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Sir Cliff On The Ball And On The Show But. . .

Chris Evans | 10:52 UK time, Wednesday, 1 September 2010

...Will he agree to jump on stage at Hyde Park, a week next Sunday and finish off our Elvis Forever concert with a bang? I'm saying yes - but then again I'm not him, I'm not seventy and I'm not still on my hols in Portugal.

Come on though. What would you give to be that successful, for that long, and be in such good shape! Both mentally and physically - entering your eighth decade?

I actually do have a hat on today, and I'm about to take it off to him. Here goes. . .

Chris raises his hat to Sir Cliff Richard





  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: ooohh, I didn't get to hear the show after 7.30 this morning - will have to Listen Again! As for Cliff, I really think he is fantastic. Just love the guy. My tenuous link to Cliff is that my sister won TWO competitions to meet him - five years apart!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    So, its here. September in all its glory.

    Off to pull some weeds.

    Then this afternoon, going to se how many new 60 plates I can clock!

    You've got to add some excitement to being out on them there roads you know!

    Have fun folks.


  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Hurrah to you MTF and Hurrah to the piccie CLP and hurrah to the shirt and hat!

    My brother and I had an argument back in the sixties about who would be around longer, he said Cliff and I said The Beatles. Well we were both right. Cliff is still a young one and just look at Macca!

    Actually when I see Cliff on stage today I still fancy him just as much as I did then. Maybe he's still young due to being a batchelor boy!

    Off to the garden>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM x

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning All,

    I'm back from a wet week under canvas, for most of the week it was waterproofs and wellies! Still all the "yoof" had a great time and that's what it's all about. I am quite poorly at the moment with a hacking cough (must be all that damp) and I've pulled a muscle in my stomach, at least I'm hoping that's what I've done. So I am feeling quite sorry for myself which is unlike me; it's not the best time to be ill as I have so much to do and so little time.

    Now it's time for me to come out of the closet - My name is AliB and when I was a teenager I loved Cliff Richard. I had posters on my wall, I've got loads of his albums and went to see him in concert many a time! My confession is out there now, there is no taking it back. I don't think that any of the pop stars nowadays will have the longevitiy (sp) that Sir Cliff has.

    I've skimmed though the blog and big hugs to Clodagh xx and to Gail xx

    Oh well best get on, who thought it was a good idea to take 6 weeks off work!?!?!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Christoff

    Fantastic show this morning, made even better by having Cliff on the show. I know he is not everyone's cup of tea, but I have followed him since he started his career, yes, I am that old! Have seen him zillions of times, both at concerts and his pro/am tennis tournaments. So there you go!

    Hello to everyone else.

    Beautiful day here, so off to enjoy, while it lasts.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.

    CLP I am glad to see that you get Blackberry Blur too - I thought it was just my Raspberry mobile telephonic device that caused the blur - aah well back to the Apple :D.

    I caught the end of the interview when I got in the car and I think I have made my choices for Gobsmackers - I just need to request them now :D

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi everyone (again!)

    AliB: welcome back - bless you for enduring a week camping! Hope things will improve with the pulled muscle - ouch. And, you are among friends here with your confession!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All,

    Looking Good Evo!
    I once saw Sir Cliff at Maranello in Egham sizing up a bright yellow 550.
    He stood out like a sore thumb in a thick leather jacket with a huge picture of Tweetie Pie on the back.
    It didn't seem right somehow.

    Baggy - what are you like at fitting ductwork?




  • Comment number 10.

    Howdy folks!

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy in blog land!

    The sun is shining in Cambrdigeshire - hurrah! Work is plodding along today - roll on 4.30pm when I start my commute home (still love saying that word!)

    Ali - not a good week for camping then! Hope you feel better soon, and that goes out to Seza too.

    Baggy - it has been said before but you can only do so much and no job is worth making yourself ill over. Good luck with the job hunt, yes it is a tricky world out there hence the reason I am commuting over an hour & half every day to sit at my desk!

    Cliff - the eternal bachelor boy!

