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The One Million Pound One Stop Shop.

Chris Evans | 12:11 UK time, Thursday, 18 November 2010

Wow, how about that, 3 days and a million quid raised for Children In Need. Well done to the team here, especially Hells Bells, Joe Schmo, Suzie Suz, Ellie Welly, Gorgeous Joe G and Funky Phil H. They are all pooped with one day still to go.

But of course, as I said today on the air, we are merely the glue - you provide the bits. All the people who put themselves and their businesses up for auction along with the unbelievably generous lot that bid to come along and hopefully experience something they will remember for ever.

Music Marathon tomorrow, so it's one more deep breath and then CHAAAAAAAARGE !!!!!

If you're flying over Canary Wharf anytime today - give me a wave, I'm hanging by a limb 50 floors up, cleaning windows for Pudsey.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris

    Enjoy your day cleaning windows.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Well done to everybody for the £1m - hopefully we will help swell that tomorrow

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 3.


    Was going to say Chris was flying today but not sure that's appropriate!! Hang on tight Christoff!!

    If the sky clears a bit he could probably see my house from up there - I'm 40 miles away but it looks so very high!!!

    Really looking forward to tomorrow now! I've got my little bag of goodies packed and ready!

    Not sure I'll manage a fruitcake (an eating one that is!) but they provided lots of snack, sandwiches and drinks last year so I think we'll be ok!

    Laters Lovelies!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Seza - me and Debs have got the fruitcake under control fingers X'd. Am going home for the recipe after work then to the supermarket - then making it - hopefully it'll be done this side of 11pm!

  • Comment number 5.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Of The Blog...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - My gooodneeeess..... my goodneeess... the bids are getting bigger & bigger.... this is all good news towards the CiN total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As for the team who are pooped... remember the Bingo Star advice i've put on the blog many a time >>>> Bananas & Lucozade is my secret ter keep going when yerv rapidly losing yer faculties & facilities... it gives me the KICK a need ter keep going!!!!!!!!

    A for yeself CLP... dangling 50 floors up... am getting vertigo just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!

    Now what with the present of us all being in the midst of a most momentous money raising event ter 'elp children... and lets remember this >>> It is for children who need abitta extra 'elp in life that's what Children In Need is all about, INDEED the clue is very much in the title.... The only problem ave gotta problem, of which a didn't wanter bring the blog down with me problems... butta believe a problem shared is a problem 'alved!!!!!!
    Casically ave gone & got mesen inter a mess this morning, yes a mess!!!!
    Ave just bought me new road tax & on trying to fix it to me windscreen this is where/ when the problematic problem started!!!!
    Yer see last year whilst in me local post office, a noticed whilst queueing for me road tax a gadget... yes a gadget... specially designed ter stop the theft of me tax disc by road tax thieves... basically it's a tamper proof road tax disc 'older... designed ter stop me road tax being... errr... tampered with!!!!!!
    Only problem... now a need ter get me old tax disc off me windscreen... ter put me new one on.... a can't get me old one off... as me me tamper proof disc 'older... is proving ter do EXACTLY what it's mean't ter do!!!!!!!!!
    After trying everything ter get it off me 'screen..... and being on the edge of cracking up... a realised a need a sharp edge.... So a finally got me chisle & 'ammer out..... and now ave gone & cracked me windscreen!!!!!!
    It's all too much for me mind!!!!!

    But it's ok... am not gonna let it get me down!!!!!!!!!

    As for yersen CLP.... a 'ope yer will ter get down from being up that building soon!!!!!!!
    Must be a a bit chilly with the freezing winds up there!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.


    Good luck with the baking, I am sure it will taste lovely.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    PS Am VERY much looking forward ter seeing all who are able ter come ter R2 termorrow!!!!!!!

