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Have You Read Your Book Yet?

Chris Evans | 12:32 UK time, Thursday, 5 August 2010

That's not a phrase you expect hear too often, but that's what I heard today.

Book ll is finito and I have one more chance to say, "I didn't mean to say that - I meant more this."

That chance is today and tomorrow but then no more. So - bacon sarnie and cup of tea it is, and down to a bit of light reading.

"Please be what I hope I you are dear book."





  • Comment number 1.

    Goodness, goodness gracious, where is everyone . . .

    Roll on the weekend



  • Comment number 2.


    Bring on Book II and those signings in Brum! Nic and I will toast its success dahn the pub tonight!



  • Comment number 3.

    I'm sure it will Chris.

    PS - where had this disappeared to then, timed at 12.32 doesn't appear till 16.30?


  • Comment number 4.

    Baggy - from prev blog. That's what he's there for isn't it! (hubby taht is not nasty email man!)

  • Comment number 5.

    Christoph - well done on finishing the second book. If it's half as good as the first it'll be a reet good read.

    Mikey - you can't beat fish 'n chips on t'prom. Ooh, I might partake of some tomorrow night - thanks for that!

    The Nelson - now there's a strange pub, and an even stranger landlord.

    Am off to a guest-free flat now, having had visitors for the entire last three weeks - well, apart from the weekend but we were away. Methinks there's a lot of bedding and towels to be washed. So that's the weekend sorted then!!

    Am going home now before the boss finds me some work. Laters.


  • Comment number 6.

    Worry not Christophe. It will be fine. Like the sculptor that gives it one more chip and the nose falls off. . .

    You wrote from the heart, then corrected and corrected some more.

    Don't let the nose fall off and let us admire your work.

    Tim the Taxi x

  • Comment number 7.

    Greetings CLP & ALL…

    Bingo Star ‘ere…

    CLP - If yer book is as interesting as yer first... it's gonna be a good read!!!!!
    If ever yer thinking of writing a book about dream analysis... get yer analyising experts around this baby:

    ALL - So as promised earlier a will reveal all about me strange dream last night!!!!
    Like a wrote before a very rarely remember me dreams, sleep ones that is!!!!
    A always remember me real life dreams as am always dreaming of ‘itting the big time in something… the only problem a very rarely realise me dreams though!!!!

    So back to me dream last night:

    Basically a was working at Liverpool Lime Street railway station, although I wasn’t actually working there aka on duty!!!!!
    I worked there… And I was off duty & had returned to my place of work basically to meet someone coming up from London by fast train!!!!
    But this was not any someone… it was Des O’Connor… aka top tv presenter & vocal performer & fellow Capricorn & golfing friend of mine!!!!
    Yes me pal Des ’ad travelled all the way up from London to ’ave a game of golf with me!!!!

    When the train arrived… off got Des & I greeted ’im!!!!
    Only problem being a top celeb & somewhat eccentric… I never knew what to expect from ’im & this time ’e didn’t fail to disappoint!!!!

    This time as well as ’is golf clubs ’e ’ad brought with ’im concealed in ‘is golf bag amongst ’is 7 iron & putter a gun!!!!!

    I was in total shock… I said to him you can’t ’ave that ’ere… if anyone knew ‘alf of central Liverpool & the whole of Lime Street station would be closed down!!!!
    Des told me ’e needed it…. All because ’e was worried coming to Liverpool that ’e might bump into Freddie Starr & Freddie might try & steal ’is joke book of all the jokes ‘e‘d ever written. Des yer see took it everywhere to avoid any risk of theft!!!!
    The O’Connor told me that in the past when ’e’s ’ad Freddie on ’is tv show that ’e ’ad tried to steal it… So coming to Liverpool ’e was taking no chances at all!!!!!! (Liverpool being where Freddie is from!!).

    I immediately grabbed it off ‘im & took it up to the staff locker room to ‘ide it in my locker!!!!

    I ‘id it in me locker & came out of the locker room!!!!
    The only problem… As I opened the door…. I was surrounded by armed police…. All telling me to lie on the floor!!!!!

