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Mmmm, Not Sure About This One.

Chris Evans | 10:06 UK time, Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The snow is a comin' and I see it in my head as a huge gentle white blanket wafting it's way down South from Scotland and below, waving like one of those huge flags at the opening ceremony of some rather important sporting occasion or other.

That's how I want it to be, but then I think about the wave of cold front that follows in its wake. So for all the fun and prettiness it is sure to bring - pay a visit or make a phone call - and check those more infirm or less able than the rest of us have what they need for the next few days. You know it makes sense.

Now, I'm off to try and not break any bones BMX'ing. I fear the worst.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Yep, yep, yep,

    Very Very cold in the environs of South Belfast by the river here - beoutiful and crisp, winter is upon us - where was the autumn???

    Lets all get into the Christmas spirit by opening the cream liquor tonight and pulling some old chestnuts . . .

    DtM xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris and the gang

    Snow. It was snowing on 16th December 2009 when Nic and I first met. It was still snowing when I moved in with him in February. That's a lorra snow!

    I don't mind it, as long as I can stay fairly local. Being a big girlie coward I hate driving in the stuff.

    Not feeling 100% today. Spent half the night downstairs on the sofa so as not to keep my man awake with my incessant barking coff coff coffing, so feel really tired as a result this morning, and a tad on the achey side.

    Ashes tonight, so it's duvet on the sofa and settle in for a late one.

    Whatever you're doing - enjoy it!


  • Comment number 3.

    Coo an early postin whoo hoo! !!!

    dont hurt yourself CLP

    snow not here yet. ..

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Chris,

    Wise words Chris, I have already given my parents a lecture as they are due to drive to my brothers in the Midlands at the weekend.

    Earlier this year in the snow I rang a couple of oldies from church to see if they wanted anything, but they'd all been out and got it themselves - they're a hardy bunch!!

    I'm not convinced that the snow will reach this far south, that is Kent. The 5 day weather forcast says that it's going to be really cold but sunny. However, I will get myself prepared just in case.


  • Comment number 5.

    Ali. ...

    Look at the met office. .. London and south east. .. For this saturday. ...

    Its not looking good. . Sorry for that xxx

    billie xxxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning folks :)

    Peterborough's got a sleet shower at 0600 tomorrow. But the rest of the time it looks fairly good (except the cold) Although when i looked monday it said naff all about the sleet *sigh*

    I don't mind driving in it . . it's just the other (insert own word/s here) drivers on the road that worry me.

    I remember a good few years ago i was on M25 south section (between 5-7) and there was snow on all the lanes and i was doing about 30 ish in me lorry when this parcel carrier lorry (orange coloured and means explosive) came stonking past me, few miles up the road he was off the road *blank look*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: yes, I agree: when the snow first arrives, how lovely it looks. And then it turns into a nightmare - hate it, hate it! We do certainly always keep a look-out for our nearest neighbours, but thankfully they seem to be ok.

    Chris, I met up with the lovely Mary last night and she returned my book to me - very kindly signed by you! Thank you, you are a sweetheart!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.


    I've just jumped out of my skin cos a starling has flown straight into my office window!!

    Now it's just sitting in the hedge looking very dazed indeed. I hope it's going to recover! Don't really want it to expire right on my window sill!

    Wish i could come to the quiz tonight - bet you have a fantastic time!

    I don't expect we'll get a bad snow fall but take care all of you who do xx

    Chris and Jonny - be careful today! Honestly, I've seen the damage a 12 year old got on his first visit to the BMX track (luckily no breaks but he's still got the scar!)

    Hope to hear you bright and early tomorrow

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Very cold here in Wirral and gas check just done.

    I still get excited when I wake up and see snow just like I did as a child. And then the reality hits me, it's either going to turn to ice or slush. And I can't use my scooter in the snow or ice.

    So I think I might hibernate until it passes.

    MM x

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon CLP, no snow here in Edinburgh yet, though the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ is promising a light snow shower around 18.00 and then a snowy weekend so we'll see!

    Day off work today and tomorrow, it was a real struggle to get up this morning, so am going to potter about at home this afternoon once I've done some food shopping.

    Hope everyone has a good day, be careful on the BMX CLP!


  • Comment number 11.

