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The Long Good Friday

Chris Evans | 13:02 UK time, Friday, 3 September 2010

Alright - can anyone beat this: up to do the Brekkie show at 5; finish at 9.30; meetings till 1030; gym for an hour; be at The One Show for One (coincidence and capitalised for no real reason)...briefs, read through, rehearsal, do the show and then off to the airport to pick my pals up who are coming in for a wedding tomorrow. They land at ten to eleven, we'll probably be back at ours at something to one tomorrow morning.

So here I am now scribing this blog at midday, approximately one third of the way through said agenda, having recently come off the phone seeing if our local Italian restaurant will let us in after midnight, to provide some light at the end of the tunnel.
They are going to try - hurrah !

So, in conclusion: good luck to Carly and Alex (getting married), hurry up and get here Paulo and Monica, and grazie mille to Rafa at the pasta house.

Have a great weekend you lot.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Have a good one CLP!

    Hi everyone from another sunny day in Ayrshire.

    Have a good weekend.



  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon all

    Blimey Chris that's a busy old day to complete! Hope you still have the enrgy to enjoy the weekend yourself.



  • Comment number 3.

    Doh! I just posted this on yesterdeees bloggage .....

    ..... did I hear someone call?!?

    Debs! How very dare you young lady .... I did not MAKE you drink ALL those mojitos and chase after that poor stag party in Brizzle! Any more than I made you eat those nasty hot fishcakes in the Indian!

    Was that really a year ago? Blinky Blimey - how time flies and how my life has changed in those 12 months. I can remember Jane coming to my room in the wee small hours as she couldn't sleep and fancied a chat, and I was just sitting on the bed, willing her to go back to her own room as I felt so ill from ober-imbibing! Although knowing Jane, I'm sure that had I need to "do stuff" she'd have looked after me.

    Happy Birthday Barmy - enjoy your night out!

    And Happy Anniversary to Tiggs and Mr Tiggs and Seza and Mr Seza.

    I'm so relieved it's Friday at last, although missing my emails and texts from my man today as he is in Brum on a works thingydoo. The atmosphere in the office is still unbearable but I've been nicely bust all morning and am out on Reception in about 20 minutes or so.

    Nowt planned this weekend ... .bliss!

    And tonight - caribbean chicken curry and vin rouge whilst the footy's on.

    Back later from t'other console ....!


  • Comment number 4.

    CLP, that is indeed a busy auld schedule you are keeping there! IS that Karma biting you on the bum for your free time last weekend?

    I was a bit like that yesterday: up at 6.20, made packed lunches, put washing in, got ready for work, brekkie, work, home from work, sorted out wet washing, started ironing, cooked us our tea, continues ironing (to Love Actually, actually!) and then eventually sat down at about 9pm with Mr Lovely Man Rolastic after he got home.

    But then, I'm a girl and I can!

    Enjoy the wedding and don't forget the fetti! (and record SatKit for Sunday morning viewing).



  • Comment number 5.

    Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad typing.

    Note to self: take more time in future!


  • Comment number 6.

    Blimy Chris that is a busy day!!

    Looks like you are a very busy man at the moment (with only 1 shirt!!)

    Have just been peeking (on line so as not to pay) at a certain daily snail paper and looking at the pics of you and the lovely ladies in your life flying kites!

    If anyone else peeks, how worried should Chris be about that pic of the girls on the bench?

    I'd say very!!

    Deevs, hope you out on reception now and hurtling towards your weekend. Not wanting to be personal but why are you nicely bust this morning? Are you specially prepared in case you get hit by a bus?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Deevs, glad to see you had a nice bust this morning tho!

    CLP - whoooh buddy, I think you need to slow down a bit - we dont want you all burnt out now do we - and make sure you spend time with the lovely Tash & Noah too.

    MTF - yikes how many bridges in York??? I think I will just find a spot in the corner and rest with said foot up! No more Aneka shenanigins for me!

    Right back to me filum - watching Bruges - so far so interesting, just got to the bit where one of them has found out you know what.....

    Smoked salmon pate and pitta bread anyone!

  • Comment number 8.

    ahahahahahahahaha! yes, i spotted that too ..... Nic would probably say you couldn't miss it .....


  • Comment number 9.

    just seen your large cheer Deevs, will have to check out the news now!!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Thanks for the tip off Seza, great pics indeedio.


