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There's a Whole Lotta Baking And Shaking.

Chris Evans | 12:26 UK time, Friday, 10 September 2010

Tonight: we bake on the telly. That is, Alex Jones and myself.

Sunday: we shake in Hyde Park, that is Priscilla Presley, Tom Jones, K.T. Tunstall and thousands of Elvis fans.

Talked to Priscilla on the radio show today, will see her on The One Show again tonight and then most of Sunday. My wife is becoming suspicious by the way, so if you see her, please reassure her that I'll be home for Christmas.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Have a good one Christophemeister, and don't step on any Blue Suede Shoes, especially if you've got a loaf in your hands, 'wit nowt taken owt lad!!

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP I would really really love to be at Hyde Park this weekend because I'm a huge Elvis fan and always wll be, but I have to be in New York for my wedding Anniversary and to pick up my lovely brother up who's coming to visit. It's a terrible job but somebody has to do it. Have a fabaroony time and I'll pick it up on iplayer, what a great invention that is. If that wasn't about I couldn't listen to your show and so my sanity would be gone.

    Have a great day everyone.

    MaW XXX

    ps Debs glad the boot has gone, hop skip and a jump

  • Comment number 3.

    Too many ups sorry

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon all

    CLP - loved Priscilla on the radio this morning and the Elvis tracks. We were getting ready to take GD to her first day at 'big school' and she and her dad! were jiving and twirling round the kitchen. Although I got told you need a skirt to swirl around properly!

    I even mananged not to cry as we left her in the classroom, as she listened to the story and vaguely waved in our direction as we said we were going. I'm sure first day's are far more traumatic for parents than the children.



  • Comment number 5.

    Thanks MaW

    and just incase you missed it

    the boot is off

    the boot is off

    the boot is off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Saw a wonderful physio Laura who said I should have been in physio 4 weeks ago and if I had I would be walking unadided and driving by now.....

    humph yes, exactly!

    Anyway, she said I can walk barefoot in the house as much as I feel I can, has given me lots of stretching exercises and can at last get in the bath/shower! I'm going back to see her next wednesday and am determined that she will see a different lady to the broken one she saw initially this morning

    in the words of our Beezles

    I feel good doodle loodle doodle loo!

    CLP, have a wonderful weekend, I wish I was going to be there, sounds fab.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hooray Hooray Hooray!!!

    The Boot has gone!!

    Hooray for the nice lady!

    Are you blogging from the shower Debs?

    CLP, thought you said life was slowing down now book2 was finished? Doens't sound like it!

    Have a ball on Sunday - I'm betting there's a spot reserved to Natasha at the side of the stage.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 7.

    LOL Seza, not quite in shower yet - whilst i am very very pleased, GD would never forgive me if I get in bath or shower without her here "just in case", hey after 8 & 1/2 weeks a few more hours till she is home from school is nothing!

    Awaiting sainsbugs order in next hour, might just have a cheeky early little penguin to celebrate!


  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    I Just Can't Help Believing that tonight's One Show is gonna be good. It will be One Night.

    I remember Priscilla Presley as Jenna Ewing in Dallas, you're very lucky
    to be spending so much time with her CLP. Tash musn't have a Suspicious Mind, she know's that she is Always On Your Mind and that She Is Not You.

    Thers gonna be A Whole Lot Of Shaking Going On and I wish I could be there but I'll Be Lonesome Tonight.

    MM x

  • Comment number 9.


    sorry - today's convesation is beyond me, Elvis who? isnt he the guy that works down the chip shop?


  • Comment number 10.

    Hello Baggy.

    You mean The Blue Lagoon chippy?

    MM x

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh! that should be Blue Hawaii.


    MM x (A Fool Such As I)

  • Comment number 12.

    Lol Maddy, very clever!


  • Comment number 13.


    Thank you very much aha

  • Comment number 14.

    MM, very good, made me chuckle!



  • Comment number 15.

    Hello O bootless one.

    Is a cheeky penguin a new type of chards then?


