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It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.

Chris Evans | 11:53 UK time, Tuesday, 30 November 2010

So here it is, Merry Christmas!

December 1st tomorrow and I'm in - that's it, we're there.

The tree goes up, the sherry comes out and it's official. Tash back from her trip on Weds, so the decorations will magically appear as the day unfolds. Perfect.

The show will become Christmas-ified from tomorrow as well, you just wait and see. Jingle all the way now, come on elves of the blog.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Yay CLP!!!

    Will subnmit my most splendiferous Christmas Crackers to the team today.

    And bloggers, we have an Advent Calendar!

    Gawd, I love Christmas - so much so, I even have my own St Nic this year!

    Happy Dayz.


  • Comment number 2.

    Merry Christmas to all and especially you Mr CLP - Langhams on Friday - you were very kind and allowed some pictures to be taken with the Office Angels, some of whom were a little mortified the next day in case in their rather drunken state they'd embarrased themselves! As always you were very charming x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi all

    How does it go? 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...la la la la laaaaa.'

    Been to physio this morning, shoulder is feeling a lot easier now. From the last blog - Chrissie, sorry to hear that you were not well last week and I hope you are betterer now. As I said earlier, there is snow here but the roads are clear and it is now sunny (that probably means that everything will freeze tonight). Off out again shortly to try and buy some 'formal' wear for holibobs (off soon - getting 'cited).

    Looking forward to day 1 of the advent calendar Deevs.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A Merry Christmas to you too Chris.

    My tree is already up, I put it up last Friday and lights on every evening from 7pm. And a picture of said tree on facebook (I took a picture of you Chris on the telly next to the tree but it was just a blur as I have a cheap basic phone.

    A light covering of snow here in Wirral!

    MM x

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes a most nice time of year Christmas... All brought to us originally through religion!!!!!!!!!
    Imagine 'ow dull the winter nights would be without this most friendly time of year ter break & INDEED brighten up the winter!!!!!!!!

    A most warm Merry Christams ter all back!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But not too merry or a visit ter a new year AA meeting might be in order - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Mr Mayo played Baby's It's Cold Outside yesterday and I was singing at the top of my lungs (I mean like really loud!). But then we get to the end and well he chopped the end off - I was a little gutted. However I got out the car at home and walked around singing it for about half an hour (Even when my other half put Christmas songs on the stereo - I think it was when I joined in and sang O Holy Night on the loo that he decided I'd officially lost the plot

  • Comment number 7.

    Ba humbug - in your show this morning you mentioned the shortlist of the Sports personality of the year , and I am gutted that they missed me out!
    I am not shortlisted and with me being a World Champion to boot.

  • Comment number 8.

    ***Happy Birthday Hazel Love***

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Ooooh - and I saw that advert for an internationally famous brand of fizzy drink ... you know the one ....

    The holiday's are coming
    The holiday's are coming



  • Comment number 10.

    Yes Chris, Christmas all the way and we have snow to go with it. Glad you are full of xmas cheer.

  • Comment number 11.

    And the "Warm This Winter" song Deevs which gets a bit longer each week leading up to Christmas!

    MM xxx

    PS LOL Is that really you 4oth World Pea Shooting Champ?

  • Comment number 12.

    And a very Merry Christmas to yous too, Christoff.

    I may be ahead of you there, just YOU wait an' see... hurrah.

    Howdy doody one and all; stay safe and warm won't yous, esp. yous Scots girrdls, with warm and cozy wishes from the Polar Ice-Cap, aka. Wigan.

    As to the chaps, get them tights on. We girrdls like a chap in touch wit 'is feminine side, an' yous need to keep the Family Jewels safe from frostbite after all. Mind. A word of caution. m put in mind of my Big, Daft, Lifts 'Eavy Things ex-hubby, the 6'2" farmin' back-row forward, who went to the rugby-club fancy dress party as a fairy, in a fetchin' pink tutu and white tights. Half way through the evening, he was summoned, along with Emu (in yellow tights and flippers) and Maid Marian (green shiny ones), to break up a fight on the car-park. Puttin' 'is wand down on the bar, off he strode, until I intercepted and forbade 'im. And lucky for 'imself I did. Maid Marian ended up wit a busted nose an' Emu almost got plucked alive.