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, I'm exhausted just reading about your day. Hope you get your dinner tonight.

    Glorious sunshine in Fife.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.


  • Comment number 12.

    Full list of bloggers for CiN on FB, complete with shift times.

    31 of us - well done gang!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Very busy day Chris but great fun!

    Would like to comment on the snippets of the blog I have managed to catch up on over the last few days.

    Gail - So sorry to hear about twix xx

    Keith - Congratulations! He is a very lucky baby to have you as his Grandad xx

    Tiggs and Seza - belated anniversay wishes xx

    AS and Seza - you both sound so happy and content in your new abodes, long may it continue xx

    AliB - so exciting!

    Obama - Happy Birthday, have a great day xx

    GBB - I too had booked to have my sparkly bits touched up tomorrow but when my sister informed me we are having a BBQ "weekend" I promptly rescheduled ;o)

    I survived not one but two visits to the dentist this week - very brave of me even if I say so myself.

    Take care all.

    Have a great weekend.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 14.

    CLP - Wow I am tired at the thought of you doing all that, dont know if I fancy eating italian at such a late time. "pasta on the lips lifetime on the hips".

    MwK-Glasgow - Would have re-scheduled tomorrow but have already done it twice. Even my hairdresser says okay whats the matter now everytime I ring her to see if I am going to reschedule again. Sparkly bits really are Sparkly, the old grey is definately showing now and it is not a good look with dark hair.

    Two visits to the dentist this week you brave bunny you.

    Enjoy the Vin Rouge and Caribean Chicken tonight Deevs sounds like you need it.

    AliB - have a fantastic time, wish I could have 6 weeks off work. Mind you when you get back I will only have 9 weeks before I flit off. Whoop Whoop.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Enjoy the sun. xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    From 5am until 1am certainly is a long day CLP. And then a wedding tomorrow, you certainly are a busy boy!

    I'm also having Italian for my tea (ham and mushroom tagliatelle in a cheesy sauce). Just waiting for it to arrive with my home delivery.

    I've bought myself some dolly mixtures to have with a cup of tea at 7pm when watching The One Show.


    MM x

  • Comment number 16.

    Mary, I am in awe of you - well done on commenting on everyone's post. I get to the bottom and forget what I want to say!! I do, however, read everyone's post and enjoy them (well, almost everyone).

    Enjoy your dolly mixtures MM. I'm in the middle of making Lentil Lasagne for my stepchildren who are visiting tonight, so might not get to see the One Show as it happens. Will watch it later.


  • Comment number 17.

    Happy Birthday Barmy!

    Have a lovely day!

    MM x

  • Comment number 18.

    Thank you Annie.

    I was in the shop and suddenly thought 'wouldn't it be nice to have some dolly mixtures'. Maybe I'm going back to my childhood!

    MM x

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm not on your list, put myself down way at the beginning? :o(

  • Comment number 20.

    Will rectify now Tiggs. Pologees - brain stew!


  • Comment number 21.

    Dunnit! x

  • Comment number 22.

    cheers honey!

  • Comment number 23.

    Yay for CiN - keep practising those 7's!

    Have just got boy2 home from school. I know I'm going mad now. first day at big school, brother not going til Monday so I said I'd drive him so he didn't have to go on bus on his own. We passed quite a few children waiting this morning and i felt guilty for driving him so when I went to pick him up I took his ticket so he got the bus home and I drove home alone.

    D'oh! thought I'd get funny looks, driving into the car park then coming out with no children!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all

    Seza, that's so funny!

    Mary, well done for the dentist visits, I have my next hospital appt through, but will probably have to cancel/rearrange it!

    Well, it's been a busy old week, and took a friends "shortcut" on the way home, and very nearly got lost! Ooops!

    So, a weekend of gardening is ahead of me, well, weeding the front path mainly!

    Will be back for FNWC if antone else is about, once I've made a couple of calls and fed the dog!

    JG x

  • Comment number 25.

    That's anyone, not anyone called Tone!

    JG x

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh, sorry, forgot to say Happy Birthday Barmy!

    Was waiting for Mr JG to get off the phone, but he's still jabbering, and now the One Show's on...Grr!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    I'm hear - wine glass in hand!



  • Comment number 28.

    or here even!

    More wine needed I think!