  • Comment number 16.

    Yay Debs - brilliant news.

    It has taken me two weeks and the help of a genius friend to get the Talland Bay photos on FB but they are on.

    Is it too early for a glass of wine?

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Damn, I missed Ali!

    Hey Debs, well done on the loss of the boot!! Enjoy your shower!!

    Maddy, very good! Made me laugh!

    Well, I'm not going to be on my own this weekend. Clodagh, will message you later if you are still on for that coffee. Have decided I need some autumnal clothes, and wearing white cropped trousers in the rain isn't a particularly good look!

    Will be back later from home with a large glass of the white variety!

    JG x

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening all

    Just taken little grandson home.

    Marjie, very good! Made me laugh!

    Debs, really pleased for you. Enjoy your shower!

    JG and Clodagh, enjoy your coffee and shopping trip.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.


    I think if you actually stopped rushing around and doing so many things, you might actually keel over permanently. I have a great auntie, who is now 98, who, when she was about 85, used to look after "an old lady" - she was 80! and she is still pretty active too!
    And you said the "C" word - what would Beez have said.....
    It's Friday and I'm still at work...but now on my way home - huzzah!!



  • Comment number 20.

    Evening gang

    Phew ... what a day! We've been having an office move around. My boss (bless her!) thought it would take an hour or so this morning then we could carry on "as usual". Hmmmm. After muchos shunting of furniture, loss of network connectivity, a bit of stress, a bit of strife, and needless to say lots of giggles, we're now there! The office is "back to normal" and looks great. Sdly, I shall be on Reception all next week due to staff shortages so won't be able to sit in my "new" office until the week after next. Maybe. If the staff shortages are resolved. Which I doubt.

    Anyhoooo, the weekend is now here. I've just got back from ELH and Nic is working late so won't be home til 7ish. Time to unpack the shopping, a quick shower, some comfy jimjams and a bottle of vin rouge await ......

    Debs - wooooo hoooooo to bein bootless! Did you get to keep it!!??

    JG/Clodagh - enjoy your mini meet, and make mine a frothy frappucino latte grande skinny dooooodah if you will. Ta!

    Hello everyone else - sorry, my brain really truly is like mush this evening. I think I may have overdosed on the furniture polish today!

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 21.

    LOL ........



  • Comment number 22.

    Bingo, well done.

    Just heard your mention on the traffic news!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.


    Just taken lovely loaf of banananananana bread out the oven

    Smells delish!

    Anyone want a slice?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    CLP – see you in the park on Sunday!

    Howdy all...

    Haven’t been around for a while – work is quite full on and I’m finding that when I get home I need to β€œtake my head off” put it on the table and relax. I have been reading all your posts and sympathise with the feeling that the stuff that pays for our life is not as good as it could be. Having said that, I have to acknowledge that as a young single parent (before the boys became independent (!)), my job saved us, and afforded me the opportunity to ensure food, a roof and the other sundry things were provided. My job also allowed me to develop as a person and reach a professional level that my lack of academic achievement belies. For that I will always be thankful. If I am honest – the past five years, I’ve coasted – I haven’t been challenged. And now, with a change of role... it’s back to full on – and I’m afraid my brain is taking it’s time to catch up! But it will – I hope – unlike the rest of me – it’s being put through an extreme exercise regimen.

    And after what work has had to offer me today... I am now enjoying a very large V&C... chin chin all...

    I hope everyone is well and happy...

    Much love

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Seza, I'll pass if you don't mind. I have a gawjus man in the kitchen who is currently concocting a curry and then some. It smells sooooooooooooooooooo good my mouth is watering already. And not just at the prospect of his cooking ....... ;-)

    Suzie! Good to see you! Chin chin indeed, although here in ChezNicia red wine is the tipple of the night.

    I feel a Lola moment coming on ....


  • Comment number 26.

    Deevs, say no more and enjoy what Nic is cooking!

    Seza, yes please.