    Wednesdee 'andshakes From A Far Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes am fully prepared, a got some new tyres for me front wheels on me car last week as they were RIGHT on the legal limit of becoming not legal!!!!!!!!
    A was already sliding all over the place everytime a took a roundabout flat!!!!!!!!!
    Only problem a got me new tyres.... and decided ter test them for the first time on a greasy roundabout.... a turned the wheel... but me car kept going straight... 'eading terwards the railings... all in a split second....
    It's just luck that am born te rbe a racing driver & got natural racing driver reactions >>> Instead of panicking as a understeered into the railings ter 'ave me front end ripped off.... a didn't brake as most would... no... a lifted of the accelerator... and steered terwards the barrier.... fighting me whell left.. then right.. then left ter scrub me speed and allow me front nearside wheel ter stop sliding!!!!!!!!!!
    A managed ter miss the barrier by inches... (about 8 if a got out with a ruler - and that's close).
    Ave never crashed a car but a couldn't understand why me new tyres were so bad at gripping... then a thought tyres pressures!!!!!!!!

    A later checked me tyres pressures & the NUTTER who fitted me tyres at the garage... 'ad put 55lb in me nearside & 45lb in me offside tyre!!!!!!!!!
    They should be 26 ter 32 at the very most!!!!!!!
    So me tyres were like rocks... 'ence very little grip on a greasy road!!!!!!!!!!

    Me point 'ere CLP... am not boasting but one it good ave got split second natural reactions... just like the best racing drivers... and the most important point.... if yer prepare for winter... be VERY careful if yer get yer new tyres fitted in Birkenhead!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a also dropped me oil changed me filters: oil; air & fuel on Sundee when a 'eard the cold weather is getting colder... so me car is all set for any severe weather!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz am getting carried away 'ere... a only mean't ter say ter all... make sure yer car is ready for winter!!!!!!!

    As for the BMX gig... don't worry if yer break all yer bones.... looking on the brightside if yer slip on some snow or ice... there'll be nowt else ter break!!!!!!!!!
    Good luck CLP & Jono S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi everyone:

    Just having a wee catch-up:

    FOM: hope things are ok.

    CSN: sounds like you were having the evening from H*ll. Hope you managed to get to the fridge for that glass of wine!

    Gail: I did like your egg story!

    Rosie/Annie: re the "big wheel" in Edinburgh - been on it once, terrified the life out of me. The gargoyles on the Scott Monument, I swear, were laughing at me every time the wheel reached the top of the Monument. Never, ever, again!

    mtd: very, very envious, but in a good way! Hope you have a great time tonight.

    Cheryl: miserable for you - I am always relegated to the sofa when I have a cough! Hope you feel better soon.

    Sezza: hope the wee bird will be ok - what a shock it must have received! A couple of years ago, there was a gull that landed in the lightwell outside our office. He seemed to be ok, but I was so distressed to come back to the office after the weekend, and he was still there. The RSPB came out and caught him in a net, the poor wee soul!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    PS Ere is me all time rally driver 'ero Colin McRae giving a lesson on understeer & oversteer!!!!!!!!
    All drivers should watch this as one day yer might need ter use this >>>>>

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Actually change of plan... DON'T watch the first Colin McRae clip... it doesn't explain enough detail... So ave found this EXCITING clip instead >>>>

    Glad ter 'elp!!!

  • Comment number 15.


    Happy to report Sidney Starling has flown away to join his chums!

    Bet he's get a nasty headache!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chris, please don't buy a juicer - buy a high powered blender!
    Juicers produce waste, blenders whiz everything so well you can scoff the lot - juice, fibre and all.
    Green smoothies are the way forward - check them out.
    M xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks Chrissie. I did get told off this morning as HImself missed our early morning cuddle ......!

    I just wish I didn't ache so much. Even my elbows ache - what's THAT about!?!?


  • Comment number 18.

    I have a question on scarf etiquette. Having finally worked out how to tie one properly (it's taken almost four decades to be honest with you ) - fold scarf in half, then push straggly end through folded end - I now need to find out whether the looped end should be on my left or my right. Or even if it matters.

    Please excuse the slightly idiotic tone to the question - I think the cold weather is playing havoc with my brain. This morning I had a minor issue with excess cistern bubblage caused by an overactive cleaning block of the `bloo' variety, so overactive our bathroom looks like we're hosting a foam party each time you flush. I removed the cistern lid and cleaned off the overspill with toilet paper, leaving the cistern gleaming and free from unwanted streaks of blue chemical.

    Then I flushed the paper away....

  • Comment number 19.



  • Comment number 20.


    Or foamage, take your pick... :-)

  • Comment number 21.

    Liking foamage.

    Let's have some frothery too!