  • Comment number 29.

    Evening CLP, hope you're managing to draw breath in the midst of your hectic schedule! Hope everyone out there in blog land is ok this Firday evening, a gorgeous one here in the 'burgh.

    From yesterday's blog I used to go down to Otterspool prom in Liverpool to fly kites. Not flown one in a very long time but I do often see people flying them in the park behind my place of work which is always nice to see. The kite festival in Bristol sounds fab, as does the balloon festival. I'd really like to get down to Brizzle one of these days, I have a family connection to the place as my 5 times Great grandparents got married there.

    Have tried to have the opposite of CLP's hectic day today! Was at a friend's 30th last night then met another friend for coffee this morning. Feeling sooo tired tonight as one of my wisdom teeth has decided to have a growth spurt and it's been sore! Hoping for a better night tonight


  • Comment number 30.

    Right, glass of red in mitt! Have just finished washing up after stepson's visit - and I even caught most of the One Show while pretending to listen to him.

    Hallo Seza

    JG: you need my wonderful satnav

    D'you know Rosie, I don't think I ever had wisdom teeth. So glad as they sound sore.


  • Comment number 31.

    Lucky you Annie, all 4 of mine have come through, generally without a murmur. This is the first time I've needed to take painkillers and use that well known teething gel! I had one out in March, which isn't exactly top of my list of fun things to do on a day off


    PS Do you think it'll be ladies night on the blog tonight?

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh no, Annie, I just navigate by the sun! True!!

    Not even a map-book can be found in my car!! Actually, there's no room for it!

    Have fed Finlay, eaten, made the calls..

    Feeling slighly iffy due to the amount of harvesting/bale machines amount...not used to this country Cheshire lifestyle I drive through!!

    Although we have something going on over next doors fence...it'd be a mile and a half walk to see what's going on, and neither me or Finlay CBA!

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi all haven't had time to read through so I hope everyone's ok, hugs if not.

    We've got Labout day on Monday so it's a nice long weekend, bbq and off to the final day of the Racing calender.

    We are off into town for a sneaky few glasses of wine and to watch the world go by.

    Happy FNWC and I'll drink to the leaving of SK HUZZAH!!!!

    MaW xxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    JG: Binoculars????

    Poor SK, not many people will miss her.


  • Comment number 35.

    Annie, the fence is 6 feet plus, and I'm 5 ft 4.5in so binoculars will only give me an in depth view of the fence! LOL

    Have tried the back bedroom window, but can't get in there for all his stuff! Oh well!

    Oh dammit...bad injury to Dawson.........

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    JG: The roof? Not that I'm nosey!


  • Comment number 37.

    What a goal.... hurrayyyyy.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    So that's what you're doing mtd - instead of beating me at Scrabble.

    Is it football?


  • Comment number 39.

    Just had a look at Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ1 and Scotland are playing. So that's why there's so many Saltires and Lion Rampants hanging out of windows round here.

    God, I'm slow.


  • Comment number 40.

    Oh I'm playing scrabble as well Annie.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Who's round is it?


  • Comment number 42.

    Is there some sporting event occuring tonight?

    Have been playing musical phones here - I have Mr Seza's and boy2 has mine.

    Is taking me ages to see how Mr Seza's whizzy touch screen thingummy works!

    Am sure I'm calling everyone up by mistake!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Hallo Seza

    These whizzy touch screen thingummy's are too advanced for me. I still have my flippy up phone. Aren't we technical?


  • Comment number 44.


    Had a very brief mini blog meet with Dogwithnobrain after work today. She and OH are in the toon for a huge sports tournament being held at the uni where I used to work. Her GD is doing well as her team are winning their volleyball matches. It was lovely to have a hug from another blogger! Getting to meet people slowly but surely - she has even put a photo on FB

    Susan x

  • Comment number 45.

    There have been more strange happenings up in the sky this evening.

    It never ceases to amaze me, that I am still seeing things for the first time.

    Off to google it.


  • Comment number 46.

    four nil four nil four nil four nil four nil four nil four nil (to the tune of Auld langs ayne).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    MTF You were talking about the space station? We were lucky enough to go the the Kennedy Space centre and saw part of the shuttle being made. They really are bolting it together like a giant lego model in the sky.

    They had a mock up of a lab on the space station and it blew me away because it was just like something from a sci-fi film!

