driving a two-seater with an excitable dog on the passenger seat....???

    Think I might have been pulled over by the police!!

    I know I've done the right thing, hardly had the roof down at all this year, so might as well have something more practical!

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    JG yeah I know. I am going to change mine for something more practical too. It's just eating the fuel at the moment plus I want an automatic - I just need to find what I really want and then get a reasonable price for a part ex and not what I was offered at an Audi garage!!
    Loving what you have bought but my first car was red and it got stolen so I don't do red any more

    Sus x

  • Comment number 72.

    Aw bums, apparently he got it off the t'internet so doesn't know where it is - funny though.

    Susan, Edinburgh and beyond is truly dreadful.

    Glad you're home safe Deevs.

    Tomorrow's Advent - Christmas pressie


  • Comment number 73.

    Glad you are home safely Deev, just leave the car on the drive, and don't be tempted by leaving it to tick over, chances are you'll run the battery down even more...just get a set of jump leads, and let Mr Rolastic sort it!!

    Susan the Audi DSG gearbox is the best there is, and they have it in all sorts of models now, even the sooped up 1.4 and 1.6 A3's...it's also available in the VW and Skoda models...just shop around...

    I was determined to get an s-line, as I hate cars that roll through corners, need the bumpy sports suspension!

    I am in danger of getting modded for advertising, but I do truly believe in what I'm saying!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    JG, I think I've got the souped up Skoda, although I wish I still had my Golf, or even better, my old VW Beetle.


  • Comment number 75.

    Just entering the CLP Blog ter say:

    'ighland Lass - A would be more than willing ter putta photer of me 1987 Y fronts on the blog, even of me wearing them!!!!!!!
    Butta don't wanter lower the tone of CLP's most friendly blog... so much so that CLP ends up being called before the Beeb DG ter explain why 'is blog 'as been referred ter the Broadcasting Complaints Commision!!!!!!!!

    Plus secondly there's nowt left of them... Me Y's look more like a G-string... talking of which am off ter practice me g string on me guitar!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Termoz am going ter be so busy at work.... Ave got someone else ter speak for me termoz!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Just exiting the blog!

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi bloggies

    just letting you know that I am still around just been busy busy. Passing tissues, lemsip, oranges, hot water bottles and duvets to those who need them.

    Blooming cold ere at -4. I must be lucky not to have the cold/flu but boy am I shattered today, woke up that way.

    CLP you must let us know if the indian gurus idea has worked

    ITV4 seems to have a lot of adverts for alcohol - whiskey and gin mainly

    Any big hug to you all ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BLOGGIES))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I am off to run the boy a bath and then I am off to bed when he goes to bed as can't keep my eyes open!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Bingo, maybe you should buy yourself some boxer shorts, they might last longer!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Bingo - is this the return of our Swedish friend???

    mtd ffb xxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Evening folks.
    Although I am totally and utterly cheesed off with this cold snap, is it me or does it make you feel thin??? All the shivering and stuff makes me feel like I am smaller than normal . It is probably the cold short circuiting my brain.
    After work , I went to the supermarket for ONE item, a tub of cream. So why did i buy garlic bread, apples, yoghurts , chicken , and errr *whispers* two selection boxes . I can never just go in and come out with just the one thing i needed . Last week i went for bread and came out with shower gel, and a Poinsettia .

    Just one of lifes mysteries .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 81.

    MC you will meet one of life's mysteries on Saturday, no not me..., Finlay!! Crazy dog!!

    We will pop round briefly...I need to get back for strictly, and before the world freezes over again! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Well, I managed to get back in one piece, which is nothing short of a miracle!

    We might not have the thick snow, that those of you up country are experiencing, but we do still have deep snow on the moors and freeeezing fog, which had turned everywhere into glass! The trees, really do look like they are made of glass and may shatter if you touched them.

    I had to tackle a 1 in 4 'S' bend this afternoon and it took a lot of determined driving to get up it, as at one point, I was beginning to slide back down it sideways. The rest of the trip passed in a blur as visibility was very poor.

    Then, in the last hour, I was coming back through the Quantocks, and turned a corner to find a HUGE stag, stood in the middle of the road and despite braking immediately, Puffball travelled a few yards and we came to rest, an inch, no exaggeration, from the grand creature. It did no more that give me an old fashioned look and ambled off.

    So, two more knee knocking experiences that I survived.

    I came home to a lovely roast, which is a very rare occurrence, but a very nice one.

    So, that's another 200 miles closer to Christmas, only 2400 miles to go.

    Time for a read back to see how everyone is.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 83.

    JG, Great stuff, will look forward to it.
    Not sure if we will ever defrost at this rate .
    One of my windsceen wipers is just not touching the windscreen , luckily (for me) it's the passenger side .

    Am huddled in a duvet and the fire is roaring . Dreading to think what the gas bill will be like.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    MTF - how scary was that?? Glad you're home safe.