    Apparently on the way up to the lockers a woman ‘ad witnessed me with the gun under me coat & called the police!!!!!

    It all ended with me being arrested & trying to explain to fight for me career on the railway & me freedom as an ‘onest citizen!!!!!
    I was trying to tell the police that the gun was Des O’Connor’s only to protect ‘is joke book from Freddie Starr & I ‘ad confiscated the gun to protect them both!!!!
    Only problem when a tried to take the police to see Des… Des was nowhere to be seen & a think ‘e ‘ad done a runner back to London!!!!!
    I thought ‘oh no… ‘ow am a gonna get out of this one!!!!!’ I ‘ad some BIG explaining to do… and that’s when a woke up all!!!!!!

    Nightmare or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A tell yer today me mind is feeling somewhat disturbed after last night!!!!


  • Comment number 8.

    I have read this blog for nearly 4 years now listening in to CLP and his bloggers (before now joining in) and what I have noticed is how much shorter CLP's blogs are getting. Busy man I know but when you look back to some of his 'early work' he realy did ramble on and make for a good read.

    Suppose we shall just have to wait for the radio and next book.

    Oh and luckily we have Bingo blogs !!!!

    Candyman tomorrow !!! My little one loves it as he claps away in the car on the way to nursery.

    TimtheT - nicely put

    Jilly - good friends in York Rd who said the same thing about the Nelson. They avoid !!!

  • Comment number 9.

    well said TimTheT

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    MikeyMikey - Thanks for yer kind words.... Any chance yer could tell Merseyside Police am of good character!!!! (And it was Des's fault!!!).

    PS ALL - Me #7 above.... all 94% TRUE!!!!!!!! (In dream terms!!!).


  • Comment number 11.

    TTT, very well put!

    I must confess I still haven't finished the first book, I don't seem to have time just lately, but I'm hoping that may change in a few weeks.

    Welcome back Jillygoat!

    Sorry I missed you Hazel, but I'm pleased things are starting to be on the up for you!

    Well I suppose I'd better carry on with my cleaning and tidying up for the big visit next week...

    JG x

  • Comment number 12.


    Hope you're all having a lovely Thirsty Thurday eve.

    I've just finished doing the sandwiches for tomorrow's trip to watch aqua-cricket (!!!), the cool box is standing empty just waiting to be filled, and there's cake, crisps and Smarties!

    My work here is done, so off to put something warmer on and then orf dahn the pub with me fella to start the weekend.

    Will pop in tomorrow night if I'm not too exhausted from holding the brolly ...... otherwise, see y'all on Saturday.

    Play nicely!


  • Comment number 13.

    Well – do you know Chris... an artist is never satisfied with his/her own work... the trick is to know when it’s finished and belongs to someone else. It will be fine and as good, if not better, than the first.

    It’s been a strange time for me. My organisation has had a re-organisation. This effectively means that I have a bigger job, more responsibility with the same money... but having said that – at least I have a job. It could have been very different. I’ve always been able to maintain good working friendships and a couple of my very best mates are from work - but because of this re-configuration the weird thing is, I will now be managing my friends...

    Hope everyone is feeling good...

    Love and stuff...

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Evening all,

    Hope you all have had a good day.

    Just put some pics of Holly who is two today and some of me with my new hair do on fb.

    csn xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi all

    Not many peeps about tonight. Hope the book got put to bed properly CLP and that it will be on it's way to the printers soon. Unfortunately it won't be in time to take away with me next week.

    We have booked a few days in Vilnius (sp) because I can't get any more time off until my contract is up. That should set me up nicely to start the week after next. I have been getting my business up and running over the last couple of days, all I need now is an accountant and I'm ready to go.

    Hope everybody is OK.

    Night all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    A handbag?

  • Comment number 17.

    Goodnight Barney!

  • Comment number 18.

    Dear Augusta...

    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation

    Don't you just love a bit of Wilde...

    btw Barney... I like your style... although it is uncommon and not popular

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    I must admit I do like to walk on the Wilde side now and then.

  • Comment number 20.

    Don't we all at times, we just need to take care how we do it!


  • Comment number 21.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well.