    It's a jungle out there.


  • Comment number 13.

    A jingle jungle Clodagh!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Haha Maddie. Indeed.

    And I see I've missed Hazel's birthday; have a very happy one, sunshine; and the same to all other birthday bunnies comin' up.


  • Comment number 15.

    Lovely to "see" you Clodagh - even if you have just made me choke on me cheese and pickle buttie at the mention of "Family Jewels" ....


  • Comment number 16.

    Ew don't be chokin' on a cheese an' pickle butty, Deevs. Nowhere near glamorous enough. Make it the caviar blini, at least. Or one a them pesky lumps in CLP's souffle.

    I've always said I want to go via an unopened parachute, or a defective trapeze; or maybe poisoned by the KGB. But knowin' my luck I'll be mown down by a milk-float. D'oh.


  • Comment number 17.

    Whilst wearin' me fluffy beddies an' rollers.


  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs - my Dad actually rang me the other day to play the advert to me! Me and Mr Hannah keep discussing which Christmas advert is the best at the moment Sparks is loosing to Lewis - get me? Mr Hannah disagrees with me that neither and particularly Christmassy.

    How do I join in the Blogger Advent dobliey wotsit?

  • Comment number 19.

    So here it is Merry Christmas . . everybodys on the blog . . .

  • Comment number 20.


    And still it snows! It either comes down heavy or gently, but there has barely been a moment when it's not snowing. I've made an executive decision to leave about 3, that way I can walk home (just about) in the light.

    Chris, Even I am feeling a little Christmassy, I did say on the blog the other day that I was all bar humbug about it. Can't wait for Deevs advent calendar tomorrow.

    Hannah, I am sure by the time I've typed this someone will have explained...but basically we all guess what's behind the window and most guesses are from the sublime to the ridiculous, but it's all good fun. Once we've guessed Deev will open the door to let us know who's won or who was the nearest.

    Clodagh, Good to see you too xx heard Reene get a mention on the radio a couple of times.

    Deev, I had cheese and peanut butter!


  • Comment number 21.

    Clodagh, honeybunch .... caviar blinis? In Cannock??? You sure ....!?!?

    Hannah - every year I buy an advent calendar and throughout the day, you lovely bloggers leave your guesses as to what's behind that day's window. Then when I get home I open said window and then we see who wins!

    The more the merrier, IMO!


  • Comment number 22.

    Cheese and peanut butter!?!?!? And Nic thinks I have weird food leanings ....!


    I'm also loving the advert for a certain brand of dog treat at the mo - the one with the crisp, pristine white linen on the freshly made bed in the white room ..... with the very muddy dog.



  • Comment number 23.

    That sounds like good fun AliB

    A Christmas tree for tomorrow!!!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Good day everyone from a extremely cold Ayrshire.

    Another little flurry of snow last night, it's very beautiful.

    Hope you are keeping warm.

    Happy Birthday Hazel.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 25.


    I meant to say that yesterday when you raised me my envelope stuffing for contract writing - well I want to raise that to stamp licking!!

    I had 103 envelopes and each envelope needed three stamps on it, only one of which was self adhesive!! Which meant I had to lick 206 stamps.....yuck!!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Eww Ali, you poor thing! I hope you dind't get a blister on your tongue .....

    This afternoon I shall be mostly doing lease renewals and a couple of mail merges.


  • Comment number 27.

    So this is Christmas and what have you done...

    Personally speaking, not much. The only shopping I've done thus far is because my fiancee (apparently `ball-and-chain to-be' is not an acceptable Term of Endearment) spotted a bonus points evening at Wellingtons the Pharmacists, which is my more distant relatives will be getting biscuits or a torch. As for my nearest and dearest, following Deevs' suggestions yesterday, I've logged on to said websites and seens loads of good ideas for presents - for me. I'm sure everyone will understand when I plead poverty and tell them all I could afford this year was a chocolate orange and they'll undoubtedly be impressed when I deliver it using the remote control helicopter I just ordered...:-)

    Tree is due to go up tomorrow, however as it's currently residing in the loft, it might have to wait until it's a bit warmer up there before I go up to get it. I'm thinking around July should do it.

  • Comment number 28.

    to one and all!!!!!