    Off to open the post and see if any clients have paid us!

    AS x

  • Comment number 11.

    AliB - re #5 - I want to commend you here and now on your brave announcement. It takes courage to own up to these things and I think you'll find it much easier now that the cloak of secrecy has gone. Remember - there is support out there.

    Barmy xx

    Only kidding - we all love Cliff. Can't believe he's seventy, though, any more than I can believe it's September. SLOW DOWN!

  • Comment number 12.

    Good afternoon CLP and fair people of this ere Blog

    Cliff eh? Not really my cup of tea to be honest, but he was (apparently) the first person my lovely mummy saw in concert way back "in the day", and legend has it that she actually lost her voice screaming at England's answer to that bad, hip swivelling one, Elvis.

    Generally tho, I think men do improve with age ...... Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, Robert Plant, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt - all getting hotter as they age, IMO. Whereas we ladies just get hot flushes .....! x

    The Black Country Museum on BH Monday was a bit of a disappointment. Not because of what was or wasn't there, but purely that they had let far too many people in, thus making a good proportion of the attractions unavailable or with ridiculously long queues. Being that it's not exactly cheap to get in I was a bit deflated by all the queueing and shuffling but treated Nic to fish and chips in a nearby pub after we came out of the museum. I guess we'll just have to go back another day (a wet Tuesday in the middle of November perhaps) to do the trip down the mine, the canal boat legging and have a bag of chips without an hour's queue!

    Work is still pants. I don't want to put too much on here but am more than happy to talk about it on FB - and thanks to those of you who have offered assistance to my situ. You don't know how much it means to me. Really.

    Finally (yay! I hear you all cry!) we won the quiz again last night ... that's 2 weeks in a row now! We're almost getting the hang of it now, y'know!

    Will dip in and out this arvo as circumstances allow.



  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon all,

    I am a right bah humbug when it comes to the C word!

    For quite a few years now christmas has just been another day as our kids have grown up and the magic has declined.

    Not this year though!

    This year I will be the proud grandfather of our first grandchild! He is due to arrive in this world on Dec 1st. so this year whether he likes is or not the lights will be up again. :) Well christmas is for kids ain't it. . . . . . . . . . :)

    Keith x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Afternoon all

    Thought the interview with Cliff was excellent this morning, does make you feel old him being 70, though not as much as knowing that Macauley Culkin was 30 the other week!

    Not had the best of starts to the week as the OH's car was stolen from her sister's house after they broke in for the keys. Hope it turns up shortly.


  • Comment number 15.


    I've just watched the highights of the show in the field, it looked fab - what a great time was had by all. Well done Chris and Team.

    Seems that quite a few on the blog are having a rough ride at the moment, hang in there things can only get better. In the meantime have a hug from me {{{}}} xxx

    Barmy, You made me chuckle xx


  • Comment number 16.

    CLP - you are not half getting your wear out of that shirt sir! dont mind seeing it though, blog photies are good and you look good in that shirt!

    AliB, sorry your yoof trip has given you the croop! lots of hot toddies now to build up your strength for your imminent departure.

    Deevs and Baggy, hang in on there ladies.

    havent had to chance to catch up properly but I know Clodagh and Gail need hugs so here they are {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Everyone else, enjoy happy humpday and enjoy this little burst of summer we seem to have been thrown


  • Comment number 17.

    Me again!

    Aww Ali, that's not good is it? Take care of yourself and hopefully you'll be back to full fitness in no time. Coughs are one of the worst things, aren't they.

    And andy, hope the car is soon returned to its rightful owner. Scum bags!

    Keith - You will have the best C/time this year! and the ickle pickle will be spoilt something rotten. Don't forget to dress him/her up in a suitably daft Crimbo outfit and post the humiliating evidence on Facecloth!

    Hi Debs, Auntie Sandy, Baggy, Chrissie, Barmy, Rips, Hannah, MTF, MaddyMoon, Pen and anyone else who has snuckled in under the radar whilst I've been waffling on and on and on and on ........


    peeeeeeeeeeees: anyone seen Scoobs, Flower, Pip recently?

