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Thank You Elton John, Robert Plant and Neil Diamond

Chris Evans | 10:22 UK time, Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Electric Proms seem to be cooking on gas already this year - seriously, what a line up.

Tickets go on sale next week for what should be the best EP ever. V excited, good luck if you're hoping to be there.

In other news, Steve was in early to record an interview with Stephen Fry, I nipped in to see him to give him a story about Nick Mason whom he's got tomorrow, and I am currently in a car with Jonny Sports Saunders off to Sporting Challenge number 28 !!!

The sun it shines, the sky is a perfect blue, happy Wednesday from all of us, to all of you.




P.S. Don't get me started on the George Michael thing. Absolutely - he should take his punishment, but all this talk of it ending his career and his fans not forgiving him is pure uninformed and incendiary tosh.


  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    EP sounds grand but do they ever do anything outside of London? I never realised how "London centric" the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ is until I moved to the Midlands! Loads of lovely venues in Brum .....!

    Bagel time!


    ps: Robert Plant .... phwoar!!!!!!!!!1

  • Comment number 2.

    Chris - spotted your tweets about George Michael and couldn't agree more. You, more than anyone know what he's going through (well - regards the press anyway).
    All part of the 24 hour rolling 'news' monster that needs to be constantly fed.
    I'm a fan and have seen him twice in the last three years - whatever he has been going through, It hasn't affected his ability to stand on stage and knock you sideways with that amazing voice.

    I hope he does come back, better and stronger and wish him nothing but good....

    Electric proms line up is very smart and unexpected - only yesterday, I received an email titled "Hello my friend, hello". You can't beat a bit of the Jazz Singer.

    Hi to everyone, best wishes to those that would like them



  • Comment number 3.


    I completely agree with the GM thing, he did something wrong, he gets punished - end of story! He should take it like a man (oh err)

    EP sounds great, wish i could get involved as this years resolution was to see more live music, still I've been very lucky this year already


    PS - Rips - I'm remembering the breakfast comment - Beaconsfield/ Amershsm has some nice cafes too :-)

  • Comment number 4.

    Tosh, b'gosh!

    Morning all, from a notso mobile tooth fairy.

    Its definitely Autumn here today, rhe winds have been incredible, I have given up on uprighting my greenhouse now and am going to leave it there until the winds die down.

    Has anyone applied for tickets to go and see the Scissor Sisters that are up for grabs? I know its not everyones cup of tes, and I am lessening my chances by spreading the word, but its a lucky dip any way and they are free.

    Right, off to the garden with my grabber to collect the windfalls, which is more or less the entire crop!!

    Grab yourselves a gander at the 'google' homepage.


  • Comment number 5.

    Bad speelling Wednesday is back!


  • Comment number 6.

    Totally agree with you Deev's the Midlands and Brum in particular has some wonderful venue's, the proms should be a bit more open to the country rather than just London based but saying that I have applied for the EP for Robert Plant.

    Met the legend Mr Plant last year and he is gorge! and such a nice bloke. Would love to see him live. Saw Neil Diamond a couple of years ago with Radio 2 so have applied for Scissor Sisters too, just waiting to see how I get on.

    Baggy - respeck!

    Have a good one everyone

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning CLP - good luck with the Bowls, bet you'll both look proper job in your whites!

    Now then CLP - we need to know if there are going to be book signings, please put us out of our misery!!!

    MTF - yup is defo mighty blowing in brizzle too.

    Just been involved in a briefing for some graduate recruitment that will hopefully kick off in the next couple of weeks - work for me - at home! double huzzah.

    Get this though, last year the client had over 800 applicants for 2 "something" Analyst roles - whoosh, now if that isnt stress for graduates to really perform in a recruitment process then I dont know what is!

    Yikes, off to lie down with a damp flannel......


  • Comment number 8.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Cold & windy here in Wirral, heating on for the first time.

    Regarding George Michael. He is such a great performer but probably because of being an emotional and perhaps shy person he needs the help of something. This doesn't make him a criminal although he is a danger to himself and others on the roads. What he needs is a chauffeur. We all know what the press are like, they love to exaggerate and put people down.

    Good luck with the sporting challenge CLP

    MM x

  • Comment number 9.

    MM x (practising the copy & paste)

  • Comment number 10.


    Is very breezy here today! Bet the kids at school are all extra hyper today!

    Am just watching one of my little old ladies try to wrestle her sheet off the line. I think I'd beeter tie a bit of string to her ankle in case she blows away like one of those kites!!

    Am very happy as I have just negociated having the whole week off at Christmas(sorry Beez) Last year my buddy had the week off and I thought she was going to nab it again but she is going to cover my site instead!

    I've also booked the CiN day off - 'citing isn't it! Was there talk of a meal or some such after?