    Just wanted ter say though.... After reading some comments on the blog.... DON'T go to Â鶹ԼÅÄ Broadcasting 'ouse... The CiN Music Marathon gig & R2 HQ are all based at Â鶹ԼÅÄ Western 'ouse... Which 'as it's main entrance in Gildea Street... Which they don't call Gildea Street for nothing as once you step through the tall doors of Western 'ouse..... you 'ave reached the giddy 'eights of worldwide broadcasting... the place where the GODS of broadcasting broadcast!!!!!!!
    (PS Did you know Gildea is an Irish word that means 'golden' and was often used as an irish boys name... Whatta coincidence... as it's in Gildea Street that a met Bono of U2!!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!).
    Back ter me directions.... Giddy golden Gildea Street.... Which is off Great Portland Street... Which is close to the right back end of Broadcasting 'ouse... Which is just round the back of the most charasmatic All Souls Church.... Which is right next ter Broadcasting 'ouse!!!!!! Broadcasting 'ouse & All Souls Church being the two most charismatic buildings in the area.... Which are just off the top end of Regent Street.... Which crosses Oxford Street..... Which crosses many other streets..... Which a won't mention as a don't wanter confuse anyone with me directions!!!!!

    Western 'ouse itself is a 6 floor very square building, made of the commonly found portland stone, that most older buildings in London are made of!!!!! Again the clue is in the name being Western 'ouse off Great 'Portland' Street. It's the one with a lot of small square windows!!!!
    But the dudes operating inside are ANYTHING but square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!

    Bye again!

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi all!

    So looking forward to tomorrow!

    I work at Canary Wharf so am now going to toddle out to see if I can spot the lovely CLP.

    See many of you tomorrow for breakfast!


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: many thanks to you and your entire team for a fantastic week of fundraising for CiN. It has been an absolute privilege to listen to it all unfolding. xx

    Take care, and enjoying the window cleaning!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Good afternoon all,

    CLP and the crew, well done for raising so much money on the show this week! What a great effort!

    I am so excited about tomorrow! I will be driving up to the smoke from Devon late this afternoon. I may need a couple of pints (purely medicinal to help me sleep you understand!) this evening to help me calm down. ;-)

    Now my daughter, she has an appointment with the consultant at 3.15 this afternoon. She will decide when to get her started. She may be sent home and brought back next week. Her blood pressure is now returned to normal after a couple of day’s bed rest.

    Unlikely then that I will be a granddad by the time of CiN….….this year! ;-) xx

    Safe travels to all of those like me descending (unlike CLP who will be ascending 50 floors!) on London to do our bit to raise a few quid for the Kids!

    Keep smiling


    P.S Fruitcake.....Mmmmmmmmmm

  • Comment number 11.

    Well done to one and all, really amazing........... but Funky Phil H ?, many f's (all good)come to mind, but funky !! bless his heart lol

  • Comment number 12.

    Well done indeed TEAM, what a stunning performance and may all those who bid the money have an a-maz-ing time - you deserve it xx

    It's down to one sleep now and the excitement is building. I've got my camera, directions, train times, copy of the first book and a Pudsey t-shirt; just need to purchase Fruitcake on the way xx I also need to get my hugging arms ready for the bloggers and of course anyone else who comes to visit ;)


  • Comment number 13.

    Hello CLP & Excited Bloggers (and those of us who are calmer)

    A dull and drizzly day here in Wirral but not too cold or windy.

    Well done Chris and all involved for raising such a large amount. And well done on your window cleaning, nothing would get me up there.

    I'm just resting my leg today, I do believe it's starting to get better. I will take that windy corner in future.

    MM x


    Keith-Best wishes to your daughter and I'm glad her blood pressure is down. It'll be yours which will be going up tomorrow!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon all you lovely Bloggers.... and of course CLP 'hanging around' ! Scary - I HATE heights.

    I once did an abseil for charity to try to get over the phobia......did it work? No, no, no! But I raised loads of money & felt smug for ages. Would I do it again? Hmmm - depends how much was pledged!!

    Have a wonderful time tomorrow, those of you travelling to R2 - it will be fantastic. I'm excited for you!!

    To the rest of you, hugs where they're needed, and happy thirstee thursdee to all

    CG (feeling 100% again now) xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi everyone:

    No time to catch up with last evening's blog, so I hope everyone is ok.

    Maddy: I did read about your trouble - glad to hear your leg is getting better. That must have been really upsetting for you. xx

    Keith: good news about your daughter. It is amazing the good that bed rest does - when I was waiting for my daughter to be born, I was in hospital for six weeks' bed rest! She doesn't have long to go now!

    To all the CLP Bloggers attending the CiN extravaganza: I know you know this, but I hope you all enjoy and savour every SINGLE second of what you are about to experience. Yes, I know you are all going to work very hard, but it will be so worthwhile. Enjoy meeting up with old friends and making new friends, and I hope you all have a wonderful time. I've been thinking of you all for the last week or so, and I will be there with you tomorrow, in spirit!