    So, Nic and I have a busy time ahead as we hurtle into Autumn. My Creative Writing course starts on 21st Sept, then we're going to learn to dance properly together on Friday nights (he's done it before so has a slight advantage ...... yikes!), and he's also got an evening class/exam to study for between Oct-Dec.

    And I think my Decree Absolute was granted yesterday too.

    Blinky Blimey - where is 2010 going!?!? And what does 2011 hold in store!?!?

    Muchos amore


  • Comment number 18.

    ooooh how did that happen!?!?!?!



  • Comment number 19.

    Deevski sorry to hear that the BCM was a disappointment, like you say too many people and a bit of sunshine can cause frustration in good Blighty as we love nothing more than queuing. I would try a nice day in May or June next week, mid week and when the kids are at school.

    Lostalibaba I know exactly how you feel I spent a damp week in a caravan last week where the OH went down with a cold which has now become a chest infection which he is popping antibiotics for like sweets, even the friends we went with spent two days in quarantine as they were poorly too. Nothing worse than a hacking cough and pulling muscles on top. Hope you feel better soon.

    CLP have a friend who was Sir Cliffs sound engineer for years and he once told me that apparently Sir Cliff turned down that famous Tina Turner song "Simply the Best" before her when it was offered to him in his quiet years. What a different story that would have been if he had accepted it before Ms Turner.

    Good wishes to everyone else on the blog.

    GBB x

  • Comment number 20.

    Should read year not week instead. Doh wot a muppet I is. x

  • Comment number 21.

    Andy - hope the car is soon returned and the gits that took it suitably punished!

    Keith - you'll have a fab time with grandchild, bet you're counting down the days!

    GBB - how did you manage to escape catching the hacking cough??!!

    Deevs - yep, I snook whilst you were in full flow! Dancing lessons - are you going to be the new Johnny and Baby, lol???!!!

    GM & I were only saying this week how much we have achieved in the 9 months we have known each other - here's to achieving so much more in the future :)


  • Comment number 22.


    AS: what a journey you have every day. Makes me feel quite guilty, given that my train journey into Glasgow city centre is 7 minutes! However, I have done a long commute in the past, and I know it's fairly taxing.

    Cheryl: sorry to hear work is still not good for you, but you have written two cheery posts today - nice to hear all your news. Just to say, AF was here last week - you may have missed her - but I was also thinking about Scoobs and PiP - haven't seen them for ages.

    Keith: oh, C-Day will be a cracker this year, won't it! How absolutely lovely. Though, I have to say that MrS and I still enjoy C-Day very much, even though our daughter is 19 and the magic of Santa has now gone.

    Andy: terrible to hear about your OH's car being stolen - after a break-in ... just evil beyond words. Hope the car will be found, and I know what I would like to see happen to the low-life that stole it.

    Debs: hiya - how goes it?

    GBB: loved your Cliff story. And of course, no way are you a muppet: just mixed up your words - have done it a million times myself!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hurrah for Cliff (I made Mr bp watch summer holiday on Monday as it was on the telly) and hurrah for people achieving things with their lives.

    Sorry to all those not having great days, and very sorry to hear about the loss of another pet!

    Its all a bit hush hush but I was given an alternative plan last night that migth just work for me - work wise - watch this space. Also talking about it has made me remember all my other plans that were put on the back burner but might get dusted off.

  • Comment number 24.

    Deevs, update on the "yorkshire three"

    AF is sunning herself on holibobs
    PiP is studying herself in her latest exam prep
    and Scoobs - is just making a specticle of herself!


  • Comment number 25.

    Pastnoon Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming To You From Traingle, The Town Traingle, West Yorkshire, UK....

    CLP - Firstly can a just say you know 'ow much a like a blog with a photer!!!!!!!
    'ats off to you for doing such terdee!!!!!!!!!

    PS Are you on the A40, in a Saab in the photer... And an Aries???????