  • Comment number 22.

    I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one with the scarf problem.

    I've got a drawer full of scarves, I've tried many different ways of putting them round my neck and over my head and they all look wrong. Now given up and just put my hood up if it's unbearably cold.

    MM x

  • Comment number 23.


    I feel your pain. I don't have a hood to keep my head warm either. Or any hair.

  • Comment number 24.


    A balaclava might solve the problem. But I think it would be wise to keep away from the post office or bank!

    MM x

  • Comment number 25.

    Sezza: good to hear about Sidney. At least he avoided being removed from the premises by a net!

    So looking forward to 5.30 - ages to go yet!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello All,

    Thought I'd pop by and look round the door while I've got a few minutes.
    I love the snow and everything it brings with it. I would settle for the sunny but cold days that Ali mentioned though.
    Anything but rain for me.

    Currently sat/sitting on a train bound for Marylebone, where, on arrival, I shall be heading off to meet Misstoedipper, Alexgirl and.......oh bugger! I've forgotten (but another wonderful blogger) to watch the recording of the R2 quiz.
    Thanks again for the ticket Alexgirl.

    Take care you lot



  • Comment number 27.

    Evening to you all,

    Nothing here yet ,in fact it's been wall to wall blue albeit very ,very cold.
    I have purchased some bags of salt over the last few weeks and put them to one side ,purposely for the use on the pathway as last year the supermarket didn't have as much as a salt cellar full when I went to get some .Hence I am prepared this time .

    Will be writing more card this evening ,I like to get all the cards written by the end of November as to leave December free for the other things.

    Hope all is well with you all and {{{hugs }}} to them that need them .


  • Comment number 28.


    [Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    I even have one of these in my drawer of scarves but it didn't help at all!

    MM x

  • Comment number 29.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening - better late than never lol.

    I was up at 6:30 this morning to go for a field trip with work - thankfully the closest we got to snow was a little bit of rain on the way back (then again it could have been from the windscreen wiper spray from the car in front - I couldn't tell!

    I sat in the car park and tweeted at CLP about the fact that the snow was on strict instructions not to show up till later. And OH MY GOODNESS my tweet was read out - I did a little dance in the car park at work - thankfully I think my colleague just thought I was cold lol. (Why do I get to cringing about being mentioned?!?!) Another one to record before Friday (so that I don't loose my appearance on air from the studio!!!!! woot woot!!! Yes I am still excited about that!

    This is now an essay and I am going to go now :)

    Keith - How is your grandson doing? All well I hope!

    Deevs - how was your day after yesterday?

    TTFN :D

  • Comment number 31.

    I'm not sure you can buy balaclavas. I know that when the IRA were at their worst you couldn't buy one for love nor money incase it got into the wrong hands. I've never had a scarf (well not since i was a nippa and me nan knitted me one in claret an blue) and i was on the terraces :-D I just make sure i buy coats/jackets with a collar and wear a hat the insulated ones :-D

    Steve :-D


    Maddy you nawty person *gggggggg*

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Hannah

    I was awake most of th night coughing so a bit zombiefied today to be honest. I left work at 3ish and was under the duvet on the sofa by 3.20 - hence my disappearance from bloggery mid afternoon.

    I had about an hours sleep, and am hopeful to get some shut-eye tonight.

    And i love the image of you odancing around the car park!

    Take care.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 33.

    Evening each

    Maddy - what on earth did you say to get modded?

    No snow here yet - have just heard it's falling in Newcastle, and there's about 2 inches lying in Rothbury.

    Chris, hope no bones were broken BMxing.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hiya peeps

    It's very quiet here tonight and I've got to go out in the cold to do the taxi run later!!

    Hannah :-)! It's a good job no one can see inside our head when we're listening to the radio!

    Annie, you take care - have you got to go child minding tomorrow?

    Deevs, goose grease on the chesticles is the answer isn't it?

    Steve, you can you know!! We#ve got one here!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 35.


    That's good then. I must admit it was a good few years ago that i tried to get one (maybe going back poss 20yrs) :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 36.

    Heya all you wonderful guys. ..

    Hows you all. .. Poor sidney. . Good to hear he ok. ..

    Nice to hear from everyone else. . Get well soon Cheryl xx

    no snow here. .. :-(( me big baby and want to see snow xxx

    Now for a hot hot hot bath. .. Xx

    billie xxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Sezza - no child minding tomorrow. Just have to see one SVQ in Dunfermline and if there's snow I'll be getting the bus.