    I LOVE being part of this blog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Chrissie - I love being part of this blog too. hurrah for CLP!

    CG x

  • Comment number 17.

    The blog has hiccups again, it alway's happens in the afternoon.

    Is it having a sly drink at lunchtime?

    MM x

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi CG: glad to hear you are back to full health.

    And, yes, hurrah for CLP - he is such a star!


  • Comment number 19.

    Well, it IS thirstee Thursdee MM, so it's allowed a sly drink ............ tee hee

    CG x

  • Comment number 20.

    Maddy LOL - swift half at lunchtime for the blog!

    Chrissie - you and the other bloggers that cannot be there in person will defo be with us in spirit! hic!

    Right I think there might be just enough mummys jiffy cake to go round - decided to double up quantities - hmm, may be baking into the night! oops!

    Might need to ring the rail company for one of those little carts to help me carry it down padders platform!

    off to stir....


  • Comment number 21.

    #12 Ali you can have a hug too!! But Deevs needs the biggest hug going for managing to organise us!

    I have been actually so excited all week that I don't think I've been sleeping properly - tonight could be the hardest though!

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon each

    Well done Chris - a million pounds? Excellent.

    Keep tight hold of something while you're up there my friend.

    What's with the blog hiccups?


  • Comment number 23.

    Afternoon all,

    So , its wet and dismal today and i have been feeling a tad bored. So, i treated myself to a tin of white "non Drip" gloss paint and a paintbrush.
    Now, non drip may not drip, but it certainly can move. I have spent two hours glossing, and yep, its everywhere . Mr MC caught me using his best screwdriver as i was trying to scrape the splashes off the floor tiles, so once that was confiscated , the only thing i could find was my potato peeler. Then my step son wanted the toilet and i had to heave some furniture that was accross the door so he could get in the bathroom , which meant that i ended up with white highlights in my hair and a go faster stripe across my t-shirt.
    So, i now declare my career as a painter and decorator over. Truly time for me to head back to work i think.

    Hope everyone has a blast in London tomorrow, and looking forward to the pictures . Keith , good news re your daughter too.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 24.


    I am having a manic day, running around in circles helping sick animals, daughter who's boiler has just stopped working and an Italian friend who wants me to go and see him about something important. LOL!

    Holly has just been to vets for booster jab and passed her health check. Hooray!

    Everyone going to London, have a safe journey and a great day. Will be thinking of you. xx

    Marjie, glad your leg is feeling better.

    CG, glad you are now feeling better too.

    Keith, thank you for the update on your daughter, glad her blood pressure has gone down.

    Chrissie, I love being part of this blog too.

    Sorry about typing mistakes. JUMPING BLOG again.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Keith, good news about your daughter and have a ball tomorrow, along with everyone else from the blog. Like Chrissie, I'll be thinking of you all. Send texts anyone who has my number and I'll pass on the info on the blog.

    These hiccups are sooooo annoying!!!!

    PS: Ali, take lots of photies.


  • Comment number 26.

    MC: you are just absolutely hilarious! Having met you, and I know how lovely you are, I can hear your voice as I read your posts! I know just what you mean - sometimes it's just best to be back at work!

    CSN: what a busy day you are having! No doubt you are being a real support to those that need it. And good news about Holly. x

    Annie: yes, that's great: if you receives messages from our lovely mutual friends, it would be terrific to hear how their day is progressing.

    Oooooh, it's all so very exciting!

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Right guys, signing off now - 1st cake int oven, need to get the rest of my ducks in a row - CLP on Alan Titch in a mo!

    See some of you tomorrow!


  • Comment number 28.

    Evening gang.

    What a day! Got to work at 8.20 and was unable to log onto our network until about 1.40 this afternoon. My boss had already agreed I could leave early, so as not to be rushing around after work, so I basically had a day's work to get through in 2.5 hours ....... and I did it!

    And breathe.

    We've both packed our overnight bags, Nice has gone round to visit his little boy and our taxi is booked for 7pm to whisk us to the station to catch the train London-bound (via Birmingham New Street, where we have 40 minutes to kill ..... thankfully there is a pub!)