    Suzie, glad things are going well for you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Deevs, could we maybe do a swap? Just the curry you understand!! ;-)

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Deev, office moves never run smoothly! LOL

    Yes, I hope we can have a mini-meet tomorrow!

    Have just spoken to my sister, and am soooo glad I don't have teenage kids!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh dear - I didn’t mean to sound like work was a breeze in my last post – work is hard – and a means to an end...

    CSN - yes thanks things are ok... hope they are for you too. x

    ChezNick – enjoy the red stuff... et al xx

    Right – off to practice my Elvis snarl, and my hip/leg shimmy thingy for Sunday!!!! Uh Huh!

  • Comment number 30.

    Suzie - enjoy Sunday, think you're going to have a fab time!

    Have just offered to get Mr Seza a drink - it's only taken 15 mins and he still hasn't decided what!

    I give up!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Sorry - broke the bog

    or are you all off enjoying FNWC somewhere?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    I'm practicing being a beached whale drowning in V&C...

  • Comment number 33.

    Seza: you haven't broken the blog, but I am a tad worried about you breaking the bog in your new house... ;)

    I seem to have joined FNWC without alcohol. Perhaps I should go and rectify that...


  • Comment number 34.

    Evening all,

    CLP, I am sure Hyde Park will be a right blast! A great line up of stars and the music of the King of Rock and Roll! If you could bake with ingedients like that it would be good enough to eat, I would say.....

    I am sat/sitting outside my motorhome having a beer. 70 years after the Battle of Britain a pint of Spitfire seems just perfect! ;-)

    Deevs, enjoy your evening with your man that can. xx

    I have spent this last week on jury service. What an eye opener that has been!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 35.

    Oz, surely I couldn't have written that! Maybe if you have some alcohol it will suddenly read what i thought I was writing! ;-)

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    I'm being good, have had some wine, but need to meet Ms Rubbish tomorrow, and have to drive and park in a multi-storey car-park!!

    And me, and this particular multi-storey thingy, and automatic cars have never met before, so this might be interesting!!

    Might park in the one I kind of know and walk...LOL!

    And where is MTF?

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    MTF.....lurking I suspect? ;-)


  • Comment number 38.

    Keith: so far I've missed out on Jury Service, no doubt my time shall come and I too will have my eyes opened. In the mean time I'll keep them shut and try to remain innocent ;)

    Seza: Like your thinking re reading again after alcohol. Trouble is I'm sat down now, and can't face moving again, even to the drinks cupboard (more commonly known as the fridge!) so I'm sorry I'm going to keep reading bog not blog ;)

    JG: Multi-stories are not my favourite parking location either, and I have a tiddly manual car. Mind the last time I went in such a car park was last year in Spain in a hire car. The underground multi-stories do not give much room for driving a tank (I think it was a ford c-max, but it's turning circle is no where near as good as a fiesta) round, had to do multi point turns at the end of each aisle as they were often 270degree turns.


  • Comment number 39.

    Well now. Slainte, bottoms up, up yours, whatever. What a day. Move over Suze, an' watch where yous are squirtin'.

    Renee's sat sittin' like Lady Muck, watchin' Paul O'Grady (lovely boy) wit a sherry an' a cheesy biscuit, in 'er new blue size 16 extra short velour joggin' bottoms and leopardy top. Me, am exhausted from steerin' 'er round M&S like the world's most incompetent ventriloquist, apologisin' to everybody whose ankle bones got scythed off, and in particular to the woman whose jacket she nearly bought after the unfortunate woman left it over the rail while she tried a coat on. An' don't talk to me about birthday cards. I swear I 'ad to read the words in every ruddy card in the place because she forgot 'er glasses. Which also explains why she nearly bought a tin a cat food in mistake for chicken in white wine sauce, an' a bottle of advocaat thinkin' it was fabric softener.

    It's a tough life. Cheers.


  • Comment number 40.