    I love Christmas and drive my kids mad by humming Christmas Carols (wait for it..............) IN PUBLIC the ultimate humiliation for any child!!

    Hannah I was ALSO singing along loudly to Mr Jones last night!!!

    I think it may be time to deck the house..........advent calendars are in place and ready to go. I can't wait for deevskis advent blogging and I am giving deep thought to what Christmas Crackers I will be submitting this year!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    I want a robo pet thingy, preferably a cat, for Christmas as I really miss mrssootycat (who is in fine health, last time I spoke to the ex Mr Deevs approx 2 weeks ago).

    Just spoke to someone at HO - she's very stressed. My boss here is very stressed. I now feel stressed and guilty for not feeling stressed.

    What's THAT about!?!?!


  • Comment number 30.

    Christmas Crackers .... DONE!


  • Comment number 31.

    Morning and afternoon from a wet and cold upstate new York but no snow yet. I think that comes tomorrow! I how everyone is having a good day. I put the tree up over the weekend. I got a live one for the first time in years. Daphne wasn't so sure about it at first but is okay about it now!

  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon all,

    OK, Ok Merry Christmas to CLP his team and all of the bloggers! 1 Dec is the day and I am only one day early. ;-) xx

    Ms Love – Happy Birthday to yoouuuuuuu! X-x-x How lovely to read your post! Have a great day. ;-)

    My OH has text me to say that snow is falling in South Somerset so not to take any risks I have told the boss I am off home. LOL any excuse…..

    I have a golf competition booked for Friday near Reading so what are the chances of that gong ahead?

    George update, still gorgeous! Having dropped a couple of ounce’s after leaving hospital he is now on the up! Whoop! He is enjoying his cuddles with Grumps almost as much as I am!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 33.

    hi all - not here at all shhhhhh

    Just to say it is snowing at the Beeb and although I am now laptopped up, stinggy hotel chain does not have free interwebby and as much as I love you lot I'm not paying 15squids a night to chat!

    so its over and out from me till Friday

    stay safe and play nice!


  • Comment number 34.

    Tha fact that it's the day before December, I'll forgive you Christoff for mentioning the 'C' word.I'm betting you and little man are so looking forward to the return of Tash.

    Snow! we have snow, thick and fast and I don't like it one little bit! Plus I have to venture out, but it is to watch gorgeous granddaughter in her panto production, so it will be well worth it.

    Nice to see you Bondy, hope all is tickerty boo with you.

    Keith, it's quite normal for babes to lose a bit of weight at first. Glad to see he's making up for it, and those cuddles are just the best aren't they?

    Hi to everyone else!

    Happy Birthday to the lovely Hazel, hope you're having a good 'un xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 35.


    Well, of course I love Christmas too - but it's just a tad early for me at the moment - Beez would be going mental at today's blog, wouldn't she?! I will "get with it" but probably two weeks from now!

    However, Cheryl, I would like to take part in the Advent Calendar!

    mtd: thank you for your lovely wee message earlier today. How lovely it is to get a little sympathy! Thank you, am much better now. And I'm glad to hear your shoulder is improving. xx

    Will be out of here before 5pm - hope to get a train that can take me back to the frozen wilderness that is my home!

    Take care everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello Again.

    I've just been looking at Barmy's penguin link again.

    But whilst I was watching the penguins I began to notice the people. What's going on on that bridge. One person was standing there for quite a while then along came another and then a third carrying a bag. They all shared something from the bag and then went their seperate ways.

    Ah Dinnae Ken!

    MM x

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Penny! Things are great thanks. We supposed to get snow tomorrow... Looks like you guys are getting all snow.... Hope all is well with you.

  • Comment number 38.

    Chrissie, many apologies, I did see earlier you had been poorly. I missed you on the blog last week and did wonder! So glad you are on the mend xx

    I so agree with you re Beez, and wishes she was still here with her comments. I haven't had a tea/screen moment in ages!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Pen: thank you, and sorry if I sounded pathetic! xx Oh, yes, I miss Beez too - fabulous comments always, and she never missed anyone!

    007: nice to see you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Bondy, all is well, thanks! Yes snow here, unfortunately! I'm just off to brave the elements to watch GGD in her panto. I normally wouldn't send a dog out in this weather, not that I've got one to send out, you understand, but wouldn't miss this for all the tea in China :-))

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 41.