    I've had a slight wobble this evening, a few tears and a bit of good old fashioned panic. Sadly Nicgot the brunt of it. I'm just in meltdown mode now in case anything goes wrong tomorrow ..... you all know the location is on the Â鶹ԼÅÄ R2 instructions I emailed you all, don't you .... And if either of the restaurants forget our bookings, I rang them both on Tuesday and confirmed numbers and times. Honest I did.

    I am shattered!

    But in a good way ....

    And yes, CLP - Phil H is absolutely wonderful.

    Right, time to calm down I think.


  • Comment number 29.


    Loved the interview and nice long johns!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Nice?!?! Shall we try Nic .....

    Oh I did! And I liked it!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all,

    Well earlier I was excited....now I am beside myself! Not only am I like a kid the night before Christmas waiting for tomorrow. I have had a telephone call from my daughter. She has seen the Consultant and her blood pressure was high again and the protein was raised so........they are keeping her in and starting her off as soon as they have a bed! So I could be a granddad during my telephone stint at broadcasting house! Whoop, Whoop! OMG!! And breath.......LOL Children in need, my daughter is in need! Off to give her a cuddle on my way to London. Don't worry I will have plenty of cuddles left for tomorrow! ;-)

    Sorry it is brief but “I have got to hit the road Jack.......

    Keep smiling

    Soon to be Grumps!

  • Comment number 32.


    Will be thinking of you and everyone tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.


    Have a great time tomorrow.

    Very exciting news about you daughter, you will be a granddad very soon now!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    or even your daughter, still got jumping blog!


  • Comment number 35.

    Keith - that's fantastic news! Very happy for you and hope all goes to plan!

    Right, that's me out of here. If anyone needs me ref tomorrow, please feel free to text. Will reply as soon as I can but the signal on the tilty train (dear, dear Beez springs to mind!) is poor in places.

    Til Saturday, mi amigoes!


  • Comment number 36.

    Keith, thats good news , will look out for your next update x

    Chrissie, thanks for your kind words, you are a gem ;-) I dont think Mr Mc appreciates all the skills i bring to this relationship !! Next time i am bored, i will take a leaf out of your book, and buy some oven cleaner . ;-))))

    Right, off to think of something else to do.

    MC xxxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Oh no! Already missed some of you heading to London :(

    Have a brilliant time everyone, I'l be thinking of you all tomorrow!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    Keith, that's fantastic news for you and your daughter!

    MC, I know what you mean about going back to work! Hope you find something easier to do ;)

    Hi everyone else!

    Off to find something for tea...

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi JG,

    I only have one official day of holiday left , which is tomorrow.
    Now i did spy some rather interesting tins of emulsion on my earlier foray into the shed. Now what could be so difficult with that, and it means i get to play with a roller . Right, early start for me . Mr MC will have to be out of bed early or i shall start painting round him.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Evening CLP and the gang, congratulations on raising such a fab amount in 3 days for CiN.

    To all the Bloggers heading for London town I hope you have a fantastic time, I'm sooo gutted to be missing out, but there's always next year!


  • Comment number 41.

    LOL @ MC!!

    Well the food has been delivered....yes, another takeaway, that's all Mr JG ever wants :(

    Finlay has managed to disgrace himself tonight, he's knocked over my pot for my fag-ends, not broken, but a big clearing up job on Saturday!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 42.


    Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, and hope I get to speak to some of you who can't make it, when you ring in.
    I thought some serious training might be in order for tomorrow night - so I'm off to the pub quiz.
    Roll on Breakfast....




    PS: Hannah - all sorted.

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all and apologies for my tardiness!
    Was a bit of a full on day today which included locking myself out! Duh.
    Anyway am just about all set now, even got a list made for himself with step by step instructions for the morning, what do you bet Ill lose it between this and then!
    Didnt manage to get a pudsey shirt tho :(
    Off to bed in a bit.
    Cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!
    (A very excited) T X

  • Comment number 44.

    So the baking has started just been to the supermarket for ingredients and Mr Hannah is helping me with creating some loaf cake cases as the supermarket doesn't do them *fail*

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi all

    Back in hotel after mini meet with our Suzie. Going to have an early nightn coz tomorrow will be a long day. Will log in when I can during the day.

    Thanks for all the good wishes

    Night all

    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Greetings Of Warmth Ter ALL... (talkin' of warmth a 'ope CLP is warm now & not caught a cold after being 50 up The Canary Wharf Gig... must ave been freeeezing up there!!!)....