    Take care.

    lol,csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    I had three wees there!


  • Comment number 23.

    LOL CSN, so you did!!


  • Comment number 24.


    Popularity is the crown of laurel which the world puts on bad art. Whatever is popular is wrong

  • Comment number 25.

    OOoh I am back on CLPs blog!!

    I got lost over on Mayos blog.

    I think it all started when Mcw asked about Dylan, who up until then, hadnt been ontro'd to the Mayo gang of merry bloggers!

    Anyway, what followed was an all nighter!!

    That hasn't even 'appened on here has it??

    I bowed out gracefully at 3 something or other, refusing to have a post that included anything related to 4 'o something.

    So, going to grab an early one tonight, lots to do in the morning.

    First port of call being to the vets with Dylan accompanied by securicor!!

    He has come on leaps and bounds, literally and is now on day 8, so, looks like he has defied all odds.

    I might have a little tipple or two tomorrow night to celebrate.

    Other stuff has been going on too, but it seems, that that may also have a happy ending. I hope so.

    Night all.

    This last week has flown by!


  • Comment number 26.

    At my age all I want to do is have fun, thank you very much!


  • Comment number 27.


    Sit down before they tell you how much the bill is for Dylan.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.


    What about an all nighter on here. I can do it if you can.


  • Comment number 29.

    I think I might CSN we paid 50 squidlies, before they (I) found out what was wrong with him!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Not a hope CSN.

    My mirror is still reeling at what it saw this morning.

    I wish I had your stamina. I am normally up for a challenge, but I fear this week has been challenge enough.

    Nighty night..

    Poop over and see if the Mayo bloggers are up for another one.


  • Comment number 31.

    Night MTF

    Off to drink my youth dew now.

    Got to be up at six in the morning!

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Well good morning to you all. Thursday was my last day of training ending in the NY State Exam which I am pleased to say I passed! Friday is my first official day in the office and my first 20 minute commute....woohoo. I hope you all have a great Friday..........

  • Comment number 33.

    Great news Bondy.

    Well done you.

    Morning all. Off to the vets now.

    Its pretty miserable looking here, maybe it will improve as the day goes on. Still, no need to water the garden again, so one job less is a bonus.

    Toodle oo.


  • Comment number 34.

    Ooops, on furthere inspection, I see it hasnt rained at all, it looks like it might any minute though.

    Hosepipe at the ready! Well no-one has told me I cant yet.


  • Comment number 35.

    Good morning everyone, pouring down here in Ayrshire.

    Have a good day and an even better weekend!



  • Comment number 36.


    Sorry Gail but it's right lovely in Kent. The sun is shining and there is a gentle breeze, if I could I would blow it up your way I would xx

    MTF, Glad that Dylan is on the mend xx He is one tough bunny rabbit.

    Deev and Nick, Have a good day at the cricket xx

    Bondy, Enjoy your short commute to work :)

    There was a moment last night when I wondered what my life had come to, I did something that I've never done before....I lay there on the sofa eating cereal direct from the box!! Have I morphed into Bridget Jones??


  • Comment number 37.


    I have two things to do at the same time for the same deadline that I will get equally shouted out if I don't do.

    Any ideas?

    At the moment I'm thinking screw the lot of them, say I'm sick go home and start drinking!

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all.

    Glorious sunny day here in Kent, makes you happy to be alive and Bingo would be proud as my golf clubs are sitting in the office next to me smiling away and awaiting their weekly outing this afternoon.


    Don't you just live Fridays ???

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning gang!

    CLP, dont fiddle too much - I'm sure its great as it is.

    I have nothing to add but to say thanks for keeping me company during the day!

    Happy Friday everyone


  • Comment number 40.

    Hi Everyone.

    Cool day here in Wirral!

    Bondy-Well done!

    MTF-Best wishes for Dylan at the vet.

    Gail-Rain, boo hoo!

    Baggy-Don't go home to drink,it's the start of a downward spiral. But nobody can do two jobs at once so someone will have to wait.

    MM (snap)-Enjoy the golf this afternoon.

    Debs-Hope the foot is coming along nicely.

    MM x

  • Comment number 41.

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