    Well I bunked off early and am home snug and warm. I hope everyone else gets home safe soon. I've already given my Mum three rings!

    Chrissie, Glad you are better xxx

    I thought of someone else who's not been around recently CSN. I hope you are OK xx sending hugs {{{}}} xx

    Keith, I had a cuddle with George's future girlfriend on Saturday, she's a stunner at just a week old...LOL ;)

    Hi Pen xx

    I've got a cup of coffee and trashy old Heat magazine to keep me going for a bit.


  • Comment number 42.

    oh, and Chrissie, you didn't sound pathetic my love!x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi right back at you, AliB!

    Talking of missing people, where is MC? She's not on here or FB, in fact she has all but disappeared over there! Has anyone made contact lately?

    BTW, I have been in contact with Darce. New job is going well but very, very busy and she hasn't had a chance to get on here or other side!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 44.

    It's a bit early for the C word for me yet. I was with Beez on this one.
    However, I have now completed painting the Diva bedroom chocolate and lime and am going for a stroll in the snow to escort said Diva from her place of work back home.



  • Comment number 45.

    AliB: good to hear you are home safe and sound! You did the right thing leaving early.

    Pen: you are a wee sweetheart. Hope you have a lovely time this evening - you do know you will cry, don't you?!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Tissues at the ready, Chrissie! xx

  • Comment number 47.



  • Comment number 48.

    Hello everyone. Snow here at last, but not settling much, so Jasper-dog is all in a Johnny-strop again (he LOVES playing in the snow. He did have a little game with two of his doggy-chums, but it wasn't the same as diving into piles of the stuff or going puddle-skating)!

    Can I be in the advent calendar thingy? Jasper has got a doggy-advent-calendar from a doting neighbour, which has been stored out of reach of sticky-paws until tomorrow. We think tomorrow's picture in Deevs' calendar will be... a snowman!

    My mum rang up this afternoon. She said I ought to get a bag of cat-little for my car (I'm still quietly keeping my fingers crossed that there was an horrendous mix-up in the maternity ward back in '74). Apparently, it's useful if you get stuck in the snow - you can sprinkle it under your tyres to get the car moving again (I think she also grits her path with it. She definitely does not own an actual cat). Knowing my luck, I'd leave one of the car windows open and all the local kits would see it and go "ooh look, a new portaloo!" And that would be that. Especially the ones 'round here. They never cease inventing new ways to wind-up Jasper...

    Right. Cup o' tea, I think, while Jasper comes up with something pithy for his own blog. Laters!

    Penny-Forem - Hope the panto is a tip-top success! Have fun!

    Keep smiling,

    Ruth & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 49.


    Have just finished cooking and am finally feeling warm - first time today i think!!

    So sorry to hear about all of you suffering badly with the weather, I hope you all stay safe and warm and can get where you have to be

    (((hugs))) for all of you who need them

    Roo, Your Mum hasn't lost it - yet! Cat Litter really does work but you need the really cheap stuff (that should help with Jasper's approval) Best thing to keep it in is a large fabric softener bottle. Then it stays dry and you can tip it right by your wheels where you need it

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Oh and my guess for the advent calendar is a ickle mousie with a candle!

    ho ho ho


  • Comment number 51.

    Evening CLP and the gang,

    I'm not going to wish anyone Merry Christmas just yet, not becasu of any scrooge-like tendancies on my part but rather because I want to wish everyone, and in particular the Scottish bloggettes a HAPPY ST ANDREWS DAY!!!

    No haggis in casa Rosie Posie tonight, but rather that other staple of the Scottish diet... Pizza!!

    Oh and it still effing snowing off and on and it's baltic!

    Hope everyone has ahd a goood day


  • Comment number 52.


    I've just realised my loft-rat hasn't done his job and the Advent Calendar and Santa Chimney aren't down here ready to be filled with choc

    Don't think I can face the ladder battle so they'll have to wait!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Ah but Rosie, is it deep fried pizza?

    I once had such a thing but it was from an Irish chip shop in Devon!!

    International cuisine indeed!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 54.

    No not deep fried Seza!