    Me back again....

    Ave got some more teething problems... When a say teething a don't actually mean me teeth... no me teeth are in most nice order presently!!!!!
    The teething problems am talking about 'ere are: Ave been trying ter buy mesen a CiN t-shirt & despite visiting two Asda stores am without any Pudsey attire as they've sold out!!!!!
    So me BIG question is surely R2 reception... that's the security desk... not the strength of the signal from their aerial on the roof of R2, surely reception will be selling CiN/ Pudesy merchandi/ attire.... Or the dudes in charge of the 'otline gig will 'ave available attire of which a am more than willing ter purchase all in the aid of a most friendly charity!!!!

    Me second problem.... do yer think R2 'as easy mobility scooter access???

    A NEED answers to these problems!!!!!!

    'ope someone can 'elp!!!!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    Bingo-Star bear with going to get Deevs attention

  • Comment number 48.


    Bingo, they didn't have any CiN goods for sale at R2 last year but most of the people answering the phones weren't wearing Pudsey gear - apart from Pudsey of course!!

    I couldn't get a t-shirt either so I'm wearing last years, I know there are several of us who don't have t-shirts at all so don't worry

    Just come as you are - hang on this is Bingo i'm talking to, is that a good idea?;-)

    As for the scooter............

    See you tomorrow

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi all,

    Chris ,Lovely post today ,Hats off to you mate for what you've done over these past few months and to see it all coming to fruition ,you must be so chuffed .I take my hat of to you .

    To all ( CIN BLOGGERS ) that are going to London tomorrow ,just Want to wish you all safe journeys ,have a great time ,give and recieve lots of hugs ,but above all raise LOTS of MONEY .

    Take care all of .

    Lots of love ...Bids.xxx.

    I will be in touch with hopefully one of you with my donation .

  • Comment number 50.

    Thanks Bids.xx

    Bingo, if it means you are bringing Marj?? I am sure there will be lots of willing hands, to make sure that there are no obstructions.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 51.

    Well thats it, I am out of the pub! Time for a couple of hours sleep....ha ha

    I really should not be let out on my own! LOL

    See you in a couple of hours.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 52.

    morning peeps
    Absolutely gutted that I am not gonna make it, been up all night with a 'delicate' tummy, basically been camped in the bathroom since 1am

    Good luck all, will call up later and hope to chat to one of you

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Aw Tiggs

    Sorry you can't make it. You'll be missed.

    Hope you feel betterer soon.

    Off to meet the brekkie crew soon then on to R2.


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Chris,
    I was at ROSS NOBLE's show in Manchester last night + he was VERY NAUGHTY and did at least half an hour on PUDSEY BEAR - which was scandalous BUT hilarious!!!! I may have difficulty watching the Children in Need 2nite.
    However, I will watch the show if I can talk to you on the Radio (in the style of Nadine Coyle) + pledge £50 in return for a Request(Mary Chapin Carpenter- The Way I Feel-for my beleagured husband of 27 years and my 17 year old daughter who is Poorly at the moment.Keelin hates my impersonation of Nadine as she thinks I have truly "lost it" and gone round the proverbial Irish bend. ...... I am a former SEN teacher @ Parrswood High + wd like to send my regards to my ex colleagues A la Nadine Coyle. I am a quite POSH N. IRISH lady of 51+sound nothing like her, even though I lived in STRABANE until I was 18 (which is only 14 miles from Derry)!!!! Nadines accent drives me round the bend also+ I am sure she even "puts it n a it"(Like Cilla.

    I Pledge £33 for every year that I have been out of N.I.if i can make my request and shout out A la Nadine Coyle - to PARRSWOOD + my ex students+ daughters friends in the 6th Form + all my family in esp. my 90 year ld mum ROSE BRADLEY wh will be 90 on Jan 3rd.

    Ta very much. My mums catchphrase is " you can live in Rome + fight with the Pope"!! -which she uses all the time.
    33quid for a shout out which I am "happy" t do live on the Radi if I can chat to Chris.

  • Comment number 55.

