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Carry On Candy Man

Chris Evans | 12:59 UK time, Tuesday, 2 November 2010

So two weeks ago I'm at a conference in Manchester, and I spy Danny Baker's agent out of the corner of my eye. Alex Armitage, a hugely pleasant and genial human being smiles broadly as he walks towards me. His eyes however were telling me something else. He had news of our mutual friend and not good news, not good news at all.

Two weeks on, we are all now aware of what that news was. The Bakerman has been struck a low blow - of that there is no doubt - but if his demeanour on the telephone last night was anything to go by, this time it has knocked on the wrong door.

Danny starts an extremely lengthy and uncomfortable course of treatment today, as I'm sure many other people are also doing, have done in the past, and will do in the future. Let's all help push them up the hill and down the other side.





  • Comment number 1.

    Here Here Christoph,

    It's a battle that all of us will encounter, either going through it ourselves or watching loved ones go through it...I'm pushing xx


  • Comment number 2.

    Me too Ali, what a great Blog CLP.

    Hope everyone's having as good a day as possible.



  • Comment number 3.


    What a lovely blog, count me in on the pushing please.

    Hi to everyone ,

    MC xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Ok so I feel a little embarrassed that I put Here Here instead of Hear Hear, but I'm amongst friends so I am sure you will forgive me ;)

    Debs, From tuther side, I'm doing my weekly shop there tonight so will pop one in the trolley.


  • Comment number 5.

    Well said indeed Chris.


  • Comment number 6.

    Lovely Blog Chris - I'm in the queue to do my share of the pushing xx

    Hope everyone is else is okay.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Well said Chris,

    Now. You're not going to like this......Well, actually, you probably will. That's the type of guy you are.

    Danny Baker is without doubt my favourite radio broadcaster.
    I can and have listened to him all day long. I even subscribed to his (sadly no more) All Day Breakfast podcasts.
    He has accompanied me on many, many long journeys. Making my eyes stream from laughing too much and also teaching me so much about........well, so much. The man has a brain the size of a planet a memory to back it up.
    The way he uses the English language as well as his own South London dialect is to me, like poetry. He has a turn of phrase that he can produce at whim - like no one else. I've nicked so many of his expressions and passed them off as my own, that I probably owe him some copyright!
    He is also, the only person who can make football entertaining to me. I have no interest in football, but (and much to the CMM's bemusement) can sit and listen to him talk about it all day long. As I did during his hour long shows during the world cup.

    I had wondered how seriously ill he was as he missed a few of his recent Saturday shows and then returned a couple of weeks ago, but wouldn't say much about it.

    I truly hope that he recovers fully and quickly, because my radio needs him.

    Sorry to go on, but this has really hit me in an odd way.

    Get Well soon Candyman

    Yours faithfully

    Copper Committee member: 627



  • Comment number 8.

    Just one more thought - Chris, would it cheer Danny up to hear that he is - above all his other achievements - a sex symbol?!?!

    For proof, just ask Clodagh.....Whose "heart" as Danny would say "beats a little faster for him"



  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Chris & Everyone.

    Danny has indeed had a blow and things will be difficult for him but with his personality and the help of the wonderful caring and dedicated doctors and nurses I know he will be just fine.

    In fact, knowing Danny, there will many laughs along the way.

    Wishing him a full and speedy recovery!

    MM x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi All,

    I'm pushing Chris - my parents were both diagnosed within 3 months of each other last year and I'm pushing for them too.

    'tis a cruel thing.

    Thinking positive is the only way forward

    CG xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Count me in on the pushing for the great man lets hope he gets back to full health as quickly as possible the man is a legend in my books i love listening to him on the radio have missed him over the last few weeks saturdays are just not the same with out a bit of Danny Baker get well soon big man you are sorely missed

  • Comment number 12.

    What a wonderful blog today Chris - full positive support for your friend - I too wish Danny a quick return to full health.

    There is absolutley nothing wrong with needing a bit of a push every now and again - and it is indeed a sign of a strong mind to accept and welcome such encouragement... I suspect Danny has that and a wealth of like-minded friends and family to support him.