    I have tried a deep fried mars bars and it was revolting!


  • Comment number 55.

    Ah, hello, long time no write.

    Just wanted to wish the magnificent blog-laureate HAZEL!!! a fab birthday, hope you are keeping well matey, love Boley xxxxxx

    Now then Chezza, the calendar. Mine guess is a song (carol) sheet with rolled scrolly bits at either end, and a few quavers drifting out. It kind of sums up my life at the moment.

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Mine guess - that's olde English.

  • Comment number 57.

    Penny, good luck braving the weather and the roads tonight!

  • Comment number 58.

    I forgot about the little mouse + candle and the musical scroll - Advent Calendar classics both - but Jasper and I are sticking with the snow-man. Back-up guess would be a selection of baubles - but Jasper barks we should stick with the snow-man...!

    My heating packed up @ 15 mins ago - just broken out the emergency candles! Of ALL the moments... Grrrr....

    I'm actually wondering if brightAnnie ate all those chocolates last night... Anyway off to give the boiler a good talking-to for a bit. If it doesn't watch out I shall put it across my knee. THEN it'll be sorry!

  • Comment number 59.

    Just dropping in the blog ter say:

    'azel Love - 'OPE YER 'AVE A NICE BIRTHDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'APPY BIRTHDEE TO YOU FROM ME VIA THE CLP BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just drooping outta the blog!

  • Comment number 60.

    Cooooo what a day. . Woke up to whiteness everywhere. .. Lovely xxx

    Hopefully you all have had good days. . Mines not been too bad

    Billie xxxxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Rite a roasting hot bath is calling me. ..

    Be back soon. . Ok

    catchya laters okies. .. If anyone wants to speak to a lil billie xxx

    love billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 62.


    well what a nightmare journey home - lots more heavy white stuff and icy and freezing wind with it.

    Just about thawed through and I got back at 6.30!

    Very happy birthday HL xx

    Susan x

  • Comment number 63.

    Much excitement in the Daisy household tonight, thanks to MTD's link of where to go to get tickets for a recording of CLP's show Famous and Fearless. We are now in receipt of our tickets! How much fun will we have?!?!

    Hope everyone is home in the warm and safe & sound.

    Laters all,
    Love Daisy x

  • Comment number 64.

    WooHoo Daisy!! Have a fab time and we expect a full report after!!

    Susan, I've just done half me ironing pile and I'm nicely warmed up now. Do you want to do the other half? ;-)

    BG, So what's big in the Nativity World this year then? Found some pics of boy1 doing The Innkeepers Party when he was in yr2 - very cute!!

    Billie, Just realised I haven't had a bath since we moved house!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 65.

    A quick flick back though, just got home.

    I have been in touch with the lovely MC and she assures me she is ok.

    Hope to see you back here soon MC.x

    Hazel, if tis not too late in the day... Happy Birthday to you. I hope where you are living now is nice and you are settled.x

    BG, hello Chuck, hope you are ok. Sally traffic has been giving Blackmoor gate a bit of street cred this afternoon. I know this will be familiar to you.

    Everyone else, yes all of you.. I hope you are all keeping warm. The wind chill is unbelievable here. I am getting visions of the sea water freezing on the cliffs in huge icicles. Its most bizzare to see frozen sea water.

    I popped a post on last night about it being the 'snowiest' St Andrews day on record. Does anyone know if this was the case?


  • Comment number 66.

    HI MTF, I don't know if this is the snowiest St Andrews day on record but I can report that all the celebrations scheduled for today in Edinburgh were cancelled because of the snow.


  • Comment number 67.

    Thats a shame Rosie. A lot of work must go into the preparations.

    I noticed, at midnight, that the google page changed to reflect St Andrews day and there was a discussion going on about it being the 'snowiest' so I was intrigued. I am sorry is has scuppered everyones hard work.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hiya MTF

    You mentioning Sally Traffic made me think of something

    How many times do you think the gallant traffic team are going to tell us the Cockbridge to Tomentaal Road is closed?

    Could they not just tell us now that it's closed and will be for months?