    PS: If Chris Evans wants me to do my Shout out on his breakfast- he can ring me on 01614340517 + I can beseech the 2,000 students @ Parrswood High to donate £1 to CHILDREN IN NEED -if POSH Mrs Birley gets the opportunity to talk in the style of Nadine Coyle for the rest of the day(for which she pays £33 in thanks for not sounding like that ANYMORE.... No harm or offence to the peeps of DERRY(aka Strke City) - but people from Strabane are definitely much POSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Plz refer this to The Chris Evans breakfast show as I am on stand-by - in readiness for annoying my teenage daughter+ amusing the 2,000 pupils of PARRSWOOD HIGH + antagonising the people of DERRY.
    CHEERS Chris + Love to Ross Noble - who was positively blasphemous about
    Pudsey Bear + the poor ole Pope last night in Manchester.
    Cheers + Chris Evans listeners and everyone who knows me - a quid from everyone who knows me ought to raise a couple of thousand........ CHEERS!

  • Comment number 56.

    HI all,

    Quite a lovely day here so far although fresh .

    Well all the lovely peeps should be gathering for breakfast.I bet your all getting excited ,I can feel the buzz from here .

    Just get in there and do your stuff and say hi to Chris from me,just played Candy Man.

    No doubt that some others of you out there are doing bother things for CIN,and good luck if you are .

    Thinking very much today of our lovely Beez ,shed have been there with you doing what she does best ( BIG HUGS )

    Have a good day all....Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 57.

    Been thinking of Beez too, it's six months next week since she left us, and the gap still feels massive (don't think it'll ever shrink to be honest)

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Tiggs ,no it wont ,but dont really want it to ,feel she's still with us ,quite a comfortable feeling .I hadn't known her long ,but loved her .
    She was one of the reasons I logged on each day ,and she was always there for all of us .

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 59.

    Dead right Bids, take care yourself
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    the blog squad is gathering for Brekkie, pre CiN shift. Does Radio 2 know what it has let itself in for.

    I pity the fool who is going to try to keep this lot in order. We're already hatching a plot to turn all requests into Afternoon Delight or Dont stop me now! Best wishes to those who couldn't make it!

    Watch out Chris! We're on our way.

    DD out

  • Comment number 61.

    What time are the bloggers on the phone lines today please in case they are on duty when I try to phone in to pledge?

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Comment number 62.

    There are two shifts. 10 until 2 & 2 until 7. Bloggers are doing one or both of those.

  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks Thunderclap :o)

  • Comment number 64.

    Good morning everyone:

    How exciting is this? Our brave bloggers are just about to start their shift! They must be on the ceiling with excitement!

    C xx

  • Comment number 65.

    me again: just had a chance for a catch-up from last night:

    Keith: looks like today's the day for your daughter! I know you can't see this just now, but hope you will be able to contain your excitement while answering the phones!

    Tiggs: what a shame for you - so sorry to hear you are not well. Take care, stay warm, and I am sure that as soon any of the bloggers can contact you, they will. xx

    I think I will make my phone call just before 12 noon - I really hope I get through to a blogger!

    Right, off to do some work!

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning Chrissie and everyone.

    Its all very exciting.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 67.


    Just got a text, Chris is with them now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning CSN: oooooh, how exciting! I can hardly concentrate on anything!

    Thanks for letting us know.

    C xx

  • Comment number 69.


    I am shaking, just spoke to Chris on the phone!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 70.

    CSN!!!! How fantastic!

    Tell us more!


  • Comment number 71.

    wow CSN, lucky you xxx

  • Comment number 72.


    I am in shock!

    I just kept telling how much I loved him and his show.

    The line wasn't very good and I still can't believe it was really him.

    He said will I be going to help with CiN next year. YES!

    I could hear lots of laughter in the background, must have been all our lovely bloggers.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Or maybe it was one of our lovely bloggers playing a trick on me. LOL!

    The call came from KandKs phone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.


    Hope you feel better soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 75.

    thanks CSN
    trying to make my call now, can't get through........

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi All,

    Tiggs - sorry you are poorly, what rotten timing! Big hugs flowing through the airways to you x

    I'm in my office, trying to make my call but I can't get through either... grrrr!

    CSN - was it really him? Oh I do hope so...... how very special!

    It's soo exciting isn't it, even not being there!!

    Got to go, work beckons. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone

    CG xx

  • Comment number 77.

    got through and spoke to AliB!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    thanks CG xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Just got a text from the lovely Deevs

    Hectic busy!

    Have seen Chris, Tash and Noah.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Morning each

    Well, how exciting is this??

    Tiggs, hope you feel better soon.