    Eh... Clodagh... have a fab time with GD and GBF in NYC...

    love from a whale coming up for air xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi All

    I'm back from a week as a carer - blimey, it's hard work isn't it. Mum's no trouble really but if I've been up and down those stairs once.... I really take my hat off to people who do it on a permanent basis. On the other hand, she spent years bringing me up so it's only fair. My brother's taken over for now. I'll probably go back in a couple of weeks, although I'm running out of holiday days now. Thanks for all your good wishes.

    I'm off to Hyde Park - but tomorrow, for Prawns in the Pork. My first time, and I'm really looking forward to it. I may even get to meet some of the infamous TOGs. If I can keep awake...actually, I should go to bed really soon.

    JG - don't worry about the multi-storey and automatic car thingy - believe me, it's actually easier. In Cambridge, we have a car park with a really steep entrance. If you have to stop half way up because of cars in front, at least you don't have to do the handbrake hillstart thing. Enjoy your mini-meet with Clodagh.

    Bed - now!

    Deebee X

  • Comment number 42.

    Ah JG, it'll be a piece a cake. I'm parkin' at the top, up that spiral ramp. Reminds me of the days I used to take the then small GD and 2 nieces right to the top of the Arndale Centre in Manchester, and whizz 'em back down at top speed, all 3 of 'em whoopin' an' a-hollerin' in the back.

    Mind. When I think. I once took 'em from the camp site in the South Lakes, along the windy lanes beside a sheer precipice, into the neighbouring village to get breakfast; said lanes were quite hilly too, and one or two bumps in particular used to make your tummy go Whooo-ooo. The girls loved it. So I took a run at one and whoop! .. airborne. Aaargh. Luckily, I controlled the car ok, the girls were delighted an' hollerin' "Do it again, do it again.." but I'd frightened meself to death, actually, and so I wouldn't, and in fact swore 'em all to secrecy.

    Fat chance. The second we returned to base camp, my hideous secret was out. Rotten little turncoats. And I was banned by the brother-outlaw from unsupervised visitations for a week and put on toilet duty.

    Crikey. What an eejit.


  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks Deebee!! Well, time will tell, have managed the reversing and shuffling into the parking space at work...just!!

    Even when some sod has parked in the space next to me!!

    Have never quite worked out the hill start thing either, it just happens...lol

    Glad your Mum's OK! Have a lovely night tomorrow!

    Clodagh, I promise to wear my glasses tomorrow! Actually, I can't drive without them...

    JG x

  • Comment number 44.

    Listen... I understand the fear of mulit story car parks... once on a trip to L'pool with the boys... parked in Queens Square - walked out and the boys became so excited to see a couple (nameless) L'pool players parking cars leaving andat the same time...

    Returned later to realise that I'd left my keys in the locked car! Well... I don't know how that happened to this day... but... the "attendants" of car park - organised a "special" lock smith... armed with WD 40... and hey presto...

    So no fear JG... have fun both... xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    er... players parking not sparking! ahem... off back to feed off the plankton on the bottom of my glass...

    night all... xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Back again - new term means more taxi runs!

    Clodagh - can just picture Renee there. Am surprised if you believed her about the advocaat - fab softener my...............aunt!

    Oz I know how you feel!

    JG Take it easy tomorrow, am sure you'll be fine

    Am planning a quiet day but that never seems to happen!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Clodagh, what spiral ramp??? Is that the new car-park? Have no idea how to get into it!!

    Will park in the one by the bingo hall, and walk up...;)

    And we have a road like that near my Mum's, Told Mr JG I wasn't going to jump it early on, and then when he was asleep, managed to get his car entirely off the ground!! He wasn't happy, it woke him up!!!

    Well if you have a rally car in disguise, you should treat it as one!! IMHO anyway!!

    Might give his a run tomorrow instead....still an auto, but a much betterer turning circle! Methinks they just made Mercs to drive in a straight line, parking them is almost impossible!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    Right... have started to mis-read my own posts... this is a sign that I must switch off now... I present post no 45 clear evidence of this...

    Speak soon

    good night all...


  • Comment number 49.