    Love to all

    Suzie... xxx

    P.S. Rips a wonderful post from you too... xxx

  • Comment number 13.


    Lovely blog Christoff.

    I'm pushing too, not only for Danny, but for anyone else who is suffering this cruel disease.

    How about playing the Candyman every morning?

    Rips, great post.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Chris: Incredible blog today - thank you. Without doubt, I am with you all and pushing Danny towards recovery. Love him so much. xx

    Rips: you have a wonderful way with words, really.

    And, yes, the lovely Clodagh and I have had many a discussion regarding the gorgeous Mr Baker!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh Lordy Chris, what a facer. Bless Danny B, the Man of my Dreams and all-round Top Bloke. Yes please do feed him a grape or two on my behalf and assurances all round that there is a full blast of positive, healing vibes en route from me to himself and his family. And to you, too, as his friend; and to all those out there who have waged this particularly difficult and frightening war, directly or indirectly.

    As for you, Rips, I've everything crossed for Max, how exciting, hurrah!; although as you correctly say, he will take all this completely in his stride. It'll be YOU behavin' like an hysterical eejit... bless.

    Now then, apologies for my tardiness, I'm completely out the loop, having been touring Counties Galway and Cork with the bezzy mate and latterly the GD. The bezzy mate has links to West Cork and so we've been visiting her ancestral pile, or should I say grocers' shop just outside Bantry Bay, where there's a marvellous one-room pub run by a little nonogenarian chap who only serves beer and who closes for lunch and dinner. Lots of tales to tell, but I'd say I need to catch up wit meself first.

    Just to say though.. am delighted wit meself as I've finally kissed the Blarney Stone. Now, yous may not realise this, (I didn't) that the said Blarney Stone is situated within Blarney Castle, ok,.. 120ft.up, underneath the battlements, and in order to kiss the thing yous have to first of all climb the stone spiral staircase which gets smaller and smaller as you ascend, and then, having recovered from the claustrophobia, you have to dangle upside down wit just a little aul chap, (90 if a day an' 6st. wet through, couldn't knock the skin off a rice puddin', never mind hold on to yous if yous slipped through), lookin' upside down at the sheer drop an' the gang a tourists beneath wit cameras poised to record your grisly an' undignified demise in the bushes. Any road up I did it, to the amazement of the GD and the BM who chickened right out, the wusses. Mind you I'll be less smug if I spawn a lovely crop a coldsores by weekend.

    Ok so off to catch up, here and the 500 e-mails awaitin' urgent replies an' offerin' me a million quid or extraneous bits a me body enlargin'.


  • Comment number 16.

    Nice one Christoph and a big HELLO to one and all

    Read the blog most days but thought I would add a post today.

    Sounds like Danny is as positive as ever.

    If any more positivity is needed:

    I am, as I write, waiting for three times survivor of "terminal" cancer, Mrs M. Three lots of chemo too.
    She won't be running marathons anytime soon but she didn't run them before the cancer (reminds me of a piano playing joke but not for now).

    I'm not a doctor but I'm sure her recoveries are something to do with P.M.A. (Positive Mental Attitude)

    Keep up the good work CLP and Blog Dudes/Dudettes

    Love Tim the Taxi X

  • Comment number 17.

    Clodagh - I kissed the Blarney stone many years ago (Mr CG says it has a lot to answer for!!) and it was one scarey thing to do. I'm sure it was the same little chap then - and he was over 90 when I did it .....must be 100 now!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 18.

    Tim: lovely to see you - how right you are - P.M.A. is where it's at. Best wishes to Mrs M.

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Don't normally comment here - tend to lurk a lot!! But just wanted to say how much your comments moved me today CLP. Am pushing all the way for Danny - such a great talent. But also for someone close to me who we thought had it all kicked into touch but the pesky thing is back - treatment starts today.

    love and thoughts to all going through this xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Tim - nice to see you. Agree with P.M.A. best wishes to Mrs M.

    Clodagh, CG - I too have kissed the Blarney Stone, one of the scariest things I've every done. It was a long time ago and I'm sure it was the same wee man then!