    ALL - As some will notice the fact am in Triangle... this must mean a free from me police cell!!!!!!!!
    This si correct.... And me case was thrown out of court yesterday... I'll tell all termorrow!!!!!!

    Also as am in Triangle.... A wanted ter 'it three points on the blog.... but az am pushed for time... Ave gotta go!!!!!

    But a will termorrow!!!!!!!


    PPPS 'ope all are ok!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    First day back at work after a week off in rainy Devon and I'm struggling to get back in the swing of things. Thought I'd sneak on here and catch up with the blog.

    Agree with Deevs about Cliff not my cup of tea either. But yes yes yes Brad Pitt is improving with age ***licks lips at the thought of him***

    Keith - Crimbo is all about the children (and a bit about alcohol) although I'm in the process of baking a baby so will be having a sober Christmas this year. A new baby is a terrific excuse for going OTT. You have 114 days get the old lights out and tested.

    TGH xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Chrissie

    Yep my commute is a pain in the butt, prior to moving it was 15 mins down the road! But needs must and all that! I didn't want to move house and change job all at the same time and with no guarantee on when we would move I could have ended up with the job but still a commute, this way I can take my time and look for something right and in the meantime the good salary my boss pays me helps us to achieve everything we want to in our home - not ideal but we make it work for us and the large gin & tonic at the end of the day helps to make it more bearable, lol!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 28.


    I used to really look forward to arriving at Nic's back in January, when I used to drive up the A14 and M6 after work. I'd arrive at about 9pm, and have a large glass of wine handed to me and absolutely hugged to near-death before I'd even got my stuff out of the car!

    Now I just go weak at the knees every evening when he comes home, or when he arrives at the gym!

    Ain't happiness a grand thing!?!?


  • Comment number 29.

    AS: yes, I agree that it's a good idea to take your time and find the right job, hopefully entailing a much shorter journey. That G&T will be well-deserved by you! It's great to see that you are so happy in your new home.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello to all the loved up people on the blog today!

    Have been lurking on and off today and I think todays message has to be no matter what is going on in the big bad world, as long as we have friends, family and Luuurrvers to take care of us, we'll be ok

    Am feeling better today although throst still bit sore. I have 2 days annual leave to finish the summer and prepare the boys for school.I have lost count of how many times we have gone shopping and there still seems to be something else they "need!

    Did manage a visit to the card makers shop today so I'm now sitting at my new craft desk, making an anniversary card for Mr Seza and listening to the radio - heaven!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Deevs - I know what you mean about the knee trembling, my heart misses a beat when he looks at me and talks to me! And how silly, I miss him when I'm at work!!

    Chrissie - it is very well deserved and I'm very happy!

    Whilst I don't like my ex, I do have to thank him for making me what I am and where I am today, if I hadn't endured the 12 years with him would I have been sinlge last October, who knows???!!! - life is weird but fantastic!

    AS - off to get her train home x

  • Comment number 32.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww AS, that's lovely!

    Seza - have they got new pencil cases? A must for any start of term, complete with new colouring pencils/felt tips, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener etc etc!!! How exciting!?!?!

    Just had a conversation with my boss (on the phone). Things may be about to improve, but I have been told to be patient ......


  • Comment number 33.

    AuntieSandy, I think I managed to stay away from it by soaking myself in copious amounts of alcohol which managed to keep it at bay.

    Chrissie glad you liked my Sir Cliff story I was gobsmacked by it when he told me, he is a great person to talk to as you occasionally get these little gems from him every so often.

    Glad I am not a muppet I think my brain is working faster then my fingers today.

    Not a cloud in the sky in sunny shropshire and something tells me that I would have been much better off booking this week in the caravan in Somerset then last week. Oh well just chalk it down to experience yet again.

    Wish my knees trembled and I got butterflies when I saw the other half but unfortunately after 20 years I think he is lucky if I can pull together a sigh let alone anything else. lol x

  • Comment number 34.

    eight years with Mr bp - I still smile if I get home and hes there, and I feel really disappointed if the house in empty.