    MC, no, this weather doesn't make me feel thin, in fact I'm eating for Scotland I'm so bored.


  • Comment number 85.

    Annie, I (we), ok me ..... are on our umpteenth selection box . The flipping supermarkets have them on offer, they can see me coming a mile off.

    Just googled our weather for tonight, and apparently we are having "white cloud " at minus 8 degrees . But we have good visibility ......

    Right, am going back under the duvet .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 86.

    MC, we've got white cloud tomorrow too - has to be better than tons of bleedin' snow.


  • Comment number 87.

    Did I REALLY win????!!!!!!!! Or is this some wonderful, hitherto undiscovered dream?!?!?

    At last - my life has meaning!! Thank you Deevalicious. Now I can rest in peace!

    Guess for tomorrow?! A ball. A beach-ball kinda-thingy...

    BTW - is there a bloggers' Chrimble/New Years' do anywhere? Jazz and I usually go to the local pub - but (between ourselves) we're getting bored with it. Every year, one or more boozy old herberts climb the big Christmas Tree in Broad Street. One of 'em falls off (always entertaining), one of 'em lets off firecrackers from the top, and one of 'em invariably spots Jasper and yells "Bulllllllsssseye!!!", thus ruining Jazz's New Year.

    Anyhoo - early night for me tonight. Must be getting old...

    Sleep sound me ol' chinas,

    Keep smiling!

    Ruth and Jasper xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Roo - Don't think there's a bloggers Crimbo party, but I do bore the pants off everyone when I track Santa on Christmas Eve. You're welcome to join in.


  • Comment number 89.

    I'm off to bed too, was still awake at 4am, and not cos I can watch the cricket, cos I can't!

    Last week in the Quattro...will miss it!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Thanks Anne, have just seen your 2 feet of snow. How clever.

    We have chocolate mountain here if any one wonders why the shops are a bit low on stocks, its cos most of it is here.

    I dont fancy any of it, I am still on the look out for white maltesers, if anyone sees them, can they let me know.

    I'm not sure what the temperature is, it was -4 as I passed the big clock/thermometer at junc. 25 on the M5 at 4 o clock this afternoon. Its certainly nice to get home this time of the year. Two weeks tomorrow is the shortest day, blooming big hurrah to that!


  • Comment number 91.

    Roo, was your winning guess in my deckchair?


  • Comment number 92.

    JG, exciting news about new car.


  • Comment number 93.

    Good evening ALL,

    Glad to see that everyone thats been out and about are home safe and sound .We've had avery busy day here ,all of the errands done that was needed .

    Was sitting with a very ,very large whisky at 5-00 this evening before dinner ,and that over early tonight all settled and just decidingwhat the next beverage will be .

    MTF ,glad you got home OK hun ,looks like those new tyres paid off .

    Deev you too hun

    Hope everyone else is OK .


  • Comment number 94.

    Evening/nite. Guys....

    Coo who stole the sunshine and the warmth of today. . Its been freezing all day. .. Yucky yuck yuck xxx

    well done Roo. . Xxxxx

    white maltesers. . I saw em in our ELH. Try there MTF. ..Xx

    So thats where all the choccys have gone. . Hey everyone all gatecrash MTF.S housey lol xxx

    great to hear you got new car JG xxxx

    hope everyone else is ok. . Deevs hope wrist gets better...

    And CLP a hot toddy will help. .

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hiya Bids, without the new tyres, well I dread to think!

    I am trying to get used to this new lappy but am struggling. I need to buy a poisable table to put it on as it is too big to keep on my lap :(


  • Comment number 96.

    Off to fire up the notebook...

    Back in a mo.

    I have looked in ELH Billie, I will try again tomorrow.


  • Comment number 97.

    MTF, Glad you're home safe. Bet that stag is off telling all his mates about his run in with puff-ball!!

    As I was going out of the village earlier I had to stop because all i could see was a dog in the road. It looked like it was loose but when I got closer I could see that attached to the clearly visible yellow dog was an all-in-black owner!

    I love those bags of white and brown maltesers. Each flavour seems to make the other taste nicer

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Annie ,are you a Norad fan as well ???

    MTF,you need to put you (feet up).


  • Comment number 99.

    MTF - nice try! Nope, 'twas a mince pie in your deckchair - no reflected glory this time, hehehe

    Highland Lass - can't find Citril1 on FB :-(

    You might have to add me (if you can bear to!) - I'm Ruth Elizabeth Page - b/w photo in generous lighting....

    Late to bed last night. Need sleep now.

    Schlaf gut, meine freundin.


    Ruth und Jasper xxxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hey Roo she is Citril1 on Twitter - she is another Susan and you might find her via some of us you are friends with on FB

    Night night all sleep tight and stay warm.

    Susan xx


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