    Rips - lovely post xx Good luck to Rips Junior for Saturday xx

    Hi Chrissie xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi lhp - thoughts and best wishes are with you and your friend/relative xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Clodagh: I have to say that after reading your description of kissing the Blarney Stone, there is no way I could do it!

    Mary: you and Clodagh are so brave! Lovely to see you today. xx

    lhp: to that person close to you, I send positive thoughts. xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Howya Chrissie! Brave? Nah, not at all. Just a bit daft. Brave is what the fantastic Danny B is right now; and thank goodness for that. I can't agree more with what's already been said re. the value of a positive attitude when it comes to facing this situation. I've just read his words and thought, now THAT's courage. Fair play to him and his.


  • Comment number 24.


    just reading over what's been said earlier, and I see I managed to miss CG saying she had also kissed the Blarney Stone! Utterly fantastic!

    It will come as no surprise to anyone on this blog that when it comes to kissing the Blarney Stone, you would find me in the Blarney Arms, having a very strong refreshment!

    And, Clodagh, bravery comes in many, many forms!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Well in fairness, Chrissie, yous hardly need to kiss the Blarney Stone, my dear...


  • Comment number 26.

    Love it, Clodagh, love it!


  • Comment number 27.

    funny - that's just what Mr CG said to me Clodagh! ;-)

  • Comment number 28.

    And I'm sure it's true, CG!


  • Comment number 29.

    well, as I'm someone who does an awful lot of presentations & public speaking - aint that the truth!! xx

  • Comment number 30.

    I think Danny is going to extremes just to get a bed bath from the glamourous Clodagh.

    By the way Clodagh what do you get for kissing the Blarney Stone oh no don't tell me a cd of the Janet and John Stories....

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening each

    Very best wishes to Danny Baker on his impending treatment. I'm sure we all know people who have beaten this horrendous disease and I'm sure he'll be one of them.

    Yesterday morning, 7.50, driving down the slip road and heard Lyn saying Forth Road Bridge closed. Bums. Was in the queue for an hour because of 'an incident involving a member of the public'. Think it turned out ok.

    Back later when I've caught up with Clodagh and her bed bath.


  • Comment number 32.

    Testing, Testing!

  • Comment number 33.

    Annie, thought of you when I heard Lyn say that, only cos I remember you saying you had to be up early to go and look after little one. Glad it was all ok.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Come on in Bingo!


  • Comment number 35.

    Evening all

    What a horrid wet and windy night out there, splashed my way home eventually!

    Chris, what a lovely post about Danny! I quite agree that a PMA definately helps, my sister is proof of that! I hope his treatment goes as well as it can do, and he's soon back on the radio!

    Seem to have a good connection tonight, so far!

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Annie! I also thought of Annie, Lin!

    Hope you got where you were going in the end?

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    Hello To CLP & ALL Blog Pals... (And it's a Hello with an aych as am so 'appy to be back blogging!!!!)

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP/ ALL - Basically me blog account got blocked after me Vauxhall/ Volvo comments last week!!!!!!!!
    After contacting the friendly ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ operatatives at R2, they've reinstated me after the system mistook me for a 'spammer!!!!'
    All a can say is ave not 'ad spam for over 30 years & never will ever again!!!!!!!!

    By coincidence am watching the Paul O'Grady Show with CLP on, tha tme mother kindly recorded for me as ave been so busy working lately!!!!!!!

    CLP, most nice appearence on Paul's show, & am looking forward ter reading yer latest book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally, on yer blog above CLP.... Very sorry to hear Danny Baker is not too well presently!!!!!!!!
    Hope he gets well ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On a lighter note: CLP yer mention lets 'elp push the people who need a 'elping 'and in life up the 'ill & over the otherside!!!!
    A 100% agree!!!!!

    BUT.... this is a sentiment that confuses me!!!!!!!!!

    Going downhill... is the fun bit... especially on a cycle!!!!!!!!!
    So uphill is the difficult bit!!!!!!!
    Yet sometimes people say: 'ave reached middle age & me life is all downhill now - meaning am over the 'ill aka me life is going down aka am ageing fast aka it's all downhill ter me meet me maker!!!!!!!!

    So am confused 'ere... is it good ter be going downhill or bad ter be going downhill??
    Or is going uphill best? Or not???