    Off to lunch with my friend in a little while - all in all a very nice day!

    Hope you're all having positive days even if they aren't easy - just keep on keeping on! :-)

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Seza - have a look at the CiN thread on Facecloth


  • Comment number 12.

    Deevski knew I'd seen it somewhere. I'll have a look when I get home - in between running a taxi service for my kids!

    I will be very pleased when the decorator's finished here. At the moment he's glossing the door to the loo..............

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 13.


    I come out in a rash whenever I go to Birmingham ;-)


    Agree on the press. I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair.

    Plant at the Proms? I might persuade myself.

  • Comment number 14.

    LOL Unc. Maybe it's more down to the company you have experienced Brum with as opposed to the place itself?

    So, morning here in Grimville over and done. Just another 3 hours until I can leave this place and go for a lovely swim.

    Baggy - you out there? Any news hon?


  • Comment number 15.

    Absolutely. That'll be it. I just get a funny turn occurance when I go north of Banbury ;-)

    Are you doing something special for Children In Need then? Good stuff.

  • Comment number 16.

    There's about 30 of us going to R2 on CiN day to answer phones for the R2 Music Marathon.

    4 of us did it last year and it was fab!


  • Comment number 17.


    been to see an agency for an interview, was told to completely rewrite my CV and that I probably wont get a job in the city, but maybe west london, berks, as this is closer to home for me that suits me fine! Also got told I was far to enthustic - that will be the nerves then!

    Call with my boss at 3:30, got a reply from my resignation letter just saying that we will speak later

    Very nervous now, but whats the worse that can happen??


  • Comment number 18.

    Cool Diva, pretty cool. That should be a goodun'.

    Baggy, be very careful with job agencies. They are not in it to help you, from my experience. Networking is by far the best way to get a job, if you can. Agencies don't always work in your own best interests.

    I got out of the city. Best thing I ever did.

  • Comment number 19.

    Man from uncle

    Agencies are about the only way to get a bean counter job from the big companies, but dont worry - word of mouth is definately out there as well!

  • Comment number 20.

    Hey Baggy, look on the bright side - whats he gonna do - Sack you! LOL

    Hope the conversation goes your way {{{{{}}}}}}

    Just back from lovely physio Laura, she said I am a different woman compared to last week! She has taken away a crutch so i am now a one crutch woman and she has told me to walk, walk, walk!

    Back to see her in 2 weeks so best get practicing!

    No time for MGM movie review today, sorry will try harder - tomorrow its Brigadoon and Friday Gigi, which at least I have heard of!

    right off for a walk......


  • Comment number 21.

    Oh it is 3:30....tinking of Baggy right now! Godd luck too you! xxx


  • Comment number 22.

    Typical, my boss is too busy to let me leave - I can't get hold of him, again, arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  • Comment number 23.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, bean counting type jobs. I see the dilemma.

  • Comment number 24.

    all done - and we are parting on good times, we agreed its not the right job for me and I will stick around until someone new is in and trained - so a bit more money for me.

  • Comment number 25.

    Baggy - Glad it went as well as it could. At least it gives you some time to hone that CV! ;)

  • Comment number 26.

    Yay Baggy! Are they allowing you "reasonable time out" to attend any prospective interviews for alternative employment?


  • Comment number 27.

    Sounds like you have had that there boulder lifted from your shoulders Baggy. Now time to look to the future.

  • Comment number 28.

    Bet you'll sleep better tonight Baggy.

    Just make sure your "staying on to help the new person in" isn't too open ended!

    See you next week?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon each

    I think George Michael's a hoot, to be honest.

    Little boys have been here and my kitchen timer's just gone off - can't find it anywhere - little horrors. Off to phone them, back later. Hope everyone's well.


  • Comment number 30.


    I'm just an old fashioned shorthand/audio typist who used to buy The Liverpool Echo and choose which job to go to. How times change. One even said to me "you're a rotten typist but you're good looking so you've got the job (meant in jest and taken in jest thus creating a happy atmosphere). Again how times have changed!

    What I'm saying is I'm not qualified to advise anyone regarding today's workplace so I won't pretend that I know what I'm talking about and will leave it to the caring people on here who do.

    But I do know that you've absolutely done the right thing and I wish you every success in finding something that you're worthy of.

    And make sure you have a well deserved rest first and don't let them use you between now and your departure.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 32.

    Radio 2 Message Board

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Mike65,

    I haven't got a clue, but highly doubt it....

  • Comment number 34.

    Found the timer - in the garlic bowl.

    Baggy, good luck. Now, don't be going in early or leaving late - they don't deserve it.

    Deevs: So agree re Mr. Plant.


  • Comment number 35.