    Hallo everyone.


  • Comment number 81.


    How wonderful.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Christoff, what a fantastic achievement for a very worthy cause. The show this morning was terrific. Your energy and enthusiasm shines through, you are one amazing guy!

    Tiggs, what a great shame, hope you feel better soon x

    Bids, I still miss Beez and always will. I often have a quiet thought to myself and so wish she was still with us. She would have revelled in the hype that today has brought.

    CSN, how fantastic for you, you’re not going to come down any time soon!

    Morning to everyone else.

    Beautiful here in the south, but very chilly.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 83.

    oh well, no mensh this time, maybe it'll be played again sometime today?!

  • Comment number 84.


    I am in total shock and shaking.

    My grandson keeps asking me. Are you ok Nanny!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.

    I can remember speaking to Chris back in about 1992 when he was on Radio 1 on Sunday afternoons and during his programme he had a spot called "I've Got Grief" when people could set up their friends about something they had 'grief' about!!!!

    My friend set me up and Chris rang me to torment me for several minutes about something between my friend and I.... and I had no idea it was him for a few minutes, especially as his programme was on Sunday afternoons and he rang me a couple of nights before and obviously inserted it into the end of the programme.....

    Ah... the good old days!!! :o))

  • Comment number 86.

    CSN: How absolutely wonderful for you. Don't you worry, that WAS Chris Evans you were talking to!!!

    Tiggs: that's great you spoke to AliB!

    Annie: hiya. Lovely to see you here early in the day!

    Bids/Pen: Beez is in my thoughts daily. She would have loved today - would have given Chris such a big hug! But she's with us all still - I really believe that.

    What an exciting day this is so far!

    C xx

  • Comment number 87.

    fairlyoddmother has just posted of herself with CLP on fb!

  • Comment number 88.

    Helloo to everyone on the blog from the bloggers here at R2!!! Just managing to take two minutes out to say 'hi'.

    CLP was an absolute hero and signed everything we threw at him. Saw Tash and Noah as well.

    OMG - Jeremy Vine has just walked in and is now sitting down next to me taking calls!!! Have just gone all to pieces.

    Had great brekkie with the troops and we'll regroup later for a well deserved drink!

    Hope the tumbleweed isn't blowing too much but we're thinking of you all.

    Lots of love, jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 89.

    thanks for the update jilly!

  • Comment number 90.

    Hello Everyone.

    What an exciting day this is, it's all happening now and I hope the mad bloggers are under control.

    CSN-Did you really speak to Chris? Wow! You must be so excited, I would be beside myself with excitement!

    I'm now clearing my throat and preparing to make my pledge.

    Who will it be?

  • Comment number 91.

    Forgot to put MM xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Jillygoat: how thoughtful of you to let us know how it's all going! Sounds just fantastic!

    Maddy: good luck with your call!

    C xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Just got a text and YES it really was Chris who phoned me.

    Thank you so much KandKs.

    You have made my day.

    I am so excited and still can't believe I spoke to Chris.

    Sending you lots of love and big hugs.

    Have a wonderful day.

    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 94.

    OK - now Paul Gambaccini has just walked in! Hope the lads get progressively younger as the day goes on...

    jillygoat - still a bit star-struck!

  • Comment number 95.

    Jillygoat, thank you for letting us all know how things are going.

    Have a great day.

    Marjie, good luck with your call. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Another text.

    KandK. just met Jeremy Vine.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Well, the excitement continues ... I just made my call, and I got through to Debs!!! Couldn't believe it, it was SO lovely to speak to her!

    They are all having the time of their lives - just wonderful for them all.

    And AliB said "bye" to me!

    It's wonderful to be a part of all this, isn't it?!

    CSN: still so happy for you - you must be dancing round your kitchen today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Chrissie, how was Debs?

    I am dancing round the kitchen with little grandson who thinks all this great fun.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 99.


    Did you like your phone call earlier? It was real

  • Comment number 100.

    CSN: Debs is in terrific form. She said that it is absolutely wonderful: people calling in to pledge, and chatting to them all. Very noisy room - it sounds fabulous!

    Mary is sitting behind Debs - I had hopes to say a quick hello to Mary, but she had to take another call! And AliB must be sitting nearby, because I could clearly hear her say "bye" to me!

    All lovely, lovely.

    I hope I can be there next year!!

    C xx


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