    Am getting totally confused know, sorry now!!!!!!

    Must admit life is like going uphill then down.... it's so slow, time, the years go so slow until yer get to about 35.... then BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Time seems ter go so fast... life past 35 is like going down a steep 'ill on an out of control skateboard... something yersen, CLP, & Jono S know all about a believe!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    PS BIG THANKS to the moderators for reinstating me ;)

  • Comment number 39.

    Ello Penny, it's been all too much for me mind lately!!!!!!

    Gotta go... The Swift is about ter wrock on The O'Grady gig!!!!!


  • Comment number 40.

    Pen/JG, it was actually 6.50! That hour's got me totally mixed up. I did send Chris a text but then forgot to sign it. Stupid woman.

    Did eventually get there but son was an hour and a half late getting into work.


  • Comment number 41.

    Hiya all billie here back to messages etc hope all is well xxxxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening all

    Annie: guess that can't be helped. Hope you had a fab day with the little one after the hiccuped journey.

    My PMA regards the pile of things I have to do seems to have returned today after disappearing on me last night, so perhaps I should make a start on the list before the enormity of it overwhelms me again...

    Hugs to anyone needing one

  • Comment number 43.

    Right back at ya Oz. Stay positive.

    I've just wrapped birthday pressies for shopaholic friend - makeup bag and chunky bracelet. Now, why do I not feel good about them? I never seem to get it right. Christmas presents disappear and I'm not thanked for them, same for birthday presents.

    Am rethinking the whole friendship.


  • Comment number 44.

    Not even got a single chrissy pressie yet xx

    kudos to all you who has xx

  • Comment number 45.

    I can only echo your heart felt sentiments. Danny is a broadcasting genius and all round top fella. He has a command of language and comedy up there with the greatest wordsmiths of time. If by sending support it can make his journey a tiny bit easier it is the least I can do for all the years of enjoyment he has given me.

  • Comment number 46.

    Billie: me neither. Need to move first, refusing to buy anything currently so I don't have to pack it and move it! The panic will set in shortly after I'm sure, when I have no ideas either ;)


  • Comment number 47.

    All of you who don't know me billie here. . Was on before but decided to give it a break and grow up a bit and not be so silly and stop being prattish ok xxxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Nice to. say hello. .. not getting any this week. .On weeks holiday in Wales. Strewth its a blowing a mighty gale here

  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry still getting used to new phone. .. Samsung galaxy s. ..So cool. . But i keep making errors. ..

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Catchya laters. Xxxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Evening CLP and the rest, a lovely blog from you today, and of course best wishes and positive vibes to Danny Baker that he makes a speedy recovery. It sounds like he has the right PMA and the support of many friends as he embarks on his treatment. It's so true that you really find out who your true friends are when something like this happens.

    Hope everyone is ok this windy Tuesday night. It was gorgeous this morning here in Edinburgh but by hometime it was proper yucky! Had a yummy tea of seafood pasta, a nice taste of the Mediterranean on a horrible night, and have had a nice relaxing bath so am feeling proper chilled!

    Hugs to everyone out there


  • Comment number 52.


    here here and we will push up the steepest of hills and support them down the steepest falls

    Guide Danny to the blog he will be well looked after.


  • Comment number 53.

    Billie- Have you been MIA too!!!! Did you need to do some growing up then???

    Windy in the whole of the island of GB tonight I feel

  • Comment number 54.

    Good plan K, and hallo Rosie.

    And hallo also to Tim, lhp and Oscar. Nice to see you here.


  • Comment number 55.

    Night all. Won't be around tomorrow. Am off to Dunkeld to see Duncan Chisolm, Fiddler extrodinaire. See you Thursday.


  • Comment number 56.

    I won't be here until later tomorrow either, if at all, have a whole heap of work to get through, from a boss who has not a sympathetic bone in his body...one of my colleagues (who knows what's going on) stepped in today!!

    My boss knows, but seems to just not understand, I think I need to spell it out to him a bit more...!! FFS, I could have done what the other half did, and have 6 weeks on the sick and a holiday to New York!!