    Give it a wave if you see it again!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    MTD anyone would think you were happy at the result!?

  • Comment number 49.

    Annie, I'm, not getting on the bloody roof for you or anyone!!

    Actually, at work, we've been advised, as we're in the penthouse suite, that in the worst circumstances, how to get onto the roof! Well thanks for that...

    Oh, bugger, now Defoe's down.....

    I wish we could go back to being rubbish sometimes...

    JG x

  • Comment number 50.

    Now theres a shock - Defoe has scored a hattrick and is man of the match.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    No Seza, it was while the sun was setting....

    Hi everyone.x

    Bingo, I heard Steve Wright comment on your 'name!'

    It made me smile.

    I thought he would already have heard of you.

    Back to google...


  • Comment number 52.

    I mean Spurs, not England...Wales have always been rubbish, so I have decided they no longer have a football team, and it's gone well so far!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Hallo Susan

    JG, you are such a wimp!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Hello Annie just having a cup of tea instead of vino this evening as lots of the vino stuff will be consumed in Italy I should think. It would be rude not to!

    Don't listen to her JG - I wouldn't get on the roof either x

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening ladies! (and any gentlemen of course who may be lurking!).

    am here with chilled glass of white in hand!

    thankfully both children are happy with the start of the new school term - small boy has a teacher who seems VERY young to me (i know, its really that i am getting very old!) but he says she is very smiley so that is fine by him!! she made him a monitor which he is very proud of!! apparently he has to make sure the equipment is put back in the right boxes - she doesn't yet realise that he has a tendency to put things in his pocket absent-mindedly and then come home with them still there! will need another monitor to monitor him i think!!

    and GD has started secondary school today - thoroughly enjoyed it!! i am going to have a steep learning curve with a 2 week timetable and lots of acronyms for all sorts of things! even the fact that she now gets the bus to school is a new thing!

    and on the teeth front (as opposed to the front teeth i suppose!) I had a filling today at a new (NHS!!) dentist - he was very good but very heavy on the anaesthetic (?sp??) - took hours to feel normal again!!

    off to take the kids to the tour of Sound of Music in Plymouth tomorrow pm - been practising my "Hills are alive" in best soprano!! what's anyone else up to this weekend?!

    love CG xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Hi CG, a few of our schools seem to have gone back too, the 'white' shirts are very noticeable.

    Its the first year that I havent had to sort out uniforms since 1995!

    I am arf to Barf this weekend, to a fashion show dontcha know!!

    Still trying to seek out this sky lark.


  • Comment number 57.

    Enjoy your cuppa Susan.

    CG: Glad the children are happy at school. Not only teachers, but Doctors - I'm sure they're all 12!!

    Gorgeous daughter is ecstatic - she found a School Inspection form in grandson's schoolbag (apparently not all parents get them). Gawd help the Inspectors when they get that form back.

  • Comment number 58.

    CG, my sister went into panic mode when her eldest went to High School, apparently in their school, they go into homework overload for the first year, and then ease up to almost nothing second year for some reason!

    In year 9 (I think!) they get more, and also have to choose their options...

    I think there will be many more phone calls!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    ooh er MTF - fashion show!! how posh!!

    and annie - my auntie refused to see one doctor at our surgery recently because she used to change his nappies when he was a baby!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 60.

    CG - lol at your auntie & the Dr!!

    Boy2 went off to school so happily today. It was only when I was talking to first timers going to the school that I realised how much i'd learnt from boy1!

    MTF I am intrigued - what did you see?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Yes MTF, spill, I need my bed!

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    seza - we went to Kennedy Centre last year - fabulous! the Americans certainly know how to celebrate their achievements don't they?! the space centre bit was amazing - tiny little sections aren't they, and i never realised that they were like that because they had to fit in the payload of the shuttle!

    and i think your boy2 will have learnt a lot from his big brother too - my small boy was desperate to start school to be like his big sister!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Well, Seza, clear sky, setting sun, but still high up, yet two mini rainbows at about 45 degrees either side of it!

    Most peculiar. No clouds or rain?

    A couple of similar things on google but they all led back to rain in the air.


  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry JG.

    Not really that exciting, but intriguing!


  • Comment number 65.

    OO MTF sounds unusual. Never seen anything like that. Could be moisture over the sea?