    Steve: many years ago when my oldest son was little I knitted him a balaclava. It was one of the first things I ever knitted - followed the pattern stitch by stitch and was amazed when all the holes were in the right place. Same with socks for his wellies - 4 needles, follow the pattern and out comes a sock!!!!!

    I know - I need to get a life.

  • Comment number 38.

    No snow here either...

    Have finally caught up, but the footie is on!

    Good new though, he considers himself a better driver than me, so he will risk taking the Merc to Wales, and I can keep the Audi! He may well regret that!!

    MTF and Billie, you were asking about the weather in South Wales...my Mum and my sister live up very narrow and steep lanes, but they go up and down then in weather most people would not get out of bed for!

    However, I lived near Cowbridge, in a place called Llanblethian and in a place called Creigiau, not so far from Porthcawl for a while, and never had any issues...ok a bit of ice scraping, but no snow!

    Personally, I don't like Porthcawl, and there are plenty of other nicer places!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Obviously, I cannot type!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Steve, about the same time as my Dad started a bomb scare with a bread pudding then!!

    JG, Good for him!! If he thinks he's that good, let him struggle! You stay safe

    I could really do without snow this week at least - could cope next week but need to get to Friday with as little hassle as possible!

    Have just watched Jimmy make chewing gum!! Now I'm even gladder (?) I don't like it!!

    And was that a cat walking on Nigel Slater's worktop? Eeeuuww!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Own up, anyone who had a knitted hat, that you could stick your ponytail out of the top!

    Erm, that would be me. It also had two huge pompoms that tied under my chin!!

    Thanks JG, I dont really know Porthcawl but we are on the opposite coast.

    Its been the most spectacular day here today and the sun has shined and its not been that cold. I arrived back home to see the moon, lighting up the whole bay. Its almost like a 'welcome home scene'

    I have been listening to Sally Traffic talking about the snow in the Highlands all afternoon and hope everyone up there is safe and sound. We were 'that' close to moving to Braemar back in 1992.


  • Comment number 42.

    MTF, my Mum and Sis live the "other side" of the mountains, I used to have to call them for Cardiff when I lived the other side too, to check if I would be able to get home!

    My old postcode was LD3 8YD, try it in Goggle maps...

    JG x

  • Comment number 43.

    And no, the place it comes up with, was not our house!

  • Comment number 44.

    We get a very clear view of the mountain range from here JG. I will google it right now.


  • Comment number 45.

    Hiya guys. ..

    Jg. .. Used to go to maesteg and caerau and barry as had relatives there. . Beautiful to drive and see the mountains. ..

    Not so funny missing the free running sheep lol xxx

    porthcawl is lovely. .. We love the old towns. . Not like here huge greenhouse shopping centre. . Well it is. . Stuffy and hot. ..

    Looking forward to 2011. ....

    Hope everyone is ok. .

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Gonna google that now xxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Well I don't know why I got modded, it was an amusing video regarding the type of scarf I have in my drawer, maybe it was advertising the said scarf. It explained (set to music) how to fasten the scarf, this went on for 10 minutes. Perhaps the modders got fed up.

    My brother and all the boys used to have a balaclava, my brother's being knitted by my mother.

    I personally wish that those fur hoods would become fashionable again, I looked quite cool in those.

    MM x

  • Comment number 48.

    Just had a look at the Rothiemurchus website MTF and don't think they've got snow yet. It's at the foot of Cairngorm. They've got wonderful photos of snow from last year though. The little road to Loch an Eilein which I've travelled often looks wonderful covered in snow.


  • Comment number 49.

    Maddy - I remember those fur hoody things. I look really stupid in a hat but I did buy a waterproof one in Pitlochry when I went to the Enchanted Forest. Can only wear it where nobody knows me!!!


  • Comment number 50.

    Nice place JG. looks sweet lol xxxx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Mmmmmm just been made a lovely mocha coffee xxxx

    billie xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    It looks like it could do with a lick of paint JG. LOL!

    Marj, they may re-instate it. I modded one of my onw posts only to get an email 11 days later, telling me that the post was inoffensive!!

    Annie, I heard them saying, that the snow gates were closed. I hope you dont have to travel anywhere, take care.xx

    Hoenstly, it fills me with woe.


  • Comment number 53.

    Billie, you live the life. LOL!


  • Comment number 54.