    I'm guessing the people who use that road regularly know when it's not safe

    That sounds really whingy and it wasn't meant too

    I love the traffic peeps and they can say what they like but I think they must get fed up with telling us the same thing all Winter

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    By the way, does anyone else suspect that they might be subject to Chris-based subliminal brainwashing coming through the radio? Weeks ago, I realised that I had started saying to friends and colleagues that it was "time to get a wiggle on".

    Now, supervising Jasper-dog as he downloads a new wee-mail to his own blog, I notice that he has, in reference to a recent bargain procured for the garden, barked "can't argue wit' dem apples!"

    I know that I am weak-minded and impressionable - but I expected better from Jasper. Should I be worried?

    Roo and Jasper xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Sezza, she has been mentioning Minehead all afternoon.

    The west of Minehead is closed due to the snow. Yikes!

    Luckily, I was going east!

    We really dont have anything here, but its bad on the moors.


  • Comment number 71.


    Welcome to the blog family - I'm not sure who said it first, Chris or Beez (you may have heard of Beez, a lovely lady who we sadly lost this year). I know that whenever I hear clp say 'get a wiggle on' I think of Beez.

    I'm sure Jasper is in tune with the blog family as well, nothing at all to worry about imho.

    Daisy - I am so glad that you've got tickets. I wish I could go too but there is no way that I would be able to persuade the OH to go (especially with Clare Balding as well), it is going to take some subterfuge to be able to watch it on TV.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Time to get a wiggle on, is a very dear expression to us all Roo.

    Did anyone hear afternoon delight on Monday?

    I think it was on Steve Wrights show.


  • Comment number 73.

    MTF I heard it too

    Take care everybody

    Sleep Well

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Thanks for the offer of the ironing Sezza but like Billie I have had a hot soak in the bath.

    Night all

    Hope tomorrow is less white and warmer LOL

    Sus x
    PS MTF so glad you got your new treads for Puffball

  • Comment number 75.

    Thanks MissToeDipper. x. I am so glad Jasper and I found this blog - everyone here is so nice. Alas, I arrived here fairly recently, so did not have the good fortune to encounter Beez. What a great shame she's no longer here - I hope she's happy, wherever she is, and encouraging the angels to wiggle their wings. xx

    Are you referring to the song "Afternoon Delight"? (Didn't catch all of Steve's show this afternoon, but am loving Radcliffe and Maconie this evening - my favourites after Chris!) I love that one! It always makes me smile, as it appears on the soundtrack of the 'Starsky and Hutch' film starring Owen Wilson (on whom I have the HUGEST, naughty-minded, crush... sigh...) and Ben Stiller. It comes just after there has been a "very awkward" moment between them in a prison, hehehe...
    But it's a top song in its own right - hope it will be a gobsmacker one day!

    Goodnight Sezza, sweet dreams, stay safe and warm.

    Keep smiling!
    Roo and Jasper xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Thanks Susan. I must say, it feels a lot better now going up the 1 in 4s.x

    Night Sezza.

    Roo, have you got any friends from here on fb yet? Pop over to CLPs bloggers if you are on fb and you will spot a few bloggers over there :)


  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks MTF - I am on FB, think I got a couple of friends from here when I put my name down for next year's CiN volunteering. I'm under Ruth Elizabeth Page (b&w photo, grossly deceptively-lit, hehe)!

    Thank you for the tip though. Don't think I've ever been on a more friendly and supportive blog-list before. And refreshingly troll-free also!

    Roo & the now-snoring Jasper. It's snowing again now. Brrrrr!!! x

  • Comment number 78.

    I finished it!!! Woot woot!!! I finished NaNoWriMo (National Novel writing month - you write a story of 50k words in November)

    I just looked at the stats for my blog and the day that you lot invade to read about my CIN adventures is the busiest day so far I think! (111 views across 4 blog posts thank you lovelies!)

    Cathmel - I played it twice from the Tube of You earlier and on the first time danced round the living room!

    Deevs - it sounds really technical but is it like a chocolate one (so not descript secular images) or a traditional one lol. Can you give taht hint because I think my choices will differ lol)

  • Comment number 79.

    Its here lovely people.

    You cant ignore it and why should you.

    Lets embrace it.

    White rabbits, pinch punch, all of that and...

    Welcome December.

    I think you arrived a bit earlier than we were expecting but, hey ho....

    We have had a taste of what might be in store and do you know what?

    After last year, we might just be ready for it.