  • Comment number 35.

    Bless all the love on this 'er blog.

    Just to give you fair warning, the yoof camp that I do is always the week before the August bank holiday and for about the past 5 years it's been wet and cold - so don't book your holiday next year that same week. That's almost a years notice I'm giving you, so don't blame me if you do book that week and it rains!! ;)

    Have a good evening everyone.


  • Comment number 36.

    Loving all the love today!

    I know this is really mushy, but after 37 years, MrS still makes my heart go pitter-pat. I just fancy the guy, simple as. Though I cannot stand his sneezing - so loud!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Rosie and Margot221

    If you're lurking ..... can you please check your FB mails re Children In Need URGENTLY!

    Ta muchly.


  • Comment number 38.

    Deevs, they've got new everything!! including a whole new uniform for Boy2 as he's going to big school. He does look cute in his slightly too big for him blazer!


    Seza xx

    ps sometimes Mr Seza drives me mad but I don't half miss him when he's not around, suppose that's all good

  • Comment number 39.

    Have a nice evening, all. I am outta here!


  • Comment number 40.

    oh you mushy blummin lot - pack it in - us singletons are feeling well bridget jones now! So nothing for it tonight going to watch a mushy filum and hope for a mr darcy in some form or other!

    AliB - long range weather forecaster - who'd a thought! I'm noting in diary now to see if you are right!

    Oh dear, internet shopping is BAD!!!! just received my weekly sainers delivery, forgot and substitued so many things I wanted - but uh oh! too easy to order from ELH so got another 90 squids order from them arriving tomorrow!!!! party round mine - more food than know what to do with - trouble is, I'm a real, "what do I fancy tonight" chick rather than plan ahead.....

    oh well, at least I wont starve


  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all

    Been a beautiful day here.

    Love the show this morning, can't believe Sir Cliff is nearly 70, he's doing well for his age.

    Gail, sorry to hear your sad news about Trix.

    Andy, awful news about your OH's car and the break in.

    Deevs ad Nic, enjoy your dancing classes. My daughter and her partner did classes just before they decided to get married!

    Keith, wonderful news and I am sure you are very excited, It will be a very special christmas for you this year. Grandad!

    Happiness is a wonderful thing. I have been with Mr CSN for 37 years and he still makes me smile. Just!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all ,
    Do you know I never have time off in August ,but did last week ,never again .will keep my eye out for you Alib .LOl.xxx.hope you'e feeling better soon.

    Deev,Baggy .so glad that you're both feeling a little brighter today ,just don't let the devils drag you down .xxx.

    Crissie ,hello to you ,nice to see you .

    Keith ,congratulations on the baby news .

    Andy ,sorry to hear your news ,hope the family are well.

    Debs ,good news on the boot .enjoy your film .does that include chocs and chards ;).

    I've probably miised some ,if so I'm sorry and hope you are all well too.

    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 43.

    Sorry ,

    Dozymac ,so sorry to hear your sad news .always a sad day .


  • Comment number 44.

    Hiya all

    Debs, don't be a daft singelton! ;-) I did say friends, family as well as luurrvers and I know you have those in abundance!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 45.


    are you two timing me ???

    Love ya
    MC xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Ok, so anyone pleased their kids aren't going to Waterloo Road tomorrow?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Looks like I broke it!

    Sorry!! ;-)

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Seza - hope you are feeling a bit better?

  • Comment number 49.

    I am supposed to be weaning myself off here as will be MIA for nearly two weeks while we go to foreign parts oh and the Italian GP.
    Trouble is I can't help but try and catch up - I'll just have to come clean and admit I am a blog addict!!

    BTW going back to the lurrved up banter earlier I have known OH for more than 36 years now and some days he still makes me go weak at the knees and other days I could murder him!!

    Susan x

  • Comment number 50.

    Oh good, thought everyone had run away!

    I'm feeling a lot better thanks Susan, throat is still sore but that will prob stay for ages. Have had lovely day off with boys.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Glad you are on the up Seza and hope the boys enjoy being back at school.