    I've been left with sorting out the house to put it on the market!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    JG: some bosses are better than others it has to be said. Good luck with the house side, I hope for doing all the work on it you get more than half the reward.


  • Comment number 58.

    Good morning all,
    Cool here this morning ,but the sun is up and it's looking like being a nice day.
    Take care all and have a good day .


  • Comment number 59.

    Morning Each & All,

    It was lovely here in North Norfolk first thing, but now clouding over & looking like there's more rain on the way. Still, I'm working at home today so won't be tempted to go for a ride instead of working!

    Happy Hump-day, and keep the PMA going

    CG xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning everyone

    Cold and sunny here.

    Had a lovely day yesterday, went Christmas shopping with daughter.

    Had lots of fun in all the toy shops with little grandson.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    *** Sweet talkin' woman.



  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone:

    Another wet and dreich day in Glasgow. But, for me, the rain can stay as long as it likes, just so we don't get frost!

    CSN: good to hear you had such a nice day yesterday. Great for you to be out and about again - you had a really lousy couple of weeks with the lurgy.

    I thought the show this morning was quite outstanding - it just gets better and better! I had a wee sneaky listen (in the office) to the end of the show, just in time to hear KLF. One of my all-time favourite records! I remember playing this in the kitchen, at full blast, bouncing MsS on my hip in time to the music. She would have been about 2.5 years old, and she tells me she remembers this clearly!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx
    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Oops wrong blog.

    Morning all.

    Bright and sunny here in Somerset this morning.


  • Comment number 64.

    Hi MTF: yes, I did wonder!

    C xx
    C xx

    (might just do this all the time now!)

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Chrissie.

    Head full of mush at the moment.

    I totally agree with you abou the frost. STAY away please.


  • Comment number 66.

    Thank you Chrissie, feels really good to be out and about again.

    MTF, wrong blog. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Morning all

    Chrissie, agree, today's show was fab. I have said that before and I'll most likely say it again!

    Sunny and warm darn sarf. I make no excuse for preferring frosty days to rain :-)

    Pen xx

    Pen xx
    (two can play at this game, Chrissie lol)

  • Comment number 68.

    Chrissie and Pen.


    csn. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Hiya Pen:
    Hiya Pen:

    Alright, I'll stop now, promise!

    Now, in principle, I don't mind a crisp frosty day ... providing it does NOT lead to ice. Ice leads to slipping and sliding, which in my world leads to landing on the ground in heap, which leads to more back pain, etc!

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.


    Forgot to ask you has Mr S finished Chris's book yet.

    csn. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Quiet here today, where is everyone hiding?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Oooh, I'm loving the double signatures!

    CSN: thank you, we are both on the home straight now! I have just the last two chapters left to read - MrS kindly held off reading it over the weekend. I left it with him yesterday (his day off) and he has made great inroads. But, he'll never beat me (evil laugh) because I will finish it tonight!

    C xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Chrissie, yes I understand the β€˜ice’ thing.

    A couple of years ago I fell and fractured my shoulder bone, and CLP has got nothing on my bruises, I have the photos as a reminder!

    CSN, β€˜C’ shopping, how very dare you? But can totally understand the need to get out. If I am honest I am going to start this weekend! Where has this year gone?

    Book is on my C list. It’s murder trying to be patient!

    MTF, how’s the voice?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi everyone, I'm here, just lurking though as I haven't got anything of any interest to say (hasn't stopped me before I hear you say), piddling down here in Ayrshire.

    Hope you're all having a good day.



  • Comment number 75.


    Am also lurking with not much to say - and too much to do!!

    JG, get someone in to sort the house!!!! There's things you have to do and things you can get someone else to do for you. If you are being left to sort it, you get to choose! Most important is to take care of yourself!

    Beautiful day here - not cold enough for frost but lovely and sunny! That'll be it for the week now I've said that!

    CSN Good for you on the shopping. I need to get my head in gear and get organised. I hate having to rush round at the last minute, I want to enjoy the festivites knowing the hard work has been done already!

    Better get myself in gear then!!

    Deevs, saw some Bah humbug Christmas goodies the other day but can I remember where now? D'oh!!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 76.




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