    CG Loved Kennedy - would go back tomorrow!

    And yes, big brother has paved the way as it were. Boy2 has been going to the school for different thing for ages - it is also the local leisure centre - so he is very familar with it.

    Let's hope it continues

    Am off now

    Night all, sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 66.

    I'm off too

    Night all xx

  • Comment number 67.

    I thought it must be moisture over the sea too, but as the sun is setting so much earlier, it is now setting over Exmoor.

    Still close to the sea I suppose.


  • Comment number 68.

    Night, to everyone going...xx

  • Comment number 69.

    I just hate not knowing the reason behind anything.

    The rainbows were like this around the sun....



  • Comment number 70.

    I'm off too, but before I go thought you might like to hear from Kirstie. She's tour guiding tomorrow and has to be at Edinburgh airport with a sign - Mr. Kock!!!! Doesn't quite beat the one she had for a Spanish man called Mr Penis.

    Oh dear, will I get modded?


  • Comment number 71.

    Night all - sleep well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 72.


    MTF you've got me intrigued now! I found this info

    Rainbow effects round the sun are caused by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere refracting sunlight.

    Sundogs are part of the halo range of phenomena. Sun dogs are small sections of the complete halo usually appearing at three o clock and nine o clock positions. Sometimes they show rainbow colours, sometimes just as white 'blobs'.

    So now you can add sundogs to the nature report! ;-)

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all

    Lovely and sunny here.

    Spent most of yesterday afternoon at hairdressers, maybe I should just let grey be the new colour!

    Annie, that is so funny!

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Morning all!

    thank you Miss Seza for your science lesson - most interesting 100% true!

    Have to take boy dog to vets this am as he has something going on in his ear, He wont agree but he looks very cute with the said ear all wonky! Luckly my friend is coming to take us as trying to deal with a dog pulling on a lead when using a zimmer frame is an accident waiting to happen....

    Said friend is also hoping I am not watching Saturday Kitchen when she picks me up as for the last 2 weeks she has had a text saying, "oo just watching SK - could you pick me up some xyz if you pass ELH..." LOL

    right off for a wash and a brushup before the lovely James M is on my telebox.

    have a fab weekend everyone!

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning campers!!!!!

    Wow Chris have you survived? Enjoy the wedding!! I can't eat that late at night and would be suffering today........

    Have woken up to a poorly tassimo machine - checked the manual and apparently it needs descaling! Who knew?? Any how have purchased nescessary 'tablets' for descalling from my fav auction site - have to have a cuppa tea instead........

    Have a great day and stay safe friends

    C x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all.

    Thanks Seza, thats what it must be, strange to think there were ice crystals around though, it was blimming hot, still, its a long way up there isn't it.

    I have seen a moon dog too. That was fascinating, like a huge black hole around the moon.

    Hope doggy is ok Debs.

    Well, first taxi run completed, I had to drive into Minehead, where the sun is beating down, yet here, just down the road, we have thick heavy sea mist.

    Its our annual raft race today, people come from all over the country for it, there are some really good novelty rafts, a couple of years ago, we had a full size elephant raft although it didn't get very far, but managed to go round and round in circles.

    I shall sit and enjoy it from the comfort of my deckchair, far from the madding crowd.

    Its followed later on this evening by the most spectacular firework display, all accompanied by loud dramatic classical music. yes, I can watch that from here too. So a staycation is on the cards for today.

    Oh and weeding, lots of weeding!


  • Comment number 77.

    ....and Seza, the 3 and 9 o clock positions are exactly how it appeared, but quite some distance away from the sun.

    I'm really chuffed that you came up with an explanation. I dont like strange goings on up there!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Well done Seza for the explanation, I've seen a moon dog to, but never seen that!

    Annie, that's hilarious!!

    CLP, I hope you survived yesterday, and hope the wedding goes well. I have two colleagues getting married today, and it's lovely here for them!

    Debs, hope your little dog is OK. Thought I was going to have to take Finlay for the same thing earlier this week, but he seems better now, probably grass seeds which found their way back out again.

    Enjoy all the sights from your deckchair MTF! I'm also heading out to tackle the weeds...damn things! Our front path needs serious attention!

    JG x

  • Comment number 79.

    I'm just waiting for the starting siren for the raft race.