    Sometimes doing the thing we fear most is the best thing for us. You have done the right thing, well done and good luck.

    George Michael - great voice but 24 joints a day - wowser!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Mike65, I think the reason for the closing of the Radio 2 message boards is quite clearly stated as being due to technological advances

    I would doubt any of the the presenters- all of whom have the fans and foes -have any influence over the policy of online services provided by the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. It has already been reported that the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ will be changing its online provision.


  • Comment number 37.

    Evening all,
    Just back from work and thought I would catch up on the days events on here.
    Baggy - well done - just be careful as I am sure others have said - don't be used during this time of "helping new person settle in" I agree on the money front it will be good, but sometimes you know people (specially bosses!)tend not to have same thoughts as you! Shame the friendly terms couldn't have come sooner!
    Good luck with your search for pastures new!
    Well, to everone else it has been a pretty wild day here on the weather front. The logs we stacked for our woodburner, carefully covered by tarpaulin. are now soaking wet through and tarpaulin gracing next doors back garden! Woops! They are not the friendliest of neighbours and I am waiting for OH to get in from work to ask for it back!! Am I a wuss?? Ha ha, never mind - it makes a change from "please can I have my ball back?" Am off out with sisters (two) tonight for a good old catch up and curry - looking forward to it, we call in our Urban witches meet!

    Jo x

  • Comment number 38.

    LOL Jo.

    I can just picture it "can I please have my tarpaulin back?"
    "No you can't, be off with you"

    MM x

  • Comment number 39.

    Ha ha MM
    I know! However - OH has now safely retrieved said tarpaulin (hangs head in shame for not anchoring it down correctly) and is now in the process of scouring the garden for heavy stones/bricks etc! It seems large logs are not sufficient anchorage!

    Jo x

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello all... hope each and all are well and happy

    CLP Sunday in the park was fantastic - we enjoyed it so much - even the weather showed up!!!

    And to dear Mrs Super Bagpuss – you did the right thing today. Courageous - to mis-quote cicero "Live as a brave woman; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with a brave heart" Well done you! It will all come right as I am sure you know honey...

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening CLP and all out there in blogland,

    Not been around the last few days as I'm just back from visiting friends in Sweden. Had a lovely time cathing up with them, and with my gorgeous God-daughter, who has really developed her own personality, and is chatting away in her own hybrid language! Missed the Elvis concert over the weekend so will have to listen again. Not heard about the George Michael stuff either so can't really comment apart from saying that if he does have a drug problem then he needs help to get clean rather than being victimised in the press.

    Hope everyone is ok out there, well done to SBP for having the courage to walk away from a job that was clearly making you miserable! Hope you find something better soon


  • Comment number 42.

    Susie, brilliant quote! And Sunday sounds like it was a brilliant night too!

    MM I could just imagine Jo asking for her tarp back too! Wonder if they've found enough bricks yet?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Awwwww, just watched Newcastle on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ4 - oh, the nostalgia. And Amber Films got a mention in the credits. It used to be based right under the Tyne Bridge, at the bottom of Dean Street and was where my brother and his wife met when they were part of it (Amber, not the bridge).

    Hallo Suzy.


  • Comment number 44.

    Seza - it was a bit of a naughty mis-quote - they do tend to be masculine orientated... but I like it too... xxx

    Annie - Newcastle is my favourite English city - looking forward to see going further north one day... xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    bl00dy hell... why can I never post without a typo... one day - I'll get it so perfectly right - and then - you'll all know it isn't me...


  • Comment number 46.

    Suzie, am sure we can adopt that quote!

    Never mind the typos, I usually go back over my post 3 times then still find something worng

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Phew, thats it, school days are officially over.

    Just got back from an award giving ceremony.

    They expect you to sit in school chairs for 3 hours. I got the shuffles after 30 minutes!

    I caught the last 15 mins of the programme that features some of our older celebs that have all been put in a house, to live together. It was fascinating to see the encouragement that they were giving one another.

    Quick read back to see whats occuring. Hope everyone is ok.


  • Comment number 48.

    lol MTF, Their school days go by in a flash until the last 3 hours!

    Hope they both do well in their next challenge

    Night all

    Sleep Well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks Seza.

    Night night to you, hopefully catch you again another day.


  • Comment number 50.

    MM x

  • Comment number 51.


    Love it, very sweet!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Night everyone

    Had a really busy day with all the family.

    Sleep well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi all,
    Back from curry night with sisters two - lovely catch up time - one of them just back from Knock in Ireland visiting relatives there! Hilarious shennanigans that went on from one pub to another .....via visiting a friend in a nursing home ....sounds like my kinda holiday!!!
    hope all sleep well - I will following on a few glasses o'the black stuff! x
    nt nt

    Jo x

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning peeps

    At work again - it's like I'm never anywhere else, and I'm not even enjoying it.