    Mr Seza gone to bed cos he got to get up for work in the morning

    I haven't ! Gives me a chance to watch a bit of QI!

    JG lol you'll have to make sure you don't wake him next time!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Night Suzie!!

    Seza, where would be the fun in that!! It was the car landing that woke him up!!

    Mr JG upstairs long ago after a bowl of chicken soup, can still here sneezing and snuffling though...

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    hear even...

  • Comment number 52.

    Chris and co One for the money two for the show.

    Just a quick thank you to Clodagh and Devskiboo for your comments last night. I knew you would not let me down.

    I am currently writing something along the lines of a group who blog and their lives behind it.

    Thank you.

  • Comment number 53.

    Bless you Suze, I blame Happy Hour.

    JG, it's on the corner opposite the Little Theatre but it's no fun, actually. Too safe an' sturdy lookin', you can't see the ground as you hurtle down. Mind you it's a bit dark so if you free-wheel you can get a spectacular dose a the Bends at the bottom.



  • Comment number 54.

    JG, is there anything worse than a man with a cold?

    You two take care tomorrow, I'll listen out for traffic reports regarding chaos in the nation's car-parks

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Clodagh, I'll stick to the tried and trusted one!

    I need to go to M&S anyway...

    See you tomorrow, if I don't go to bed soon, I'll not make it!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    Seza LOL!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    Night All Sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Night JG, enjoy your day with Clodagh.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    I have just had a fantastic day with my grandson!


  • Comment number 60.


  • Comment number 61.

    CSN, we're only meeting up for an hour, mini-meet, just for a coffee, we just live nearish each other....if nearish is a word?

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    Prof. Tomorrow will be 9/11, when 9 years ago, thousands of innocent people lost their lives. And thereafter, thousands more did the same, and are still doing so. A couple of weeks ago, I lost a dear friend. Some months ago, we all lost a vibrant and lovely lady who added nothing but positivity and joie de vivre here. Life is too precious and short to waste with this vitriolic nonsense. Catch yourself on, sweetheart. It's boring, destructive and damaging, not least to yourself.


  • Comment number 63.

    I was supposed to be gone, but glad you've had a lovely day CSN!

    Now I must head for my bed!

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry, thought I was on Simon's blog for a moment then!


  • Comment number 65.

    That's lovely CSN may or dare I ask a question though why do you Blog here.Is it because (i am sure you are a great Chris evans fan) or is it for any other reason?

  • Comment number 66.

    Clodagh I don't know where you are coming from actually. I am interested in people and comedy. I am not here and never have been to be nasty as some may say.

    You well know New York is somewhere I love, infact I recommended a bar to you once, so why the nasties?

  • Comment number 67.


    Sometimes I do wonder why I am here and don't think I will be here much longer!

    But i do love Chris's blog and morning show.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    I'm not engaging with you, Prof. You know only too well what I mean. And if all you can think of by way of a positive contribution is recommending a bar, then I rest my case.

    So I bid you goodnight.


  • Comment number 69.

    CSN You carry on doing what you want to do.

    I feel like a victim on Jeremy Kyle but there has to be some good comedy here

  • Comment number 70.


    Please tell me in my old age why you feel like that.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    You know very well why that bar was so special it was not the view out off the bottom of an empty glass but the view from the river under Brooklyn Bridge.

    Hopefully you noticed that.

  • Comment number 72.


    If we all liked each other here we wouldn't be normal would we.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 73.

    CSN Bless you.

    Just treat the Internet and the people on it like a stranger you might meet in the street, you know, maybe that rather odd person as Tesco you feel in real life odd but add them as a friend on Face Book ... get the picture.

    A fair amount of people on this blog have been together for a long time on Face Book. This blog is not so much about the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ or Chris Evans but them.

    But it is certainly good writing material.

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh FFS... she says... raising her head over the precipice... life really is far too short... we all know that - or at least we should...