    Be prepared everyone, its the least we can do.

    Puffball is geared up with new tyres AND...the boot is loaded/laden? with welly boots of all sizes, a gaz stove and lamp, duvets, pillows and lots of cans of soup and the scrabble set. If this weather is going to try and beat us, then I am going to make sure that we turn it into a party.



  • Comment number 80.

    Blimey, its a bit blowy this morning!


  • Comment number 81.

    Morning all

    Looks cold out there - no new snow though.

    Deevs - 1st advent calendar guess - a robin.

    I am getting a warm feeling from the blog and the show today. Long may it carry on.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    No Christmas decs for me at home yet. Having a new fire installed on the 10th so I have to wait.....BUT my office looks like Santa's grotto and the boss hasn't seen it yet :-)

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning All.

    After my comment yesterday re flurry of snow ,It only lasted about half an hour.Then last night it started to snow properly and has laid now .

    I won't be using the car I will get a lift in or get a taxi and let that take the strain .
    I'm crossing my fingers that it will be eased by the w/end.Think I will stock up on the essentials just in case .

    Take care all and keep warm and stay safe .

    Bids.xxx.....Deev ,Sprig of Holly.

  • Comment number 84.

    Morning all

    "Bah Humbug" to quote the lovely, always missed Beez. But we all know that from today I would have driven her nuts with my excitement in the build up to The Big Day!!!

    1st December is here and we can't stop it, so let's get on and enjoy the next 24 days, shall we?!?

    Hannah - it's a traditional advent calendar. I don't agree with chocolate ones on any level whatesoever. Especially Man Utd/Arsenal/Barbie/McFly etc ones. What's THAT all about?

    More snow here overnight in Cannockshire. Nic braved the drive to work (yet to hear from him that he arrived safely) whilst I once again donned the wellies and the iPod and walked the 7 minutes or so over the road!

    All advent guesses welcome.

    My guess for today is a baulble - and no, I haven't looked. I will reveal all tonight (to Nic, after I've told you lot what's behind window no. 1 !!)

    Laters cheeky gals (and boys!)


  • Comment number 85.

    Morning each

    Am snowed in!!!! Ate the last crust for my breakfast this morning. Honest to goodness I'm fed up with this. Daughter and little boys will rescue me later today (school's shut again).

    Chrissie, sorry to hear you've not been well - I missed you.
    Roo, choccies are still intact - so far!
    Deevs, a snowman

    Hallo to everyone else.


  • Comment number 86.

    Roo - a bit late but welcome to the madhouse that is the blog ... as has already been said, it's a lovely place to go, particularly if you're in need of a laugh!

    Deevs - my guess for the advent calendar is an angel ... with all the mention of Beez at the mo I thought it appropriate x

    No snow where I am but very, very strong easterly winds which blow through me windows and cut me off at the knees! We have storage heaters which are worse than useless and the flat is so coldd, you really have to need to go, to make a late night visit to the loo, if you know what I mean! Brrrrr.

    Go careful out there everyone - it's really not nice.
    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 87.

    MrRolastic safe and sound at work.

    Annie - hope you're not stranded for too long. But bettererer to be stranded in your own home than out on a motorway or backroad somewhere in the car, all cold. Especially if you need to loo at any time ...!

    All guesses thus far .... noted.


  • Comment number 88.

    Helloooo everyone, Country Girlie calling ........

    I know I've been absent for a while, but life has been a nightmare. I work full time & travel a lot, both my parents are in the latter stages of terminal cancer & with the snow & ice it's not been easy trying to juggle life. Mr CG is wonderful & so is Daughter, but the pressure is still there.

    On a brighter side - the new kitten has arrived!! Tiger Lilly has been with us for 3 weeks now & has settled in brilliantly, mind you - I'm dreading when the Christmas tree goes up!!

    I have been lurking on here & have to say that you lot have cheered me up incredibly the last few weeks. CLP's PMA rubs off as well, so a heartfelt thanks to one & all.

    Sorry not to comment on any one of you individually as I'm so out of touch, but big mistletoe hugs and love to you all.

    Deevs - my money is on a bauble too! :-)

    CG xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    You're so right Deevs. And it's still snowing!! My whirlygig whatnot has just fallen over with the weight of the snow.