    On the plus side, Arsenal won 6-0 last night - Get In!!! ;-)

    Only another 9 hours then I can go home.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday.


  • Comment number 55.

    Hey! Just had an email from AliB. Let me know if you want me for fwd it to you (provided I have your email addy!)

    In a nutshell, all going well and she's happy and being made to feel very welcome!


  • Comment number 56.

    Good morning everyone,

    The sun is trying to peek through the clouds at the moment but it is quite cold here in Ayrshire.

    Just wanted to say how brilliant CLP was this morning with the little boy from Glasgow (he really is great with the little ones), even his Scottish accent was quite convincing.

    Hope you all have a lovely day!



    p.s. Deevs, I would love to see the e-mail from Ali.

  • Comment number 57.

    Me Please!! I'd like to see the e-mail too!

    Deevs, I felt like that this morning coming into work! Back again!

    At least I think the decorator is nearly finished in here. Back to being Billy-No-Mates but I'm quite looking forward to it in a strange sort of way!

    Never mind - at least I have the thrills of this weekend's scout camp to look forward too

    Now, who persuaded me this was a good idea? I'm sure it must have been a lot warmer when they did so!

    Gail, I love hearing Chris talk to the little ones too.


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday to everyone!

    The sun is shining this morning in Cambridgeshire - long may it continue!

    Baggy - respect!

    Joran - Urban Witches, like it :)

    Deevs - glad to hear AliB is safe and having a good time.

    MM, Seza, Gail, MTF, CSN et al - hope you are all well, bright eyed and bushy tailed today :)

    Got a lie in this morning - stayed at my parents last night as out with a friend last night, heaven!

    Just worked out the cost of decorating and furnishing our lounge and dining room - yikes!

    AS x

  • Comment number 59.

    Morning everyone!

    Watched this weeks Great British Bake off last night and am now inspired to make cornish pasties! One of my favourite things when I go to Devon and Cornwall but most supermarket/chain shop versions dont even come close to the "real thing".

    So I have printed off the gorgeous Paul H recipe and ammended my sainsbugs food delivery order accordingly for tomorrow! Cited! Gonna give it go tomorrow arvo after it arrives - actually hold on! gonna see if i can bring order forward to the morning......


  • Comment number 60.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    late start today so just popping in en-route to work.
    Fully agree re GM, he'll get privileges anyway, won't do 'proper' porridge I reckon!!!!!
    Less than 4 weeks to the Run10k I'm doing in aid of cancer research (many many other charities available too), there's a link to my sponsor page on my fb (maybe even one on the fb bloggers page too) should any of you have a spare penny or two????
    Emma M is also doing it, not really a mini-blog-meet but nonetheless we'll be there gasping for air on our way round.

    The sun is streaming through the windows here at chez-gingembre this morning, one more coffee then off to work!

    bonnet de douche


    ps, Deevs, L'arsenal were very impressive last night

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning from a "trying-to-be-sunny-but-not-succeeding-very-well-Cornwall"!

    Debs - had to check out the pasty recipe! hahaha!! first, cube the meat and the onion, sure, but not the potato or swede (aka turnip) - you need to chip off little flat sort of flakes of potato and swede.

    And DO NOT ever mix the filling all up together! you layer potato on the bottom, on top of the pastry, then swede, then meat then onion. sprinkle a little flour on the top, a knob of butter or marg, salt and pepper and then before you seal the edges together shake a bit of water from the pastry brush onto the whole lot so that when it cooks it makes a sort of gravy!

    sorry if i've hijacked the blog but i feel it had to be said!!

    let us know how they turn out - put a photo on t'other side!!

    and in a minute i will need to sort the spare room for the friends that are coming to stay this weekend! taking us out for lunch on sunday to one of my favouritest ever restaurants right on Porthminster Beach at St Ives. awesome!

    love CG xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Whoo hoo! Just revised the time and delivery between 11-12 - so its cornish pasties round mine for lunch on friday - just had to watch Paul H's video twice to make sure I get the technique right LOL

    happy humpday everyone

  • Comment number 63.

    ooo CG - you snuck in there! Top tips, thanks - sounds like a plan! I will of course let you know how they turn out!


  • Comment number 64.

    So excited about Neil Diamond appearing on Electric Proms. So hope I am fortunate enough to get a ticket. Have been a fan since I bought Cracklin Rosie when I was at school! Great show Chris and team - really enjoy it!

  • Comment number 65.

    afternoon peeps
    sorry I've not been very attentive lately, I'll buck up soon I promise!

    Deevs, please can I see Ali's mail?
    Ta very much

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Quick fly by from me too.

    Deevs, yes pleasee.

    Hi Tiggs.x




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