    MTF, a story about the snow gates. A couple of years ago we had a staff team building weekend in Rothiemurchus. Travelling up the A9 in our minibus we passed the snow gates. Sally, our daft admin, said 'How do they keep the snow out'?

    For team building read drunken weekend


  • Comment number 55.

    Do you know many daft Sallys Annie?



  • Comment number 56.

    One or two MTF.....


  • Comment number 57.

    MTF, that wasn't my old house! I can tell you privately which one was, if you like...

    Get in you Spurs!! Well done!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    I knew that wasn't JG. I cant move onto any other properties, I just keep going around in circles. LOL.

    Are you enjoying the football by any chance?


  • Comment number 59.

    Nice views around there thou xxxxx

    my lifes cool at the mo xxxx

    got a feeling of a cold brewing grrrr better not. . Got 12 hoyr shift tommoz xx

    billie xxx

    ps no snow here. . Boio

  • Comment number 60.

    Annie, surely they keep the snow in?


  • Comment number 61.

    Spurs doing good i thinks. ..

    Better than arsenal. ..
    Arsenal shoukd take advice fron doggie owners. . On how to keep hold of a lead lol xxxx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Any aussies on here? ?

    if not then ashes jokes are ok. .
    If so i be good xxx


    billie xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Is the jungle on tonight?

    I am led to understand that Ms McKeith is pregnant?


  • Comment number 64.

    Trust me, you don't want to live up in the wilds!

    And yes the footie result was most satisfactory!! ;) As you may have notived on t'ther side!

    I need my sleep now! Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Is that another of her attention seeking lies? ??

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Night JG

    MTF, heaven help that baby.


  • Comment number 67.

    Gillian mckieth is really getting on my. .......... Xxxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Night JG.xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Nite JG xxxx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Is it on now?

    I have got all the controls in front of me, but dont really know how to find it :(


  • Comment number 71.

    I have found ITV 2 now, but dont know anyone apart from JSP.


  • Comment number 72.

    I dont know. . Telly is off tonite xxx

    cant be bothered with it. . Besides gonna get early nite. . As gotta work. Long hours tomoz


    billie xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    well that's another few cards done ,not too many left to do now .

    Was watching grand design whilst writing ,I must say ,I do like that Kevin Mcloud .

    i'm sorry to be so ignorant ,but can I please ask ,What are snow gates ???.I honestly dont know ,I must be a southern softie (you dont have to agree)LOL.


  • Comment number 74.

    I am going to get an earlier night too.

    The excitement of last week is beginning to catch up :)


  • Comment number 75.

    Hiya Bids.

    I am not writing any cards this year.

    Everything that I would normally spend on cards and postage etc... is going to a very good cause that Ali gave me info on. Thanks Ali.x

    Snow gates, I think are gates on the main roads though treacherous areas that are closed to stop anyone getting into problems.


  • Comment number 76.

    Bids - snow gates are closed to stop traffic when the white stuff drops from the sky.


  • Comment number 77.

    Have passed snow gates on the A9 nr Drumochter and the A68 at Soutra. I sound like Sally Traffic!


  • Comment number 78.

    PS: I've only passed them in the summer Bids.


  • Comment number 79.

    Thank You ladies ,I did have some Idea that it was some sot of prevention thing .

    I did google Rothiemurchus Annie annnnnd it's beautiful .lots of things to do there by thev looks of things .
    A very good place for a childrens holiday what with all the activities .


  • Comment number 80.

    Excuse the mistakes I have a plaster on my finger ,and that my excuse .XXX.

  • Comment number 81.

    Bids, Rothiemurchus is a fab place. Have done the Doune tour, the behind the scenes tour in a landrover with a Ranger and have walked round Loch an Eilein many times.

    I first discovered it by reading Memoirs of a Highland Lady - Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus.


  • Comment number 82.

    Annie youd be mad to try and get through them in the winter if they are closed ,but I bet some people do try .


  • Comment number 83.

    Wouldn't even try Bids, am too scared to drive in the snow and ice. My visits up north are always in the summer.


  • Comment number 84.

    Riteyho. .. Billies off to zzzzzzzzz

    long day ahead. .. Xxx

    good nite Bids and Annie xxx

    Oh and MTF if you still lurking xxx

    billie xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Night Billie. I'm off too. Night all.


  • Comment number 86.

    Like I say, we nearly moved there.

    Mr Mobs had the chance of relocation. We went up to have a look. Have a quick gander at the Invercauld Arms, Braemar.

    One of the reasons, why I gave my son his name.


  • Comment number 87.