    What ever floats your boat... when ever, however, and who ever... live and let live... trust me - life works better this way...and smile and laugh and love, and well, what ever :)

    back to the zzzzzzz's

  • Comment number 75.

    Don't you just love happy hour(s)??? ;)


  • Comment number 76.


    Bless you too!

    csn. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 77.


    I agree with you, it's virtual reality.

    I never will be able to blog again here now!

    And at my age I don't really care!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 78.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 79.

    No Barry

    That is not nice and very silly.

    I have always bought my girls up to respect and be kind to others even to the point in life if someone does bully you, go and try to talk them.

    My brother is three years younger than me, when we were very small, he was so badly bullied and kicked one day by other little kids he lost his hearing.

    And I will never forget that day as long as I live!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well.

    Plum, take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    night csn xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Night Tiggs. xx

  • Comment number 83.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    Another week has flown by. Work been busy, back on the streets running which has been great, started a diet properly for the first time ever which has left me so hungry yet feeling good (odd? yep!) plus spent the week wishing I was back in France.

    Thought Priscilla looked ok, bit like a rabbit caught in the headlights at times though, does Alex wear a posh outfit only on Fridays?

    Actually sat and watched Eastenders with MrsW, still too many errors but entertaining I guess -
    How on earth did Peggy get thro the police cordon into a burned out pub?
    How did her white top remain so white after the visit despite touching things and picking up the bell?
    Why were the locals sweeping up? surely the local council would have done that, in fact the fire service would've left it tidy.
    - bit negative really but just the kinda Q's I ponder whilst watching it!

    Have a great weekend everyone, mind those busy roads

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 84.

    OK. Enough is clearly enough.

    Post #78 is just plain spiteful and very clearly aimed in my direction. I find it extremely distasteful for someone to continually have a pop at me, despite the fact that I was not even here to have my right to reply.

    I used to really enjoy this blog, and have indeed made many good friends on it.

    However, this constant baiting by one spitful, lonely woman who pops up intermittently under a different guise, to vent her spleen in my direction, has now gone too far.

    For now, I am out of here.

    Well done PLum / Croc / Barry / Jill. You win.


  • Comment number 85.


    I rarely comment on the troll know currently as Barry_Watchitt but I will today

    Barry/Plum, Go away! You are not wanted here. Nothing you say is of any value to any of us However, your vicious and spiteful comments cause distress to my friends and mean that they are not happy to join in this blog any more. I cannot understand why you constantly return here when it obvious you hold us all in such contempt. You often reference Chris Evans and suggest our use of this blog is not what he would want. I would honestly like to know if you would be happy introduce yourself to Chris as Prof Plum as I am sure such negative posting are not what are wanted by anyone.

    If this makes me your target now, so be it. You will not drive me away as I could not care less what you say about me. You do not know me and, thankfully, you never will.

    Cheryl and any other bloggers who are allowing this troll to stop you from blogging here, that does mean she has won and that is sad indeed. I do understand how the cruel comments are so hurtful but the only way to beat her and anyone like her is to carry on in our own individual ways in such numbers that she is drowned out.

    Although I am doing it now, responding to her and answering her back only gives her the attention she obviously craves and more chance to vent her venom.

    Phew, all that before breakfast!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Sezagirl I don't think you can blame me for the lack of posters on here now.

    Divskiboo remember that old saying he that cast the first stone.

    Spiteful I am not
    Lonely yes I have no virtual friends at all and that's the way I like it.

    Bullying is something I never comprehended in the virtual world, it's not very nice I can tell you and that's why I have returned here to get to the bottom of it. I have now more or less so please carry on blogging.

    I can assure you I will never return with another character..........

    Break a leg.

  • Comment number 87.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 88.

    Barry_Watchit. If you mean that, then thank goodness for that. However, we have heard it before

  • Comment number 89.

    Quite an amazing post Clodagh why would I be checking Face Book? Particularly as I closed the account I once opened after finding it childish.

    I might yes, have a You Tube account that's because I happen to like Music Videos.

    Very strange indeed post indeed. Enjoy your turkish delight


  • Comment number 90.