    It makes me jump out of my skin every year!

    Its just started raining here, very humid and great big drops of rain.

    I will weather it out!!

    No-one mentioned rain.

    Tomorrow is sposed to be lovely.


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi all

    Internetless again.... Hope everybody is well.

    Just got my CIN calender we are celebs folks - thanks to Hellen and Norm for including us bloggers.

    Battery going now.


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hope it doesn't rain too hard MTF!

    I'm still clearing and cleaning the front path...whoever thought that brick block-paving was a good idea??

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Its not too bad JG.

    Well done for your efforts.

    I am sitting here admiring my weeds. Champion growers every one of them!

    CBA itis has well and truly set in. Its too early for a slurp yet isn't it?

    I think its the gloom, its contagious!


    ( wake me up at slurp o' clock!)

  • Comment number 83.

    Hang on the suns come out.

    Kindly disregard my last post.

    Weeds, watch out, I'm coming to get you.



  • Comment number 84.


    Lovely and sunny here.

    Just had a great time in the toy shop choosing a birthday present for little grandson.

    JG, you must be exhausted.

    MTF, good luck with the weeds.

    Debs, hope your little dog is ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Afternoon each

    JG, hope you're having a rest now

    MTF, enjoy the fireworks later

    CSN, what did you get??

    We've had a lovely day here. Visit from youngest son, his partner, the 5yr old and the 4month old. How can a 5yr old have so much energy? He's got almost as much as CLP! I was going to make Sweet Potato & Lentil Stew but am so tired I think it'll be an omelette instead.

    Just got a text from Kirstie - Mr. Kock is a d**k!! Haven't got the full story yet but will let you know.


  • Comment number 86.


    Glad you had a lovely day, bet you are exhausted now.

    Look forward to hearing about Kirstie's meeting with Mr d**k!

    Bought a Workbench for him, just like his daddy's.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    CSN, I did just that for the 5yr old, when he was little!

    Yes, I'm exhausted - went to the park with him to throw a boomerang about. He ran miles and was still full of beans.


  • Comment number 88.

    Me again

    Internet has started up again so I am back online (for now) it is so intermittent it can go at any time.

    Nice day here again.

    Debs - hope your dog is OK.

    MTF - how wierd, rainbows round the sun - did you get any piccies?

    I see that Kirsty is as restrained as ever Annie ;-).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh, I should have said - Debs, hope little doggy is ok.

    mtd: Yup, Kirstie has a gob like the Tyne Tunnel!!!! But she's lovely and a good friend. She's a whiz at genealogy and Scottish history.


  • Comment number 90.

    Annie, he will be three next month. Did your little grandson like it?

    Where do they get so much energy from. Put your feet up now and relax!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi MTD, glad internet is working.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    CSN, it's still in his bedroom and he still plays with it so, yes, a good buy!

    The house needs hoovering, the dishes need washed, the kitchen floor definitely needs a brush but it'll all keep for tomorrow - after I've lazed around with the papers. Feet are definitely up!

  • Comment number 93.

    PS: Anyone know what I can do to get my family on the internet in my house? Am with BT, have broadband and tv. Grandsons can't get their ipods/ipads to work and youngest son can't get his computer on-line either. I can't remember any of my passwords and dread phoning India.


  • Comment number 94.

    Annie, thanks for that.

    So many different toys I wanted to buy and not sure what he would like best.

    Why does it always look like a bomb's hit the house after they leave!


  • Comment number 95.

    CSN - a bomb called Ben!!


  • Comment number 96.

    Annie, don't we just love the little darlings!


  • Comment number 97.

    CSN - your man is a star!!!!! Will give that info to son-in-law and youngest son. Hopefully everyone can get on the internet from here soon.


  • Comment number 98.

    Annie, I will tell him that. If your still having problems he will try and help you.
    Hope your up and running very soon.


  • Comment number 99.

    CSN, I'm so stupid when it comes to technology. And I hate having to phone India. Lovely, helpful people but I can't understand what they're saying!!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    Annie, they should be able to search for a network, and then try to connect...it will ask for a network key, which should be stuck on your router box, long set of letters and numbers...

    If they put that in they should be able to connect to it!

    Am having a rest now after a shower and having a slurp of cider!

    Think I may have hurt my dodgy knee with the effort to clear the path :(

    JG x


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