    I'm, with you on that one Annie ,I hate it with a vengeance,I wont be going anywhere now till the spring .

    I;m a warm weather traveler ,when the suns out and the leaves are budding .
    Anyway much prettier then ,seeing mother nature working her magic once more .

    Well lovely people I'm going to sign out now ,try and get to bed a little earlier tonight .

    Good Night to all of you out there .

    Sleep Well I know I will .

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi all

    Just got back from London and the R2 xmas quiz. A good time was had by all (some more than others eh Rips????).

    Off to check the other sides and then off to bed I think.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Deevs and Seza I am so glad that I have you two to understand the intricate workings of the sleep deprived CLP brain lol.

    However now it's 1am I got side tracked by finishing my story for NaNoWriMo and am somehow not sleepy because of my two hour nap this afternoon.

    Tomorrow and Friday are days off which is fab (4 day weekend!) and i am going to catch up with a friend tomorrow and spend time with my mum on friday - good times!

  • Comment number 90.

    Good morning all,
    Well it looks like the Radio 2 crowd had a good time and Rips especially, well done .Hope you both had a good old natter and a couple of bevies of course .

    I see some people have snow today ,if you are one ,take care in how you go.We so far haven't had any ,but the sky is looking quite heavy today albeit still a nice day .

    Take care you all and have a good safe day .


  • Comment number 91.

    Morning All,

    Only 1.5 degrees here, but no frost - thank goodness.

    MTF, Thank you so much (# 75) it is very much appreciated xxx

    Rips, What a night eh? Good on you xx

    I've got three lots of Minutes to type up this morning and another two to take this afternoon and evening, so I best get cracking.

    However, firstly it's Thursday so that's proper coffee day for me!


  • Comment number 92.

    Morning friends

    Feeling a bit betterererer today, which is weird, considering Nic and I stayed up til 2am watching the Ashes!

    It would appear that going to bed uber late means I sleep through to the alarm, instead of going to bed at normal bed time and waking up in the early hours coughing.

    I've even packed my yoga stuff for tonight. How's that for optimism!?!

    No snow here (yet) but it is 0 degrees and the car needed a lot of scraping this morning. Apparently the snow may reach The Midlands this afternoon though ..... ugh!

    Right, let's find something to do .....



  • Comment number 93.

    Snow Alert
    It's to late for asking who has snow. You should be asking who hasn't got it!
    I am watching it fall in Central Devon now at 0920 in Holsworthy.

  • Comment number 94.

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Avery cold day but no snow here in the North West, I believe it's down th East side.

    I'm off out now in case it comes over this way later and also while my leg is holding up. Still getting awful pain on and off from my pulled muscle caused by lifting my scooter backwards when it became stuck on a kerb.

    Glad to hear a good time was had at the R2 quiz, is Rips still out?


    MM x

  • Comment number 95.

    PS I hope Chris manages to sort his Avatar poppy problem soon!

    MM x

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning all

    No snow darn sarf, not even frosty. Blue sky and sunshine, albeit a bit chilly! Most likely put the mockers on it now!

    Keith, we have friends in Holsworthy. Useless bit of information but thought I'd mention it.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Mr Mobs has just got back from Bridgwater, where he says it is snowing like a mad Yikes!!

    Time to google the Burnham on sea webcam.


  • Comment number 98.

    Looks ok to me!


  • Comment number 99.

    Morning peeps, no snow here in Edinburgh, the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ keeps changing it's mind about wether we are going to get any. According to the current forecast we should be experiencing sleet showers just now, but it's sunny! So we'll see.

    Stay safe anyone who is out driving in the white stuff.


  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all,

    Quite a frost down here in Somerset last night! No snow though where I am and sat/sitting in my office in Exeter I am looking out of beautiful sunshine. I did have to venture out earlier and jackets are required.

    Boiler problems…. Mine works fine unless I have the heating and hot water on at the same time! If I do that and have a shower it turn’s my boiler off. I do only have to hit the reset button which normally would be no problem you would say…..well my boiler is in the loft! My OH will not go up there (spiders and cobwebs) so my first task some days is to β€œsort the boiler out”. I am sure it can be fixed, I am just too tight. LOL

    Grandson update….well he is just perfect! LOL I know I am biased but what can I say. My daughter has done a very good job cooking him for nine months. :-))))) xxx

    Dentist this afternoon, then stop off for a cuddle with George on my way home. Don’t tell Grandma. He he he

    Keep smiling

    Grumps Keith


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