    Hi all,

    Not pleasant reading but I agree with you all,I'm not leaving ,may not post everyday ,But I class all of you as my friends ,and I've met most of you now and if I get to York I'll be meeting some new Friends.

    We all can't be the same and we all can't like everything and everyone ,that's human nature ,But if you have any common sense and any decency about you ,you keep it to yourself.


  • Comment number 91.

    Jg ,Clodagh ,enjoy your coffee and chat ,and mind them bends and climbs.

    Deev,Hope you both and little man enjoy the show .

    Seza ,QI I like that programme ,but don't get to see it as Mr B always wants to watch his CIS progs.

    Gingembre ,Yes I was wondering about E/enders last night re what you had noticed .
    Diet ,that's something I must get down to when I get back from France next week ,Thought Id slip that one in ,seeing as how much you'd enjoyed your holibob.I like you love France .We are going down to the western Loire ,did the east side last year.

    MTF ,you about or have your wings collapsed ;)

    Finally ,can we all please say a little prayer for the 9/11's and hope that that one Idiot doesn't make this unstable world any worse than what it is today .


  • Comment number 92.


    Have a great time, we went to The Lot region, loved it.

    I once upon a time lived in Savoie (ski area) during the early nineties, happy memories of great times.


  • Comment number 93.

    So sorry Barry just wanted to say one more thing before it's buenos Noches baby.

    I have taken alot of stick here. I think the comments on here by certain people actually tell the real people they are.

    I am not a nasty person but if people want to post on a public website everything they do including toilet functions, then they have to ask themselves the question Why?

    I often felt Clodagh you were jealous of anybody that might be remotely funny as you so try to be. I also have no idea why you should be interested in my Internet activity given your hatred of me.

  • Comment number 94.

    ...................... GET OUTTA MY PUB.................

  • Comment number 95.

    So, my nice morning went a bit wrong

    Went to big supermarket in next town, shopped our way round, didn't encounter too many muppets until we got to the till and I realised I had left my purse at home!! I was the muppet!

    D'oh!! Had to drive all the way home then back again!

    Deevs, hope you and your fellas have a ball this afternoon. Would love to know if little man enjoyed it

    Hi Bids, hope your having a good day

    Haven't heard any reports of car park chaos yet so guess JG and Clodagh have made it ok. Sure we'll hear all about it later

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi everyone,
    I am guilty of being a lurker on this site - don't ask me why, but I do like to see what everybody is up to, but have contributed too every now and again.
    These last few days I have been really upset and disgusted to see how this virtual bullying (which I have heard about before but never witnessed)actually upsets so many people.
    You all seem to me to be good honest decent people who genuinely care about each other and what is going on for you in your own lives and workplaces.
    Then along comes some nutter to upset the applecart and actually succeeds in forcing people off the blog and then tries to make out it is their own fault!
    Cannot understand some folk and their sense of "having fun" amazes me.
    What I really want to say is
    Deevs - take no bloody notice, I really love hearing about your new life with Nic in Cannockshire
    Clodagh - you have me rocking in the aisles with your humour
    Seza, MTF, JG, CSN, Baggy, loads and loads more of you - DON'T GO AWAY!
    Stay here and blog as before.
    Us lurkers should make more of an effort to join in - I promise I will.
    Please don't desert us!
    Love to all and have a good Saturday whatever you are up to.
    It is a tad wet here in Manchester (just for a change I hear you say!)so the ironing board calls!
    Take care all of you

    Jo x

  • Comment number 97.

    Hello Peeps, how are you doing? Long time no blog here.


  • Comment number 98.

    Afternoon all.

    Just like to say

    The one thing we all have in common here is we can choose who we wish to be friends with or not as the case

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Jo and Debbie C

    Nice to see you here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hiya again

    CSN, very true! How are your daughters now, esp the one who was so poorly? Hope they all well and enjoying their families

    Joran and Deb, good to see you again, hope all is well with you both?

    Seza xx


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