    Right better go and sort more stuff out and get to bed. How come the nights just seem to disappear?

    Night all x


  • Comment number 52.

    Seza, glad your feeling better and have had a good day off with little ones.

    Hi Susan.


  • Comment number 53.


    Was going to say more, but need my bed, and have watery hay-fevery eyes, so, have have lovely time in Monza Susan if if don't catch you again!

    And saw Gail's sad news, sorry to hear it!

    Hope Ali and Seza are soon on the mend!

    Now need my bed, night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Night JG and everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all!

    Happy Birthday MoStew!

    Crisp and bright here in Cannockshire today. The Man Of The House has gone for an early morning swim so I thought I'd nip in and say Hi ... so, Hi!

    I did my swim last night and managed 60 lengths of the pool without stopping (just over 1000 metres - is that a kilometre?). And d'ya know what, I had the best night's sleep in a week, since all the sillines started at work a week ago today.

    Not sure what today has in store but may well walk to work at blast the iPod for a bit.



  • Comment number 56.

    Children In Need 2010

    I shall be sending the names of the Blogger volunteers for CiN in to R2 tomorrow afternoon. It's still not too late if you want to volunteer to come to London on 19th November and help out with manning the phones at R2 for the Music Marathon.

    Those of us that did it last year had a blast - although it's intense and frantic - and I can highly recommend it! So far, there's about 23 of us but my man at R2 has assured me "the more the merrier" so come on Bloggers ..... you know you want to!

    You can either add your name to the thread on CLP Bloggers on FB, or text me or email me - but I NEED to know by tomorrow lunchtime at the very latest. And I will need your email addy too as R2 will need this to contact you direct nearer to the event.

    Hope to see you there!


  • Comment number 57.


    Deev - what did you say? norty girl you!

    So I applied for ten jobs yesterday, got turned down by another two and my old agency that got me this job called me back, remembered me (note to self - always wear short skirts to interviews) and will see what they can do - the word is out!

    Now another day at the grindstone, but with a sun in the sky and disco on the isplod I might be able to cope - as long as there is no more bad news


  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all

    Still having intermittant interweb problems (manage to get in in the mornings but the evenings are pants....) Nice and sunny here this morning.

    Sorry to hear your bad news Gail - I know how hard it is to lose a dog.

    Good luck with the job hunt Baggy.

    Deevs what did you say????

    No time to do a big catch up, hugs to everybody.

    Laters (when I can get on)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 59.


    i was merely asking if any more of you wanted to help out with CiN for R2!


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all

    Lovely and sunny here.

    Deevs, what did you say?

    Baggy, thinking of you. Good luck with job hunt.

    MTD, hope you get internet problems sorted soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    you know your tired when ..........

    your writing an email to a male colleague and you nearly sign it with a kiss!

  • Comment number 62.

    Good morning all I've just seen this on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Message Board:

    "Hi folks,

    The latest track from the new Crowded House CD 'Intriguer' to be chosen as a release to radio is 'Either Side Of The World', to be released on 13 September.

    Unfortunately the Radio 2 playlist committee have rejected the song, but I'd like to draw your attention to the wonderful video that has just been made available on the band's official website to accompany the song.

    All comments (both positive & negative) welcome -should the track have made it to the playlist?


    Check it out...

  • Comment number 63.

    TwistyBass: I can't listen to the video during work, but will check it out at home. Certainly from what is being said on the messageboard, it would seem it's terrific!

    Debs: sounds like you are very organised on the food front. How I would love to come to a party at yours! And, sorry for being so mushy yesterday!

    Bids: hi to you - sorry that you had such terrible weather during your break.

    Seza: good to see you are starting feel better, but a sore throat is just horrible ... and sore!

    Susan: hope you have a great holiday.

    Hope everyone else is ok - lovely day here in Glasgow, just great being stuck in the office!

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    chris seein as you had Cliff Richard on the one show, will you be dissing Sir Cliff on your breakfast show on Monday like you did all those years ago after you met him On TFI Friday



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