    JG, storage heaters only seem to work in the summer. Hope you've got a hot water bottle.


  • Comment number 90.

    Hallo CG, nice to see you back on here. So sorry to hear about your life at the moment, but good that you've got husband and daughter to help with the pressure. And your little cat - what a nice name.


  • Comment number 91.

    Good morning everyone from a very snowy Ayrshire.

    I work in Kilwinning, which is a few miles from Irvine (as in the Proclaimers "Irvine no more"), which is at the coast, therefore not a lot of snow, however I live 11 miles inland from work and approximately 500 feet above sea level, which means loads of snow, they don't believe me at work when I come in wrapped up like an eskimo, they think I live in a parallel universe, mind you sometimes I think that too!

    I was worried about CSN and MC too, the last I had spoken to MC was when she was going to see Heaven 17, I was beginning to wonder if she had run off with Glen Gregory, so I'm glad to hear she's ok, just waiting to hear from CSN now.

    Big hugs to CountryGirlie, sounds like Tiger Lilly is keeping you going.

    Hope you all have a great day.



    p.s. Deev - my guess for the advent calendar is an elephant on a unicycle.

  • Comment number 92.

    My advent guess is a christmas tree :)

  • Comment number 93.

    I don't mind chocolate ones but do prefer the traditional ones with a nativity scene - I used to have one of those when I was younger :)

  • Comment number 94.

    Give me the chocolate ones every time Hannah.

    Who mentioned the Cockbridge to Tomintoul road earlier? It always makes me laugh when I hear it's closed because of snow - reminds me of Terry Wogan and Mrs. Mackay and her shovel.


  • Comment number 95.

    Annie - It was me!! Although I knew I'd spell it wrong. I just thought the poor travel team must get fed up with telling us it's shut

    CG (((xx))) for you and your family and :-) at the thought of the kitten and the tree! Have you thought of hanging it from the ceiling? The tree of course not the kitten!!

    Gail, made me smile picturing you wandering in all wrapped up

    Whoever mentioned storage heaters - bane of my life as my poor oldies at work have them and they're generally useless - have you asked your supplier if you can change from Economy 7 to Economy 10. With E10 you get a boost to the heating during the day so the heaters shouldn't be freezing in the evening. Not sure how the cost works out but might be worth it if you're warm

    Loved listening to the Revd Rowan Williams this morning (and btw would love to hear Chris having that long chat with him) and am definately going to take this chance to look forward to the joy

    And I defy anyone to Bah Humbug Noah's Appeeeee Kissmast!!


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning All,

    Well I made it into work, it took me 40 minutes to walk, usually takes 30! I have three hills to walk up and a walk by the river, which on a summers day is lovely, but not when there is a biting wind! Thank goodness I brought a pair of chunky boots on the way home yesterday, so no slip sliding away for me this morning. I hope everyone else is safe xx

    My guess for the advent calendar is Father Christmas xx

    Annie, I always think of Terry too xx Hope you are OK, stay safe xx

    Country Girl, Big hugs to you {{{}}} xxx


  • Comment number 97.

    Sezza - don't fancy living in either of those places!! You'd never get anywhere in the winter.

    Glad you didn't slip into the river Ali. I've got my trusty wellies and will be donning them once I get out of here - hardly any ciggies left. Can just hear Beez on the C word.


  • Comment number 98.

    Anyone seen CLP finger. ???

    It looks gross. . Looks like he bin munched by a zombie...... Eeewwwwage! !

    Seriously thou hope it gets better. ..

    Hows everyone? ? Keep warm and stay safe..

    Off to the "m" shop and then skid lateron. .

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Thanks to all of you for your hugs & warm wishes...... I really appreciate them.
    Sezza - you made me laugh out loud..... I think I might just pin the kitten to the ceiling, then I can leave the tree as it should be - result!
    Stay safe and warm out there today peeps!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Brrr, and still it persists!

    Deevs, thanks for the loo thought, bucket going into boot, if I can find room!

    I've got old fashioned storage heaters too, I didn't know about E10 Sezza, but will certainly look into it.

    Early start, which means a long day. Got to go and pick an old lady up that needs treatmet but doesn't have any transport.

    Keep safe everyone.



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